Kita Bisa!
Kita Bisa!
Kita Bisa!
1.1 Background
At present, hotel business existance developing rapidly in Indonesia,
especially in the province that has tourism destination. The business for
providing product of guest needed follow with a good service attract an
attention by tourist or visitor. In all hotel, offering the best service and
give value added in their product with inexpensive price is one of the
effort to attract customers for choosing to stay in their hotel.
Hotel obtained income in average of 45% by total room selling.
Without losing the focus to selling their room, selling the product of food
& beverage outlet by hotel management is needed to increase their
The average occupancy hotel usually around 60-70% per year,
according to economic condition, politic and safety in hotel area. Hotel
management need to push the selling of 40-30% unoccupied room to
avoid loss. In this situation, the role of marketing is important to attempt
their room selling, not only maintain the 60-70% average occupancy, but
also manage to selling their room in low season.
With varieties of offers such as: special package, weekend rate and
holiday package. Also by offering and selling their banquette service and
facilities for meeting, incentive, convention and exhibition (MICE). In
addition, banquette service is the second biggest income for the hotel.
Selling the room, facilities and product of food & beverage are the
major activity and income for the hotel, also the most important factor of
the marketing activities in the hotel.
Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying,
anticipating and satisfying customers’ requirement profitability.
Marketing is aimed at creating long-term relationships with consumers.
The premise is that satisfied customers will keep returning to use the
hotel’s offerings and will provide positive feedback to other people.
According to the AMA (in Belch & Belch, 2007:8), marketing is a
function in the organisation and a system aimed at developing,
communicating and providing value to consumers. It should be focused on
managing customer relations in ways that will be beneficial to the
organisation and to its stakeholders. Stakeholders include employees,
distribution channel members, customers, the media, government and
several special-interest groups (Clow & Baack, 2010:381). Various
promotional tools are at the disposal of the marketer to reach the targeted
Marketing promotion will be discussed more because marketing
promotion is an important element of marketing mix that has a role to
communicate goods and services to the target market. Marketers must
work hard to communicate the positioning of products and services to the
target market.
Hotel sample that used for our group to do analysis is “Grand Tjokro
Hotel Bandung”.
3. How to influence the customer for choosing Grand Tjokro Hotel
Bandung for the best place to stay?
4. Does public relation maintain and create a good impression of Grand
Tjokro Hotel Bandung?
5. What makes Grand Tjokro Bandung different from the hotel’s
6. Who is the market segmentation or the target of the promotion in
Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung?
7. How to do personal selling in Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung?
1.3 Purpose
1. To know the role, job description, responsibility dan activity of
marketing in Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung that cause this departemen
is important to gain the income of hotel.
2. To know the kind of promotion that most affective to attract guest by
the facilities and service that will be given.
3. To know the reason Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung being chosen by
customer for the place to stay.
4. To know the role and activity of public relation that could maintain
and create a good impression of Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung.
5. To know the most attractive service, facilities and promotion from
Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung and it’s differences from the hotel’s
6. To know the target of marketing or market segmentation in Grand
Tjokro Hotel Bandung.
7. To know the role and activity of personal selling and how it could
attract the customers.
Marketing is aimed at creating long-term relationships with consumers.
The premise is that satisfied customers will keep returning to use the
hotel’s offerings and will provide positive feedback to other people.
Marketing communication attempts to provide information to the
consumer about the organization products and service offerings. The
various methods of communicating with the consumer need to be in
agreement to deliver a holistic and effective message that will satisfy both
organizational and consumer needs.
The objective of the message is to persuade the audience to purchase
the product or service. Therefore, the consumer needs to be receptive to
the message and to be able to interpret it in such a way that the intent to
purchase is established (Koekemoer, 2004a:135).
Marketing of hotel services cannot be discussed without mentioning
market positioning. According to Kotler “positioning is the act of
designing the company’s offerings and image to occupy a distinctive place
in the mind of the target market”. The rationale of positioning hotel
services is to create a brand in the minds of the customers so that the
company can maximize the benefit it’s derived from the customers.
Positioning a product in the mind of the customers also helps the hotel in
differentiating its product and services from that of its competitors. Much
of the emphasis of position is based on what the guest will receive or
benefit by lodging in the hotel or using its services.
mix includes the four P’s of marketing (product, price, place, promotion).
