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Approved and amended by members of Central Jamia Masjid on 23rd October 2016 and registered by
Rafina Solicitors with the Charities Commission who accepted and adopted the text as of 23rd October

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The name of the organisation will be ‘CENTRAL JAMIA MASJID’ Southall, Middlesex,
hereinafter called the ‘Masjid’.

The fundamental belief of the Masjid is ‘LA ILLAHA ILLALLAHO MOHAMMAD UR RASUL ALLAH’
i.e. there is no God but one GOD (ALLAH) and MOHAMMAD (peace be upon him) is his

The Masjid is established to advance the religion of Islam and in particular the SUNNI MUSLIM
FAITH and in furtherance of that objective the Masjid may be used to teach, propagate and
preach Islam according to Sunni Schools of Thought i.e the schools of Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam
Hanbali, Imam Malik and Imam Shafi’i.

The Board of Trustees (as hereinafter defined) shall decide matters of policy and shall exercise
its own discretion in accordance with the principles in THE HOLY QURAN AND SUNNAH.

The board of Trustees have the powers to:

4.1. Establish the Masjid in Southall, Middlesex, a library and a reading room;
4.2. Organise regular prayers, religious functions and social and cultural festivals for the Muslim
4.3. Arrange classes for children, the youth and adults to teach the Holy Quran, the Sunnah, and
Arabic, English and Urdu languages;
4.4. Popularise Islamic thought through lectures, meetings as well as educational, cultural and
social functions consistent with the tenets and doctrines of Islam;
4.5. Provide a central organisation in the London Borough of Ealing for the cooperation and
exchange of ideas, information and experiences of the Muslim community.
4.6. Arrange visits to the sick in hospital and inmates in prisons and detention centres;
4.7. Assist in arrangements for the burial of deceased Muslims and to help the elderly;
4.8. Develop good relations and harmony with non-Muslims;
4.9. Purchase, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal property and any
rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Masjid, so far as the law
may from time to time allow;

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4.10. Invest and deal with the moneys of the Masjid, not immediately required in such manner as
may from time to time be determined in accordance with the Shari’a and the law of the
land. All investments shall be taken in the names of the Trustees.
4.11. Make regulations and by-laws for the guidance and control of the affairs of the Masjid and
to define and settle the manner in which compliance with the decisions of the Masjid shall
or may be secured or enforced, and to enforce any by-laws and regulations of the Masjid
and any directions given by it;
4.12. Take such steps by personal or written appeals, or otherwise as may from time to time be
deemed expedient to procure and to accept grants of money and (so far as the law may
from time to time allow) of land, donations, gifts, subscriptions and other assistance in
furtherance of the objects of the Masjid and to confirm to any proper conditions upon
which such grants and other payments made be made.

The income and property of the Masjid, whenever derived, shall be applied solely towards the
promotion of the objects of the Masjid as set forth in this Constitution and no portion thereof
shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise
howsoever, by way of profit to the members of the Masjid providing that nothing herein shall
prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any employees of the Masjid.

If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Masjid there remains after the satisfaction of all
its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed
amongst the members of the Masjid, but shall be given or transferred to some other
institution or institutions having objects similar to the object of the Masjid, to be determined
by the Board of Trustees or the members of the masjid at or before the time of dissolution.

The “FUND” shall consist of:
7.1. Any contributions and/or voluntary donations paid by members;
7.2. Any gifts received by the Board of Trustees for the purposes of the Masjid;
7.3. Any other property which the trustees may hold for the purposes of the Masjid;
7.4. The cash and other assets from time to time representing items described in a to c above
and the income derived from them.

8.1. No alteration or amendment to the Constitution will be made which will have the effect of
the Masjid ceasing to be a charity.
8.2. Except clauses 2 and 3 (which will never be subject to any change, alteration or
amendment), this Constitution may be amended by two thirds majority of the members
present in a general meeting and voting.
8.3. All amendments proposed by the members should be submitted to the Board of Trustees
at least 28 days before any general meeting.

