TRAX User Manual r09.2
TRAX User Manual r09.2
TRAX User Manual r09.2
Attitude & Heading Reference System (AHRS)
Table of Contents
1 COPYRIGHT & WARRANTY INFORMATION ................................................. 1
2 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 2
3 SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 3
3.1 Characteristics & Requirements ........................................................... 3
3.2 Mechanical Drawings ............................................................................ 6
4 SET-UP ....................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Electrical Connections ........................................................................... 7
4.2 Installation Location.............................................................................. 8
4.2.1 Operate within the TRAX’s dynamic range .................................. 8
4.2.2 Locate away from changing magnetic fields ............................... 8
4.2.3 Mount in a physically stable location .......................................... 8
4.3 Mechanical Mounting ........................................................................... 8
4.3.1 Pitch and Roll Convention ............................................................ 8
4.3.2 Coordinate System ....................................................................... 9
4.3.3 Mounting Orientation .................................................................. 9
5 USER CALIBRATION .................................................................................. 11
5.1 Magnetic Calibration........................................................................... 12
5.1.1 Full-Range Calibration ................................................................ 15
5.1.2 2D Calibration ............................................................................ 21
5.1.3 Limited-Tilt Calibration .............................................................. 22
5.1.4 Hard-Iron-Only Calibration ........................................................ 23
5.2 Accelerometer Calibration .................................................................. 23
5.2.1 Accel-Only Calibration................................................................ 24
5.2.2 Mag-and-Accel Calibration ........................................................ 25
6 OPERATION WITH TRAX STUDIO .............................................................. 26
6.1 Installation .......................................................................................... 26
6.2 TRAX Studio Header and Connecting to TRAX Studio ........................ 26
6.3 TRAX Studio Footer and Saving/Applying Settings ............................. 27
6.4 Configuration Tab ............................................................................... 28
6.4.1 General Settings ......................................................................... 29
6.4.2 Acquisition Settings.................................................................... 30
6.5 Calibration and the Calibration Tab .................................................... 31
6.5.1 Calibration Settings .................................................................... 32
6.5.2 Performing a Calibration ............................................................ 33
6.5.3 Calibration Results ..................................................................... 34
6.6 Test Tab ............................................................................................... 35
6.7 Log Data Tab ....................................................................................... 38
6.8 Graph Tab............................................................................................ 39
6.9 System Log Tab ................................................................................... 40
List of Tables
Table 3-1: Performance Specifications1 ................................................................. 3
Table 3-2: Absolute Maximum Ratings .................................................................. 4
Table 3-3: Electrical Requirements ........................................................................ 4
Table 3-4: I/O Characteristics................................................................................. 5
Table 3-5: Environmental Requirements ............................................................... 5
Table 3-6: Mechanical Characteristics ................................................................... 5
Table 4-1: TRAX Pin Descriptions ........................................................................... 7
Table 5-1: Magnetic Calibration Mode Summary ................................................ 13
Table 5-2: 12 Point Full-Range Calibration Pattern ............................................. 17
Table 5-3: 12 Point 2D Calibration Pattern .......................................................... 22
Table 5-4: 12 Point Limited-Tilt Calibration Pattern ............................................ 22
Table 5-5: 6 Point Hard-Iron-Only Calibration Pattern ........................................ 23
Table 7-1: Port Configuration............................................................................... 41
Table 7-2: TRAX Command Set ............................................................................ 45
Table 7-3: Configuration Identifiers ..................................................................... 47
Table 7-4: Sample Points...................................................................................... 49
Table 7-5: Component Identifiers ........................................................................ 53
Table 7-6: Recommended FIR Filter Tap Values .................................................. 61
Table 7-7: Multiple Coefficient Command List ..................................................... 64
Parameter Value
Accuracy2 2.0° rms
Resolution 0.1°
AHRS Pitch ± 90°
Mode Roll ± 180°
Accuracy 2.0° rms
Resolution 0.01°
Static Accuracy3 0.3° rms
Heading Resolution 0.1°
Repeatability 0.05° rms
Compass Pitch ± 90°
Mode Roll ± 180°
Attitude Static Accuracy 0.2° rms
Resolution 0.01°
Repeatability 0.05° rms
1. Specifications are typical unless otherwise noted, and subject to change.
2. Assumes heading status is “1”. See Section 6.6 or Section 7.5.3 for a
discussion on heading status.
