Lesson Plan 3

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School : Kumnamu Junior High School

Subject : Math
Grade/ Semester : 9
Duration : 9 x 40 minutes (5 Meetings )
Date : 21, 24, 28, 31 January 2019

Standards and Objectives

A.SSE.3.a - Factor a quadratic expression to reveal the zeros of the function it defines.
A.SSE.3.b - Complete the square in a quadratic expression to reveal the maximum or minimum value of
the function it defines.
A.REI.4.a - Use the method of completing the square to transform any quadratic equation in x into an
equation of the form (x – p)2 = q that has the same solutions. Derive the quadratic formula from this form
Learning Objectives:
SWBAT rewrite quadratic expressions given in standard form, ax2 + bx + c (with a = 1), in the equivalent
completed-square form, a(x - h)2 + k, and recognize cases for which factored or completed-square form is
most efficient to use.

Central Focus: To understand that they are multiply ways to solve quadratic equations

Academic Language Demands:


Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks that Support Student Needs

Time Action Rationale
Launch (Motivation)

In the previous lesson, we looked at different

methods to solve quadratic expressions such as
using the Square Root strategy and also using the
5 mins Factoring Method.

What does it look like when you square a number? A term?

An expression? An can you give us an example?
(you multiply the term or expression by itself)

Addition and subtraction are opposite operations, what is the

opposite operation of squaring a number or expression?
(square root)

When I say I will give you 10 seconds to turn and talk to your
Investigation groups to answer the following question

 What is the difference between an expression and an

equation? And can you give us an example
 (an equation has an equal sign, an expression does

Our goal today will be a little different as we will

not be trying to solve quadratic equations.
Today, we will look at a different way to re-write
quadratic expressions that include a perfect square

Can I have a volunteer read the opening exercise for


Okay when I say go, take the next 4 mins with your
groups and complete the table
mins I also want you guys to describe a pattern of the
coefficents in the factored form, and standard form
Ready Go!

-Circulate as students work on Exercise

Okay so will one group share any pattern they

recognize in the coefficients of the expressions in
factored form and standard form?
(Will cold call on one group based off data tracker
while circulating)

The coefficient in factored form is half of the

coefficient in standard form.

Does anyone have the same answer but a different

way to explain it?
(Wait time)

Okay so lets try working backwards. When I say go,

work independently rewriting the standard quadratic
expressions as perfect squares?
(Cold call on student to have them restate directions)
Ready GO!

Okay so how do we know what should go in the

parenthesis? (wait time)

Now we will look at the Exploratory challenge and

write a equivalent expression that includes a perfect
square binomial.

Can we factor X2+8x+3? If not can you explain

So based on what we did in the previous exercise,
what do we know the coefficient must be in perfect
square form? (Wait time)

Okay so when we distribute (x+4)2 we get x2+8x+16

We want to write a expression that includes that

perfect square binomial but is also equivalent to the

So what do we have to add or subtract to that perfect

square binomial to make it equivalent to the
(Turn and talk to your groups for 10 seconds)
Ready GO

[Assessment during Instructional Procedure]

Refer to Lesson Plan Guide for clarification.

Structured Practice and Application

Students will work on Exercises 1-10 on their own

I will circulate as they work.

mins Questions to illicit student thinking?
- How did you come to your answer?
- Describe the steps you took to rewrite the
expression that includes a perfect square
Does anyone agree or disagree as to how we rewrote
this expression?

[Assessment during and/or after Structured Practice]

Refer to Lesson Plan Guide for clarification.

5 mins - Will go over exercise #1-4 as time allows
- -Students will share out any possible
misunderstandings they have
So today we learned a method of rewriting
quadratic expressions by completing the square.

In what cases do you think this method works

the best? (wait time)


Describe your students. (What they know and can do related to the Central focus…include
students’ culture, experiences, language background, practices and interests This is your context
for learning.

How does this lesson connect to and build on prior learning or previous lessons?

How will this lesson prepare students for subsequent lessons?

Teacher Self-Assessment and Reflection

Explain how your lessons build on each other to facilitate student understanding
Describe how you meet the needs of your diverse learners.
Predict areas where you might have problems in the lessons. Explain how the scaffolds and
strategies work to mitigate misunderstandings.
Discuss the research and/or theories that support your learning tasks. CITE your sources.
Explain how your assessments and activities are differentiated and provide evidence of learning
objective (goal).

Standards and Objectives

Rubric 1 CCSS (list number of the standard(s) and write out the portion of the
standard(s) addressed in this lesson)

Rubric 5 List concrete, specific and measurable (observable) learning objectives for the
lesson [“what” will be learned]

Rubric 1; Central Focus

Glossary What is the big idea (or central focus) for the content of the learning segment?

Rubric 4 Identify Academic Language Demands (vocabulary, symbols, syntax, and

and 14 discourse) and Language Functions (students will analyze, define, explain,
justify, etc.) [“the how”]

Identify and list academic language, particularly words/phrases that are essential to
understand the context of this lesson.
What language function do you want students to develop in this lesson? Keep
Bloom’s Taxonomy in mind.
What must students understand to be intellectually engaged in this lesson?
What content specific (vocabulary) do students need to support learning of the
objective(s) for this lesson?
What specific way(s) will students need to use language (reading, writing, listening,
and/or speaking) to participate in learning tasks and demonstrate their learning for this
What are your students’ abilities with regards to the oral and written language
associated with this lesson?
How will you support students so they can understand and use the language
associated with the language function of this lesson and other demands involved in
meeting the learning objective(s) of this lesson?

