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May 21, 2005 • St. Paul, MN Have you checked out the
Dragon Door author blogs?
The First National Kettlebell Most of you know by now that blogs are relatively
Convention, Las Vegas, March personal, often opinionated yet highly informative pieces
2005—a wild success that are a highly effective way for authors to talk to their
people. Go the home page and
Dragon Door
see Pavel’s kettlebell and strength/flexibility blogs. I do Publications presents
my level best to entertain you up close and personal with
D ragon Door’s first-ever National Kettlebell
Convention featured a series of superb workshops by
my qigong blog —and make sure to give you a good tip
or two while I’m at it. Dr. Al Sears gives you great advice
Pavel and the entire Dragon Door faculty of RKC Senior on building a stronger heart through his PACE exercise
Instructors. Further highlights were the presentations by program and with a diet that I personally strongly
Dan John, Tim Larkin and Charles Staley. I heard several endorse. Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
people commenting in amazement at the value they were John Du Cane
receiving in terms of advanced instruction. We have three pieces by Pavel in this issue that should
whet your appetite for his new DVDs and for Beyond
On pages 16 & 17 you’ll find a great photo-spread of all Bodybuilding, if you are one of those laggards who
Training Editor
the kettlebell convention presenters in action, including hasn’t got with the program yet… see pages 9, 10 and 12.
Pavel Tsatsouline
the Kettlebell Sport World Champion, Valery Federenko, Editorial Assistant
featured also on our front cover this issue. Go to our In his article 1+1=3: How to Successfully Blend
Training Approaches Brett Jones discusses how to have Dennis Armstrong
website, to see over 780 photographs
from the Convention and be on the lookout for the next your cake and eat it too — combining the low-rep, high
weight philosophy of Power to the People with the Contributors
issue of our KettlebellNews, with more coverage of the
explosive conditioning routines of the Russian kettlebell. Steve Cotter, Brett Jones
The secret is in knowing how to do “just enough”, so
Hot news: Pavel has just released two excellent new adaptation is forced, without fatiguing the body. When Art Direction & Design
DVDs of cutting-edge stretching techniques, Loaded you know how to negotiate this fine and shifting line, you Derek Brigham
Stretching (see Page 3) and Strength Stretching (see Page will own the keys to the strength kingdom.
11). You will not find the information on these DVDs Internet Architect
anywhere else—in both cases expect to make significant In How an Old-Time Strongman Feat will Make You James McConnell,
gains when you implement these great new training a Better Wrestler or Grappler National Kung Fu
secrets. Champion Steve Cotter explores the role of the Bent Press
in developing a powerful torso. As Steve puts it in his Dragon Door Corporate
Speaking of Pavel’s stretching knowledge, he’s joining up article: “A strong torso is fundamental to generating the Customer Service
type of leveraged forces needed to successfully grapple
with myself and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu World Champion Dennis Armstrong, Tammy Drury,
Steve Maxwell for our new Unlock!: The Course in with an opponent. This area of the body controls the
call 651-487-2180,
Effortless and Unrestricted Movement workshop in July degree of force that can be transferred to the limbs.” Steve
(see Page 13). I guarantee you will be exposed to more does a terrific job of explaining the relationship of
instantly useful and practical techniques in this workshop strength development to martial applications.
Orders & Customer Service on
than most people would get in a lifetime! Orders: call 1-800-899-5111
On a parting note: does the idea of possibly doubling
Also new to this issue are two new DVD products from your income without working any more hours appeal to
you? Many of our certified kettlebell instructors have Dragon Door Publications
Senior Kettlebell Instructors Steve Cotter and Brett Jones
created this new and improved lifestyle for themselves. corporate address:
(with RKC Michael Castrogiovanni.) In Full KOntact
Kettlebells Vol. 2, Applied Strength Steve Cotter does a See Page 23 for more details.
Dragon Door Publications
tremendous job of showing how to transfer kettlebell
skills into self-defense applications. And any personal
5 East County Rd B, #3
All the Best, Little Canada, MN 55117
trainer or strength coach who doesn’t devour and
implement the Jones/Castrogiovanni two-volume
Kettlebell Basics for Strength Coaches and Personal
Trainers, risks being overtaken by their competitors who
John Du Cane
do take advantage of this highly comprehensive training
On June 30th, 2001 Brice started out with one set of five reps with 225 pounds, or 67%
of his 335-pound max bench (naturally, you will need to plug in your own numbers).
Jason did only one set of five reps per workout, adding five pounds each time. What
will surprise you is that he benched five days a week, Monday through Friday. The
reasoning behind such an unorthodox schedule is outside the scope of this piece; it is
explained in Power to the People!
