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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Handout 8

6.046J/18.410J: Introduction to Algorithms February 15, 2001

Professors Piotr Indyk and Madhu Sudan

Problem Set 1 Solutions

Problem 1-1. Ranking Functions by Order of Growth
The ranking is based on the following facts:
•exponential functions grow faster than polynomial functions, which grow faster than
logarithmic functions;
•the base of a logarithm does not matter asymptotically, but the base of an exponential
and the degree of a polynomial do matter.
•Stirling’s approximation for n! is useful for dealing with factorials asymptotically.
The ranking is:
(lg n)!
1 nlg lg n
lg∗ n n lg n
lg lg n 2
{ ln n , lg n2 } en
√ lg n
2 22n
{ n , 2blg nc , 2dlg ne } (n − 1)!
{ n lg n , lg(n!) } n!
4lg n (2n)!
3 2 3 n
{n , n +n } 22
Some notes:
• 3
approaches zero.
•n = 2lg n ≥ 2blg nc ≥ 2lg n−1 = 2−1 2lg n = 12 n and so 2blg nc = Θ(n). Similarly, n ≤ 2dlg ne ≤
2n and so also 2dlg ne = Θ(n).
√ lg n 1 1 √
• 2 = 2 2 lg n = n 2 = n and similarly 4lg n = 22 lg n = n2 .
√  n+ 1 
•lg(n!) ≈ lg 2πe ne 2
= Θ(n lg n).
√  lg n+ 1 √ (lg n)lg n √lg n lg n
 lg n
•(lg n)! ≈ 2πe lgen 2
= 2π nlg e
. Now notice that (lg n) = 2lg lg n
 lg lg n √ √
2lg lg n lg n = 2lg n = nlg lg n . Using this we get: (lg n)! ≈ 2πnlg lg n−lg e lg n. This
is asymptotically greater than any polynomial in n, since for any polynomial nd , there
is some n for which lg lg n − lg e > d. However, it is strictly less than nlg lg n since they
nlg e
differ by √ = ω(1).
lg n
2 Handout 8: Problem Set 1 Solutions

Problem 1-2. Asymptotic Notation

(a) Sometimes true: For f (n) = n it is true, while for f (n) = 1/n it is not true. (The
statement is always true for f (n) = Ω(1), and hence for most functions with which
we will be working in this course, and in particular all time and space complexity
(b) Sometimes true: For f (n) = 1 and g(n) = kn ∗ sin(n)k it is true, while for any
f (n) = O(g(n)), e.g. f (n) = g(n) = 1, it is not true.
(c) Always true: max(f (n), g(n)) ≤ f (n) + g(n) ≤ 2 max(f (n), g(n)).
(d) Always true: Consider f (n) + g(n) where g(n) = o(f (n)) and let c be a constant
such that g(n) < cf (n) for large enough n. Then f (n) ≤ f (n) + g(n) ≤ (1 + c)f (n)
for large enough n.
(e) Never true: If f (n) = Ω(g(n)) then there exists positive constant cΩ and nΩ
such that for all n > nΩ , cg(n) ≤ f (n). But if f (n) = o(g(n)), then for any
positive constant c, there exists no (c) such that for all n > no (c), f (n) < cg(n). If
f (n) = Ω(g(n)) and f (n) = o(g(n)), we would have that for n > max(nΩ , no (cΩ )) it
should be that f (n) < cΩ g(n) ≤ f (n) which cannot be.

Problem 1-3. Insertion sort on small arrays in merge sort

(a) Insertion sort takes O(k 2 ) time per k-element list. Therefore, sorting n/k such k-
element lists, takes O(k 2 n/k) = O(nk) time.
(b) Merging requires O(n) work at each level, since we are still working on n elements,
even if they are partitioned among sublists. The number of levels, starting with n/k
k-element lists and finishing with 1 n-element list, is dlg(n/k)e. Therefore, the total
running time for the merging is O(n lg(n/k)).
(c) The largest asymptotic value of k, for which the modified algorithm has the same
asymptotic running time as standard merge sort, is k = O(lg n). The combined
running time is O(n lg n + n lg n − n lg lg n), which is O(n lg n). For larger values of
k the term nk would be larger than O(n lg n).
(d) In practice, k should be chosen such that it minimizes the running time of the
combined algorithm, which is cnk + dn lg(n/k), where c and d are some positive
constants that determine the actual running time of the two phases. The value
k = d/c minimizes the above expression, and thus the best choice of k does not
depend on n, but rather on the ratio between the constants d and c.
Handout 8: Problem Set 1 Solutions 3

