Seminar Presentation Write-Up: Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore
Seminar Presentation Write-Up: Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore
Seminar Presentation Write-Up: Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore
In 1921, there presidency bank was confluent to
imperial bank of India. It was primarily a commercial
bank but discharge certain central banking function.
Especially as a banker to the government. The issue of
notes continued to be direct responsibility of the
British government.
In year 1926, the commission on Indian currency and
finance which is also known as Hilton young
commission suggested for establishment of RBI. And
the bill was introduced in assembly in 1927 and the bill
was dropped on constitutional grounds. After a
recommendation of central bank enquiry committee in
1933 they contained a provision that the RBI free from
political influence
In assembly on September 1934 and started
functioning from 1st April 1935.
The initial capital of RBI five crore.50000 share 100
each with fully paid up capital. The entire share capital
was contributed by private shareholders with the
exception of the nominal value of RS. 2.2 lakh
subscribed by the central government.
After independence in the public opinion was strongly
in favour of nationalisation of the Reserve Bank. A
decision was taken in this regard in 1974.
Consequently, the Reserve Bank of India Act, was
passed in 1948.the entire share capital of the bank was
acquired by the Central Government against
compensation to shareholder at RS.118.10 per share
from 1st January 1949, it began to function as a
government owned intuition.
Issue of Notes — The Reserve Bank has the
monopoly for printing the currency notes in the
country. It has the sole right to issue currency notes of
various denominations except one rupee note (which is
issued by the Ministry of Finance). The Reserve Bank
has adopted the Minimum Reserve System for
issuing/printing the currency notes. Since 1957, it
maintains gold and foreign exchange reserves of Rs.
200 Cr. of which at least Rs. 115 cr. should be in gold
and remaining in the foreign currencies.
Roles of RBI
New department constituted in RBI - On July 6, 2005 a
new department, named financial market department
in reserve bank of India was constituted for
surveillance on financial markets. This newly
constituted dept will separate the activities of debt
management and monetary operations in future. This
department will also perform the duties of developing
and monitoring the instruments of the money market
and also monitoring the government securities and
foreign money markets.
The Reserve Bank of India comes under the purview of
the following Acts:
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934,
Public Debt Act, 1944,
Banking Regulation Act, 1949,
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999,
Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets
and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002,
Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005,
Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007.
Government Securities Regulations, 2007,
Governor of RBI
Shaktikanta Das 25th Governor of the RBI as on 13 Dec.
Subsidiaries of RBI
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee
Corporation of India (DICGC)
It was established on established on 15 July 1978 under
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
Act, 1961.
Its functions are governed by RBI under the provisions
of ‘The Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee
Corporation General Regulations, 1961’ and ‘The
Deposit Insurance and Credit
Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961’ (DICGC Act).
The Head Office is at Mumbai.
It insures all bank deposits, such as saving, fixed, current,
recurring, etc.
The right or condition of self-government.
Freedom from external control or influence,
Autonomous organizations or institutions are
independent or self-governing. Autonomy can also be
defined from human resource perspective and it
means a level of discretion granted to an employee in
his or her work. In such cases, autonomy is known to
bring some sense of job satisfaction among the
Interest rates
The spat began with the government unhappy with the
inflation-focused RBI for not cutting interest rates –
and even raising them. However, it spilled over into
regulation, something the central bank believes is its
exclusive domain. What followed was a host of issues
related to regulation where both the parties asserted
against each other.
NPA classification
RBI’s February 12 circular on classification of non-
performing assets (NPAs) and norms of loan
restructuring was the next flashpoint. The government
saw it as overly harsh, and indeed it drove all but two
state-run lenders into the red.
Government while demonetising the currency notes was
acting within the norms of the law and did not assault
the autonomy of the central bank.
In a democracy, the final responsibility of all policy
decisions must lie with Government
Therefore, there should be mutual cooperation and
coordination between RBI and Government in large at
public interest for an efficient and sustainable