Kaitec - Bro ISO 50Hz

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Screw Compressors
15kw - 400kw, 50Hz (ISO)
Kaitec Series
Rotary Screw Compressors

With the introduction of the Kaitec Se-

ries, Kaishan can offer the industries
most reliable and energy efficient com-
pressed air packages.

Each compressor component has been

thoroughly evaluated for its reliability
and efficiency and optimized for easy
servicing .

Kaitec Series screw compressors lead

the industry through their advanced de-
sign features
 Advanced airend and inlet valve de-
 Transmission system
 Soundproofing
 Ventilation
 Air filtration
 Air/oil separation
 Cooling system
 Accessibility to the components to
ensure easy maintenance

Very Competitive Pricing

Low Capital Cost + Equipment
Electric Power
Low Operating Cost +
Exceptional Reliability & Maintenance
= Economical Cost

Compressed air is often referred to as the “fourth utility” and is critical to

most manufacturing operations.
The power consumption of the compressor is a significant cost throughout
it’s life cycle. Kaitec’s advanced energy-saving features reduce operating
costs significantly. A plant’s performance depends upon its compressors
reliability and efficiency. When evaluating productivity improvements, it’s a
good idea to take a close look at the life cycle cost of the compressed air
system. Once you add up maintenance, operating, and repair costs, you’ll
find that Kaitec screw compressor provides the kind of increased produc-
tivity and efficiency that results in lower total cost.

Kaitec series compressors are favored for both their low capital cost and
low operating cost.
Kaitec Series


1 3

Drive Motor

IP54 high efficiency, high temperature F class,

IEC motors are used on every Kaitec compres- 1
sor. Optimized fan and fan cover designs en-
sure the optimum cooling and quieter operation.
Over sized cast iron conduit boxes make con-
nections easy. The industry best motor grease
is used to protect motor bearings, provide
longer lubricant life, greater shear stability and
the best resistance to rust and corrosion; not
shown on enclosure 1.

Drive Coupling

The latest European designed spider couplings

are used to guarantee the reliability and trans- 2
mission efficiency and provide vibration free
power transmission for quiet and maintenance
free operation.
Airend ● Direct driven — No gearing, No belt !

Rotors are the key elements in producing 3

compressed air efficiently. Kaitec airends util-
ize a male 5-lobe rotor (driving rotor) and a 6-
lobe female rotor (driven rotor).
These state of the art Y profile rotors were
introduced in the Kaitec series compressor.
They have the following characteristics:
 Larger rotors are designed to ensure the
airends have slower rotor speeds to de-
liver compressed air more efficiently than
smaller airends. This translates into en-
ergy cost savings and a longer unit life.
 The rotor profile minimizes leakage and  Oversized bearings and tri-
the tighter clearances achieved through ple discharge end bearing
state of the art manufacturing processes design offers long operating
results in higher efficiency and improved life .

Inlet Valve

The inlet valve is the major air flow control 4

component in the compressor unit. It controls
air flow to the compressor, either by opening,
throttling, or closing completely in response to
pressure transducer controls.
The Kaitec series utilize a normally closed inlet
valve, which provide very smooth Y-Δ
starting. It’s advanced design also results in the
very low inlet pressure drop, thus more air flow
and higher compressor efficiency. Kaishan’s
state-of-the-art inlet valve manufacturing facility
has stringent “Start to Finish” product quality
control standards. This ensures our customers
will benefit from the highest quality products.

Oil Separation System

The three-stage separation system, the result 5
of extensive research and development, sup-
plies high quality compressed air. The separa-
tion tank has two different separation stages:
centrifugal and gravity. The third stage sepa-
ration is provided by a high performance, long
life coalescent separator filter. The efficiency
of the first two stages assures the long life of
this coalescent filter. This system limits oil va-
pors carryover to below 3 ppm.
Oil Separation System Continued

The air purity meets ISO standard 8573-1:2010, Class 3 Oil Residues. Kaitec’s
oil separation system is monitored by an alarm system on the electronic con-
trol panel.

