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Joernal About Drugs: Rafika Rahim Rizki Yunida Panggabean

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Compiled by:
Rafika Rahim
Rizki Yunida Panggabean

English Language Education

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education


Abstract :
Narcotic abuse over children should get more attention and concern from all instrument of society
including family, social institution and government. So far, the network of narcotic market driven by a
latent syndicate that has consumer target 14 to 18 years old children who still have an unstable
attitude. This condition might hazard Indonesian youth because they are the next generation who will
develop this country in the future. So, this is an urgent step to prevent the drug consumption among
children and destroy its syndicate in order to save and secure this nation. This paper provide
description about the danger of drug and how to prevent children not to consume it.
Keywords : Narcotic abuse, Socialization

INTRODUCTION tree. The fruit that is ripe to be coloredred like

coffee beans. Koka is then processedmenjaddi
cocaine. Opium is a flowerwith shapes and
Drugs already become a popular term
beautiful colors. of sapproduced opium
insociety, but still little understood meaning
poppy. opium lotgrowing between Burma,
drugs. Drugs which standsnarcotics,
Cambodia and Thailand,also areas Afganistan,
psychotropic substances and other active
among Iran and Pakistan.
ingredients.In a broad sense, is a drug,
Narcotics semisintesis is
substance or substances. WhenThese
narcoticsnaturally processed and taken active
substances enter the human body, both inoral
substance in order toleebih has properties
(by mouth), or inhaled or throughsyringes will
that are strong so that it canused for the
have an effect on the brain orthe central
benefit duniaamedicine, for example:
nervous system. Narcotics have
morphine, commonly usedmedicine for pain
poweraddiction (addiction), power tolerance
reliefor anesthesia in an operation.
(adjustment),habitual power (habit) is very
Codeine,used for the relief of cough. Heroin,
strong,causing the wearer narcoticcan be
notcan be used in the treatment because of
separated from its use. Below you will seedis
poweraddictive very large and its benefits
ampaikan various types of narcotics.Based on
Medical undiscovered. in tradingdark, heroin
how to create, narcoticsdifferentiated into
is named heroin, or a banana.Shaped like
three groups, namely narcoticsNaturally,
flour: smooth, white andrather dirty.
semisintesis, and synthetic narcotics.
Synthetic narcotics are counterfeit
Narcotics are naturally narcotics,
drugsmade from chemicals. Narcotics are
additives substances taken from plants,for
usedfor anesthesia and treatment for people
example: Ganja the shrubswith cassava leaves
whosuffer from drug dependence
resemble the edgesjagged and fuzzy. Number
(substitution),For example: Pethidine, for local
of fingers always5,7,9 odd. Indonesia is a
anesthetics;Metadhon, for the treatment of
fertile areafor the cannabis plant. How
drug addicts;Naltrexon for the treatment of
marijuana abusewith dried and mixed
drug addicts.
withSmoking cigarettes or used tobacco and
narcotics, either natural or synthetic,
burnedand smoked. Hasis is similar
whichhas psychoactive properties through the
plantscannabis are grown in Latin America
influenceselectively on the central nervous
and Europe, maturation process with refined
systemcause typical changes in activitynormal
soa liquid. Koka is a shrub-like plantcoffee
and behavior. Psychotropic drugs arewhich is
used by doctors to treatmental disorders. attempted to fill this gap by examining the
Based on the science of link between pain and substance abuse in a
pharmacology,psychotropic grouped into specific cohort of college students.
3categories: depressants, stimulants and The specific goals of this exploratory
hallucinogens. research were to: (1) Examine the prevalence
Ample research suggests many people rates of substance abuse among a sample of
today suffer pain without relief, including college students in the US; (2) Assess the
college students. It is also well established prevalence of pain among these college
that people in pain may abuse drugs. In 2010, students; (3) Analyze the relationship
approximately 5.1 million people abused pain between substance abuse, and pain among
medication (2.0 percent of the US this cohort.
population), and 7.0 million people abused This study investigated the directional
other types of drugs to relieve pain (2.7 hypothesis that substance use and pain are
percent of the US population). It is unclear, positively related.
however, if college students who may
experience pain and are known to be very apt 1. Group depressant / suppressing the central
to consume drugs are taking these in nervous(Tranquilizers or sleeping pills). The
