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Create database loans;

use loans;

Create table loan_acc(

Accno int(5),
Cust_name char (30),
Loan_amount int(9),
Installments int(5),
Int_rate decimal(4,2),
Start_Date date,
Interest decimal(5,2));

Insert into loan_acc values(1,"R K Gupta",300000,36,12.00,"2009-07-19",NULL);

Insert into loan_acc values(2,"S P Sharma",500000,48,10.00,"2008-03-22",NULL);
Insert into loan_acc values(3,"K P Jain",300000,36,NULL,"2007-03-08",NULL);
Insert into loan_acc values(4,"M P Yadav",800000,60,10.00,"2008-12-06",NULL);
Insert into loan_acc values(5,"S P Sinha",200000,36,12.50,"2010-01-03",NULL);
Insert into loan_acc values(6,"P Sharma",700000,60,12.50,"2008-06-05",NULL);
Insert into loan_acc values(7,"K S Dhall",500000,48,NULL,"2008-03-05",NULL);

Select*from loan_acc;

Select Accno,Cust_name,Loan_Amount from loan_acc;

Select* from loan_acc

where installments <40;

Select Accno,Loan_amount from loan_acc

where start_date<"2009-04-01";

Select int_rate from loan_acc

where start_date>"2008-12-31" and installments>36;

Select cust_name,loan_amount from loan_acc

where installments<>36;

Select cust_name,Loan_amount from loan_acc

where loan_amount<500000 or int_rate>12;

Select Cust_name,loan_amount from loan_acc

where start_date like "%2009%";

select* from loan_acc

where loan_amount>=400000 and loan_amount<=500000;

select*from loan_acc
where int_rate>=11 and int_rate<=12;

Select cust_name,Loan_amount from loan_acc

where installments in(24,36,48);

Select *from loan_acc

where loan_amount between 400000 and 500000;

select*from loan_acc
where int_rate between 11 and 12;

select cust_name,Accno ,loan_amount from loan_acc

where cust_name like "%Sharma";

Select Accno,Loan_amount,Cust_name from loan_acc

where cust_name like "%a";

Select Accno,Loan_amount,Cust_name from loan_acc

where cust_name like "%a%";

Select Accno,Loan_amount,Cust_name from loan_acc

where cust_name not like "%p%";

Select Accno,Loan_amount,Cust_name from loan_acc

Where cust_name like "%a_";

Select *from loan_Acc

Order by loan_amt asc;

Select *from loan_acc

Order by start_date desc;

Select *from loan_Acc

Order by loan_Amt asc,start_date desc;

select*from loan_acc
Where int_rate is NULL;

select*from loan_acc
Where int_rate is not NULL;
Select distinct loan_amt from loan_Acc;

Select distinct installments from loan_acc;

Update loan_acc
Set int_rate=11.50
Where int_rate is NULL;

Update loan_acc
Set int_rate="int_rate+0.5"
Where loan_amt>400000;

Update loan_acc
Set int="loan_amt*int_rate*installments*1200";

Delete from loan_acc

Where start_date<"2007-01-01";

Delete from loan_acc

Where cust_name="K PJain";

Alter table lona_acc add category char(1);

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