Draughtsman Civil

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Sl. No. Topics Page No.

1. Acknowledgement 3
2. Background 4-5
2.1 Apprenticeship Training under Apprentice Act 1961
2.2 Changes in Industrial Scenario
2.3 Reformation

3. Rationale 6
4. Job roles: reference NCO 7
5. General Information 8
6. Course structure 9 - 10
7. Syllabus 11-31
7.1 Basic Training
7.1.1 Detail syllabus of Core Skill
A. Block-I (Engg. drawing & W/ Cal. & Sc.)
B. Block-II (Engg. drawing & W/ Cal. & Sc.)
7.1.2 Detail syllabus of Professional Skill & Professional
A. Block – I
B. Block – II
7.1.3 Employability Skill Syllabus of Employability skill
A. Block – I
B. Block – II
7.2 Practical Training (On-Job Training)
7.2.1 Broad Skill Component to be covered during on-job
A. Block – I
B. Block – II
Assessment Standard 32 - 34
8.1 Assessment Guideline
8.2 Final assessment-All India trade Test (Summative
9. Further Learning Pathways 35
10. Annexure-I – Tools & Equipment for Basic Training 36-37
11. Annexure-II – Infrastructure for On-Job Training 38
12. Annexure-III - Guidelines for Instructors & Paper setter 39

The DGT sincerely express appreciation for the contribution of the Industry, State Directorate,
Trade Experts and all others who contributed in revising the curriculum. Special acknowledgement to
the following industries/organizations who have contributed valuable inputs in revising the curricula
through their expert members:

1. CSIR – Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai

2. New Mangalore Port Trust, Office of the Chief Engineer (Civil), Panambur - 575010
3. ……………………………..
4. ……………………………..
5. ……………………………..
6. ……………………………..
7. ……………………………..
8. ……………………………..
9. ……………………………..
10. ……………………………..

Special acknowledgement is expended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.

Co-ordinator for the course: R.N.MANNA, Training Officer, CSTARI, Kolkata

Sl. Name & Designation Organization Remarks

No. Sh./Mr./Ms.
1. Tapan Halder, Training Officer Advanced Training Institute, Expert
2. Prasun Kr. Ghosh, Sr. Draughtsman Central Staff Training & Expert
Research Institute, Kolkata
3. Nirmalya Nath, Astt. Director of Trg. Central Staff Training & Expert
Research Institute
4. R.N.Manna, Training Officer Central Staff Training & Expert
Research Institute


2.1 Apprenticeship Training Scheme under Apprentice Act 1961

The Apprentices Act, 1961 was enacted with the objective of regulating the programme of
training of apprentices in the industry by utilizing the facilities available therein for
imparting on-the-job training. The Act makes it obligatory for employers in specified
industries to engage apprentices in designated trades to impart Apprenticeship Training on
the job in industry to school leavers and person having National Trade Certificate(ITI pass-
outs) issued by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) to develop skilled
manpower for the industry. There are four categories of apprentices namely; trade
apprentice, graduate, technician and technician (vocational) apprentices.
Qualifications and period of apprenticeship training of trade apprentices vary from trade to
trade. The apprenticeship training for trade apprentices consists of basic training followed
by practical training. At the end of the training, the apprentices are required to appear in a
trade test conducted by NCVT and those successful in the trade tests are awarded the
National Apprenticeship Certificate.

The period of apprenticeship training for graduate (engineers), technician (diploma holders
and technician (vocational) apprentices is one year. Certificates are awarded on completion
of training by the Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development.

2.2 Changes in Industrial Scenario

Recently we have seen huge changes in the Indian industry. The Indian Industry registered
an impressive growth during the last decade and half. The number of industries in India have
increased manifold in the last fifteen years especially in services and manufacturing sectors.
It has been realized that India would become a prosperous and a modern state by raising
skill levels, including by engaging a larger proportion of apprentices, will be critical to
success; as will stronger collaboration between industry and the trainees to ensure the supply
of skilled workforce and drive development through employment. Various initiatives to
build up an adequate infrastructure for rapid industrialization and improve the industrial
scenario in India have been taken.

2.3 Reformation
The Apprentices Act, 1961 has been amended and brought into effect from 22nd December,
2014 to make it more responsive to industry and youth. Key amendments are as given

 Prescription of number of apprentices to be engaged at establishment level instead of


 Establishment can also engage apprentices in optional trades which are not designated,
with the discretion of entry level qualification and syllabus.

 Scope has been extended also to non-engineering occupations.

 Establishments have been permitted to outsource basic training in an institute of their


 The burden of compliance on industry has been reduced significantly.

