Jewelry - Fundamentals of Metalsmithing
Jewelry - Fundamentals of Metalsmithing
Jewelry - Fundamentals of Metalsmithing
Fundamentals of Metalsmithing
Tim McCreight
ach of' us comes to craft work in a different way. These pages contain nothing magical. In them
piece or a crude first attempt, the value lies less in the in a logical sequence.
object than in the fact that w^e made it. Because this Jew'elry making is fun to teach because the tech-
showdown with the universe can be a bit scary, it's niques exist as more or less separate components. This
useful to equip yourself with some information that means you can make a finished piece using only one
will make the creative work a little less chancy and the or two procedures— simple, but infused with your
results more resolved. That is the reason for a book unique vision. With time, you can acquire more skills
like this. and increase your versatility. The processes covered
here are ''fundamental" in that they provide a solid
foundation for further instruction and experimenta-
tion, and while this book is written for beginners, it
contains techniques intermediate jewelers will find
What distinguishes book from others is the
huge collection of photographs, most taken just for this
use. You'll find clear, grab-it-in-a-giance illustrations
that will move you from reader to worker in minutes.
The work of scores of talented jewelers fills the book
from cover to cover, offering a fresh jolt of inspiration
with every rereading.
I've tried to present information in a logical order,
but when all is said and done, technique, science and
design merge and cross reference, so feel free to jump
in anywhere and revisit sections every once in a while.
Some details that are elusive at first will be helpful
once you've had some time bench.
at the
I didn't learn to make jew^elry so could write a
did. The basic tools are pretty cheap, a work space can
Beth River, Substantial Presence (being) brooch. Mixed metals, paint,
be small, and you can practice on inexpensive metals
photograph. 4 x 234 x V2". Photo by Jerry Anthony.
like copper and brass. All told, ^mu can start a reward-
ing hobbjr or promising career in jewelr^'^ making in a
corner of your basement for about the cost of a set of
tires for your car.
One more bit of common sense: take care of 3n)ur- you are tired or unfocused, don't use power equip-
self.Jewelry making is not terribly dangerous, but any ment. you don’t understand how a tool works, seek
time you use tools and chemicals, there is the poten- advice, either through books or from local experts. You
tial for accidents. Wear goggles wdren using power do not have the option of ignoring these precautions.
equipment, and a respirator around dust or vapors. If It's 3"our health, and you must take responsibility^ for it.
Cutting & Bending
like to teaching Jewelry
making with cutting and bend-
I ing, which are fundamental to al-
1 Lay out the design on label paper. This 2 Support the saw frame against your chest 3 The proper posture for sawing: Keep the
design is traced from a photograph. as you insert the blade. blade vertical.
To make the blade taut, lean
against the saw frame as it is sup-
ported against the bench. While it
is in this slightly "collapsed” state,
tighten the free end of the blade in
its gripping plate. When you lean
back, the frame will Hex and the
blade will pull tight. When piercing
(cutting a section from within a
piece), the process is identical, ex-
cept that the blade is inserted
through a hole drilled in the sheet
before being fixed in the frame.
SAWING f(contiruedJ
Pauline Warg, wedding rings. 14K rose and green gold. Heather Croston, March pendant Sterling, paint, wood. 2 x 13/4 ".
Use a push-and-slide
stroke to file a flat edge.
Files numbers are used on files of all Probably the most frequently used
sizes and shapes. shapes are flat and half round, but
We all know that files are lengths of On larger files, length is mea- square, round and triangular are
steel covered with cutting teeth, sured along the cutting surface, A also very useful, especially in the
liut did you know that every aspect 6" file, for instance, has an overall small sizes. It is impossible to pre-
of a file reflects a choice, from the length of about 9", including the scribe a single “best" file to own,
quality of the steel to the overall tang, the pointed section that is in- but these will get your collection
length to the shape of each individ- serted into a handle, .lust to keep started.
ual tooth? you on your toes, smaller files such Large files should be fitted with
American files are described by as needle files or riffJers are identi- handles to protect your palm from
names, from coarse to line: Rough, fiedby their overall length, onl^/ injury and to achieve maximum
Bastard, Second Cut, Smooth and about half of which is a cutting sur- leverage and control. Handles are
Stipe rSmooth. European files are face. wherever files are sold, in
generally considered of better qual- Perhaps more important than both wood and plastic, and can be
ity, and are available in a wider size is the shape of a file. Use a file removed and reused. Be sure the
range of sizes. They are calibrated that best matches the intended handle has a hole equal to the
by numeral, starting with 00 (coars- shape, for instance a flat file to width of the tang at about mid-
est) through 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on, up make an edge straight and a half- length (most come this way), and
to 8, which is very fine. These round file when refining curves. drive the handle onto the file with
Michael Swanson,
Fish Brooch. Brass.
2 X 3V2".
Bending Wire
whenever bend wire with
your fingers; they are unmatched
for dexterity and control. When
more leverage is necessary, choose Pliers shapes Common uses
it’s typical for a jeweler's early
a pair of pliers with smooth jaws Most common
Chain-nose versatile,
be primarily two-dimen-
work to
that match the desired bend. Pliers bending and gripping
sional as, for instance, in a flat
are available in a wide price range, Opening curves, hardy
Fiat-nose an interest- sawn
piece of sheet to
and generally you get what you grip, making square
ing shape. Here are a few basic
pay for. Because these tools are an bends
techniques that push the metal for-
intimate part of the process, avoid Round-nose Small curves
ward, providing depth to make a
the least expensive— they will wear Ring-forming Large curves
fully three-dimensional object.
out quickly.
simple exercise.
j.e. Paterak, earrings. Sterling, pearls.
used in conjunction with dapping Micki Lippe, Four Corners brooch. Sterling, 22K. 3 x 3".
punches, steel rods with rounded
tips corresponding to the various
depressions. Think of a steel mor-
tar and pestle in which the two
parts together closely.
fit It’s possible to dap metal that
To use the dapping block, cut a has been textured, but this will
circle from sheet metal and set it usually decrease the depth of the
into the cavity that is slightly larger marks slightly.Compensate when-
than the disk. Set the correspond- ever possible by making the texture
ing punch on the center of the disk, especially coarse begin with.
and strike it firmly with a Sr-
hammer When doming a pierced disk, dap-
or mallet, stopping when the tool ping may distort the form.
makes a thudding sound — probably
0 nly a f cw b 1 (.) ws . I f m o re cu rva t u re The top drawing shows a groove cut with a
is wanted, move to a smaller cavi-
Scoring triangular file. Follow up with a square file, to
create a 90“ opening.
ty, select the corresponding tool, To achieve a crisp right-angled cor-
and repeat the process. Continue ner, it is necessary to remove some
until you have the desired shape. metal, creating a miter, as with a
Domes can be soldered to-
like this wooden frame. This process, called
gether to make beads, or used in a scorbig a groove or simply scoring,
wide variety of other applications. can be done on wire or sheet, and
is used in making boxes, frames, corner of a large flat file) to enlarge Although every metal has a dis-
settings and mechanisms. the groove. To test for readiness, tinct malleability range,they all
When scoring for a right-angled bend the sheet slightly and look at have their limits. If you go too far—
corner, use a square file to make a the reverse side. When a crisp line that is, if you continue to strike or
notch that extends almost all the is revealed along the score, the bend or stress a metal after a cer-
way through the piece. When prop- sheet may be bent. With sheet, as tain point— it will break. The solu-
erly made, a faint outline of the with wire, follow this step by sol- tion to this situation is the con-
groove will show through on the dering the corner to strengthen trolled heating process called tin-
back side. At this point the metal and protect it. nealing. Precious metals are usual-
can be folded easily. Because this ly sold in their vSoft state, a condi-
joint is fragile, you’ll need to rein- tion called fiiUij annealed or dead
force the corner with solder imme- Annealing soft. Copper and brass are usually
diately after bending. sold half-hard— positioned in the
Scoring a strip of sheet metal as, Most jewelry metals have the abili- middle of the continuum.
for instance, when making the ty to be rigid or malleable or, as we To anneal, set your piece on a
walls of a box, calls for a special say in ever^'day usage, hard or soft. clean firebrick or pan of pumice,
trick. Start by holding the triangu- Picture a continuum with maxi- preferably in a darkened corner of
lar file at a steep angle on the edge mum malleability on one end and the studio where you can see the
of the strip, where it will make a maximum toughness on the other. heat-colors clearly. Heat gold and
deep, decisive notch. On each suc- For some metals, copper for exam- silver alloys to 1100°F (6()0°C), a
ceeding stroke, lo\ver the tile slow- ple, this is a long scale— copper can temperature which white paste
ly until it is parallel to the sheet. By be very malleable or very tough. flux turns liquid and clear. This
this time there will be a groove For others, such as nickel silver, flux is a useful temperature indica-
deep enough to guide the file and the scale is shorter— there is not a tor. Copper should be heated to a
prevent it from slipping side to dramatic difference between the dull red, and brass until it glows a
side. Switch to a square file for the two states. clearly visible red.
1"2 File a notch in preparation for a mitered 3-4 File until the two vertical legs are 5 The finished frame and a small box made
corner. Bend the corner in your fingers, then identical Set the two pieces together; note by the same process.
reinforce the area by soldering. that the sides are automatically parallel.
With most precious metals, and
with copper, allow the piece to cool
until the faint red color of anneal-
ing has clearlj^ disappeared. Then
promptly quench it in water. White
gold and brass should be allowed to
cool for an extra minute before
quenching. Allowing any metal to
air-cool entirely will actually in-
crease hardness.
In most cases vouk-/'
be able to
ieel the effect of annealing by
bending the sheet or wire in ^''our
hands. If the metal is too thick for
that test, strike a hammer blow and
listen to the sound. Annealed met-
als will give a soft "thunk," rather
than a ringing noise.
Kate Wagle, Timepiece: Memento Vita #/. Sterling, Lucite, paint. 3" diameter.
Pattern, Tfexture & Contour
comes from altering the
metal by giving it pattern, tex-
contour. This is vast and
vital territory, and will engage your
imagination for as long as you make
jewelry. In this chapter we’ll stick to
the basics of surface design. That
alone is enough to boggle the mind. A wedge-shaped peen hammer moves
the metal in only two directions. A ball peen
pushes the metal outward in all directions.
ioLis textured surfaces. Clean the
The word "smith" (as in metal- hammered area with steel wool or
smith) comes from the verb “to Scotch-Brite to see the effect of the
smite,” an old-fashioned term for a marks.
strong blow, so it come as
should Hammer faces can he carved to
no surprise that hammering is an create patterns for impact textures
essential part of metalworking. as well. Grip a hammer face-up in a
Hammers come in different sizes bench and work the face with
and shapes, and can be made of punches, files, saws, drills and chis-
better or lesser steels, but for the els. The patterns can, of course, be
purposc;s of decoration, any ham- regular or random, and used alone
mer that gives the desired mark is or in combination.
the right one for the job.
Even the most tool-challenged
person can operate a hammer.
Practice on scrap metal to discover The fastest way to alter the shape
the of various hammers
effects of metal is to strike it with a ham-
and to develop a rhythm; then shift mer. On a large scale, this is called
to the workpiece. Besides studying Dawn Eileen Nakanishi, Zephyr brooch. forging, a technique used by black-
the marks made directly by ham- Sterling. 5 x 1 'b"- smiths and silversmiths. A small-
mers, investigate the wealth of tex- scale version used in jewelry mak-
tures you can create by hammering ing is called planishing. Planishing
annealed mcUal against concrete, isused to shape metal, at the same
rusty steel, machine parts, and var- time polishing the surface.
Examples of hammered textures.
will rust.
2 X 3".
3 Sandwich the paper between printed by the paper is textured, rolling or piercing. This matrix can
the workpiece and a protective usually frosted, as if sandblasted. be used directly on a workpiece, or
piece of brass. Remember that Makes you remember that paper is in conjunction with paper, which
imprints will be reversed with made of wood, doesn't it? If the will create a matte texture. For in-
this process, so double check originalpiece was polished to a stance, you might pierce a pattern
the orientation of the template. high shine before printing, areas of squares in a brass sheet, cover it
This is particularly important by holes in the paper
left will re- with a tissue, and set a piece of
with letter forms. main mirror bright. sterling on top of that. The impres-
4 T^st the gap in the rolling mill. sion will have a soft matte texture
When but not impossi-
it is tight Roll Printing with a Metal Matrix where the brass pressed against the
ble to operate, turn the handle In this variation, start by creating a silver (yes, even with a tissue), but
in a smooth, continuous motion. pattern on a tough metal, such as no texture where the pierced holes
You'll notice that the area im- brass, by stamping, hammering, kept the paper from impact. Metal
above: Elizabeth Prior, pin. Sterling, 18 K. 2 x 2". Photo by Jon Bonjour.
the surface with flux and flood the darken the base metal and make
recesses with hard solder. Be sure the solder stand out in contrast.