3. Assumes TRAX is motionless, the local magnetic field is clean relative to
user calibration, ≤65° of pitch, and after a Full-Range calibration has been
Stresses beyond those listed above may cause permanent damage to the device.
These are stress ratings only. Operation of the device at these or other conditions
beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied.
Parameter Value
Supply Voltage 3.8 to 9 VDC
High Level Input 2.4 V minimum
Low Level Input 0.6 V maximum
Communication Lines
Output Voltage Swing ±5.2 V typ., ±5.0 V min.
Tx Output Resistance 300 Ω
AHRS Mode@ max.
55 mA typical
sample rate
Compass Mode @
28 mA typical
Current Draw max. sample rate
During application of
See Figure 3-1
external power
Sleep Mode 0.5 mA typical
Parameter Value
Communication Interface RS232 UART & USB
Communication Protocol PNI Binary
Communication Rate1 2400 to 921,600 baud
Maximum Data Output Rate ≈30 samples/sec
1. The TRAX can operate up to 921,600 baud, but native RS232 is limited to
115,200 baud.
Parameter Value
Operating Temperature1 -40C to +85C
Storage Temperature -40C to +85C
1. To meet performance specifications across this range, recalibration will be
necessary as the temperature varies.
Parameter Value
Dimensions (l x w x h) 3.5 x 4.3 x 1.0 cm
Weight 7 gm
Connector 9-pin Molex, pn 53780-0970
Pin # 9 Pin Molex Pigtailed Cable
Connector Wire Color
1 Ground Black
2 USB +5 VDC Gray
3 Ground Green
4 Not Connected Orange
5 USB D– Violet
6 USB D+ Brown
7 RS232 Tx Yellow
8 RS232 Rx Blue
9 RS232 +5 VDC Red
1. Pin #1 is indicated on Figure 3-2.
After making the electrical connections, it is a good idea to perform some simple tests to
ensure the TRAX is working as expected. See Section 6 for how to operate the TRAX with
TRAX Studio or Section 7 for how to operate the TRAX using PNI‟s binary protocol.
Minimum Allowable
Calibration Static Accuracy in Tilt Range
Recommended Range of #
Mode Compass Mode during Cal
# of Samples of Samples
Full-Range 0.3° rms >±45° 12 10 – 18
2D Calibration <2° <±5° 12 10 – 18
Limited-Tilt <2° over 2x tilt range ±5° to ±45° 12 10 – 18
Restores prior 4 - 18
Hard-Iron-Only >±3° 6
Before proceeding with a calibration, ensure the TRAX is properly installed in the host
system. The device should be installed as discussed in Section 4, and the software should be
5.1.2 2D Calibration
A 2D Calibration is intended for very low tilt operation (<5°) where calibrating the
TRAX with greater tilt is not practical.
This procedure calibrates for hard and soft-iron effects in only two dimensions, and in
general is effective for operation and calibration in the tilt range of -5° to +5°. The
recommended 12 point calibration pattern is a circle of evenly spaced points, as given in
Table 5-3.
NOTE: TRAX Studio works with the TRAX module configured to Big Endian. This is the default
setting, but if the module was set to Little Endian, reset to Big Endian per section 7.4.2
6.1 Installation
TRAX Studio is provided as an executable program which can be downloaded from PNI‟s
website. It will work with Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 operating systems.
Check the PNI web page at for the latest version.
