Table1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Undergraduate As Per Their Personal Profile 400 Socio-Demographic Variables F (%) Age (In Years)

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Table1: Frequency and percentage distribution of undergraduate as per their personal


Socio-demographic variables f (%)

Age(in years)

17-20 343 (85.8)

21-24 057 (14.2)


Male 111 (27.8)

Female 289 (72.2)

Fathers education

Illiterate 77 (19.2)

Primary 61 (15.2)

Middle 70 (17.5)

Secondary 76 (19.0)

Senior secondary 80 (20.0)

Graduate and above 36 (09.0)

Mothers education

Illiterate 108 (27.0)

Primary 093 (23.2)

Middle 052 (13.0)

Secondary 078 (19.5)

Senior secondary 039 (09.8)

Graduate and above 030 (07.5)


Urban 166 (41.5)

Rural 234 (58.5)

Pocket money

100-500 250 (62.5)

500-1000 113 (28.2)

Above 1000 037 (09.2)

Stream of education

Arts 336 (84.0)

Science 014 (03.5)

commerce 050 (12.5)

Source of information

Friends/relatives 123 (30.8)

Physician (previous prescription) 263 (65.8)

Mass media 014 (05.8)

TABLE 1:Shows that 343 (85.8%) undergraduate students were in the age group of 17-20 years
and 57 ( 14.2% ) were in the age group of 21-24 years use self medication practices. In which 111(
27.8%) are boys and 287 (71.8%) are girls. In education status of father 80( 20.0%) student’s
father were educated up to senior secondary education and 77(19.2%) were illiterate,76 (19.0%)
student’s father completed secondary education and 70(17.5%) were educated up to middle 61
(15.2%) student’s father were completed education up to primary and 36(90%) are completed
graduate and above only. In education status of mother 108( 27.0%) mother were Illiterate and
93 (23.2%) were completed primary class. 78(19.5%) mother were educated up to secondary and
52(13.0%) mother were educated up to middle class 39(9.8%) mother were completed educated
up to senior secondary and 30(7.5%) students mother were graduate and above in habitat.
234(58.5%) students are live in Rural area and 166(41.5%) students are live in urban area. In
monthly pocket money of students. 250(62.5%) students pocket money between 100-500
rs/month, 113(28.2%) students pocket money between 500-1000 rs/month, 37(9.2%) students
pocket money is above 1000. In stream of education. 336(84.0%) students from arts, 50(12.5%)
students from commerce group. And 14(3.5%) students from science group in source of
information . 263(65.8%) students are gathering information from physician, 123(30.8%) students
are gathering from friends and relatives and 14(3.5%) mass media

Table1: relationship of self medication practices among undergraduate students with their
socio-demographic variables

Socio-demographic variables Self medication practices Chi square
Yes No


Age(in years) df=1

17-20 316 27
21-24 53 04

Gender .002

Male 95 16 df=1

Female 274 15

Fathers education .175

Illiterate 71 6 df=5

Primary 60 1

Middle 67 3

Secondary 69 7

Senior secondary 70 10

Graduate and above 32 4

Mothers education .007

Illiterate 98 10 df=5

Primary 92 1

Middle 48 4

Secondary 74 4

Senior secondary 32 7

Graduate and above 25 5

Residence .117

Urban 149 17 df=1

Rural 220 14

Pocket money .199

100-500 226 24 df=2

500-1000 108 5

Above 1000 35 2

Stream of education .210

Arts 313 23 df=2

Science 13 1

commerce 43 7

Source of information .027

Friends/relatives 120 3 df=2

Physician (previous 236 27


Mass media
13 1

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