9 Circles of Hell
9 Circles of Hell
9 Circles of Hell
Here in our poster we can see in general what hell looks like.
In second circle, Lust, there are people who punished by being blown
violently back and forth by strong winds, preventing them from finding
peace and rest. That symbolizes the restlessness of a person who is led by
the desire for fleshly pleasure or those who were overcome by lust.
In third circle, Gluttony, souls of people who eats too much or the
gluttons are overlooked by a worm-monster Cerberus. They are punished
by being forced to lie in a vile slush that is produced by never-ending icy
rain. The vile slush symbolizes personal degradation of one who
overindulges in food, drink, and other worldly pleasures, while the
inability to see others lying nearby represents the gluttons’ selfishness
and coldness.
In fourth circle, Greed, there are souls who are punished for greed. Two
groups--- those who hoarded possessions and those who lavishly spent it-
jousting. They use great weights as a weapon, pushing it with their chests
which symbolizes their selfish drive for fortune during their lifetime.
In fifth circle,Anger, this is where the wrathful and sullen are punished
for their sins. The punishment reflects the type of the sin committed
during their lifetime.
In sixth circle, Heresy, there are heretics who are condemned to eternity
in flaming tombs. Sinners are trapped in burning tombs, and they suffer
“horrible pain”.
In eight circle, Fraud, there are this creature called Geryon, a flying
monster with different natures just like the fraudulent.
+ Panderers, seducer + flatterers + guilty of simony + sorcerers ad false
prophets + housed corrupt politicians + hpocrites + thieves + evil
counselors + divisive individuals + various falsifiers such as alchemists,
perjurers and counterfeits.