Agency Trust and Partnership
Agency Trust and Partnership
Agency Trust and Partnership
C.1 G.R. No. L-33580 February 6, 1931 particular. And it is a well-known principle that special
provisions prevail over general provisions.
appellant, vs.SEVERIANO By virtue of the foregoing, this appeal is hereby
LIZARRAGA, defendant-appellee. dismissed, leaving the decision appealed from in
full force, without special pronouncement of
Facts costs. So ordered.
award is highly speculative. The petitioner maintains PESOS representing one half (1/2) of the net profits
that the respondent court did not take into account the gained by the partnership in the sale of the two
great risks involved in the business undertaking. thousand (2,000) copies of the posters, with interests
at the legal rate on both amounts from the date the
ISSUE: WON Moran is obliged to give Pecson the complaint was filed until full payment is made.
amount of expected profits from the partnership
C.4 MAURO LOZANA, plaintiff-appellee, vs.
HELD: No. The rule is, when a partner who has SERAFIN DEPAKAKIBO, defendant-appellant.
undertaken to contribute a sum of money fails to
do so, he becomes a debtor of the partnership for Facts
whatever he may have promised to contribute
Plaintiff Mauro Lozana entered into a contract
(Art. 1786, Civil Code) and for interests and
with defendant Serafin Depakakibo wherein they
damages from the time he should have complied
established a partnership capitalized at the sum of
with his obligation (Art. 1788, Civil Code). In this
P30,000, plaintiff furnishing 60% thereof and the
case, however, there was mutual breach. Private
defendant, 40%, for the purpose of maintaining,
respondent failed to give his entire contribution in the
operating and distributing electric light and power in
amount of P15,000.00. He contributed only
the Municipality of Dumangas, Province of Iloilo,
P10,000.00. The petitioner likewise failed to give any
under a franchise issued to Mrs. Piadosa Buenaflor.
of the amount expected of him. He further failed to
However, the franchise or certificate of public
comply with the agreement to print 95,000 copies of
necessity and convenience in favor of the said Mrs.
the posters. Instead, he printed only 2,000 copies.
Piadosa Buenaflor was cancelled and revoked by the
There is therefore no basis for the award of
Public Service Commission.
speculative damages in favor of the private
respondent unlike that in the case of UY V. PUZON Evidently because of the cancellation of the
(which was cited by the SC in this case) wherein the franchise in the name of Mrs. Piadosa Buenaflor,
SC awarded compensatory damages because only plaintiff herein Mauro Lozana sold a generator, Buda
the the appellant therein was remiss in his obligations (diesel), 75 hp. 30 KVA capacity, Serial No. 479, to
as a partner and as prime contractor of the the new grantee Olimpia D. Decolongon, by a deed
construction projects in question - only Puzon failed to dated October 30, 1955 (Exhibit "C"). Defendant
give his full contribution while Uy contributed much Serafin Depakakibo, on the other hand, sold one
more than what was expected of him. Crossly Diesel Engine, 25 h. p., Serial No. 141758, to
the spouses Felix Jimenea and Felina Harder.
Being a contract of partnership, each partner
must share in the profits and losses of the PLAINTIFF LOZANA’S ALLEGATION
venture. That is the essence of a partnership. And
even with an assurance made by one of the Mauro Lozana brought an action against the
partners that they would earn a huge amount of defendant, alleging that he is the owner of the
profits, in the absence of fraud, the other partner Generator Buda (Diesel), valued at P8,000 and 70
cannot claim a right to recover the highly wooden posts with the wires connecting the generator
speculative profits. to the different houses supplied by electric current in
the Municipality of Dumangas, and that he is entitled
Re: The amount that Pecson is entitled to recover to the possession thereof, but that the defendant has
wrongfully detained them as a consequence of which
Pecson is entitled to the SIX THOUSAND (P6,000.00)
plaintiff suffered damages. Plaintiff prayed that said
PESOS representing the amount of the private
properties be delivered back to him.
respondent's contribution to the partnership but which
(P3,000.00) PESOS representing one half (1/2) of the
net profits gained by the partnership in the sale of the Defendant filed an answer, denying that the
two thousand (2,000) copies of the posters generator and the equipment mentioned in the
complaint belong to the plaintiff and alleging that the
FALLO: WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. same had been contributed by the plaintiff to the
The decision of the respondent Court of Appeals (now partnership entered into between them in the same
Intermediate Appellate Court) is hereby SET ASIDE manner that defendant had contributed equipment
and a new one is rendered ordering the petitioner also, and therefore that he is not unlawfully detaining
Isabelo Moran, Jr., to pay private respondent Mariano them. By way of counterclaim, defendant alleged that
Pecson SIX THOUSAND (P6,000.00) PESOS under the partnership agreement the parties were to
representing the amount of the private respondent's contribute equipment, plaintiff contributing the
contribution to the partnership but which remained generator and the defendant, the wires for the
unused; and THREE THOUSAND (P3,000.00) purpose of installing the main and delivery lines; that
the plaintiff sold his contribution to the partnership, in court for the taking of the property into custody by the
violation of the terms of their agreement. sheriff must be, as they hereby are set aside and the
case remanded to the court below for further
RULING OF THE RTC proceedings in accordance with law.
The judge entered a decision declaring
C. 5 G.R. No. L-16318 October 21, 1921
plaintiff owner of the equipment and entitled to the
possession thereof. The lower court declared that the
PANG LIM and BENITO GALVEZ, plaintiffs-
contract of partnership was null and void, because by appellees, vs. LO SENG, defendant-appellant.
the contract of partnership, the parties thereto have
become dummies of the owner of the franchise. The FACTS:
reason for this holding was the admission by
defendant when being cross-examined by the court Plaintiff Pang Lim and Defendant Lo Seng were
that he and the plaintiff are dummies. partners in a firm named Lo Seng & Co. They were in
the business of running a distillery known as ―El
Issues Progreso‖. The land on which the distillery was
located was leased from a certain Lo Yao through Lo
1. Whether or not the contract of partnership Shui as his attorney in fact for a term of three years.
is void
2. Whether or not the partners can claim Upon the expiration of the lease, a new written
back the assets they contributed to the contract was entered into by the parties extending the
lease for 15 years because the BIR required the
distillery to make expensive improvements which
Rulings were at the expense of the lessees. Neither the
original contract of lease nor the agreement extending
1. The Supreme Court do not find the agreement the same was inscribed in the property registry.
to be illegal, or contrary to law and public
policy such as to make the contract of Plaintiff Pang Lim eventually sold all his interest in the
partnership, null and void ab initio. The SC distillery to defendant, making the latter the sole
found that the admission by the defendant is owner thereof.
an error of law, not a statement of a fact. The
Anti-Dummy law has not been violated as Lo Shui, again acting as attorney in fact of Lo Yao,
parties, plaintiff and defendant are not aliens executed and acknowledged before a notary public a
deed purporting to convey to Pang Lim and another
but Filipinos. The Anti-Dummy law refers to
Chinaman named Benito Galvez, an employee, the
aliens only (Commonwealth Act 108 as entire distillery plant including the land used in
amended). connection therewith. The document of conveyance
was also never recorded in the registry of property.
The SC did not find also that the agreement,
especially the provision thereon wherein the Plaintiffs demanded possession of the distillery from
parties agreed to maintain, operate and defendant, but the latter refused so an action of
distribute electric light and power under the unlawful detainer was initiated against him.
franchise belonging to Mrs. Buenaflor to be
illegal, or contrary to law and public policy
such as to make the contract of partnership,
They are at liberty to terminate the lease as
null and void ab initio. The fact of furnishing purchasers of the estate under Article1571 of the Old
to the current holder of the franchise alone, Civil Code which provides that:
without the previous approval of the Public
Service Commission, does not per se make ART. 1571. The purchaser of a leased estate shall be
the contract of partnership null and void from entitled to terminate any lease in force at the time of
the beginning and render the partnership making the sale, unless the contrary is stipulated, and
entered into by the parties for the purpose subject to the provisions of the Mortgage Law
also void and non-existent.
2. The SC held that the partners cannot claim
The lease is binding on all persons who participate
back the assets they contributed to the therein.
partnership. The proper remedy is to dissolve
the partnership and liquidate its assets. ISSUE: whether or not a partner who has left the
FALLO partnership may, after his departure, use information
known to him by reason of the partnership for his own
For the foregoing considerations, the benefit.
judgment appealed from as well as the order of the
RULING: No. Above all other persons in business C. 6. EVANGELISTA & CO., DOMINGO C.
relations, partners are required to exhibit towards EVANGELISTA, JR., CONCHITA B. NAVARRO and
each other the highest degree of good faith. In fact the LEONARDA ATIENZA ABAD
relation between partners is essentially fiduciary, each SANTOS, petitioners, vs. ESTRELLA ABAD
being considered in law, as he is in fact, the SANTOS, respondent.
confidential agent of the other. It is therefore accepted G.R. No. L-31684 June 28, 1973. MAKALINTAL, J.:
as fundamental in equity jurisprudence that one
partner cannot, to the detriment of another, apply Facts:
exclusively to his own benefit the results of the
knowledge and information gained in the character of On October 9, 1954 a co-partnership was formed
partner. Thus, it has been held that if one partner under the name of "Evangelista & Co."
obtains in his own name and for his own benefit the On June 7, 1955 the Articles of Co-partnership was
renewal of a lease on property used by the firm, to amended as to include herein respondent, Estrella
commence at a date subsequent to the expiration of Abad Santos, as industrial partner, with herein
the firm's lease, the partner obtaining the renewal is petitioners Domingo C. Evangelista, Jr., Leonardo
held to be a constructive trustee of the firm as to such Atienza Abad Santos and Conchita P. Navarro, the
lease. And this rule has even been applied to a original capitalist partners, remaining in that
renewal taken in the name of one partner after the capacity, with a contribution of P17,500 each.
dissolution of the firm and pending its liquidation. The amended Articles providedthat "the
contribution of Estrella Abad Santos consists of her
Pang Lim had been partner with Lo Seng and Benito industry being an industrial partner", and that the
Galvez an employee. Both therefore had been in profits and losses "shall be divided and distributed
relations of confidence with Lo Seng and in that among the partners ... in the proportion of 70% for
position had acquired knowledge of the possibilities of the first three partners, Domingo C. Evangelista,
the property and possibly an experience which would Jr., Conchita P. Navarro and Leonardo Atienza
have enabled them, in case they had acquired Abad Santos to be divided among them equally;
possession, to exploit the distillery with profit. On and 30% for the fourth partner Estrella Abad
account of his status as partner in the firm of Lo Seng Santos."
and Co., Pang Lim knew that the original lease had
been extended for fifteen years; and he knew the On December 17, 1963 herein respondent filed suit
extent of valuable improvements that had been made against the three other partners in the Court of
thereon. Certainly, as observed in the appellant's First Instance of Manila, alleging that the
brief, it would be shocking to the moral sense if the partnership, which was also made a party-
condition of the law were found to be such that Pang defendant, had been paying dividends to the
Lim, after profiting by the sale of his interest in a partners except to her; and that notwithstanding
business, worthless without the lease, could intervene her demands the defendants had refused and
as purchaser of the property and confiscate for his continued to refuse and let her examine the
own benefit the property which he had sold for a partnership books or to give her information
valuable consideration to Lo Seng. regarding the partnership affairs to pay her any
share in the dividends declared by the partnership.