3 File away excess solder. The pattern will sists of separate discrete blows: po-
be hard to see at this stage. sition the tool, strike it, reposition
it, strike again. In contrast, chasing
4 The finished piece.
employs continuous tapping mo-
tion as the punch is swept across
the surface.
Anne Allen, Patera brooch. Sterling, fine silver, stainless steel. Jeff Wise, Diminutive Infinity brooch. 18K, opal, tourmaline, pearl.
21/2 X 2V2".
Japan, the traditional tool has a the metal, but not so much that name from the French word for
hammerhead and
short cvlindrical it might cut through. With the “pushed out” and is often seen in
a thin bamboo handle. Any light metal well secured, tap the liner conjunction with chasing. In this
hammer can be used to get started, lightly as you steer it along the case, blunt steel tools (you guessed
but when you consider that a pro- line. Ideally, each blow slightly it; repousse punches) are used to
fessional chaser might strike hun- overlaps the last one. give contour to metal sheet before
lasts along time. Though the pitch
can be used in any container, the
vessel made ftjr the job is a thick-
walled hemispherical steel pot. Its
weight keeps it from sliding
around, and when set into a ring-
shaped holder made of leather, rub-
ber or rope, a pitch pot can be ro-
tated to any convenient angle.
be sawn off and the edges filed semifluid. The process is sponta-
smooth. In some cases a Hat neous, random, unpredictable, and
sheet of metal is soldered on to a lot of fun. Unfortunately, it only
Lamination Inlay
Kum Boo
This Korean process
traditional quench it in pickle and rinse in wa- Turn on the hot plate and allow
takes advantage of the tendency of ter. This process, called depletion the sterling piece to heat up to
pure precious metals to bond to- gilding, leaches copper from the around 50()°-700°F (2B0°-37t)°C), a
gether. You'll need a very thin outer layer of the work, leaving a point where it would be too hot to
piece of pure (24K) gold, thicker skin of pure silver. Repeat the heat- touch without gloves, but not hot
than gold leaf, but still much thin- pickle-rinse c^nde at least five enough to discolor. Press on the
ner than tissue paper. Buy the times. gold with a burnisher; if the tem-
thinnest stock sold, then set it be- After rinsing and drying, set the perature is correct, the gold will
tween two sheets of copper and roll piece on an electric hot plate, Use bond. Continue rubbing with a bur-
it through the mill until the rollers small scissors to cut the gold into nisher, and increase pressure slow-
cannot be brought any closer to- the desired shape and lay it into ]y as the bond is confirmed. Dip
gether. position, using a thin film of water the burnisher in water every cou-
Complete all soldering on a to hold it innecessar 3c
place if ple of minutes to be sure it doesn't
piece made of sterling and pickle it Wear cotton gloves for the next get too hot.
well in a fresh solution. Heat the step to protect your hands from
piece again until it discolors, then discomfort.
Fusing ^ Soldering
nuiking career. Fusing and soldering /using. When a piece of metal ap-
are among the most engaging as- proaches melting point, the out-
pects of the field; they both call for a er surface becomes liquid, a phe-
mix of scientific understanding and nomenon that enables this basic
intuitive response. joining technique. Jenepher Burton, ring. 18K.
1-2 Set clean, fluxed pieces of sterling on a 3-4 You can use a steel rod to poke and 5 The finished example.
firebrick. Apply heat so that all pieces reach prod the surface. If you wait too long, the
melting temperature at the same time. rich textures will roll up into a blob.
Stephani Briggs, Cloud Nine pin/pendant.
22K, 18K, Mabe and blue baroque pearls.
3 X 21/2".
2 Use flux.
workshop, temperature is
In the
read through color changes. Be-
cause these are easiest to see in a
dim light, most soldering areas arc
shielded from bright or changing
light. Having your solder bench in
front of a window might allow for a
pretty view, but the glare of sun-
light will make soldering a lot more
Andrew Phares, Two Stories rings. Sterling, copper. Photo by Tom Brown. difficult.
Pick Soldering
Susan Silver Brown, Spirit House Shrine brooch. Sterling, magnet, Dominque Giordano, necklace & earrings. Sterling, epoxy, gold leaf, pearl.
copper, 14K, amethyst, brass, paint. 2 1/4 x 31/4". 1 5/4 X 7/g”. Photo by Ralph Gabriner.
Binding iy?re— Any steel wire
can be used to lash pieces together
for soldering. Brass or nickel silver
wire will work in a pinch, but steel Stephani Briggs,
is preferable due to its high melting Sunburst pin,
skin, especially skin that is cut or Pickle Contamination Because the reaction of steel to
chapped. To avoid splashing pickle acid will create a tiny electrical
in your eyes, quench hot metal Pickle does its by leaching out
job charge, never reach into the pickle
first in water; that \va5y if there's a copper oxides, and in most studios, with steel tweezers or introduce a
splash it will be messy, but not the same pickle is used for sterling, steel wire or attachment into the
dangerous. From there, the piece gold, copper and brass. After a cou- mix. If you do, anx'thing in the
can be dropped into the pickle, ple of uses, pickle becomes a cop- pickle at that moment will become
which usually takes just a couple of per plating solution— a saturated copper plated, the effect being sub-
minutes to dissolve oxides. Pro- acid with excess free copper ions. tle or dramatic depending on the
longed exposure to pickle will not Those ions are swimming around degree of saturation of the pickle.
hurt sterling or other metals, but it in there, just itching for a chance to Once the steel object is removed,
will corrupt soldered joints. For bond with something, and if an the pickle is fine again.
this reason, don't leave a fabricated electrical charge is introduced, This plating action is usually
piece in pickle for longer than a thc}'^ jump onto ever^? metal sur- unwanted but there are times
couple of hours. face available. when it can be turned to advan-
It is often possible to find clues about what went wrong by examining a failed joint
Solder all went to one piece. That piece was much hotter than the other(s).
Solder balls up. Solder is tarnished; scrub tarnished sheets and wires with Scotch-Brite
before using them again.
Metal has a dark stain. Too much heat for too long a time.
Joint seemed OK, but later broke. Heat removed a split second too soon, just as the solder flowed.
tage, as, for instance, when color- of course, be plated. However, dur- into a bucket set in a sink, and
ing brass or gold. Both these metals ing polishing the higher surfaces sprinkle in baking soda. This will
are difficult to blacken, but copper can be returned to their original make a dramatic Captain Chem-
darkens easily. color, so that copper is left only in istry froth, often in a loveU^ aqua
To copper plate a piece, wrap it the recesses. color. When mix stops bub-
lightly in steel wire (a couple of pa- Gems and nonmetals
other bling, the acid has been neutralized
per clips will do) and drop it into should never go into the pickle. To and the solution can be safely
used pickle. The entire piece will, safely dispose of old pickle, pour it flushed down the drain.
he term “cold joining" means a
show a simple, fabricated staple, edges smooth. Solder elements piece of metal — usually a rod or
but your imagination should guide into place if needed. wire — that penetrates all the layers
you as you explore the wealth of 3 Bend the legs to 90® to get them of an assembly and is bulged out
possibilities. ready for the final assemblv. on each end to create a head, like
Tabs are a lot like staples, except 4 Finish the piece as called for by the head on a nail. We see rivets in
they usually wrap around a piece the design, using patinas, pol- bridges and machinery, and attach-
rather than through it. Be-
pass ishing, etc. ing handles on our kitchen uten-
cause of this, tabs can be sawn to 5 Laj^ the pieces together and be- sils. They also reinforce our blue
interesting shapes that contribute gin to press the legs into place. jeans. Read^^-made copper and alu-
to the design. Startby getting everything half- minum rivets can be purchased
way pressed over to ensure the from a hardware store, but most
proper fit. When are sure jewelers create copper, sterling or
Process for Staples
everjdhing is in order, press the gold rivets as needed for a specific
T Lay out the design carefully, legs down with a blunt tool or project.
paying close attention to rnea- pliers.
Riveting Guidelines
the hole.
4 Provide enough material, but not
Julie Flanigan Hill, Cuff Link Series: Contains Recycled Materials. Location of the holes is critical. Rivet-
Sterling, recycled materials. diameter
Photo by Bobby Honsson,
ing often comes toward the end of
a process, after time has been
spent creating, ornamenting and
finishing a shape. Don't risk sacri-
ficing that work by rushing through
the vital step of locating holes for
rivets. When several rivets are be-
ing used, as is often the case, avoid
have on hand and file a gradual ta- Provide enough material, but not rather than mushroom to create a
too large, planish the area around too short, but it's also possible; to wire to extend above the surface to
the hole in order to push the metal cut it too long. Too much material become the rivet head. If a rivet
inward. here will allow the wire to curl wire is 2 millimeters in diameter.
I Riveting starts with careful layout. 2 Use a needle to carefully locate a hole; 3 Insert a snug-fitting wire and trim it to the
Centerpunch and drill holes in the top piece. then centerpunch and drill. proper height.
even when it is rocked side to side. made of the same material as the
uing until the tube starts to flare
Many people recommend lubricat- out like the bell of a trumpet.
ing the action with a tiny bit of wax Grasp dapping punch vertical-
A cup bur is a steel. tool with the rivet between this and another,
teeth that remove metal. Unlike similar, punch on top. This process
beading tools, these are almost im- is easiest if someone holds the
threading a rod, it's again
important to start with raw mate-
rial of a correct size. Dies are brittle
We all know what washers look and solders mentioned in the last and will break if you try to thread
like: disks of steel with a round chapter, but if you use steel, do not an oversized rod, Use a file if nec-
hole in the center. Well, when it put the piece in pickle. It can be
comes to jewelry, forget that. They rinsed in very hot water to dissolve
can be but they can also be
steel, the flux, then cleaned with Scotch-
gold. They can be smooth, round Brite.
and symmetrical, or they can be The advantage of using bolts to
highly integrated ornamental ele- hold pieces together is that the ele-
ments. Once the washer is in place, ments can be removed— handy M*
brass, steel and stainless steel, all port— this will crimp it slightly,
of which can be used for jewelry. making it more difficult to turn,
Smaller bolts are often available both going on and coming off.
through hobby shops, especially To cut j'our own threads you’ll
those that supply model train en- need and die. These tools cut
a tap
j‘.e. Paterak, pendant. Sterling, 14K
thusiasts. Anv
of these metals can
internal and external threads re- engagement ring, mica, moonstone,
be soldered using the same flux spectively, and can be purchased printed paper. I V4 x I V4".
essary to make the diameter equal
to the diameter of the
screw, which you can determine by
measuring the tap. Grip the rod ei-
ther verticalhr or horizontally and
use the same screw-unscrew mo-
tion to guide the die down the rod.
Again, make an effort to keep the
die perpendicular to the axis of the
It’s traditionally considered a sign
of poor craftsmanship to use glue—
and sometimes it is. If solder or a
mechanical connection can be
used, that's probably the route to
go. But there are cases where adhe-
sives are acceptable, and many in-
stances when adhesives can be
used to supplement mechanical
joints. Perhaps the best rule of
thumb is this; Whatever technique
you use, the same high standards
of craftsmanship should apply.
Glues are only as strong as the
bond they make on the materials
3mu're joining. Clean metal sur-
faces, with either sandpaper or a
solvent like nail polish remover, to
ensure an oxide-free surface. Fol-
low manufacturers' directions care-
fully to guarantee good results. In
the case of epoxies, this includes
thorough mixing of the two compo-
nents. Use a toolyou can actually •m'
creating a bright shine; it in-
volves sensitive decisions about
color, finish and degree of res-
olution is appropriate for each piece.
Sometimes the traditional high pol-
ish of silver or gold is desired, some-
times not, hut hear in mind that
each case deserves individual con-
sideration. The following pages de-
scribe a process that systematically
flattens a surface to create a
mirror-bright shine, hut remember
that you can stop any step along
the way. Finishing is more than a
process: It is an attitude.