association with pain. It is also unclear if pain example isvalium, BK, Rahipnol, Mogadon
and drugs use are related, or whether other and others.If taken, the drug creates a
factors mediate or moderate this relationship sense ofquiet, sleepy, serene, peaceful.
in the context of college students. These drugsalso eliminate the fear and
For decades researchers have had the anxiety.
important task of tracking the consumption of 2. Group stimulant / stimulant of the central
toxic substances among college students. The nervous(Antitidur). Examples are
study of pain overtime since 2007 has amphetamines,ecstasy, and
concluded that there is an increasing methamphetamine. Shaped ecstasy
prevalence rate of nonmedical use of tabletsvarious shapes and colors.
prescription drugs in college students. For Amphetamine?shaped white tablet.
example, from 1999 to 2006, the number of Whendrunk, these drugs bring a sensejoy,
deaths due to fatal poisonings involving opioid loss of sense of hostility,loss of feeling
analgesics increased more than 3 times. angry, you want to always active,body
Previous studies on substance abuse have, feels fit, and do not feel hungry.
generally, reported related prevalence data, Powerbrain work to be fast-paced, but
social context, medical aspects, biological lesscontrol. Shabu crystalline
issues , economic expenses, and negative powdercoarse clean white as salt.
outcomes, but none discussed pain. 3. Groups hallucinogens, a drug,
Similarly, previous pain studies, substance,plants, food or drink
generally explored pain prevalence, medical cankhalayalan cause. The example isLSD
aspects of pain,biology issues, economic (Lysergic Acid Diethyltamide), sapcactus,
expenses, and negative outcomes, but not amethyst, certain mushroomsand
specifically drugs and their use or abuse on marijuana.
Due to the limited number of studies Material Other Addictive, are substances
regarding a possible link between substance other thannarcotics and psychotropic
abuse and pain in college students, this study substances that canaddictive.
Example:Smoking, drinking alcohol and other provided informed consent were
groups thatintoxicating and cause administered several questionnaires designed
ketaguhan,thinners and other substances to answer the study questions in a systematic
such as wood glue,eraser fluid, acetone, paint, manner. The first survey was a demographic
gasoline, which whensmoked, inhaled, and one. The second questionnaire was related to
kissed intoxicating.So cigarettes, alcohol, and substance use and the third to pain: The Drug
other substances thatintoxicating and Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10) and the
addictive tooclassified as drugs. Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-
METHOD The Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10) is a
brief reliable 10-item self-report scale that
Participants and procedures
measures drug substance use (except alcohol
The present cross-sectional study used data
and tobacco) and has been shortened from
obtained from a 2010 survey of 244
the DAST-20 scale. This measure is scored by
undergraduate students from a Midwest
allocating 1 point for each question answered,
college in the US conducted between May 14,
"yes", except for question 3 for which a "no"
2010 and June 15, 2010. The sample included
answer receives 1 point and 0 for a "yes".
women and men of at least 18 years of age
who were surveyed on a single occasion in the The Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire
classroom setting. IRB approval was obtained (SF-MPQ) is a 15-item self-report measure.
from the college and all eligible subjects were The SF-MPQ is divided in 3 parts. The first
required to provide informed consent. section consists of 2 independent factors all
rated on a 4-point severity scale, ranging from
Fliers were posted around a campus that
0=none to 3=severe. Descriptors 1-11
agreed to participate to inform students
represent the sensory dimension of the pain
about the new research and they were asked
experience and items 12-15 represent the
if they wanted to participate. Furthermore,
affective dimension. The second section
professors were informed about the study
includes a Visual Analog Scale (VAS), which is
and the future plans for data collection. A
a 10 cm horizontal line representing no pain
skilled collaborator collected data at this
on one end to worst possible pain on the
Midwest College. Specifically, filling out the
other. The third section evaluates overall
surveys took place in private rooms
present pain intensity experience on a 6-point
designated for this purpose. Students were
scale where (0=no pain, 1=mild pain,
seated at certain distance from each other to
2=discomfort, 3=distressing pain, 4=horrible
ensure the privacy of the answers. The
pain, 5=excruciating pain). Three separate
participants were not paid. Further, it was
MPQ pain scores are then calculated by
