Elkin Macea Aguirre.: Jaber Alejandro Naranjo Paniagua
Elkin Macea Aguirre.: Jaber Alejandro Naranjo Paniagua
Elkin Macea Aguirre.: Jaber Alejandro Naranjo Paniagua
Actividad de aprendizaje 19
Supply chain: Network of facilities and distribution options that performs the
function of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into
intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products
to customers.
2. In the previous text, there are 29 underlined words; take them out in a list
and classify them according to their syllable stress using the next chart. Add
as many rows as necessary.
Stress on the Stress on the last Stress on the Stress on the ante-
first syllable syllable penultimate syllable penultimate syllable
management supply customers consumption
products performs consumers purchased
flow customs inventory re-engineering
goods, material professional
storage warehousing departments
duties manufactures
taxes logistician
ensure include
To implement a plan that will successfully optimize your logistics operations, consider
strategies that minimize costs, fully utilize production capacity, and improve the overall
quality of customer experience.
Optimize transportation. The rising cost of transportation accounts for increased prices
in virtually every industry. To reduce transportation costs, companies should examine
every factor that might increase or decrease expenses.
1. This starts with the design of products and packaging for optimal size and weight.
2. Proper load and delivery route planning ensures trucks are always carrying full
3. Finally, identify and utilize the most cost-effective packaging and shipping
methods for products.
Encourage feedback. The success of a company depends on input from all of its
employees or teams, regardless of their role in the logistics process. Carefully consider
feedback and suggestions from staff concerning practices that could further improve
logistics efficiency.
While logistics management is a complex process, utilizing the above strategies can
help you make the most of all warehousing, staffing, transportation, and communication
resources. The improvement of logistics planning will inevitably lead to higher
productivity, happier customers, and a more profitable company. (Diversified Distribution
Services Inc. 2016)
4. Download, from the complementary material file, the article: How to
Compare Six Sig, Lean and the Theory of Constraints. Then, read it very
carefully. After that, prepare a PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation following the
next outline:
a. Six Sigm
i. Theory
ii. Aplication guidelines
iii. Focus
b. Lean thinking
i. Theory
ii. Aplication guidelines
iii. Focus
c. Theory of constraints
i. Theory
ii. Aplication guidelines
iii. Focus
d. Similarities and differences between the improvement programs.
e. Obstacles to the improvement methodologies