Most finishing operations in- White diamond or tripoli izedand sold as a coarse powder at
volve at least one selection from Scotch-Brite or similar nylon pad hardware and paint stores, where
each of the following groups. Leather stick with compound you'll find it with the furniture re-
finishing supplies.
Group I Group IV Pour some pumice sand into a
Medium or coarse files Brass scratchbrush lubricated with shallow dish. Hold a completed ob-
100-series grit abrasive paper, soapy water ject over the dish and rub with a
e.g., 100, 120, 140, etc. Rouge handful of pumice, allowing the ex-
(or 80 p [microns]) Polishing papers: 600 grit, 1
5 p, tra to fall back into the dish. Repeat
Brightboy or a similar wheel or 0000 crocus as necessary to achieve the intend-
Planishing hammer Fine steel wool (0000) ed look. Pumice leaves a soft matte
Hand cloth finish on sterling and gold, and is
Group II coarse enough to vSoften edges and
Fine files remove fine scratches. It can be
200-series grit abrasive paper, reused indefinitely, and can be
220, 240, 260, etc. (or 60 p)
Abrasive Media mixed wdth water to make a paste if
Pumice (cuts faster dampened desired; damp pumice cuts a little
with water) From earliest times,metalworkers faster than drv. Pumice can be
Bobbing or Lea compound have used rocks and sands of dif- used as a preliminary step to other
Scraper ferent size and hardness to polish polishing or as a final step by itself.
1 Lay masking tape along the edges of a 3 Various molding strips provide a range of
sheet of sandpaper. shapes. Remember to mark the grit.
2 Score a line with a blunt point to create a 4 Use plexiglass or masonite to make wide
crisp bend. sanding boards. Rub polishing compounds
on cotton string to reach into tight corners.
uses particles or a precise grit size.
This, along with a plastic backing
and improved adhesives to bond
the particles, yields a coated stock
(the term “sandpaper" no longer
applies) that is significantly more
aggressive and durable, and yields
a finer finish, all the way up to a
high shine. Particles in these prod-
ucts are described by micron size
(abbreviated as the larger the
number, the coarser the abrasive.
These products cost several times
more than conventional abrasive
papers, but since they last so long,
they work out to be a good value.
For improved control, greater
efficiency, and longer wear, abra-
sive papers should be attached to a
stiff backing. Note that while al-
Abrasive Compounds
When particles are extremely fine
and can no longer be attached to
paper, they are mixed with a greasy
binder and formed into bricks that
are used to coat (or charge] felt or
The range of abrasive
fabric buffs.
compounds is large and confusing,
but here are a couple of favorites to
get you started.
This popular tan-colored compound
contains naturally occurring sand-
stone and is an aggressive abrasive.
It will remove scratches and leave
a semi-polished surface.
White Diamond
This commercial product contains David and Roberta Williamson, Welcome pin. Sterling, copper, found object 3 x 1 V4 ".
no diamond, but nevertheless a
is looks like BBs) in a rotating or vi- For instance, if you want a surface
very fast cutting agent. It leaves a brating drum to achieve a similar flat and shiny, make it flat with
brighter shine than bobbing. effect. files and sandpaper, then turn to
the burnisher to make it shiny.
Rouge Burnishing an uneven surface will
Hand Burnishing
This also contains a naturally oc- create a shiny uneven surface.
curring compound— iron oxide, bet- A burnishing nothing more
tool is A polishing stick uses leather
ter known as rust. Rouge does not than a comfortable handle fitted imbedded with rouge. While slower
remove material, but burnishes a with a short, tapered steel rod than machine buffing, this method
surface to create a warm shine. about the size of your little finger. is nevertheless very effective and
Dawn Eiieen
Flotation brooch.
Sterling, 14K.
4 X 5".
on a cake of soap, dip it into a pan and remove jewelry, scarves, etc. The ideal machine for buffing is
of suds, or dribble a line of dish- Follow this rule without exception! sealed to from dust and
protect it
washing detergent on the bristles, Buffing machines throw up a lot grit, but unseated motors are com-
and work at the sink in a trickle of of grit and dust. Wear goggles and monly used too, especially since
water. Scrub the work in all direc- protect your lungs and nasal pas- they are a lot cheaper and easier to
tions, continuing until the desired sages with a respirator. The best de- acquire. The best motor for polish-
shine is achieved. vice is one fitted with appropriate, ing runs at 1725 revolutions per
Scratch brushes are also made disposable cartridges, but at the minute (rpmj and is 1/4 horsepow-
for use with both flexible shaft and very least, wear a disposable paper er in strength. Conveniently for us,
bench-mounted polishing motors. mask. Replace the paper mask or that’s the motor used in washing
In both cases, care should be taken cartridge as soon as it becomes sat- machines, refrigerators, furnaces,
to run at slower speeds than with Lirated with dust. and clothes dryers— which is to
other kinds of polishing. With the Always grip work in such a way sav, there are a lot of them out
flex shaft this can be done by care- that it can be pulled from your there. Used motors are available
ful control of the foot pedal that hands with little resistance. The from appliance repair companies,
controls speed, but a fixed rpm mo- opposite of this would be to put a and new motors are sold through
tor willneed to be outfitted with a ring on your finger, or to grasp a jewelry suppliers.
pair of V-wheels and a belt to re- bracelet by sliding your fingers Either a single or double spindle
duce the speed to around 800 rpm. through the piece. If the spinning motor can be used, and should be
This is not as difficult as it might buff snags on the piece in these sit- mounted comfortable height
at a
sound— seek help from a local in- uations, your hand is at risk of seri- on a sturdy table or counter. Buffs
are available in many sizes, with 6
dustrial supplier. ous injury.
If you do not intend to follow these diameter being the most popular.
important guidelines, do not use a To provide clearance between the
Machine Finishing buffing machme. edge of the buff and the tabletop,
mount the motor so the spindle is
It is entirely possible to get excel- at least 5" above the surface.
Flexible Shaft Machine
lent resultsthrough hand finishing, The motor must be situated so
but many jewelers use machines, This popular and versatile tool is the direction of rotation is down
especially when the goal is a high used for polishing. It also comes in and away from the worker. Mea-
polish. For most polishing, you can handy for drilling holes, setting sure the spindle diameter and or-
use either a bench-mounted motor, stones, grinding off rough edges, der an attachment called a threaded
usually 172.5 rpm or faster, or the and carving soft materials. The tapered spindle, being careful to
specify spindle diameter ( usually
1/2" or Va"), as well as the side of
the motor— left Thisor right.
adapter allows varit^us buffs to be
quickly fitted onto the machine. It
is designed to tighten the hold of
sterling. 3 %x 23/4".
Buffs and Attachments ically described by diameter (in buffs wear down detail, erode tex-
In the case of sandpaper, we can inches) and the number of layers, tures and generally take the life out
easily visualize the two elements with 50 or 60 layers of fabric being of a piece. That's bad. Only experi-
involved; sand and paper, one do- most popular. A 6" wheel is a good ence will clarify the uses of each
ing the cutting and the other carry- all purpose starter, and will soon buff and compound, but you can
ing the grit to the piece. The same wear down to become smaller and accelerate your learning by pa^dng
concept is at work in machine buff- therefore useful for reaching into ckise attention to the results you
ing, but the carrier is usually made tight areas. Even with the speed of get in every instance.
of fabric and shaped like an over- the motor constant, the size of the Before its first use, a muslin buff
sized hockey puck. Here again, a wheel determines the surface feet should be raked to remove some of
glance at a catalog might confound per minute (sfm), which, in turn, its lint. This will come off in the
you with the range of buffs avail- determines how fast a wheel cuts. first 10 minutes of use anyway, so
able. Take heart. For most studios The larger the wheel, the faster it you might as well get the shedding
and situations, a couple of basic will cut. done before starting to work. Use
buffs will suffice. Muslin wheels are used to re- an old kitchen fork, or make a rake
You willneed at least two sepa- move scratches, round off edges, by driving a dozen nails through
rate buffs for each compound, usu- and increase shine. They have the the last 2 inches of a 10-inch strip
ally one made of felt and one of ability to blend elements together of wood. Put on goggles and a res-
muslin. A muslin buff is made of and, used sparingly, tend to ho- pirator, and with the buff mounted
disks of coarse fabric stacked up mogenize a piece. That's good. and spinning on the machine, hold
and stitched together. Buffs are typ- When overused, however, muslin the rake against the wheel for a
Thomas Mann,
Rusted Wire Frame
Wheel with Stone.
Steel, stone.
35/4" diameter.
Photo by Gerard
couple ot minutes. Both lint and
loose threads will be pulled from
the buff. Stop the wheel and use
scissors to trim the threads. Now
Robert Ebendorf,
you can charge the buff with com-
ring. 18K, iron
pound and put it into use. Remem-
wire, diamond.
ber to mark each buff clearlv so
you won't contaminate it with the
wrong compound.
Felt buffs are similar to muslin
and shape, but are much
in size
more dense, and less likely to
drape themselves over a surface.
For this reason they are preferred
for angular pieces, and when the
polishing action needs to be con-
fined to an isolated area. Felt buffs
do not need be raked like their
muslin cousins, but they some-
times cake solid on their outer cir-
cumference and need to be scraped
clean. To achieve this, have the
buff running on the motor and
hold a fiat piece of scrap steel per-
pendicular to the wdieel. Of course,
goggles and a respirator should he
worn for this.
and experience, I don’t wear gloves it doesn’t take long to expose the few minutes while you use some
because want
I to know how hot circumference of the wheel to ail more to clean your hands. Then
the metal is getting, and I like to the compound it can hold. Applj/- use a toothbrush and the soapy
“steer" the work against the wheel ing more is simply going to make a mix to scrub the work, continuing
with subtle movements that gloves mess as the excess compound falls until the soap foam is no longer
make difficult. middleA useful off. Better to reapply every couple colored by the compound. Rinse
course is to use medicaTstvle rub- of minutes than overdo it at a sin- and dry the work. It's important to
her gloves. These don’t protect gle charging. clean a piece after each stage of
against heat, but they will keep polishing to prevent contamination
vour hands clean, Clean Up of the wheels.
Because the binder in compounds Now that you've got that piece
Applying Compound is a mixture of grease and wax, it sparkling bright and free of all the
Think of a buffing wheel as sand- takes more than Just a light pass compounds picked up during
paper that you keep renewing. The through the sink to clean your polishing, you dry it on a fuzzy
towel, right? Not right— unleSvS you pleasant-sounding) and are the re- on the three funda-
Let’s tocLis
want vour work to turn into Chi a sult of chemical activity on the mental elements of patinas: appli-
Jewelry. Lint from a cloth will grab metal surface. We see patinas all cation methods, recipes, and vari-
onto textures vou didn’t even know around us,from rusty machinery ables. In the end your results will
you had, so find another solution! to crusty green statues on the town depend on the interaction of these
Air drying
not ideal, since it
is square. These are typically caused ingredients.
can leave water spots. A time-hon- by a slow, natural process. In the
ored method of drying jewelry is to studio, the chemical reaction is
Application Methods
toss it into a box of fine sawdust usually the same. We just take the
(available from any woodshop). Af- place of weather and pollution to Probably the most common appli-
ter a few minutes, you can pull it create more or less predictable— cation method, at least for jewelry-
out and blow to remove any cling- and accelerated— results. sized work, is to simply drop the
ing sawdust. Another method is to The color achieved by a specific piece into a container of the appro-
set the work on a cloth and dry it patina solution will depend on the priate solution. Sounds easy, right?
with a hair dryer; turn the work as alloy to which it’s applied, the age Well, it is, but there are a few im-
needed expose each surface.
to and strength of the mixture, the portant tips to bear in mind.
This method doesn’t have the me- time and temperature of the expo- With all patina applications,
dieval charm of sawdust drying, sure, and the process used to apply clean metal is very important.
but it's faster! the solution. Once the work is free of grease and
Depending upon your frame of oxides, avoid touching it with your
mind, the interaction of these fac- fingers. Secure each piece with a
tors can add up to an exciting dis- wire handle so ^mu can lower it
covery or a huge frustration. If you into the bath efficiently.
