A.C. No. 11724 (Formerly CBD No. 14-4109), July 31, 2018 Facts
A.C. No. 11724 (Formerly CBD No. 14-4109), July 31, 2018 Facts
A.C. No. 11724 (Formerly CBD No. 14-4109), July 31, 2018 Facts
10) RE: CA-G.R. CV NO. 96282 (SPOUSES BAYANI AND MYRNA M. Respondent paid no heed to this Resolution.
COMPLAINANT, VS. ATTY. CLARO JORDAN M. SANTAMARIA, So it was that the CA, in a Resolution[13] dated September 17, 2013,
RESPONDENT. referred the unlawyerly acts of respondent to the Integrated Bar of the
A recalcitrant lawyer who defies the directives of the court "must Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and recommendation.
deservedly end in tribulation for the lawyer and in victory for the higher
The administrative liability of a lawyer who repeatedly ignores the
directives of the Court of Appeals (CA) is properly resolved in this case. In his Answer[14] of November 13, 2013, respondent contended: (1) that
the spouses Partoza sought his opinion regarding their case and later
FACTS on requested that he handle their appeal before the CA; (2) that he
advised the spouses Partoza to inform Atty. Villanueva of their decision
A civil action for Declaration of Nullity of Deed of Real Estate Mortgage, to engage the services of a new counsel; (3) that he relied on the
Reconveyance of Transfer Certificate and Damages[2] was filed by the Withdrawal of Appearance filed by Atty. Villanueva and then prepared
spouses Bayani and Myrna M. Partoza (spouses Partoza) against Lilia the Appellant's Brief; (4) that he was not aware of the authority of Honnie
B. Montano and Amelia T. Solomon. to represent spouses Panoza as well as of Honnie's conformity to the
Withdrawal of Appearance by Atty. Villanueva; (5) that he believed that
The case was dismissed[3] by the Regional Trial Court. he had no personality to represent the spouses Partoza in the case, and
to address the problems/compliances pertaining to appellant's appeal;
On November 25, 2010, a Notice of Appeal[4] was filed by the counsel and (6) that it was still Atty. Villanueva who should have continued to
on record, Atty. Samson D. Villanueva (Atty. Villanueva). the CA represent the spouses Partoza.
required the submission of the Appellant's Brief pursuant to Rule 44,
Section 7 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. The Investigating Commissioner Michael G. Fabunan (Investigating
Commissioner) found respondent liable for willful disobedience to the
On April 27, 2011, however, Atty. Villanueva filed his Withdrawal of lawful orders of the CA and recommended that he be suspended from
Appearance;[6] subsequently, a Motion for Extension of Time to File the practice of law for six months. The Investigating, Commissioner gave
Appellant's Brief[7] dated May 19, 2011, was also filed. Atty. Villanueva's the reasons for the said recommendation in his Report and
Withdrawal of Appearance carried the conformity of the appellant's Recommendation,[15] viz.:
attorney-in-fact, Honnie M. Partoza (Honnie) who, on the same The act of respondent in not filing any of the compliances required of
occasion, also acknowledged receipt of the entire records of the case him in the 4 August 2011, 20 March 2012, 5 September 2012, and 25
from Atty. Villanueva. October 2012 Resolutions of the [CA] despite due notice, emphasized
his contempt and total disregard of the legal proceedings, for which he
Thereafter, respondent Atty. Claro Jordan M. Santamaria (respondent) should be held liable.
submitted an Appellant's Brief[8] dated July 4, 2011. Granting that he [was] not aware of the problem between Atty.
Villanueva and [Honnie], he could have explained this fact by complying
In a Resolution[9] dated August 4, 2011, the CA directed Atty. Villanueva with the court resolutions and not just ignored them on the premise that
to submit proof of authority of Honnic to represent appellants as their he has no personality to represent the [spouses Partoza]. The
attorney-in-fact and the latter's conformity to Atty. Villanueva's compliances required of the respondent by the [CA] are provided under
Withdrawal of Appearance. the rules for a valid substitution of counsel and validity of the appeal and
[Respondent] is directed to submit within five (5) days from notice his may not be disregarded.
formal Entry of Appearance as counsel for appellants and to secure and
submit to this Court also within the same period the written conformity of The nonchalant attitude of the respondent cannot be left unsanctioned.
his clients to his appearance as their counsel. Likewise, said counsel is Clearly, his acts constitute willful disobedience of the lawful orders of the
also directed to furnish this Court the assailed RTC Decision that should [CA], which under Section 27. Rule 138 of the Rules of Court is a
have been appended to the Appellant's Brief also within the same sufficient case for suspension.
period. ISSUE
Atty. Villanueva then filed a Manifestation with Motion[10] dated August Whether or not respondent is administratively liable.
31, 2011 explaining that he communicated with Ronnie and with RULING
appellants as well, but was informed that appellants were residing This Court adopts the findings of fact of, and the penalty recommended
abroad (in Germany at the time). He then requested for a period of 15 by, the IBP Board of Governors.
days, or until September 15, 2011, to comply with the CA's Resolution.
This Court explained the crucial role played by lawyers in the
On March 20, 2012, the CA issued a Resolution granting the administration of justice in Salabao v. Villaruel, Jr.,[18]viz.:
Manifestation and Motion filed by Atty. Villanueva, and ordered the latter While it is true that lawyers owe 'entire devotion' to the cause of their
to show cause, within 10 days from notice, why he should not be cited clients, it cannot he emphasized enough that their first and primary duty
in contempt for his failure to comply with the CA's Resolution of August is not to the client but to the administration or justice. Canon 12 of the
4, 2011; and why the Appellant's Brief filed by respondent should not be Code of Professional Responsibility slates that 'A lawyer shall exert
expunged from the rollo of the case and the appeal dismissed for his every effort and consider it his duty to assist in the speedy and efficient
failure to comply with the August 4, 2011 Resolution. administration of justice.' x x x This is a fundamental principle in legal
ethics and professional responsibility that has iterations in various forms:
All these directives by the CA were ignored by the respondent. x x x x
Thus, in a Resolution[12] dated October 25, 2012, the CA cited Because a lawyer is an officer of the court called upon to assist in the
respondent in contempt of court and imposed on him a fine of P5,000.00. administration of justice, any act of a lawyer that obstructs, perverts, or
In the same Resolution, the CA once again directed respondent: (1) to impedes the administration of justice constitutes misconduct and
comply with requirements of a valid substitution of counsel and to file his justifies disciplinary action against him. (citations omitted)
formal Entry of Appearance within five days from notice; and (2) to show There is no dispute that respondent did not comply with five Resolutions
cause, within the same period, why the Appellant's Brief filed should not of the CA. His actions were definitely contumacious. By his repeated
be expunged from the rollo of the case and the appeal be dismissed for failure, refusal or inability to comply with the CA resolutions, respondent
his failure to comply with the Rules of Court. displayed not only reprehensible conduct but showed an utter lack of
respect for the CA and its orders. Respondent ought to know that a
resolution issued by the CA, or any court for that matter, is not mere grandmother sought out his help in this case, he told them that they
request that may be complied with partially or selectively. could hide in his (respondent lawyer's) parents' house.
He claimed that complainant filed the instant complaint simply "to harass
Lawyers are duty bound to uphold the dignity and authority of the court. him from practicing his legitimate profession, and for no other reason."
In particular, Section 20(b), Rule 138 of the Rules of Court states that it Upon recommendation of the IBP-ZAMBASULTA Chapter Board, this
"is the duty of an attorney [t]o observe and maintain the respect due to case was forwarded to the IBP-BOG.
courts of justice and judicial officers." In addition, Canon 1 of the Code IBP-R&R:
of Professional Responsibility mandates that "[a] lawyer shall uphold the Found respondent lawyer guilty of violating Rule 1.01 of the Code of
Constitution, obey the laws of the land and promote respect for law and Professional Responsibility and recommended his suspension from
legal processes." Also, Canon 11 provides that a "lawyer shall observe the practice of law for one (1) month.
and maintain the respect due to the courts and to judicial officers and Found respondent lawyer to have acted inappropriately with Annaliza
should insist on similar conduct by others." which created the appearance of immorality, viz.:
As can be gleaned from the records or the hearing, no categorical sexual
Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court provides: activity took place between respondent and complainant's wife. One
SECTION 27. Disbarment or suspension of attorneys by Supreme would need to inject a bit of imagination to create an image of something
Court; grounds therefor. - A member of the bar may be disbarred or sexual. But as can be read, no sexual activity took place based on the
suspended from his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for any witness' account.
