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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 7, No. 11, 2016

Constraints in the IoT: The World in 2020 and

Asma Haroon Wajeeha Naeem
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Islamabad, Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan

Munam Ali Shah Muhammad Kamran

Department of Computer Science Department of Distance Continuing & Computer Education,
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology University of Sindh,
Islamabad, Pakistan Hyderabad, Pakistan

Yousra Asim Qaisar Javaid

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering,
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology International Islamic University,
Islamabad, Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan

Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT), often referred as the CompTIA‟s research [2] and M. Swan [3] discussed the
future Internet; is a collection of interconnected devices estimated ratio of objects connected to the internet to reach 50
integrated into the world-wide network that covers almost billion in 2020. In fact, Cisco estimated the 11 trillion devices
everything and could be available anywhere. IoT is an emerging per year over 2025 [4]. This high-level connectivity supposed
technology and aims to play an important role in saving money, to be delivered by the IoT will clearly play main role in
conserving energy, eliminating gap and better monitoring for technical advancements, which will open new ways of
intensive management on a routine basis. On the other hand, it is productivity with more flexibility and customization.
also facing certain design constraints such as technical Technically, a device in specification of the IoT; is an object
challenges, social challenges, compromising privacy and
in real-time environment implemented with improved
performance tradeoffs. This paper surveys major technical
limitations that are hindering the successful deployment of the
capabilities of computation and communication. Theoretically,
IoT such as standardization, interoperability, networking issues, the IoT is a durable connection of aforesaid objects or devices.
addressing and sensing issues, power and storage restrictions, Nevertheless in the way to progress, the IoT faces some
privacy and security, etc. This paper categorizes the existing technical requirements such as functional requirements, non-
research on the technical constraints that have been published in functional requirements and design constraints categorized by
the recent years. With this categorization, we aim to provide an [5]. Design constraints can be elaborated by the fact that smart
easy and concise view of the technical aspects of the IoT.
things generally regarded as small sized physical devices
Furthermore, we forecast the changes influenced by the IoT. This
connected with the Internet, face limitations in terms of IP
paper predicts the future and provides an estimation of the world
in year 2020 and beyond.
numbers, packet size, packet loss and alternative paths for
connectivity, throughput, power and supported complexity [6].
Keywords—Internet of Things; Future Internet; Next Furthermore, connected objects vary according to the
generation network issues; World-wide network; 2020 functionality or purpose they serve. Elmangoush et al. [7]
explained the heterogeneity and the challenges related to
I. INTRODUCTION connecting devices that includes scalability, governance and
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a next generation world- lack of testbeds specifically for Smart Cities. The nature of
wide network that contains large number of interconnected each object varies according to their size, position and
heterogeneous physical devices, enlightened by [1]. capabilities.

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Fig. 1. Estimated number of interconnected devices obtained from [2][13]

In order to connect aforementioned objects in a network, a operating systems are needed for unmeasurably small devices.
unique identification number such as RFID (Radio Frequency Power and storage is the major requirement for small devices
Identification) and sensor(s) for their continuous state sensing, to sustain the reliable connectivity to the IoT. The necessary
are needed. RFID and sensors will enable the objects to standardization techniques are required for the communication
interact but due to the huge ratio of objects and their variations between diverse natures of devices in a network. Moreover,
creates the scalability and diversity of objects; a major hurdle. the considerable fact is that all of the devices or things are not
This will ultimately address the challenge to create a connected to the Internet, all the time. In that case, there is a
communication framework in such a way that can handle the need to manage an alternative communication path. Therefore,
scalability and variety of objects to achieve the intended architecture design also faces the barrier of devices‟ nature in
applications that may encompass automation functionalities. this regard and checks for an alternative way to be connected.
Automation functionalities include sensing, acting, locating, Security concerns and network management are also referred
identifying etc. analyzed by [8]. Figure 1 estimated the as major hurdles in the IoT.
compound growth of the IoT that contains both ratios of
existing and expected connected devices, along with their The basic principle of the IoT technologies has been
diversity. The curve in the Figure 1 also elaborates that the discussed in [10] is a combination of Sensor technology, RFID
number of physical devices (in billions) per year is adversely technology, Smart technology and Nano-technology.
increasing, that addresses both standardization and scalability Aforesaid technologies are not new but with IoT advancement
challenge. these technologies are been more focused and enhanced.
However, there are lots of challenges with the addition of
The IoT deployment demands to handle the challenges technical constraints in the way to deployment of the IoT that
regarding constraint devices, scalability and diversity security will be surveyed in this paper.
issues. That ultimately leads to the requirement of enabling
technologies such as hardware, software and algorithms, Contribution of the paper:
standardization techniques, network technologies,  This paper provides an analysis of recent major
communication technologies, power and storage technologies, technical issues that the IoT is currently facing. The
identification technologies, sensing technologies, data taxonomy for categorization of the IoT is provided.
transference technologies, architecture and network
relationship management technologies addressed by  Moreover, a categorization of the technical constraints
[9][10][1]. The major limitation involved in the deployment of and their overlapping factors is also presented.
the IoT regarding these technologies are analyzed by [7]  The brief survey for technical restrictions of recent
[9][11][12] such as micro software, power and storage need, papers is presented in tabular form. It is positioned as
communication standardization, communication protocols, a survey paper beneficial for wide range of audience
architecture design, security and network management. such as business strategists, data analysts, researchers
Multiple numbers of unique IDs per object need leads to the etc.
requirement of infinite number of unique IDs. However, this
problem has been solved to some extent by IPv6. Micro