Three additional P’s (people, physical evidence, process) were later added
to the initial 4 P’s to form the extended marketing P’s. The researcher will
stick to the 4P’s of marketing because they were the ones that are widely
used and accepted by marketing professionals.
2.2.1 Product
A product is a bundle of need-satisfying features that is
exchanged, generally for a monetary price. It encompasses
both the tangible aspects, such as the packaging, quality and
brand, as well as the intangible attributes. The intangible
features include the product style, image and the reputation of
the manufacturer (Connett, 2004:7; Lamb, Hair, McDaniel,
Boshoff & Terblanche, 2008:206). In the hotel industry, the
product includes the physical attributes of the room offer to
guests as well as the other auxiliary services. The hotel
products are so unique and differ from commodities products
in the sense that there is no transfer of ownership of the actual
product (room) to the guest. Rather, the product is consumed or
rented in the location of the hotel. Hotel management need to
pay attention to top formulation because the success of the
hotel as well as its marketing largely depends on a product that
suits the changing needs of the guests. Studying the existing
market conditions will help the hotel management in product
development. It is needless to say that the hotel management
needs to be aware of the changes in lifestyle in society so that
they can innovate or upgrade their services in time.
The packaging and labelling of the product also serve as
marketing communication tools. Packaging has transcended
the traditional functions of protection and convenient storage to
providing the marketer with an additional avenue to
communicate brand advantages and differentiate the product
from competing substitutes. Lamb et al. (2008:226) distinguish
between persuasive and informative labelling. Persuasive
labelling contains a promotional focus, whereas informative
labelling aims to provide ways of use or nutritional information
to aid in the product choice. The brand of the product is clearly
marked on the packaging. It functions as a differentiation tool
and the brand symbol is the signal that distinguishes the
product from those of the competing brands. Branding
identifies products, encourages loyalty and aids new product
introductions. A strong brand has high brand equity, which
means that it has high value (Arens et al., 2011:212).
2.2.2 Price
The price is the actual amount of money that customers
have to pay in order to obtain the product. The price of the
product offering comprises the selling value of the product and
the profitability level of the price. Advertising is the main
vehicle used to inform the target consumer about the price
(Wells et al., 2006:45). The price communicates meaning to
the target market and it can be used as a differentiation tool.
Pricing also has psychological meaning for the consumer, as a
high price is often equated with high quality in the absence of
other information about the product (Connett, 2004:9).
Due to the seasonality and perishability of hotel products, it
is important that a hotel sets the right price for its product to
ensure high occupancy rate. In a situation where the customer
considers the price to be too expensive there is a high tendency
of the customer switching to the product of the competitor or
searching for an alternative accommodation option. At the
same time, if the price is too low, the probability of the hotel
running on losses will definitely increase. The pricing decision
is one of the most difficult decisions to make when it comes to
hotel business. There are different types of pricing systems
which a hotels usually adopts. These range from cost-oriented
pricing to demand-oriented pricing.
When deciding on the best pricing policy to adopt, hotel
administration should know that there are other factors such as
the quality of the product, season of the year, brand name
affecting the perceived value of the hotel product.
2.2.3 Place
In the hotel industry, the place usually refers to the location
of the business as well as the distribution channels used in
marketing the hotel services. The location is an important
factor to consider when setting up a hotel unit, since no actual
product is distributed to the prospective customers and the only
clue is given about the product via communication with the
Furthermore, a well-located hotel is able to pick up passing
demand, making the hotel easily accessible to guests. The
process ensures that the product will reach the target market in
the appropriate place, at the right time and at the right cost
(Connett, 2004:10).
2.2.4 Promotion
Promotion refers to all activities by the company that
communicate the merits of the product and persuade target
customers to buy it. Different promotional strategies, such as
advertising, personal selling and public relations can be used to
ensure that the customer buys the product. (Kotler &
Armstrong 2010, 77; Cooper et al. 2008, 557–605.)
When it comes to promoting hotel business and hospitality
industry generally, advertising is found to be effective in
promotions. However, the advertisement has to be well
planned by ensuring that the right message is being conveyed,
the right channel being used and a suitable place is selected for
the advertisement.