deceit, malpractice, or other gross misconduct in such office, grossly However, it would be erroneous to conclude that respondent's behavior
immoral conduct or by reason of his conviction of a crime involving moral was in total and complete accord with how a lawyer should behave,
turpitude, or for any violation of the oath which he is required to take particularly in the presence of a minor. Was respondent's behavior
before admission to practice, or for a wilful disobedience of any lawful toward a woman, in the presence of her minor daughter of 11 years,
order of a superior court, or for corruptly or wilfully appealing as an proper and in keeping with the dignity of the legal profession? It is clear
attorney for a party to a case without authority [to do so]. The practice of that there was impropriety on the part of respondent.
soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain, either personally or In Tolosa v. Cargo, the Court held that creating the appearance that a
through paid agents or brokers, constitutes malpractice. (Emphasis lawyer is flouting with moral standards is sanctionable. Thus, while the
supplied) charge of immorality, viz[.], adulterous relationship, was not factually
This Court, in Anudon v. Cefra[19] citing Sebastian v. Atty. Bajar,[20] held established, certain behavior of the respondent did not escape notice of
that a lawyer's obstinate refusal to comply with the Court's orders not the Court.
only betrayed a recalcitrant flaw in his character; it also underscored his In this case, while sexual immorality was not established, respondent
disrespect towards the Court's lawful orders which was only too should be held to account for his inappropriate behavior which created
deserving of reproof the image or appearance of immorality especially in the presence of a
minor girl. Respondent's act of lying in bed with another married woman,
"Lawyers are particularly called upon to obey court orders and while he himself is a married man, in the presence of the woman's
processes, and this deference is underscored by the fact that willful daughter could raise suspicions, as in fact it did.
disregard thereof may subject the lawyer not only to punishment for Respondent should have been considerate of the feelings and
contempt but to disciplinary sanctions as well."[21] In this case, perceptions of other people, particularly of minor children.
respondent deliberately ignored five CA Resolutions, thereby violating IBP-BOG: adopted and approved the findings and recommendation of
his duty to observe and maintain the respect due the courts. the Investigating Commissioner.
Sometime in 2011, complainant's counsel Atty. Mario Frez (Atty. Frez)
In one case,[22] the Court suspended a lawyer from the practice of law filed a Notice, Manifestation, and Motion for Withdrawal from this case,
for one year for having ignored twelve (12) CA Resolutions. The Court stating that complainant had passed away; and that he was not sure
found that the said lawyer's conduct gave the impression that he was whether complainant's heirs were still willing to pursue the disbarment
above the duly constituted judicial authorities of the land, and looked case against respondent lawyer since he has had no contact with the
down on them with a patronizing and supercilious attitude. In this case, complainant since 2009; and he has had no information as to the
we find the penalty of suspension for six (6) months, as recommended whereabouts of complainant's heirs.
by the IBP, commensurate under the circumstances. Notwithstanding the Motion for Withdrawal filed by Atty. Frez and
considering the Motion for Reconsideration filed by the respondent
WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Claro Jordan M. Santamaria lawyer in 2013, the IBP-BOG issued a Resolution denying respondent
is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for six (6) months effective lawyer's motion for reconsideration.
upon his receipt of this Resolution. He is STERNLY WARNED that Pursuant to Section 12(c) of Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court, this
repetition of the same or similar act shall be dealt with more severely. case is before us for final action.
11) OLIVER FABUGAIS v. ATTY. BERARDO C. FAUNDO JR. Whether respondent lawyer in fact commit acts that are grossly immoral,
In both their professional and personal lives, lawyers must conduct or acts that amount to serious moral depravity, that would warrant or call
themselves in such a way that does not reflect negatively upon the legal for his disbarment or suspension from the practice of law.
profession. RULING:
FACTS: We find substantial merit in the findings of facts of the IBP. And we reject
This is a Complaint filed by complainant Oliver Fabugais against Atty. respondent lawyer's highly implausible defense that the complainant
Berardo C. Faundo, Jr. for gross misconduct and conduct filed the instant case for no other reason but simply "to harass him from
unbecoming of a lawyer for having allegedly engaged in illicit and practicing his legitimate profession." There is absolutely nothing in the
immoral relations with his wife, Annaliza. record to support it.
Then 10-year old girl Marie Nicole Fabugais, daughter of complainant, It bears stressing that this case can proceed in spite of complainant's
alleged that she, along with her mother, Annaliza. Ate Mimi, and a death and the apparent lack of interest on the part of complainant's heirs.
certain Ate Ada, stayed in a house that belonged to respondent lawyer. Disciplinary proceedings against lawyers are sui generis in nature;
Marie Nicole said that when night-time fell, respondent lawyer slept in they are intended and undertaken primarily to look into the conduct or
the same bed with her and her mother and that she saw respondent behavior of lawyers, to determine whether they are still fit to exercise the
lawyer embracing her mother while they were sleeping. privileges of the legal profession, and to hold them accountable for any
Marie Nicole further recounted that the next morning, while she was misconduct or misbehavior which deviates from the mandated norms
watching television along with her mother, Ate Mimi and Ate Ada, and standards of the Code of Professional Responsibility, all of which
respondent lawyer who just had a shower, and clad only in a towel or are needful and necessary to the preservation of the integrity of the legal
"tapis," suddenly entered the room; that she (Marie Nicole) along with profession. Because not chiefly or primarily intended to administer
her Ate Mimi and her Ate Ada, were told to step outside the room, while punishment, such proceedings do not call for the active service of
her mother and respondent lawyer remained inside the room. prosecutors.
Respondent lawyer denied that he had had any immoral relations with "Immoral conduct" has been defined as that conduct which is so willful,
Annaliza. He claimed that he was merely assisting Annaliza in her flagrant, or shameless as to show indifference to the opinion of good and
tempestuous court battle with complainant for custody of her children. respectable members of the community. This Court has held that for
Respondent lawyer asserted that when Marie Nicole's maternal such conduct to warrant disciplinary action, the same must be "grossly
immoral, that is, it must be so corrupt and false as to constitute a Attorney" to behave more discreetly and more sensitively, as he could
criminal act or so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high degree.” not have been unaware that Marie Nicole was observing him closely and
It is not easy to state with accuracy what constitutes "grossly immoral that she could be forming her impressions of lawyers and the legal
conduct," let alone what constitutes the moral delinquency and obliquity profession by the actions and the behavior of this, her "Tito Attorney."
that renders a lawyer unfit or unworthy to continue as a member of the In deciding, upon the appropriate sanction to be imposed upon
bar in good standing. respondent lawyer in this case, this Court is ever mindful that
In the present case, going by the eyewitness testimony of complainant's administrative disciplinary proceedings are essentially designed to
daughter Marie Nicole, raw or explicit sexual immorality between protect the administration of justice and that this lofty ideal can be
respondent lawyer and complainant's wife was not established as a attained by requiring that those who are honored by the title "Attorney"
matter of fact. Indeed, to borrow the Investigating Commissioner's and counsel or at law are men and women of undoubted competence,
remark: "[o]ne would need to inject a bit of imagination to create an unimpeachable integrity and undiminished professionalism, men and
image or something sexual." women in whom courts and clients may repose confidence.This Court
That said, it can in no wise or manner be argued that respondent moreover realizes only too well that the power to disbar or suspend
lawyer's behavior was par for the course for members of the legal members of the bar ought always to be exercised not in a spirit of spite,
profession. Lawyers are mandated to do honor to the bar at all times and hostility or vindictiveness, but on the preservative and corrective
to help maintain the respect of the community for the legal profession principle, with a view to safeguarding the purity of the legal profession.
under all circumstances. Canon 7 of the Code of Professional Hence, that power can be summoned only in the service of the most
Responsibility provides: compelling duty, which must be performed, in light of incontrovertible
A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal evidence of grave misconduct, which seriously taints the reputation and
profession, and support the activities of the Integrated Bar. character of the lawyer as an officer of the court and as member of the
Rule 7.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility further provides: Bar.31 It goes without saying moreover that it should not be exercised or
A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely reflects on his asserted when a lesser penalty or sanction would accomplish the end
fitness to practice law, nor should he, whether in public or private life, desired.
behave in a scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal profession. In the context of the circumstances obtaining in this case, and hewing to
"There is perhaps no profession after that of the sacred ministry in which jurisprudential precedence, and considering furthermore that this is
a high-toned morality is more imperative than that of the law." As officers respondent lawyer's first offense, this Court believes that a one-month
of the court, lawyers must in fact and in truth be of good moral character. suspension from the practice of law, as recommended by the IBP,
They must moreover also be seen or appear to be of good moral would suffice.
character; and be seen or appear to – live a life in accordance with the WHEREFORE, premises considered, respondent lawyer Atty. Berardo
highest moral standards of the community. Members of the bar can ill- C. Faundo, Jr. is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for one
afford to exhibit any conduct which tends to lessen in any degree the (1) month, reckoned from receipt of a copy or this Decision. He is hereby
confidence of the public in the fidelity, the honesty, and the integrity of WARNED to be more careful and more circumspect in all his actions,
the legal profession. The Courts require adherence to these lofty and to be mindful of the kind of example be holds up, especially to
precepts because any thoughtless or ill-considered actions or actuations impressionable young people, lest he brings upon himself a direr fate
by any member of the Bar can irreversibly undermine public confidence the second time around.
in the law and, consequently, those who practice it.
