Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Central Focus: To understand that they are multiply ways to solve quadratic equations
When I say I will give you 10 seconds to turn and talk to your
Investigation groups to answer the following question
Okay when I say go, take the next 4 mins with your
groups and complete the table
mins I also want you guys to describe a pattern of the
coefficents in the factored form, and standard form
Ready Go!
5 mins - Will go over exercise #1-4 as time allows
- -Students will share out any possible
misunderstandings they have
So today we learned a method of rewriting
quadratic expressions by completing the square.
Describe your students. (What they know and can do related to the Central focus…include
students’ culture, experiences, language background, practices and interests This is your context
for learning.
How does this lesson connect to and build on prior learning or previous lessons?
Rubric 1 CCSS (list number of the standard(s) and write out the portion of the
standard(s) addressed in this lesson)
Rubric 5 List concrete, specific and measurable (observable) learning objectives for the
lesson [“what” will be learned]
Identify and list academic language, particularly words/phrases that are essential to
understand the context of this lesson.
What language function do you want students to develop in this lesson? Keep
Bloom’s Taxonomy in mind.
What must students understand to be intellectually engaged in this lesson?
What content specific (vocabulary) do students need to support learning of the
objective(s) for this lesson?
What specific way(s) will students need to use language (reading, writing, listening,
and/or speaking) to participate in learning tasks and demonstrate their learning for this
What are your students’ abilities with regards to the oral and written language
associated with this lesson?
How will you support students so they can understand and use the language
associated with the language function of this lesson and other demands involved in
meeting the learning objective(s) of this lesson?
You should write in a general way about your methods and strategies
Thread these assessments throughout your lesson plans—use at least 2 per lesson.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks that Support Diverse Student Needs
Context for Activities are sequenced (This is where you plan, step by step, what you
Learning; will be doing in the classroom)
Rubric 2 Explicit questions for students are carefully worded to facilitate high-
level inquiry and discussion. Write out the questions the way you would
ask them.
Planned supports are evident (if students do not understand this, then I
Scaffolds address varying students’ language needs
Infuse Technology to promote engagement and support various
learning modalities
Diversity is acknowledged. Measures are developed to meet the needs
of the students
Diverse students include: ICT/SPED, ENL, SES, College and Career
Ready, Gifted and Talented, races/ethnicities, religions, sexual
orientation, etc.
Time Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks Rationale
Launch (Motivation) Why have you chosen the
motivation that you have
How will you start the lesson to engage and
chosen? It should be based in
motivate students in learning?
Rubric 2 Describe your students.
How can you relate your students’ experiences, culture, language background,
practices and interests to the Central Focus of your lesson?
Rubric 1 How does this lesson connect to and build on prior learning or previous lessons?
What knowledge, skills, and/or academic language must students already know to be
successful with this lesson? (What do your students know and what can they do that is
related to the Central Focus?)
What prior knowledge and/or gaps in knowledge do these students have that are
necessary to support the learning of the objectives, skills, and concepts for this lesson?
What are the common errors or misunderstandings of students related to the central
focus of this lesson?
What supports and strategies have you planned that are appropriate for whole class,
individuals, and/or groups of students with specific needs?
Rubric 5 How will this lesson prepare students for subsequent lessons?
& 15
How do these lessons connect with and build on the previous lesson(s) and succeeding
Predict areas where you might have problems in the lesson. (Problems
may include but is not limited to slow or fast pacing). Explain how your
scaffolds will help you respond to potential misunderstandings.
Discuss the research and/or theories that support your learning tasks.