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 Furthermore, the technological advancements in the The famous claim about IPv6 is stated as it can assign
IoT along with their limitations and effects on society address to every bit of this world but this scheme still faces the
are provided to update the readers with recent trends. design limitations. The approach cannot be used in a scenario;
if RFID tag identifier is 96 bits long. L. Atzori et al. [10],
 The open social challenges in future are also analyzed the methodology for this problem in which a
highlighted in the paper. separate agent is used for IPv6 IP address as an interface ID.
 The paper aimed to refine the basic principles needed As identified by [24], the transition to pure IPv6 is pretty
to deploy the IoT. challenging but it have more advantages over IPv4 scheme
such as providing internal security and end-to-end user
 Moreover, the paper provided the estimation on the transparency with the addition of realization of addressing
ratio of interconnected devices to the IoT up to 2026 need. However, transition is not that easy, the IPv6 users‟
and ratio of IT jobs up to 2020 based on previous needs IPv4 side by side to use important resources and stay
estimations. connected to existing connection. IPv6 requires a large
amount of time to be fully functional as a standalone scheme.
The rest of the paper is organized as follow. In Section II,
It shows that there is a huge gap for mobility support on
the IoT technical constraints and enabling technologies are
technical bases. Therefore, mobility management is needed to
analyzed in broader perspectives. Most recent technological
be focused because of adaptability and scalability issues
advancements related to the IoT are described briefly in
related to diverse nature of devices in heterogeneous
section III to introduce the readers with the technological
updates. Section IV is about performance evaluation of the
technological advancement with their impacts on society and The order in which address is been fetched
technical limitations. Whereas, in section V remaining open correspondingly faces the drawbacks related to addressing
issues related to the IoT are shortly listed. Finally, to provide a technique. As Domain Name Server (DNS) is used for
short summary paper is concluded at the end in section VI. mapping domain name while fetching the IP address of host
associated with specific given name but in the IoT,
II. TECHNICAL CONSTRAINTS communication must take place between objects rather than
The Internet has been changed from computer-to-computer hosts. The issue has been addressed by [20][25][26] and
connection to ubiquitous Internet and now proceeding towards Atzori et al. [10] proposed that an Object Name Server (ONS)
the IoT; that is everything is interlinked with every other technique can be used at object level communication. In
thing, anywhere and anytime. It indicates that the IoT will current Internet, the tag identifier mapped on the Internet
provide bases to initiate a new technological phase soon Uniform Resource Locator (URL), and the desired
(estimated in 2020), which will expose new means of information is fetched. However, Object Name Address
opportunities in everyday life. Due to its vast applications, the (ONA) should work in both ways and vice versa in the IoT. It
IoT has been focused and new ideas have been proposed in should be able to associate the information to a given RFID
this regard by many researchers in recent years. Figure 2 tag identifier and can also map on in opposite direction. The
enlightened the major areas of the IoT that includes the IoT other issues in addition to addressing is; if the device is
challenges, the top IoT enterprises, applications of the IoT connected to Internet all the time then it can be addressable
services and the IoT solutions. However, the paper aims to and its state can be sensed. However, due to heterogeneity of
specifically focus and explore the further categorization of its devices in the IoT, all of the devices are not connected to the
technical barriers highlighted by Figure 2. This section will Internet directly according to their nature or some critical
analyze the technical constraints that include standardization security issues. In that case, the devices need some technique
and policies issues, hardware limitations, gateway systems to be addressed indirectly and sensed to get updated by its
challenges, middleware issues, the database management state through some other medium.
issues and security and privacy challenges as described below.
B. Networking Issue
A. Addressing and Sensing issue In networking, protocols play a critical role for connection
In the IoT, every object in real time environment, either it and data transformation; as it can reduce the service
is a living thing or non-living thing, needed to be addressed by integration time and cost [7][17]. Network protocol acts as a
a unique identity. [11][12][19][20][21][22] analyzed the mainstay for data routing between outer world and sensors.
addressing and sensing issues in the IoT perspective such as The current Internet is using TCP protocol for transmission at
IPv6 adaptation, automatic identification and configuration, transport layer, which is not feasible for the IoT due to its
participatory sensing, etc. Using sensor technology networks, limitations. There are a lot of existing protocols depending
it is obvious to have large number of nodes that must be upon different criteria for mobile networking but all of them
addressable separately. On the other hand, the problem is the have drawbacks making them impracticable for the IoT. So
ratio of objects is far greater than IPv4 addressing scheme. there is a need of protocol for efficient handling and
Future estimations predict that it will increase to infinite processing of data. [9][10][11][27][28] analyzed the major
number of devices or object instead of decreasing [2][4][13]. issues related to TCP protocol which can be categorize as:
B. Stockebrand [23] claimed that IPv4 is already outnumbered
and all of the IP addresses had been occupied. Therefore, IPv6 1) Connection Setup: TCP protocol creates connection
was defined by the means of 128 bit which will fulfill the first before initiating any data transmission which means, it is
demands of ever increasing IP addresses. connection setup based protocol. It takes considerable time for

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creating connection before actual data transmission. It seems Furthermore, connection is created between two terminals
unnecessary and time wastage in case of the IoT because the which is energy and resource taken, so it is not feasible.
amount of data and time for connection is considerable short.
Categorization of IoT

IoT companies (top Nine) Applications of IoT services Challenges IoT Solutions [15]

Social Challenges Technical Challenges

Security Hardware[15] Standards or policies Gateway Systems [15] Middleware [15] IoT Databases[15]

Standardization Routing protocol Address & Software &

Amazon Webservices General Interoperability Network Issue
Power & (Business Model) Issue sensing Issue Algorithm Architecture
Storage Issue &
AT & T technological
constraint management

AXEDA Technical Connection Congestion Data Traffic control

Structural Congestion &
Interoperability setup control buffering & overload
Approaches[25] overload
CISCO [17]

GE Methodology
Approaches[25] Data
Identity- Collaborative Information transference
GOOGLE Ubiquitous Aggregation
Related -Aware Semantic
Services [16] Services [16] Design
Services [16] Services [16] Interoperability
IBM [17]

Intel Interoperability

Oracle, etc.

