Guidance Services
Guidance Services
Guidance Services
Include only all systematic and organized procedures and facilitates the same end. May be
defined as a group of services to individuals to assist them in securing knowledge and skills
needed in making plans and devices, and in interpreting life.
The Guidance Services promote the holistic development of pupils and students by providing
on-going prevention and intervention services and offering personal curricular and career
guidance services offered. Promoting guidance in support of the education of students.
Orientation service
The orientation service is provided to the students those who are new comers and those who
go to new class or new course in the school set up. It is a well-known fact that the students
those who join first time. In the school or get promotion for higher classes are heterogeneous
in nature as they are from different family backgrounds, from different socio-economic status,
from different areas, and from different abilities, interests, aptitudes and skills.
So that the orientation service is normally meant for students to enable them to know school
courses, rules, regulations, different facilities given to the students by school and to know the
clear image of the school. On the same line school also keeps record of the students about their
bio-data including identification, socio- economic background, capacities and abilities, interest
for courses etc.
Gives the Administration and Faculty and idea of the:
Profile of the school Population
Appropriate strategies for responding to needs, interest, and values.
Parents/Guardians would have basis for:
Understanding their children better.
Responding sensibly to their children.
this uses standard psychological test to be administered, scored and objectively interpreted to
students for awareness and realization of their potentials and interest and other factors as
define in the following description of psychological test available in the center.
Types of testing:
1. Personality-this test is designated to yield information about a person characteristics,
traits, behavior attitude, opinion and or emotion
1.) Personal/Social
a. Family problems
b. Depression
c. Sexuality
d. Relationship concerns
e. Sleep difficulties
f. Anger
g. Anxiety
h. Stress
2.) Academic/Educational
a. School and Academic concerns
b. School selection
c. School entry
d. School adjustment
e. School maintenance
3.) Vocational/Occupational/Career
a. Individual counseling
b. Group counseling
c. Multiple Counseling
d. Couple Counseling
e. Family Counseling
Is an orchestrated attempt by one or many people usually family and friends to get someone to
seek professional help with an addiction or some kind of traumatic event or crisis, or other
serious problem.
2. Personal-Social Placement
These are social-personal concerns that may not necessarily be responded to by the
Ex: shyness, social phobia, poor self-esteem, lack of friends, physical disabilities, etc.
OJT/Internship – students are sent to external business and agencies to familiarize them
on the actual working environment.
Intended to secure information about former students and provide continuing services
for students after they leave school. This technique for evaluating the appropriateness
and adequacy of the instructional program.
Types of Follow-up:
1. In-School Follow-up
Intended to secure information about former students and provide continuing services
for students after they leave school. This technique for evaluating the appropriateness
and adequacy of the instructional program.
Help diminish the number of drop-outs by knowing the cause or reasons why students
leave school. Also helps students adjust to student life
(Evangelista 2005) Without follow-up, the counseling is incomplete.
Like a physician who checks on whether his patient has recovered from an illness, the
counselor should also find out what happened to his counselee.
2. Out-of-school Follow-up
Applies to services extended even to the graduates to instill in them a sense of
belongingness. It also helps the school analyze its effectiveness.
Ensuring that the students who graduated are hired in companies.
(Villar 2007) Commonly overlooked service in the Philippine school.
(Ambida-Cinco 2008) Provide continuing services for students after they leave the
They work one-on-one with clients, getting to know them in order to assess their
aptitudes, identify career goals, and develop workable strategies to accomplish them.
Refers to the practice of helping clients find needed expert assistance that referring
counselor cannot provide.
Direct the client to another counselor with a higher level of training or special expertise
related to the clients need.
Is an organized scientific effort for discovering new material, finding explanations for
current situation and debunking theoretical assumptions.
On the other hand, is a guidance function where the counselor develop and implement
assessment and evaluation plans that would provide soft and hard data on the quality,
results, and impact of the various student service and program.
Evaluation is done to discover whether program, service or activities attain the goals for
which they are implemented. It may be considered form of research. It requires
systematic collection and analysis of data to determine the value of a program – its
effectiveness, adequacy and efficiency.
Evaluation justifies the existence of the Guidance Program and the need to support it to
make it more functional and effective.
Expert, knowledgeable and skillful on how to respond to needs and behaviors.
Sought by parents, administrators for guidelines on how to deal with people.
Acts as adviser or enhancer.
Qualities of a Consultant
Aware of the psychological, sociological, educational factors that may underlie certain
maladaptive patterns of behavior.
Expert in a variety of areas.
Knowledgeable of the resources needed • Ability to make sound judgement to make
appropriate decisions.
Dedicated, conscientious and industrious enough to continually update himself/herself
Exudes confidence, ease in dealing with people and equanimity
Interested in helping and concerned about welfare
Articulate and systematic able to present strategies and their theoretical frameworks
Intelligent and creative able to flex and shift according to adjustments needed by the
client of the consultee