It'shard to beat the warm, lustrous approach patinas in the spirit of se- In many cases, it’s helpful to
beauty of polished metal— hard, lecting paint swatches— anticipat- have the work slightly warm. I ac-
but not impossible. In addition to ing uniform colors and consistent complish this by holding the piece
its ability to achieve a highly re- results— you are bound to be disap- (in its wire handle) under hot run-
flective shine, metal offers a wealth pointed. But when you realize that ning tap water before plunging it
of color options through the forma- patinas are the result of a progres- into the patina solution. It is usual-
tion of colored layers we call pati- sive chemical action, a sort of "liv- lywise to develop a patina slowly—
nas. In reality, patinas are usually ing thing," you open yourself to ex- with several immersions of just a
corrosion products (not nearly as citing possibilities. few seconds each— partly because
To contain a piece in afuming environment, either set it above a pool of solution or hang it from a lid with string and tape. To create a random
speckled pattern, bury pieces in sawdust that has been saturated with patina solution.
Patricia Telesco,
Series XXVI, #7
brooch. Bronze,
nicke!, 18K, 14K.
2 X 2".
i Photo by Charlie
you can seo the various stages of develop drip pattc-rns. To contain standard kitchen oven set at 350“F.
color transition, and partly because the overspray, set the work in a Check it every 10 minutes, and
a color developed slowly is usually disposable cardboard box. you'll see the surface go from a lus-
more permanent. The sequence trous nutty brown to a brilliant
should be: warm, dip, rinse. Repeat Heat crimson, and eventuall}^ to bright
this as many as a do?^en times to Heating metal with a torch will cre- blue. The patina usuallj^ takes
achieve the color you want. ate patina, btit the process is usual- about 20-30 minutes, though both
ly difficult to control. One specific the time and temperature vary de-
Spray heat patina— copper in an oven — is pending on the kind of oven and
Use a spray bottle from the drug- an exception and worth describing. the size of the piece. When the cor-
store to lightly spritj^ patina chemi- After all soldering, texturing and rect patina has been achieved, re-
cals onto a clean surface. Gravity filing have been completed, clean move the piece and allow it to air
being what it is, this method can the piece thoroughly in soapy wa- cool. This finish is fragile and not
also be used with some solutions to ter, rinse it, dry it, and set it in a recommended for bracelets or oth-
Jenepher Burton, brooch.
Sterling, copper, brass,
18K, turquoise. 2 x 21 /2 ".
Photo by Robert Diamante.
er jewftlry that will get a lot of bucket or a draped plastic sheet. A situation is a plastic bag of sawdust,
wear, but I've had good luck with transparent material has the ad- stirred until evenly moist with a so-
earrings and brooches, especially if vantage of allowing you to assess lution like the one for Green Patina
they’ve been stored in plastic bags progress of the patina without dis- (see the recipe on page 66).
when not being worn. turbing the environment. When the sawdust is uniformly
Within this environment, the at- dampened, push a piece into the
Atmosphere mosphere will thicken with fumes center of the mass and tightly seal
The wonderful patinas we see on from the dish of solution, and the up the bag. Now comes the hard
copper drain spouts and outdoor fumes will condense on the metal part: don’t disturb it for several
statuary are the result of a delicate object and work tbeir magic. Space, days. When you can't take the sus-
attack by airborne vapors. It's a sit- materials, and the shape of your pense any longer, open the bag to
uation we can recreate in the stu- piece all intluence the result. De- ch(m,k the progress. You will proba-
dio with a container or a plastic pending on the alloy, the solution bly see a speckled pattern, the re-
bag. Begin by setting a small dish and the weather, you may wait as sult of separate bits of sawdust
of the patina chemical (e.g., ammo- long as several days for the patina c:oming into direct contact with the
nia) in an out-of-the-way place, to develop. metal and holding the patina solu-
preferably in a warm spot since tion against the surface. For this
heat accelerates most corrosive re- Burying reason, different size chips or parti-
actions. Have your clean metal In this case an absorbent granular cles will have dramatically differ-
piece nearby, ideally suspended material is saturated with a patina ent results. Other surrounding ma-
above the dish of solution, then solution and used to completely terials include dried leaves, cat lit-
cover the arrangement with a surround a metal object. A typical ter, and shredded paper.
Patina Solutions
an isolated area, preferably one wet surface. sult of air, air-borne chemicals, and
with some light ventilation and moisture, all interacting chemical-
warm air. Brush or spray the solu- Gun Bluing on Steel, Brass or Bronze ly with metals. As long as the piece
tion on to achieve a thin coating. This commercial product is used to is exposed to air, the action is likely
The piece; will look wet, but noth- create a patina on firearms, which to continue. Again, this can be an
ing more dramatic will occur. Al- arc, of course, made of steel. It can exciting part of the process or a
low the piece to dry naturally, after be purchased in sporting goods frustration,depending on your atti-
which you might see a pale gray stores, and, like liver of sulfur, tude. Steps can be taken to protect
film starting to form. Brush or gives immediate results. To achieve a patina, but they are best viewed
spray the piece again (which will a deep blue-black on steel, simply as retarding— rather than halting—
“erase" what little patina you had), follow the directions. To create a a natural process of corrosion.
and again allow the piece to air purple-gray on brass or bronze, use Sealing a patina from the atmos-
dry. Repeat this process for at least the solution straight from the bot- phere has an inherent problem in
five cycles to create a lichen-col- tle. Apply with a bit of steel wool, that you must inevitably add a lay-
ored green crust. either held in the hands or as a er of something to the patina. Even
tempting to accelerate; the
It's small pad gripped with tweezers. if what you add is perfectly clear, it
process by drying the piet;e with a To color a delicate object like a will alter the way light is reflected,
Deborah Krupenia,
Mismatched Fazzoletti It
Colored golds, Japanese
copper alloys, sterling.
which is the essence of color per- light-duty variety used to protect solution. This can be found at hard-
ception. As a result, a piece that charcoal and pastel drawings. Set ware stores (one brand is called
was a bright blue might appear as a or suspend the work in a well-ven- Butchers Wax), Apply the wax with
dull purple. tilated area and spray a thin coat- a soft cloth and allow it to dry for a
Patina coatings two cat-
fall into ing following the directions on the few minutes, then gently wipe it
egories— hard and soft. Hard coat- can. Resist the urge to spray too off. This step can be alarming in
ings, like lacquer, are strong and ef- much, because the excess will drip. the case of green patina, which of-
fective, but can chip if the metal is Allow the work to dry, which ten starts to come off on the cloth.
flexed or bumped. Soft coatings, might take only a few minutes, and If the patina was properly devel-
like wax, move with the metal, but repeat the process. At least five oped, though, there will be enough
eventually rub off, not only leaving layers will be needed to protect a remaining to color the piece. To
the patina exposed, but possibly patina. make the wax easier to apply,
staining a garment in the process. Car wax can be used to protect a warm the work slightly with a hair
Spray lacquer is available from patina, but a gentler wax used for dryer at the start of the process, or
art supply companies; look for the furniture protection offers a better wmrk in a sunny spot.
stone Setting
Types of Stones
These stones are free-form lumps
that are mass-finished by tumbling
them in a drum with water and
abrasive particles. They can be
pretty, but are difficult to set well.
These stones are smooth, convex
forms, usually with flat undersides.
They may be round, oval, square
or any other shape when viewed
from the top, but from the side
they take the shape of a rounded
mound. Some translucent (see-
through) stones are cut as cabo-
chons, but most stones cut this way
are opaque. This name is typically
shortened to cab.
A facet, or face, is a small flat plane
cut on a stone. Facets arc arranged
geometrically over the entire sur-
face of a transparent or translucent
gem to focus light into the stone
and reflect it back. All of this en-
hances the natural sparkle of the
stone, which can be round, oval or
any of dozens of other shapes.
Faceted stones are no more diffi-
cult to set than cabs, though they
^ b
Micki Lippe, earrings.
Sterling, 22K, red jasper. 3 x 3".
^ crown over its sloping contour to secure it an ornamental pattern. Both shelf
bezel and gallery wire were origi-
in place. A bezel is constructed as a
^ thin, low wall that stands vertical- nally made by hand for each pro-
ly, and perfectly encases the stone. ject and and of course that
N. pavillion After all soldering and finishing is can still be done. Fancy commer-
complete, the stone is placed into cial bezels can be very attractive,
position and the bezel pressed
is although overuse tends to make
against it. All suppliers of precious them less appealing.
maKing a box tiezei
neatly, and solder the bezel closed not rattle around. If the bezel is too easy when the bezel fits well and
with a tiny piece of hard solder. large, cut a piece out at the seam quite frustrating when it doesn't.
Solder is significantly less mal- and resolder. If it is a little too Some people ask which is better,
leable than most bezel materials, small, put the bezel on a mandrel too loose or too tight? The answer
so using too much will make a and slide along the taper to
it is neither. Time spent making it
tough section that resists pressing stretch it. Test frequently so you right at this stage will save twice
against the stone. don't go too far. If the bezel is sig- the time later on, and yield a better !
Test the bezel by pressing it gen- nificantly too small, start over. Ei- setting, ets well.
tly over the stone. The should be
fit ther way, don't proceed until you
like a hand in a glove: the stone get it right. Solder on a backing. When the fit is
shouldn't be difficult to push into The actual setting process— the right, rub the bezel lightly on sand-
paper to make its lower edge flat
and dean. Check to be certain it
hasn’t distorted, and set it on a
piece of sheet metal just slightly
larger than the stone. The thick-
ness of the sheet will depend on
the size of the stone, but it doesn't
have tobe very thick to do its job.
Stones under 5 mm might l^e set on
24-gauge sheet, with large stones
needing something like 20-gaugc,
Clean the metal with Scotch-
Brite and prop it at a slight angle by
setting it on a pumice pebble or ex-
tra bit of firebrick. This will allow
the heat of the torch to reach be-
neath the sheet and minimize the
heat drawn off bv the firebrick.
Flux the sheet and set the bezel Patty Bolz, brooch. 22 K, boulder opal, tsavorite garnets, grossular garnet. 1 x 31 /2 ".
three pieces of medium solder so around the bezel in a single sweep- residue. Pat yourself on the back,
they touch both the bezel and the ing motion. Keep the torch moving, taut resist the urge to test the stone
sheet; they can be on either the in- focusing the flame on the sheet in position! It fit a minute ago, so
side or the outside of the bezel. Re- rather than the beztd. As soon as you can be pretty confident that it
member, it won’t take much. the solder hows, remove the flame. still fits.
flush with the bezel wall. File and steps, set the gemstone safely out down on them and, because they
sand to make the seam disappear. of the way, udiere it will not get are tall, are more likely to be
Fancy Bezels
After you’ve made
few standarda
bezels and understand the process,
turn your imagination loose. Bezels
lend themselves to all sorts of vari-
ations, including pattern, shape,
color and ornamentation.
Carved Edge
Make the bezel in the usual waj^,
then use and a saw to cut
lines, scallops and other shapes
into the edge. Setting proceeds as
Wide Edge
down. This process could involve a short by hurrying through the Make the bezel from thick stock, ei-
dozen pushes or a hundred; it de^ clean-up stage. ther by cutting it from sheet or by
pends on the size of the stone, An important note: Most gem- planishing a section of wire. For a
height of the bezel and the power stones can withstand the touch of a small stone, you’ll want something
of each push. as long as not pressed too
file, it's around 20 gauge, a medium size
hard, but virtually anything will be stone needs a piece about 18 gauge,
Smooth and shape the bezel. Use a scratched by silicon carbide sand- and the bezel for a large stone
fine needle file and/or a pumice paper. Even the apparently harm- could be made of 14 or 16 gauge.
wheel on the flex shaft to smooth less fine papers are made of the The bezel will be more difficult to
and shape the bezel. This requires same tough stuff as coarser grits, so form and siz.e, but the principle is
a light touch, but can make the dif- never use sandpapers near a stone. the same. Setting will require a
ference between a mediocre and a Never! hammer and punch to move the
stunning bezel. After putting in Now that the shape of the bezel thicker metal, but otherwise the se-
this much time, don’t sell the gem has been made uniformly graceful. quence of events is identical.
is tight, you won't
need to solder this
inner bezel in posi-
Use a small tion— the same ac-
chisel to strike
tion that sets the
pattern lines
into a wide-
stone will also se-
Step Bezel
To make a shallow stone stand up
tall, use a second, internal bezel to
lift it above the level of the base.
Tube Setting
This variation is usually used for
small faceted and starts
with a piece of tubing whose Inner
diameter is smaller than the stone,
but whose outer diameter is larger.
Tlibing can be made your
to suit
needs, as explained in Chapter 7.
