The fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) groups A5 (21 isolates),
A8 (6 isolates) and A23 (3 isolates) distinguished in an earlier paper (Thompson et al., Syst
Appl Microbiol 24, 520–538, 2001) were examined in more depth. These three groups were
phylogenetically related to Vibrio tubiashii, but DNA–DNA hybridization experiments proved
that the three AFLP groups are in fact novel species. Chemotaxonomic and phenotypic
analyses further revealed several differences among the 30 isolates and known Vibrio
species. It is proposed to accommodate these isolates in three novel species, namely Vibrio
neptunius (type strain LMG 20536T; EMBL accession no. AJ316171; G+C content of the type
strain 46?0 mol%), Vibrio brasiliensis (type strain LMG 20546T; EMBL accession no.
AJ316172; G+C content of the type strain 45?9 mol%) and Vibrio xuii (type strain LMG
21346T; EMBL accession no. AJ316181; G+C content of the type strain 46?6 mol%). These
species can be differentiated on the basis of phenotypic features, including fatty acid
composition (particularly 14 : 0 iso, 14 : 0 iso 3-OH, 16 : 0 iso, 16 : 0, 17 : 0 and 17 : 1v8c),
enzyme activities and utilization and fermentation of various carbon sources.
Thompson et al., 2002a). Vibrios are highly abundant in
It is well recognized that bacteria play a pivotal role in the aquatic ecosystems, particularly in eutrophic environments,
4 5 21
cycling of dissolved and particulate organic matter in accounting for up to 14–45 % (i.e. 10 –10 cells ml ) of the
aquatic ecosystems (Sherr & Sherr, 2000). There has been culturable microbiota (Eilers et al., 2000; Suantika et al.,
increasing evidence that bacteria also fuel food webs in 2001). Moreover, vibrios are present in large numbers in a
marine aquaculture systems and influence the health of successful recirculating system for rotifers (Suantika et al.,
cultured marine organisms (Hansen & Olafsen, 1999; 2001) and are also part of the normal flora of penaeid
shrimps (Gomez-Gil et al., 1998). Certain Vibrio strains the method described by Pitcher et al. (1989). All strains included in
stimulate reproduction and ameliorate growth rates of this study have been deposited in the BCCM/LMG Bacteria
Collection at Ghent University and in the CAIM collection of the
molluscs and rotifers and protect Artemia against bacterial Centre for Research on Nutrition and Development (CIAD) in
infections, whereas other Vibrio strains constitute serious Mazatlan,´ Mexico.
pathogens or potential pathogens for the same organisms
(Riquelme et al., 2001; Verschuere et al., 2000). Genotypic analyses. Selective amplification of restriction frag-ments
(FAFLP) and sequencing of almost complete 16S rDNA sequences were
Recently, we surveyed the genomic diversity of 506 strains accomplished essentially as described previously (Thompson et al.,
2001). Alignment of the 16S rDNA sequences, distance estimations
of the Vibrionaceae by means of the fluorescent ampli- (Jukes & Cantor, 1969), clustering by the neighbour-joining (Saitou &
fied fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) technique Nei, 1987), maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony methods and
(Thompson et al., 2001). Many isolates from the aqua- analysis of the stability of clus-ters (bootstrap analysis with 1000
culture environment possess genomes that differ from replicates) were performed with the software BioNumerics 2.5 (Applied
Maths). DNA–DNA hybridi-zation experiments using photobiotin-
currently known Vibrio species and are thus potentially
novel species. In the present study, we describe additional
genomic and phenotypic characteristics of a subset of 30 ˚
labelled DNAs were run under stringent conditions (39 C) following the
isolates distributed in the FAFLP groups A5, A8 and A23. method of Willems et al. (2001). The G+C content of DNA was
determined by HPLC (Mesbah et al., 1989).