Fig. 2. Categorization of IoT obtained from [14][15][16][17][25]

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2) Congestion Control: TCP protocol is responsible for infrastructure is unable to address the high amount of traffic
performing congestion control over both terminals during data that is going to be generated in near future. Efficient protocol
transmission, which is not realizable in case of the IoT due to having advance levels of traffic handling and network
its heterogeneous nature. Most of the time, data to be transfer management are needed to be implemented.
is of small size and the congestion control in that case is an
C. Routing Protocol Issue
overload. Moreover, the communication is done between
different types of wireless networks and mediums. Congestion Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication is a type of
distributed computation environment, which has huge number
control in that scenario will decrease the performance. Thus,
of nodes with variable and constrained network topology.
the TCP congestion control with its existing state is However focusing on the importance of routing aspect in V2V
impractical in the IoT perception. communication, S. Agrawal and D. Vieira [11] discussed the
3) Data Buffering: TCP protocol stores data at both two basic ways of routing. One is source routing: in which
terminals to ensure the secure transmission of data. destination is already defined. Second is hop-to-hop routing: in
Subsequently, in case of any damage or loss during the which only next node address is known. Therefore, hop-to-hop
transmission data can be resent. It requires buffers on both routing is more suitable for V2V communication. Thus, the
ends to store the data that will be very costly in term of both next best hop can be selected for routing during
energy and storage for the devices which are small with low communication.
storage capacity and very limited battery life. Routing protocols like Geographical Source Routing
4) Traffic Control and Overload Issue: Traffic control in (GSR) use global positioning mechanism, which can cause
the IoT is another challenging task related to networking. It is path uncertainty and route fluctuation. On-Demand Routing
a smooth transmission in term of traffic control when it is only protocol use flooding method that can create congestion
between sensor nodes in wireless network. But it become problem because it sends data to all possible nodes. Various
complicated when sensors become part of whole network other existing routing techniques like Greedy Perimeter
having heterogeneous purposes. In machine-to-machine Stateless Routing (GPSR), Dynamic MANET on Demand,
etc., have their own limitations and drawbacks. M2M is a key
(M2M) communication, the traffic control is totally different
enabler for Smart Cities addressed by [7]. With the
than human-to-machine communication. Moreover, advancement of technologies, M2M will require consistent
unmeasurable number of devices involve in the IoT will also data routing due to the need of high data rates. This is a key
create overload traffic issues. Therefore, there is a need of challenge to create a reliable routing protocol having high
characterization of network traffic which totally depends upon speed transmission and low delivery delay time.
application scenarios. Furthermore, the existing network

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Fig. 3. Standardization level with respect to OSI model within interoperability obtained from [61] [62] [63]

D. Standardization Issue Standardization (ISO) provide family of standards, which are

gaining popularity [17][30].
The number of items in the IoT is extremely high.
Therefore, issues related to representing information, storing M2M communication is leading model toward the IoT but
information, interconnections, searching, and organizing there is precise little standardization work done in this regard.
information produced by the IoT will become very challenging The aim of M2M communication is to connect all the devices,
[10]. Different approaches categorized as structural sensors and their actuators abstracting communication
approaches, methodology approaches and design approaches techniques. The operation cost for M2M communication is
have been proposed to achieve the business model discussed also addressable. Therefore, there is a need of optimized
by [18]. In current Internet, application domains are separate, standard interfaces to be made for M2M communication in
which is making business domains separate and ultimately not order to address interoperability and scalability issues related
meeting the goal of the IoT. Thus, there is a need of IoT. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
standardization techniques to join all separated application is focusing on standardization techniques for M2M
domains in a sophisticated manner. communication. Separate technical committee is launched for
this purpose to increase the effort speed in European
Diversity is an inherited characteristic of the IoT that leads Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). The common
to the major issue refer as interoperability. Whereas, issues included are location, addressing, sensor networking
standardization of technologies lead to better interoperability; integration, naming, charging, Quality of service (QoS),
as interoperability depends upon standards for functions and privacy and security, network management, software or
interfaces expressed in Figure 3. The gap that needs to address application, and hardware interfaces for M2M communication
is lack of technical interoperability among diverse devices. W. standardization [7], [11], [28], [31], [32], [33].
Pollard [29] stress that in M2M communication scenario,
standardization techniques provide a middleware to handle E. Software and Algorithm Issue
communication mechanisms, device management and There is a need of common software (in terms of new
reachability between end terminals. Moreover, it is necessary protocols) and algorithms to provide a middleware base
to follow standards for devices to work together on the same independent of resources and networking function for the
platform of the IoT. Otherwise the devices will not provide connectivity in different environments among diverse devices.
proper services to client. International Organization for