Cut a length of tubing of the de-
sired height and solder it into place
on the jewelry piece. After making
certain the topedge of the tube is
flat and even, use a setting bur to
Prong Settings
Prongs are no more difficult than
bezels, either to construct or to set,
but they require a little more preci-
sion. There are dozens of varia-
tions, not counting the ones you're
about to dream up. This chapter
describes a couple of the most ba-
sic styles, but first let's look at
some guidelines that applj'^ to all
prong settings.
Adam Clark, pendant. Sterling, bone, amethyst, citrine. 2 x 3". tice with sterling while you devel-
op skill and confidence.
stone.Not sort-of svmmetncaL but Making a Crown Setting arc, and connect this point to
dead-on accurate. At each step of the original center point. Trans-
the process, examine the work This all-purpose setting is available fer this shape to sheet metal and
from all angles to be sure it's just commercially, but it's well worth- saw it out.
right. while to make at least a couple
from scratch. And of course, there
Fit Is Stone setting is a
critical. are cases when commercial
breeze if the prongs are properly version isn't exactly what you
fitted to the stone. A proper fit need. The example shown below
refers to both the diameter and the uses a 5-millimeter stone and 20-
depth of the stone (distance from gauge sterling. When working in
table to ciilet), as well as the con- gold, 22 gauge will provide suffi-
tour of the pavilion. cient strength.
Get into the habit of examining
each stone before determining
Fabrication Process
what kind of setting it needs. Hold
a stone in tweezers and examine it 1 Lay out the pattern for a cone
under magnification to become fa- by drawing the side view of the
miliar with its idiosyncrasies. Fav intended shape. Extend the
particular attention to the girdle edges, then place a compass 2 Bend the cone^ with round-nose,
and the area just below it, since point on that intersection and pliers. Use a file to prepare the
the part of the stone that
this is draw arcs from the top and bot- seam, and solder the cone
touches the setting. If it is irregu- tom of the cone. Use the com- closed with hard solder.
lar, your job in setting will be more pass to step off the stone diame- 3 Make the cone round by work-
difficult. ter three times along the larger ing it with scribes, punches and
dapping tools. Set the gem into
position to be certain the size is!
prongs. Choose whatever configu- closed. Attach a small ring to the base and bend each prong outward to create a cone shape.
ration best secures the stone, and The prongs are then notched and the stone is set as described in the text.
small pieces of hard solder to each into the brick. File the underside of the top of each prong to guarantee
prong, and heat. the setting to an attractive shape. a uniform height. Then shape the
If a prong is tilted, grip the set- Test the stone in position and make prongs, reinsert the stone, and
ting in cross-lock tweezers to se- adjustments as necessary. If the fit press the prongs over, using a bezel
cure it, reflux the piece, and heat it is too tight, file the inner surface of pusher or pliers depending on the
until the solder becomes molten. the prongs with a small flat file. amount of force required. After set-
Gently grab the prong with tweez- Check the fit frequently so you ting, use a pumice wheel and felt
ers and reposition it as necessary don't go too far. If the fit is a little buff to refine and polish each
to ensure that it is vertical and loose, grip the pedestal with ring- prong.
properly spaced. This sounds hard- forming pliers and bend a couple of
er than it is. the prongs inw'ard.
Bdsha BurwelL
bracelet Sterling,
beach stones. Photo
by Robert Diamante.
1 Position sharpened wire prongs around 3 Complete other soldering, in this case 5 ...or with pliers, as shown
the pedestal. Press into fire brick for adding a decorative bail,
6 The finished piece.
4 Set the stone with a bezel pusher...
2 Trim off extra length on the prongs and
file the underside smooth.
brings with
comes from its use as
personal adornment.
several parameters, or
constraints on design, such as ap-
propriate size, weight and shape, ft
Pin Findings
Pin Enclosure
Pin Joints
In many ctises the best option
for a pendant is a machinc'-made
chain, which can be bought fin-
ished in several popular lengths or
b\f the inch. You get what 3^)11 pay
the edge.
what could be more frustrciting
than having a beautiful piece of
jewelry you are afraid to wear be-
cause you don't trust the clasp? It’s
important— both functionally and
visually— that clasps be secure.
Many fine machine-made clasps
are available, and in many cases
they are the best choice. Don’t
skimp on quality, and remember
that you can alter a commercial
clasp to make it best meet your
specific needs.
Even with the many good com-
mercial options available, there are
still situations that call for a bench-
Here are a few of the thousands of possibilities for attaching a pendant to a cord. , . ,
, .
Chains chain. Because it’s usually easier to And what is the "appropriate’’
make a few rings than a single one, diameter? When making chain,
There's something almost magical make extras and set them aside for guess at the size links you think
about making a flexible, slinky future use. Always open jump would look good, and start there.
thing like a chain from a rigid ma- rings by twisting them front-to- Because it’s not a science, I usually
terial like metal. Chains are one of back rather than by spreading make up a few inches of chain—
those delightful parts of jeweliy them open; a spread ring will nev- maybe 20 to 30 links— in copper or
making that can challenge and re- er return to a perfect circle. brass to test a size without incur-
ward a person at every stage of de- If using wire that
you're is ring the cost of precious metal.
velopment. In addition, chain mak- curled or kinked, start by making it Make a tidy coil by wrapping
ing offers rich opportunity for sol- really straight. Clamp one end in a the wire around the rod, taking
dering practice and teaches the val- bench vise and grab the other end pains to lay each w-ire snugly
ue of working methodically.
Chains are often worn bv them- •ip*
brass, copper,
onto one of the open ones.
carved bone. Close it and lav it on the solder-
2 X 21/3". ing block so the joint is exposed.
Do this with all the soldered
links, then solder the exposed
5 Slide two of these groups of
three onto one of the remaining
open loops. Close it and set it on
the soldering block. Repeat un-
til all the three-groups have be-
come incorporated into groups
of seven.
6 Continue this way until all the
links have been used. When all
soldering is completed, pickle
the chain to clean it.
Loop-in-Loop Chain Single 2/32" (9.5) 1 0/32" (7.9) 8/32" (6.3) 6/32" (4,7)
This beautiful chain is also called Pinched 20/32" (16) 15/32" (10.3) 13/32" (10.3) 8/32" (6.3)
Roman, Etruscan, sailors' or mon-
Double 12/32" (9.5) 10/32" (79) 8/32" (6.3) 6/32" (4.7)
ey chain. It’s flexible and versatile,
and can be made in dense or open (From Classical Loop-in-Loop Chains by J.R. Stark and J,R, Smith. Used with permission-)
variations. Even the most basic ver-
sion offers a wealth of options by
simply changing the size of the
wire and the loop. The distinguish-
ing feature of all these variations is
the building block of a soldered or
fused long oval link. These are pre-
pared as individual units, from
which the chain is assembled with
no further soldering needed.
easily held. Feed a loop through as a handle until the chain is long
the two "wickets" at the top of enough provide a suitable grip.
the chain. Fold this new loop in Continue threading loops, one
half to create two new wickets, after the next, always passing
through which the next loop is through a "double" wicket. The re-
passed. Continue in this way sult is a more complex-looking
until the chain is complete. Pinched loop. chain, with a distinct herringbone
Some people like to bend all pattern.
the loops into the V shape as a
separate step, then feed these with the flats. Lightly planish the Two-Way Single Loop-in-Loop
into place. Try both methods to rounded ends of each loop, then as- Solder two links together in the
see which you prefer. The end semble the chain as usual. form of a " -r ” and solder on a han-
results are identical. dle of some sort for easier grip-
5 Anneal the chain, then refine Double Loop-in-Loop ping— it can be sawn off and
the shape of each link by press- Start by putting one loop through cleaned later. Cur! up the ends of
ing over a scribe. Set a pol-
it another as you would to start the both loops to form a basket shape
ished, tapered scribe point verti- basic loop-in-loop chain described
cally in a vise and slide each above. Press the two loops together
link do\vn on it as shown, rotat- so their "mid-sections” are com-
ing the link and pressing it pressed. Use a scribe to open a pas-
down four times. This will make sage here (arrow), through which
more sense when you have the the third loop will be inserted. It
chain in your hand— you’ll see might be helpful to attach a short
that each link has, in effect, four
sides. The process goes faster
than you might think, and has Two-way single
22 10 mm 5 mm 13
Pinched Loop (Sailor's Knot)
Shape the links into a "barbell'' by 24 7 mm 4 mm 18
using flat-nose pliers and round-
26 6 mm 3.5 mm 20
nose pliers at the same time. Hold
the loop in the opened round pli- 28 5 mm 3 mm 24
ers, then squeeze the midsection
This chain, in effect, weaves ing, not quite the same. As with
it’s Constructing Woven Chain
two basic chains together, one in- the other chains mentioned so far, 1 Starting with a two-foot length
side the other. Unlike the chains it presents a wide range of possibil- of wirt3 bend a series of up and
mentioned above, the proportions ities. The tools are simple, and be- down arcs that looks like the
of this variation are important. If cause no soldering is needed, this photo. The goal in this example
the loops are too large or the wire is a technique you can do as easily is have three "peaks" and two
too small the result can look dis- on the living room couch as in the "valleys," each about an inch
torted, even if the craftsmanship is studio. tall. One end of the VAure should
flawless. Use the suggestions from You’ll need a pair of chain-nose be short, no more than two
the chart on page 94 to get started, wire cutters and a scribe or
pliers, inches.
then do some tests of your own. other tapered point. If you don’t 2 Squeeze the wire together and
The two-way single loop-in-loop have a point, a suitable tool can be wrap the short end around it un-
works nicely with mixed colors. If made by grinding or filing a taper til it is used up. The result will
you make links of two metals, say, on the two inches of a 3-inch
last look like a hank of rope,
silver and gold, you can either al- piece of coat hanger or similar 3 Pull the three loops at the top
ternate every pair (gold, gold, sil- wire. suggest wrapping the wire
(the “peaks" in step 1) into a ra-
ver, silver, gold, gold), which gives with tape to make a comfortable dially symmetrical pattern. In
a sort of checkered effect, or alter- handle. other words, twist them until
nate every loop (gold, silver, gold, the three loops lean outward
silver, gold) which make a square Woven C G from a central point. They will
chain with two gold faces and two resemble the pistil of a flower.
• Try to keep the loops the same size.
silver faces. 4 Take up the long wire and feed
• Use pliers to pull the wire. Using
it through any one of the loops,
your fingers will stress the wire and
Woven Chain going from the inside to the out-
cause it to harden and break.
side. Pull it up snugly so no ad-
• Smaller loops are easier to work
This textile-like chain is not made ditional loop is made.
with than large loops, especially
of links, but created by threading a At this point you should have
when getting started.
single wire back and forth on itself. a structure of three loops with a
• Use each loop only once.
Though it resembles spool weav- wire projecting out from one
loop. This is home base; from loop being used once and giving chain, though thisvery approxi-
now on your structure should rise to a new loop that projects mate and depends on the size of
always have three loops with a out from it. the loops, the diameter of the wire,
wire leaving. When the original two feet of and the tightness of the weave.
5 Feed the end of the wire back wire almost used up, it's time
into the loop it is coming out of, to add another length. With the FinisKing the Chain
and go out through one of the last inch or so, make a half This chain doesn't unravel, so you
other loops. Pull the wire to take stitch— that is, go into the loop don’t need to tie it off when done.
Lip some of the slack, then set from which the wire projects, Just stop weaving and that's that.
the tip of your scribe in the loop but do not continue on out the This also means you can cut off the
and pull the wire tight onto it. adjacent loop. Instead, feed the starting section, not only the han-
Notice that if the scribe were end of a two-foot piece of wire dle area from steps 1-.3 above, but
not there, the loop would be into the adjacent loop and twist also the “practice” section you may
pulled through and would disap- it together with the remaining have made before finding your
pear. It doesn’t matter whether bit of the original wire. Use pli- rhythm.
the chain grows clockwise or ers to make the connection The chain can be pulled lightly
counterclockwise, but once you tight, then snip off the excess, through a draw plate to make it
get started you'll need to be con- leaving no more than a quarter more even. If you don't have one, a
sistent. inch of twist. You are now back simple drawplate can be made by
6 Before removing the scribe from on track: three loops with a wire drilling a series of holes of decreas-
the newly formed loop, lift the leaving. Continue weaving as ing size in a small, fiat piece of
scribe so it levers the loop into a before, pains that the
taking hardv/ood. You can also roll the
"standing" position. Rotate the twist stays safely tucked into chain on a table top under a piece
chain in your fingers so the loop the core of the chain, of wood. Either way, follow that
with the wire leaving is facing step by annealing. To avoid uneven
you and repeat steps and 6. 4, 5, As a rule of thumb, a foot of heating, lay the chain on the solder
The chain growes spirally, each wire equals an inch of woven block so it doesn't overlap itself
you won't be able to pull a tapered,
chain through a draw pi ate, so take
care to keep the weaving symmet-
rical as you go.