2.3 Promotion
Promotional activities as an element of marketing communication
processes are continuous exchange of information messages and inform
the company with immediate and wider environs. Promotion is the process
of communication between the company and the environment (consumers)
in order to create positive attitudes about products and services that lead to
their favor in the process of buying the market. Promotion refers to the
mix of promotional elements a firm uses to communicate with its current
or potential customers about its products or services.
Communication can be mass and individual, personal and impersonal,
according to which the promotional activity involved in the process of
communicating with certain recipients. We can coclude that promotion
activities is a combination of different activities which the company
interacts with individuals, groups or the public in the form of personal and
impersonal messages to coordinate the mutual interests and needs.
Promotion efforts can be directed to the ultimate consumer, to an
intermediary such as a retailer, a wholesaler or a distributor, or to both.
Promotion is fundamental to the success of your firm because, without
promotion, potential customers won’t know about the existence and
benefits of your product or service.
The element of promotion mix include advertising, public relation,
sales promotion, personal selling and direct marketing. A promotional
plan specifies how much attention to pay to each of the elements in the
promotional mix and what proportion of the budget should be allocated to
each element.
Promotion covers the methods of communication that a marketer uses
to provide information about it’s product. Information can be both verbal
and visual.
identified sponsor. It can be done through print media like
newspaper, magazines, billboards, electronic media like radio,
television, etc
Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller (2012) defined it as “any
paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas,
goods or services from the sponsor evident by the print media
(newspapers and magazines), telecommunications (radio and
television), network communications (telephone, cable, satellite,
wireless), electronic media (audiotape, videotape, videodisk, CD-
ROM, web page), and display media (billboards, signs, posters)”
It is an impersonal form of mass communication, which offers a
high degree of control of those responsible for the preparation and
implementation of promotional messages
Advertising performs multiple functions, the main ones are:
inform, persuade, reminder create additional utility impact on
people's perceptions. As a result of advertising certain products
and brands look more upscale and stylish than competitors.
Advertising adds value to the purchase of expensive and risky
products. It supports other promotional resources and can attract a
large and geographically dispersed market
- from monitoring (verbal and nonverbal) customer reaction -
modifies and adapts to each individual participant.
Personal sales are expressed in a personal presentation of ideas
and products to the client, in which the seller persuades and helps
the buyer decide to purchase. Personal sales represent two-way
communication between seller and buyer in order to effect the
purchase by targeting longterm relationships with retailers and
consumers. Personal selling is rarely used as a single agent for
Personal selling allows modification of the message as per the
client, control over the audience and achieved delivery of
information about consumer behavior and market trends. Personal
sales are oral presentation of goods, services, ideas, in a private
conversation with one or more potential buyers to stimulate them
to buy, and assist them in purchasing. Personal contact can be
expressed in making application or creative sales /demand of
potential customers, need to form a product, product performance,
etc. a direct presentation of the product to the consumers or
prospective buyers. It refers to the use of salespersons to persuade
the buyers to act favourably and buy the product. It is most
effective promotional tool in case of industrial goods.
The main disadvantages are relatively high cost per contact (in
the form of salaries and sales incentives paid to sales
representatives) as well as the variability of the message delivered
by the sales representatives.
are relevant to all activities in the organization and cover all
communications. PR are not focus on the product, they are focused
on the whole company. Their main objectives are to achieve
understanding with the audience and influence public opinion.
There are many different and complementary concepts and
definitions for public relations. PR is a distinctive management
function which helps to establish and maintain a two-tier
communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation
between an organization and its users. summarized as a set of
activities that include any of the following activities and aspects
directly related to the marketing function of the company: special
publications, participation in community activities for fundraising,
sponsorship of special events, lobbies and other public works to
improve the image of the organization. Public relations is the
management function of the company, which contribute to the
formation of favorable conditions for communication,
understanding, acceptance and cooperation between the
organization and its audience.
Public relations (PR) is a management function aimed at
managing the relationships and communication between the
organisation and various public groups to establish common
goodwill and maintain the good reputation of the organisation
(Arens et al., 2011:708; Belch & Belch, 2007:23). The tool used in
public relations is communication, and it is used to reach internal
and external stakeholders in a manner that will enhance the
organisation’s overall marketing strategy.