(Need for Apprenticeship in DRAUGHTSMAN CIVIL trade)

A Unique Training Process

The Apprenticeship system of training is unique in that it is the only formal, structured, and nationally
recognized education and training program available that combines the two most common forms of
career and occupational learning: classroom instruction with on-the-job training.

Apprentices not only learn occupational skills in the classroom, their learning is expanded to include
hands-on, paid, on-the-job training. Students learn and practice all phases of the trade/occupation in
real-world applications.

Apprenticeship is a training strategy that, leads to a certificate of completion and nationally recognized
skilled worker status. These credentials have explicit meaning, recognition, and respect in the eyes of
Central and State Governments and relevant Industries.

The Apprenticeship Programs train men and women to craftsman status. By participating in a program,
apprenticeship training shape applicants with character, aptitude, motivation and good personality traits
into competent Craftsmen and Craftswomen who have in-demand skill sets, comprehensive knowledge,
positive attitudes and superior abilities.


Brief description of Job roles:

3118.20 Draughtsman, Civil prepares drawings of buildings, stores , high ways, dams,
culverts, etc. from sketches, notes or data for purposes of construction or alternations.
Takes instructions form Civil Engineer studies sketches and calculates dimensions from
notes or data. Draws to given scale different elevations, plan, sectional views etc. of
desired construction using drawing instruments. Draws detailed drawings of specific
portions as required. Indicates types of materials to be used, artistic and structural
features, etc. in drawing as necessary. May do tracing and blue printing. May reduce or
enlarge drawings. May prepare or check estimate schedules for cost of materials and
labour. May prepare tender schedules and draft agreements. May work as Draughtsman

3118.50 Draughtsman, Structural prepares drawings of bridges, steel structures, roof

tresses etc. from sketches, designs or data for purposes of construction, alteration or
repairs. Studies sketches, data, notes etc. and receives instructions from Structural or
Mechanical Engineers regarding details and types of drawings to be made. Calculates
dimensions as necessary from available notes, data etc. and by application of standard
formulae. Draws to scale detail, assembly and arrangement drawings showing sectional
plan and other views as directed and prints (writes) necessary instructions regarding
materials to be used, limits, assembly etc. to clearly indicate all aspects of structure to be
manufactured. May prepare estimate and operation schedules for labour and material
costs. May prepare tables showing requirements of bars, their numbers, sizes and shapes.
May trace and make blue prints.

Reference NCO: 2004 / 3118.20, 3118.50


1. Name of the Trade : DRAUGHTSMAN (CIVIL)

2. N.C.O. Code No. : 3118.20, 3118.50

3. Duration of Apprenticeship Training (Basic Training + Practical Training):2years

3.1 For Freshers :- Duration of Basic Training: -
a) Block –I : 3 months
b) Block – II : 3 months
Total duration of Basic Training: 6 months
Duration of Practical Training (On -job Training): -
a) Block–I: 9 months
b) Block–II : 9 months
Total duration of Practical Training: 18 months
3.2 For ITI Passed :- Duration of Basic Training: - NIL
Duration of Practical Training (On -job Training): 12 months

4. Entry Qualification : 10th class Passed

5. Selection of Apprentices: The apprentices will be selected as per Apprentices Act
amended time to time.

6. Rebate to ITI Passed out Trainees : one year for the trade of Draughtsman Civil

Note: Industry may impart training as per above time schedule for different block,
however this is not fixed. The industry may adjust the duration of training considering the
fact that all the components under the syllabus must be covered. However the flexibility
should be given keeping in view that no safety aspects is compromised .


Training duration details: -

Time 1-3 4-12 13-15 16-24

(in months)
Basic Training Block– I ----- Block – II ------
Practical Training ---- Block – I ------ Block – II
(On - job training)

Duration of Training in Months
Components of Training
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
Basic Training Block - I
Practical Training Block - I
Basic Training Block - II
Practical Training Block - II

(BLOCK – I & II)


1) Name of the Trade : DRAUGHTSMAN CIVIL

2) Hours of Instruction : 1000 Hrs. (500 hrs. in each block)
3) Batch size : 20
4) Power Norms : 2 KW for Workshop
5) Space Norms : 1) 64 Sq.Mt. for Workshop
2) 50 Sq. Mt. for Computer Lab.

6) Examination : The internal assessment will be held on

completion of each Block.
7) Instructor Qualification :

i) Degree/Diploma in CIVIL Engg. from recognized university/Board

with one/two year post qualification experience respectively in the relevant

ii) NTC/NAC in the trade of DRAUGHTSMAN CIVIL with three year post
qualification experience in the relevant field.