Hinges have scores of uses in jew-
elry, from lockets to bracelets to
poison rings. They allow an other-
wise oversi/'cd piece to flex with
the body, and can add excitement’
and mystery to a design. The possi-
bilities are vast.
inee Cuidetines
be rewarded.
• Be certain every surface is clean
before soldering.
• Trim all edges to remove burs, even
the tiniest ones.
Hinge variations. The idea of a hinge is simple and open to many creative alternatives. • Do not overheat a joint-remove the
torch as soon as the solder starts to !
• Confidence is a valuable ally.
Grip a woodnn dowel or ham- For instance, after starting with a
mer handle in a vise and, wrapping d-loop chain, add a loop by simply
the chain around it loosely, stroke creating one with the wire. Weave
it back and forth to ilex the weave. this 4-loop chain for several stitch-
Making Tubes
After a few minutes of this, anneal es, then add another, and so on. Hinges consist of /cm (ck/f,\s— sec-
one more time and you're done. To reduce the taper, skip a loop tions of tubing that are Joined alter-
periodically, folding it into the nat(dy to two halves being
Woven Chain Variations center of the chain. Of course, hinged— and hinge pins. Knuckles
The chain just described uses the
minimum number of loops, but
any additional number can be
used. To make a four-loop chain,
simply make four "peaks" in step
one. Or make five, or six or more.
The more loops you have, the larg- A woven taper.
er the hollow core in the etmter, Additional loops are
and of course the larger the chain added as the chain
itself. The chain can be made of al- grows to create an
expanding form. This
most any size wire, though I rarely
example was made by
go larger than 22 gauge and usually
Mark Leahy.
prefer sometliing around 26. Alter-
nate metals can be spliced in to
create a banded chain.
To make a tapered woven struc-
ture, add loops as the. chain grows.
- . ...
e Blank Sizes
arc usually all the same size and also times when it's handy to know'
traditionally appear in odd num- how to make your own tubing, for
bers, usually three or five. They are instance when using an unusual
typically made of tubing, but you metal or a size that is not commer-
can also make a coil of wire (as for cially available.
jump rings), flood it with solder,
and cut off sections to be used for a Tube Making Process
hinge. 1 Roll or planish a strip of sheet
and gold tubing can be
Sterling metal until very thin, some-
purchased from any company that where around 26 gauge or finer.
supplies precious metal, while cop- 2 Cut and file a straight edge,,
per and brass tubes are often sold then use dividers todrag out a
in hobby and craft stores. The parallel line. The width of this
range of sizes might be limited, but strip should be a little more
Sara Shepherd, This Book's Cover brooch.
Sterling, 1 4K. 1 V3 x 1 V4 ". you can reduce tubing to a desired than three times the intended
Photo by Douglas Yaple. size with a drawplate. There are inside diameter of the tube. For
of the final tube, as long as they usually isn't. 1 Prepare the seat by first filing
arc of a similar scale. Use pliers As soon as the edges touch, an estimated 45° angle on each
to ensure that the metal curls at stop drawing, and solder the surface. When laid beside each
least three-quarters of the way seam, using solder chips placed other, the two pieces will form a
around the rod, paying special at half-inch intervals. V-groove for the tubing. Hold
attention to the pointed end of After soldering and pickling, the the two pieces together and use
the strip. tube can be drawn down further a round file to convert this
4 Pull the tube through a draw- if desired. This will not only re- straight-sided groove into a
plate, keeping it perpendicular duce the diameter, but thicken curved bearing that matches the
to the plate. Move frf)m larger to the tube wall, as well. contour of the tubing.
Clean finger oils off the tubing
with Scotch-Brite while the tube
is long and easy to hold on to,
Hinge seat.
1 Cut off the tips and divide the bone into 3 Shape by compressing or scraping the 5 The mold can be opened right away to
two equal sections. bone away. The funnel shape is also reveal the result.
hollowed out.
2 Rub each section on sandpaper to make 6 The finished cuttlefish casting.
the bone perfectly flat. 4 Tie the pieces together, melt the metal in
a pouring crucible, and pour it into the mold.
or jeweler's saw, square off the
tips and cut the bone in half.
You'll see that the bone is a very
soft, porous material with a
on one side.
plastic-like layer
2 Rub each half of the bone on a
piece of coarse sandpaper to
make it flat. You’ll make a mess,
so have a wastebasket nearby.
Make the two surfaces so flat
that when held together no light
can be seen between them.
3 Working about an inch from the
broad end of the mold, create
the negative of the shape you
want: where you want a projec-
tion in metal, make a depres-
sion in the mold. Particles can
be compacted into the bone or
scraped away; in either case,
you can use very basic tools like
nails, toothpicks and twigs. If
you want to exaggerate the
wood-grain texturr; of the bone,
use a soft, dry paint brush to re-
move additional material from
between the harder ridges.
4 Carve or press a channel to cre-
ate an entrance for the molten
metal. This is called a sprue, or
gate, and it must be at least as
Jung-Hoo Kim, The Connection J brooch. Sterling, lapis lazuli, 24K foil. 3 V4 x 2".
least an eighth inch in diameter.
Bind the pieces together with
wire or heavy tape and set the
mold vertically into a dish of
sand or pumice pebbles.
6 If this is the first time the cru-
cible is being used, first heat it
Vlartha Williford Avrett, An die Musik #/ pendant. Sterling, glass, mica, found objects, cast elements, photo. 3 x 23/4".
The steps of the casting process.
with a torch and sprinkle a warded with the foul smell of the way. Each model can be used
quarter teaspoon of borax into burning bone. Just once,
the bowl. This creates a glassy 8 Allow the metal to cool for a The waste mold part of the name
coating that keeps the metal minute or so, then cut the wire tells us this of the mold as
is triu;
from sticking. Place metal into or tape to open the mold. Use well— it too must be destroyed (or
the pouring crucible, guessing tweezers to lift the hot piece "wasted”) to retrieve the casting.
generously at the amount so from the mold. Remember that Like the model, this mold can be
you won't run short. Use a torch this is solid metal, and can be used onlv once.
to heat the metal until it forms a hammered, filed and soldered We know from tire section on
rounded blob (it should look like any other piece. fusing that some metals, including
like mercury). Add a pinch of silver and gold, will draw up into a
flux midway in the melting sphere when heated. This explains
process to protect the metal
Lost Wax Casting why gravity alone is not sufficient
from oxides. Keep the torch on to fill a large, detailed mold. And
the molten mass continuously By most common form of
far the here the word centrifugal tells us
while making the pour. casting in contemporary jewelry what kind of force is used to push
Hold the crucible just above the making is lost wax waste mold cen- the molten metal into the cavity.
cuttlefish, tilted and poised on trifugal casting. It's a long name, Lost wax. Waste mold. Centrifugal
the lip of the dish, ready to go. but worth understanding because it casting. Got it?
When the metal spins and vi- tells us a lot about the process. The
brates, pour it into the mold word wax tells us the model, or
with a smooth even motion —
replica, is made of wax, while lost
don't throw it, but don't stop refers to the fact that the model Lost wax casting is not difficult, but
midway, either. You will be re- will disappear somewhere along it involves a lot of steps and can
seem overwhelming at first. Each
of the following procedures is de-
scribed at length later on, but let’s
Model making
An exact model of the intended
piece is made, usually in wax.
Wax rods are attached to the model
to create passageways that will lead
metal into the mold cavity.
The sprued model is secured on a
rubber base that positions it in the
flask, a short stainless steel tube,.
After the flask pressed onto the
Burnout sprues are then cut away, the cast- to melt locally and flow together.
After hours drying, the
several ing is cleaned up with files and An electric pen with a heat control
mold is heated to a high tempera- sandpaper, and the final steps are is also useful for working soft wax,
ture. The mold is cured (hardened) taken to complete the piece. but not necessary unless you in-
and the wax model burns away, tend to make wax modeling a large
leaving the cavity and sprue chan- part of your work.
Waxes and Model Making
nels (jpen. Model making is the most cre-
Any kind of wax can be used to ative part of casting, and the ele-
Throwing make models, but most people pre- ment that deserves your highest at-
The hot mold is mounted into a fer to use the highly refined, color- tention. Other steps must be done
spring-driven machine, where a ce- enhanced materials made specifi- light, but this must be done well.
ramic crucible is used to contain cally for this purpose. These fall Failure to master the technical as-
the metal for casting. The metal is into two families; soft and hard, or pects described below may result
melted with a torch, the mecha- modeling and cnru?>ig. The former is in a spoiled casting and great disap-
nism is tripped, and the casting sold in sheet and wire, like metal, pointment, but with care you can
machine whirls forcefully, slinging while carving waxes are sold in hol- correct technical mistakes. 1 lowev-
the molten metal into the mold. low cylinders and solid blocks. cr, even masterful casting of a
Tools for wax working include mediocre model will yield only a
Quench coarse, open-toothed files and burs mediocre object.
After a few minutes of cooling for hard wax, and delicate needles On the bright side, wax is cheap
down, the flask and mold arc and dental tools for modeling wax. and fun to play with, so make a lot
plunged into a bucket of water, in The latter tools are heated in the of models, free from the notion
which the hot investment breaks flame of a small alcohol lamp, and, that they must all be cast. Learn to
apart and frees the casting. The when touched to the wax, cause it manipulate the wax, pay attention
Darrien S. Segal, Mangrove Series flower pendants. Sterling. 1 x 7/e", Photo by Mark Johnston.
2 Use coarse files to rough out a form, then 3 Mount the model onto
ring a rubber
refine it with fine files and sandpaper. sprue base.
to its unique possibilities, and save
the best examples for later. In the
meantime, use your experiments
to test your skills at spruing, in-
vesting and casting, so when the
time is riglit, you’ll be confident of
vour abilities.
it's also worth noting that there
point of entry. Keep the sprue both the piece and the base. To
walls smooth, so the mcnal is not achieve this, warm a needle, point
• Attach sprues to the thickest section stirred up as it enters but, rather, it at the junction area, and touch a
of the casting. flows as efficiently as possible. piece of wax to the needle about a
• Keep sprues as short as possible. Sprues can be made of any kind half inch from its tip. The wax will
• Attach sprues where they will be of wax, but I recommend using the melt onto the needle, forming a
easiest to remove. soft wax made just for this purpose. droplet that will slide to the end of
• Use a sprue for each major section It's called, guess what, sjjriie wax, the too! and drop onto the sprue.
of a piece. and comes in round rods of several
Sterling 10.4
powder contains plaster and sili- metal will fill both the model and
con, which are harmful to the the sphenical bubble spaces, creat-
• The models must have a quarter-
lungs. Work with adequate ventila- ing "warts" on the surface of the
inch clearance from each other, and
tion, minimize dust, and wear an casting. Of course, a few of these
a half-inch clearance from the sides
and top of the flask. appropriate respirator. Lung dam- on an exposed area can he removed
• The sprues should all attach on the age doesn't necessarily show up easily, but imagine a thousand nes-
the first day vou fail to observe tled into every cranny of your labo-
upper half of the sprue base dome. a-’ i^'
safety rules, but ignoring these riously carved design! You can see
J. Fred Woell, Great Moments on the Prairie brooch. Brass, steel, cast sterling. 2 1/4 x 23/4".
vvh\/ it'simportant to got the bub- Once the mixture is creamv— Remove the jar and pour the in-
bles out of tho investment. to 4 minutes should have elapsed vestment into the flask. As you do
One way to do this is to tap the since the start of the process— set this, hold on to the base and pour
sides of the rubber bowl to vibrate the bowl on a rubber pad and cover the investment down the side of
the bubbles to the surface. A better it with the bell Jar. Start the pump the flask to avoid having its weight
way is to tise a vacuum pump to lit- and direct the action to the jar, fall tlirectly onto the model. Fill the
erally pull airfrom within the mix. pressing down on needed to
it if flask to within a half inch of the
This machine works in conjunction make a seal. In about a minute top, set itonto the rubber pad and
with a bell jar and creates a vacu- you'll see the investment swell up cover it with the bell jar. Repeat the
um by sucking air from within the and froth as air is pulled out. Con- vacuuming process as before to re-
enclosed space. If the bowl of in- tinue until the frothing starts to move any last bubbles. At the end
vestment is within that space, air spit dropletsof investment on the of this process the time elapsed
trapped in the investment is pulled inside of the bell jar— about a since the powder touched the
out as well. minutet and a half water should be about 9 minutes.