Problem 1-4. Recurrences

(a) T (n) = 4T ( n2 ) + n3 =⇒ T (n) = Θ(n3 )
Using the third case of the master theorem:
n3 = Ω nlog2 4 + 0.1 = Ω(n2.1 )

(b) T (n) = T ( n2 ) + T ( n3 ) + n =⇒ T (n) = Θ(n)

n n
T (n) = T ( ) + T ( ) + n ≥ n
2 3
so T (n) = Ω(n). Now let c > 6 and suppose by induction that T (k) ≤ ck ∀k < n
(the base case T (1) = 1 < c is true). Now
n n 5c
T (n) ≤ c + c + n = (1 + )n ≤ cn
2 3 6
given the assumption on c. So we have T (n) = O(n) as well.
(c) T (n) = 3T (n 3 ) + log3 n =⇒ T (n) = Θ(lg n lg lg n)
Let n = 3k we have T (3k ) = 3T (3 3 ) + k. Let S(k) = T (3k ), S(1) = 1 and
S(k) = 3S( k3 ) + k so the second case of the master theorem (k = Θ(k log3 3 )) gives
S(k) = Θ(k lg k). Going back to n we get T (n) = S(log3 n) = Θ(log3 n lg log3 n) =
Θ(lg n lg lg n).
(d) T (n) = T (n − 1) + n4 =⇒ T (n) = Θ(n5 )
By iteration T (n) = ni=1 i4 . Then use approximation by integrals (page 50 in

(e) T (n) = T (n/2 + 5) + n2 =⇒ T (n) = Θ(n2 ) It is reasonable to guess that T (n) has
the same solution of S(n) = S(n/2) + n2 as the difference between n/2 and n/2 + 5
becomes negligible for n → ∞. By case 3 of the Master Theorem, we have that
S(n) = Θ(n2 ).
Thus we guess T (n) = Ω(n2 ) and we prove it by substitution. Assume that T (m) ≥
cm2 for an appropriate constant c and for all m < n. Then we have that

T (n) ≥ c(n2 /4 + 5n + 25) + n2 .

With simple algebraic manipulations we have c(n2 /4 + 5n + 25) + n2 ≥ cn2 is equiv-

alent to (1 − 3/4c)n2 + c(5n + 25) ≥ 0. Since c(5n + 25) is always positive, it will be
enough to find a value of c for which (1 − 3/4c)n2 is positive. Any c < 4/3 makes
the inequality true (notice that it may be true also for some c > 4/3). Hence we
have T (n) = Ω(n2 ).
Now, we guess T (n) = O(n2 ) and we prove it by substitution. Assume that T (m) ≤
am2 for an appropriate constant a and for all m < n. Then

T (n) ≤ a(n2 /4 + 5n + 25) + n2 .

4 Handout 8: Problem Set 1 Solutions

Thus T (n) ≤ an2 whenever a(n2 /4 + 5n + 25) + n2 ≤ an2 , which is equivalent to

a(n2 /4 + 5n + 25) ≤ a(n2 − 1). This inequality is true, given any value of a, for n
sufficiently large, e.g. for n ≥ 100. Thus, we have proved that, for any constant a,
T (n) ≥ an2 , for n ≥ 100. Hence T (n) = O(n2 ).
Combining T (n) = O(n2 ) and T (n) = Ω(n2 ), we get T (n) = Θ(n2 ).
(f ) T (n) = 2T (n/2) + n lg n =⇒ T (n) = n lg2 n
Unfortunately, the Master Method cannot be used since the added value n lg n is
within a logarithmic factor of nlog2 2 = n. Instead, by iteration:
n n n n
T (n) = n lg n + 2 lg + 4 lg + · · ·
2 2 4 4
n n

= n lg n + lg + lg + · · ·
2 4
lg n lg n
lg 2k = n
= n k
k=0 k=0
lg n(lg n + 1)
= n = Θ(n lg2 n)

(g) T (n) = 4T (n/2) + n2 + n =⇒ T (n) = n2 lg n

This time its fine to use the second case of the Master Method, since n2 + n =
Θ(nlog2 4 ) = Θ(n2 ).

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