While yet a partner in the firm of Lo Seng and Co., She therefore prayed that the defendants be
Pang Lim participated in the creation of this lease, ordered to render accounting to her of the
and when he sold out his interest in that firm to Lo partnership business and to pay her corresponding
Seng this operated as a transfer to Lo Seng of Pang share in the partnership profits after such
Lim's interest in the firm assets, including the lease; accounting, plus attorney's fees and costs.
and Pang Lim cannot now be permitted, in the guise
of a purchaser of the estate, to destroy an interest The defendants, in their answer, denied ever
derived from himself, and for which he has received having declared dividends or distributed profits of
full value. Pang Lim, having been a participant in the the partnership; denied likewise that the plaintiff
contract of lease now in question, is not in a position ever demanded that she be allowed to examine
to terminate it. the partnership books; and byway of affirmative
defense alleged that the amended Articles of Co-
It follows that as Lo Seng is vested with the partnership did not express the true agreement of
possessory right as against Pang Lim, he cannot be the parties, which was that the plaintiff was not an
ousted either by Pang Lim or Benito Galvez. Having industrial partner; that she did not in fact contribute
lawful possession as against one cotenant, he is industry to the partnership; and that her share of
entitled to retain it against both. Both Pang Lim and 30% was to be based on the profits which might be
Benito Galvez are bound to respect Lo Seng's lease, realized by the partnership only until full payment
at least in so far as the present action is concerned of the loan which it had obtained in December,
1955 from the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation
FALLO: in the sum of P30,000, for which the plaintiff had
signed a promisory note as co-maker and
mortgaged her property as security.
The judgment appealed from will be reversed, and the
defendant will be absolved from the complaint. It is so
The Court of First Instance found for the plaintiff
ordered, without express adjudication as to costs.
and rendered judgement "declaring her an
industrial partner of Evangelista & Co.; ordering the
lone testimony and did not exhibit any Although the buildings were burned later, Choithram
commercial document as regard to the alleged was able to build two other buildings on the property.
remittances. It believed the claim of He rented them out and collected the rentals. Through
Choitram that he and Ishwar entered into the industry and genius of Choithram, Ishwar's
a temporary arrangement in order to property was developed and improved into what it is
enable Choithram, then a British citizen, to now a valuable asset worth millions of pesos. We
purchase the properties in the name of Ishwar
have a situation where two brothers engaged in a
who was an American citizen and who was
business venture. One furnished the capital, the other
then qualified to purchase property in the
Philippines under the then Parity contributed his industry and talent. Justice and equity
Amendment. dictate that the two share equally the fruit of their joint
investment and efforts. Perhaps this Solomonic
solution may pave the way towards their
Upon appeal, the CA reversed the decision reconciliation. Both would stand to gain. No one would
and gave credence to Ishwar. It upheld the end up the loser. After all, blood is thicker than water.
validity of Ishwar’s testimony and gave However, because of the devious machinations and
cognizance to a letter written by schemes that Choithram employed he should pay
Choihtram imploring Ishwar to renew the
moral and exemplary damages as well as attorney's
power of attorney after it was revoked. It
fees to spouses Ishwar.
states therein that Choithram reassures his
brother that he is not after his money and that
the revocation is hurting the reputation of
Ishwar. Choithram also made no mention of 2. Whether Ishram can recover the entire
his claimed temporary arrangement in the properties subject in the ligitation
stated that "as a return for such financial was asking for an accounting of his interests
assistance, plaintiff (private respondent) would be in the partnership.
entitled to twenty-two percentum (22%) of the
annual profit derived from the operation of the
said panciteria.' (p. 107, Rollo) The well-settled It is Article 1842 of the Civil Code in conjunction with
doctrine is that the '"... nature of the action filed in Articles 1144 and 1155 which is applicable. Article
court is determined by the facts alleged in the 1842 states:
complaint as constituting the cause of action."
The right to an account of his interest
2. As to the findings of the PC Crime shall accrue to any partner, or his legal
Laboratory and the Pay envelopes representative as against the winding
(procedural) up partners or the surviving partners
The records also show that when the pay envelopes or the person or partnership
(Exhibits "H", "H-1" to "H-24") were presented by the continuing the business, at the date of
private respondent for marking as exhibits, the dissolution, in the absence or any
petitioner did not interpose any objection. Neither did agreement to the contrary.
the petitioner file an opposition to the motion of the
private respondent to have these exhibits together
Regarding the prescriptive period within which the
with the two receipts examined by the PC Crime
private respondent may demand an accounting,
Laboratory despite due notice to him. Likewise, no
Articles 1806, 1807, and 1809 show that the right to
explanation has been offered for his silence nor was
demand an accounting exists as long as the
any hint of objection registered for that purpose.
partnership exists. Prescription begins to run only
upon the dissolution of the partnership when the final
3. Petitioner also invokes prescription in the
accounting is done.
claim of respondent. He relies on Art. 1144
of the Civil Code, that actions upon a
written contract, obligation crated by law, WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby
or upon a judgment must be brought DISMISSED for lack of merit. The decision of the
within 10 years. respondent court is AFFIRMED with a
MODIFICATION that as indicated above, the
The alleged receipt is dated October 1, 1955 and the partnership of the parties is ordered dissolved.
complaint was filed only on July 13, 1978 or after the
lapse of twenty-two (22) years, nine (9) months and SO ORDERED.
twelve (12) days. From October 1, 1955 to July 13,
1978, no written demands were ever made by private C9. G.R. No. L-6304 December 29, 1953
SERGIO V. SISON, plaintiff-appellant,
Not correct. vs.
HELEN J. MCQUAID, defendant-appellee.
the said army after the war; that the claim was
"finally" approved and the full amount paid — C10. G.R. No. L-47823 July 26, 1943
the complaint does not say when — but JOSE ORNUM and EMERENCIANA ORNUM,
defendant has persistently refused to deliver petitioners, vs. MARIANO, LASALA, et al.,
one-half of it, or P6,900, to plaintiff respondent.
notwithstanding repeated demands, investing
the whole sum of P13,800 for her own benefit. (Point: Without objecting to a statement of accounts, a
partner promised to sign the same after receiving his
Petitioners’ Allegation shares, and after he has been paid, refused to sign
and instead demanded a liquidation. Is he entitled for
Plaintiff, therefore, prays for judgment further liquidation? SC HELD: No.)
declaring the existence of the alleged
partnership and requiring the defendant to pay
him the said sum of P6,900, in addition to FACTS:
damages and costs. In 1908 Pedro Lasala, father of the
respondents, and Emerenciano Ornum
Defendant’s answer formed a partnership, whereby the former, as
capitalist, delivered the sum of P1,000 to
Defendant filed a motion to dismiss on the the latter who, as industrial partner, was to
grounds that plaintiff's action had already conduct a business at his place of
prescribed, that plaintiff's claim was not residence in Romblon.
provable under the Statute of Frauds, and that In 1912, when the assets of the partnership
the complaint stated no cause of action. consisted of outstanding accounts and old
stock of merchandise, Emerenciano Ornum,
Issue: Whether or not plaintiff is entitled of the following the wishes of his wife, asked for the
½ of the purchase price of the lumber sold in dissolution of the Lasala
the partnership?
Emerenciano Ornum looked for some one
who could take his place and he suggested
Ruling: NO
the names of the petitioners who
accordingly became the new partners.
Upon joining the business, the petitioners,
Plaintiff seeks to recover from defendant one- contributed P505.54 as their capital
half of the purchase price of lumber sold by With the result that in the new partnership
the partnership to the United States Army. But Pedro Lasala had a capital of P1,000,
his complaint does not show why he should appraised value of the assets of the former
be entitled to the sum he claims. partnership, plus the said P505.54 invested by
the petitioners who, as industrial partners,
were to run the business in Romblon.
After the death of Pedro Lasala, his children
It does not allege that there has been a (the respondents) succeeded to all his
liquidation of the partnership business and the rights and interest in the partnership.
said sum has been found to be due him as his The partners never knew each other
share of the profits. The proceeds from the personally. No formal partnership agreement
sale of a certain amount of lumber cannot be was ever executed.
considered profits until costs and expenses The petitioners, as managing partners, were
have been deducted. Moreover, the profits of received one-half of the net gains, and the
the business cannot be determined by taking other half was to be divided between them
into account the result of one particular and the Lasala group in proportion to the
transaction instead of all the transactions had. capital put in by each group.
Hence, the need for a general liquidation During the course divided, but the partners
before a member of a partnership may claim a were given the election, to invest their
specific sum as his share of the profits. respective shares in such profits as additional
The petitioners accordingly let a greater part Praying for an accounting and final liquidation of the
of their profits as additional investment in assets of the partnership.
the partnership.
After twenty years the business had grown to RULING OF THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE
such an extent that is total value, including MANILA
profits, amounted to P44,618.67. The last and final statement of accounts prepared by
Statements of accounts were periodically the petitioners was tacitly approved and accepted
prepared by the petitioners and sent to the by the respondents who, by virtue of the above-
respondents who invariably did not make any quoted letter of Father Mariano Lasala, lost their right
objection thereto. Before the last statement to a further accounting from the moment they received
of accounts was made, the respondents had and accepted their shares as itemized in said
received P5,387.29 by way of profits. statement.