Kerry Air Filter

Kaitec series compressors use the Kerry air 6
filter which provides filtration to less than 3
microns utilizing Ultra Web nanofiber tech-
nology. This technology ensures clean, un-
restricted airflow for optimal compressor op-
eration. Higher airflow reduces energy con-
sumption .Kerry delivers the best contami-
nant protection for the entire compressor
maintenance cycle. It has 99.99 % filtration
efficiency and fully complies with ISO 5011

Cooling System
Kaitec series compressors utilize a silent, effi- 7
cient and easily accessible cooling system. A
wide radial fan produces greater static pres-
sure across the coolers at low rotational
speed, assuring considerable energy saving
and low operating sound. The compressed air
and the cooling fluid are cooled through an
aluminum radiator. Efficient control of the out-
let air temperature makes downstream treat-
ment by compressed air filters and dryers eas-
ier. On units above 110 kw, there are two
separate cooling fans respectively for the after
-cooler and fluid cooler. The fluid cooler fan is
driven by a VFD fan motor to achieve lower
energy consumption, and much higher durabil-
ity of the fluid and fluid cooler.

Kerry Compressor Fluid

A custom-blended PAO synthetic hydro-

carbon fluid provides:
 Premium lubrication at high and low
 Reduced volatility properties.
 Long life lubricant formulated with rust
and oxidation inhibitors.

Kerry 8000 and 8000+ extended life

fluids are available
Kaitec Control System
Total management and control of
all compressor operating pa-
rameters including:
 Operating parameters dis-
play, warning and stop
 Programmed maintenance
 Recording of compressor his-

The control panel contains a special programmed microprocessor that can

safely and efficiently controls all the functions of the compressor. The display
monitors the line pressure, oil temperature and working conditions (running,
idling and stop). Abnormal conditions will trigger a flashing Led and a flashing
message indicating the cause for the alarm. All microprocessor functions are
password protected, accessible only to authorized personnel.

Smart Network Control

The network control system is designed to control multiple compressors, as-
suring energy savings. Each compressor’s operating information such as: air
outlet temperature, air velocity, loading and unloading status can be accessed
through a main computer station.

Superior Reliability
 All Kaitec series compressor are
prepiped and come with the compo-
nents required for complete installa-
 All electrical wiring is high perform-
ance cable and connectors.
 A well designed acoustic enclosure
brings the operating sound level to
industry leading level 67dB(A) to
 Optimum operating temperature to
prevent moisture in the system.
 Rugged and proven technology to en-
sure long operating life.
 Heavy duty isolators to minimize op-
erating vibration.
 SAE fittings, allow easy and low cost
 Spin-on fluid filter for quick mainte-
 VFD fluid cooling fan (units above 110
 Automatic after-cooler condensate
Kaitec Series
Specification — 15 KW to 110 KW
Kaitec Series
Specification — 132 KW to 400 KW

The dimensions listed are for air-cooled units. Above 315kw, the cooling package is mounted remotely.
Above 37kw, water-cooled units are available. Please contact the manufacturer for the dimensions of the water-cooled
Kaishan manufac-
tures over 85% of it’s
compressor compo-
nents from raw mate-
rial to finished prod-
Products quality is
guaranteed under
ISO 9001 standard.

● Efficiency ●Silent Power ●Reliability

Kaishan Compressor Co. Ltd

Kaishan Compressor is the largest compressor manufacturer in China. In 2010, it

produced and shipped 27,000 screw compressor units and 200,000 reciprocating
compressor units. Kaishan Compressor has complete vertical integration of produc-
tion for compressors, from the foundry plant, the airend plant, the pressure vessel
plant, the sheet metal plant and the heat exchanger plant to the final unit and sys-
tem assembly plant .
Kaishan Compressor’s headquarters is located in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province,
China, approximately 356 kilometers southwest of Shanghai, with its second largest
manufacturing facility located in Shanghai, China. Kaishan Compressor currently
has 3000 employees.

Products Literature
1. Kaitec 20hp - 500 hp, 60Hz (NA) - P/N: KHE01NA60
2. Kaitec 15kw - 400 kw, 60Hz (ISO) - P/N: KHE01ISO60
3. Kaitec 15kw - 400 kw, 50Hz (ISO) - P/N: KHE01ISO50
4. Kaitain 20hp - 500 hp, 60Hz (NA) - P/N: JN01NA60
5. Kaitain 15kw - 400 kw, 60Hz (ISO) - P/N: JN01ISO60
6. Kaitain 15kw - 400 kw, 50Hz (ISO) - P/N: JN01ISO50
7. LG 7.5kw-200kw, 50Hz (ISO) - P/N: LG01ISO50
8. LG 7.5kw-160kw, 60Hz (ISO) - P/N: LG01ISO60

Kaishan Compressor Co. Ltd

9 Kaixuan Ave West, Economic Zone
Quzhou, Zhejiang China 324002
Phone: (86) 21 62882179
Fax: (86) 21 62884533


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