The acts complained of in this case might not be grossly or starkly 12) MICHELLE YAP, COMPLAINANT, V. ATTY. GRACE C. BURI,
immoral in its rawness or coarseness, but they were without doubt RESPONDENT;
condemnable. Respondent lawyer who made avowals to being a A.C. No. 11156, March 19, 2018
respectable father to three children, and also to being a respected leader FACTS:
of his community apparently had no qualms or scruples about being Complainant filed an administrative complaint against respondent, for
seen sleeping in his own bed with another man's wife, his arms entwined refusing to pay her monetary obligation and for filing a criminal case of
in tender embrace with the latter. Respondent lawyer's claim that he was Estafa against her based on false accusations.
inspired by nothing but the best of intentions in inviting another married Complainant was the seller in a contract of sale of a condominium unit,
man's wife and her 10-year old daughter to sleep with him in the same while respondent was the buyer. The total amount of agreed price was
bed so that the three of them could enjoy good night's rest in his P1,200,000.00, however, P200,000 remains unpaid.
airconditioned chamber, reeks with racy, ribald humor. Respondent insisted that she would just pay the balance on instalment,
without specifying the amount. Because complainant trusted the
And in aggravation or the aforementioned unseemly behavior, respondent, Yap gave Buri the possession of the unit upon completion
respondent lawyer apparently experienced neither qualms nor scruples of the P1,000,000.00 despite outstanding balance and even without the
at all about exploding into the room occupied by a married man's wife necessary Deed of Absolute Sale.
and her 10-year old daughter and their two other women companions However, when Yap asked for the balance, Buri said she would pay it
clad with nothing else but a "tapis" or a towel. Of course, respondent on a monthly instalment of P5,000 until fully paid. When Yap disagreed,
lawyer sought to downplay this boorish impropriety by saying in his Buri said she would just cancel the sale. Thereafter, Buri also started
Motion for Reconsideration that he was wearing a malong and not tapis threatening her through text messages, and then later on filed a case for
at that time. And, of course, this plea will not avail because his scanty estafa against her.
trappings gave him no license to intrude into a small room full of women. In the criminal case, Buri alleged that when she found out that the sale
Respondent lawyer could have simply asked everyone in the room to was made without the consent of Yap’s husband, Yap cancelled the sale
step outside for a little while. Or he could have donned his clothing and promised to return the P1,000,000.00. However, she failed and
elsewhere. But these things seemed to have been totally lost to refused to return the money. Nevertheless, this case was dismissed.
respondent lawyer's density. Indeed, respondent lawyer seemed to have When ordered to submit her answer, Buri failed to comply. She did not
forgotten that there are rules other men – decent men, – live by. even appear during the mandatory conference.
Respondent lawyer's defense that he was a "respectable father with The IBP- CBD recommended Buri’s suspension from the practice of law
three children" and that he was a "respected civic leader" to boot, flies for a period of three (3) months, and ordered to pay the balance of
in the face of a young girl's perception of his diminished deportment. It P200,000.00. Respondent was found guilty violating Canon 1 of the
does not escape this Court's attention that the 10-year old Marie Nicole CPR.
called respondent lawyer "Tito Attorney." Indeed, by calling respondent The IBP-BOG modified the recommendation of the IBP- Commissioner,
lawyer as "Tito Attorney" Marie Nicole effectively proclaimed her and increased the suspension period from three (3) months to one (1)
avuncular affection for him, plus her recognition of his being a member year, and the order to pay P200,000.00 is deleted.
of the legal profession. We believe that Marie Nicole must have been a
bit disappointed with what she saw and observed about the manners, ISSUE:
predilections and propensities of her "Tito Attorney." In fact, a close Whether respondent is administratively liable.
examination of Marie Nicole's testimony cannot fail to show that in Marie RULING:
Nicole's young mind, it was clearly not right, appropriate or proper for YES. The Supreme Court affirmed the recommendation of the IBP-
her "Tito Attorney" to be sharing the same bed with her and her mother, BOG, and found respondent guilty of violating the Code of Professional
and for her mother to remain alone in the same room with her "Tito Responsibility (CPR), specifically Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 and Rule 7.03
Attorney," while this "Tito Attorney" was dressing up. In all these of Canon 7 of the CPR.
happenings, a modicum of decency should have impelled this "Tito
The Supreme Court ruled that Buri’s refusal to file an answer, attend the conduct. These accusations, however, with the only exception of
hearing, or to submit her position paper, despite due notice, is indicative gambling in casinos, are not supported by any evidence or by any public
of an implied admission of the charges levelled against her. record of indubitable integrity. Thus, the bare allegations of corruption
The Court has repeatedly emphasized that the practice of law is imbued and immorality do not deserve any consideration. For this reason, the
with public interest. That Buri’s act involved a private dealing with Yap is charges of corruption and immorality against Justice Pizarro must be
immaterial. Her repeated failure to file answer and position paper and to dismissed for lack of merit.
appear at the mandatory conference aggravates her misconduct. Paragraphs 3 and 22 of the Canons of Judicial Ethics provide:
The Court likewise upholds the deletion of the payment of P200,000 3. Avoidance of appearance of impropriety -
because the same is not intrinsically linked to Buri’s professional A judge’s official conduct should be free from the appearance of
engagement. Disciplinary proceedings should only revolve around the impropriety, and his personal behavior, not only upon the bench and in
determination of the respondent lawyer’s administrative and not his civil the performance of judicial duties, but also in his everyday life, should
liability. be beyond reproach.
Thus, the Court ruled that when the claim involves money owed by the xxxx
lawyer to his client in view of a separate and distinct transaction and not 22. Infractions of law -
by virtue of a lawyer-client relationship, the same should be threshed out The judge should be studiously careful himself to avoid even the
in a separate civil action. slightest infraction of the law, lest it be a demoralizing example to others.
The canons and rules of the CPR violated are: Further, Justice Pizarro also violated Canons 2 and 4 of the New Code
CANON 1- A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION, OBEY of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary which pe1tinently
CANON 7 – A LAWYER SHALL AT ALL TIMES UPHOLD THE Integrity is essential not only to the proper discharge of the judicial office
INTEGRITY AND DIGNITY OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION AND but also to the personal demeanor of judges.
SUPPORT THE ACTIVITIES OF THE INTERGRATED BAR. SEC. 1. Judges shall ensure that not only is their conduct above
RULE 7.03- A LAWYER SHALL NOT ENGAGE IN CONDUCT THAT reproach, but that it is perceived to be so in the view of a reasonable
SHALL HE, WHETHER IN PUBLIC OR PRIVATE LIFE, BEHAVE IN A SEC. 2. The behavior and conduct of judges must reaffirm the people’s
SCANDALOUS MANNER TO THE DISCREDIT OF THE LEGAL faith in the integrity of the judiciary.1âwphi1 Justice must not merely be
PROFESSION. done but must also be seen to be done.
FACTS Propriety and the appearance of propriety are essential to the
This administrative matter arose from an anonymous letter- performance of all the activities of a judge.
complaint charging Associate Justice Normandie B. Pizarro (Justice SEC. 1. Judges shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of
Pizarro) of the Court of Appeals (CA) of habitually gambling in casinos, impropriety in all of their activities.