Public relations have several functions in the IMC mix (Clow &
Baack, 2010:381; Skinner, 2004:403):
o Research to determine the current views or status of
corporate reputation, corporate social responsibility and
programme implementation.
o Planning the problem-solving process in collaboration
with identified role players and stakeholders.
o Organising, writing and editing media releases and other
correspondence, as well as liaising with the media. This
includes developing activities aimed at image-building and
o Producing presentations and corporate advertisements,
among others.
o The management of PR and training of personnel involved
in public appearances.
Public relations also have various activities that enable building
and maintaining the positive reputation of the organisation.
Ouwersloot and Duncan (2008:313) identify six PR activities:
o Publicity, which is a subdivision of public relations and is
generated when newsworthy items are published without
charge in mass media, such as broadcast or print media
(Arens et al., 2011:708).
o Media relations which have to deal with disseminating
o Corporate communication which focuses on the identity
and reputation of the organisation, as well as the advising
of top management.
o Employee relations, which can also be a division of internal
marketing or internal communication plans.
o Financial or investor relations.
o Crisis management.
The importance of effective communication in PR is clear, as it
impacts on not only customers, but also on other stakeholders too.
Direct marketing delivers advertising that is accountable and
has added value, because it builds awareness, as well as generating
actual sales. It stimulates two-way communication since the
consumer is able to respond directly to the message provided by
the organisation. Furthermore, it allows the organisation to
measure responses and thus evaluate the effectiveness of the
campaign (O’Guinn et al., 2009:626).
Because of the direct link between producer and end consumer
direct marketing allows firms to be more effective in targeting
their market, getting higher response rates, generating repeat sales
and competing. The major disadvantages of direct marketing are
the cost of some mediums, the need for comprehensive and up-to-
date databases and the risks of violating data-protection and
electronic communication laws. The tools used in direct marketing
include: direct mail, leaflet drops and handouts, telemarketing,
direct response advertising, email marketing, online marketing and
SMS/Text marketing.
The development of technology and the use of the Internet
make possible to apply new and attractive forms of direct
marketing that contain the potential for branding and generating
sales. Such forms are web marketing, email marketing; direct mail,
web seminars, telemarketing promotions, sales channels, direct
sales, advertising flyers, catalogs and more. Whether organizations
want to bring new visitors to your website, increase online sales, to
make phone rang or to persuade customers coming back for more,
they will use some of direct marketing tools. Using this type of
communication with the audience is specific and personal, and
most importantly - measurable. This channel of communication
implies the possibility for precise segmentation of target group and
attacking each segment at the right time at the right place with the
right message. Creating an online presence and finding the most
appropriate way to communicate with the target audience is
costeffective, fast and reliable.
2007:508; Ouwersloot & Duncan, 2008:347). Consumer
promotions are commonly advertised in the general media, and
samples regularly form part of the advertisement. For example, in
women’s magazines, samples of anti-wrinkle cream can be
attached to the page bearing the advertisement for the cream.
Advertisements of this sort will be included in the sample for the
current study.
Sales promotion refers to the provision of incentives to the end
consumer (pull strategy) or to intermediaries (push strategy) to
stimulate demand for a product. It is normally used in combination
with either advertising or personal selling.
The main advantage of sales promotions is their effectiveness at
stimulating sales during the duration of the offer. The
disadvantages are that sales go down as soon as the deal ends and
that effectiveness tends to dissipate over time if used continuously.
This refers to short-term and temporary incentives to purchase or
induce trials of new goods. The tool include contests, games, gifts,
trade shows, discounts, etc. Sales promotional activities are often
carried out at retail levels.
o Choosing the right market segmentation and provided the
customer’s needed and want.
o Create and built a facilities based on guest demand. All
facilities can be enjoyed by the guest also the outsider.
o Variety of kids activity and facilities, also can be enjoyed
with family.
o Uniqueness of the facilities that the hotel’s offers and
different with the hotel’s competitors.
o Parking space that can only accommodate 30 cars and 2
o The area around hotel mostly have traffic jam.
o The strategic location of the hotel, so it is facilitate the
guest to reach the nearest shopping mall, tourism attractive
and restaurant.
o Near the tourism attractive.
o Mostly family go to Bandung to spend their holiday or
weekend for refreshing.
o A lot of hotel’s competitor who provide the same service as
Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung.
o Customer’s demand that can be changed anytime.
Brand reputation Small parking area
Uniqueness of facilities Traffic jam around
created based on hotel area
customer’s demand
Family friendly of
services &facilities
3.2 Discussion
In this section, we would like to discuss about the question related to the
marketing and the implementation in real industry as we choose Grand Tjokro
Hotel Bandung for the example.