Since you cannot keep on adding five pounds a workout forever, even if you started the
cycle with a light weight, eventually you will reach your five-rep max. When Jason
reached his he switched from powerlifting style cycling to ladders. ‘A ladder’ means
doing one rep, resting briefly, doing two reps, etc., then starting all over when you
cannot top the reps of the last set. Brice did sets of 1-2-3-1-2... with his 5RM until his
form started to get sloppy. He did this every other day for two weeks.
Then Jason backed off ten pounds from his 5RM established two weeks earlier and
resumed a linear cycle: one set of five Monday through Friday adding five pounds a day.
When he had a tough time completing his fiver Jason took two days off and tested his
one-rep max, something he did every two months. Here is what he accomplished:
“After benching I did one-arm snatch pulls with dumbells and heavy ab work, wraps
up Jason Brice. “…My lifts were witnessed by my co-workers as well as a few
powerlifters who compete with me. If I lied about my results they would call my bluff.”
Presenter Highlights at the First
National Kettlebell Convention
Pavel kicks off the
Charles Staley
discusses EDT and
Mike Mahler
makes a point
about strength
training for size
Andrea Du Cane
kettlebells for
flexible strength
Las Vegas, March 2005
Nate Morrison illustrates the
combat-applications strength
derived from kettlebells
Rob Lawrence
goes ballistic in
his presentation
Grip Man
Brett Jones,
getting it done
Steve Cotter
kettlebells for
full contact
Tim Larkin
how to
counter a
gun threat
First of all, I would like to thank Dragon Door for the opportunity to talk to like-minded people. I also would like to
express my respect for Pavel Tsatsouline, John Du Cane, Dennis Armstrong, Steve Cotter, Sarah Lurie, Rob Lawrence and
many other fanatical individuals who enable our new cause to get ahead.
Kettlebells are new to America and the number of kettlebell fans will be going only up. The kettlebell is an all-around
tool that takes up little space and can find a place in any household. The kettlebell enables you to do many exercises that
are good for your body and your health, regardless of your age and gender. Pavel can teach you how it is done.
Another use of kettlebells is girevoy sport. I compete with kettlebells. I go for the max number of reps in the jerk, the
snatch, and the long cycle. I can show you how it is done. In my seminars I teach the history of girevoy sport, how I
achieved my records, and which qualities an athlete needs to achieve high results. I teach the technique of the jerk and
snatch, program design and many other things. I am ready to share my knowledge and experience. I look forward to
meeting you!
Call V. Fedorenko at (415) 225-6134 if you are interested in kettlebell sport seminars,
consultations, or private training.
Meet Your Senior RKC™ Instructors
Steve Cotter, CSCS is a U.S. Full Contact
Kung Fu Champion and the author of Full
Kontact Kettlebells video., California
One of the best strength training exercises for When applying the alignment principles found in
learning how to develop powerful leverage is the the Bent Press to a grappling situation, you will
classical strongman lift, the Bent Press. In Applied find that you are able to place your feet more
Strength, the new Volume 2 of the Full KOntact securely, wedge your hip deeper into your
Kettlebells DVD series, I use kettlebells to opponent’s center, and link you arm to your body
demonstrate the Bent Press, or what I like to call as you brace your opponents arm, body, or
the Shoulder-and-Hip Press, and then show you clothing. More specifically, as it relates to martial
how the strength developed in that lift can be used art applications, the insertion of the hip under the
to throw an opponent with a bone-jarring KB, the positioning of the feet, and the degree of
shoulder or hip throw. flexion in the torso all very closely mimic the
ranges utilized in the execution of a shoulder or
Because of the valuable lessons that your body hip throw.
