8 Paper Edit Sheet 1

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Clip Time Image description Sound Notes

Mid-Shot-Leo is clearing up a room Diegetic Fade In-This will happen in
1 00:30 in his house when he comes across a Sounds- the beginning of the film after
pile of board games and looks noises of Leo the title sequence
through them until he stumbles upon clearing up
a Ouija board. the room and Cross Dissolve- This will be
moving done to show that time has
objects around passed between Leo finding the
and the Ouija board and showing it to
muffled music his friends
coming from

Close up-Fredrick asks Leo where he Diegetic Cross cut-This editing

2 00:50 found the Ouija board Sound- technique will be used to keep
Sounds of the the conversation between Leo
Leo speaking and his friends flowing
and the consistently.
Close Up-Leo responds to Fredricks Diegetic Cross cut-This editing
3 00:53 question Sound- technique will be used to keep
Fredrick the conversation between Leo
speaking and and his friends flowing
sound from consistently.
Mid-Shot-Reggie asks Leo what Diegetic Cross cut-This editing
4 00:56 they are going to do with the Ouija Sound- technique will be used to keep
Board Reggie asking the conversation between Leo
Leo question and his friends flowing
and sound consistently.
5 Mid-Shot-Leo responds to Reggie’s Diegetic Cross cut-This editing
1:00 question Sound- Leo technique will be used to keep
speaking and the conversation between Leo
sound from and his friends flowing
surrounding consistently.
Mid-Shot-Raphael responds to Leo Diegetic Cross cut-This editing
1:02 refusing to use the Ouija Board Sound- technique will be used to keep
Raphael and the conversation between Leo
sound from and his friends flowing
the consistently.
7 Mid-Shot-Leo tries to persuade Diegetic Cross Cut- This editing
1:04 Raphael to take part in using the Sound- Leo technique will be used to keep
Ouija board speaking and the conversation between Leo
and his friends flowing

8 Close Up Shot- Raphael still Diegetic Cross cut-This will be used as

complains that he doesn’t want to Sound- it is the start of another
1:08 take part in using the Ouija board conversation and will keep it
flowing properly
9 1:10 P.O.V Shot-Leo, Fredrick and Diegetic Cross cut-Continues on
Reggie try to persuading Raphael to Sound- Leo, because of the conversation
come with them and use Fredrick & between the two characters
Reggie as well
10 1:13 Wide Shot- Fredrick explains that he Diegetic Jump Cut-To show that more
knows a place where they can use the Sound-All time had passed since Fredrick
Ouija Board four had mentioned a place to go
characters use the Ouija Board
speaking and
outside noises
11 1:22 Two Shot- Reggie shows the rest of Diegetic Fade Out-This will be used to
the group where they should set the Sound- show the characters using the
Ouija board up Characters Ouija board from different
speaking and angles to give the presence of a
outside noises spirt before they even start
using the board
12 Wide Shot- Leo sits everyone down Diegetic Wide Shot- This will be used to
1:25 onto the picnic table and sets up the sound- show the characters using the
Ouija board Characters Ouija board from different
speaking and angles and shows their body
outside noises language and how comfortable
they all are.
13 Mid Shot-Raphael speaks to the Diegetic Fade In – to show the different
1:33 group still having second thoughts sound-the areas of the park and show the
about joining in . characters separation between the
speaking and characters.
natural sounds
14 1:35 Close up- Reggie reassures Raphael Diegetic Jump Cut-to speed up this seen
that there is nothing wrong with what Sound-The and add to the tension that is
they are doing. characters already present between the
speaking to characters
each other
Close Up-Raphael tells Reggie and Diegetic Fade Out-This will be used to
15 1:38 the other characters to hurry up and Sound-The show that a long period of time
get the game over with it characters has passed.
speaking to
each other
Shot Reverse Shot- Fredrick asks the Diegetic Cross cut-Cuts between
16 1:45 spirit what happened to it. Sound- Fredrick and the characters
Fredrick friends hands on the Ouija
speaking to board
the Ouija
Shot Reverse Shot- The camera Diegetic Cross cut- Between the board
17 1:47 shows the spirit on the board spelling Sound-All and the characters freaking out
out murder four at the Ouija board.
Spirt saying
Wide Shot-The characters start to Diegetic Cross cut-to show that bad
18 1:52 freak out at the supernatural goings Sound-The things are about to happen with
on happening after using the board characters the Ouija board
freaking out
about the
Ouija board
Wide Shot-Leo and the other Diegetic Cross Cut- this will be used to
19 1:55 characters run away whilst branches Sound-All increase the tension and
are being thrown at them four enhance the fact that the
characters character will eventually die
running away
Tracking Shot-Reggie is running Non-Diegetic Cross Cut-This will be used to
20 2:55 away from the spirts, falls over and Sound- show that all characters are in
gets a branch stabbed through his leg Blood//Water similar situations and that the
by Grandson audience can see the different
starts to play character emotions and
at a low reactions to the situation
Mid shot-Leo Pulls out his phone and Non-Diegetic- Cross Cut- This will be used to
21 3:08 tries calling the others Blood//water keep the drama and suspense
by grandson of these scenes and show that
plays in the characters will be killed off
trying to call
his friends
22 3:12 Long Shot- Fredrick running away Non-Diegetic- Cross Cut this is to show the
screaming and looking for his other Blood//Water vulnerability of this character
friends by Grandson Hard Cut-this will enhance the
Diegetic- danger that the characters are
Fredrick in and that he is not able to
screaming hide from the spirits
23 3:19 Mid Shot- Raphael looking for the Non-Diegetic- Hard Cut-this will enhance the
others talking to himself in a panic Blood//water danger that the characters are
by Grandson in
24 3:23 Tracking Shot- Leo running Non-Diegetic- Hard Cut-this will enhance the
screaming also looking for his other Blood//water danger that the characters are
friends. by Grandson in
25 3:26 Mid Shot-Fredrick is running through Non-Diegetic- Hard Cut-this will enhance the
the woods and the gets hit by a large Blood//Water danger that the characters are
branch. by Grandson in
panting from
26 3:40 Long Shot-Raphael trips over tree Non-Diegetic- Hard Cut-this will enhance the
stump and is dragged away into the Blood//water danger that the characters are
woods by grandson in
panting from
running then
27 3:55 Long Shot- Leo is still looking for Non-Diegetic- Hard Cut-this will enhance the
everyone else and gets thrown into a Blood//Water danger that the characters are
tree and start bleeding heavily by grandson in

28 4:30 Long Shot-Images of the Non-Diegetic- J-cut- this means that there will
woods(Montage) Blood//Water be no non-diegetic sound and
by Grandson the only will be the only sound

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