SM Rockstar Brittany HowToCreateEpicContent2
SM Rockstar Brittany HowToCreateEpicContent2
SM Rockstar Brittany HowToCreateEpicContent2
Brittany Michalchuk
The importance of using video to communicate
with your target demographic in the 21st
The 2 C’s you must have in EVERY video,
presentation or piece of live content.
15 way to create an enticing IG live.
8 steps to creating an engaging IG live.
To quickly introduce myself, I am a coach / consultant that
helps passionate entrepreneurs, coaches and influencers who
want to make a MASSIVE impact in the world... make more
money, blow up their online brand, build a cult like following,
become their own PR agency, attract more opportunities, covert
followers into paid clients and market themselves effectively to
become an authority figure in their niche market. I pretty much
help people become their own weapon of massive impact and
kick ass in life while becoming more successful & happier ;)
How did you get this email? By following up from an live video
from IG... Why are doing IG videos important? Why put in the
effort and follow this format? Because you are PULLING your
target demographic and potential leads from hundreds (or even
thousands) of your followers.
The 2 C's
The 2 C’s your video, presentation and any piece of content
you release MUST have! The 2 C’s which are the MOST
important things you must practice and master to become a
powerful speaker and create VIRAL, engaging and shareable
content while creating a loyal following:
1. Currency Content
2. Confidence
Content Currency: is HIGH QUALITY CONTENT! How do you
find out what is HQC? Do the research on what content is in
high demand. This can also be referred to as HDC vs LDC, high
demand content vs low demand content. Next, test your
concepts then perfect, test, perfect and don’t be scared to mess
up and look silly. You need to start somewhere. You need to
continue to practice your content making skills, on and off
video. A good way to test your concepts is notice people’s
reactions on their face when you talk about a subject. If they find
it interesting or intriguing, go into more detail and gather more
information on this subject. My point? Don’t deliver people
content they don’t want to hear, deliver them what they want.
-The 2 C's-
Confidence: If your voice sounds shaky, if you sound nervous,
the tone in your voice and your energy will give off a specific
energy. And if you sound uncertain people will automatically
unconsciously feel uncertain about you and uncertain about
what you’re trying to teach them. Confidence is truly one of the
most important things to master in any video or public speaking
opportunity. How to cultivate more confidence? 1) know your
material 2) practice 3) talk yourself up, become your own
biggest cheerleader 4) become somebody you are proud to
look at in the mirror (aka do the inner work) 5) stop beating
yourself up 6) be gentle and kind to yourself and learn to trust
yourself. How? By following through with that you say! 7) have
high quality content so you get a good reaction from the
audience and 8) work hard to create result, results =
15 Steps for Enticing
1. Don’t sit there and waste people’s time and stare at the
screen. I once watched somebody on an IG live and they had
about 60 people watching their IG live and they sat there for 40
seconds and chewed their food and did nothing, acted very
boring and I WATCHED with my own eyes their views decrease
to about 45 viewers... they lost 25% of their viewers in 40
seconds after keeping them steady at the beginning by giving
them good content. They opened up the opportunity for
people to get distracted and leave. ALWAYS keep people
entertained and involved by adding massive value! Also, be
present on the camera.People are giving you their undivided
attention, give them yours. If you’re staring at the screen for
longer than 15-20 seconds you WILL lose followers. It’s not
entertaining, educational or engaging for them. Make sure you
try and make every second, entertaining, educational or
engaging. Do you know how hard it is to keep people’s
attention on an IG live? Because they can’t be on their phone
your biggest focus, should be to create EPIC content to KEEP
-15 Steps for Enticing Live-
2. Bring PERSONALITY! If you’re as entertaining as a cardboard
box... people will not watch.
3. Know your topic inside and out, do the research so you come
off as confident.
4. Prep the back drop
5. Look presentable
6. Have water nearby if needed
7.Get a Ring light, Google “ring light” or look on amazon and
type in “ring light”. Make sure it has a phone holder, so you don’t
need to buy a stand and a ring light, you can just buy one thing. I
highly suggest a ring light for videos, the professionals LOOK
professional, lighting is key. IG is visually addicting, so you want
your visuals to be awesome on IG!
8. Quiet place - no distractions.
9. Sit up straight - if you are sitting.
10. If you’re going to be writing on something like a blackboard
remember your screen is flipped.
11. Project your voice
12. Content - make your content good. I would aim for half
content and half questions if you have a decent sized following.
-15 Steps for Enticing Live-
13. Practice - run through it a couple times. When you practice it,
you become confident.
14. Try not to change your voice, when people get nervous
(especially women) they make their voice high pitched. Try and
keep your voice grounded by using your diaphragm to speak.
8 Steps
for Engaging Live
1. Title: which title sounds better... a) 6 ways to explode your IG
following and position yourself as an authority in your niche. vs.