learns while practicing the Bent Press, you will be
able to more effectively integrate the acquired Developing strength and freedom throughout a
strength into your shoulder and hip throwing complete range of motion means that you have
techniques. For example, a primary component of more variables at your disposal, making your
throwing is learning how to establish a stable base technique more versatile and effective. For
and how to use the hip as a wedge. By establishing example a flexible low back and strong hips allow
a solid position and wedging the hip into the for low basin techniques, in which you can drop
opponent’s center of mass, a smaller person can down below the opponent to increase leverage,
quite easily lift a larger person off the ground, while maintaining mobility. As the Bent Press
effectively breaking his root and thus connection teaches, you will learn how to drop you stance Steve Cotter is the creator of Full KOntact Kettlebells™, the
to the ground. Both of these fundamental skills, acclaimed strength and conditioning DVD series. A 2-time USA
and wedge your center below the point of counter,
National Full Contact Kung Fu champion and a Senior Russian
creating a solid base with the feet and leveraging making your throws more difficult to defend Kettlebell Challenge instructor, Steve is regarded as the world
the hip, are accentuated by the Bent Press against. authority on single leg squatting and deep stance training. His
technique. unique approach bridges time-tested training methods of the
Practice this classical lift to develop the strength, internal martial arts and the latest research-based modalities
Further, the Bent Press requires a solid linkage balance, and coordination and learn how to apply for athletic training. The end results are maximal mind-body
performance, deep strength, and unsurpassed athleticism. For
between the arm and the body. The ability of the this strength into more effective throwing
information on Steve’s Full KOntact products and services, visit
arm to remain stable within the shoulder socket, techniques. his website,
O ne of the most common questions asked
by people pursuing strength and conditioning is:
5. Pistol squats - 1 set of 5 reps each side
6. Kettlebell Snatch - 5 sets of 5 reps each side
“How do I combine the approach A and the (moderate to heavy weight). Substitute
approach B?” In reference to the Hard Style of swings for snatches if wanted.
training this usually means combining the 7. Stretching
Power to the People! style of strength training
with the RKC style of kettlebell conditioning. The above routine is a general training routine
While there are many ways to accomplish this, focused a bit more on strength than endurance.
most trainees either seek to separate the two or If endurance were the goal then you would cut
do both and end up with too much on their the sets to one and increase the kettlebell work
training plate. at the end. Performing a 5-minute Secret Service
Snatch test at the end instead of the 5 sets of
The hard truth of combining methodologies is swing would do the trick. While the above
that you have to be willing to walk the line routine could be implemented for a three day a
between doing too little and just enough. week type of training, you could easily make it
Deadlifting places a great strain on the lower a daily routine either by dropping a set or
back musculature as maximum strength is built. decreasing the reps; another option is to reduce
Kettlebell ballistics place an additional strain on and cycle the resistance. Do the same thing all
the lower back as strength-endurance is the time without doing the same thing all the
developed. time. Simply make the routine look different
each time you perform it. ‘Same but different.’
The answer to combining the two is to perform
enough to force adaptation and treat the So there you have it, a simplified method of
training as a way to produce results rather than combining two training approaches that
a workout. This is an expansion on the idea of respects the fact that the whole is greater than Brett Jones mixes it up with
Turkish get-ups and swings.
approaching training as ‘practice’ rather than a the sum of the parts. In the world of training
Bending iron is next.
‘workout’. Doing just enough and not being only the weights add up in a linear fashion.
fatigued and ‘worked out’ is a bitter pill to When you start blending methodologies 1+1
swallow for most trainees. Trusting that will equal 3 or more. So the art becomes adding
enough work has been done to produce results enough of a specific approach to the mix so that
is a must. it enhances the brew and doesn’t turn it sour.
See Pages 3 to 7 inside for full details!
"I thoroughly enjoyed Beyond Bodybuilding. Every few pages, at least, If you are serious about physical renovation and want a new approach to
your book reveals another clever kick-ass, air tight, super-intense training progressive resistance training, then purchase Beyond Bodybuilding.”
modality that I hadn’t even considered in my own investigative research as a —Marty Gallagher, former columnist, five-time world
muscle writer. Talk about thinking many moves ahead of us other writers, master powerlifting champion, USA co-coach, 1991 world powerlifting team
training modality wise! Beyond Bodybuilding builds the physique page by champions
page."—Dennis B. Weis, Author of Mass!, Raw Muscle! and Anabolic
Muscle Mass, MuscleMag Int'l Columnist
“Thanks for you recent contribution to the empire of muscle and might.
Very interesting and valuable.”—Dave Draper, Author Brother Iron, Sister
Steel, former Mr. America, Mr. Universe and Mr. World
Muscle and Strength
"When I first received Beyond Bodybuilding, I blocked out an entire day so
I'd have enough time and undivided attention to savor its contents... If you Training Secrets for
think you've already seen everything Pavel has to offer, this book will prove The Renaissance Man
you wrong. Don't make me come over there — get over to
and get your copy today!"—Charles Staley, creator of the Escalating Density
Training (EDT) system.
By Pavel
“Beyond Bodybuilding covers just about any physical topic you could think
8.5 x 11
of. It’s one of those books that will speed you toward your goals by giving Spiral bound Workbook
you the knowledge to remove training obstacles that it would take you forever 365 pages
to learn how to do on your own. This is a book I wish I would’ve had when 255 photographs
I started training. Pavel is one of those few people who can really deal in the
science-meets-real world training area. I would jump on it if I were you. You 38 workout charts
really need this book.”—Bud Jeffries, Author of How to Squat 900lbs.