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J. Gubbi et al. [12] focus on creation of such distributive circuit solution is proposed. Nevertheless, this area needs a lot
application development scenario to build a coherent of research and effort without which the IoT cannot be
application. That will support interoperable interaction among achieved.
M2M communication over a network. In [34], it is focused
that the distributive application should be containing self- G. Architecture and Network Relationship Management Issue
manageable properties containing self-optimization, self- In the IoT perspective, devices have not been expected to
configuration, self-healing to handle communication in sustain their positions. However, the reliable connectivity
different scenarios. demands to address and sense the devices all the time. To
address huge number of mobile nodes in a world-wide
New micro operating systems are also required that can network is also referred as major scalability issue.
efficiently function for small devices in terms of energy and [7][12][10][19][36][37] analyzed the need to address
power. New password mechanisms should also be introduced architecture and network relationship management issue. N.
to ensure the security and privacy during the communication. Meghanathan, S. Boumerdassi, N. Chaki, and D. Nagamalai
In this regard Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach [38] emphasized the need to build architecture with such
has been followed by the IoT [10][21]. Service Oriented efficient mechanism that can discover all sensor resources and
Architecture (SOA) allows decomposing the complex systems can register and update new sensing systems in wider network.
and monolithic system. This results in well-defined and In [39], the major challenge to the IoT is triggered that “Who
simpler application development that follow standards during monitors the monitor?”. The IoT is integrating the
development ultimately facilitates components coordination heterogeneous devices into already defined networks, which is
among each other. This approach also gives reusability of particularly advancement for industrial revolution. The
software and hardware components. Perhaps, it also misses the problem is; if the information from machines are stolen or
solution to abstraction of details including devices, fetched and used for purpose by unauthorized person or entity.
functionalities and capabilities details. To maintain the The IoT will never stop evolving and ratio of objects will
position on top levels CISCO claims to provide such software increase with the time. With more devices connected to the
solution that will be highly focused on security concerns by IoT will raise the amount of data that required to be managed
[35]. efficiently. Moreover, it is not possible to cover each and
F. Power and Storage Constraint every scenario of the IoT. By customizable sensor
technologies the things are able to be monitored by a specific
The IoT device is constrained by the entity which is in location but the things can be monitored not the devices.
physically monitoring state and the position of the entity is
frequently changing without access to power [7]. Most of the Intelligent networks are needed to be created which can
devices in the IoT are having considerable small size and are control and monitor each other independently. Another issue
not fixed. Due to their size and frequently changing location pointed by CISCO [40], is data collection especially in Smart
property devices are not able to access the power all the time. Grids Networks, which clearly maps to scalability issue. Other
So the low power consumption is universal constraint of the issues related to networking management include Closed-Loop
IoT. Either they use battery technologies or they can use some Functioning and Network Resource Preservation. There is a
techniques for taking power from their environment using need of such architecture which will able to handle these sort
other devices. Therefore, there is a need of design in which of Ad-hoc networks using different Network technologies
such power consumption techniques or low power (wireless, fixed, mobile etc.), equally and efficiently. Whereas,
consumption schemes are made with long lasting life of in [40] CISCO clearly understands the marketing progress in
devices. Another design issue to be addressed is a requirement IoT so it is working deliberately hard and proposed new
of such modular approach that subtracts the need to make a technology named “FOG computing” as a solution to
separate chip for each and every application because it is not prominent problems. Its practical implementation is estimated
feasible to create a chip for each and every application. Such up to 2018 by CISCO. In[41], TELIT as a service provider
high modular approach will combine existing chips within size claims to be an IoT global enablement partner. Its focus is on
and power constraint. In [25], some theoretical low power Mobile Network Operation Management and security.

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Organizational Interoperability
(Modeling business process,
Collaborations of admin., etc.)

Semantic Interoperability
(Shared message syntax)

Syntactic Interoperability
(XML or SQL standards,
communicating data, specified data
formats, communication protocols,
interfaces of descriptions, etc.)

Technical Interoperability
(Reliable & secure
connectivity among systems
and platforms

Fig. 4. Bottom-up Layered approach of Interoperability

H. Hardware Issue Internet, which can handle all constraints mentioned above
and new undiscovered problems because practical
Field of Nano-technologies has been quite evolved in implementations are needed to test the IoT environments,
recent years but still some software are very large to be which is currently not implementable due to certain limitations
handled on such level (in the IoT perspective) e.g., Linux with for example Smart City.
all features. Furthermore, the hardware issue with power and
storage constraint also required to be managed. RFID I. Interoperability
technology has been researched a lot in this regard, which In [17], many organizations including ETSI (European
make system noticeable of small size and low cost Telecommunications Standards Institute), TIA
[10][22][39][42]. It provides high radio coverage area. RFID (Telecommunications Indus- try Association), ITU-T
sensor network can support computing data, communication (International Telecommunication Union), OMA (Open
and sensing devices abilities in an inactive system. In a real- Mobile Alliance), GISFI (Global ICT Standardization Forum
time critical environment, IoT also needs back-end sensors, for India), CASAGRAS (coordination and support action for
networks and infrastructure in case of any failure occurs in the global RFID-related activities and standardization),
regular IoT network. Now the IT business communities are CCSA(China communication standard association), etc. are
more focusing on hardware development for the future market specified. These organizations are specifically working for
competition. CISCO [35], one of the competitive interoperability issue in IoT and M2M communication. M2M
organizations; is claiming to produce such open hardware provide base for the IoT architecture as it describes the
solution that will be able to work with other hardware serviceable components of IoT. Interoperability is also
components or devices. This means that these hardware addressed in [30][24][25][45][46] as one of the major key
solutions will be perfect solution for networking environments challenge. In [17], different levels of interoperability has been
and it will provide sound functionality while connected to defined.
other devices. Moreover, there hardware and software
solutions will be focused on security as security is the major Figure 4 presents a bottom-up approach, which can also be
issue in IoT. Such hardware solutions are needed for future described as layered approach. Each layer is dependent to the

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layer below in some scenario, for example, syntactic claimed that technical interoperability can be achieved as
interoperability is only possible, if technical interoperability technology progressing rapidly but business and semantic
exists so the syntactic interoperability will be the next step interoperability is the more challenging issues. Moreover, [48]
when technical interoperability is already implemented and so stated that in technical area professionals needed to work with
on. In [17], it is analyzed that there are two major issues business area professionals as partners to achieve the IoT.
regarding technical interoperability. One is the lack of Business interoperability is the most difficult challenge of all
complete reference architecture and other problem is the lack other interoperability.
of technical interoperability estimation scope. Whereas, [47]
Technical constraints

& Routing
Storage Protocol

Issue Issue


Congestion Issue

5G, LTE etc.