Preference will be given to a candidate with Craft Instructor Certificate (CIC)

8) Tools, Equipments & Machinery required : - As per Annexure – I


A. Block– I
Basic Training

Topic Workshop Calculation Duration Workshop Science Duration

No. (in hours) (in

1 Ratio & Proportion : 30 Material Science: properties - 20

Simple calculation on Physical & Mechanical,
related problems. Types –
Ferrous & Non -
introduction of Iron, Cast
Iron, Wrought Iron, Steel,
difference between Iron and
Steel, Alloy steel, carbon
steel, stainless
steel, Non - Ferrous Alloys
2 Percentage : Introduction, Mass ,Weight and Density
Simple calculation. : Mass, Unit of Mass, Weight,
Changing percentage to difference between mass
decimal and fraction and and weight, Density, unit of
vice - versa density, specific gravity of
3 Algebra : Addition, Work, Power and Energy
Subtraction, Multiplication, : work, unit of work, power,
Division, Algebraic formula, unit of power, Horse power
Solving Linear equations (with of engines, mechanical
two variables). efficiency, energy, use of
energy, potential and
kinetic energy, examples of
potential energy and kinetic
4 Mensuration : Area and Heat & Temperature : Heat
perimeter of square, and temperature, their units,
rectangle, parallelogram, difference between
triangle, circle, semi circle, heat and temperature, boiling
Volume of solids –cube, point, melting point, scale of
cuboid, cylinder and Sphere. temperature, relation
Surface area of solids –cube, between different scale of
cuboid, cylinder and Sphere. temperature,
Thermometer, pyrometer,
transmission of heat,
conduction, convection,
5 Trigonometry: Basic Electricity :
Trigonometrical ratios, Types of current - AC, DC,
measurement of angles. their comparison, voltage,
Trigonometric tables resistance, their units.
Conductor, insulator, Types
of connections –series,
parallel, electric power,
Horse power, energy, unit of
electrical energy.
6 Levers and Simple
levers and its types.
Simple Machines, Effort and
Load, Mechanical
Velocity Ratio, Efficiency of
machine, Relationship
between Efficiency, velocity
ratio and Mechanical

B. Block- II
Basic Training

Topic Workshop Calculation Duration Workshop Science Duration

No. (in hours) (in hours)

1 Area of cut-out regular 30 Temperature measuring 20

surfaces: circle and instruments.
segment and sector of Specific heats of solids &
circle. liquids.
Area of irregular surfaces.
Application related to
shop problems.
2 Volume of cut out solids: Thermal Conductivity, Heat
hollow cylinders, frustum loss and heat gain.
of cone, block section.
Volume of simple
machine blocks.
Material weight and cost
problems related to trade.
3 Finding the value of - Forces definition.
unknown sides and - Compressive, tensile,
angles of a triangle by shear forces and simple
Trigonometrical method. problems.
Stress, strain, ultimate
strength, factor of safety.
- Basic study of stress
strain curve for MS.
- Shear force and bending
moment diagrams
4 Finding height and Velocity, Acceleration &
distance by trigonometry. Retardation.
Related problems.
5 Application of Circular Motion: Relation
trigonometry in shop between circular motion
problems. (viz. taper and Linear motion,
angle calculation). Centrifugal force,
Centripetal force

A. Block –I
Basic Training

Week Professional Skills (275 hrs.) Professional Knowledge (120 hrs.)

1 Orientation of the Trade and Institute. Rules and regulations of the Institute and
Techniques of use of Instruments, Trade.
Equipments, their care and maintenance. List of the subjects to be taught for each
Method of fixing of drawing sheet on the drawing semester.
board List of the Instruments, equipments and
drawing a layout of different size of sheets. materials to be used during training.
Safety precautions to be observed in the List out the Achievements to be made for
Computer Lab each semester.
Drawing of:- Importance of B.I.S. introduction of Code of
Lines, lettering and Dimensioning. Practice for Architectural and
Construction of plain geometrical figures. Building Drawings (IS: 962- 1989).
Construction of solid geometrical figures. Layout of drawing. Lines, Lettering,
Dimensioning, Scales and Projection
-2- Drawing of :- Building materials:-
Projections – Orthographic (Line, plane, Solid in  Rocks– classification, types, uses
Isometric, oblique) and Perspective. Stones – classification, types, uses
Symbols & conventional representation for Bricks –. Manufacturing classification,
materials in sections as per IS 962-1989 for types, and uses
building drawings. Lime–classification, types, uses
Components of a building. Pozzolanic- classification, types, uses
Cement – Manufacturing, classification,
types, uses
Clay Products – earthenware, stoneware,
porcelain, terracotta, glazing, types,.
Mortar –. Preparation Classification, types,
Concrete –. Preparation Classification, types,
Timber. Structure, defect classification,
seasoning, uses
admixtures - for cement mortar & cement
concrete, classification, types, uses,
-3- Drawing of different forms of :- Protective materials:-
Stone masonry-, Paints- classification, types ,uses
Brick Masonry varnishes – .classification, types, uses
- Elements, Classification, types of bonds. Metal–classification, types, uses
Hollow blocks Plastics –. Classification ,types, uses
Composite masonry Building Construction:-
Stone masonry-terms, used -. Classification –