Kimberly Navratil-Pope, Grand Illusion Series three brooches. Sterling, bronze, copper, paper, plexiglass, fabric. 2 x 2". Photo by Rick Pope.
This is just what you want, hace Burnout hands— later it will be very hot. Set
yourself so the entire investing the flask temporarily into the cast-
process takes between 9 and 10 Purposes of Burnout ing machine, using a metal strip
minutes. If you go too fast, the in- called a cradle, if necessary, to lift
• Cure the investment. mouth of the flask into align-
vestment will separate before it the
• Remove the wax model. ment with the crucible spout. Most
hardens; too slow and the invest-
• Heat the mold in preparation for
ment will set up before you are casting machines have a mecha-
ready. nism to balance the arm; this does
When the investing process is not need to be set precisely, but
complete, set the flask aside for The ideal drying time for a flask is move the weight outward from the
half an hour to harden. This is the overnight, but anything from 2 to center for a large flask and inward
start of the curing process, and in- 24 hours is acceptable. If the flask for a small one.
volves an exothermic (beat-creat- is not allowed to dry thoroughly,
During burnout, the flask must
ing) reaction, so you’ll notice the moisture trapped in the invest- reach a temperature of 1250°F
flask getting w’arm. ment will turn to steam in the kiln, (67()°C) to completely evacuate the
The rubber base can be pulled which will break open the mold as mold. This can be done in a small
off as soon as the investment be- it expands. If a flask waits several kiln and should take about two
comes hard, but a full 2 hours is days between investing and cast- hours. Set the flask, opening down,
recommended before beginning ing, it can become so dry that the onto a wire mesh or propped up on
the burnout process. Because all investment is slightly weakened. a bit of brick to allow a space for
filled flasks look the same, mark To avoid this, wrap the piece lightly the melting w^ax to exit.
the flask with relevant informa- in plastic, or hold the dried flask Thru on the kiln and allow it to
tion: name,
metal to be cast, under water for a few seconds to heat up, going slowh? for the first
amount needed, etc. Use chalk to renew it before putting it in the half hour or so while the wax melts
write on the side of the flask or kiln. away. [>uring this phase you’ll no-
scratch the information into the Tiake a moment to plan ahead tice a strong odor and some smoke
top of the mold as soon as it is hard for the next step while it's still pos- in the room; both should be vented
enough. sible to hold the flask in your outdoors. If vou don't have a so-
;•» : fV;
Nancy Moyer, Endowment
Series brooch. Sterling,
amethyst ZV2 x 3".
phisticated ventilation S3^stem, set Throwing the Casting more time to be sure it's fluid, then
a small fan on one side of the room simultaneously'' lift the torch and
and open a windcjw on the other. Wind the arm of the casting ma- release the arm. The machine uflll
Happily, the wax-burning stage is chine three complete turns and spin forcefully, casting the metal
soon over lock it In place with its holding pin. into the mold with sufficient force
Continue to heat the tlask to Wear gloves and use tongs to move t(j inject it into every detail. Turn
1250°F. Some kilns are outfitted the flask directly into the prepared off the torch and allow the casting
with a pyrometer or temperature machine. The flask should he be- machine to come to a natural stop;
dial, but you can also gauge the tween 800-1 000°F (425-540°C) for this may take a couple of minutes.
temperature with potters' pyromet- casting most metals; the time it out with tongs and
Lift the flask
ric cones. If you don't have any of takes to work efficiently'' toward the examine the button, the lump of
these devices, check the flask next step seems to allow just the extra metal that should now fill the
every half hour; you'll be looking right amount of cooling. hemispherical cavity that was the
for the time when the sooty deposit Set your metal into the crucible mouth of the mold. If there’s noth-
around the mouth of the flask and heat it with a strong reducing ing there, check the crucible to be
burns away, either disappearing (fuel-rich) flame— one that looks sure the metal didn't get stuck; it's
completely or leaving only a pale bushy^ and red-orange. Add a pinch rare, but it happens. If there is no
stain. At that point, you can turn of flux to the metal midways button and no metal in the cru-
off the kilnand begin the final (and through the melt. When the molten cible, check to sec if the metal
in some ways most dramatic) stage mass and quiver, get a
starts to spin crashed through the mold and
of the process. firm grip on the end of the casting came out the back side; again, rare
arm and pull it slightly to release but possible. What you'll probably
the holding mechanism. Continue find is a comfortably' large button
to heat the metal, check it one that half-way fills the hemispheri-
Observation: Partial casting
Other Models
Any material that burns out com-
pletely can be used to make mod-
els. In our plastic-infused culture,
this opens the door to all sorts of
delightful possibilities. As you can
see from the examples shown
throughout this book, plastic model
J. Fred Woell, Home on the Range belt buckle. Sterling, arrowhead. 2 Va x 2V2". parts, containers and industrial
components can all become jewel-
ry when manipulated by a creative
cal gate,perhaps colored by a little Of course, you’ll want
exam-to mind. And that's the trick: to en-
glassy green flux, which is last to ine the casting to see how you did, hance the symbolism and whimsy
slide out of the crucible. so take a minute to be analytical. through reuse, rather than to sim-
Hold the flask firmly in tongs One advantage of casting is its ply appropriate someone else's
and quench it in a bucket of water, technical nature: Nothing happens skill at carving.
which will cause a dramatic, sput- without a reason, and if you know Another fine model material is
tering cloud of steam to arise. This the reason, you can fix the mistake. Styrofoam, particularly the dense
steam is laced with silicon, and is variety made for You
probably the most dangerous vapor Observation; "Warts" can also roll out a slab of clay and
in the studio, so wear a respirator solution:
press shapes into it, then brush the
and even then, stand back. The hot indented form with wax melted in
• Work harder to remove bubbles
investment will crack away from a double boiler, filastic or pre-made
from the investment.
the mold and the casting, partially wax objects can also be embedded
• Mix the investment thicker.
revealing your work. Use a butter here; the various colors and shapes
knife and toothbrush to clean the will all blend in the casting
Observation: "Welts" or "trails"
flask and the casting, allowing the process. Burning Styrofoam and
solution: plastic create noxious fumes, so ef-
spent investment to fall back into
the bucket. To dispose of used in- • These are caused by water sepa- fective ventilation is critical.
vestment, pour off the extra water, rating from the mix before it
allow the sludge to dry for a day or hardens; slow down so you use
so, and throw it out as solid waste. the whole 9 minutes to invest.
For most people, the pleasure of small is through hammering or of 18-karat gold, 18 of the 24 parts
making jewelry comes from time rolling. Do this enough and a sam- are gold, with the balance being
spent workbench, actively driv-
at a ple of metal will eventually break, something of lesser value. If you
ing tools to cut, bend and assemble as the grain boundaries become too write this as a fraction, 1 ^/ 24 ,
a piece, A fundamental under- small to hold the piece intact. This reduce it, you'll see that 18-karat
standing of the material you'll be process is called work hardening. Its gold is three-fourths gold and one-
using— metal— will increase that opposite, annealing, uses heat to re- fourth something else. Generally
pleasure, as well as your rate of crvstallize
the internal structure, ^
speaking, alloys of 18K and purer
success as a jew'eler. building large grains from small are called high-karat golds.
ones. All of this goes on at a micro- The additive ingredients in al-
scopic level. Annealing tempera- loys are used to affect the color,
tures vary with each metal and al- strength, ductility and value of the
loy,but as a rule of thumb they are resulting alloy. In the; case of yel-
Metals are made of crystals that about two-thirds the melting tem- low gold, equal parts of silver and
arrange themselves in a regular perature of a pure metal. Anneal- copper are added. Rose gold (also
pattern called a lattice. This has a ing can be done as often as neces- called pink gold) is made by in-
lot to do with the physical proper- sary. creasing the proportion of copper,
ties of a metal. Metals with the and green gold is made by increas-
same crystal lattice vvdll probably ing the percentage of silver. Note
have similar density, malleability, that in all colors the proportion of
Metals and Alloys
conductivity, and so on. gold remains the same.
Ciystals, also called grains, are This is a huge topic, even taken The most popular gold alloy for
clusters of molecules gathered into quickly, so we'll confine ourselves jewelry in the United States is 14
units whose structure determines to a discussionof the metals used karat, which is also written as .585,
the ability of metal to bend, con- by beginning jewelry makers: cop- or 58.5 percent gold. The balance
duct heat and retlect light. All of per, brass, silver and gold. Three of can be anything, but it is usually
these attributes are important to these are pure metals, while one, some combination of silver and
jewelers. When grains are small, a brass, is a mixture, or alloy, of two copper, except in the case of white
sample will be harder to bend, metals. Pure metals, also called gold, where platinum, palladium
more likely to break, tougher, and a fine, are often too soft for wearable and nickel are used to change the
better conductor of electricity. jewelry, so they are alloyed as well. color.
Large crystals make a metal more Pure silver is occasionally used
responsive to patinas and more in jewelry components, particular-
Precious Metals
malleable, except when the grains ly when malleability is an asset.
are very large, which causes the Fine gold is given the arbitrary des- This is the case with bezels, which
metal become tough again.
to ignation “24," so we cansay that of need to be safely pressed down
The usual way grains become 24 parts, all 24 are gold. In the case against a gem. For most applica-
tions, however, Fine silver is too
soft, so a small amount of copper is
added for strength. Hundreds of
years ago, it was determined that
the addition of 7 1/2 percent copper
created a metal strong enough to
stand up to use while retaining the
warm shine of silver. This alloy
came to be called sterlii'tg, and it is
Base Metals
Copper is used in jewelry for its
color, which is orange when pol-
ished, brown with normal wear,
and green or blue after exposure to
certain atmospheres. It is inexpen-
sive, malleable, resilient and attrac-
tive, but one shortcoming is the
alloyed with the low-melting gray more malleable. An alloy of about lar to yellow brass in cost, mal-
metal called zinc, copper pulls a 88 percent copper called NuGold is leability, and the way it solders.
magician's trick to yield a metal — widely used in jewelry making, as So is that it for alloys? Is that all
brass— that is vellow and has a are other low-zinc brasses. you need to know? Well, not exact-
higher melting point than either of Nickel silver, also called Ger- ly. The photo captions throughout
its constituents. man deserves mention not
silver, this book refer to higher karats of
Bv definition, brass is a mixture only because it is useful in jewelrj^, gold, to bronze and to
steel, to
of copper and zinc, but the propor- but because its name is so mislead- Japanese alloys (which typically
tions can vary and will yield a wide ing. It contains no silver, and does are copper-based). These alloys oh
range of results. The most common not come from Germany. It is an fer a fascinating wealth of opportu-
mix, called yellow brass, or CDA alloy of copper, zinc and the ele- nity for jewelers, and you will be-
260, 30 percent zinc and 70 per-
is ment nickel. To see what it looks gin to use them as your metal-
cent copper. As the proportion of like, search your pocket change for smithing skills develop.
copper increases, the color be- a 5G piece. 1 prefer to call this alloy
comes more golden and the metal "white brass" because it is so simi-
Appendix B
Common Sense
More than any device, more than
any instruction, more than any ex-
pensive system, the best tool for
long and safe studio work is al-
ready within you: your common
sense. Tb refresh your memory,
here are a few things you probabl}'
already know, but may need to be
reminded of:
21/4 X 2 V4 ".
Photo by
Ceorge Post.
Anticipate the results of every A respirator is fitted with dis- several pairs. If you forget to take
action. Whathappcms if the drill posable cartridges that actively yours with you when you go from
bit breaks? The hammer head catch specific particles or fumes. one part of the studio to another,
loosens? The buffing machine These are much better than paper buy a 6-pack and leave them
snags? Plan ahead to prevent dust masks, but only as good as around the studio so they are al-
problems before they occur. vour maintenance allows them to ways within reach. I recommend a
be. Keep cartridges sealed when fully enclosed design that fits snug-
not in use; they are always activat- ly. It your eyes
will best protect
ed and can fill up simply sitting from debris coming in from the
open on Use the correct
a shelf. side.