Copy the “TRAXStudio.msi” file onto your computer. Double-click on the icon and step
through the Setup Wizard. The program will be installed into the following directory unless
you direct it otherwise: Program Files\PNI Sensor Corporation\TRAX Studio\. A “TRAX
Studio” shortcut icon will be placed on your computer‟s desktop.
Now plug the TRAX into the USB or RS232 port of your computer. Ensure the TRAX is
completely still when plugging it into the USB port, as the gyros initialize during the
first five seconds after being plugged in.
If you are using the Windows XP operating system, then the first time you plug in the TRAX
device it will launch the Found New Hardware Wizard. Select a “Yes…” button, then click
on <Next> and proceed with the installation. The computer should find the required virtual
communications port (VCP) driver by searching the internet, which may take a minute or
two. If you are using Windows 7 the computer automatically searches for and installs the
driver. If there is a problem with this, download the driver from FTDI‟s website at
You have now completed the installation of TRAX Studio.
To connect, set the “Serial” field to the appropriate COM port. To determine this, in
Windows right click on “My Computer”, select “Manage”, then select “Device Manager”.
Expand “Ports” and note the port for “USB Serial Port”. This should be the assigned COM
port for the TRAX.
Set the baud rate. The default is 38400, and this should be the setting the first time the
TRAX is used. Once a connection has been established, the desired baud rate can be
changed on the Configuration Tab, as discussed in Section 6.4.1.
Click the <Connect> button. When the connection is established, the light to the left of
“Status” will turn green, “Status” will change to “Connected @ [the baud rate]”, the
<Connect> button will now say <Disconnect>, the <Power Down> button will be live, and
the “Device Information” section of the header will populate.
This establishes how many samples will be taken during the calibration. The minimum and
recommended number of samples depends on the calibration method, and is summarized in
The following subsections provide instructions for performing a magnetic calibration of a
TRAX system. Several calibration mode options exist, as summarized in Table 5-1. To meet
the accuracy specification, the number of samples should be the “Minimum Recommended”
value, or greater. Calibration may be performed using TRAX Studio or using the PNI binary
protocol, and up to 8 sets of magnetic calibration coefficients may be saved. The
recommended calibration patterns described in the following sub-sections provide a good
distribution of sample points. Also, PNI recommends the location of the TRAX remain fairly
constant while only the orientation is changed.
Table 5-1. The maximum number of samples is 18.
Mag Coefficient Set & Accel Coefficient Set
At any one time, the TRAX will use one set of magnetic calibration coefficients and
one set of accelerometer calibration coefficients. The magnetic coefficients
compensate for measured magnetic distortions in the host system as determined
during a magnetic calibration. The accelerometer coefficients compensate for bias
and offset of the accelerometers, as determined during an accelerometer calibration.
Note: If a calibration is aborted, all the score’s will read “179.80”, and the calibration coefficients
will not be changed. (Clicking the <Save> button will not change the calibration coefficients.)
Mag Cal
Represents the over-riding indicator of the quality of a magnetic calibration.
Acceptable scores are <1 for Full-Range Calibration and <2 for other methods. Note
that it is possible to obtain acceptable Distribution Error and Tilt Error scores and still
have a rather high Mag Cal value. The most likely reason for this is the TRAX is
close to a source of magnetic distortion that is not fixed with respect to the device.
Accel Cal
Represents the quality of an Accelerometer Calibration. The score should be <1.
Distribution Error
Indicates if the distribution of sample points is good, with an emphasis on the heading
distribution. The score should be 0. Significant clumping or a lack of sample points
Clicking the <Start> button begins continuous updating of the orientation of the
rendered model, and of the heading, pitch, and roll output fields. The <Start> button
on the Test Tab screen and on the 3D Model screen are linked such that selecting
either of them will stop or start both screens.
Clicking on <Fullscreen> will expand the window to the full computer screen, and
the button will now read <Windowed>. Clicking <Windowed> will shrink the
window back down.