Tools –
Brick masonry – Technical terms –-bonds,
types junctions
Hollow block construction –– types,
admixtures added advantages.
Composite masonry :- types
4. Foundation:- Foundation:-
Construction details of Shallow Construction details of Shallow & Deep
& Deep Foundation. Foundation.
Types of foundations, Types of foundations,
Well foundation, Well foundation,
Special foundations , Special foundations ,
Pile foundations Pile foundations
Foundation on black cotton soils. etc Foundation on black cotton soils, etc
5. Temporary structures - sub Permanent & temporary structures:-
structure:- life of structures,
Scaffolding, sub structure,
shoring super structure,
underpinning , load bearing structure,
Partition- aluminium frame with cavity wall,
glass sheet, timber, straw board. framed structure,
Details of supporting structures for Scaffolding- parts, types-
construction Shoring- types.
Form work for R.C.C structure Underpinning. purpose, types.
Partition –requirements, types.
Form work
6. Showing details of treatments in Treatments for building structure:-
building:- DPC-Sources and effects of
Methods of Damp proofing. dampness, method.
Anti-termites Damp proofing materials –
Fire proofing. properties, functions, types,
Anti-termite treatment objectives
& uses, method.
Weathering course- purpose,
materials required-
Fire-proofing. Effect, rules
7. Draw different forms of :- Arches - Technical terms-.
arches, types ,centring
lintels Lintel- types-wooden, brick,
sunshades Stone, steel & RCC.
Centring & Shuttering.
8. Detailing of carpentry joints for doors, windows Carpentry joints terms,
and ventilators classification of joints, Uses &
types of fixtures & fastenings
Doors –Parts, Location, Standard sizes,
. Ventilators-purpose-types,

9. Detailed drawings of wooden flooring. Floors – Ground floor & upper
Flooring- materials used, types
10. Drawing different forms Of vertical movements:-  Stairs-Terms, requirements
 Planning and designing of stair and
 As per shape-Drawing of straight, open-newel, details of construction.
Dog-legged, Geometrical and Bifurcated, Basic concept of Lift and Escalator.
circular, spiral stairs, etc.
 AS per material-Brick, stone, wooden, steel, 
R.C.C. stairs.

11. Drawing of different forms of:-  Roofs & Covering of Roofs-

Purposes- Elements, Types-Flat,
 Slopped/Pitched Roof Truss – Pitched
King Post and Queen Post roof trusses  Truss-King Post, queen post, Mansard,
showing detailed connections. Bel-fast, steel, composite.
 Steel roof trusses showing detailed  Shell-
connections. Types-North-light & double curved.
 Wooden roof trusses showing detailed  Dome- Component parts.
connections. Roofs & Coverings- Objectives, Types & uses.

12. Drawing details of:- Building:-

 Line diagram of single storied residential Principle of Planning.

Building with attached Bath of both pitched Objective and importance.
& flat roof. Functions and responsibility.
 Making Plan, Elevation & Section with the Orientation.
aid of Line diagram of the Building Plan. Local Building Bye- Laws as per ISI
 Layout and detailing of Residential Building. Code.
 Creating a Drawing of Building Plan-  Layout Plan & Key Plan.
Showing set backs.  Submitted in composition of Drawing.
 Showing Layout Plan & Key Plan.  Provision for safety.
 Requirement of green belt and land.
13.  Preparation of Plan drawing, Section of two Computer Aided Drafting:-
storied residential building Operating system ,Hardware & software
Introduction of CAD
Its Graphical User Interface.
Method of Installation
Basic commands of CAD.
 Exposure to latest version of Architectural
Desktop and training.
Internal Assessment 03days

B. Block –II
Basic Training

Week Professional Skills (275 hrs.) Professional Knowledge (120 hrs.)

