Final Requirement

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Bachelor of Secondary Education major in General Science



II. Shape up your Mind

1. As a student, what do you expect of this course?

Humanities and Art Appreciation is a course that aims to embed the values and importance
of arts in molding and shaping each individual and remind us that sometimes the world does not
need educated or artistic individual but it needs humanity. In this fast changing pace of the society,
being human is easy but to be a human is never been easy in today’s era. Art can almost found
everywhere. It comes in different obra maestra and forms. Art is one way of expressing different
emotions, opinions and cognitive ability. Humanities and Art Appreciation is a course that
required each students to view arts not only in their own perspective but broaden their horizon
and try to understand arts in the perspective of the artist and the audience. How could we then
integrate all the different perspective for us to fully understand an art? This course should
enlighten us on how to appreciate arts, critiques arts and understand an art and its message.
Therefore, in this course it is expected then that it will enhance our creativity in doing
differentiated activities about arts. Below are the following things that I expect in this course:
It would give me insights how arts can define someone’s feelings and emotions
It would help me acquire right values and attitudes towards arts
Appreciate arts despite the progress and development in the technologies
How is art become a part of the history and culture of one’s society
Can art help spread humanity in this world where it slowly loses humanity
Having differentiated tasks or activities that would develop our collaboration with our
classmates or groupmates
Help us students to promote and conserve our own art as it becomes part of our society’s
How can we able to make art as way to express our emotions and how our art can reach
the hearts of our audience
How can we integrate technology in our own arts
How can we choose the art that suits to us
2. Did you have personal experiences with art before? How did you feel participating in art?
Yes. I have personal experiences with art before, way back my Junior and Senior High
School. We were tasked to create poems with different themes like life, death and someone you
look up as a hero. During those times I participated, I felt that I am the luckiest student. I know
that not for bragging I am good at writing. My art is belong in writing. Before that, I am writer
seem lost in a deserted island. Trying to find my true voice meaning I am looking for my true
writing style. Writers need to look for their own true writing style in order to write a great literary
piece. A writers pens is better, sharper when it has a purpose. The literary piece can become more
beautiful and more powerful if it has a purpose and if you know what exactly your piece is. For
where and for what your pen is? For where and for whom you are writing? What type of pen you
have? What is your purpose in writing? Why do you think God gave you the gift of writing? To
whom does He wants you to write? To write for? What kinds of literary pieces He wants you to
write? What message do you want to deliver by writing? These were all my realizations when I
participated myself in art. I was enlighten. I found my writing style. It is to tell everyone who feels
alone or is literally alone, that they are not. That they don’t have to be. To tell them that, over and
over, until they believe it themselves. Through writing, I want to tell to those who feel alone, to
those alone, that one day, they will finally meet someone. Someone who’ll be there for them,
eternity. And while that person is not yet there, I am here to make the waiting bearable. My piece
will wait with them. I want my piece to be a piece that keeps people company. A piece that helps
the broken, keep the broken pieces together until the person who’s supposed to hold those pieces,
finally comes. My piece is a piece that do not feign affection and attention but a piece that tells
people, It’s okay; I’m here; you are safe; You don’t need someone to save you; You can save
yourself. At the end of the activity, I knew that my pen, is a pen that make sure nobody in this world
would ever, ever, have to be alone or feel alone, ever again.

3. Why do you study Humanities?

As a student who grew in the modern era where the use of modern technologies such as
internets and gadgets where very rampant; there is need for us to study humanities. Humanities is
a branch of science or knowledge that concerned with human beings and their culture. Living in
technological era creates gaps and distance among human individual. Racism, egocentrism and
discrimination became worst even with the advancement of technologies we have in our society.
Therefore Humanities plays a vital role in bridging these gaps, connect diverse people and ensure
that every individual is understood based on their own culture. Humanities can make people unite
even if there is cultural diversity. Humanities can help modern technologies to understand diverse
individuals and create a whole new world where everyone is free to express their opinions, believes
and norms. A new world where no one is left behind. Where no one can feel threat and a world
where diverse people live together happily and contended because sometimes we don’t need laws
but humanity. Humanity may not be understood by everyone or it may not justify your action
toward something but surely humanity is most needed than the laws we currently have on our
society as a whole.
4. Why is creativity necessary in art making?
As per defined by an author “Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize
ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with
others, and entertaining ourselves and others.” Therefore creativity is a must for us to enhance
and develop as we make our piece. Creativity in our arts may help us to really express ourselves
through our art. Our creativeness that can be integrated in our arts can communicate to our
audience what we really want them to tell. Art is useless without creativity. In writing we use
flowery words, idioms and figures of speech to make our literary piece an interesting one not the
one is boring to read. Just like arts we need creativity so that an audience cannot feel boredom
when they look at our art. Creativity in our art can catch the attention of our audience. Audience
cannot appreciate our art if creativity is not integrated. Creativity help art not to gain affection
nor popularity but its aim is to attract audience and let the audience digest what is the hidden
message in that art why it was created like that.

5. When can you say that a person is creative?

A person or any person can be creative. To distinguished a person whether he/she is
creative if he/she can:
 Manipulate ordinary things into unimaginable art
 His/her art can touch the affective domain of his/her audience
 He/she can use available resources in creating an art
 Integrate the use of the modern and old way of creating arts
 Express what he /she feels during the time of making the art
 Emphasize that anybody can do art even with the use of ordinary materials
 His/her art alone can communicate to its audience even without using costly materials

6. What is the relevance of art appreciation in your course?

Teaching is a profession that requires teachers to be creative in creating their instructional
materials. Not only in that manner but how would they be able to make their delivery creative. Art
appreciation is a great help since it would unleash our creativeness. It would also help us to
appreciate different forms of art in our field of specialization. Art Appreciations is a course that
requires each individual to open their eyes, hearts and minds to see the hidden message in every
art. It would help us a teacher to understand

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