Position Paper From My Country: Country: Argentine Republic Topic: COP 22 Student: Santiago Erazo Grade: 10-B

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Position paper from my

Country: Argentine Republic
Topic: COP 22
Student: Santiago Erazo
Grade: 10-B

Thank you very much honourable chair and fellow delegates, A cordial greeting from the Argentina republic
delegation, thank you all the representatives from the countries cited at this meeting for their respect towards
the delegation. Our nation is deeply concerned about the climate change around the world and we as a country
are making our best to help and contribute to achieve what everyone here wants, to save our planet and to
manage climate change as better and sooner as possible.

Due to our location and natural resources, Argentina is a very affected zone by climate change in various aspects
that are ending with our resources, our land and with the entire planet. The delegation will state a certain number
of examples which Cleary shows the difficulties that our country is going through due to climate change. The
greenhouse effect causes avalanches, floods and droughts all around the country, especially near mountains or
snowy areas, and this generates a temperature increase from 0,5 degrees Celsius. At the southwest from our
capital city Buenos Aires, the wind blows up the soil, which causes a big loss in centimetres from productive
ground that go directly to the ocean. In the snowy areas, the amount of snow at the peak summits (such as in
Cuyo) is incredibly decreasing, due to the increase of temperature, icebergs are melting and causing the sea
level to increase and to flood the land. Also, the deforestation rate in South America, in countries such as
Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil and even ourselves is very high and each time we are spending more natural resources
than we should and at the same time we are affecting the climate change. It has been estimated that the 47%
from the greenhouse effect gas emissions in Latin America and the Caribbean are produced by deforestation.
For this and other reasons that are not mentioned in this opportunity we consider ourselves victims from climate
change and as we stated in the last opportunity that we met in Paris at COP 21, (in which it was mostly discussed
to maintain the increase of temperature in no more than 2 degrees Celsius to save ourselves from many
problems)) we are committed to fight against climate change promoting our goals and objectives in this
honourable meeting.

One of the main goals that we came to propose and which we are committed to accomplish is to establish a
higher commitment in the reduction from carbon dioxide emissions, and our country hopes to lower them from
570 to 483 million tons of carbon dioxide, hoping this to happen on 2030, looking forward to the future for our
benefit and the one from next generations. We come back here with a methodological revision and with an
improvement in terms of ambition. We may deduct that many delegations here are asking if its relevant to
propose and promote a goal and an objective for a so long term & a high amount of time. Well, the delegation
considers that if we don’t look for high aspirations, we will have a conservative and minimalist position towards
the topic and we will also have an irrelevant posture in the global discussion. We don’t want to victimize ourselves
or to transmit a double speech, growing has a cost, but we may do it in a responsible way. In the international
ambit, we will seat in all the negotiation tables we didn’t were at before. The only way of protecting our productive
growth is to sit down so our opinion may be considered. Also, the country is available to disengage emissions,
let’s say unlink them with the industrial growth & production, by implementing the use of removable energies and
other systems and strategies to improve the conditions from the climate and the environment.

After all, this delegation is deeply fulfilled with the attitude from the rest of delegates towards our delegation, we
hope that our goals and arguments may be as best expressed as possible, we are united to contribute among
each other’s and we hope that at the end of this meeting we decide what is the best and what most benefits the
climate change in our earth.
Nation Guide
1. Official country name: Argentine Republic
2. Government system: Presidential republic

3. Date of Independence/Establishment: 9th july 1816 (From Spain)

4. Head of State: Mauricio Macri

5. Official language(s): Spanish

6. Allies/blocs: United States. Also Brazil, Paraguay & Uruguay allies & founding

members from Mercosur.

7. Population: 43,886,748

8. Major religions: Roman catholic 92%, Jewish 2% Protestant 2% Other 4%

9. Development Status: 4th most outstanding economy in Latin America, very

strong in agricultural production, one of the countries who most produces
most livestock and meat and from the best quality globally talking, a country
with high education levels that helps in the development from the country.