FAFLP cluster A5 represented mainly the dominant
culturable bacterial microflora of a recirculating system for
Phenotypic characterization. Biochemical characterization of the
rotifers (Suantika et al., 2001). Group A8 was abundant in isolates was performed using API 20E and API ZYM test strips
cultures of larvae of the bivalve Nodipecten nodosus at (bioMerieux)´ and metabolic fingerprinting was carried out by means
Floriano´polis, in southern Brazil, whereas group A23 was of Biolog GN2 microtitre plates. Preparations were done according to
found to be ubiquitous and in association with cultured the manufacturers’ instructions, with slight modifications (Thompson
et al., 2002b). Classical bacteriological tests were per-formed as
shrimps in China and Ecuador and in cultures of N. described previously (Baumann et al., 1984; Farmer & Hickman-
nodosus larvae in Brazil. Brenner, 1992; Thompson et al., 2002b; Vandamme et al., 1998).
Antibiograms were carried out using the disc-diffusion method (Acar
& Goldstein, 1996) with commercial discs (Oxoid). The inhibition
zone of each antibiotic was measured for strains grown on Iso-
METHODS sensitest agar (Oxoid) supplemented with 1?5 % (w/v) NaCl for 24 h
Bacterial strains, growth conditions and DNA isolation.
Strains used in this study are described in Table 1. Strains were grown
aerobically on tryptone soy agar (TSA; Oxoid) supplemented with 2 % (w/v)
at 28 C. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis was carried out as
described by Huys et al. (1994). Isolates were grown on trypticase
soy broth (Becton Dickinson) supplemented with
NaCl for 24 h at 28 ˚C. DNA was extracted following
Abbreviations: LMG, BCCM/LMG Bacteria Collection, Ghent, Belgium; LCMM, Laboratory for Culture of Marine Molluscs, Floriano´polis,
Brazil; CENAIM, Center for Marine and Aquaculture Research, Guayaquil, Ecuador; ARC, Artemia Reference Center, Ghent, Belgium; CAIM,
Collection of Aquacultural Important Micro-organisms, Mazatla´n, Mexico.
1?5 % (w/v) Bacto agar (Becton Dickinson) and 1?5 % (w/v) NaCl at
The value of AFLP in determining genome divergence and
28 C for 24 h. Approximately 50 mg cells was harvested and the species delineation for other bacterial genera, e.g.
fatty acids were isolated following the recommendations of the Agrobacterium and Xanthomonas, has also been
manufacturer using the Microbial Identification System manual and
software, version 3.9 (Microbial ID). appreciated (Mougel et al., 2002; Rademaker et al., 2000).
Mougel et al. (2002) calculated that strains belonging to
the same species of Agrobacterium would have about 86
% FAFLP band pattern similarity, while Rademaker et al.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (2000) found about 65 % AFLP pattern similarity between
The 30 Vibrio isolates formed three groups by FAFLP strains of the same species.
fingerprinting analysis. FAFLP groups A5, A8 and A23 had
complex band patterns, respectively consisting of 126±14, The 16S rDNA sequences of two representative isolates of
115±7 and 83±14 bands (50–536 bp) (Fig. 1). The three each FAFLP group were determined and were allocated to the
FAFLP groups were clearly different from known Vibrio genus Vibrio by the FASTA program. Isolates LMG 20536
species (Thompson et al., 2001), suggesting that they (EMBL accession no. AJ316171; 1468 bp) and LMG 20613
represent novel species. Isolates of group A5 shared at least (AJ490150, 681 bp) had 99?9 % 16S rDNA simila-rity,
75 % pairwise pattern similarity and showed less than 71 % whereas LMG 20546 (AJ316172; 1504 bp) and LMG 20010
pairwise pattern similarity towards other Vibrio species. (AJ490151, 467 bp) had 99?3 % similarity. Strains LMG
Surprisingly, these strains, which were isolated over a 4-year T
21346 (AJ316181; 1435 bp) and LMG 21347 (AJ490152,
period and from different places, showed remarkable genome 1123 bp) had 99?2 % similarity. Clustering obtained by the
resemblance. For instance, strains LMG 20536 , isolated in neighbour-joining, maximum-likelihood and maximum-
1998 at Floriano´polis island (Brazil), and LMG 20612, parsimony methods was in agreement and the closest
isolated in 1996 at the ARC (Belgium), had 87?5 % pattern phylogenetic neighbours of the three novel Vibrio species
similarity. Some strains, e.g. pairs LMG 20614 and R-15108 were Vibrio tubiashii (98–98?8 %), Vibrio nereis (97?6–98?
