Table1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Undergraduate As Per Their Personal Profile 400 Socio-Demographic Variables F (%) Age (In Years)
Table1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Undergraduate As Per Their Personal Profile 400 Socio-Demographic Variables F (%) Age (In Years)
Table1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Undergraduate As Per Their Personal Profile 400 Socio-Demographic Variables F (%) Age (In Years)
Socio-demographic variables f (%)
Age(in years)
Fathers education
Illiterate 77 (19.2)
Primary 61 (15.2)
Middle 70 (17.5)
Secondary 76 (19.0)
Mothers education
Pocket money
Stream of education
Source of information
TABLE 1:Shows that 343 (85.8%) undergraduate students were in the age group of 17-20 years
and 57 ( 14.2% ) were in the age group of 21-24 years use self medication practices. In which 111(
27.8%) are boys and 287 (71.8%) are girls. In education status of father 80( 20.0%) student’s
father were educated up to senior secondary education and 77(19.2%) were illiterate,76 (19.0%)
student’s father completed secondary education and 70(17.5%) were educated up to middle 61
(15.2%) student’s father were completed education up to primary and 36(90%) are completed
graduate and above only. In education status of mother 108( 27.0%) mother were Illiterate and
93 (23.2%) were completed primary class. 78(19.5%) mother were educated up to secondary and
52(13.0%) mother were educated up to middle class 39(9.8%) mother were completed educated
up to senior secondary and 30(7.5%) students mother were graduate and above in habitat.
234(58.5%) students are live in Rural area and 166(41.5%) students are live in urban area. In
monthly pocket money of students. 250(62.5%) students pocket money between 100-500
rs/month, 113(28.2%) students pocket money between 500-1000 rs/month, 37(9.2%) students
pocket money is above 1000. In stream of education. 336(84.0%) students from arts, 50(12.5%)
students from commerce group. And 14(3.5%) students from science group in source of
information . 263(65.8%) students are gathering information from physician, 123(30.8%) students
are gathering from friends and relatives and 14(3.5%) mass media
Table1: relationship of self medication practices among undergraduate students with their
socio-demographic variables
Socio-demographic variables Self medication practices Chi square
Yes No
17-20 316 27
21-24 53 04
Gender .002
Male 95 16 df=1
Female 274 15
Illiterate 71 6 df=5
Primary 60 1
Middle 67 3
Secondary 69 7
Senior secondary 70 10
Illiterate 98 10 df=5
Primary 92 1
Middle 48 4
Secondary 74 4
Senior secondary 32 7
Residence .117
Rural 220 14
500-1000 108 5
Above 1000 35 2
Science 13 1
commerce 43 7
Mass media
13 1