Nuendo 5 - Issues and Solutions
Nuendo 5 - Issues and Solutions
Nuendo 5 - Issues and Solutions
The following table describes issues you may encounter using this software as well as possible workarounds.
Area Issue Solution
Program freezes when pressing the "Control Panel" button in the ASIO Driver update from RME should solve this issue. In the meantime, adjust audio card settings
RME Hammerfall HDSP dialog. only while Cubase / Nuendo is not running.
[Surround] * Panning is wrong after a the Surround Panner has been Please verify and adjust the panning manually if you want to continue a Nuendo 4 mix using
switched to Nuendo SurroundPan V5. Nuendo SurroundPan V5.
[Plug-ins] * Non-Universal Binary plugins can only be used if Mac OS X
Compatibility Make sure Rosetta is installed before Cubase / Nuendo is launched.
Rosetta option is installed.
[General] * Umlauts and special characters might not work as key
Compatibility Please use other keys instead.
commands (Mac OS X only).
[Instruments] * Dragging audio from with Umlauts in filename or path
Compatibility into LoopMash does not work, LoopMash can not locate files (PC Rename the files or paths using ASCII-characters only, then retry.
Windows only).
[FX Plug-ins] * In some cases Panner / Surround Panner settings from
After loading projects from Cubase/Nuendo 3.x, please verify the Panner / Surround Panner
Compatibility Cubase/Nuendo 3.x projects may be interpreted wrong by Cubase 5 /
[Import] * Open TL files from Tascam MX 2424 aren't read correctly
Compatibility Convert the tracks to real tracks.
when they contain virtual tracks.
MP3 Pro is no longer supported. Please convert these files before importing them into
Compatibility Some MP3 Pro files cannot be imported.
Cubase / Nuendo.
[Export] * Multichannel interleaved files are not compatible with other
Compatibility Use the option "Don't use Extensible wave format" in the Audio Export Mixdown window.
applications (e.g. Dolby Tools).
Projects and exported tracks from Nuendo 4 cannot be loaded in
Compatibility For exchanging audio with Nuendo 3 users, use OMF, AAF or AES31 instead.
Nuendo 3.
[Project] * Incompatibility with projects created in Cubase SL SX version Projects from Cubase SL/SX version 1.x are not supported anymore. Please re-save using
1.x. e.g. Cubase SL/SX version 3.x.
[Hardware] * Nuendo / Cubase 5 does not follow external ADAT sync
Compatibility Check for a RME driver update.
from the RME Audio HDSP9652 card.
[Device Panels] * Cubase / Nuendo may crash when you press Delete
Editing Funtions Device Panels can not be deleted this way, use the MIDI Device Manager instead.
on your keyboard while a Device Panel is selected in Inspector.
[Recording] * If Selection Tool and Range Tool are toggled and used on
Editing Funtions Avoid using the editing tools on tracks that are currently recording.
a track that is currently recording, a crash might occur.
[Project] * Copy / Paste between projects doesn't work right with Folder
Editing Funtions Unpack audio events from their folders before copying them to another project.
parts (they end up at 00:00:00:00 instead of their origin position.
Audio is slightly out of sync after Pitch Shift using MPEX algorithm has If accurate sync is needed, you need to manually adjust offset of the processed events after
Editing Funtions
been applied. the Pitch Shift process.
In lane mode, if a part under another part is muted, all un-muted audio
Editing Funtions Switch Preference "Treat muted events like deleted" off.
above that part is silenced as well.
[General] * Key commands [S] or [M] for Solo and mute do not work for
Editing Funtions Please check that no window with the "Always on Top" mode is opened.
Folder tracks in the project window.
[Freeze] * Frozen files are excluded from sample rate conversion when
Editing Funtions Unfreeze before project sample rate change.
changing project sample rate
[VariAudio] * Pitch Quantize slider may be sluggish to use if many note This happens in several minutes long audio files with a lot of note segments. Try to work in
Editing Funtions
segments are selected. smaller sections by cutting and bouncing the audio material.
The selection command "Select in Loop" does not select folder track
Editing Funtions Close folder tracks before using selection commands.
Editing Funtions Time Stretch Tool does not work on very short clips. Bounce longer clips before time stretching.
Adding a very high number of tracks (audio or MIDI) at once can cause
Editing Funtions Add less tracks at once, e.g. groups of 20 tracks each.
temporary unresponsiveness of the program.
If audio offline process is opened by a command from a remote, Preview
Editing Funtions Use a regular key command instead to open offline process.
doesn't work.
Editing Funtions Very small audio fades (only a few samples long) may cause clicks. Increase audio fade length.
Projects from Nuendo 4 open with plugins out of the screen view, so
GUI Toggle the screen resolution once in the Display Properties of Windows.
they cannot be closed or moved.