1. Drawing of residential Building prepare :- Building planning:-

 Plan, elevation & section of building with  Economy and orientation

specification for the given line diagram to  Provision for lighting and ventilation.
suitable scale.  Provision for drainage and sanitation.
 A reading room with R C C flat roof slab.  Types of building.
 A House of single storied residential building  Planning and designing of residential, public
with single bed room and attached toilet and commercial building.
with R. C. C. flat roof slab.
2-  A residential building with double bedroom Prefabricated structure:-
with R.C.C. flat roof slab.
 House with single bed and hall with partly  Preparation.
tiled and partly R C C flat roof slab.  Method of construction and assembling.
 Two roomed house with R.C.C. slope roof  Advantages and disadvantages.
with gable ends.
 A house with fully tiled roof with hips and
 Design and create a double storied residential
building with triple bed room and its
-3- Drawing details of R C C members with R C C structure:-
reinforcement.  Introduction to R C C uses.
 Materials – proportions.
 Rectangular beams (single reinforced &  Form work.
double reinforced).  Bar bending details as per I. S. Code.
 Lintels, chajjas, slabs.  Reinforced brick work.
 Stair- details of step. Materials used for R C C:-
 Columns with footings.  Construction.
 Continuous columns showing disposition of  Selection of materials- course aggregate, fine
reinforcement. aggregate, cement, water and
 Preparing bar bending schedules. reinforcement,
 Details of one way slab and two way slab.  Characteristics.
 T-beam, inverted T-beam, cantilever,  Method of mixing concrete- machine mixing
retaining wall. and hand mixing.
 R C C detailing - framed structure, portal  Slump test.
frame, ductile detailing, B.I.S code-456-2000  Structure- columns, beams, slabs- one way
& its application. and two way slab.
 Innovative construction.
 Safety against earthquake.
 Grade of cement, steel behaviour and test.
 Retaining wall.
 R C C framed structure.

4 Drawing different types of :- Steel structures:-

 Steel sections, rivet, bolts etc.  Common forms of steel sections.

 Section and elevation of girders.  Structural fasteners, joints.
 Structural joints.  Tension and compression member.
 Plate girders, roof trushes, stanchion etc.  Classification fabrication.
 Construction details.
5. Public health and sanitation:- House drainage of building:-

 Drawings of showing various pipe joints for  Introduction.

underground drainage.  Terms used in PHE.
 Types of sanitary fittings in multi-storied  Systems of sanitation.
building.  System of house drainage.
 Water supply system.  System of house Plumbing, sanitary fittings
 Plumbing system of new technology. Public etc.
health & sanitation.  Purification of water.
 R C C square overhead tank supported by  Types of sewer appurtenance.
four columns.  Manholes & septic tank.
 Rapid sand filter.  New technology of plumbing System.
 Preparation of service plan (drainage plan)
for isolated building & in sewer system.
 Drawing of toilet fixtures.
6. Roads:- Roads:-

 Drawing& showing of road structure and  Introduction.

component parts.  History of highway development.
 Preparing a drawing of Cross-sections  General principles of alignment.
showing the different types of of roads-  Classification and construction of different
according to location and materials. types of roads.
 Preparing a drawing of road curves and  Components parts.
gradient.  Road curves and gradient.
 Curves-types, designation of curves.
 Setting out simple curve by successive
bisecting from long chords.
 Simple curve by offsets from long chords.
 Road drainage system.
7. Bridge:- preparing drawing of Bridges & Tunnels:-

 Different types of culvert.  Introduction to bridges.

 Preparing drawing of an arched bridge.  Components parts of bridge.
 Steel connection detailing and generation of  Classification of culverts.
fabrication drawing  IRC loading.
 Preparation of construction / Fabrication  Selection of type and location.
drawings  Factors governing the ideal site.
Draw plan and sectional views of the  Alignment of bridge-
following:-  Foundation-selection-caisson.
 Coffer dam- types.
 R C C slab culvert with splayed wing walls.  Types of super structure.
 Steel foot over bridge across a highway.  Substructure-piers, abutments, wing walls-
 Two span Tee Beam Bridge with square  Classification of bridge.
returns.  Tunnels- rules used for the sizes of different

8. Railways:- Railways:-

 Draw typical cross section of rail  Permanent way.

sections  Rail gauges, functions, requirements, types,
 Railway tracks -embankment layout sections, length of rail.
plans of railway platform.  Welding of rail, wear of rail.
 Typical cross section of railway track  Coning of wheels, hogged rail, bending of rail,
cutting and embankment (single creep of rail.
track and double track).  Causes and prevention of creep.
 Layout of signaling points and  Sleeper and ballast- function, types,
crossings. requirement and materials of rail.
 Fixtures, fastenings and plate Laying - rail.
 Joints-types-fish plate-fish bolt-spikes-chairs
and keys-bearing, plate-block-elastic, base
 Anchors and anti-creepers.
 Construction of permanent way.
 Railway station and yard.
9. Drawing different types of irrigation structures:- Irrigation Engineering :-

 Dams, Barrages, weir, etc,  Terms used in irrigation.