10. Trade blocs/associations: The main Argentina´s association or trade

agreement is with the Mercosur countries which are Brazil, Uruguay,
Paraguay, Uruguay and lately Venezuela. They created this free trade area to
trade things between themselves and to take advantage from each others

11. Military organization and expenditure: Their army is divided in three forces
Argentine army (ejercito argentino), navy of the Argentine republic (naval
aviation and naval infantry) and Argentine air force. The military from
argentina is well organizd and very well structured armed force but that has
been limited by diverse economic conflicts from the country. But recently
the country has shown a strong recovery and the military is planning for a
remodernization so the force on the ground may have better performance
at their activities.

12. Major weapons, arsenal, nuclear capability, etc: They have missile systems
that were developed 30 years ago such as ¨el alacran¨ and ¨el condor 2¨
.Argentina has no a major weapon at the moment. On the 90’s Argentina
with Brazil and Chile signed an agreement which states that they are not
permitted to use or develop chemical o biological weapons. Talking about
nuclear weapons, they started a program from it in 1980 but this was ended
and abolished with the democracy 3 years later (1983).

13. Overseas Development Aid: They received help from Spain talking about
monetary resources but they stopped helping them in 2012 due to diverse
reasons. They also had a big doubt and some countries from Latin America
helped them, fortunately they already have had solved this problem, off
course they have doubts but not as big as this one.

14. Major exports/imports: Their mayor exports are the livestock mostly for food
and for meat. They are specialists on meat because they take and have a lot
of variety on meat cuts and they export it all around the American continent.
They also are very rich in wine because they have a lot of vineyards in which
they can extract a lot of the resource to produce many types of wine and as
well export it all around the world.

15. Major trade partners: The mayor trade partners from Argentina are the
United States of America and the countries that are allied to the MERCOSUR
association which are Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and lately Venezuela.

16. Industries: The industry in Argentina has grown up and has developed
massively after the second world war. Since 1990, in compliance with the
Law on State Reform, the government begins to carry out a process of
privatization with the sale of public companies, which included in the
industrial sector, a lot of petrochemical, oil refineries, naval workshops,
steelworks , military factories and other manufacturing.

17. Natural resources: The most common natural resources on Argentina that
are used for the benefit of the country are solar energy, hydraulic energy,
geothermal energy, water and biomass.
18. Energy sources (both the type of energy and its origin): As its said previously,
the energy sources in Argentina are the solar energy, the hydraulic energy,
the geothermal energy, and thermoelectric generation or energy as well.

19. Major conflicts both past and present. The major conflict that Argentina has
faced has been the dispute of the Malvinas Island with England. During the
20th century they both battled for that piece of land and finally the English
country stayed with them. Other problem was the long time period in which
Argentina was marginalized from the world due to the dictatorships or
communist governments that were implemented at the moment.

20. Name 2 problems/threats that currently affecting this nation.

Unemployment: In recent years the economy crisis has caused high
unemployment in the country, reaching levels of 20% plus
underemployment of 30% in 2001, which means 50% of the economically
active population outside the circuit or problems, leading many workers to
seek alternative unwanted as crime climb to unthinkable levels in recent
years. Exchange rate arrears: The nominal exchange rate of the country is at
$ 3.04 per dollar, when the real exchange rate is around $ 2.50 to 2.60 per

21. Based on your research, what do you feel is at the heart of this nation’s identity?

What I think Argentina´s identity says us is that they are a common country
that has many strengths and that they are making as much as possible to
transcend and to improve in all aspects. I do not think they have negative
things in their identity, this country through history has not been as
problematic as others, off course they have had their problems with the
governement´s system, but they have never affected some other countries or
communities in such a massive way.

Central World Intelligence (n,d) CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from:


(n,a) (2010) The argentine Republic. Retrieved from: http://www.argentine-embassy-


El liberal, Politica (2016) Bergman present la contribución revisada del país ante la COP 22. Retrieved from:

Clarin (2015) Cambio climatico: Como afecta ya a la Argentina. Retrieved from:


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