and R-15111 and R-15112, clustered at the reproducibility 8 %), Vibrio coralliilyticus (96?8–98?5 %), Vibrio mytili (96?
level of FAFLP (i.e. ¢88 % pattern similarity) and were thus 8–98?2 %) and Vibrio diabolicus (97?1–98?1 %) (Fig. 2). V.
indistinguishable by FAFLP. Isolates of FAFLP groups A8 and coralliilyticus and LMG 20536 were closely related, having
A23 respectively showed mutual similarities of at least 82 and T
98?2 % 16S rDNA similarity, and so were LMG 20546 and
62 % and simila-rity levels below 73 and 54 % towards other T T
LMG 21346 (98?4 %). Strain LMG 20536 had 97?2 % 16S
Vibrio species.
rDNA similarity towards strains
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F. L. Thompson and others
Table 2. DNA–DNA similarity and DNA G+C content of marine aquaculture Vibrio isolates and related Vibrio species
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. V. mediterranei LMG 11258 43?8 100
2. V. mytili LMG 19157 44?6 21 100
3. V. diabolicus LMG 19805 45?6 22 37 100
4. V. coralliilyticus LMG 20984 46?2 19 22 23 100
5. V. nereis LMG 3895 45?9 25 30 34 32 100
6. V. tubiashii LMG 10936 44?8 22 35 25 30 34 100
V. neptunius sp. nov.
7. LMG 20536 46?0 20 25 26 64 34 34 100
8. LMG 20613 45?3 24 27 27 66 37 38 93 100
V. brasiliensis sp. nov.
9. LMG 20546 45?9 17 20 22 25 32 34 32 29 100
10. LMG 20010 45?9 16 21 22 26 32 34 32 28 100 100
V. xuii sp. nov.
11. LMG 21346 46?6 ND ND ND ND 50 31 ND ND ND ND 100
12. LMG 21347 47?1 16 28 26 24 41 27 29 26 25 26 94 100
Table 3. Fatty acid compositions of the novel Vibrio species Cells are 1 mm wide and 2?3–3 mm long. Forms translucent,
convex, non-swarming, smooth-rounded colonies with entire
Values are percentages (means±SD) of total fatty acids. Only values margins, beige in colour and about 3 mm in diameter on TSA
above 0?1 % are included.
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F. L. Thompson and others
Table 4. Features useful in differentiating V. neptunius, V. brasiliensis and V. xuii spp. nov. from closely related Vibrio species
Species are identified as: 1, V. neptunius sp. nov. (n=21); 2, V. brasiliensis sp. nov. (n=6); 3. V. xuii sp. nov. (n=3); 4, Vibrio aes-tuarianus; 5,
Vibrio anguillarum; 6, Vibrio cyclitrophicus; 7, V. coralliilyticus; 8, V. diabolicus; 9, Vibrio diazotrophicus; 10, Vibrio fluvialis; 11, Vibrio
lentus; 12, V. mediterranei; 13, V. mytili; 14, V. nereis; 15, Vibrio splendidus; 16, V. tubiashii. Phenotypic data for reference species were
obtained from Ben-Haim et al. (2003); Baumann et al. (1984); Farmer & Hickman-Brenner (1992); Hedlund & Staley (2001); Macia´n et al.
(2001); Pujalte et al. (1993) and Rague´ne`s et al. (1997). Fatty acid profiles of known Vibrio species (type strains) are from our own database.
ND, No data; V, variable.