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i. In these Articles, unless there is something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith
ii. “Constitution” means the constitution to which these Articles are annexed.
iii. “The Masjid” means the Central Jamia Masjid, Southall, Middlesex.
iv. “Regulations of the Masjid” means the Constitution and Rules and other Regulations (if any)
including by-laws for the management of the Masjid for the time being.
v. “Member” means member of the Masjid.
vi. “General Meeting” means general meeting whether ordinary of extraordinary of the Masjid
(as the case may be).
vii. “Office of the Masjid” means Montague Way, Southall, Middlesex.
viii. “Person” includes the plural and the masculine and feminine vice versa.
ix. “Month” means calendar month.
x. “By-Law” means any by-law of the Masjid made under the rules of the Masjid for the time
being in force.


1.1 Membership of the Masjid shall be confined to persons of the Muslim faith who observe the
obligatory duties of Islam and refrains from forbidden things (Munkarats) and who are
interested in and willing to contribute actively to further the objectives of the Masjid as set
forth in the constitution.
1.2 Those following the Muslim faith, living within the borough of Ealing, Hillingdon or Hounslow
and attend CJM shall be eligible for trusteeship.
1.3 Registration of CJM’S membership shall be free. Provided always that the Board of Trustees
may from time to time determine to make eligible any other person who in the opinion of
the Board of Trustees shall have rendered or be capable of rendering special service to the
1.4 Only practising Sunni Muslims who attend this Masjid and live within the borough of Ealing,
Hillingdon or Hounslow and are members of CJM shall be eligible to take part in a trustee


2.1 ‘Charity trustees’ are people who have general control and management of the
administration of a charity regardless of what they are called. For instance, in the case of an
unincorporated association the executive or management committee are its charity trustees,
and in the case of a charitable company it is the directors who are the charity trustees.

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2.2 Trustees have and must accept responsibility for directing the affairs of a charity, and
ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering the charitable outcomes for the benefit of
the public for which it has been set up.


3.1 The following are the six key qualities sought in those applying to be trustee:

3.1.1 GOOD CHARACTER: Personal integrity Respect and trust of others Respect for confidentiality Good conduct towards other trustees and members of the community Willingness to be circumspect in private, working and public life

3.1.2 UNDERSTANDING AND COMMUINCATION Ability to understand documents, identify and comprehend relevant facts and follow
evidence and arguments Ability to concentrate Ability to communicate effectively

3.1.3 SOCIAL AWARENESS Appreciation and acceptance of the rule of law Respect for people from different ethnic, cultural or social backgrounds Awareness and understanding of life beyond family, friends and work

3.1.4 MATURITY AND OF A SOUND TEMPERAMENT Ability to relate to and work with others Regard for the views of others Willingness to consider advice Firmness/decisiveness Humanity/courtesy/a sense of fairness/confidence

3.1.5 SOUND JUDGEMENT Common sense Ability to think logically, weigh arguments and reach a balanced decision Openness of mind Objectivity The recognition and setting aside of prejudices

3.1.6 COMMITMENT AND RELIABILITY Commitment and time to service the community Ability to offer requisite time Sufficiently good health

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3.2 In selecting individuals to participate in a trustees election, they must possess the skills,
knowledge and experience needed for the effective administration of the charity and they
must have awareness of charity commissioner’s rules and regulations.

3.3 No charity trustee or connected person shall receive any remuneration of the services
provided to the charity.


4.1 No persons other than ones satisfying all the following requirements shall be eligible for the
post of a trustee:
4.1.1 He must be a member of CJM,
4.1.2 He must be a permanent resident in the United Kingdom,
4.1.3 He must be a person of integrity and able to uphold ethical values.
4.1.4 He must produce his CRB with his application for the post of trusteeship,
4.1.5 He must not be an un-discharged bankrupt, or of an unsound mind or have been convicted
of a crime.
4.1.6 A trustee or trustees likely to spend a period exceeding four months away from the United
Kingdom shall not be eligible for trusteeship
4.1.7 No one shall be entitled to act as a trustee though elected until he has expressly
acknowledged, in whatever way the trustees decide, his acceptance of the office of trustees
of the charity and is willing to accept all decision taken in the board meeting in his absence.


5.1 All new elections for the trustees must be held within 30 days before the mandate expires in
order to elect new trustees by the members of CJM. The mandate shall last for three years.
The process to call an Election will be conducted in the following manner:
5.1.1 An announcement at least 30 days before the election shall be made in the Friday
5.1.2 A notice of the date of election must be clearly displayed on the notice board at least 30 days
before the election date
5.1.3 Information relating to the election and the election date will also be advertised in local
papers serving the London borough of Ealing, Hillingdon and Hounslow
5.1.4 In the event of the resignation, death or disqualification of a trustee, the vacancy shall be
filled through by-election.
5.1.5 The election of trustees shall be by ballot only.