Congestion Traffic
Overload Control Control
Sc Issue
ave Powe
ng r
ing Data Connection
tec Buffering Setup
Architecture & Network
Management Issue


Security tech.
Sensing Technical


Issue Software

Issue Standardization

Semantic Organizational
Interoperability Interoperability

Fig. 5. Overlapping Technical Constraints

J. Congestion and Overload Issue Second solution is to reject the connection from devices which
create congestion problem.
Congestion problem occurs when simultaneous messages
came from multiple devices eventually leads to extreme K. Security and Privacy (Data transference issue)
overload situation which causes huge effect on network (3GP) Security and privacy is one of the most important hurdle of
which affects the network performance and leads to network the IoT and it has been recently researched exhaustively by
failure. This situation can be seen in M2M and V2V [49][9][50][20][51]. As security and privacy is a completely
communication and it has been researched by [5][6] related to separate research area but indirectly collaborates with
the IoT. The congestion can also be occurred due to server or technical constraints therefore this survey does not focus on it
application malfunction. In [41], solution has been analyzed of but instead it just delivers the main idea. Technically, the IoT
congestion and overload issues, which can be resolved by will not be applicable until or unless people tend to accept it.
LTE-advanced or existing technologies like LTE high And this acceptance is correlated to the guarantee of their
bandwidth networks. One solution to this congestion control is security and privacy. Data could not be collected in
to specify the time duration for connection. Devices can only anticipation of the mistrust of people towards the Internet is
connect to network when there is no overload and if the cleared. However, the uncertainty of the security and privacy
network is overloaded then disable all other connections. is due to the dark side of the IoT infrastructure. The future

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internet will not only affect the IoT users but even non-users recent technologies and their impact on daily lives have been
will also be targeted, indifferent to the todays Internet analyzed. Customized services that matched for situation
scenario. using location information, is implemented by using personal
preferences and locating the person position. GPS and Google
The digital storage cost is tremendously decreasing, that mapping is used to achieve the function. It can be used for
result to store the information once generated to unlimited different perspectives e.g., best nearby restaurants, hospitals,
time, also included the fact about user‟s forgetting attitude institutes, etc. With the use of smartphone, a person can be
towards digital data. Ultimately the IoT is providing an notified in nearby best restaurants, hospitals, institutions,
environment of great risk to privacy and security by service providers (Software houses), etc. according to personal
integrating all of this digital data into world-wide network. preferences and customer or user received reviews.
Privacy and security can only be ensured if a user has fully
control over his/her information. A user must know that what The traditional Internet converts the world into a form of
personal data is collected, who is collecting, where it is village but the future Internet is providing services entirely
processed and when it was collected. Furthermore, the eliminating space constraints. It includes advancements such
personal data should only be used by authorized service as smart city, precautionary maintenance system, remote
providers e.g., authorize medical organizations, authorize electronics control service, etc. [53]. All electronics and
research institutions, authorize management systems, etc. devices are connected with social networking service (also
Moreover, the data should only be stored for restricted time called as social networking site or SNS). It manages real-time
limit under severely need base scenarios otherwise it must be statistics e.g., temperature, speed, air pressure, and vibration.
destroyed immediately. But this type of control is nearly The statistics are then analyzed and prediction using data
impossible in sensor networks and the management authority analytics are produced. In Smart City, the integrated CCTV
is also difficult to define for this sort of control. Security control center recognized instead of human monitoring. If
constraint has also been focused by [6][18][26][52]. The data there has been a crime, the system guesses and investigates the
transference techniques are not able to control such level of suspect‟s expected escape routes. System notifies the police‟s
security breaches due to technical limitations related to mobiles with the related information. It minimizes the crime
networking and middleware. Thus, there is a need to create rate and prevents lives loss or additional damages. In
such sort of data transference techniques that will not only precautionary maintenance system, engine failures in aircraft
handle high-level of security but also ensure authentication lead to flight delays due to repairs. This ultimately results in
and data integrity. customer complaints at the end, and may even cause major
accidents with casualties. For this reason, Rolls-Royce
The technical constraints explained in this section are adopted a remote monitoring service by assigning sensors to
overlapping each other but defined at some level of their aircraft engines. In [46], Rolls-Royce also provides the
boundaries. Figure 5 highlighted this fact with the overlapping preventive maintenance service, which eliminates probable
circles of constraints and red text in shaded areas in the intimidations based on its estimations. It could also lead the
overlapping regions. These overlapping regions show the aircraft engine market by switching from a „sales business‟:
interconnected behavior of the IoT technical constraints. selling and supporting engines, to a „service business‟:
III. MOST RECENT TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS charging the rates on service used. Remote electronics control
service provides Home Chat facility with the Electronics and
In this section, the most recent technological developments mobile devices connected to home appliances. It enables a
in the IoT perspective are briefly described. In [53] many person to handle home appliances remotely.

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Fig. 6. Six key factors necessary to deploy the IoT

Optimized management systems with data-based LittleBits kit, is a hardware set for toys developed in the
computerization analyze data analytics. GE rail network U.S. [55]. It is an electronic circuit development kit that
optimization solution is an implemented system [54]. It enables people to develop the IoT lacking any low-level
reduces extra operational costs (such as a subway train knowledge of development but only with little concept of
slowing down to wait for the train, in front of it to be Input and Output. This is one of the products and services that
removed) because energy and time is needed to reduce speed help even beginners to implement the IoT. The purpose of
sharply in keeping a safe distance from other trains and to LittleBits is to provide a system where anyone can build,
recover speed. Railroad management is an implemented prototype, and learn about electronics. Each modular
example of it. The aim of this system is that trains ride component is labeled with a purpose. By chaining them
smoothly under a systematized system, which results in together with their magnetic links more complex circuits
reducing extra operational costs. GE began monitoring all started to form. Hooking and unhooking are simple as magnets
trains‟ operational status and locations to automatically connect to each module. LittleBits kit can control all ranging
determine the right speed for the schedule, with their rail from sound to real moving motors, powered by either a 9V
network optimization solution and movement planner system. battery or a power supply [56].
This change has improved their train speeds by 15 to 20%
compared to the average [53]. In Smart School [57], ongoing project involves varieties of
multimedia equipment such as electronic pens, digital
Uber service is like the traditional call for taxis from the textbooks, tablet PCs, multimedia, etc. Using these high-tech
company. „Transparency‟ is the key feature in the request instruments and integrating them into the system, with high-
process that results in privacy maintenance explained by [53]. level connectivity desire functionality is achieved. Smart
Passengers have easy access to nearest available cab/taxi school based on basic key features of Smart Classes, Smart
whenever and wherever they want. Personal information of Information and Smart Management. In Smart class, an
the driver / passengers and reviews from previous passengers Integration of E-Learning environment is achieved by
are maintained that ultimately provide better customer integrating High-Tech equipment. Smart card includes
experience. Moreover, negative reviewers can be constrained Multifunction (e-attendance, access control, and e-locker) and
from the Uber service for avoiding bad experiences. Smart scalability as an e-cash service. Smart information provides
Payment provides easy use of service. various information such as school affairs, building locations