ensured the subject’s confidentiality of data
summing the intensity rank values of the
and all participants were identified by
words chosen for the sensory, affective, and
number, not by name. Data was collected
composite descriptors. The test- retest
anonymously. Data material was stored in a
reliability of this scale ranges between r=0.76
locked cabinet.
to 0.78
After receiving instructions about the nature
of the study and its risks by an independent
experienced proctor, the participants who all
DISCUSSION withdrawal. The dose usageshould be the
same as the previous dosage.
The dangers of drugs
The issue of drugs is a matterthat must When viewed on the damage and
be taken seriouslyby the entire community. changethe attitude of the drug addicts will
not onlyhandling for its users, but alsothe experiencechanges that can actually harm
development of the drug business in themselvesand the environment, namely:
Indonesiahas begun to agitate. 1. Crazy For Drugs. Love moreDrugs of
Howgovernment and law enforcement yourself, parents andhis brothers.
officials throughBNN also combat traffickers 2. It is difficult to escape from the trap of
andproducers. We do not want at a later drugs,because it would have suffered
dateour country dominated by drug cartelsas beyondExcellent (withdrawal)`
happened in some American statesLatin. 3. Dose of use will multiply,till death picked.
Drugs contained in the 3 propertiesvery 4. The nature and turned into an exclusive
nasty and dangerous that is habitual, attitude,selfish, arrogant, asocial, evil
addictiveand tolerant. Habitual is the nature (psychosis).
of thea drug that makes the wearer will 5. Experiencing damage to organs (liver,lung,
alwaysremembered, remembered and kidney, brain, etc.)
imagined thattend to always seek and yearn 6. Infected deadly diseases (HIV /
forterrus taking drugs. An addictive AIDS,syphilis, etc.).
natureDrugs that make the wearer forcedput Drug abuse is interested to accept
on hold and can not stop it.Discontinuation or reliable manuscripts base on mental health,
reduction of the use ofDrug would cause neurological and substance abuse problems
"withdrawal effects" or"Withdrawal effect", ie and service systems; evidence-based technical
outside the sick feelingregular, or guidance on mental health and substance
"withdrawal". Patients who experienceThe abuse; strengthening policies and systems for
withdrawal symptoms usually resolve the mental, neurological and substance abuse
pain2 ways: care; strengthening capacity on mental health
1. Back consuming type of drug thatsame. and substance abuse policies and systems to
This person is called "junkies",or deliver services that are effective, adequate
compactor or addict. when you'reDrugs and respect the human rights of affected
that seem to put peoplenormal, but when individuals, and respond to emerging mental
you are not usingappears uneasy, health problems such as emergencies and
abnormal, lethargy, restlessness,idak not HIV/AIDS.
fit and confident.
As a result of Drug Abuse
2. If you do not re-use but notwithstand the
pain, that person eventuallylooking for a  Violence
shortcut, that is suicide.  Aids, lungs, heart
Tolerance is the nature of the drugmake  Overdose
the wearer's body is getting oldincreasingly  Suicide
integrated with the Drugs andDrug adjust to it  Crime
sodemanding increasingly higher doses.If the  Dropout
dose is not raised, the drug was notwill react,  Mental disorders
but it will make the wearerexperiencing  Traffic accidents / workplace
Peer pressure is widely recognized as a come to the surfaceso it was not caught on
major contributor to the initiation of drug use, camera reporter.
particularly in adolescence. This has been Conditions Drug issues are complex
shown for a variety of substances, including andnearly undetectable, due to the
nicotine and alcohol.While this link is well formationnetworking between
established, moderating factors do exist. For manufacturers, dealers and usersis a network
example, parental monitoring is negatively that is "underground".Moreover, the family
associated with substance use; yet when too often tends tohide family
there is little monitoring, adolescents are membersbecome victims of drugs for a variety
more likely to succumb to peer coercion of reasons.Each of us conducting
during initiation to substance use, but not researchqualitatively to establish the facts
during the transition from experimental to surroundingusers, then the first obstacle that
regular use. Caldwell and colleagues appearsinstead of the family. Their concerns
extended this work by finding that peer oftenforces arrested due to fear, notjust a
pressure was a factor leading to heightened shame.
risk in the context of social gatherings, little Violence and crime are verylikely to
parental monitoring, and if the individual appear on addictsstarting to run out of money