6.1 In the trustee meeting prior to the AGM, the Board of Trustees shall appoint an independent
election officer to conduct the election of the CJM Trustees by ballot. He shall interview all
applicants to determine the eligibility and suitability for trusteeship before the election.

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7.1 There will be a Board of Trustees (“the Board of Trustees”) consisting of nine members. The
office of a trustee shall be vacated in any of the following events or significant reasons:
7.1.1 If any notice is given in writing to the Board of Trustees that they wish resign from the office
of trustee position;
7.1.2 If he changes his Sunni Muslim faith or conceals his faith;
7.1.3 If he is convicted of any crime or he has a criminal record;
7.1.4 If he is out of the United Kingdom for more than four months without permission from the
Board of Trustees. Before leaving the UK he must inform the Chairman in writing;
7.1.5 If he dies;
7.1.6 If he is absent from more than four consecutive meetings

7.2 The Board has the power to remove any trustee by a Resolution duly passed in the Board
meeting by a simple majority should he be found guilty of violations of the charity’s
constitution or found unsuitable for the charity.

7.3 The Board of Trustees shall have the entire supervision, control and disposition of the affairs
and property of the Masjid and generally may exercise all such powers and do all such things
as it may consider necessary for or conducive or incidental to the due managements of the
affairs and property or for effecting the objects of the Masjid subject nevertheless to the
rules of the Masjid.

7.4 Without limiting the effect of the last preceding Article it shall be lawful for the Board of
Trustees in its absolute discretion to exercise on behalf of and in the name of the Masjid or
otherwise, and from time to time all or any of the following specific powers (that is to say):
7.4.1 To make rules and by-laws for further regulating the affairs of the Masjid and to amend of
rescind any such rules and by-laws and every member, present or future shall be bound by
all such rules and by-laws as may be for the time being in force, provided that no such rules
or by-laws shall be inconsistent with the objects of the Masjid or these presents.
7.4.2 To regulate and control the custody, investment, realisation and expenditure of the money,
and funds of the Masjid as the Board of Trustees shall think fit.
7.4.3 From time to time borrow or raise or secure the payment of such sums for the purposes of
the Masjid as the Board of Trustees think fit.
7.4.4 To appoint and employ for the purposes of the Masjid any Imams, bankers, solicitors,
librarians, clerks, or other persons, upon such terms as to their duties, powers, duration of
office, or employment, remuneration and otherwise, as the Board of Trustees shall think fit,
and in particular to make arrangements as to them shall seem appropriate in respect of
secretarial services and office accommodation for the Masjid and any person for the time
being in that service.

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7.4.5 To appoint any Executive Member, Member of the Masjid, or other person to do or perform
any work, duties and services expedient or necessary to be performed and done by or on
behalf of the Masjid in pursuance of its registered objects.
7.4.6 To delegate, subject to such conditions as the Board of Trustees may think fit, any of its
powers and duties to committees consisting of such Members of the Masjid the Board of
Trustees may think fit and to appoint such special Committee’s (if any) as may from time to
time seem to be in the interests of the Masjid and to determine the Constitution and powers
of any such special committees, and to make such regulations as to the proceedings of such
committees and special committees as may seem expedient.
7.4.7 To petition to Parliament or any other authority or organisation in the name of the Masjid.


8.1 A trustee shall cease to hold office if he:
8.1.1 Is disqualified for acting as a trustee by virtue of sections 178 and 179 of the Charities Act
2011 or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that provisions.
8.1.2 In the written opinion (given to the Board of Trustees) of a registered medical practitioner
treating that person has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as a Trustee and
may remain so for more than three months.
8.1.3 Notifies the trustees of his wish to resign, but only if enough trustees will remain in office
when the notice of resignation takes effect to form a quorum for meetings).
8.1.4 Is found to have a dominant or controlling kind of nature

8.2 A fresh election for the trustees of CJM must be held to appoint a new trustee. This mandate
shall be for three years.