Mac OS X sends mousewheel events for the horizontal axis for a mouse which can only
[Mixer] * Pan controls are working reversed when used with mousewheel
GUI scroll vertically when the SHIFT key is down. If you have a mouse which can scroll in both
and holding down the SHIFT-button (Mac OS X only).
directions SHIFT scrolling works as expected (e.g. Mighty Mouse).
[Mixer] * Title bar from extended Mixer view is outside the screen. (Mac
Put Mixer in un-extended state and move it to a lower place on the screen and then extend it
GUI OS X only on dual monitor setups).
Media Management OMF from Final Cut Pro: All clips arr placed at 00:00:00:00 Use the option "Import at Absolute Time" in the import dialog.
MediaBay might crash or stall during scan process if there are corrupted Please verify that the scanned disk only contain "trusted" media. Especially unsupported
Media Management
or invalid files on the disk. video files downloaded from the internet might break the video decoder during scanning.
[MediaBay] * Problems may occur (e.g. impossible to create Track To avoid potential Media Bay problems, please do not use user names consisting only of
Media Management
Presets) depending on operating system User Account name. CAPITAL letters.
Media Management Media Bay scanning operating system volumes might crash. Choose only drives that contain audio content to be scanned.
Media Management Imported AES31 files from Wavelab - crossfades are missing. Activate "Render crossfades" function for AES31 export in Wavelab.
5.0 aiff file causes error message on Import "Sorry, this input
configuration is unknown or not supported". This is because aiff files do Export Files with other Channel-widths than mono or stereo as Broadcast Wav or import
Media Management
not write the channel configuration to the file. aiff files as splitted channels.
If you need to work with files that are still in SDII format, please consider converting them to
Media Management Media Bay Previwer cannot display the Waveforms of SDII audio files.
AIFF to make them compatible with the MediaBay.
OMF created in Cubase 4 or Nuendo 4 cannot be loaded in Logic 7.1 or
Media Management Use the OMF 1.0 export option. (Await Logic Maintainance Update.)
7.2 (Logic crashes).
[Networking] * Sound Designer II files get corrupted when used with the
Media Management Convert any SD II file to WAV or AIFF.
Network Collaboration feature.
Media Management [MediaBay] * Nuendo MediaBay Selection in Previewer is inaccurate. Please make sure that the previewed files match the project sample rate.
To use loops from VST Sound archives in non-44,1 kHz projects, proceed as follows:
[MediaBay] * Factory loops from Sequel, or Sequel Content Packs and 1. "Save project to new folder"
Media Management VST Sound archives in general play out of sync after imported in 2. Select all Loops in the Pool and uncheck "Straighten Up".
projects which are not in 44.1 hHz sample rate. 3. Use "Conform Files" from the Media menu.
4. Select all Loops in the Pool and enable "Straighten Up" again.
Long recordings with AIFF, WAV, BWAV and SDII, which exceed the
If you consider making recordings with a duration longer than 4 hours in mono or longer
Media Management largest possible recording file supported by these file formats, will result
than 1 hour in 5.1, select the WAV64 file format for recording in the project settings.
in damaged recorded files.
MediaBay doesn't automatically recognize if files have been altered,
Media Management Manually force a re-scan.
moved, added or deleted in the finder. (Mac only)
If you want OpenTL file to be used in Nuendo later on, make sure not to choose a directory
Media Management [Import] * Some audio files cannot be found when importing OpenTL file.
path in the Media Destination field when you export the file.
Musical Functions [Score] * Program crashes when MusicXML is exported. Switch to Page Mode first.
[MIDI Plug-ins] * In some cases, depending on the ASIO buffer size, the
Put MIDI Plugin "TrackFX" after the Step Designer and set "length compression" e.g. to
Musical Functions MIDI Plugin "Step Designer" may cause monophonic instruments to play
unintended "Glides".
For some reason the Guitar Symbols at Score Copy GuitarLib.xml manually from:
Musical Functions Editor/Settings/Project/GuitarLib. are missed, although present in C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 4\Presets to
Sequencer-folder. C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 4
[VST Expression] * Negative track delay may not work reliable with VST Avoud using a negative track delay with more than 250ms if you work with VST Expression
Musical Functions
Expression events. events.
[Instruments] * Prologue, Spector & Mystic may sound different after
Musical Functions Do not switch sample rate in the middle of the work on the same project.
switching project sample rate.
You can delete a font set by selecting it from the menu while holding down <STRG>PC or
Musical Functions Cannot delete font sets
AIFF recordings cannot be recoverd if the recording was interrupted e.g.
Recording Please use WAV files for recording in critical situations. They can be recovered.
by power cut.
[General] * On Mac OS X systems where user account is protected by
System and Connectivitiy "FileVault" it is not possible to save Templates. This may affect other Do not use accounts with "FileVault" active.
data the user saves as well.
System and Connectivitiy [Export] * Exporting Audio is not responsive for a long period of time. If the project contains a complex tempo track the audio export will take a long time.