Output Format & North Reference
The “Output Format” and “North Reference” fields mimic the settings on the
Configuration Tab. To change these, return to the Configuration Tab, make the
change, then <Apply> or <Save> the change.
Background & Foreground Color
The foreground and background colors of the screen can be changed by the user.
Simply click on the color square and select the new desired color. The change in
color automatically is saved. The default is black lettering on a grey background.
Functional Mode
The TRAX can operate either in AHRS Mode or Compass Mode. While the TRAX
is intended to be used as an AHRS, there are times when it is necessary or beneficial
The “Filt” data and plot (blue) provides magnetic field strength measurements after the FIR
filter taps are applied, but prior to applying the user calibration coefficients. The “User” data
and plot (red) provides data after applying the user calibration coefficients. In AHRS Mode
the data and plots are identical, while in Compass Mode there is an offset which represents
Parameter Value
Number of Data Bits 8
Start Bits 1
Stop Bits 1
Parity none
(1 - 4091 UInt8)
The ByteCount is the total number of bytes in the packet including the CRC-16 (checksum).
The CRC-16 is calculated starting from the ByteCount to the last byte of the Packet Frame.
The ByteCount and CRC-16 are always transmitted in big Endian. Two examples follow.
Example: The complete packet for the kGetModInfo command, which has no payload is:
00 05 01 EF D4
00 09 0A 00 00 00 14 5C F9
Below is the 64-bit float format in big Endian. In little Endian the bytes are in reverse
order in 4-byte groups (e.g. DCBA HGFE).
63 62 52 51 0
S Exponent Mantissa
3130 23 22 0
S Exponent Mantissa
31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
msb lsb
Big Endian
7 0 15 8 23 16 31 24
lsb msb
Little Endian
15 8 7 0 7 0 15 8
7 0
msb lsb
Big Endian
7 0 15 8 23 16 31 24
lsb msb
Little Endian
15 8 7 0 7 0 15 8
7 0
7.2.5 Boolean
Boolean is a 1-byte parameter that MUST have the value 0=FALSE or 1=TRUE.
7 0
Frame ID
Command Description
Dec Hex
1 0x01 kGetModInfo Queries the device’s type and firmware revision.
2 0x02 kGetModInfoResp Response to kGetModInfo
3 0x03 kSetDataComponents Sets the data components to be output.
4 0x04 kGetData Queries the TRAX for data
5 0x05 kGetDataResp Response to kGetData
6 0x06 kSetConfig Sets internal configurations in TRAX
Queries TRAX for the current internal
7 0x07 kGetConfig
8 0x08 kGetConfigResp Response to kGetConfig
Saves the current internal configuration and any
9 0x09 kSave new user calibration coefficients to non-volatile
10 0x0A kStartCal Commands the TRAX to start user calibration
11 0x0B kStopCal Commands the TRAX to stop user calibration
Sets the FIR filter settings for the magnetometer &
12 0x0C kSetFIRFilters
accelerometer sensors.
Queries for the FIR filter settings for the
13 0x0D kGetFIRFilters
magnetometer & accelerometer sensors.
Contains the FIR filter settings for the
14 0x0E kGetFIRFiltersResp
magnetometer & accelerometer sensors.