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etc. and increasing security. Smart management remotely remote locations can share their judgments, heighten the
monitors and control devices/equipment and automated quality of teaching resources, and make smart teamwork
trouble warning. With such an integrated system, people in classrooms for a more proficient class.
Technology Advancement Category Effect/Benefits on daily life Limitation
Integrated CCTV Organized system
Optimized management control centers Reduce extra operational costs Complex data
systems with data-based Sensors and State Improved train speeds by 15 to 20% compared to the analytics
automation controlling electronic average [53]. strategies,
[53] devices Network Optimization Solution and Movement Planner expensive
Data analytics System.
Customized services that Software Notifications for nearby best service providers
GPS End user info can
suited for context using Database Personal preferences and customer or user received
Google mapping be wrong
location information [53] Application reviews.
Transparency Started to destroy
Creating new values by Improved customer service experience the current market
SNS Application
connecting objects [53] Smart payments and ease of access rapidly
Data analytics
Avoid and control negativity to prevent bad events
Smart city:
Replacement of human monitoring; System predictions
expected escape routes; System fast notifications to
Integrated CCTV
police‟s mobile devices; Minimizes the crime rate and
control centers
Cyber-physical further costs.
Sensors (temperature, Data management
systems Preventive maintenance system:
Services eliminating space air pressure, speed, issue, can handle
Software Minimize flight delays, customer complaints, and major
constraints [53] vibration, etc.) limited number of
Management accidents; Remote monitoring services; Preventive
Social networking devices
Application maintenance service and eliminates potential threats;
service ( SNS)
Charged as per use.
Data analytics
Remote electronics control service:
Home Chat facility; Enables to handle home appliances
Privacy issues,
The return on investment (ROI) is quick; Customer Lack of trust from
Data mining
experience improved; Easy Exchange of Sales Data; both sides
E-Marketing / smart GPS Database
Instant Customer Analysis; Intelligent Devices That (customer &
marketing [51] Credit cards Management
Know They‟re Dying; Analytical Social Media; producer),
Advertisements per interests/ preferences Destroying current
Smart class: Integration of E-Learning environments
Smart card: e-attendance, access control, e-locker and e- Social effect as
Varieties of
cash service due to emotions
Smart information: provides intelligent information and attachments:
Smart School [57] Software increased security humans cannot be
Smart management: Remotely monitors and control and replaced by
automated trouble warning. machines at some
Wireless network
High quality sharing places
Enhance the quality of teaching materials
Nano Tech. No low level hardware or software details are needed
LittleBits [55] Hardware Expensive
Sensors Facilitating beginner in development
Fulfill business needs
Increased efficiency
Virtual machines High availability
Hardware Limited access
OS Elastic scalability
Software control,
Oracle Solaris 11 [54] [55] Physical domains Rapid deployment, development & management
Management Privacy &
High level Economic (Pay as You Go)
system Security issue
connectivity Low overhead & Dynamic
Standard version and release of Oracle Solaris on all
Cost effective manufacturing Intellectual
3D printing
Smart Manufacturing Hardware Customizable and automatic property rights and
CAD or Scanning
[66] Software Time and energy saving criminal or illegal
Variety of materials are available use

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Real time
Sensors applications
Minimize human errors that can occur while driving changes effect
Autonomous vehicles Actuators Hardware
Minimize death ratio or damages due to road accidents performance and
[67] High-level Database
A person can drive without driving knowledge in case of
connectivity management
accident: who to
Driving Innovation in Database
APIs APIs for cost effective health monitoring apps
Health Systems through an management
Sensors development (FHIR API, SMART API, Research Kit,
Apps-Based Information system Inter-operability
Actuators Health Kit, Google Fit API, Validic API, 2net Platform,
Economy Cyber-physical
GPS etc
[68][69] systems
Mobile apps Improve relationship between public and private
Augmented agencies
Emergency alert and Sensors
realties Provide emergency reaction teaching to all employees, Standardization
communication Actuators
Hardware not just security workers and expensive
system[10][71] Data analytics
Management Manage mechanism and authorizations with secure
software failover systems
Real time
Sensors Weather effects
Smarter Highways variable application Automatic sensing
actuators may affect the
speed limits [72][73] Cyber-physical Adjustable speed limits
Data analytics sensing
Real time
Increase productivity
Smart Farming Data analytics application
Reduce cost and economic expensive
[9], [74]–[76] sensors Cyber-physical
Provide notifications before alarming situations
Body stabilizers e.g., Kokoon in-ear sleep headphones
High quality stimulated gaming
Wearable devices Data monitoring apps computing
Lifesaving monitoring expensive
[77] Sensors Virtualization
Remote monitoring for pets
Health alarming
Internet: Smart Devices, Advanced Networks, Cloud
The marketers experienced rapid increase in their sales by Computing and Big Data Analytics are already been described
using E-Marketing [58]. It is beneficial for both service in [55]. However, the two most critical factors: Security and
providers and customers. In E-marketing/smart marketing Standardization/Policies cannot be ignored. Therefore, this
[59], High-level connectivity using GPS etc. are used. The paper analyzes and refine the major key factors to the
return on investment (ROI) from E-Marketing can go beyond necessities of the IoT in Figure 6.
that of traditional marketing strategies and customer
experience improved increasingly. The key features include The technology advancement analyzed in these areas has
easy exchange of sales data, Smarter CRM (customer improved energy consumption by 50% and increased the
relationship management) with instantaneous customer battery life by 50% [55]. That ultimately decreases the cost
analysis, Intelligent Devices “That Know They're Dying” with factor involved and rate of errors occurrence. The most
their own regular maintenance and diagnostics, predictive important and huge impacts of the IoT on daily life has been
social media for customer preferences or demands and 100% analyzed by [53] is that the IoT is replacing jobs and it is
CTR (Click through Rate) with no phishing of advertisements. switching the whole industrial structure. In Table 1, the
Instead, not only consumer will be saved from time wasting technological progressions and their effects are analyzed. The
on irrelevant ads but service providers will also be facilitated advantages in the IoT world has several associated challenges
by avoiding wasting of money on irrelevant ads. whereas, the six basic principles for deploying the IoT has
been highlighted in Figure 6
Many other useful developments are in progress in a rapid
speed. The top IT enterprises are in competition to achieve V. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
more market value in the IoT development race. In future, the
IoT is more predictable to take over lives with its innovations. The paper aimed to analyzing all the papers, books and
articles for technical constraints from 2009 onwards. This
IV. THE IOT NECESSITIES section provides the tabular summary of recent research
advancements. Table II presents the most stressed technical
In previous section, the recent technological advancements limitations of the IoT. Table II is made on the focus or
towards the IoT have been analyzed. Table I is providing brief requirements of the IoT and the technical constraints claimed
analysis to these recent advancements while considering the by the recent researchers. Moreover, it provides a
related restrictions. By observing Table I, one can get an comprehensive summary of all the technical requirements and
initial idea about the progress of the IoT and limitations. On associated challenges currently being faced by the IoT. It will
the basis of Table I and II; it has been evaluated that the six be helpful for all of the domain individuals related to directly
key factors are necessary to deploy the Service-oriented or indirectly IoT.
Internet of Things. Four key factors to deploy the future