9.1 In addition to their statutory powers, the trustees may delegate any of their powers or
functions to a committee of two or more trustees. A committee must act in accordance with
any directions given by the trustees. It must report its decisions and activities fully and
promptly to the trustees. It must not incur expenditure on behalf of the charity except in
accordance with a budget previously agreed by the trustees. The trustees must exercise their
powers jointly at properly convened meetings except where they have:
9.1.1 Delegated the exercise of powers (either under this provision or under any statutory
provision), or made some other arrangements, by regulations and by-laws
9.1.2 The trustees must consider from time to time whether the powers or functions which they
have delegated should continue to be delegated.


10.1 When exercising any power (whether given to them by this deed, or statue, or any by rule of
law) in administering or managing the charity, each of the trustees must use the level of care

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and skills that is reasonable in the circumstances, taking into account any special knowledge
or experience that he has or claims to have (“the duty of care”)

10.2 No trustee, and no one exercising powers or responsibilities that have been delegated by the
trustees, shall be liable for any act or failure to discharge the duty of care


11.1.1 Ensure that the charity complies with the charity laws, and with the requirements of the
charity commission as regulator; in particular ensure that the charity prepares reports on
what it has achieved and annual returns and accounts required by law.
11.1.2 Ensure that the charity does not breach any of the requirements or rules set out in its
governing document and that it remains truer to the charitable purpose and objects set out
11.1.3 Comply with the requirements of other legislation and other regulators (if any) which govern
the actives of the charity.
11.1.4 Act with integrity, and avoid any personal conflicts of interest or misuse of charity funds or

12.1.1 Ensure that the charity is and will remain solvent
12.1.2 Use charitable funds and assets reasonably, and only in furtherance of the charity’s objects.
12.1.3 Avoid undertaking activities that might place the charity’s endowment, funds, assets or
reputation and undue risk
12.1.4 Take special care when investing the funds of the charity, or borrowing funds for the charity
to use


13.1.1 Use reasonable care and skill in their work as trustees, using their personal skills and
experience as needed to ensure that the charity is well-run and efficient.
13.1.2 Consider getting external professional advice on all matters where they may be material risk
to the charity or where the trustees may be in breach of their duties.


14.1 Commitment and reliability:
14.1.1 Commitment and time to serve the community
14.1.2 Ability to offer requisite time
14.1.3 Willingness to abide by the rules and regulations of the charity’s constitution.

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14.1.4 Willingness to consider advice

14.1.5 Humanity, courtesy and sense of fairness
14.1.6 Sufficiently good health
14.1.7 He shall be required to enclose CRB with his application before the election.


15.1 The board has the right to terminate the mandate, by simple majority, of an executive
member should he be found unsuitable for CJM Charity.


16.1 The trustees at their first ordinary meeting each year must elect one of their members to
chair their meetings. The person elected shall always be eligible for re-election. If that person
is not present within ten minutes after the time appointed for holding a meeting, or if no one
has been elected, or If the person elected has ceased to be a trustee, the trustees present
must choose one of their number to chair the meeting.
16.2 The person elected to chair meetings of the trustees shall have no additional functions or
powers except those conferred by or delegated to him by the trustees.


17.1 Shall be responsible for calling meetings of the board of trustees extra ordinary, annual
general or any other meeting.
17.2 Shall be responsible to record in English the minutes of all the meetings.
17.3 Shall carry out all the decision reached at the meetings
17.4 Shall see that the business of the charity’s conducted in accordance with the rules and
regulations of the constitution
17.5 Shall maintain a proper record of all correspondence exchanged between CJM, individual
members and others.
17.6 He shall compile an annual report for presentation at the AGM.


18.1 Shall collect all subscriptions, donations, rents and/or any other income belonging to the
18.2 Shall issue official receipts for all sums received. The board of trustees may also authorise
other members of the board to issue official receipts and should later account to the
18.3 Shall maintain a proper book of accounts in English
18.4 Shall make payments in accordance with the decisions of the board of trustees.

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18.5 Shall deposit all monies received into CJM accounts held with the bank.
18.6 Shall have the accounts of the CJM audited by the official appointed auditors and prepare a
report and statement of accounts for the submission at the AGM.
18.7 Such a statement of accounts shall in the first instance be submitted to the board members
for approval prior to the presentation of the same to the AGM and the Hon. Treasurer shall
attend and give such explanations as the numbers may require.
18.8 Shall ensure that all payments over twenty-five pounds (£25) are made by cheques and all
employees are on the pay roll.
18.9 Shall maintain a petty cash book


19.1 He shall assist the secretary general in day-to-day duties
19.2 In the absence of the secretary general from meetings he shall record in English the minutes
of such meetings
19.3 In the event of the secretary general resigning from the board the deputy secretary general
will assume the said office.