B) 6 ways to grow your IG? Which one sounds more enticing...
the first one! You want a title that has a little spark, a little
enthusiasm, a little personality! Your title could be X number of /
to (insert how it will benefit their life). I would pick a number
between 1-10, life hacks, secrets or tools that will help YOUR
TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC achieve their goal. Another example
could be: “The 3 things you must do today to change your life to
create more happiness and less stress!” People like quantifiable
& actionable steps. More examples of attention grabbing titles
are: The 6 steps you must do to save money on your tax
returns” or. “5 health facts that will blow your mind ”or “The 3
things you can do today to transform your life today and crush
2. Promote it before hand: I would promote it within 24 hours in
advance. Say “tomorrow I will be doing and IG live about…” An
hour before be like
-8 Steps for Engaging Live-
“hey guys in an hour make sure you watch my IG live about…”
Create hype and just plain market it beforehand. Entice people
to want to tune in.
3. Pin a comment: When you first jump on the IG live you can pin
a comment; pin “Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer
them after” or “I’ll be going through this feed and answering
questions at the end! Drop a question.” That way people
engage during your presentation. This gets people involved,
builds community, and at the end you’re not just waiting like
“heyyy ask me a question.” You can say this twice during your
presentation, in the beginning and middle, telling people to
leave questions. You want to create a conversation and make
people feel involved. Also, it makes your IG live feel more
personal. *** People follow, those they know, like & trust. ***
Also there is now a feature for you to ask questions, so you can
have a question bar people can type into.
4. Opener: Create a good opener. The first 1 min of the IG live is
most important cause when your live is available to view
afterwards, the replay starts from the beginning and if it’s good
then they are more likely watch the whole thing. So brainstorm a
good intro.
-8 Steps for Engaging Live-
5. Script: You can create a script, this is a meat of the
presentation. I would suggest having an outline to follow. It can
be as simple as 3 words and you create a topic or discussion
around them or an intricate as the 10 ways to blah blah blah.
Aim to educate / inform or entertain. Ideally, I would try for both,
but education is more likely to keep people's attention because
you are ADDING value. You need to always ALWAYS ALWAYS
think in your head “is this adding value?” If it is not, it will be hard
to keep their attention. When teaching remember: people like
ACTIONABLE things. Theory is great, but I find people respond
wayyy better if it’s something they can do. If I have something
theory based I try and follow it up with an ACTION they can
take. *This could be the most important takeaway from this
whole guide. This was a GAME changer for me* People love
stories and facts followed up with ACTIONABLE steps.
6. CTA: A CTA doesn't always have to be an upsell but it should
be. You should have a small (or large) Call To Action at the end.
You create repour with the script. In the meat of the presentation
you add TONS of value then at the end, if they want more,
accountability, help or more info anything,
-8 Steps for Engaging Live-
there should be a call to action to give them more of what you
just gave them, a sequel or add on. Most people don't focus on
monetizing their brand enough. They do it for fun but are not
making the money they DESERVE for the value they are
exchanging. KNOW YOUR WORTH and don't be scared to add
tax ;).
7. Takeaways: Ask the audience what their biggest takeaways
were. That way you KNOW straight from the horse's mouth what
is adding value to their lives. When they give you feedback on
what impacted them or gave them the most value. I would
spend a little more time on the next presentation going into
more detail. This is very important to figure out which of your
content is desirable and which content to ditch from your
presentation. Remember test revise, test revise. A lot of the big
speakers their speeches have similar content in each one,
why? That is the content that is in demand, it is the content they
are good at, it is the content they have mastered teaching. Make
more high-quality content and high demand content. Quality is
the caliber of information, and demand is do people WANT this
information from you.
-8 Steps for Engaging Live-
8. Promote it: Afterwards you can promote the IG live in your
story and say ”hey guys I just posted an IG live about ****** go
watch it before it expires in X hours.” CREATE URGENCY,
urgency is one of the best ways to initiate and inspire action. It
triggers the brain to think, and curiosity makes people TAKE
ACTION. You want people to take action and watch your
BONUS - Ever see people with cool fonts in their bio or posts
and wonder how? WONDER NO MORE! This easy tool can
make your post pop, I would suggest grabbing people’s
attention by changing the first 1-3 sentences and quotes within
your text or IMPORTANT key takeaways so they stand out on
the page. Just visit the website and type in the text you want
changed and choose from SEVERAL different fonts:
I said this at the beginning and I’m going to wrap with this: you
can have alllll the checklists, backgrounds and great posture
you want but without AMAZING content, people will not watch
your videos or be engaged with your presentation. Your biggest
focus should be creating high quality content that is in demand.
Also, side note: I started off writing status, like writing copy… it’s
wayyyy easier than video, then I started turning the text into
videos following the above sequence. So just keep practicing
and doing trial and error until you FIND your niche and your
niche starts to trust you. How do you build trust?
Adding valuable content to their lives that lands, always acting
in integrity, having their best interest at heart and making sure
you are creating good content for them!
Your job is to teach what you’ve known or done and put it into a
formula. People love formulas and actionable takeaways!