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IoT requirements Technical challenges IoT requirements Technical challenges
Organizational Organizational
 Standards  Standards
Interoperability [45] Interoperability [44]
 Semantic interoperability
 Need efficient and interoperable solutions
 Syntactic interoperability
E-governance [43] [13]  Cloud-based back end services
 Organizational interoperability
 Adaptable and dynamic analytics solutions
 Technical Interoperability
 Privacy, Identity Management, Security and Access
 Network and security foundation control
[8] [6]
 Size and scale of IoT providers  Standardization and Interoperability
 Data deluge
 Scalability  Identification Technology
 “Arrive and operate”  Internet of Things Architecture Technology
 Interoperability  Communication Technology
 Discovery  Network Technology
 Software complexity  Software
 Data volumes  Services and Algorithms
Smart devices [20]  Data interpretation [9]  Hardware
 Security and personal privacy  Data and Signal Processing Technology
 Fault tolerance  Discovery and Search Engine Tech.
 Power supply  Relationship Network Management Tech.
 Interaction and short-range  Power and Energy Storage Tech.
communications  Security and Privacy Technologies
 Wireless communications  Standardization
 IPV6 Adaptation
 Mobility  Open issue Standards
Internet Protocol  Web-Enablement  Mobility support Naming Transport protocol
Wireless Sensor  Time synchronization IoT middleware [10]  Traffic characterization and QoS support
Network [19]  Security  Authentication Data Integrity, Privacy, Digital
 No efficient communication forgetting
 Heterogeneity and Scalability  Identification and Addressing
 Security and Privacy  Internet scalability
[49] [21]
 Search and Discovery  Heterogeneity
 Ambient Intelligence  Service Paradigms
 Recursiveness
 Semantic composition  Processing and Handling Limitations
 Context-awareness  Storage Limitations
 Hybrid composition  Transmission Limitations
 Cultural, ethical,
Privacy and security  Control Limitations
socio-economic, but
 Resource constraint  Traffic growth vs heterogeneity in capacity distribution
IP smart objects and also technological
 Power efficiency  The current inter-domain routing system is reaching
Service composition expectations in-
[78]  Low-power & Lossy formation
fundamental limits
communication link communication  Scaling to deal with flash crowding
 Data/event-driven services system [22]  Significant processing power / storage / bandwidth for
 Asynchrony indexing / crawling and (distributed) querying
 Discovery  Security of the whole Internet Architecture
 Management requirements  Support of mobility
 QoS awareness
 Distributor-centric rather than  Low power consumption
Smart home and smart Circuits and Systems
customer-centric  Highly modular approach
building systems [26] [25]
 Scalability  Diversity
 Standardization issue
 Privacy and security issue
Internal security and
 Routing protocol issue in V2V
[11] end-to-end user  IPV6 transition
transparency [24]
 Addressing and networking issue
 Congestion and overload issue
 Scalability
SmartCities, WSNs &
 Governance
M2M (constraint  Need efficient and interoperable solutions
 Lack of testbeds
devices: low [13]  Cloud-based back end services
 Non-Interoperable solutions
computation power,  Adaptable and dynamic analytics solutions
energy, memory)[7]  No efficient new communication
Interoperability [47]  Semantic interoperability Light-weight IoT  Semantic Interoperability

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 Syntactic interoperability reference architecture  Syntactic Interoperability