"selling" decisions, and immorally engaging in an illicit relationship. The SEC. 2. As a subject of constant public scrutiny, judges must accept
subject letter-complaint was initially filed with the Office of the personal restrictions that might be viewed as burdensome by the
Ombudsman (Ombudsman) on 20 September 2017. The matter was ordinary citizen and should do so freely and willingly. In particular, judges
referred by the Ombudsman to this Court on 24 October 2017. shall conduct themselves in a way that is consistent with the dignity of
The anonymous letter-complaint accused Justice Pizarro of being a the judicial office.
gambling addict who would allegedly lose millions of pesos in the
casinos daily, and insinuated that Justice Pizarro resorted to "selling" his The Court has repeatedly reminded judges to conduct themselves
cases in order to support his gambling addiction. The anonymous irreproachably, not only while in the discharge of official duties but also
complainant further accused Justice Pizarro of having an illicit in their personal behavior every day. No position demands greater moral
relationship, claiming that Justice Pizarro bought his mistress a house righteousness and uprightness from its occupant than does the judicial
and lot in Antipolo City, a condominium unit in Manila, and brand new office. Judges in particular must be individuals of competence, honesty
vehicles such as Toyota Vios and Ford Everest worth millions of pesos. and probity, charged as they are with safeguarding the integrity of the
Lastly, the anonymous complainant alleged that Justice Pizarro, court and its proceedings. Judges should behave at all times so as to
together with his mistress and her whole family, made several travels promote public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary,
abroad to shop and to gamble in casinos. Attached to the anonymous and avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all their
letter-complaint are four (4) sheets of photographs showing Justice activities. A judge's personal behaviour outside the court, and not only
Pizarro sitting at the casino tables allegedly at the Midori Hotel and while in the performance of his official duties, must be beyond reproach,
Casino in Clark, Pampanga. for he is perceived to be the personification of law and justice. Thus, any
On 8 December 2017, Justice Pizarro filed his comment wherein he demeaning act of a judge degrades the institution he represents.
admitted to his indiscretion. He stated that he was indeed the person Accordingly, the Court finds respondent Justice Pizarro guilty of conduct
appearing on the subject photographs sitting at a casino table. He unbecoming of a member of the judiciary. Considering, however, that
explained that the photographs were taken when he was accompanying this is the respondent justice's first transgression, and further bearing in
a balikbayan friend; and that they only played a little in a parlor game mind his immediate admission of his indiscretion as well as the number
fashion without big stakes and without their identities introduced or made of years he has been in government service, the Court finds the
known. Justice Pizarro averred that the photographs may have been imposition of a fine in the amount of ₱100,000.00 sufficient in this case.
taken by people with ulterior motives considering his plan for early WHEREFORE, the Court finds respondent Associate Justice
retirement. He further confessed that sometime in 2009 he also played Normandie B. Pizarro GUILTY of conduct unbecoming of a member of
at the casino in what he termed, again, a parlor game concept. He the judiciary, and is hereby ORDERED to pay a fine in the amount of
maintained, however, that such was an indiscretion committed by a ₱100,000,00.
dying man because, prior to this, he had learned that he had terminal SO ORDERED.
The sole issue before the Court is whether Justice Pizarro is guilty of the ADMINISTRATOR, Complainant, v. JUDGE WINLOVE M. DUMAYAS,
accusations against him for which he may be held administratively liable. BRANCH 59, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, MAKATI CITY, Respondent.
Yes. In this case, the anonymous complaint accused Justice Pizarro of This case stemmed from the charges against respondent Judge Winlove
selling favorable decisions, having a mistress, and habitually playing in M. Dumayas for allegedly rendering a decision without citing the
casinos; and essentially charging him of dishonesty and violations of the required factual and legal bases and by ignoring the applicable
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Law, immorality, and unbecoming jurisprudence, which constitutes gross misconduct and gross ignorance
of the law.
CANONS INVOLVED eligible for probation. Finally, he granted the separate applications for
CANON 3 probation of Dela Paz and Datu III.
A JUDGE SHOULD PERFORM OFFICIAL DUTIES HONESTLY, AND The prosecution's evidence proves that (1) there was unlawful
WITH IMPARTIALITY AND DILIGENCE aggression on the part of Anikow; and (2) there was no provocation on
STATEMENT OF FACTS the part of any of the accused.
Information was filed charging Juan Alfonso Abastillas, Crispin Dela In so far, however, as the second element of self-defense is
Paz, Osric Cabrera, and Galiciano Datu III with the crime of murder concerned, this Court is convinced that the means employed by
under Article 248 of The Revised Penal Code accused Dela Paz and Datu were unreasonable - there was no
The accused, conspiring and confederating with one another and all of rational equivalence between the means of attack and the means
them mutually helping and aiding, one another, with intent to kill and with of defense. Reasonableness of the means employed depends on the
the qualifying circumstance of abuse of superior strength did then and imminent danger of the injury to the person attacked; he acts under the
there stab one George Anikow with a knife, thereby inflicting upon the impulse of self-preservation. He is not going to stop and pause to find
latter injuries and wounds on the different parts of his body, the fatal one out whether the means he has in his hands is reasonable. (Eslabon vs.
of which is the stab wound on his neck, which directly caused his death. People, 127 SCRA 785) True, Anikow committed unlawful aggression
Respondent Judge Dumayas imposed a light sentence against the against the accused with his fists. However, the means used by the
accused, when he should have found them guilty of committing murder accused were unreasonable.
instead. The OCA found two (2) issues with said judge, particularly in His complete disregard of the settled rules and jurisprudence on self-
the imposition of the penalties. defense and of the events that transpired after the first fight, despite the
FIRST, he appreciated the presence of the privileged mitigating existence of testimonial and physical evidence to the contrary, in the
circumstance of incomplete self-defense by concluding that there appreciation of the privileged mitigating circumstance of incomplete self-
was unlawful aggression on the part of American national George defense casts serious doubt on his impartiality and good faith.
Anikow and that there was no sufficient provocation on the part of 2.) Likewise, his failure to cite in the Decision his factual and legal bases
accused Crispin C. Dela Paz and Galiciano S. Datu III. In doing so, for finding the presence of the ordinary mitigating circumstance of
he totally ignored the positive testimony of security guard Jose Romel voluntary surrender is not a mere matter of judicial ethics. No less than
Saavedra and the physical evidence consisting of closed circuit the Constitution provides that no decision shall be rendered by any
television (CCTV) video footages of the incident clearly showing that court without expressing clearly and distinctly the facts and the law
Anikow had already fled, but was still pursued and viciously attacked on which it is based.
and hit by the accused when they finally caught up with him. The essence of voluntary surrender is spontaneity and the intent of the
It is a well-settled rule that the moment the first aggressor runs away, accused to give himself up and submit himself to the authorities either
unlawful aggression on the part of the first aggressor ceases to exist, because he acknowledges his guilt or he wishes to save the authorities
and when the unlawful aggression ceases, the defender no longer has the trouble and expense that may be incurred for his search and
any right to kill or wound the former aggressor; otherwise, retaliation and capture. On the contrary and far from being spontaneous, security guard
not self-defense is committed. Retaliation is not the same as self- Saavedra even testified that accused warned him not to report the
defense. incident or note their plate number as they were fleeing the scene of the
SECOND, without mentioning any factual or legal basis therefor, incident
Judge Dumayas appreciated in favor of Dela Paz and Datu III the Corollarily, the Court finds Judge Dumayas guilty of gross
ordinary mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender, contrary ignorance of the law and gross misconduct.
to Saavedra's positive testimony that the four (4) accused, including Gross ignorance of the law is the disregard of basic rules and settled
Dela Paz and Datu III, warned him not to report the incident or note their jurisprudence. A judge is presumed to have acted with regularity and
plate number as they were leaving the scene of the incident. good faith in the performance of judicial functions. Such, however, is not
Judge Dumayas argued that judges cannot be held civilly, criminally, the case with Judge Dumayas. A blatant disregard of a clear and
and administratively liable for any of their official acts, no matter how unmistakable provision of the Constitution upends this presumption and
erroneous, as long as they act in good faith. He apologized for failing to subjects the magistrate to corresponding administrative sanctions.
quote in his Decision the portions of the testimony of the prosecution Misconduct is a transgression of some established and definite rule of
witnesses attesting to the voluntary surrender of the accused. He quoted action, more particularly, unlawful behavior or gross negligence by the
a testimony of a security guards who apprehended the accused when public officer. To warrant dismissal from service, the misconduct must
they were trying to leave Rockwell Center. be grave and serious. In order to differentiate gross misconduct from
RECOMMENDATORY RULING simple misconduct, the elements of corruption, clear intent to violate the
the OCA recommended the imposition of the extreme penalty of law, or flagrant disregard of established rule, must be manifest in the
dismissal: former.
that Judge Winlove M. Dumayas be ADJUDGED GUILTY of gross Interestingly, Judge Dumayas has the several (13) administrative cases
ignorance of the law or procedure and gross misconduct, and filed against him. That a significant number of litigants saw it fit to file
be METED the penalty of DISMISSAL from the service, with administrative charges against Judge Dumayas, with most of these
forfeiture of his retirement benefits, except his accrued leave cases having the same grounds, i.e., gross ignorance of the law or
credits, and with prejudice to reinstatement in any branch of the procedure and knowingly rendering unjust judgment, only shows how
government, including government owned and controlled corporations. poorly he has been performing as a member of the bench.