 Longitudinal section of distributaries-  Hydrology like duty, delta, base period,
with the help of given sketch and intensity of irrigation.
data.  Hydrograph, peak flow, run off, catchment
 Head Regulators area, CCA, Rabi crop, Kharif crop, etc.
 Types of cross drainage work.  Storage/Diversion head work-characteristics,
 Reservoir-types of Reservoirs, i.e., single
purpose and multi-purpose, area, and capacity
and curves of Reservoir.
 Dams, Barrages & weir-types, purposes.
 Hydro-electric project like Forebay, Penstock,
Turbines, Power house, etc.
 Canals:-classification and distribution system,
canal structures.
 Types of cross drainage works like Aqua duct,
Super passage, Siphon, Level crossing, inlet and
outlet, etc.
10. Estimating & Costing:- Estimating and costing:-

 General principle of estimating & costing.  Introduction.

 Methods of measurement techniques.  Purpose of common techniques.
 Preparation of detailed estimate;-Calculation  Drawing of construction.
of quantities of items of single storied and  Measurement techniques.
double storied building.  Estimate-necessity, importance, types-
 Preparation of abstract of estimate by approximate and detailed estimate-main and
prevailing rates. sub estimates, revised, supplementary,
 Rate analysis:- maintenance/repair estimates-taking off
 Preparation of rate analysis of major items-R C quantities-method.
C, P C C, works, brick works & stone masonry &  Rate analysis of typical items and their
plastering. specifications.
 Problems on preparation of preliminary or  Labour and materials.

approximate estimates for building projects.  Schedule of rates.
 Estimating of irregular boundaries by
trapezoidal and Simpson’s formulae.
11. Surveying:- Surveying:-
 Introduction, history and principals of chain
 Equipment and instrument used to perform survey.
surveying.  Instrument employed.
 Distance measuring with chain and tape.  Use care maintenance and common terms.
 Entering Field book and plotting.  Classification aquracy types.
 Calculating the area of site.  Main divisions (plain and geodetic).
 Plane Table  Chaining.
 Surveying of a Building site with Plane Table.  Speed in field work and office work.
Compass survey:- Plane table survey:-

 Field work of prismatic compass survey.  Instrument used in plane table survey.
 Plotting of prismatic compass survey.  Care and maintenance of plane table survey.
 Testing and adjusting the compass. Compass survey:-
 Observation of bearings.
 Bearing a line.  Instrument and its setting up.
 F.B.,B.B., R.B.,W.C.B. of a Line, Traverse and  Bearing and each included angle of close
also check the close traversing. traverse.
 Local attraction.
 Magnetic declination and its true bearing.
 Precaution in using prismatic compass.
12. Leveling:- Leveling:-

 Handling of leveling instruments and their  Dumpy level, auto level- introduction,
settings. definitions.
 Temporary adjustment of a level.  Principle of leveling.
 Simple leveling.  Leveling staffs, its graduation and types.
 Differential leveling (fly leveling).  Minimum equipment required.
 Leveling Book for entry in data for Field work.  Types, component parts and function.
 Reduction of levels-height of collimation  Temporary and permanent adjustment,
method and rise & fall method-comparison procedure to setting of.
of methods.  Level and horizontal surface. Datum,
 Problems on reduction of levels. benchmark, focusing and parallax.
 Missing data and how to fill it up–calculations  Deduction of levels (means reduced levels).
& Arithmetical check in various problems  Types of leveling.
and its solution.  Application to chain and Leveling Instrument
 Types of leveling. to Building construction.
 Contouring:-definition-characteristic-
 Direct and indirect methods.
 Interpolation of contours-contour gradient-
uses of contour plan and map.

13. -------------------Do-------------------------------- -------------------Do--------------------------------

Internal Assessment 03 days


1) Name of the subject : EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS

2) Applicability : ATS- Mandatory for fresher only

3) Hours of Instruction : 110 Hrs. (55 hrs. in each block)

4) Examination : The examination will be held at the end of

two years Training by NCVT.