The last and final statement of accounts,
dated May 27, 1932, and prepared by the RULING OF THE COURT OF APPEALS
petitioners after the respondents had REVERSED principally on the ground that as the final
announced their desire to dissolve the statement of accounts remains unsigned by the
partnership. (refer to FULLTEXT about the respondents, the same stands disapproved.
statements of accounts)
After the receipt of the foregoing statement of DECISION APPEALED BY THE PETITIONER
accounts, Father Mariano Lasala, spokesman To support a plea of a stated account so as to
for the respondents, wrote the following letter conclude the parties in relation to all dealings between
to the petitioners on July 19, 1932: them, the accounting must be shown to have been
(TRANSLATED by Google: We already final. (1 Cyc. 366.) All the first nine statements which
manifest you frankly here, as a consort, and the defendants sent the plaintiffs were partial
we also authorize you to repeat it to your settlements, while the last, although intended to be
sister Mering, widow, that the reason why we final, has not been signed.
collect the capital and profits of our society in
all our business that is in your care, is that we ISSUE/S:
have a great commitment that we can hardly
avoid. For this we pray again that by any 1. Whether or not the accounting stated in the letter
means before the end of this month of July, including the last and final statement of account was
1932, we await your consideration. Thank tacitly accepted by the petitioners as the final
you. liquidation and accounting of the partnership?
2. Whether or not there are really mistakes and
Once we have received this, then we will sign misinterpretations made in the statement of accounts
the balance that you have made there, whose made?
copy you have left here. Regards all there and
send.) RULING
Pursuant to the request contained in this
letter, the petitioners remitted and paid to the 1. We hold that the last and final statement of
respondents the total amount corresponding accounts hereinabove quoted, had been approved
to them under the above-quoted statement of by the respondents. This approval resulted, by virtue
accounts which, however, was not signed by of the letter of Father Mariano Lasala of July 19, 1932,
the latter. quoted in part in the appealed decision from the
Thereafter the complaint in this case was filed failure of the respondents to object to the
by the respondents, praying for an statement and from their promise to sign the same
accounting and final liquidation of the as soon as they received their shares as shown in
assets of the partnership. said statement.
Pursuant to the request contained in this letter, the This approval precludes any right on the part of the
petitioners remitted and paid to the respondents the respondents to a further liquidation, unless the latter
total amount corresponding to them under the above- can show that there was fraud, deceit, error or
quoted statement of accounts which, however, was mistake in said approval. (Pastor, vs. Nicasio, 6 Phil.,
not signed by the latter. 152; Aldecoa & Co., vs. Warner, Barnes & Co., 16
Phil., 423; Gonsalez vs. Harty, 32 Phil. 328.)
2. The pronouncement that the evidence tends to
prove that there were mistakes in the petitioners'
statements of accounts, without specifying the cigarettes while Liwanag and Tabligan will act as her
mistakes, merely intimates as suspicion and is not agents with the corresponding 40% commission to her
such a positive and unmistakable finding of fact if the goods are sold. It was also agreed that in the
(Cf. Concepcion vs. People, G.R. No. 48169, event that the cigarettes are not sold, the proceeds of
promulgated December 28, 1942) as to justify a the sale or the said products shall be returned to
revision, especially because the Court of Appeals Rosales. Liwanag failed to comply with the above
has relied on the bare allegations of the parties. agreements and ceased to make periodic reports to
Rosales prompting the latter to file an estafa case
Even admitting that, as alleged by the petitioners in against her.
their counterclaim, they overpaid the respondents in
the sum of P575.12, this error is essentially fatal to The trial court found Liwanag guilty as charged. When
the latter's theory what the statement of accounts brought on appeal, the appellate court affirmed the
shows, and is therefore not the kind of error that decision.And when her motion for reconsideration
calls for another accounting which will serve the denied,the petitioner filed this petition.
purpose of the respondent's suit. Petitioner’s Contention:
FALLO She advances the theory that the parties intended to
enter into a contract of partnership, wherein Rosales
We are reversing the appealed decision on the would contribute the funds while she would buy and
legal ground that the petitioners' final statement of sell the cigarettes, and later divide the profits between
accounts had been approved by the respondents and them. She also argues that the transaction can also
no justifiable reason (fraud, deceit, error or mistake) be interpreted as a simple loan, with Rosales lending
has been positively and unmistakably found by the to her the amount stated on an installment basis.
Court of Appeals so as to warrant the liquidations
sought by the respondents.
Indeed, we feel justified in stating that the petitioners
have here given a remarkable demonstration of the Whether or not a partner maybe sued for estafa
legendary honesty, good faith and industry with which for misappropriation of partnership funds?
the natives of Taal pursue business arrangements
similar to the partnership in question, and we would RULING:
hate, in the absence of any sufficient reason, to let YES.
such a beautiful legend have a distateful ending.
All the elements of estafa are attendant in the present
case: (1) that the accused defrauded another by
C.11 abuse of confidence or deceit; and (2) that damage or
prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation is caused to
G.R. No. 114398 October 24, 1997 the offended party or third party, and it is essential
that there be a fiduciary relation between them either
in the form of a trust, commission or administration.
CARMEN LIWANAG, petitioner,
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS and THE PEOPLE The language of the receipt signed by petitioner could
OF THE PHILIPPINES, represented by the Solicitor not be any clearer. It indicates that the money
General, respondents. delivered to Liwanag was for a specific purpose, that
is, for the purchase of cigarettes, and in the event the
cigarettes cannot be sold, the money must be
returned to Rosales. Thus, even assuming that a
contract of partnership was indeed entered into
by and between the parties, we have ruled that
when money or property have been received by a
GUILTY OF ESTAFA. — Even assuming that a
partner for a specific purpose (such as that
contract of partnership was indeed entered into by
obtaining in the instant case) and he later
and between the parties, we have ruled that when
misappropriated it, such partner is guilty of
money or property have been received by a partner
for a specific purpose (such as that obtaining in the
instant case) and he later misappropriated it, such
partner is guilty of estafa. Neither can the transaction be considered a loan,
since in a contract of loan once the money is received
by the debtor, ownership over the same is
transferred. Being the owner, the borrower can
dispose of it for whatever purpose he may deem
Petitioner Carmen Liwanag was charged with the proper. In the instant petition, however, it is evident
crime of estafa before the RTC of Quezon City. The that Liwanag could not dispose of the money as she
complaint alleged that petitioner Liwanag and certain pleased because it was only delivered to her for a
Thelma Tabligan went to the house of complainant single purpose, namely, for the purchase of
Isidora Rosales and offered her to join them in the cigarettes, and if this was not possible then to return
business of buying and selling of cigarettes. Rosales the money to Rosales. Since in this case there was no
agreed to give the money needed to buy the transfer of ownership of the money delivered, Liwanag
is liable for conversion under Art. 315, par. l(b) of the the evidence, was the person who received the
Revised Penal Code. money directly from Larin.
Larin charged them with the crime of estafa, but the We therefore freely acquit Eusebio Clarin, with the
provincial fiscal filed an information only against costs de oficio. The complaint for estafa is dismissed
Eusebio Clarin in which he accused him of without prejudice to the institution of a civil action.
appropriating to himself not only the P172 but also the
share of the profits that belonged to Larin, amounting
to P15.50. Pedro Tarug and Carlos de Guzman C13 - PEDRO MARTINEZ V. ONG PONG CO AND
appeared in the case as witnesses and assumed that
the facts presented concerned the defendant and
themselves together. G.R. No. L-5236 January 10, 1910
until full payment thereof, representing ½ of the The agreement stipulates that they form a partnership
capital which the plaintiff contributed and ½ of the known by the name ―AM Pabalan and Company‖, with
profits calculated at the rate of 12 per cent per annum capital at P9,000; that Pabalan would contribute
for the six months that the store was supposed to P3,000 in cash while Fitton contribute real property;
have been open. that Pabalan would sell his two lots to Fitton for
P6,000; that Pabalan would receive P3,000 of the
Defendant’s allegation: The reason for the closing of purchase price and the remaining will be his
the store was the ejectment from the premises contribution to the capital; and that Fitton would
occupied by it in view of the losses incurred by it. contribute the said two lots as his agreed capital.
ISSUE: WON Ong Pong Co and Ong Lay are liable Pabalan received P3,000 of the purchase price. When
and up to what extent. Fitton died, he failed to pay the partnership funds the
remaining P3,000. Owing to the failure of Fitton to
HELD: YES. The partners are jointly liable. The comply with his obligation, the properties in question
whole action is based upon the fact that the had been entirely unproductive, resulting in losses
defendants received certain capital from the and damages to Pabalan. Plaintiff prayed for the
plaintiff for the purpose of organizing a company. rescission of the double contract (partnership and
With this, they are deemed as the apparent sale) entered into. Defendant Velez is the
administrators of the partnership and acted as agents administrator of Fitton’s estate.
for the capitalist partner (in this case, Martinez) and
Plaintiff-Appellant’s Contention:
by virtue thereof are bound to fulfill the contract which
implies the management of the business. As such
The plaintiff's claim is founded on the alleged fact that
administrators they were the agent of the company
the said Walter A. Fitton failed to comply with his
and incurred the liabilities peculiar to every agent, obligations as stipulated in the said double contract,
among which is that of rendering account to the inasmuch as he did not pay into the funds of the
principal of their transactions, and paying him company entitled "A. M. Pabalan and Company," as
everything they may have received by virtue of the capital of the partner Pabalan, the sum of P3,000,
the mandatum (A Contract of Mandatum requires that or the remainder of P6,000, the price of the properties
agents shall account to the principal for all their which he had purchased from the plaintiff, did not pay
transactions and pay him whatever sum they received to the latter the said amount, nor any part thereof, nor
by virtue thereof. By not accounting for it, or otherwise was such payment made, after the said Fitton's death,
justifying the investment of the money received and by the administrator of the latter's estate.
administered, the parties who received it become
debtors and are under obligation to make restitution of Defendant-Appellee’s Contention:
the money to the person who entrusted it to them.