Whether or not Judge Dumayas violated the code of judicial conduct WHEREFORE, the Court finds Judge Winlove M. Dumayas of Branch
RULING 59, Regional Trial Court, Makati City, GUILTY of gross ignorance of the
YES. law or procedure and gross misconduct and hereby DISMISSES him
Under Canon 3 of the New Code of Judicial Conduct, impartiality from the service with FORFEITURE of retirement benefits, except leave
applies not only to the decision itself, but also to the process by credits, and with prejudice to re-employment in any branch or
which the decision is made. When Judge Dumayas chose to simply instrumentality of the government, including government-owned and
ignore all the evidence showing that the accused still pursued Anikow controlled corporations
after the latter had already run away, not even bothering to explain the
irrelevance or lack of weight of the same, such act necessarily put the 15) MARIA ROMERO VS ATTY. GERONIMO R. EVANGELISTA, JR.
integrity of his entire Decision in question. It is clear that Judge Dumayas A.C. NO. 11829; FEBRUARY 26, 2018
failed to hear and decide the subject case with the cold neutrality of an FACTS:
impartial judge. For the Court's resolution is a Complaint for disbarment filed by Maria
Frst, Judge Dumayas downgraded the offense charged from murder to Romero (Maria) with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) against
homicide. Second, he inappropriately appreciated the privileged Atty. Geronimo R. Evangelista, Jr. (Atty. Evangelista), for his alleged
mitigating circumstance of self-defense and the ordinary mitigating violation of several provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility
circumstance of voluntary surrender despite the overwhelming (CPR) and Canon 6 of the Canons of Professional Ethics.
testimonial and physical evidence to the contrary. Third, he sentenced In her Complaint, Maria alleged that in several cases, Atty. Evangelista
Dela Paz and Datu III to suffer an indeterminate penalty of imprisonment represented her and her aunt Adela A. Romero (Adela), in their
of four (4) years, two (2) months, and one (1) day, as minimum, to six individual capacities and as Heirs of the Late Adela Aguinaldo Vda. De
(6) years of prision correccional, as maximum, which made them Romero. However, Atty. Evangelista subsequently represented the
Spouses Joseph and Rosalina Valles in suits against Adela, such as
Forcible Entry with Damages and Recovery of Possession and purchase did not materialize, Iluminada demanded the return of the
Ownership with Damages. aforesaid amounts that she entrusted to Atty. Agleron, which the latter
In his Answer, Atty. Evangelista admitted that he had handled cases failed to return. Iluminada, through her lawyer, through a letter,
involving the properties of the Romero clan, but not a single case for demanded the return of the amount of P750,000.00. Atty. Agleron
Maria. He explained that: a) there was never a lawyer-client relationship replied through a letter and explained that he already returned the
between him and Maria; b) his professional services were never retained amount of P418,000.00, and that the remaining balance is only
by Maria nor did he receive any privileged information regarding Maria's P582,000.00 which shall be paid upon payment of his client who
cases; and c) Maria never paid him any legal fee. borrowed the said amount for his emergency operation after an accident.
Atty. Evangelista also contended that Adela is not a complainant in the Iluminada also alleged that she filed an Estafa case under Article 315,
disbarment case against him nor is there any proof that she authorized paragraph 1(B) of the Revised Penal Code against Atty. Agleron.
Maria to file a complaint on her (Adela's) behalf. Atty. Agleron claims that the balance of P582,000.00 was never
The IBP-Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) found Atty. Evangelista to misappropriated and/or converted to the personal use and benefit of
have represented conflicting interests and recommended that he be Atty. Agleron as the said amount was borrowed for the emergency
meted the penalty of suspension from the practice of law for one year. operation of a client who, at that time has nobody to turn to for help.
The IBP-CBD noted that Atty. Evangelista, who once lawyered for Adela, Thus, Atty. Agleron's infraction should not warrant the imposition of the
had accepted and handled legal actions against her. In his defense, Atty. supreme penalty of disbarment. Atty. Agleron prayed that, if he be found
Evangelista argued that Adela herself did not file a complaint against guilty, the lesser penalty of fine should be imposed considering he
him. But, according to the IBP-CBD, Adela's participation in the filing of rendered almost fifty (50) years of service in the government, and he is
the action is not necessary since Atty. Evangelista's culpability had been also an Officer and Member of the IBP, Davao Oriental Chapter.
established by documentary evidence on record. The IBP-Board of Thus, the Investigating Commissioner is convinced that Atty. Agleron is
Governors adopted and approved in toto the Report and guilty of Gross Misconduct under Section 27, Rule 138 for violating his
Recommendation of the IBP-CBD. duty to his client by converting and using his client's money. Accordingly,
ISSUE the penalty of suspension of one (1) year from the practice of law in any
Whether Atty. Evangelista is guilty of representing conflicting interests court was imposed on Atty. Agleron.
RULING Atty. Agleron filed with this Court an Urgent Motion for the Immediate
Yes. The relationship between a lawyer and his client should ideally be Lifting of the Order of Suspension but was denied by the OBC.
imbued with the highest level of trust and confidence. There is conflict of ISSUE:
interest when a lawyer represents inconsistent interests of two or more Whether or not Atty. Algeron is guilty of Gross Misconduct
opposing parties. RULING:
The rule against conflict of interest also "prohibits a lawyer from Yes. Jurisprudence is instructive that a lawyer's failure to return upon
representing new clients whose interests oppose those of a former client demand the monies he/she holds for his/her client gives rise to the
in any manner, whether or not they are parties in the same action or on presumption that he/she has appropriated the said monies for his/her
totally unrelated cases," since the representation of opposing clients, own use, to the prejudice and in violation of the trust reposed in him/her
even in unrelated cases, "is tantamount to representing conflicting by his/her client. Proceeding from the premise that indeed Atty. Agleron
interests or, at the very least, invites suspicion of double-dealing which merely wanted to help another client who is going through financial
the Court cannot allow." The only exception is provided under Canon 15, woes, he, nevertheless, acted in disregard of his duty as a lawyer with
Rule 15.03 of the CPR - if there is a written consent from all the parties respect to Iluminada. Such act is a gross violation of general morality,
after full disclosure. "Such prohibition is founded on principles of public as well as of professional ethics.
policy and good taste as the nature of the lawyer-client relations is one It is of no moment as well that Atty. Agleron's property has been
of trust and confidence of the highest degree." subjected to a levy; thus, his claim in his Urgent Motion for the
With Atty. Evangelista's admission that he retained clients who have Immediate Lifting of the Order of Suspension that with such levy he has
cases against Adela without all the parties' written consent, it is clear even overpaid Iluminada, considering that the total value of his property
that he has violated Canon 15, Rule 15.03 of the CPR. Adela's non- is P2,912,000.00 is bereft of merit. Levy is defined as the act or acts by
participation in the filing of the instant complaint is immaterial, since it is which an officer of the law and court sets apart or appropriates a part or
stated under Section 1, Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court, as amended the whole of the judgment debtor's property for the purpose of eventually
by Bar Matter No. 1645 that, "[proceedings for the disbarment, conducting an execution sale to the end that the writ of execution may
suspension or discipline of attorneys may be taken by the Supreme be satisfied, and the judgment debt, paid. Thus, there must be an
Court motu proprio, or upon the filing of a verified complaint execution sale first before he can claim that he already complied with his
of any person before the Supreme Court or the Integrated Bar of the legal obligation.
Philippines (IBP)." Further, respondent also violated Rules 16.01 and 16.03, Canon 16 of
CANON 15 - A LAWYER SHALL OBSERVE CANDOR, FAIRNESS the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR) when he failed to return
AND LOYALTY IN ALL HIS DEALINGS AND TRANSACTIONS WITH upon demand the amount Iluminada entrusted to him, viz.:
Rule 15.03. - A lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except by PROPERTIES OF HIS CLIENT THAT MAY COME INTO HIS
written consent of all concerned given after a full disclosure of the facts. POSSESSION.
Considering that this is Atty. Evangelista's first offense in his more than Rule 16.01 — A lawyer shall account for all money or property collected
30 years of practice, the Court finds a six-month suspension from the or received for or from the client.
practice of law to be an adequate and appropriate sanction against him. xxxx
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court finds Atty. Geronimo Rule 16.03 — A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property of his client
R, Evangelista, Jr. GUILTY of representing conflicting interests in when due or upon demand. x x x15
violation of Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of the Code of Professional As to the issue on when is the effectivity of the order of suspension, the
Responsibility and is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period OBC aptly explained in its Report and Recommendation dated February
of six (6) months, effective upon receipt of this Resolution, with 16, 2016, that the Court merely noted the IBP's Notice of Resolution
a STERN WARNING that a commission of the same or similar offense which suspended Atty. Agleron from the practice of law and that such
in the future will result in the imposition of a more severe penalty. act does not imply the approval of the same. Here, this Court is yet to
finally resolve first the merit of this administrative case. Thus, the
16) ILUMINADA D. YUZON v. ATTY. ARNULFO M. AGLERON effectivity of the order of suspension has not actually commenced and it
A.C. No. 10684, January 24, 2018 is erroneous on Atty. Agleron's part to claim in his Motion that he has
FACTS: already served the one (1) year suspension from the date of the
This administrative case arose from a Complaint filed by Iluminada issuance of the IBP Notice of Resolution is bereft of merit.