15 0x0F kPowerDown Powers down the module
16 0x10 kSaveDone Response to kSave
Sent from the TRAX after taking a calibration
17 0x11 kUserCalSampleCount
sample point
18 0x12 kUserCalScore Contains the calibration score
19 0x13 kSetConfigDone Response to kSetConfig
20 0x14 kSetFIRFiltersDone Response to kSetFIRFilters
Commands the TRAX to output data at a fixed
21 0x15 kStartContinuousMode
22 0x16 kStopContinuousMode Stops data output when in Continuous Mode
Confirms the TRAX has received a signal to power
23 0x17 kPowerUpDone
24 0x18 kSetAcqParams Sets the sensor acquisition parameters
25 0x19 kGetAcqParams Queries for the sensor acquisition parameters
26 0x1A kSetAcqParamsDone Response to kSetAcqParams
27 0x1B kGetAcqParamsResp Response to kGetAcqParams
28 0x1C kPowerDownDone Response to kPowerDown
Resets magnetometer calibration coefficients to
29 0x1D kFactoryMagCoeff
original factory-established values
30 0x1E kFactoryMagCoeffDone Response to kFactoryMagCoeff
Type Revision
UInt32 UInt32
Note that the Type and Revision can be decoded from the binary format to character
format using the ASCII standard. For example, the hex string “00 0D 02 54 52 41 58
31 32 30 38 C7 87” can be decoded to read “TRAX 1208”. A Hex-to-ASCII
converter can be found at:
Config ID Value
UInt8 ID Specific
1 10.0
Declination ID Declination
Angle (Float32)
Note: TRAX Studio requires Big Endian. Return the module to Big Endian if Little Endian
has been set if it will be used with TRAX Studio.
Number of Samples
Calibration Mode Allowable Minimum
Range Recommended
Full-Range 10 to 18 12
Limited-Tilt 10 to 18 12
2D Calibration 10 to 18 12
Hard-Iron-Only 4 to 18 6
Accelerometer-Only 12 to 32 18
Mag-and-Accel 12 to 32 18
Config ID
Config ID Value
UInt8 ID Specific
Example: If a request to get the set declination angle, the payload would look like:
1 10.0
Declination ID Declination
Angle (Float32)
Error Code
This flag sets whether output will be presented in Continuous or Polled
Acquisition Mode. Poll Mode is TRUE and should be selected when the host
system will poll the TRAX for each data set. Continuous Mode is FALSE and
should be selected if the user will have the TRAX output data to the host system
at a relatively fixed rate. Poll Mode is the default.
This is only relevant in Compass Mode. Setting this flag to TRUE results in the
FIR filter being flushed (cleared) after every measurement. The default is
Flushing the filter clears all tap values, thus purging old data. This can be useful
if a significant change in heading has occurred since the last reading, as the old
heading data would be in the filter. Once the taps are cleared, it is necessary to
fully repopulate the filter before data is output. For example, if 32 FIR taps is set,
32 new samples must be taken before a reading will be output. The length of the
delay before outputting data is directly correlated to the number of FIR taps.
These 4 bytes serve no function. PNI recommends populating the bytes with 0.
The SampleDelay is relevant when the Continuous Acquisition Mode is selected.
It is the time delay, in seconds, between completion of TRAX sending one set of
data and the start of sending the next data set. The default is 0 seconds, which
means TRAX will send new data as soon as the previous data set has been sent.
ID Count ID 1 ID 2 ID 3 ……….
Example: To query for heading and heading status, the payload should contain:
02 05 18
Component ID
Component Format Units
Decimal Hex
kHeading 5 0x05 Float32 degrees
kPitch 24 0x18 Float32 degrees
kRoll 25 0x19 Float32 degrees
kHeadingStatus 79 0x4F UInt8 value
Example: If heading and heading status are set to be output per the
kSetDataComponents command, the payload would look like:
2 5 359.9 79 1
Note: The payload needs to be 32 bit (4 byte). If no payload is entered or if less than 4 bytes
are entered, the unit will default to the previous calibration method.
The CalOption values are given below, along with basic descriptions of the options.
Full-Range Calibration
Recommended calibration method when >45° of tilt is possible. Can be used for
between 20° and 45° of tilt, but accuracy will not be as good
2D Calibration
Recommended when the available tilt range is limited to ≤5°. Can be used for 5°
to 10° of tilt, but accuracy will not be as good.