As a special defense the defendant alleged that the
FALLO: In view of the foregoing judgment appealed action prosecuted by the plaintiff had prescribed; that
from is hereby affirmed, provided, however, that the the fact that the properties of the company known as
"A. M. Pabalan and Company" had been unproductive
defendant Ong Pong Co shall only pay the plaintiff the was exclusively due to the great negligence of the
sum of P750 with the legal interest thereon at the rate plaintiff, since he had had more than sufficient time,
of 6 per cent per annum from the time of the filing of from June 27, 1900, to the date of the death of Fitton,
the complaint, and the costs, without special ruling as to have demanded from his copartner the sum offered
to the costs of this instance. So ordered. by the latter and which he was to contribute to the
common assets, and that, notwithstanding all the time
that had elapsed since the execution of the articles of
partnership, up to the date of the presentation of the
C14_ EN BANC complaint the plaintiff had never required his
copartner to turn into the partnership funds the capital
G.R. No. L-5953 February 24, 1912 pledged.
In this case, enforcement cannot be done because 3. Mr. Teague will have charge of selling fish in
the defaulting party/partner is already dead. Justice Manila and purchasing supplies.
requires the dissolution of the Company and the 4. No salary until business is on paying basis,
rescission of the said sale. then the same as Maddy or Martin.
All the parties agreed that there was a partnership Upon appeal, the plaintiff further contended that he is
between them. What the plaintiff is asking is for the the managing partner of the partnership and that the
dissolution of the partnership and the appointment of three (3) properties (Lapu-Lapu, Ford Truck & the
a receiver pendente lite. adding machine) are the properties of the partnership
since they were paid from the partnership; thus does
Plaintiff-Appellant’s (TEAGUE) Allegation: not belong to him.
C.16. G.R. No. L-45624 April 25, The SC favored Litton. The appealed decision is
1939GEORGELITTON, petitioner-appellant, vs. reversed and the defendants are ordered to pay to the
HILL & CERON, ET AL., respondents-appellees. plaintiff, jointly and severally, the sum of P720, with
legal interest.
Based on the Articles of Partnership, business of the
On February 14, 1934, the plaintiff sold and delivered partnership has been entrusted to both partners
to Carlos Ceron, who is one of the managing partners thereof, but we dissent from the view of the Court of
of Hill & Ceron, a certain number of mining claims, Appeals that for one of the partners to bind the
and by virtue of said transaction, the defendant Carlos partnership the consent of the other is necessary.
Ceron delivered to the plaintiff a document that the Third persons, like the plaintiff, are not bound in
latter receives from the petitioner certificates Nos. entering into a contract with any of the two partners,
4428, 4429 and 6699 for 5,000, 5,000 and 7,000 to ascertain whether or not this partner with whom the
shares respectively — total 17,000 shares of Big transaction is made has the consent of the other
Wedge Mining Company, which we have sold at partner. The public need not make inquires as to the
P0.11 (eleven centavos) per share or P1,870.00 less agreements had between the partners. Its knowledge,
1/2 per cent brokerage. is enough that it is contracting with the partnership
which under Article 130 of the Code of Commerce,
may legally engage in the business of brokerage in
Ceron paid to the plaintiff the sum or P1,150 leaving
general as stock brokers, security brokers and other
an unpaid balance of P720. Plaintiff failed to collect
activities pertaining to the business of the partnership.
the sum of money from Hill & Ceron or from its surety
Ceron, therefore, could not have entered into the
Visayan Surety & Insurance Corporation. Litton filed
contract of sale of shares with Litton as a private
a complaint against the said defendants for the
individual, but as a managing partner of Hill & Ceron.
recovery of the said balance.
The respondent argues in its brief that even admitting In the year 1913, the individuals named as
that one of the partners could not, in his individual defendants in this action formed a civil partnership,
capacity, engage in a transaction similar to that in called "La Protectora," for the purpose of engaging
which the partnership is engaged without binding the in the business of transporting passengers and
latter, nevertheless there is no law which prohibits a freight at Laoag, Ilocos Norte.
partner in the stock brokerage business for engaging In order to provide the enterprise with means of
in other transactions different from those of the transportation, Marcelo Barba, acting as manager,
partnership, as it happens in the present case, came to Manila and upon June 23, 1913,
because the transaction made by Ceron is a mere negotiated the purchase of two automobile trucks
personal loan, and this argument, so it is said, is from the plaintiff, E. M. Bachrach, for the agree
corroborated by the Court of Appeals. price of P16,500. He paid the sum of 3,000 in
cash, and for the balance executed promissory
notes representing the deferred payments. Three
The CFI ordered Carlos Ceron personally to pay the
of these notes, for the sum of P3,375 each, have
amount claimed and absolved the partnership Hill & been made the subject of the present action, and
Ceron, Robert Hill and the Visayan Surety & there are exhibited with the complaint in the cause.
Insurance Corporation. One was signed by Marcelo Barba in the following
On appeal to the Court of Appeals, the latter P. P. La Protectora
affirmed the decision of the court on May 29, 1937, By Marcelo Barba
having reached the conclusion that Ceron did not Marcelo Barba.
intend to represent and did not act for the firm Hill
& Ceron in the transaction involved in this
As preliminary to the purchase of these trucks, the
defendants Nicolas Segundo, Antonio Adiarte,
Ignacio Flores, and Modesto Serrano, upon June
contributions to a new corporation proposed who failed to incorporate the entity in which
by Lim to expand his airline business. They they had chosen to invest?
executed two (2) separate indemnity 2. How are the losses to be treated in situations
agreements (Exhibits D-1 and D-2) in favor of where their contributions to the intended
Pioneer, one signed by Maglana and the other 'corporation' were invested not through the
jointly signed by Lim for SAL, Bormaheco and corporate form?
the Cervanteses.
On June 10, 1965, Lim doing business under 1. While it has been held that as between
the name and style of SAL executed in favor themselves the rights of the stockholders in a
of Pioneer as deed of chattel mortgage as defectively incorporated association should be
security for the latter's suretyship in favor of governed by the supposed charter and the
the former. It was stipulated therein that Lim laws of the state relating thereto and not by
transfer and convey to the surety the two the rules governing partners (Cannon v. Brush
aircrafts. The deed (Exhibit D) was duly Electric Co., 54 A. 121, 96 Md. 446, 94 Am.
registered with the Office of the Register of S.R. 584), it is ordinarily held that persons
Deeds of the City of Manila and with the Civil who attempt, but fail, to form a corporation
Aeronautics Administration pursuant to the and who carry on business under the
Chattel Mortgage Law and the Civil corporate name occupy the position of
Aeronautics Law (Republic Act No. 776), partners inter se
Thus, where persons associate themselves together
Lim defaulted on his subsequent installment under articles to purchase property to carry on a
payments prompting JDA to request payments business, and their organization is so defective as to
from the surety. Pioneer paid a total sum of come short of creating a corporation within the statute,
P298,626.12. they become in legal effect partners inter se, and their
Pioneer then filed a petition for the rights as members of the company to the property
extrajudicial foreclosure of the said chattel acquired by the company will be recognized.
mortgage before the Sheriff of Davao City.
The Cervanteses and Maglana, however, filed It is therefore clear that the petitioner never had
a third party claim alleging that they are co- the intention to form a corporation with the
owners of the aircrafts, respondents despite his representations to them.
This gives credence to the cross-claims of the
On July 19, 1966, Pioneer filed an action for respondents to the effect that they were induced and
judicial foreclosure with an application for a lured by the petitioner to make contributions to a
writ of preliminary attachment against Lim and proposed corporation which was never formed
respondents, the Cervanteses, Bormaheco because the petitioner reneged on their agreement
and Maglana. (Lim in an undertaking sometime on or about August
9,1965, promised to incorporate his airline in
In their Answers, Maglana, Bormaheco and accordance with their agreement and proceeded to
the Cervanteses filed cross-claims against acquire the planes on his own account. Since then up
Lim alleging that they were not privies to the to the filing of this answer, Lim has refused, failed and
contracts signed by Lim and, by way of still refuses to set up the corporation or return the
counterclaim, sought for damages for being money of Maglana.)
exposed to litigation and for recovery of the
sums of money they advanced to Lim for the Applying therefore the principles of law earlier cited to
purchase of the aircrafts in question. the facts of the case, necessarily, no de facto
partnership was created among the parties which
G.R. No. 84157 would entitle the petitioner to a reimbursement of the
supposed losses of the proposed corporation. The
PETITIONER: record shows that the petitioner was acting on his own
as a result of the failure of respondents Bormaheco, and not in behalf of his other would-be incorporators
Spouses Cervantes, Constancio Maglana and in transacting the sale of the airplanes and spare
petitioner Lim to incorporate, a de facto partnership parts.
among them was created, and that as a consequence
of such relationship all must share in the losses WHEREFORE, the instant petitions are DISMISSED.
and/or gains of the venture in proportion to their The questioned decision of the Court of Appeals is
contribution. The petitioner, therefore, questions the AFFIRMED
appellate court's findings ordering him to reimburse (Decision of CA:)
certain amounts given by the respondents to the Gipabayad si jacob lim kay respondents.
petitioner as their contributions to the intended
1. What legal rules govern the relationship
among co-investors whose agreement was to
do business through the corporate vehicle but
Trial court found the same well-founded and (Point: Advances allowed managing partner - On the
sustained it, ordering the plaintiff to amend his adjustment of the accounts of a partnership, the
complaint. However the plaintiff manifested that he managing partner may be allowed funds borrowed or
would not prefer to amend his amended complaint. advanced and necessary to the completion of the
Carmen de Luna filed a motion to dismiss the said work, within the scope of the business and expressly
amended complaint which was granted by the Court provided for by agreement among the partners.)
of First Instance of Manila. Hence, this petition.
The parties to this controversy, as industrial
Whether or not the plaintiff can claim damages partners without capital, contributed from its
against Carmen based on the complaint. profits the sum of P807.28 as a fund toward
the construction of a casco for use in their
RULING: business
Bartolome Inocencio, he being the managing
NO. partner borrowed P3,500, borrowed from
Maria del Rosario, his wife.
For the purpose of adjudicating to plaintiff It is admitted that this total, a little over
damages which he alleges to have suffered as a P4,300, was the estimated cost of the casco.
In view of all the foregoing, the judgment delivery and merely declared that Lastrilla was
appealed from is affirmed, with costs against the entitled to 17 per cent of the properties sold.
appellant. So ordered.
In civil case, of the Court of First Instance of Why was it necessary to hear them on the merits
Leyte, which is a suit for damages by the of Lastrilla's motion?
