The document provides information on various Hindu customs and ceremonies related to birth, marriage, death, and everyday life. It discusses rituals performed during pregnancy and after birth to ensure the health of the mother and child. These include whispering "vak" in the ear of the newborn and ceremonies at different stages of infancy. Wedding customs include representing the bride and groom as divine figures, decorating the bride with henna designs containing the groom's name, and the couple taking seven vows by the fire. Funeral rites include cremation and subsequent purification rituals.
The document provides information on various Hindu customs and ceremonies related to birth, marriage, death, and everyday life. It discusses rituals performed during pregnancy and after birth to ensure the health of the mother and child. These include whispering "vak" in the ear of the newborn and ceremonies at different stages of infancy. Wedding customs include representing the bride and groom as divine figures, decorating the bride with henna designs containing the groom's name, and the couple taking seven vows by the fire. Funeral rites include cremation and subsequent purification rituals.
The document provides information on various Hindu customs and ceremonies related to birth, marriage, death, and everyday life. It discusses rituals performed during pregnancy and after birth to ensure the health of the mother and child. These include whispering "vak" in the ear of the newborn and ceremonies at different stages of infancy. Wedding customs include representing the bride and groom as divine figures, decorating the bride with henna designs containing the groom's name, and the couple taking seven vows by the fire. Funeral rites include cremation and subsequent purification rituals.
The document provides information on various Hindu customs and ceremonies related to birth, marriage, death, and everyday life. It discusses rituals performed during pregnancy and after birth to ensure the health of the mother and child. These include whispering "vak" in the ear of the newborn and ceremonies at different stages of infancy. Wedding customs include representing the bride and groom as divine figures, decorating the bride with henna designs containing the groom's name, and the couple taking seven vows by the fire. Funeral rites include cremation and subsequent purification rituals.
CULTURES & -ous ceremonies are performed in order to ensure the good health of the mother CUSTOMS and baby. Birth: At birth when the umbical cord is cut, a golden spoon is held to the lips of the child and the work ‘vak’ (speech) is whispered in the ear, three times. Infancy: Many rituals are performed at each important stage of the child’s life Historic evidence suggests that such as their first temple visit, first hair- the culture of Mehndi dates back cuts, the first time being fed solid food to the twelfth century in India. It and the ear-piercing ceremony. was used for its cosmetic and healing purposes. It is a tempo- FUNERAL CUSTOMS : rary staining of the skin which is Hindu’s believe that their deceased used for decorative means dur- should be cremated. The male family ing celebrations such as mar- members of the deceased take charge of riages, Diwali, Eid and many the final rights and often after the fu- other holistic festivals, which oc- neral, they proceed to shaving the hair. LIFE cur in these modern times. Everyone who attended the funeral goes Mehndi or Henna designs are to have a purifying bath before returning ORIENTATION known as temporary tattoos in to cook a meal to share with the less for- PAMPHLET the western world. Mehndi aids tunate. The remains and ashes of the de- in others learning about Indian ceased are collected and thereafter im- traditions and heritages. mersed in a holy river. Mikhila Daya 9E HINDUISM : CULTURES AND CUSTOMS
The holy date and time of the
WHAT IS union of the couple is given after con- sultation with the astrologer. The HINDUISM? BRIDEGROOM is represented as the GOD and the BRIDE is represented as The bridegroom is adorned in his HINDUISM, a way of life, the GODDESS. The bride is adorned in finest kurtha’ (suit) and tradition- rather than a religion is often re- the richest of colours and the finest ally arrives on a white horse or in a ferred to as ‘SANATANA jewelry. Her hands are decorated with lavish car, which also symbolizes DHARMA’, which in translation Mehndi and her husband’s name is the price coming to wed his be- from Sanskrit to English, means hidden in the designs for him to find, loved princess. The couple take ‘THE ETERNAL LAW’. Hindu- this is a game played to test if the seven steps in the northerly direc- ism is made up of a combination groom’s love for her is true. tion which each symbolize a vow of various traditions and has no regarding their marital life and of- single founder. It is often called fer certain things into a sacred fire. ‘The oldest living religion’, and Rituals and other various ceremo- the worshipers of Hinduism are nies are performed according to the found throughout India and its traditions and backgrounds of the surrounding nations, yet with the involved families. urbanization of today, Hinduism is found world-wide. Mikhila Daya 9E