05) William Construction Corp. V Trinidad
05) William Construction Corp. V Trinidad
05) William Construction Corp. V Trinidad
183250 | March 12, 2010 depended on decisions and developments over which construction companies
have no say.
Trinidad filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and unpaid benefits against
William Construction Corp. claiming that he had been working with the latter For this reason, the Court held in Caseres v. Universal Robina Sugar Milling
company for 16 years as a driver of its service vehicle, dump truck, and trailer Corporation that the repeated and successive rehiring of project employees do
mixer and that he had signed several contracts with the company identifying not qualify them as regular employees, as length of service is not the
him as project employee although he had always been assigned to work on controlling determinant of the employment tenure of a project employee, but
one project after another with some intervals. whether the employment has been fixed for a specific project or undertaking,
its completion has been determined at the time of the engagement of the
William Construction Corp. countered that since it was in the business of employee.
construction, it had to hire and engage the services of project construction
workers whose employment had to be co-terminous with the completion of In this case, respondent Trinidads series of employments with petitioner
specific company projects. For this reason, every time the company company were co-terminous with its projects. When its Boni Serrano-
employed Trinidad, he had to execute an employment contract with it, Katipunan Interchange Project was finished in December 2004, Trinidads
called Appointment as Project Worker. employment ended with it. He was not dismissed. His employment contract
simply ended with the project for which he had signed up. His employment
LA: dismissed the complaint of illegal dismissal history belies the claim that he continuously worked for the company. Intervals
NLRC: upheld the decision of LA or gaps separated one contract from another.
CA: reversed the decision of the NLRC
W/N the repeated hiring of Trinidad in several projects automatically entitled
him to the status of a regular employee?
The test for distinguishing a project employee from a regular employee is
whether or not he has been assigned to carry out a specific project or
undertaking, with the duration and scope of his engagement specified at the
time his service is contracted.