1. How does the role of marketing in Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung is
Marketing in Grand Tjokro Hotel and in every hotel is
important. As we know the role of marketing is to attract the
customer with the service and product that we provide and make
the guest feel satisfied so they will keep returning to use the
hotel’s offering. Also choosing the market segmentation of the
promotion that the hotel’s offers, helps in building a company’s
image and brand name, increase the revenue of the hotel using
various promotion tools. Grand Tjokro Hotel use various of
promotion tools such as: magazine, newspaper, flyer, email,
hotel’s website, online travel agent, social media, cooperate
with airlines, mercant and event, membership, etc.
Grand Tjokro Hotel also having a cyber team that will do the
hotel’s promotion in the website and social media. The
employee will also helping to distribute or post the promotion
flyer in their own social media. This activity did by employee in
3-4 times a week. All the marketing activities in Grand Tjokro
Bandung Hotel really helps to increase the income of the hotel.
will get the hotel’s rate, hotel’s profile, facilities also promotion
that they held. So, promotion by online is effective to promote
the hotel’s offers.
also build new room type named family suite (for 4 person) and
having a room for kids and designed colourful that matched for
the kids.
All of this facilities had included with the room rates, so the
cusmoters ot guests can visit and enjoy the facilities. But will
get additional charge for feeding the animal and cooking class.
This facilities can be enjoyed not only by the guest who stay in
the hotel, but also outsider. The outsider will be charge
Rp100.000 per person and they can enjoy all the facilities
including swimming pool, riding the horse and mini-zoo
(additional charge will be applied for feeding the animals).
Grand Tjokro also applied various promotion for this facilities
differently in every month.
the training for front liner staff to maintain their attitude also
their performance skill to improve the service. So good
reputation of the hotel’s can be build by those several points.
7. How to do personal selling in Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung?
Personal selling in Grand Tjokro is done by inform or
promote directly to the guest related to the promotion that been
held. They did this kind of activity usually when check-in time
(around 12.00 – 1.00 pm) and coffee break (around 12.00 pm –
3.00 pm). The marketing team also goes from office to office to
promote their hotel’s offers.
4.1 Conclusion
1. Marketing in Grand Tjokro Hotel and in every hotel is to
attract the customer with the service and product that we provide and
make the guest feel satisfied so they will keep returning to use the
hotel’s offering, choosing the market segmentation of the promotion
that the hotel’s offers, helps in building a company’s image and brand
name, increase the revenue of the hotel using various promotion
2. Grand Tjokro Hotel use various of promotion tools such as:
magazine, newspaper, flyer, email, hotel’s website, online travel
agent, social media, cooperate with airlines, mercant and event,
membership, etc.
3. Grand Tjokro Hotel also having a cyber team that will do the hotel’s
promotion in the website and social media. The employee will also
helping to distribute or post the promotion flyer in their own social
4. Online promotion is the most effective media to attract the custmores
to use their hotel’s product and service.
5. Choose the market segmentation and identify the customer’s needed
and demand, so we can provide the service and product based on the
market segmentation.
6. Grand Tjokro Hotel choose family as their target market
segmentation. The hotel provide facilities for kids such as; Mini-zoo,
feeding the animal, swimming pool for children, riding the horse,
playground, kids and baby spa, breakfast buffet for kids (weekend),
kids corner, mini theatre, dance competition for kids, kids nail’s art,
cooking class, etc.
7. The excellent service, facilities and strategic place of their hotel are
points why the customers choose Grand Tjokro Hotel as a best place
to stay
8. Personal selling in Grand Tjokro is done by inform or promote
directly to the guest related to the promotion that been held.
4.2 Suggestion
The target of segment marketing in Grand Tjokro Hotel is family. As
the hotel have been provided a lot of facilities that can be enjoyed with
family and kids, such as Mini-zoo, feeding the animal, swimming pool for
children, riding the horse, playground, kids and baby spa, breakfast buffet
for kids (weekend), kids corner, mini theatre, dance competition for kids,
kids nail’s art, cooking class, etc.
We suggest Grand Tjokro Hotel to maintain the facilities and service
that they’ve been had, and focus on developing the products and create
marketing programme for the various promotion.