Yuzon Vda. de Rodriguez (Iluminada) before the Integrated Bar of the Jurisprudence is instructive that as guardian of the legal profession, this
Philippines-Commission on Bar Discipline (IBP-CBD) seeking to disbar Court has the ultimate disciplinary power over members of the Bar to
Atty. Arnulfo M. Agleron (Atty. Agleron), for misappropriating the amount ensure that the highest standards of competence, honesty and fair
of P582,000.00 which the respondent lawyer received in trust from the dealing are maintained. Verily, this Court has the final say on imposition
complainant. of sanctions to be imposed on errant members of both bench and bar,
Iluminada alleged that she gave Atty. Agleron the amount One Million this Court has the prerogative of making its own findings and rendering
Pesos (P1,000,000.00) meant for the purchase of a house and a lot of judgment on the basis thereof rather than that of the IBP, OSG, or any
one Alexander Tenebroso (Alexander). However, since the intended
lower court to whom an administrative complaint has been referred to wound on the victim, which the prosecution believed to be
for investigation and report. misplaced in information for Attempted Murder.
17) PROSECUTOR LEO T. CAHANAP v. JUDGE LEONOR S. 7. Complainant averred that respondent Judge also mistreated
QUIÑONES, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, BRANCH 6, ILIGAN CITY, her court staff. Respondent Judge allegedly shouted at a court
LANAO DEL NORTE stenographer, and called her "bobo" which meant dumb.
ALLEGATION/S: Gross Ignorance of the Law, Gross Misconduct and Respondent Judge berated another stenographer and
violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct. shouted at the latter ''punyeta ka" and "buwisit ka".
Section 3, Canon 5 of the New Code of Judicial Conduct: Judges shall Comment of the Respondent Judge:
carry out judicial duties with appropriate consideration for all persons, 1. Respondent Judge denied that she maltreated the
such as the parties, witnesses, lawyers, court staff and judicial prosecutors assigned to her sala and she submitted
colleagues, without differentiation on any irrelevant ground, immaterial
documents to prove that the prosecutors requested for
to the proper performance of such duties.
transfer for other valid reasons.
Rule 3.04- A judge should be patient, attentive, and courteous to
lawyers, especially the inexperienced, to litigants, witnesses and others
2. Relative to the Heck Case, respondent Judge denied having
appearing before the court. A judge should avoid unconsciously falling
asked jewelry from Mamad, the private complainant in the
into the attitude of mind that the litigants are made for the courts, instead
of the courts to the litigants. subject case.
Section 6, Canon 6: Judges shall maintain order and decorum in all
proceedings before the court and be patient, dignified and courteous in 3. Respondent Judge reasoned that she immediately acted on
relation to litigants, witnesses, lawyers and others with whom the judge the motion of the defense in the Macapato Case because an
deals in an official capacity. Judges shall require similar conduct of legal urgent motion is exempted from the three-day notice rule. She
representatives, court staff and others subject to their influence, maintained that the motion was granted and was issued in
direction or control. good faith in the performance of judicial functions.24
Complainant Prosecutor Leo T. Cahanap filed the instant administrative 4. Respondent Judge also insisted that her order of dismissal in
complaint for the following alleged acts of respondent Judge: the Tingcang Case was issued in good faith in the
1. Complainant alleged that in his last two (2) years as a performance of her judicial functions.25
prosecutor in Branch 6, he suffered unbearable and
intolerable oppression in the hands of respondent Judge. 5. Respondent Judge admitted her mistake in the Casido Case,
Complainant asserted that the prosecutors, who previously averring that the finding of lack of probable cause on the basis
appeared before respondent Judge, opted to be assigned to of absence of a 'fatal injury' was an error but an error of
other courts as they too experienced humiliation and harsh judgment made in good faith.
treatment from her. Further, respondent Judge's staff
themselves were subjected to respondent Judge's insolent 6. In response to the allegation that she unduly interfered in the
behavior. court proceedings, respondent Judge explained that she
merely reminded lawyers of the purpose of enforcing the rules
2. Complainant further accused respondent Judge of habitual and to elicit evidence with sufficient probative value to help in
tardiness which delayed the start of court sessions, usually at the search for truth.
9:30 or 10:00 in the morning, earning for her sala the moniker
7. On her alleged offensive and disrespectful attitude towards
"Branch 10”.
her staff, respondent Judge denied doing so and claimed that
3. In the proceedings for the case of People v. Heck, respondent she merely rebuked or admonished them in the exercise of
Judge, in open court and heard by the public, asked private her supervisory authority.
complainant, Hanna Mamad, to go to her house because she
was interested in buying jewelry items from her. Complainant 8. Respondent Judge also admitted arriving late to court but
averred that when he called Mamad, Mamad confirmed that denied that her tardiness was often or habitual.
respondent Judge bought jewelry from her. Court personnel
have also testified that respondent Judge showed off the The Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) recommended that the
jewelry she bought from Mamad. charges against respondent Judge relative to the issuance of the (1)
Order dated June 18, 2012 in the Macapato Case, (2) Order dated June
4. In proceedings in the case of People v. Macapato, respondent 18, 2012 in the Tingcang Case for the dismissal of the case on the
Judge issued an Order dated June 18, 2012, directing the ground of violation of the accused's right to speedy trial, and (3) Order
release of accused vehicle despite the prosecution's written relative to the Casido Case, dismissing the same for lack of probable
opposition on the ground that the vehicle has yet to be cause, be dismissed for involving issues judicial in nature which are
presented as evidence in court and has yet to be formally beyond the purview of an administrative proceeding. The OCA reasoned
offered before the court could acquire jurisdiction. that a party's remedy, if prejudiced by the orders of a judge given in the
Respondent Judge immediately set accused's subject motion course of a trial, lies with the proper reviewing court, not with OCA by
for the release of accused Dimaampao's vehicle for hearing a means of an administrative complaint.
day after it was filed, in violation of the three-day notice rule. With respect however to the other charges, pertaining largely to the
The Transcript of Stenographic Notes (TSN) of the hearing demeanor of respondent Judge, the OCA found that the same appear to
be serious.34 However, because of the conflicting versions presented
revealed that respondent Judge showed her bias and
by the parties, there exist factual issues that cannot be resolved merely
practically acted as defense counsel, prompting the
on the basis of the records at hand, and can be ventilated only in a formal
prosecution to move for the inhibition of respondent Judge. investigation where the parties can adduce their respective evidence.
The OCA thus recommended that the remaining charges filed against
5. In the case of People v. Tingcang, respondent Judge
respondent Judge be referred to the Executive Justice of the Court of
dismissed the case provisionally without prejudice to its Appeals, Cagayan de Oro City, for raffle among the Justices thereat for
refiling upon the availability of the prosecution's witnesses on investigation, report and recommendation within sixty (60) days from
the ground of speedy trial. The prosecution lamented that the receipt of the records. Third Division of the Court adopted the
delay in the proceedings was due to the absence of the recommendations of the OCA.
accused that has been in hiding since 1996. REPORT OF INVESTIGATING JUSTICE MARIA FILOMENA D.
6. In the case of People v. Casido, respondent Judge dismissed The testimonies of the court staff witnesses and the Branch Clerk of
a complaint for Attempted Murder due to the absence of a fatal Court uniformly pointed to the habitual tardiness of respondent Judge in
coming to work and holding court hearings, which they consistently compassion, patience, courtesy and civility to lawyers who appear
testified to as generally starting between 9:00 and 9:30 in the morning.42 before her in contravention of the mandates of the Code of Judicial
In the judicial affidavit of complainant, he attested that during his time as Ethics, which sets the high standards of demeanor all judges must
the public prosecutor in respondent Judge's sala, respondent Judge observe. The Court is convinced that respondent Judge is guilty of
started court hearings at 9:30 a.m., instead of 8:30 a.m.43 The Oppression as shown in several incidents of misbehavior by respondent
successor of complainant, Assistant City Prosecutor Diaz, also Judge.
confirmed that respondent Judge commenced court sessions between The Court has previously ruled that "[a] display of petulance and
9:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. impatience in the conduct of trial is a norm of behavior incompatible with
On the charge of Oppression, the Investigating Justice found that the needful attitude and sobriety of a good judge.''
respondent Judge failed to show compassion, patience, courtesy and Thus, the Court finds the imposition of fines amounting to Forty
civility to lawyers who appear before her in contravention of the Thousand Pesos (P40, 000.00) and Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,
mandates of the New Code of Judicial Conduct which sets the high 000.00), appropriate given the prevailing facts of the present case vis-a-
standards of demeanor before all judges must observe. vis respondent Judge's record for habitual malfeasance in office.