5) Instructor Qualification :

i) MBA/BBA with two years experience or graduate in sociology/social

welfare/Economics with two years experience and trained in Employability skill from
DGET Institute.
Must have studied in English/Communication Skill and Basic Computer at 12th
/diploma level
ii) Existing Social Study Instructor duly trained in Employability Skill from DGET

A. Block – I
Basic Training

Topic Topic Duration

No. (in hours)

English Literacy 15
1 Pronunciation :
Accentuation (mode of pronunciation) on simple words, Diction (use of word and
2 Functional Grammar
Transformation of sentences, Voice change, Change of tense, Spellings.

3 Reading
Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and environment

4 Writing
Construction of simple sentences Writing simple English

5 Speaking / Spoken English

Speaking with preparation on self, on family, on friends/ classmates, on know, picture
reading gain confidence through role-playing and discussions on current happening
job description, asking about someone's job habitual actions. Cardinal (fundamental)
numbers ordinal numbers. Taking messages, passing messages on and filling in
message forms Greeting and introductions office hospitality, Resumes or curriculum
vita essential parts, letters of application reference to previous communication.
I.T. Literacy 15

1 Basics of Computer
Introduction, Computer and its applications, Hardware and peripherals,
Switching on-Starting and shutting down of computer.
2 Computer Operating System
Basics of Operating System, WINDOWS, The user interface of Windows OS, Create,
Copy, Move and delete Files and Folders, Use of External memory like pen drive,
CD, DVD etc, Use of Common applications.
3 Word processing and Worksheet
Basic operating of Word Processing, Creating, opening and closing Documents, use
of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text, Formatting the Text, Insertion & creation
of Tables. Printing document.
Basics of Excel worksheet, understanding basic commands, creating simple
worksheets, understanding sample worksheets, use of simple formulas and functions,
Printing of simple excel sheets
4 Computer Networking and INTERNET
Basic of computer Networks (using real life examples), Definitions of Local Area
Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet, Concept of Internet (Network
of Networks),
Meaning of World Wide Web (WWW), Web Browser, Web Site, Web page and
Search Engines. Accessing the Internet using Web Browser, Downloading and
Printing Web Pages, Opening an email account and use of email. Social media sites
and its implication.

Information Security and antivirus tools, Do's and Don'ts in
Information Security, Awareness of IT - ACT, types of cyber crimes.

Communication Skill 25

1 Introduction to Communication Skills

Communication and its importance
Principles of Effective communication
Types of communication - verbal, non verbal, written, email, talking on phone.
Non verbal communication -characteristics, components-Para-language
Body - language
Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers.
Handling nervousness/ discomfort.
Case study/Exercise
2 Listening Skills
Listening-hearing and listening, effective listening, barriers to effective listening
guidelines for effective listening.
Triple- A Listening - Attitude, Attention & Adjustment.
Active Listening Skills.
3 Motivational Training
Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success
The Power of Positive Attitude
Self awareness
Importance of Commitment
Ethics and Values
Ways to Motivate Oneself
Personal Goal setting and Employability Planning.
Case study/Exercise
4 Facing Interviews
Manners, Etiquettes, Dress code for an interview
Do's & Don'ts for an interview
5 Behavioral Skills
Organizational Behavior
Problem Solving
Confidence Building
Decision making
Case study/Exercise

B. Block– II
Basic Training

Topic Topic Duration

No. (in hours)

Entrepreneurship skill 15

1 Concept of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship- Entrepreneurship - Enterprises:-Conceptual issue
Entrepreneurship vs. Management, Entrepreneurial motivation. Performance &
Record, Role & Function of entrepreneurs in relation to the enterprise & relation to
the economy, Source of business ideas, Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of
setting up a business.
2 Project Preparation & Marketing analysis
Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Concept & application
of Product Life Cycle (PLC), Sales & distribution Management. Different Between
Small Scale & Large Scale Business, Market Survey, Method of marketing, Publicity
and advertisement, Marketing Mix.
3 Institutions Support
Preparation of Project. Role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-employment
i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/ non financing support
agencies to familiarizes with the Policies /Programmes & procedure & the available
4 Investment Procurement
Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop Act, Estimation & Costing,
Investment procedure - Loan procurement - Banking Processes.
Productivity 10

1 Productivity
Definition, Necessity, Meaning of GDP.

2 Affecting Factors
Skills, Working Aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation
How improves or slows down.
3 Comparison with developed countries
Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany, Japan and Australia)
in selected industries e.g. Manufacturing, Steel, Mining, Construction etc. Living
standards of those countries, wages.
4 Personal Finance Management
Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash handling, Personal
risk and Insurance.
Occupational Safety, Health & Environment Education 15
1 Safety & Health
Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of safety and health at

2 Occupational Hazards
Basic Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Vibro-acoustic Hazards, Mechanical Hazards, Electrical
Hazards, Thermal Hazards. Occupational health, Occupational hygienic, Occupational
Diseases/ Disorders & its prevention.
3 Accident & safety
Basic principles for protective equipment.
Accident Prevention techniques - control of accidents and safety measures.
4 First Aid
Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid & Transportation of sick person
5 Basic Provisions
Idea of basic provision of safety, health, welfare under legislation of India.