 Organizational interoperability [17]  Technical Interoperability
 Technical Interoperability  Organizational Interoperability
 Standardization
cloud computing [35]  Security and cloud computing M2M standards [28]
 Interoperability
Application and usage  Privacy and security  Congestion Control & Resource Allocation
Internetworking [27]
[32]  Standardization  Network Security
 Nano-electronics
Smart environments Device and data
 Standardization and policies  Devices secure management
[79] security [40]
 Security algorithms
 Device and Data Security
 centralized Service Management  RFID technology transference to paper or plastic while
[80] RFID tech. [42]
System(SMS) holding the required productive resolution
 secure remote management
 standardization and
synchronization  Convergence in Technology
 Privacy  Integration of multiple data-sources
 Pervasive and Trustworthy  Unified Data Map / Ontology as point of reference
Network and Service  Mobility and Crowd sensing
Infrastructures  P2P Communication
 Nanotechnologies, sensor  Data Modeling and Data Exchange
technologies, solutions bridging  Ontology merging / Ontology matching & alignment
[46] Nano and micro systems, etc. Interoperability [29]  Data/Event Semantic Annotation
 Components, Systems,  Knowledge Representation & related ontologies
Engineering  Knowledge Sharing
 Towards sustainable &  Knowledge Revision & Consistency
personalized healthcare  Semantic Discovery of Data Sources, Data and
 Mobility, Environmental Services
Sustainability & Energy Efficiency  Semantic Publish/subscribe & Semantic Routing
 Independent Living, Inclusion &  Analysis & Reasoning
 Complete Architecture  Security
 Efficient energy sensing Enabling  Reliability
technologies, Nano 
 Secure reprogrammable networks Complex integration
and privacy electronics, cyber  Discoverability
physical systems, 
 Quality of service (QoS) Interoperability
intelligent device
management  Standardization
Plug n‟ Play smart management, smart
 New protocols  High data rates
objects [12] gateways, telematics,
 Participatory sensing smart network  Dense crowds of users
 Data mining for deep learning in infrastructure, cloud  Low latency
terms of the need for adaptive, computing, ecosystem  Low energy and
distributed and incremental and industrial  Low cost
learning techniques applications [31]  A massive number of devices
 GIS based visualization  Design of open APIs
 Privacy, security and  Standardization
Business view of IoT confidentiality IoT Business and  Autonomic capabilities
[51]  Standards cloud computing [33]  Data operations
 scalability  Privacy protection
 Heterogeneous and resource
constrained devices  Integration
 LLN(low power and lossy  Agility
Warehousing or
Network)  Consolidation
[81] future supply chain
 Confidentiality, mutual management [37]  ROI
authentication & message origin  Standardization
authentication  performance guarantees and manager trust
 Security protocols
 Data integration
 Data automation  Automated configuration of sensors
 Data analyzation for identifying  Context discovery
Open systems for IoT actionable insights  Acquisition, modelling, reasoning, & distribution
deployment of IoT
[48]  Scalability  Selection of sensors in sensing-as-a-service model
 Interoperability  Security, privacy, and trust
 Agility  Context Sharing
 Compatibility
 Identification/ authentication  Bootstrapping
 Trust  Mobility
Security [52] [50]
 Reliability  Scalability
 Auto-immunity  Data processing

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 Privacy  Standardization
 Responsibility  Protocol and network security
 Safety  Data and privacy
 Identity management
 Trust and governance
 Fault tolerance
 Security and privacy  self-describable and self-contained
 Mobility management  privacy and security
 QoS support  limited power supply
[82] [83]
 Protocols (at both network and  communication interoperability
transport layer)  semantic interoperability
 Energy limitation and efficiency  syntactic interoperability
Business model [39]  Devices Integration IoT ecosystem [18]  IoT business models and standards
 Routing protocol
Security [84]
 Identity management framework

Ratio of devices

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035

No. of devices

Fig. 7. Number of devices (in billions) per year


No. of devices in
2009 4.8
2012 8.7
2013 11.2
2014 144
2015 182
2016 229
2017 284
2018 348
2019 421
2020 501
2021 599
2022 706
2023 821
2024 945
2025 1,078
2026 1,218
2027 1,376
2028 1,543
2029 1,718
2030 1,902

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IT Jobs ratio (Decreasing)
IT Jobs ratio (Increasing)
IT Jobs ratio (Constant)






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 8. Estimated number of IT jobs per year from 2011 to 2020


By analyzing details in previous sections, it can be IT Jobs ratio IT Jobs ratio IT Jobs ratio
(Decreasing) (Constant) (Increasing)
concluded that the IoT is important enough to change the way
2011 30000 30000 30000
of living and even the whole world. The technical constraints
2012 20000 20000 20000
analyzed in this paper are the most important and critical ones. 2013 70000 70000 70000
These technical constraints are key factors for the future 2014 110000 110000 110000
Internet and can enormously affect cost factor for the future 2015 90000 90000 90000
devices and technology. The affect the social life style and the 2016 70000 90000 102000
way of living in many perspectives will be greatly influenced. 2017 50000 90000 114000
An IT research company, Gartner; estimated the human 2018 30000 90000 126000
resource demand will be reduced up to 50% by 2018 due to 2019 20000 90000 138000
the intelligent machines technology advancements. With the 2020 20000 90000 150000
high-speed development in the IoT and its job formation
effect, Digital Business related jobs are also predicted to grow If the ratio of devices connectivity is closely observed up
up 50%. Repetitive and life-critical work can be replaced by to year: 2020 then the number of devices in next year‟s up to
the IoT services. Moreover, Automation functionalities as a 2026 can be estimated. Figure 7 shows the prediction on the
key feature of the IoT made it possible to take over data common increasing ratio among previous years‟ estimations.
analysis. The industrial structure is creating new values by However, the Table III shows the statistics for assumptions of
changing the whole infrastructure and destroying the this paper; the gray shading color highlights the calculated
traditional system revenues. Enterprise value of Uber was assumptions. Indirectly, the number of devices per year is
analyzed as $45 billion in December of 2014. The Wall Street affecting the number of IT jobs per year. In contrast, the IT
Journal has analyzed the abrupt growth and estimated it to be jobs are not completely down falling but their average value is
$50 billion in May of 2015. The opportunity of existing not increasing as well. Figure 8 demonstrates the estimated
industrial dominators could be threatened by novel ratio of IT jobs over years. It can be increasing, decreasing or
outstanding ideas‟ innovators, is getting higher. constant amount of IT jobs according to the observation of

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previous years‟ ratio. Overall analysis for the future Internet constraints that act as critical hurdle in the way to deploy the
era clearly delivers the fact that successful companies or successful IoT infrastructure. We categorized these challenges
organizations will be those, who will provide some innovative in security, hardware, standards, gateway systems, middleware
technological ideas. The others will be just doomed out and the IoT databases etc. Open issues to the IoT are also
economically. enlightened that are required to be addressed by the
researchers and other stakeholders of the IoT. Moreover, our
Number of IT Jobs Per Year
future predictions will help the concerned parties to prepare
120 for the IoT accordingly. In future, we aim to provide solutions

about the open issues to the IoT.

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