Leyte-Samar Sales Co. (hereinafter called Because Dorfe and Asturias might be unwilling
LESSCO) and Raymond Tomassi against the to recognize the validity of Lastrilla's purchase,
Far Eastern Lumber & Commercial Co. or, if valid, they may want him not to forsake the
(unregistered commercial partnership partnership that might have some obligations in
connection with the partnership properties. And
hereinafter called FELCO), Arnold Hall, Fred what is more important, if... the motion is
Brown and Jean Roxas, judgment against granted, when the time for redemption comes,
defendants jointly and severally for the Dorfe and Asturias will receive from
amount of P31,589.14 plus costs was redemptioners seventeen per cent (17%) less
than the amount they had paid for the same
rendered on October 29, 1948.
The Court of Appeals confirmed the award in The defendants Arnold Hall and Jean Roxas,
November 1950, minus P2,000 representing eyeing Lastrilla's financial assets, might also
oppose the substitution by Lastrilla of Fred
attorney's fees mistakenly included. Brown, the judgment against them being joint
and several. They might entertain misgivings
The decision having become final, the sheriff about Brown's slipping out of their... common
sold at auction on June 9, 1951 to Robert predicament through the disposal of his shares.
Dorfe and Pepito Asturias "all the rights, Now, these varied interests of necessity make
interests, titles and participation" of the Dorfe, Asturias and the defendants
defendants in certain buildings and properties indispensable parties to the motion of Lastrilla
described in the certificate, for a total price of granting it was a step allowable under our
regulations on execution. Yet these parties were
eight thousand and one hundred pesos. not notified, and obviously took no part in... the
proceedings on the motion.
Wherefore, the orders of the court recognizing
Lastrilla's right and ordering payment to him of a
On June 4, 1951 Olegario Lastrilla filed in the part of the proceeds were patently erroneous,
case a motion, wherein he claimed to be the because promulgated in excess or outside of its
owner by purchase on September 29, 1949, of jurisdiction. For this reason the respondents'
all the "shares and interests" of defendant argument resting on plaintiffs'... failure to appeal
Fred Brown in the FELCO, and requested from the orders on time, although ordinarily
decisive, carries no persuasive force in this
"under the law of preference of credits" that instance.
the sheriff be required to retain in his
possession so much of the deeds of the Fallo
auction sale as may be necessary "to pay his In view of the foregoing,... we so hold, that all
right". Over the plaintiffs' objection the judge in orders of the respondent judge requiring delivery
his order of June 13, 1951, granted Lastrilla's of 17 per cent of the proceeds of the auction
motion by requiring the sheriff to retain 17 per sale to respondent Lastrilla are null and void.
cent of the money "for delivery to the
assignee, administrator or receiver" of the
FELCO. And on motion of Lastrilla, the court
on August 14, 1951, modified its order of
E. RELATIONS AND DEALINGS WITH THIRD credit of P20,000 from PNB in 1921 and
PERSONS executed a chattel mortgage on certain
personal property belonging to the
E.1 partnership.
G.R. No. L-26937 October 5, 1927 Defendants had been using this commercial
credit in a current account with the plaintiff
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, plaintiff-appellee, bank from 1918 – 1922 and as of December
31, 1924 the debit balance of this account P
SEVERO EUGENIO LO, ET AL., defendants.
SENG, appellants.
PNB claims in the complaint this amount and
FACTS: an interest of P16, 518.74.
The credit was renewed several times and Whether or not ―Tai Sing & Co.‖ is a general
partnership in that the appellants can be held liable to
Kelam, as attorney-in-fact of ―Tai Sing & Co., pay PNB.
executed a chattel mortgage in favor of PNB
as security as security for a loan P20,000. RULING:
This mortgage was again renewed and Kelam Yes. “Tai Sing & Co.” is a general partnership.
as attorney-in-fact of ―Tai Sing & Co.‖
executed another chattel mortgage for the Appellants admit and it appears from the
said sum of P20,000. articles of copartnership that ―Tai Sing & Co.‖
is a general partnership and it was registered
1920 – Yap Seng, Severo Lo, Kelam and Ng
in the mercantile register of Iloilo.
Khey Ling, the latter represented by M.
Pineda Tayenko, executed a power of The fact that the partners opt to use ―Tai Sing
attorney in favor of Sy Tit. & Co.‖ as the firm name does not affect the
liability of the general partners to third parties
By virtue of the power of attorney, Sy Tit
under Article127 of the Code of Commerce.
representing ―Tai Sing & Co.‖ obtained a
Jurisprudence states that:
o The object of article 126 of the Code E.3 (Pangit kaayo pagkasulat ni nga case yawa)
of Commerce in requiring a general G.R. No. L-3704 December 12, 1907
partnership to transact business under LA COMPAÑIA MARITIMA, plaintiff-appellant,
the name of all its members, of several vs.
of them, or of one only, is to protect FRANCISCO MUÑOZ, ET AL., defendants-
the public from imposition and fraud appellees.
o It is for the protection of the creditors
rather than of the partners themselves. The plaintiff brought this action in the Court of First
o The law must be unlawful and Instance of Manila against the partnership of Franciso
unenforceable only as between the Muñoz & Sons, and against Francisco Muñoz de
partners and at the instance of the Bustillo, Emilio Muñoz de Bustillo, and Rafael Naval to
violating party, but not in the sense of recover the sum of P26,828.30, with interest and
depriving innocent parties of their costs. Judgment was rendered in the court below
rights who may have dealt with the acquitting Emilio Muñoz de Bustillo and Rafael Naval
offenders in ignorance of the latter of the complaint, and in favor of the plaintiff and
having violated the law. against the defendant partnership, Francisco Muñoz &
o Contracts entered into by commercial Sons, and Francisco Muñoz de Bustillo form the sum
associations defectively organized are of P26,828.30 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent
valid when voluntarily executed by the per annum from the 31st day of March, 1905, and
parties, and the only question is costs. From this judgment the plaintiff appealed.
whether or not they complied with the
agreement. Therefore, the defendants Facts:
cannot invoke in their defense the
anomaly in the firm name which they Appellees formed on ordinary general
themselves adopted. mercantile partnership under the name of
As to the alleged death of the manager, Francisco Muñoz & Sons for the purpose of
Say Lian Ping before Kelam executed the carrying on the mercantile business in the
contracts of mortgage with PNB, this would Province of Albay which had formerly been
carried on by Francisco Muñoz. Francisco
not affect the liability of the partnership.
Muñoz was a capitalist partner and Emilio
o Kelam was a partner who contracted Muñoz and Rafael Naval were industrial
in the name of the partnership and the
Paragraph 12 of the articles of partnership is
other partners did not object as follows:
o Lo, Khey Ling, and Yap Seng Twelfth. All profits arising from mercantile transactions
appointed Sy Tit as manager, and he carried on, as well as such as may be obtained from
obtained from PNB the credit in the sale of property and other assets which constitute
current account the corporate capital, shall be distributed, on
completion of the term of five years agreed to for the
Trial Court correctly held defendants to be continuation of the partnership, in the following
jointly and severally liable to PNB. manner: Three-fourths thereof for the capitalist
partner Francisco Muñoz de Bustillo and one-eighth
This is in accordance with Article 127 of the thereof for the industrial partner Emilio Muñoz de
Code of Commerce “all the members of a Bustillo y Carpiso, and the remaining one-eighth
general partnership, be they managing thereof for the partner Rafael Naval y Garcia. If, in lieu
partners thereof or not, shall be personally of profits, losses should result in the winding up of the
and solidarily liable with all their property, partnership, the same shall be for the sole and
for the results of the transactions made in exclusive account of the capitalist partner Francisco
the name and for the account of the Muñoz de Bustillo, without either of the two industrial
partnership, under the signature of the partners participating in such losses.
latter, and by a person authorized to use
it.” Appellees:
conferred by him and the others upon the from liability as a partner. The argument of the
persons therein named. appellees seems to be that, because no
article 141 fixes the liability of the yearly or monthly salary was assigned to
industrial partners to third persons for the Emilio Muñoz, he contributed nothing to the
obligations of the company. If it does, then partnership and received nothing from it. By
it also fixes the liability of the capitalist the articles themselves he was to receive at
partners to the same persons for the same the end of five years one-eighth of the profits.
obligations. If this article says that It can not be said, therefore, that he received
industrial partners are not liable for the nothing from the partnership. The fact that the
debts of the concern, it also says that the receipt of this money was postponed for five
capitalist partners shall be only liable for years is not important. If the contention of the
such debts in proportion to the amount of appellees were sound, it would result that,
the money which they have contributed to where the articles of partnership provided for
the partnership; that is to say, that if there a distribution of profits at the end of each year,
are only two capitalist partners, one of but did not assign any specific salary to an
whom has contributed two-thirds of the industrial partner during that time, he would
capital and the other one-third, the latter is not be a member of the partnership.
liable to a creditor of the company for only Industrial partners, by signing the articles,
one-third of the debt and the former for agree to contribute their work to the
only two-thirds. partnership and article 138 of the Code of
Commerce prohibits them from engaging
Issues: in other work except by the express
consent of the partnership. With reference
1. Whether or not the partnership is a to civil partnerships, section 1683 of the
general mercantile partnership? Civil Code relates to the same manner.
2. Whether or not Emilio Muñoz contributed
to the partnership? 3. AND 4.
