Module 001 PDF
Module 001 PDF
Module 001 PDF
The Role of Business in Social and Economic Development
A business is an organization of economic system where goods and services are being
exchanged for one another good or for currency. Every business requires some form of
investment or assets and enough customers and clients to whom its output can be sold on
to, as a basis in order to make a profit or income.
A business can be organized in one of several ways, and the form its owners
choose will affect the company's and owners' legal liability and even its
income tax treatment.
Course Module
A sole Proprietor business is owned by an individual who has full control or
authority of its own and owns all the assets, as well as personally answers all
liabilities or losses. The fact that it is run by the individual means that it is
highly flexible in which the owner has absolute control over the business.
The only downside of this form of organization is that the owner faces
unlimited liability; meaning, the creditors of the business may go after the
personal assets of the owner if the business cannot pay them. In other words,
the law basically treats the business and the owner as one and the same.
The healthcare industry usually flourishes in both good and bad economic
conditions. Many sole proprietors look for to profit from this stability by
engaging in home healthcare businesses. Some of these services caters to
senior citizens. An example of these services may include cooking meals,
cleaning homes, and assisting with hygiene needs.
Landscaper/Landscaping Sevices
Bookkeeper / Bookkeeping
Financial Planners
Sole proprietors work may also venture into a business as financial planners,
offering their services to individuals and small businesses. They help families
plan for different financial concerns such as retirement, preparing for college
expenses and invest in securities.
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
The Role of Business in Social and Economic Development
Tutoring Services
Catering Services
Catering services offer their services for group engagements such as parties,
weddings, company functions and different business events. In most cases, a
sole proprietor operating a catering company needs to hire people to do
different tasks.
The start-up costs for a housecleaning business are usually very low as it
only needs basic cleaning materials for household. Business owners can offer
a variety of additional services, such as doing the laundry, window washing,
ceiling and floor cleaning and carpet cleaning.
Freelance Writer
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Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistants assist entrepreneurs with clerical tasks through the use of
Internet. The assignments done by virtual assistants would depend on the
needs of clients. Common tasks may include scrutinizing and answering
important e-mails, creating excel spreadsheets and reports and typing
documents and summarizing information.
General partnerships can occur when two or more people develop a business
with the intent to earn profit.
Medical Services
Legal Services
General partnerships are the foundation for a lot of legal firms. An example of
a general partnership between attorneys might be, “The Law Offices of Smith,
Jones and Daniels.” A law office might have many partners within a business
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
The Role of Business in Social and Economic Development
Real Estate
Creative Concepts
Course Module
Microsoft was initially established between two partners,
Bill Gates and Paul Allen and is not the leading software
maker and one of the most valuable companies in the
world today.
In addition to those basic forms of business ownership, below are some other
types of organizations that are common today:
Limited liability companies (LLCs) in the USA, are hybrid forms of business
that have characteristics of both a corporation and a partnership. An LLC is
not incorporated; hence, it is not considered a corporation.
Course Module
The primary role of business industry has remained reasonably constant: To provide goods
and services that people may need and will want. What has changed dramatically over time
are the expectations on these businesses. Boards of directors, management and investors of
large corporations are now expected to address an array of social, economic and ecological
Business derives its social legitimacy and right to operate from the economic value it
creates for society at large, from its performance for both investors and a wider network of
constituencies, its partnership with governments and other agents in solving social
problems, and the trust its leadership inspires in employees and society as a whole.
Businesses hold a major responsibility not just to consumers in need but more so, it must
respond to the socio economic development of its country or society.
According to Peter Drucker's The Daily Drucker, each one ending with an
action item to put that day's concept to use, he writes:
But the role of businesses is far more than just the making revenue but it is
also a venue providing opportunity to expand job opportunities to
others and creates opportunities to pay salaries and wages. This is but a way
the whole business go around: everyone employed spends money they earn
in buying all kinds of goods and favor further into developing more business
A business also helps enlighten and educate people and encourages their
further personal growth. High level of competition makes it vital for both
businessmen and their employees to be involved in the constant process of
learning and developing their personal qualities such as creativity and
resourcefulness, determination, practicing and learning communication skills
and expands their vision in deriving new business opportunities.
In fact, it is much more unselfish than a lot of public institutions. It does not
exist to satisfy just its own needs – for that is a way to business a failure. On
the hand, its function is to satisfy in the long run the consumer or clients
demands – all of our demands, and to make our life seemingly comfortable.
So, when you make this crucial decision to embark on a business enterprise,
bear it in mind that it is a way to serve your society.
Course Module
Unlimited liability: the partners are equally responsible for the entire debts of the
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Course Module