20.1 If the Board of Trustees consider it desirable a secretary shall be appointed who shall hold
office on such terms as the Board of Trustees may determine.


21.1 Three female Welfare and Education Officers shall be appointed in order to manage female
Madrassah and welfare centre (Women Resource Centre)
21.2 No illegal immigrant shall be employed and those who wish to provide a volunteer service
shall be appointed with the approval of the board of trustees.


22.1 The funeral service shall be provided to the Muslim community on a voluntary basis and free
of costs except the cost of the grave which is to be paid direct to the local authority by the
deceased family.


23.1 Madrassah fees per child shall be between £5-£10 per month


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24.1 The Board of Trustees will be assisted in the performance of their duties by a committee of
eight executive members (the “Executive Members”) who will hold office on the terms and
subject to the provisions hereinafter contained.
24.2 Executive members shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting when they shall
retire and new Executive Members shall be elected by the Members present in an Annual
General Meeting. Any retiring Executive members in any year shall be eligible for re-election.
24.3 Any vacancy resulting from the retirement of an executive member shall be filled by such
appointment as the Board of Trustees may determine or at the option of the Board of
Trustees that a vacancy may remain unfilled.


25.1 The office of an Executive Member shall be vacated in any of the following events, namely:
25.1.1 If any notice is provided in writing to the Board of Trustees that he resigns in his office;
25.1.2 If he changes his Sunni Muslim faith;
25.1.3 If he is convicted of any serious crime;
25.1.4 If he is out of the United Kingdom for more than three months;
25.1.5 If he dies;
25.1.6 If he ceases to be a member of the Masjid;
25.1.7 If he is absent from THREE CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS without reasonable explanation to the
Board of Trustees.


26.1 The Board Meeting shall be held each month
26.2 Annual general meetings:
26.2.1 The annual general meeting shall be held in the month of September each year except those
years when Ramadan (Iunar month) falls in September. In such cases, the AGM will be held in
October. The date, time and venue for holding the AGM shall be decided by the Board of

27.1 At the Annual General Meeting 33% of the registered mosque members shall form a
27.2 At the board of trustees meeting the quorum shall be 2/3rd of the board members
27.3 If the meeting commences with quorum and subsequently someone leaves whilst meeting is
in process, such lack of quorum shall not nullify any resolutions adopted during such meeting
unless 1/3rd of the members present leave the meeting place.
27.4 Any meeting postponed for lack of a quorum shall be resumed on a date to be announced at
the adjourned meeting.
27.5 At the annual general meeting a resolution or resolutions put to the vote of the meeting shall
be decided on show of hands and all resolutions shall be carried if passed by a majority of
members present in person and entitled to vote. In case of amendments in the charity

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constitution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided through the ballet box by 2/3rd
majority of CJM’s registered members are present in person and entitled to vote.


28.1 The annual general meetings shall be held for the purpose of;
28.1.1 Receiving from the Board of Trustees a report on the activities of the Masjid;
28.1.2 Receiving a statement of accounts (Balance sheet and Income and Expenditure account) for
the preceding year of the Masjid;
28.1.3 Deciding on any resolutions which may be duly submitted to the Board of Trustees as
hereinafter provided;
28.1.4 Election of the Executive Members as defined in Article 3(a)
28.2 Every general meeting shall be held at the office of the Masjid i.e. Montague Way, Southall,
28.3 Not less than twenty-eight days’ notice of any General Meeting whether ordinary of
extraordinary specifying the day and the hour of meeting shall be given to the members.
28.4 Any member entitled to vote at a General Meeting may submit any resolution provided that
he shall have served notice in writing thereof at the office of the Masjid duly signed by him
not less than twenty eighth days before the date on which the Meeting is to be held stating
his intention to submit the same and upon receipt of any such notice the Board of Trustees
shall include it in the notice of such meeting.
28.5 Every Annual General Meeting shall be conducted by the Council of two religious scholars
and three representatives of other Muslim organisations as the Board of Trustees may
resolve to invite. The council shall elect its own chairman for the meeting.
28.6 Election of Executive Members shall be by ballot only but the other resolutions put to the
vote of the meetings shall be decided on by a show of hands.