3. Whether or not Emilio Muñoz as a general In limited partnership the Code of Commerce
partner, is liable to third persons for recognizes a difference between general and special
obligations contracted by the partnership? partners, but in a general partnership there is no such
4. or whether he relieved from such liability, distinction-- all the members are general partners.
either because he is an industrial partner The fact that some may be industrial and some
or because he was so relieved by the capitalist partners does not make the members of
express terms of the articles of either of these classes alone such general partners.
partnership. There is nothing in the code which says that the
industrial partners shall be the only general partners,
Ruling: nor is there anything which says that the capitalist
1. YES. In the articles of partnership signed by partners shall be the only general partners.
the partners it is expressly stated that they
have agreed to form, and do form, an ordinary, Article 127 of the Code of Commerce is as follows:
general mercantile partnership. The object of
the partnership, as stated in the fourth All the members of the general copartnership, be they
paragraph of the articles, is a purely or be they not managing partners of the same, are
mercantile one and all the requirements of the liable personally and in solidum with all their property
Code of Commerce in reference to such for the results of the transactions made in the name
partnership were complied with. The articles and for the account of the partnership, under the
of partnership were recorded in the mercantile signature of the latter, and by a person authorized to
registry in the Province of Albay. If it should be make use thereof.
held that the contract made in this case did
not create an ordinary, general mercantile (THE COURT CITED DIFF ARTICLES OF THE
partnership we do not see how one could be CODE OF COMMERCE RE. MANAGEMENT, USE
PARTNERS. It ruled that industrial partners also have
2. YES. . He contributed as much as did the all thes rights)
other industrial partner, Rafael Naval, the
difference between the two being that Rafael While this is a commercial partnership and must be
Naval was entitled by the articles of governed therefore by the rules of the Code of
agreement to a fixed salary of P2,500 as long Commerce, yet an examination of the provisions of
as he was in charge of the branch office the Civil Code in reference to partnerships may throw
established at Ligao. If he had left that branch some light upon the question here to be resolved.
office soon after the partnership was Articles 1689 and 1691 contain, in substance, the
organized, he would have been in the same provisions of articles 140 and 141 of the Code of
condition then that Emilio Muñoz was from the Commerce. It is to be noticed that these articles are
beginning. Such a change would have found in section 1 of Chapter II [Title VIII] of Book IV.
deprived him of the salary P2,500, but would That section treats of the obligations of the partners
not have affected in any way the partnership between themselves. The liability of the partners as to
nor have produced the effect of relieving him third persons is treated in a distinct section, namely,
section 2, comprising articles from 1697 to 1699.
and, as we have said, it was not a commercial earlier deeded over by them to the
partnership. partnership, "Heirs of Hugo Lim," more
precisely, on March 30, 1959, hence, said
Therefore, by the express provisions of articles 1698 mortgage was void because executed by
and 1137 of the Civil Code the partners are not liable them without authority from the partnership.
individually for the entire amount due the plaintiff. The
liability is pro rata and in this case the appellant is
responsible to the plaintiff for only one-half of the ISSUE:
silence, when in conscience he ought to speak, equity and consequently, those members' acts, declarations
will debar him from speaking when in conscience he and omissions cannot be deemed to be simply the
ought to remain silent. He who remains silent when he individual acts of said members, but in fact and in law,
ought to speak cannot be heard to speak when he those of the partnership.
should be silent.
And more to the point:
G.R. No. L-12164 May 22, 1959
A property owner who knowingly permits another to
sell or encumber the property, without disclosing his
title or objecting to the transaction, is estopped to set REYES, petitioners-appellants,
up his title or interest as against a person who has vs.
been thereby misled to his injury. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION COMMISSION, ET
AL., respondents-appellees.
An owner of real property who stands by and sees a
third person selling or mortgaging it under claim of title
without asserting his own title or giving the purchaser
or mortgagee any notice thereof is estopped, as Facts:
against such purchaser or mortgagee, afterward to
assert his title; and, although title does not pass under Appellants Benito Liwanag and Maria Liwanag Reyes
these circumstances, a conveyance will be decreed are co-owners of Liwanag Auto Supply, a commercial
by a court of equity. Especially is the rule applicable guard who while in line of duty, was killed. His widow
where the party against whom the estoppel is Ciriaca Vda. de Balderama and minor children
claimed, in addition to standing by, takes part in Genara, Carlos and Leogardo, all surnamed
malting the sale or mortgage. Balderama, in due time filed a claim for compensation
with the Workmen's Compensation Commission,
More specifically, the concept to which that species of which was granted in an award.
estoppel which results from the non-disclosure of an
estate or interest in real property has ordinarily been Contention of the appellant
referred is fraud, actual or constructive. ... Although Appellants do not question the right of appellees to
fraud is not an essential element of the original compensation nor the amount awarded. They only
conduct working the estoppel, it may with perfect claim that, under the Workmen's Compensation Act,
property be said that it would be fraudulent for the
the compensation is divisible, hence the commission
party to repudiate his conduct, and to assert a right or erred in ordering appellants to pay jointly and
claim in contravention thereof. severally the amount awarded. They argue that there
Equally or even more preclusive of the respondent is nothing in the compensation Act which provides
partnership's claim to the mortgaged property is the that the obligation of an employer arising from
last paragraph of Article 1819 of the Civil Code, which compensable injury or death of an employee should
contemplates a situation duplicating the be solidary obligation, the same should have been
circumstances that attended the execution of the specifically provided, and that, in absence of such
mortgage in favor of Syjuco and therefore applies clear provision, the responsibility of appellants should
foursquare thereto: not be solidary but merely joint.
Where the title to real property is in the names of all Issue: Are the co-partners liable solidarily or jointly?
the partners a conveyance executed by all the Ruling:
partners passes all their rights in such property. The
term "conveyance" used in said provision, which is Wherefore, finding no error in the award appealed
taken from Section 10 of the American Uniform from, the same is hereby affirmed, THERE IS
Partnership Act, includes a mortgage. SOLIDARY LIABILITY. Although the Workmen's
Compensation Act does not contain any provision
Interpreting Sec. 10 of the Uniform Partnership Act, it expressly declaring solidary obligation of business
has been held that the right to mortgage is included in partners like the herein appellants, there are other
the right to convey. This is different from the rule in provisions of law from which it could be gathered that
agency that a special power to sell excludes the their liability must be solidary. Arts. 1711 and 1712 of
power to mortgage (Art. 1879). the new Civil Code provide: ART. 1711. Owners of
There is no reason to distinguish between the Lims, enterprises and other employers are obliged to pay
as individuals, and the partnership itself, since the compensation for the death of or injuries to their
former constituted the entire membership of the latter. laborers, workmen, mechanics or other employees,
In other words, despite the concealment of the even though the event may have been purely
existence of the partnership, for all intents and accidental or entirely due to a fortuitous cause, if the
purposes and consistently with the Lims' own theory, death or personal injury arose out of and in the course
it was that partnership which was the real party in of the employment.
interest in all the actions; it was actually represented
in said actions by all the individual members thereof,
ART. 1712. If the death or injury is due to the necessary spare parts for the total agreed price of US
negligence of a fellow-worker, the latter and the $109,000.00 to be paid in installments.
employer shall be solidarily liable for compensation. . .
. .And section 2 of the Workmen's Compensation Act, On May 22, 1965, Pioneer Insurance and Surety
as amended reads in part as follows: executed and issued its Surety Bond in favor of JDA, in
. . . The right to compensation as provided in this Act behalf of its principal, Lim, for the balance price of the
shall not be defeated or impaired on the ground that aircrafts and spare parts. It appears that Border
the death, injury or disease was due to the negligence Machinery and Heavy Equipment Company, Inc.
of a fellow servant or employee, without prejudice to (Bormaheco), Francisco and Modesto Cervantes
the right of the employer to proceed against the (Cervanteses) and Constancio Maglana (respondents in
negligence party. both petitions) contributed some funds used in the
purchase of the above aircrafts and spare parts. The
The provisions of the new Civil Code above quoted funds were supposed to be their contributions to a new
taken together with those of Section 2 of the corporation proposed by Lim to expand his airline
Workmen's Compensation Act, reasonably indicate business.
that in compensation cases, the liability of business
partners, like appellants, should be solidary; They executed two (2) separate indemnity
otherwise, the right of the employee may be defeated,
agreements in favor of Pioneer, one signed by Maglana
or at least crippled. If the responsibility of appellants
and the other jointly signed by Lim for SAL, Bormaheco
were to be merely joint and solidary, and one of them
happens to be insolvent, the amount awarded to the and the Cervanteses. The indemnity agreements
appellees would only be partially satisfied, which is stipulated that the indemnitors principally agree and
evidently contrary to the intent and purposes of the bind themselves jointly and severally to indemnify and
Act. hold and save harmless Pioneer from and against
any/all damages, losses, costs, damages, taxes,
Moreover, Art. 1207 of the new Civil Code provides: . .
. . There is solidary liability only when the obligation penalties, charges and expenses of whatever kind and
expressly so states, or when the law or the nature of nature which Pioneer may incur in consequence of
the obligation requires solidarity. having become surety upon the bond/note and to pay,
reimburse and make good to Pioneer, its successors and
Since the Workmen's Compensation Act was enacted
assigns, all sums and amounts of money which it or its
to give full protection to the employee, reason
representatives should or may pay or cause to be paid
demands that the nature of the obligation of the
employers to pay compensation to the heirs of their or become liable to pay on them of whatever kind and
employee who died in line of duty, should be solidary; nature.
otherwise, the purpose of the law could not be
On June 10, 1965, Lim doing business under the
name and style of SAL executed in favor of Pioneer as
deed of chattel mortgage as security for the latter's
suretyship in favor of the former. It was stipulated
therein that Lim transfer and convey to the surety the
Lim defaulted on his subsequent installment
payments prompting JDA to request payments from the
surety. Pioneer paid a total sum of P298,626.12.
JACOB S. LIM, respondents. and
JACOB S. LIM, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS,
PIONEER INSURANCE AND SURETY CORPORATION, Pioneer then filed a petition for the extrajudicial
BORDER MACHINERY and HEAVY EQUIPMENT CO., foreclosure of the said chattel mortgage before the
INC,, FRANCISCO and MODESTO CERVANTES and Sheriff of Davao City and subsequently filed an action
CONSTANCIO MAGLANA, respondents. for judicial foreclosure with an application for a writ of
preliminary attachment against Lim and respondents,
the Cervanteses, Bormaheco and Maglana.
Jacob S. Lim was engaged in the airline business
as owner-operator of Southern Air Lines (SAL) a single Petitioner also alleged that as a result of the
proprietorship. failure of respondents Bormaheco, Spouses Cervantes,
Constancio Maglana and petitioner Lim to incorporate,
On May 17, 1965, at Tokyo, Japan, Japan a de facto partnership among them was created, and
Domestic Airlines (JDA) and Lim entered into and that as a consequence of such relationship all must
executed a sales contract for the sale and purchase of share in the losses and/or gains of the venture in
two (2) DC-3A Type aircrafts and one (1) set of proportion to their contribution.
RESPONDENTS ANSWER partnership was created among the parties which would
entitle the petitioner to a reimbursement of the
In their Answers, Maglana, Bormaheco and the
supposed losses of the proposed corporation. The
Cervanteses filed cross-claims against Lim alleging that
record shows that the petitioner was acting on his own
they were not privies to the contracts signed by Lim
and not in behalf of his other would-be incorporators in
and, by way of counterclaim, sought for damages for
transacting the sale of the airplanes and spare parts.
being exposed to litigation and for recovery of the sums
of money they advanced to Lim for the purchase of the FALLO
aircrafts in question.