reported themselves as vulnerable to peer or goods toon sale. They are very desperate
pressure. Conversely, some research has and do not care,so do physical violence toget
observed that peer pressure can be a what it wants in order to getDrug supply.
protective factor against substance use. Peer Shocking confessioncome from female
pressure produces a wide array of negative addicts, the current writerconduct qualitative
outcomes. Allen and colleagues showed that research for addicts andairports in Semarang
susceptibility to peer pressure in 13- and 14- (2007), that forget drugs, she was
year-olds was predictive of not only future willingravished by the city, for the current
response to peer pressure, but also a wider needsDrugs beginning to be felt, but the
array of functioning. For example, greater female addictsthey do not have any money at
depression symptomatology, decreasing all.
popularity, more sexual behavior, and
externalizing behavior were greater for more PREVENTION
susceptible teens. Of note, substance use was
also predicted by peer pressure susceptibility Prevent the circulation of drugs
such that greater susceptibility was predictive withprotect members of the public who have
of greater alcohol and drug use. nottouched drugs is a priority that must
We just often read in the media becarried out by people with no exception.
thatlaunch news overseas artists famousdied ForThe BNN arrangesnamely prevention: This
from a drug overdose at age veryyoung. But it program is intendedto people who do not
seems, the news about drugs inIndonesia is wearDrugs, or are not even on the sameonce.
dominated by news ofarrest owner of Drugs, The principle is to increase the role ofor
Drugs party,drug courier, and the last activities that these groups are significantly
circulation of drugs inPrisons. Impact of Drugs moreprosperous, so did not think toDrug
in the form of death,violence, and other forms wear. , Through the following
of criminality appearsless a place for the activities:Campaign against Drug
media, or evendue to the fact that did not Abuse;Extension ins and outs of drugs;
Education andTraining peer (peers group);
Effortsupervise and control the production children between 14-18 yearsis an age-prone
andDrug distribution in the community. tasting drugs. Drugscould come up with a very
Advocacy and IEC, is also a form subtle way, throughmarketing seduction that
communication is carried out as one forms of is close to the value ofpride that existed at
prevention programs. Advocacy is a form of young people. Agenagenpemasaranny has
strategic communication circuit systematically built an extensive networkand are
designed and implemented within a certain disconnected, ie between one citywith other
time, either by individuals or a group, with the airports are sometimes not mutuallyknow.
intention that the maker desperation, make Various gangs are now beginningreaching
public policy beneficial for community groups small towns, it appears that the potentiala
marginal. Advocacy is intended to give drug user group, because theyAnother
enlightenment and empowerment for potential use of cigarettes and drinksalcohol.
marginalized groups and foster wisdom Destructive orientation is a boostto
among the people, in order to support The carry out violent activities andcriminal.
public policy. KIE is a form communications Especially when these gangsorganized by
are implemented by the provider programs criminal mind air-intentionscriminal business,
that target (individual, family and community) the potential damage itexceeds groups or
receive at and implement a behavioral people who doa crime just to eat. Systemour
offered. Advocacy is an action, change, and education, which is more orientedbuild
commitment. While the IEC as a process community-based industrikapitalis,must be
planned intervention that combines pesanpes equipped with curriculummoral ethics based
informasionals messages, education and strengthen the nation's character.
motivational, to achieve change knowledge,
attitudes and behaviors that can be REFERENCES
measured. Support stakeholders also is
needed to implement the program this. BNN, Technical Guidance Advocacy
When examined more carefully, SectorPrevention of Drug Abuse, 2008
handlingDrug abuse problems not BNN and PusLitKes UI, National SurveyAbuse
onlygovernment domination by BNN and and IllicitDrugs in Indonesia, 2010
apparatuslaw enforcement, but rather to
supportwide community. Community
participation is veryrequired untiuk oversees
the neighborhoodplace of residence, school
environment,communication between
parents and children harmony is certainly very
important. openness betweenBNN with all
communities to continuedisclose information
about the drug, so thateliminate the gap of


Drug victim is no longer dominantrich

people or artists, but already touchedalmost
all levels of society. Especiallyschool-aged

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