Investigating Justice Maria Filomena D. Singh (Investigating Justice) WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the Court hereby finds
recommended that respondent Judge be held administratively liable for respondent Presiding Judge Leonor S. Quiñones, Branch 6, Regional
Oppression with a fine of P40,000.00 and Habitual Tardiness with a fine Trial Court, Iligan City GUILTY of (1) Oppression (gross misconduct
of P20,000.00. The Investigating Justice also recommended that constituting violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct) and FINED in the
respondent Judge be transferred to a different court considering the amount of Forty Thousand Pesos (P40,000.00); and (2) Habitual
irremediably strained relations between respondent Judge and the court Tardiness and FINED in the amount of Twenty Thousand Pesos
staff; and that the names of certain witnesses be blocked from the (P20,000.00), with WARNING that a repetition of the same or similar
decision that the Court will render in this case. acts shall be dealt with more severely.
The OCA, in their Report dated October 26, 2015, agree and adopted
the findings of the Investigating Justice. 18) RET. JUDGE VIRGILIO ALPAJORA, Complainant vs. ATTY.
The OCA pointed out that one significant aspect that became apparent RONALDO ANTONIO V. CALAYAN, Respondent, A.C. 8208,
during the investigation is respondent Judge's competence in the GESMUNDO, J.
performance of her duties. True, she was exonerated in the instant
complaint because the issues raised were judicial in nature and in
another case for grave abuse of discretion, dishonesty and partiality for FACTS
lack of merit. But, as testified to by witnesses, respondent Judge did not In his Comment/Opposition with Counter-Complaint to Discipline
personally prepare the court's orders, resolutions and decisions; she did Complainant, complainant charged respondent with (a) filing a malicious
not know the details of some cases before her; and she does not and harassment administrative case, (b) propensity for dishonesty in the
possess proficiency in English. Yet, respondent Judge remained allegations in his pleadings, (c) misquoting provisions of law, and (d)
intractable and would not own up to her mistakes and shortcomings. misrepresentation of facts. Complainant prayed for respondent's
he OCA held that respondent Judge violated the Code of Judicial disbarment and cancellation of his license as a lawyer.
Conduct for her repeated acts of oppression against lawyers and court
staff (gross misconduct) which constitute serious charge pursuant to Position of complainant
Rule 140, Section 8 of the Revised Rules of Court punishable by Complainant alleged that he partially tried and heard Civil Case No.
dismissal, suspension from office for more than three (3) to six (6) 200710, an intra-corporate case filed against respondent, when he later
months or a fine of more than P20, 000.00 to P40, 000.00. The OCA voluntarily inhibited himself from it on account of the latter's filing of the
also held that respondent Judge is also guilty of habitual tardiness which administrative case against him. The intra-corporate case was
is a less serious charge sanctioned by either suspension from office for previously tried by Presiding Judge Adolfo Encomienda until he
not less than one (1) nor more than three (3) months or a fine of more voluntarily inhibited after respondent filed an Urgent Motion to Recuse
than P10, 000.00 but not exceeding P20, 000.00. The OCA noted that and a Supplement to Defendant's Urgent Motion to Recuse on the
the penalties that may be imposed on respondent Judge may be grounds of undue delay in disposing pending incidents, gross ignorance
mitigated by her being a first offender as she has never been previously of the law and gross inefficiency. After Presiding Judge Encomienda
sanctioned. She has also offered her apology. One staff member said inhibited himself, the case was re-raffled to the sala of Executive Judge
that she would sometimes show motherly care and compassion towards Norma Chionglo-Sia, who also inhibited herself because she was about
her staff.81 Further, her "temper explosions" are no longer as frequent to retire. The case was referred to Executive Judge Eloida R. de Leon-
as before. Anent Justice Singh's recommendation that respondent Diaz for proper disposition and re-raffle. The case was finally raffled to
Judge be transferred to a different court considering the strained complainant.
relations between respondent Judge and the court staff, the OCA
recommended that respondent Judge be given a fair chance to change Complainant averred that the administrative case against him by
her unpleasant attitude and behavior. respondent was brought about by his issuance of the omnibus order,
ISSUE: where he ordered the creation of a management committee and
Whether or not the respondent judge should be held administratively appointment of its members. Complainant further claimed that before the
liable? records of Civil Case 2007-10 was transmitted to his sala and after he
RULING: had inhibited from said case, respondent filed thirteen (13) civil and
The Court agrees with the findings of the OCA. special actions before the RTC of Lucena City. Atty. Calayan also filed
The Court has time and again reminded the members of the bench to two (2) related intra-corporate controversy cases - violating the rule on
faithfully observe the prescribed official hours to inspire public respect splitting causes of actions involving the management and operation of
for the justice system. It has issued Supervisory Circular No. 14 dated the foundation. According to complainant, these showed the propensity
October 22, 1985, Circular No. 13 dated July 1, 1987, and Administrative and penchant of respondent in filing cases, whether or not they are
Circular No. 3-99 dated January 15, 1999 to reiterate the trial judges' baseless, frivolous or unfounded, with no other intention but to harass,
mandate to exercise punctuality in the performance of their duties. malign and molest his opposing parties, including the lawyers and the
The aforesaid circulars are restatements of the Canons of Judicial Ethics handling judges. Complainant also disclosed that before his sala,
which enjoin judges to be punctual in the performance of their judicial respondent filed eighteen (18) repetitious and prohibited pleadings. To
duties, recognizing that the time of litigants, witnesses, and attorneys is complainant's mind, the ultimate and ulterior objective of respondent in
of value, and that if the judge is not punctual in his habits, he sets a bad filing the numerous pleadings, motions, manifestation and explanations
example to the bar and tends to create dissatisfaction in the was to prevent the takeover of the management of CEFI and to finally
administration of justice.88 dismiss the case at the pre-trial stage. Complainant further revealed that
The OCA aptly found that the testimonies of the prosecutors and the due to the series of motions for recusation or inhibition of judges, there
court staff unquestionably proved that respondent Judge failed to is no presiding judge in Lucena City available to try and hear the Calayan
observe the prescribed official hours as repeatedly enjoined by the cases. Moreover, respondent filed nine (9) criminal charges against
Court. Respondent Judge's own branch clerk of court even testified that opposing lawyers and their respective clients before the City Prosecutor
court sessions commenced between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. although of Lucena City. In addition, there were four (4) administrative cases filed
the Minutes of the Proceedings reflected the time at 8:30 a.m.89 The against opposing counsels pending before the IBP Commission on Bar
OCA also correctly observed that respondent Judge failed to show Discipline.
The Court, however, emphasizes that a case for disbarment or
Based on the foregoing, complainant asserted that respondent suspension is not meant to grant relief to a complainant as in a civil case,
committed the following: (1) serious and gross misconduct in his duties but is intended to cleanse the ranks of the legal profession of its
as counsel for himself; (2) violated his oath as lawyer for [a] his failure undesirable members in order to protect the public and the courts.
to observe and maintain respect to the courts (Section 20(b), Rule 138, Proceedings to discipline erring members of the bar are not instituted to
Rules of Court); [b] by his abuse of judicial process thru maintaining protect and promote the public good only, but also to maintain the dignity
actions or proceedings inconsistent with truth and honor and his acts to of the profession by the weeding out of those who have proven
mislead the judge by false statements (Section 20(d), Rule 138); (3) themselves unworthy thereof.
repeatedly violated the rules of procedures governing intra-corporate
cases and maliciously misused the same to defeat the ends of justice; In this case, perusal of the records reveals that Atty. Calayan has
and (4) knowingly violated the rule against the filing of multiple actions displayed conduct unbecoming of a worthy lawyer. Atty. Calayan is guilty
arising from the same cause of action. of harassing opposing counsel, attrributing unsupported ill-motives
against a judge, failed to observe candor, fairness and good faith before
Position of respondent the court; and failed to assist in the speedy and efficient administration
In his Position Paper, respondent countered that the subject case is of justice.
barred by the doctrine of res judicata. He stressed that because no
disciplinary measures were leveled on him by the OCA as an outcome Respondent justifies his filing of administrative cases against certain
of his complaint, charges for malpractice, malice or bad faith were judges, including complainant, by relying on In Re: Almacen (Almacen).
entirely ruled out; more so, his disbarment was decidedly eliminated. He claims that the mandate of the ruling laid down in Almacen was to
Respondent argued that the doctrine of res judicata was embedded in encourage lawyers' criticism of erring magistrates. In Almacen, however,
the OCA's finding that his complaint was judicial in nature. Respondent it did not mandate but merely recognized the right of a lawyer, both as
also claimed that the counter-complaint was unverified and thus, without an officer of the court and as a citizen, to criticize in properly respectful
complainant's own personal knowledge; instead, it is incontrovertible terms and through legitimate channels the acts of courts and judges.
proof of his lack of courtesy and obedience toward proper authorities
and fairness to a fellow lawyer. Indubitably, the acts of respondent were in violation of his duty to
observe and maintain the respect due to the courts of justice and judicial
Further, respondent maintained that complainant committed the officers and his duty to never seek to mislead the judge or any judicial
following: officer. In his last ditch attempt to escape liability, respondent apologized
(1) grossly unethical and immoral conduct by his impleading a non-party; for not being more circumspect with his remedies and choice of words.