There is between a
a difference cartridge for the dust or vapor to
dust mask and a retspirator. The which you are exposed, and re-
first blocks air from coming into place the cartridges when they are Food and Drink
the body, like holding a handker- depleted.
chief over your mouth. It's better A proper respirator costs around Eat,drink and be merry, but not in
than no protection, but inhibits $25; you muist have one. the studio. Airborne particles and
breathing and onl^'^ catches rela- fumes will fall into snacks and cups
tively large particles. The fibrous on the bench and then be ingested.
paper masks available from hard- Goggles Dust that gathers on your hands
ware stores have the second disad- will come off on your sandwich or
vantage of making only a loose fit, These are available in so many cigarette, and from there it's a
which allows contaminated air in styles and prices that there is sim- quick trip into your mouth.
around the edges.
o ply no reason not to own a pair— or
Special Cases
The fumes of borax-based flux
make some people dizz3c
At one time, solders contained a
harmful metal called cadmium.
Accordingly, you should avoid
using low-melting solders un-
less yo u k n o w t h e. y we re re c e n t-
ly manufactured.
Alan Burton Thompson, Shadow Box brooch. Sterling, brass, copper, Bakeiite, gold leaf, paper.
43/4 X 21/4".
Appendix C
Pouring an Ingot
Most jewelers purchase metal 2 Prepare the mold b}^ coating it 5 Heat scrap metal in an open
ready to use, but it's possible to with Vaseline, oil or, as shown, pouring crucible, a ladle made
make your own sh(;et and wire as soot from a candle or acetylene of high-fire ceramic. Before the.
shown here. Besides the pleasure torch. This will create a reduc- first use of this tool, heat it to
and convenience of the process, it's ing (oxygen-free) atmosphere in- red and sprinkle in powdered
useful to know how to recycle side the mold. borax to coat the chamber. Use a
scraps. 3 Cinch the mold with a C-clamp pinch of borax with each melt,,
and set it in a container that will also, to protect the metal from
Ingot molds are available com- safely catch spills, such as a oxidation.
mercially and can also be im- cast-iron skillet. 6 As the metal becomes fluid,
provised from sheets of steel 4 Warm the mold with a
ingot swirl the crucible to ensure that
and bent steel rod. Either wav, large torch until it is hot enough there are no solid areas in the
molds should be massive to hold to feel uncomfortable when you melt. Tilt the ladle so the
heat. hold your hand a couple of inch- molten mass is poised on the
es above the mold. lip, just above the mold. Pour
1 Coat the ingot mold with soot; this will 2 Melt metal in a pouring crucible, adding 3 Warm the mold and pour the molten
create a reducing (purifying) environment. borax at least once as the metal is heated. mass into it with a smooth, even gesture.
(Continued on page 126.)
through the flame with a steady
motion. Don't toss the metal,
and don't dribble it.
Brent Williams, pin. 7 The mold ean be opened almost
Sterling, postage iminediatel}^ but it will still be
stamp. 1 X 1 Vj.
very hot, so use tools to un-
screw the clamp and retrieve
the ingot. If the pour was inter-
rupted, or you missed the cru-
4 The finished ingot. 5 Pouring into a wire mold. 6 Finished wire ingots. These can be rolled
or forged to make wire.
Appendix D
Tool Making:
Hardening & 'Tfempering Steel
Follow these instructions to make To anneal (or "unharden") old 2 Cut a length of steel that feels
custom tools— such as the stamp tools, heat the steel to a bright comfortable in your hand, usu-
shown below— that will last tor red and allow it to cool as slow- ally between 3" and 5". File both
many years. Use tool steel, a spe- ly as possible. This can be ac- ends to make them flat and per-
cific allo\f that contains from 1/2 to complished by burying the steel pendicular to the shank.
IV2 percent carbon. This can he in a bucke t of sand or ashes, or 3 File a taper on the working end
purchased from suppliers (ask for by covering it with a firebrick. to allow easy viewing of the
01 or 107.5 oil-hardening steel), or When using newly purchased stamp as it addresses the metal.
recycled from old tools. steel, this step is not necessary. The angle of the taper will obvi-
1 Square off both ends of a 4'" piece of tool 2 Create the intended shape in the end of 3-4 Refine the shape. The mark can be
steel rod. the rod with a saw and files. tested by pressing the tool into clay.
5-6 Heat the lower half of the tool to a 7-8 Sand off the black oxide and heat the
bright red ... and quench it in oil. steel to a straw yellow color. Quench it
— Divide by 5. —Multiply by 5.
—Add 32. —Divide by 9.
mm inch B&S fine silver Sterling fine gold lOK 14K 18K platinum
mm inch B&S fine silver sterling fine gold 10K 14K 18K platinum
* DWTS. = pennyweights
Like any other trade, jewelry makir^g Box catch. A type of closure in Chasing. A technique in which
has its own vocabulary— one rich which a springy "tongue" snaps steel tools (punches) are used to
with tradition and meariing. Here are into place in a snugly fitting box to decorate and/or texture a surface.
some of the words that have special secure a necklace or bracelet.
meaning in metalsmithing, along Copper. A popular and versatile
with brief, non-technical definitions. Brass. An alloy of copper and zinc. metal. Copper is knowm for its mal-
Brass is yellow in color, and though leability, low cost and wide range
Abrasives. Coarse particles of nat- harder than either of its con- of patinas.
ural sands and synthetic materials stituents, it is appropriately mal-
used to scrape away irregularities leable for jewelry making. Cradle hinge. A
hinge in which
on a surface. The most common the individual knuckles are con-
form is sandpaper, properly called Brazing. High-temperature solder- tained in a trough, or cradle.
coated stock. ing that yields a particularly strong
joint. Cross pecn hammer. Any wedge-
Aluminum, A light-weight, silver- shaped hammer face. These are
colored metal used extensively in Bronze. Traditionally, an alloy of used to push the metal in con-
commercial applications, but sel- copper and tin widely used in cast- trolled directions when forging, riv-
dom in jewelry making. Aluminum ing. The term is often applied to eting, raising, and setting stones.
can be welded only with special brown-colored brasses.
equipment. In a process called an- Crown setting. A symmetrical
odizing, aluminum is given a tough Brooch. A pin in which the stem is prong setting that looks like a
porous coating that can be colored completely hidden when the object miniature crown.
with dyes. is being worn. See Fibula.
Cuttlefish. A marine animal
Annealing. The process of render- Burn out. The stage in the casting whose porous white skeleton is
ing metal more malleable by heat- process when heat is used to cure used as a mold in one kind of direct
ing it to a specific temperature. the mold and remove the model. casting.
Basket setting. Any stone setting Burnisher. A polished steel or Dapping block. A steel tool— typi-
characterized by an open grillwork stone tool used to polish metal. cally a cube— into which have been
around the lower part of the stone. cut various sizes of round hemi-
Buffing. The final stage of creating spherical depressions. It is used to
Bench pin. A wooden extension of a high polish, in which fine abra- form domes. The steel rods with
a jeweler’s bench against which fil- sives are rubbed against metal to matching domes on the ends are
ing, sawing and forming are done. smooth away minor surface irregu- called dapping punches.
larities. Buffing can be done with
Bezel. A wall of metal that sur- hand tools or machines, Depletion gilding. The process of
rounds a gemstone and secures it establishing a layer of pure metal
in place. Carat. A
unit of weight, originally on a piece by leaching out the base
determined by a carob seed, used metal components of the alloy. In
Bezel pusher. A short piece of in measuring gemstones. A carat the case of sterling, for example,
brass or steel set into a bulbous contains 100 points. Not to be con- acid (pickle) is used to remove the
handle and used to press a bezel fused with "karat.” copper from the alloy, creating a
down onto a gemstone. thin “skin” of fine (pure) silver.
Chamfer. A beveled edge.
Urawplate. A tool or iiardened
steel used to reduce wire in size,
Drawplates consist of a series of
funnel-shaped holes of diminishing Jenepfier
size, and can be purchased in many Burton,
shapes, such as round, half-round, Loving
square, and triangular. Spoonful No. 5
18K, sterling,
Fibula. An ornamental and func-
tional pin in which the mechanical
2V4 X 3".
elements (pinstem and catch) are
Photo by Robert
integral to the design. This ancient
format was the progenitor of the
common safety pin.
red heat. A more scientific description, gain- Model making. The process of
ing in popularity and standard in creating exact replicas of designs,
Fusing. The technique of joining Europe, refers to parts per thou- typically in wax, for reproduction.
metals by melting them together. sand, for example, .585.
Needle files. A large family of nar- Respirator. A safety device that Sling casting. A low-tech method
row files ranging from about 3" to filters air before it is inhaled by of developing the centrifugal force
7" long. passing it thi'ough a chemically ac- needed to create precise castings in
tive cartridge. some metals.
Nickel silver, A
tough, corrosion-
resistant alloy of copper, zinc and Reticulation. A beat-based pro- Solder. An alloy of specific melting
nickel, formerly called “German cess that uses a discrepancy of point and surface tension used to
silver.” shrinkage rates to create a rich, join metals.
somewhat random, texture.
Patina. A colored coating on met- Sprues. The passageways that al-
al. Patinas can happen naturally Riftlers. Small files with teeth low molten metal to enter a mold
(as with green copper roofing) or only on the very tip, often with cavity during casting.
through careful application of . curved, unusual shapes that make
chemicals. them useful for tight corners. Also Stakes. Rigid forms, of
called escapement files. steel, against which metal is ham-
Pickle An acidic solution used to mered to create volumetric shapes
clean metal. Rivets. Mechanical connectors in a process called raising.
that join elements without the use
Piercing. Work done with a jewel- of heat. Stiimping. The technique of im-
er’s saw, particularly when cutting pressing shapes and textures
within a shape. Roll printing. A technique in through hardened tools called
which a rolling mill is used to im- punches.
Pitch. A slightly yielding sub- print textures and patterns under
stance used to support metal dur- great pressure. Steel. An alloy of iron and carbon.
ing repousse.
Rolling mill. A piece of equip- Tcibs. A cold connection in which
Planishing. The process of ment consisting of two parallel, fingers or strips of metal are bent
smoothing metal with polished hardened steel cylinders mounted over an element to secure it in
hammers. in a sturdy frame. place.
Prong settings. Stone mountings Rubber molds. These reusable Thrumming. The use of strings
in which “fingers” of metal secure molds are used to produce multiple and thongs coated with polishing
the gems. wax models for production lost wax compound to polish hard-to-reach
casting. areas.
Punches. Hardened steel tools
used to decorate, texture and form Sand casting. An ancient and still Upset. To pound metal down upon
metal. Punches are roughly the widely used casting method in itself as, for instance, when making
size of short pencils, and can be which moistened sand is packed rivets.
purchased or made in the studio. against a model to make a mold.
Vertigris, A poisonous green com-
Raising. Forcing metal into volu- Scoring. Removing metal to create pound of copper carbonate. Verti-
metric forms through the use of a groove along which metal is bent. gris is a popular patina on copper
hammers and stakes. and brass.
Silver. An clement known for its
Reactive metals. A family of light- purity, malleability and bright Work hardening. The characteris-
weight metals used in jewelry be- shine. Because pure silver is rela- ticof metals that causes them to
cause of their ability to take and re- tively soft, usuallv alloyed with
it is toughen through force such as
tain oxidation colors through con- a small amount of copper to make hammering, stretching, drawing,
trolled electric current. sterling. bending, rolling and compressing.
Comprehensive Suppliers
Allcraft Jewelry vSupply
666 Pacific Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
(800) 645-7124
(212) 840-1860
^V'illianlDixon Company
750 Washington Avenue
Carlstadt, NJ 07072
(800) 847-4188
(201 )
Brent Williams, cuff bracelet. Sterling, cast and manipulated model part.
(201 )
939-50B7 fax
Photo by Rod
rd like to thank all the talented designers who have allowed us to include
their work here. Bravo, and continued good wishes to each of them. I’d also
like to thank Frank Lewis and the staff of Metalsmith magazine, who gen-
erously opened their photo archives to me. Robert Diamante deserves
thanks not only for his rich photographs, but for the genial and gracious
support he has contributed throughout. I’d also like to thank Katie Kazan at
Hand Books Press, whose precision editing is matched only by her unflap-
pable good humor.