WHEREFORE, the instant petitions are
RTC RULINGS DISMISSED. The questioned decision of the Court of
Appeals is AFFIRMED.
RTC rendered a decision holding Lim liable to
pay Pioneer but dismissed Pioneer's complaint against
all other defendants.
G.R. No. L-29182 October 24, 1928
CA modified the trial court's decision in that the
plaintiffs(PIONEER) complaint against all the defendants LEONCIA VIUDA DE CHAN DIACO (alias LAO
was dismissed. In all other respects the trial court's LIONG NAW) appellee,
decision was affirmed. vs.
JOSE S. Y. PENG, assignee, appellant.
Whether or not formed a de facto partnership
NO. While it has been held that as between
themselves the rights of the stockholders in a San Miguel Brewery, Porta Pueco & Co., and Ruiz &
defectively incorporated association should be Rementaria S. en C. alleged, among other things, that
governed by the supposed charter and the laws of the Leoncia, owner of a grocery store on Calle Nueva,
Binondo, known as the store of "La Viuda de G. G.
state relating thereto and not by the rules governing
Chan Diaco,‖ was indebted to them in the sum of
partners, it is ordinarily held that persons who attempt,
P26,234.47. It further appears that other creditors
but fail, to form a corporation and who carry on have filed claims against the estate to the amount of
business under the corporate name occupy the position P50,000.
of partners inter se. Thus, where persons associate
themselves together under articles to purchase After hearing, the insolvent Leoncia was ordered to
property to carry on a business, and their organization is deliver to the assignee (Jose Peng) the following:
so defective as to come short of creating a corporation
within the statute, they become in legal effect partners (a) The sum of P56,000 more or less that the
"encargado" (in charge) of the insolvent's
inter se, and their rights as members of the company to
business, Chan Chiao Wa, had delivered to
the property acquired by the company will be her on the 18th of April, 1925, which amount
recognized. was in fact, on the 19th day of April, 1925,
about P56,102.65.
However, such a relation does not necessarily
exist, for ordinarily persons cannot be made to assume (b) The accounts receivable as of June 19,
the relation of partners, as between themselves, when 1925, or that is to say, two months after the
their purpose is that no partnership shall exist and it insolvent took charge of her store, amounting
should be implied only when necessary to do justice to P40,000.
between the parties; thus, one who takes no part except
(c) The amount taken for her own use and out
to subscribe for stock in a proposed corporation which is of the business on June 8, 1925, to wit,
never legally formed does not become a partner with P2,000.
other subscribers who engage in business under the
name of the pretended corporation, so as to be liable as (d) Another P2,000 that on June 5, 1925, and
such in an action for settlement of the alleged being already insolvent, the widow of Chan
Diaco had taken from the China Banking
partnership and contribution.
corporation for her personal use.
Applying therefore the principles of law cited to
the facts of the case, necessarily, no de facto (e) Certain books of account.
G.R. No. L-32347-53. December 26, 1973.
Appellee’s Allegation: AGUSTIN ABONG, Petitioner, v. THE WORKMEN’S
Leoncia alleged that the proceedings should have ANACORITA DAHIL-DAHIL, MANUEL LAHAO-LAHAO,
been brought against the partnership "Lao Liong Naw CONCHITA MONTEROYO, SHIRLEY LOZADA and
& Co.," of which she was only a member. The alleged ROSARIO ALOVA, Respondents.
partnership was evidenced by an agreement dated
July 22, 1922, and from which it appeared that on that FACTS
date Lao Liong Naw (Leoncia), Chan Chiaco Wa, Cua Aladino Dionson, Filomeno Umbria, Noel Lahao-
Yuk, Chan Bun Suy, Cahn Bun Le, and Juan lahao, Juanito Monteroyo and Wilfredo
Maquitan Chan had formed a partnership with a Monteroyo and Demetrio Escoreal, all
capital of P21,000, of which only P4,000 was deceased, were members of a fishing outfit, the
contributed by Leoncia. IWAG or more popularly called the "ALEX",
owned by the petitioner herein, Dr. Agustino R.
Referee’s Findings:
May 15, 1966, this fishing outfit set out to sea
somewhere the coast of Northern Negros.
He found as facts that the alleged partnership
While they were, thus, fishing, typhoon "IRMA"
between the insolvent and some of her relatives and
passed along their way, scattering the boats and
employees was only a fictitious organization created
blowing them far out into the open sea. The
for the purpose of deceiving the Bureau of Customs
tragedy netted eight (8) dead while some sixty
and enable some of the aforesaid relatives, who were
(60) men survived the disaster.
mere coolies, to come to the Philippines under the
As a consequence of the incident seven (7)
status of merchants. He, therefore, recommended that
notices and claims for death compensation
the motion of the insolvent to dismiss the proceedings were filed with the Bacolod Sub-Regional Office
against her be denied. (or Regional Office No. VII) of the Department
of Labor by herein private respondents on June
ISSUE: Whether or not the creditors can collect 1, 1966.
individually from the partners the amount of debt of
A copy of the notices and claims were sent to
the insolvent partnership
petitioner Dr. Agustino R. Abong but the
envelopes containing said notices and claims
were returned unclaimed, although petitioner
was personally notified thrice.
YES. All the partners of the general co-partnership,
whether they or not a managing partner of the same, Counsel for private respondents on July 6, 1966,
are personally and severally liable with all their and July 14, 1966, respectively, filed an ex-parte
properties as a result of the transactions made in the motion with the Bacolod Sub-Regional Office of
name and for the account of the partnership, under the Workmen’s Compensation Commission to
the signature of the latter, and by the person declare petitioner in default, which motion was
authorized to make use thereof. granted.
It is further to be noted that both the partnership and ACTING REFEREE, BERTITO D. DADIVAS' DECISION
the separate partners thereof may be joined in the "In the light of the testimonies of herein claimants and
same action, though the private property of the latter their principal witness, Filomeno Pason, who is a
cannot be taken in payment of the partnership debts survivor of that unfortunate tragedy and who personally
until the common property of the concern is witnessed the deaths of all eight (8) deceased workers
exhausted (Comapnia Maritima vs. Munoz, 9 Phil., of respondent, there is no doubt at all that their deaths
326) and, under this rule, it seems clear that the
arose out of and in the course of their employment as
alleged partnership here in question may, if
necessary, be included in the case by amendments to ‘washing’ or helpers and light tenders of respondent Dr.
the insolvency petition. Agustino R. Abong. Under Sections 2 and 8 of the
Workmen’s Compensation Act, as amended, the deaths
FALLO: of above deceased persons are, therefore,
The decision appealed from is hereby reversed, the
reports and recommendations of the referee are "Section 4-A of the Workmen’s Compensation Act
approved, the order for the dismissal of the case is set provides for payment of an additional compensation
aside, and the decision of Judge Simplicio Del equal to fifty percentum of the compensation to be
Rosario dated July 23, 1926, will remain in full force awarded, in case of failure of the employer to comply
and effect. No costs will be allowed. So ordered. with any order, rule or regulation of the Workmen’s
private", and the complaint "was defective on its face" remanded to the court of origin for further proceedings
for violating Articles 1356 and 1358 of the Civil, Code not at variance with this decision.
of the Philippines. Herein petitioner sought for
reconsideration but was denied by the court. Costs to be solidarity paid by private respondents
Hollywood Far East Productions, Inc., and Ramon
Respondent’s allegation: The complaint holds no Valenzuela.
water since the contract sued upon was not alleged to
be in writing; that by Article 1358 the writing was F12. G.R. No. L-22493 July 31, 1975
absolute and indispensable, because the amount
involved exceeds five hundred pesos ISLAND SALES, INC., plaintiff-appellee,
ISSUE: WON the contract between herein petitioner UNITED PIONEERS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION
and private respondents (with regards to the COMPANY, ET. AL defendants. BENJAMIN C.
DACO, defendant-appellant.
petitioner’s services as leading actress in two motion
pictures) be in writing for it to be valid and
On April 22, 1961, the defendant company, a
HELD: NO. The trial court’s ruling herein contested
general partnership duly registered under the
betrays a basic and lamentable misunderstanding of laws of the Philippines, purchased from the
the role of the written form in contracts, as ordained in plaintiff a motor vehicle on the installment
the present Civil Code. In the matter of formalities, the basis and for this purpose executed a
contractual system of our Civil Code still follows that promissory note for P9,440.00, payable in
of the Spanish Civil Code of 1889 and of the twelve (12) equal monthly installments of
"Ordenamiento de Alcala" 2 of upholding the spirit and P786.63, the first installment payable on or
before May 22, 1961 and the subsequent
intent of the parties over formalities: hence, in
installments on the 22nd day of every month
general, contracts are valid and binding from their thereafter, until fully paid, with the condition
perfection regardless of form whether they be oral that failure to pay any of said installments as
or written. This is plain from Articles 1315 and 1356 they fall due would render the whole unpaid
of the present Civil Code balance immediately due and demandable.
The contract sued upon by petitioner herein When the case was called for hearing, the
(compensation for services) does not come under defendants and their counsels failed to appear
either exception. Hence, the contract between herein notwithstanding the notices sent to them.
petitioner and private respondents could be sued
which the trial court rendered the decision partnership. Since the liability of the partners
appealed from. is pro rata, the liability of the appellant
Benjamin C. Daco shall be limited to only one-
fifth (1/5 ) of the obligations of the defendant
company. The fact that the complaint against
Defendants’ defense the defendant Romulo B. Lumauig was
dismissed, upon motion of the plaintiff, does
not unmake the said Lumauig as a general
The defendants Benjamin C. Daco and Noel C. Sim
partner in the defendant company. In so
moved to reconsider the decision claiming that since
moving to dismiss the complaint, the plaintiff
there are five (5) general partners, the joint and
merely condoned Lumauig's individual liability
subsidiary liability of each partner should not exceed
to the plaintiff.
one-fifth (1/5 ) of the obligations of the defendant
company. But the trial court denied the said motion
notwithstanding the conformity of the plaintiff to limit Fallo
the liability of the defendants Daco and Sim to only
one-fifth (1/5 ) of the obligations of the defendant WHEREFORE, the appealed decision as thus clarified
company.4 is hereby AFFIRMED, without pronouncement as to
accounting and liquidation of the partnership formed Plaintiffs also seek the annulment of the assignment
between Urbano Lota and Benigno Tolentino may be of right with chattel mortgage entered into by the
continued against the heirs of Benigno Tolentino withdrawing partner and the remaining partners.
