Equal Participation of Women and Men in Decision
Equal Participation of Women and Men in Decision
Equal Participation of Women and Men in Decision
Madam Chairperson,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Madam Chairperson,
Strides made
However, progress has been uneven and slow and in some cases
there have been significant setbacks. The slow and sometimes
static progress is seen in the Kenyan context as well. The
Economic Survey of 2016 tabulates women participation in key
decision making positions:
A glance at the Private Sector
Policy recommendations
The Africa Development Bank in their 2015 report titled, ‘Where
are the women: Inclusive Boardrooms in Africa’s top listed
companies’ propose several policy recommendations. They
1. Baseline Research — Unless data is provided on the status of
women on boards, it is impossible to determine what measures
must be taken or what policies are needed to improve the numbers
of women appointed to board seats.
2. Stock Exchange listing requirements should mandate public
reporting of board composition annually and provision of updates
after any change of composition. Reporting should extend beyond
directors’ names to include year of commencement of board
appointment, age, and brief background bios. The same
information should be reported on listed companies’ senior
officers as well.
3. African Stock Exchanges should consider including board
diversity as a listing requirement for member companies.
4. CMAs and SECs can also consider requiring companies to
provide sex-disaggregated data on women directors and in senior
management in annual reports.
5. Women themselves must be proactive in applying for board
“The Revolution and women’s liberation go
together. We do not talk of women’s
emancipation as an act of charity or out of a
surge of human compassion. It is a basic
necessity for the revolution of triumph. Women
hold up the other half of the sky.”