NSTP Exam 2

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First City Providential College

Brgy.Narra, Francisco Homes, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan


I. Write the letter of the best answer.

1. Which effect allow the sun’s heat to pass through the atmosphere warming the planet and keeping in
enough heat to maintain life?
A. Yellowhouse effect C. Greenhouse effect
B. Ultraviolet Rays D. Ozone layer effect
2. As Filipino citizen, we have a right to cherish the values and beliefs of democratic way of life, permanently
protected and continuously enhanced. Which refers to the statement?
A. Democratic Security C. National Security
B. Terrorist Security D. Sovereignty Security
3. Mimiyuuh used water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage. What do you call to that practice?
A. Water conversion C. Water Filtration
B. Water sanitation D. Water Conservation
4. We must be propelled by a national vision inspired and manifested in our words and deeds, by patriotism
national pride and advancement of national goals and objective. Which national security is implied?
A. Socio-political stability C. Cultural cohesiveness
B. Ecological balance D. Moral-spiritual consensus
5. Human activity is adding more gas to the layer than there should be. It is therefore getting thicker and
thicker. It is still able to let the sun’s heat through but even less heat is escaping back into the atmosphere that
result to rising of temperature, this mean that the earth is suffering from___________?
A. Climate change B. Greenhouse effect C. Global warming D. El Nino
6. Kyo provide water filtration and treatment plan in his house to clean his water waste before disposing it to
the lake. What do you call to that practice?
A. Water conversion C. Water Filtration
B. Water sanitation D. Water Conservation
7. As Filipino citizen, we must vigorously pursue a free-market economy through responsible entrepreneurship
based on social conscience, respect for dignity of labor and concern for public interest. Which national security
is implied?
A. Socio-political stability C. Cultural cohesiveness
B. Economic solidarity & strength D. Moral-spiritual consensus
8. UNESCO preamble tells us that “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the
defenses of peace must be constructed”. In keeping this mission, UNESCO began the___________?
A. Feeding program C. Cultural diversity
B. Economic solidarity & strength D. Peace education
9. Pamela consumed 5 air conditioner and 5 refrigerators in their house, which greenhouse gasses was she
A. Carbon dioxide B. Methane gas C. Chlorofluorocarbon D. Nitrous oxide
10. We must pursue constructive and cordial relations with all nations and peoples, even as our nation itself
must chart an independent course, free from external control, interference or threat and aggression. Which
national security is implied?
A. External peace C. Cultural cohesiveness
B. Ecological balance D. Moral-spiritual consensus
II. Give an example of the following, write your answers in the table provide.
Internal Threat External Threat
11. 16.
12. 17.
13. 18.
14. 19.
15. 20.

III. Fill in the Blanks: Complete the Preamble of the Philippines.

We, the (21) _____________ Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just
and (22) ________ society and establish a government that shall embody our ideals and (23)________,
promote the common good, (24)_______ and develop our (25) _______, and secure to ourselves and our
(26)____ the blessings of (27)________ and (28) _______under the rule of law and a (29)________ of truth,
justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and (30)__________ this Constitution.

IV. Illustration: Create an illustration or graph of the following.

31-36. Six Dimensions of Cultural Peace
37-40. Water Cycle

V. Practical.
41-45. Peace Education Interpretation
46-50. Tree Planting


***For FCPC use only, SY 2019-2020

Prepared by: Approved by:

Franky N. Magdadaro Echel Simon-Antero,PhD

NSTP Instructor, College of Business Management Vice President for Academic Affairs
Francisco Homes City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

Table of Specifications for Long Examination 1

Front Office Operations

Topic Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Total
NSTP Program 1,8,20 10 5 5
RA 9163
Citizenship 3,7,11,13,41, 16,18,19 17
Training 42,43,44,45,
(Preamble of the 46,47,48,49,
Philippines and 50
Bill of Right)
Flag Heraldic 9, 15 4,6 2,12,14,17 8
Code of the
Formation and
Volunteer Act of
(RA 9418)
Drug Education 21,22,23,24, 10
Disaster Risk 31,32,33,34, 10
Reduction 35,36,37,38,
Management 39,40

Prepared by:

NSTP Instructor, College of Business Management


Dean, College of Business Management

Approved by:

Echel Simon-Antero,PhD
Vice President for Academic Affairs

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