HELD: NO. The applicable authority is the case of Po The appellants contend that the chattel mortgage may
Yeng Cheo vs. Lim Ka Yam which held that, ―it is well no longer be nullified because it had been judicially
settled that when a member of a mercantile approved and said chattel mortgage had been
partnership dies, the duty of liquidating its affairs judicially foreclosed.
devolves upon the surviving member, or
members, of the firm, not upon the legal
representatives of the deceased partner.” Henc,
Issue: Whether the withdrawal of one of the partners
the action for accounting and liquidation can no
dissolved the partnership.
longer be pursued after Tolentino’s death.
F. 22. G.R. No. L-18707 December 9, 1922
In 195, defendants entered into a contract of
partnership under the firm name ―Isabela Sawmill‖. PO YENG CHEO, plaintiff-appellee,
In 1956 the plaintiff sold to the partnership a motor LIM KA YAM, defendant-appellant.
truck and two tractors. The partnership was not able
to pay their whole balance even after demand was Facts
made. One of the partners withdrew from the
partnership but instead of terminating the said The plaintiff, Po Yeng Cheo, is the sole heir of one
partnership it was continued by the two remaining Po Gui Yao, deceased, and as such Po Yeng Cheo
partners under the same firm name. inherited the interest left by Po Gui Yao in a business
conducted in Manila under the style of Kwong Cheong partner's individual interest; and a liquidation of
Tay. This business had been in existence in Manila the business is an essential prerequisite. In the
for many years prior to 1903, as a mercantile present case, the shares referred to--constituting the
partnership engaged in the import and export trade; only assets of Kwong Cheong Tay--have not been
and after the death of Po Gui Yao the following seven converted into ready money and doubtless still remain
persons were interested therein as partners in the in the name of Kwong Cheong Tay as owner. Under
amounts set opposite their respective names, to wit: these circumstances it is impossible to sustain a
Po Yeng Cheo, P60,000; Chua Chi Yek, P50,000; judgment in favor of the plaintiff for his aliquot
Lim Ka Yam, P10,000; Lee Kom Chuen, P10,000; Ley part of the par value of said shares, which would
Wing Kwong, P10,000; Chan Liong Chao, P10,000; be equivalent to allowing one of several coowners
Lee Ho Yuen, P10,000. The manager of Kwong to recover from another, without process of
Cheong Tay, for many years prior of its complete division, a part of an undivided property.
cessation from business in 1910, was Lim Ka
Yam, the original defendant herein. In the first place, it is well settled that when a member
of a mercantile partnership dies, the duty of liquidating
Among the properties pertaining to Kwong Cheong its affair devolves upon the surviving member, or
Tay and consisting part of its assets were ten shares members, of the firm, not upon the legal
of a total par value of P10,000 in an enterprise representative of the deceased partner. Upon the
conducted under the name of Yut Siong Chyip Konski death of Lim Ka Yam it therefore became the duty of
and certain shares to the among of P1,000 in the his surviving associates to take the proper steps to
Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company, of settle the affairs of the firm, and any claim against
Manila. him, or his estate, for a sum of money due to the
partnership by reason of any misappropriation of its
In the year 1910 (exact date unstated) Kwong Cheong funds by him, or for damages resulting from his
Tay ceased to do business, owing principally to the wrongful acts as manager, should be prosecuted
fact that the plaintiff ceased at that time to transmit against his estate in administration in the manner
merchandise from Hongkong, where he then resided. pointed out in sections 686 to 701, inclusive, of the
Lim Ka Yam appears at no time to have submitted Code of
to the partners any formal liquidation of the
business, though repeated demands to that effect F. 24. GREGORIO MAGDUSA, ET AL., petitioners,
have been made upon him by the plaintiff. vs. GERUNDIO ALBARAN, ET AL., respondents.
G.R. No. L-17526. June 30, 1962. REYES, J.B.L.
RTC Decision
In view of the facts above stated, the trial judge
rendered judgment in favor of the plaintiff, Po Yeng Appeal from a decision of the Court of Appeals (G.R.
Cheo, to recover of the defendant Lim Yock Tock, as No. 24248-R) reversing a judgment of the Court of
administrator of Lim Ka Yam, the sum of sixty First Instance of Bohol and ordering appellant
thousand pesos (P60,000). Gregorio Magdusa to pay to appellees, by way of
refund of their shares as partners, the following
Issue amounts: Gerundio Albaran, P8,979.10; Pascual
Albaran, P5,394.78; Zosimo Albaran, P1,979.28; and
Whether or not one partner can recover to the Telesforo Bebero, P3,020.27; plus legal interests from
managing partner the values of the latter’s individual the filing of the complaint, and costs.
Appellant and appellees, together with various
other persons, had verbally formed a
NO, the petition is denied. The SC ruled in favor of
partnership de facto, for the sale of general
the defendant, Lim Ka Yam. In the first place, it was
merchandise in Surigaoto which appellant
erroneous in any event to give judgment in favor of
contributed P2,000 as capital, and the others
the plaintiff to the extent of his share of the capital of
contributed their labor, under the condition that out
Kwong Cheong Tay. The managing partner of a
of the net profits of the business 25% would be
mercantile enterprise is not a debtor to the
added to the original capital, and the remaining
shareholders for the capital embarked by them in the
75% would be divided among the members in
business; and he can only be made liable for the
proportion to the length of service of each.
capital when, upon liquidation of the business, there
Sometime in 1953 and 1954, the appellees
are found to be assets in his hands applicable to
expressed their desire to withdraw from the
capital account. in no wise chargeable to the
partnership, and appellant thereupon made a
negligence or misfeasance of the manager.
computation to determine the value of the partners'
shares to that date.
Under the circumstances revealed in this case, it was The results of the computation were embodied in
erroneous to give judgment in favor of the plaintiff for the document drawn in the handwriting of
his aliquot part of the par value of said shares. It is appellant.
elementary that one partner, suing alone, cannot Appellees thereafter made demands upon
recover of the managing partner the value of such appellant for payment, but appellant having
refused, they filed the initial complaint in the court In addition, unless a proper accounting and liquidation
below. of the partnership affairs is first had, the capital shares
Appellant defended by denying any partnership of the appellees, as retiring partners, can not be
with appellees, whom he claimed to be mere repaid, for the firm's outside creditors have preference
employees of his. over the assets of the enterprise (Civ. Code, Art.
The Court of First Instance of Bohol dismissed the 1839), and the firm's property can not be diminished
complaint on the ground that the other were to their prejudice.
indispensable parties but hid not been impleaded.
Upon appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed the F26 - G.R. No. L-5837 May 31, 1954
decision, ruling that it is not an action for a
dissolution of a partnership and winding up of its CRISTOBAL BONNEVIE, ET AL., plaintiffs-
affairs or liquidation of its assets in which the appellants,
interest of other partners who are not brought into vs.
the case may be affected. JAIME HERNANDEZ, defendant-appellee.
The action of the plaintiffs is one for the recovery of
a sum of money with Gregorio Magdusa as the
FACTS: Prior to January, 1947, plaintiffs with other
principal defendant.
associates formed a syndicate or secret partnership
for the purpose of acquiring the plants, franchises and
Issue: other properties of the Manila Electric Co. No formal
articles were drawn for it was the purpose of the
WON the appellees' action can be entertained and a members to incorporate once the deal had been
decree of distribution can be validly entered without consummated. But in the meantime they elected
the intervention of all the indispensable parties. Pedro Serranzana and David Serrano general
manager and secretary-treasurer, respectively, of the
Held: partnership.
NO, it cannot be entertained and a decree of Negotiation for the purchase was commenced, but as
distribution cannot be validly entered without the it made no headway, defendant was taken in as a
intervention of all the indispensable parties. member of the partnership so that he could push the
deal through, and to that end he was given the
This is not an action for a dissolution of a partnership necessary power of attorney.
and winding up of its affairs or liquidation of its assets
in which the interest of other partners who are not Using partnership funds, defendant was able to buy
brought into the case may be affected. the Meralco properties. Although defendant was the
one named vendee in the deed of sale, there is no
The action of the plaintiffs is one for the recovery of a question that the transaction was in penalty made for
sum of money with Gregorio Magdusa as the principal the partnership so that the latter assumed control of
defendant. The partnership, with Gregorio Magdusa the business the day following the sale.
as managing partner, was brought into the case as an
alternative defendant only. Plaintiffs' action was based About the latter half of the following month the
on the allegation, substantiated in evidence, that members of the partnership proceeded with the
Gregorio Magdusa, having taken delivery of their formation of the proposed corporation, apportioning
shares, failed and refused and still fails and refuses to among themselves its shares of stock in proportion to
pay them their claims. The liability, therefore, is their respective contributions to the capital of the
personal to Gregorio Magdusa, and the judgment partnership and their individual efforts in bringing
should be against his sole interest, not against the about the acquisition of the Meralco properties. But
partnership's although the judgment creditors may before the incorporation, Judge Jaime Reyes and the
satisfy the judgment against the interest of Gregorio plaintiffs withdrew from the partnership for the reason
Magdusa in the partnership subject to the condition that the business was not going well which caused the
imposed by Article 1814 of the Civil Code. dissolution of the partnership. Following the
dissolution of the partnership, the members who
A partner's share cannot be returned without first preferred to remain in the business went ahead with
dissolving and liquidating the partnership, for the the formation of the corporation, taking in new
return is dependent on the discharge of the creditors, associates as stockholders. And defendant, on his
whose claims enjoy preference over those of the part, in fulfillment of his trust, made a formal
partners; and it is self-evident that all members of the assignment of the Meralco properties to the treasurer
partnership are interested in his assets and business, of the corporation, giving them a book value of
and are entitled to be heard in the matter of the firm's P365,000, in return for which the corporation issued,
liquidation and the distribution of its property. The to the various subscribers to its capital stock, shares
liquidation is not signed by the other members of the of stock of the total face value of P225,000 and
partnership besides appellees and appellant; it does assumed the obligation of paying what was still due
not appear that they have approved, authorized, or the Meralco on the purchase price.
ratified the same, and, therefore, it is not binding upon
them. At the very least, they are entitled to be heard Two years from their withdrawal from the partnership,
upon its correctness. when the corporate business was already in a
prosperous condition, plaintiffs brought the present