You should write in a general way about your methods and strategies

Assessments Related to this Lesson

Context The Assessments…
for  Provide evidence of full range of subject specific understanding
Learning;  Are differentiated for all learners, IEP/504 Plans, Struggling Students,
Gifted and Talented, ENL
Rubric 5  Allow for meaningful student feedback (rubrics, self-assessment, teacher
 Should be based on research

Assessment Type Purpose/Objective

Rubric 5;  Description of  What evidence of
Task 3 Assessment student learning
 Modification to the (related to the learning
assessment so that objective(s) and
all students central focus) does the
demonstrate their assessment provide?
learning  Evaluation
 Tools/Procedures criteria/rubrics related
used in this lesson to this lesson (Rubric
to monitor students’ will be the one you
learning of the develop to make sure
lesson objective(s) that students have met
 Is this assessment your learning goal.)
for instructional  How will you know
strategy or whether your students
structured practice? are making progress
toward your learning
goals(s), and/or how
will you assess the
extent to which they
have met your goal(s)?

Thread these assessments throughout your lesson plans—use at least 2 per lesson.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks that Support Diverse Student Needs
Context for  Activities are sequenced (This is where you plan, step by step, what you
Learning; will be doing in the classroom)
Rubric 2  Explicit questions for students are carefully worded to facilitate high-
level inquiry and discussion. Write out the questions the way you would
ask them.
 Planned supports are evident (if students do not understand this, then I
 Scaffolds address varying students’ language needs
 Infuse Technology to promote engagement and support various
learning modalities
 Diversity is acknowledged. Measures are developed to meet the needs
of the students
 Diverse students include: ICT/SPED, ENL, SES, College and Career
Ready, Gifted and Talented, races/ethnicities, religions, sexual
orientation, etc.
Time Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks Rationale
Launch (Motivation) Why have you chosen the
motivation that you have
How will you start the lesson to engage and
chosen? It should be based in
motivate students in learning?

Rubric 3 Instructional Procedure (Explore) How will you engage students

to help them understand the
What will you do to engage students in
developing understanding of this lesson’s
objective(s)? How linking new content
What will you say and do? (skills and concepts) to
What will the students do? students’ prior academic
What questions will you ask? (Make a list of the learning and their
questions you are going to ask and phrase the
person/cultural and community
questions as you would ask them).
assets facilitate learning?
What are the learning tasks for this lesson that are
appropriate for your students?
How are you supporting your diverse students?
Assess learning!
Think about theoretical principles and/or
research-based best practices and explain more
fully in the Planning Commentary. Cite the
research that best supports your pedagogical

How will you determine if students are meeting

the intended learning objective(s)? (Before you
move onto “structured practice,” you must make
sure that your students are “getting” the learning
objective. You need to do a check for

Structured Practice and Application

How will you give the students the opportunity to Discuss the rationale for your
practice so you can provide feedback? (Create an methods (i.e. group work, text
activity where students work individually, in
pairs, or in a group).
How will students apply what they have learned? rendering, accountable talk,
How will you determine if students are meeting etc.)
the intended learning objectives?
How will you structure opportunities for students Discuss the reasoning for how
to work with partners or in groups? you structured the activity
What criteria will you use when forming groups? (individual work, pair work, or
group work). (If group work,
what kind of grouping
procedures did you use? Base
in research.
Make sure you include
supports and strategies for
whole class, individuals, and/or
groups of students with special
Assess learning of objective!

Closure Sometimes it’s good to revisit

the objective and reframe it as
How will you end the lesson?
a closing question

Complete this portion before and after lesson planning:

Rubric 2 Describe your students.

How can you relate your students’ experiences, culture, language background,
practices and interests to the Central Focus of your lesson?

Rubric 1 How does this lesson connect to and build on prior learning or previous lessons?

What knowledge, skills, and/or academic language must students already know to be
successful with this lesson? (What do your students know and what can they do that is
related to the Central Focus?)

What prior knowledge and/or gaps in knowledge do these students have that are
necessary to support the learning of the objectives, skills, and concepts for this lesson?

What are the common errors or misunderstandings of students related to the central
focus of this lesson?

How will you address them for this group of students?

What supports and strategies have you planned that are appropriate for whole class,
individuals, and/or groups of students with specific needs?

Rubric 5 How will this lesson prepare students for subsequent lessons?
& 15
How do these lessons connect with and build on the previous lesson(s) and succeeding

How do you expect to build on these lessons in subsequent lessons?

Rubric 5; Teacher Self-Assessment and Reflection

Task 1
 Explain how your lesson activities build on each other to facilitate student

 How did you meet the needs of your diverse learners?

 Predict areas where you might have problems in the lesson. (Problems
may include but is not limited to slow or fast pacing). Explain how your
scaffolds will help you respond to potential misunderstandings.

 Discuss the research and/or theories that support your learning tasks.

 Explain how your assessment(s) and activities are differentiated and

provide evidence of addressing the learning objective (goal). (Use
research-based practices and cite them.)

Tangerang, 16 February 2019

Principal Math Teacher

Senti Sitorus, S.Pd Ruth Evelina, S.Pd

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