Feature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Utilization of:
Cellobiose 2 + + + + + 2 2 + V + + + 2 V +
D-Galactose 2 + 2 + V + + + + + + + + 2 V +
Gentiobiose 2 + V + + ND 2 2 + + ND V + 2 2 2
b-Hydroxybutyric acid 2 + + 2 2 2 2 ND 2 + ND 2 2 + V V
Growth on 8 % (w/v) NaCl 2 2 + V 2 + 2 ND + V ND V + + V V
Fermentation of:
Mannitol 2 + + + + + 2 + + + + + + 2 + +
Amygdalin 2 + + + + ND 2 2 + + ND + + 2 + 2
Melibiose 2 2 2 2 2 ND 2 2 2 2 + V 2 2 + V
Enzyme activity:
Gelatinase + + 2 + + + + + 2 + + V 2 V + 2
b-Galactosidase 2 + 2 + + 2 + 2 + V ND ND + 2 V +
N-Acetyl-b-glucosaminidase + 2 2 + + ND 2 2 2 + ND + + ND 2 +
FAME composition:*
14 : 0 iso 0?2±0?1 3?3±0?4 1?2±0?1 0?3 0?0 0?0 0?5 0?2 0?3 1?4 0?0 1?8 0?0 0?2 0?0 0?0
14 : 0 iso 3-OH 0?1±0?1 1?3±0?2 0?9±0?1 0?2 0?0 0?0 0?3 0?3 0?3 0?8 0?0 0?5 0?3 0?3 0?0 0?0
16:0 18?0±0?8 11?3±0?3 12?5±0?6 23?2 28?6 30?5 15 14?4 24?5 16?1 24?7 10?9 18?8 12?9 20?8 17?3
16 : 0 iso 0?5±0?1 10?5±0?6 5?5±0?4 2?2 0?4 0?0 0?8 1?7 2?2 4?9 0?0 4?3 1?5 1?1 0?0 0?0
17:0 2?3±0?2 0?6±0?1 0?5±0?1 0?3 0?0 0?1 2?5 1?6 0?3 0?7 0?0 0?0 0?0 1?9 0?0 0?1
17 : 1v8c 2?1±0?1 0?7±0?1 0?5 0?5 0?0 0?0 1?8 2?5 0?3 0?9 0?0 0?2 0?0 4?6 0?0 0?1
17 : 1v6c 1?2±0?1 0?3±0?1 0?2 0?0 0?0 0?0 0?6 0?7 0?0 0?2 0?0 0?0 0?0 1?3 0?0 0?0
18 : 1v7c 17?8±1?6 17?3±0?3 21?0±2?4 15?9 12?5 7?5 18?2 17?4 16?5 16?8 8?7 17?2 19?9 22?6 12?0 25?4
b-galactosidase, a-glucosidase, N-acetyl-b-glucosaminidase or and hybridization groups in the genus Aeromonas. Int J Syst
gelatinase. The major fatty acids are summed feature Bacteriol 44, 651–658.
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disc). Additional phenotypic features are listed online in New York: Academic Press.
the supplementary material. The type strain, LMG 21346 Lambert, M. A., Hickman-Brenner, F. W., Farmer, J. J., III & Moss,
T C. W. (1983). Differentiation of Vibrionaceae species by their cellular
(=CAIM 467 ), was isolated from shrimp culture water in
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China. The G+C content of the type strain is
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K. H., Garay, E. & Pujalte, M. J. (2001). Vibrio lentus sp. nov.,
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mesbah, M., Premachandran, U. & Whitman, W. B. (1989). Precise
measurement of the G+C content of deoxyribonucleic acid by high-
F. L. T. has a PhD scholarship (no. 2008361/98-6) from Conselho performance liquid chromatography. Int J Syst Bacteriol 39, 159–167.
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e Tecnolo´gico (CNPq),
Brazil. J. S. acknowledges grants from the Fund for Scientific
Research (FWO), Belgium. G. S. R., A. P. and M. M. B. acknowledge Mougel, C., Thioulouse, J., Perrie`re, G. & Nesme, X. (2002). A
support of the EU project INCO Scallop (no. ERBIC 18 CT 970188). mathematical method for determining genome divergence and species
The authors are indebted to J. Goris, A. Balcaen and L. Lebbe for delineation using AFLP. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 52, 573–586.
their skilful assistance during the DNA–DNA hybridizations and
G+C measurements. The excellent remarks of two anonymous Murray, R. G. E., Doetsch, R. N. & Robinow, C. F. (1994).
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Gene-ral and Molecular Bacteriology, pp. 21–41. Edited by P.
Gerhardt. Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology.
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