(2) betrayal of his lawyer's oath and the Code of Professional He admitted losing objectivity and becoming emotional while pursuing
Responsibility (CPR); the cases involving him and the CEFI. The Court, however, reiterates
(3) malicious and intentional delay in not terminating the pretrial,22 in that a lawyer's duty, is not to his client but primarily to the administration
violation of the Interim Rules because he ignored the special summary of justice.
nature of the case; and
(4) misquoted provisions of law and misrepresented the facts. WHEREFORE, the Court ADOPTS and APPROVES the Resolution of
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines - Board of Governors dated
In any case, based on the parties' position papers, the Investigating September 28, 2013. Accordingly, Atty. Ronaldo Antonio V. Calayan is
Commissioner concluded that respondent violated Section 20, Rule 138 found GUILTY of violating The Lawyer's Oath and The Code of
of the Rules of Court, Rules 8.01, 10.01 to 10.03, 11.03, 11.04, 12.02 Professional Responsibility and he is hereby ordered SUSPENDED
and 12.04 of the CPR and, thus, recommended his suspension from the from the practice of law for two (2) years, with a STERN WARNING that
practice of law for two (2) years, for the following reasons: a repetition of the same or a similar offense will warrant the imposition
of a more severe penalty.
1. Respondent did not deny having filed four (4) cases against the
counsel involved in the intra corporate case from which the subject 19) ANONYMOUS, Complainant, v. JUDGE BILL D. BUYUCAN,
administrative cases stemmed, and nine (9) criminal cases MUNICIPAL CIRCUIT TRIAL COURT, BAGABAG-DIADI, NUEVA
against the opposing parties, their lawyers, and the receiver before the VIZCAYA, Respondent.
Office of the Prosecutor of Lucena City - all of which were subject of FACTS:
judicial notice. On June 26, 1969, Proclamation No. 573 was signed, which set aside
certain lands of the public domain as permanent forest
2. Respondent committed misrepresentation when he cited a quote from reserves. Included in the said reservation was a 193-hectare parcel of
former Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr. as a thesis when, land located in Sitio Tapaya, Villaros, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya, a
in fact, it was a dissenting opinion. portion of which was granted to the Department of Agriculture (DA) for
research purposes.
3. Respondent grossly abused his right of recourse
to the courts by the filing of multiple actions concerning the As there was a need to clear the Subject Property of informal settlers
same subject matter or seeking substantially identical relief. already residing therein, the DA filed several criminal and civil cases
before the Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Bagabag-Diadi, Nueva
4. Respondent violated Canon 11 of the CPR by attributing to Vizcaya (MCTC), which is presided over by respondent Judge Buyucan.
complainant ill-motives that were not supported by the record or The said cases were eventually dismissed by respondent Judge
had no materiality to the case. Buyucan
IBP Board of Governors issued a Resolution adopting and approving the A few months later, in August 2008, respondent Judge Buyucan
report and recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner. It acquired a parcel of land located within the Subject Property, the same
recommended the suspension of respondent from the practice of law for respondent in the previously dismissed cases.
two (2) years. Aggrieved, respondent moved for reconsideration. In a
Resolution,41 dated May 4, 2014, the IBP Board of Governors denied A Motion for Voluntary Inhibition dated March 9, 2009 was then filed by
respondent's motion for reconsideration as there was no cogent reason the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), seeking the inhibition of
to reverse the findings of the Commission and the motion was a mere respondent Judge Buyucan as he was also residing within the very same
reiteration of the matters which had already been threshed out. property involved in the said criminal cases.
OMB informed the OCA of an anonymous text message received which
ISSUE: resulted to Hon. Fernando F. Flor, Jr. (Judge Flor), for investigation and
Whether or not Atty. Calayan is guilty of violating the lawyer’s oath and report.
the CPR? Judge Flor gathered the following facts:
RULING: Judge Buyucan is occupying an approximate area of one (1) hectare
Yes, The Court adopts the findings of the Investigating Commissioner where he keeps and maintains his fighting cock farm. A year ago, he
and the recommendation of the IBP Board of Governors. started constructing a two-storey house made of strong materials
without securing a building permit.
Judge Buyucan denied knowledge of the DA's ownership of the Subject scrupulously careful to avoid such action as may reasonably tend
Property. Respondent Judge Buyucan also claimed that the alleged two to waken the suspicion that his social or business relations or
(2)-storey house actually belonged to his nephew and that what he friendships constitute an element in determining his judicial
constructed were merely a "temporary Ifugao native house" and an course. He must not only render a just, correct and impartial
adjacent shanty.24 He further stated that he is, in any case, ready to decision but should do so in such a manner as to be free from any
vacate the area if and when the DPWH needs it. suspicion as to his fairness, impartiality and integrity.
Judge Flor recommended the penalty of dismissal from the service Guided by the foregoing standards, the Court hereby finds respondent
against respondent Judge Buyucan as a result of the foregoing acts. Judge Buyucan guilty of gross misconduct for his flagrant violation of the
standard of conduct embodied in the New Judicial Code of Judicial
(OCA): Conduct.
(1) The instant administrative complaint be RE-DOCKETED as a regular To prove that he legally occupies the subject land, Judge Buyucan
administrative matter against Judge Bill D. Buyucan, Municipal Circuit presented the Waiver of Rights executed by Ernesto Bagos in his favor.
Trial Court, Bagabag-Diadi, Nueva Vizcaya; However, the said land transferred to him is within the land owned by
(2)Judge Buyucan be found GUILTY of gross misconduct and violation the DA-CVHILROS which has been the subject of a controversy
of the Code of Judicial Conduct and be SUSPENDED for a period of six between the DA and the occupants of the land which was brought to his
(6) months from office without salary and other benefits; and court for adjudication. Hence, Judge Buyucan's rights over the land are
(3)Judge Buyucan be ordered to IMMEDIATELY VACATE the land still questionable as the DA has yet to take appropriate action against
owned by the Department of Agriculture-Cagayan Valley Hilly Land him and claimants of the land.
Research Outreach Station, REMOVE the structures he introduced The Court takes note of the undisputed fact that respondent Judge
thereon; and SUBMIT a report on his compliance within a period of thirty Buyucan is occupying public land. Thus, while respondent Judge
(30) days from notice. Buyucan denies the DA's ownership, he nevertheless admitted on
ISSUE: record he is encroaching on what he claims to be the RRW of the DPWH
Whether respondent Judge Buyucan is guilty of gross misconduct. beside the Nueva Vizcaya-Isabela National Road.
YES, Judge Buyucan is liable. BENEFITS,except accrued leave credits. He is
Judge Buyucan's claim that he was not occupying a portion of the likewise DISQUALIFIED from reinstatement or appointment to any
Subject Property is plainly belied by the verification plan prepared by the public office or employment, including to one in any government-owned
DENR, which forms part of the records of this case. Proceeding or government-controlled corporations.
therefrom, the Court so finds that respondent Judge Buyucan was He is likewise ordered to IMMEDIATELY VACATE the land known as
indeed an illegal occupant of the Subject Property. the Department of Agriculture Cagayan Valley Hillyland Research
Outreach Station, REMOVE the structures he introduced thereon,
In any case, even assuming that respondent Judge Buyucan did not and SUBMIT a report on his compliance within a period of thirty (30)
occupy a portion of the Subject Property, he is still liable due to his days from notice.
admission in his Letter that he was then occupying a portion of the RRW
of the DPWH Nueva Vizcaya-Isabela National Road. Further, respondent Bill D. Buyucan is directed to SHOW CAUSE in
By his own admission, respondent Judge Buyucan acquired the writing within ten (10) days from notice why he should not be disbarred
occupied portion of the Subject Property only a few months after for violation of the Lawyer's Oath, the Code of Professional
dismissing Civil Case No. 626.50 As stated earlier, it bears stressing Responsibility, and the Canons of Professional Ethics as outlined herein.
that one of the vendors in the alleged transaction was Eling Valdez, one
of the respondents in Civil Case No. 626 and the accused in Criminal
Case No. 4691.51
Lastly, the Court also notes that despite repeated demands from the DA,
respondent Judge Buyucan refused to cease his illegal occupation of the
Subject Property.52
Persons involved in the administration of justice are expected to uphold
the strictest standards of honesty and integrity in the public service; their
conduct must always be beyond reproach and circumscribed with the
heavy burden of responsibility.
In the same vein, the Court faults respondent Judge Buyucan for his act
of acquiring a portion of the Subject Property from a respondent in a
case pending before his sala. His act is further aggravated by the fact
that the respondent therein, Eling Valdez, received a favorable judgment
just a few months before the purported sale.