29.1 An extraordinary General Meetings may be called for any purpose which the Board of
Trustees may consider necessary.
29.2 The chairman for all extraordinary General Meetings shall be one of the trustees.

30.1 The Chairman with the consent of the meeting may adjourn any meeting from time to time
but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left
unfinished at meeting from which the adjournment took place
30.2 At the general meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a
show of hands other than election of Executive Members and all resolutions shall be carried
if passed by a majority of members present in person and entitled to vote.
30.3 At any general meeting a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been carried by a
particular majority, or lost or not carried by a particular majority, and on entry to that effect
in the book or proceedings of the Masjid shall be conclusive evidence of the fact, without

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proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against the
30.4 Save as expressly otherwise provided herein, every member shall have one vote, and no
person other than a member shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting.
30.5 No proxies shall be permitted for use at any general meeting.


31.1 The Board of Trustees shall cause true and complete accounts to be kept of the assets,
credits and liabilities of the Masjid and in particular of all sums of money received and
expended by the Masjid and the maters in respect of which the receipt and expenditure
takes place.
31.2 A balance sheet shall be made out once in every year and laid before the meeting containing
such particulars and in such form as the Board of Trustees shall consider calculated to exhibit
truly and correctly the state of the affairs of the Masjid.
31.3 Once at least in every year the accounts of the Masjid shall be examined, and the correctness
of the balance sheet ascertained by Auditors. A copy of such balance sheet shall be displayed
on notice board in the Masjid.

32.1 The financial year of the CJM charity shall end 31 January of each year, to which date the
accounts of the CJM charity shall be balanced.
32.2 The money of the CJM charity shall be deforested with a bank designated by the board of
trustees from time to time.
32.3 The board of trustees shall have the authority , if need arises to hold more than one account
with the same bank or with different banks.
32.4 Any funds raised for a specific purpose shall be used only for that purpose.
32.5 The board of trustees shall have the discretion to appeal to the public for funds for running
of the charity
32.6 Audited copies of the statement of accounts shall be available to members at the AGM.
32.7 There shall be two out of three signatories on each cheque issued, namely the treasurer and
the secretary-general or the deputy secretary and treasurer.


33.1 The appointment of Auditors shall be made by the Board of Trustees. Such auditors shall at
all reasonable times have access to the books, accounts, papers and vouchers of the Masjid.
33.2 The balance sheet and accounts duly signed by the auditors shall be produced together with
the report of the Board of Trustees at the next annual general meeting.


34.1 The Trustees, Executive Members, Auditors, and other officers for the time being of the
Masjid shall be indemnified and secured harmless out of the fund of the Masjid from and

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against all actions, costs, charges, losses, damages ad expenses which they or any of them
shall or may incur or sustain by or by reason of any act done, concurred in or omitted in or
about the execution of their duty of supposed duty in their respective offices or trusts.
Provided always that no Executive Member or trustee and no person appointed by the Board
of Trustees as Auditor shall by virtue of this Article be exempted from or be entitled to be
indemnified by the Masjid against liability which by virtue of any rule of law would otherwise
attach to him in respect of any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust.


35.1 The Board of Trustees shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the rules and of the
regulations made from time to time by the Board of Trustees and the decision of the Board
of Trustees upon any question of interpretation or upon any matter affecting the Masjid and
not provided for by these rules or regulations shall be final and binding.
35.2 In the event of any dispute concerning correct interpretation of the Holy Quran or any
Hadith between the Trustees and/or Executive Members not being resolved amicably
amongst themselves, then said dispute shall be referred for Fatwa to anyone or both the
following institutions and it would be up to the Board of Trustees to decide by majority vote
which decision to accept or whatever further action to take
35.2.1 Majlis-e-Ulama, Bradford, U.K.
35.2.2 Mufti-e-Darul-Aloom, Korangi, Karachi

This constitution was adopted on 28th October 1974 and executed thereafter. It was adopted as
amended on 19th March 1976 and executed thereafter. It was further adopted as amended on 3rd July
1983. The present text was adopted as amended on 23rd October 2016.

End of Constitution

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