Hard-Iron-Only Calibration
Recalibrates the hard-iron offset for a prior calibration. If the local field hard-iron
distortion has changed, this calibration can bring the TRAX back into
00 09 0A 00 00 00 14 5C F9
Heading, pitch and roll information is output via the kGetDataResp frame during the
calibration process. This feature provides guidance during the calibration regarding
calibration sample point coverage. During calibration, in the kGetDataResp frame,
the number of data components is set to be 3 and then followed by the data
component ID-value pairs. The sequence of the component IDs are kHeading, kPitch
and kRoll.
kTakeUserCalSample (frame ID 31 d)
This frame commands the TRAX to take a sample during user calibration. The frame
has no payload.
kUserCalSampleCount (frame ID 17 d)
This frame is sent from the TRAX after taking a calibration sample point. The
payload contains the sample count with the range of 1 to 18.
Represents the over-riding indicator of the quality of the magnetometer
calibration. Acceptable scores will be ≤1 for full range calibration, ≤2 for other
Sending the kSave command after changing the mode will save the new setting in
non-volatile memory.
kGetFunctionalMode (frame ID 80 d)
This frame queries the TRAX functional mode. The frame has no payload.
kGetFunctionalModeResp (frame ID 81 d)
This is the response of kGetFunctionalMode, and it has the same payload definition
as kSetFunctionalMode.
Byte 1 should be set to 3 and Byte 2 should be set to 1. The third payload byte
indicates the number of FIR taps to use, which can be 0 (no filtering), 4, 8, 16, or 32.
This is followed by the tap values (0 to 32 total Values can be in the payload), with
each Value being a Float64, and suggested values given in Table 7-6.
kSetFIRFiltersDone (frame ID 20 d)
This frame is the response to kSetFIRFilters. The frame has no payload.
kGetFIRFilters (frame ID 13d)
This frame queries the FIR filter settings for the sensors. Byte 1 should be set to 3
and Byte 2 should be set to 1.
Byte 1 Byte 2
UInt8 UInt8
The ability to store and access multiple calibration coefficients sets the FieldForce TRAX
apart from our Prime or legacy TCM. This section will detail the command list and provide
two examples for utilizing this functionality.
Magnetometer Calibration
0x06 0x12 0-7 Set kCoeffCopySet to 0x00 0x0A 0x06 0x00 0x05 0x13 0xDD
be copy 0 0x12 0x00 0x00 0xA7
0x00 0x00 0x3E
Set kCoeffCopySet to 0x00 0x0A 0x06 0x00 0x05 0x13 0xDD
be copy 1 0x12 0x00 0x00 0xA8
0x00 0x01 0x2E
Set kCoeffCopySet to 0x00 0x0A 0x06 0x00 0x05 0x13 0xDD
be copy 4 0x12 0x00 0x00 0xA9
0x00 0x04 0x7E
kGetConfig kCoeffCopySet Value Command
Examples TRAX Response
(frame ID) (config ID) (UInt32) Bytes
0x07 0x12 get kCoeffCopySet 0x00 0x06 0x07 0x00 0x0A 0x08 0x12
value which is 0x12 0x19 0x44 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x??
currently used in CRC1 CRC2
Accelerometer Calibration
0x07 0x13 get 0x00 0x06 0x07 0x00 0x0A 0x08 0x13
kAccelCoeffCopySet 0x13 0x09 0x65 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x??
value which is CRC1 CRC2
currently used in
Example 2: Use Magnetic Coeff Copy Set 1 in TCM. (The assumption is user has saved
calibration coeffs to set 1 before)
Set the kCoeffCopySet to copy 1 by sending the following command.
0x00 0x0A 0x06 0x12 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x2E 0x57
Get the kCoeffCopySet to verify by sending the following command. (Optional)
0x00 0x06 0x07 0x12 0x19 0x44
Send kSave command to save the kCoeffCopySet to flash so that it will be still available
after power cycle. The kSave command is as following.
0x00 0x05 0x09 0x6E 0xDC
R09.2 4.3.1 Figure 4-1 new picture to show NED coordinate July 7, 2017 B. Zhang
and correction on Roll polarity. Add a new section for
NED coordinate.