6 Ecosystem
Introduction to Environment. Relationship between Society and Environment,
Ecosystem and Factors causing imbalance.
7 Pollution
Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and hazardous waste.
8 Energy Conservation
Conservation of Energy, re-use and recycle.
9 Global warming
Global warming, climate change and Ozone layer depletion.
10 Ground Water
Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and Harvesting of water
11 Environment
Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in -house environment
Labour Welfare Legislation 5

1 Welfare Acts
Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship Act, Employees State
Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's
compensation Act.
Quality Tools 10

1 Quality Consciousness :
Meaning of quality, Quality Characteristic
2 Quality Circles :
Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality Circle, Roles and
function of Quality Circles in Organization, Operation of Quality circle. Approaches to
starting Quality Circles, Steps for continuation Quality Circles.
3 Quality Management System :
Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining qualities.
4 House Keeping :
Purpose of Housekeeping, Practice of good Housekeeping.
5 Quality Tools
Basic quality tools with a few examples

(BLOCK – I & II)
DURATION: 18 MONTHS (9 months in each block)


1) Name of the Trade : DRAUGHTSMAN CIVIL

2) Duration of On-Job Training : a) Block–I: 9 months

b) Block–II : 9 months
Total duration of Practical Training: 18 months
3) Batch size : a)Selection of Apprentices as per apprenticeship
b) Max. 20 trainees per group
3) Examination : i) The internal assessment will be held on
completion of each block
ii) NCVT exam will be conducted at the end of
2nd year.
4) Instructor Qualification :

i) Degree/Diploma in CIVILEngg. from recognized university/Board

With one/two year post qualification experience in the relevant field.

ii) NTC/NAC in the trade of DRAUGHTSMAN CIVIL with three year post
qualification experience in the relevant field.

Preference will be given to a candidate with Craft Instructor Certificate (CIC)

5) Tools, Equipments & Machinery required : - As per Annexure – II



1. Making detailed drawing of :-

Making drawing of CARPENTRY JOINTS: Lengthening, bearing housing, framing, panelling &
Different Types doors including panelled, glazed and flush door.
Making detailed drawing of windows and ventilators.
2. Drawing details of:-
types of ground & upper floors
Various floor finishing &construction sequence
3. Drawing different forms of vertical transportation:- .
Drawing of straight, open newel dog- legged, geometrical and bifurcated stairs & spiral stairs.
brick, stone, wooden, steel & RCC stairs.
Lift & Escalator
4. Drawing details of:-
pitched roof including king & queen post,
Steel roof trusses and Wooden roof truss, showing detailed connections.
5. Drawing details of:-
Line diagram of single storied residential house with a bed room of both pitched and flat roof in
Plan, elevation, and section with aid of line diagrams.
Layout and detailing of residential building
Create a drawing showing Setbacks
6. Computer practice:-
Installation of Computer aided Software. Operation of CAD package,
Function of Keys & practice of basic commands.
7. Building Drawing (Residential) Prepare:-
plan, section and elevation of buildings with specifications for the given line drawing to suitable
A Reading room with R.C.C flat roof
A House with single bed room and attached bathroom with R.C.C. flat roof.
8. A residential building with two bed rooms with R.C.C. flat roof
House with single bed and hall with partly tiled and partly R.C.C. flat roof.
Two roomed house with RCC slope roof with gable ends
A House with fully tiled roof with hips and valleys
Design and create a double storied residential building (3BHK)
Types of building
Planning & design of residential, public and commercial building
11. Prefabricated Structure:-
Method of construction, assembling
Advantages & disadvantages
12. Parks & play ground- Types of recreation, landscaping. etc
Concepts of design of earthquake resisting buildings
- Requirements resistance, safety, flexible building elements, special requirements, base isolation

13. Roads:-
Drawing showing road structure and Component parts
Preparing a drawing of Cross-sections showing the different types of road saccording to
location & materials
Preparing a drawing of road curves & gradient
14. Bridge:-Preparing drawing of
Different types of culvert
Preparing drawing of an arched bridge.
15. Draw plan and sectional views of the following:-
R.C.C Slab Culvert with splayed wing walls
Steel Foot over bridge across a highway
Two span Tee Beam Bridge with square returns


1. Railway:-
Draw typical cross section of rail sections
Typical cross-section of railway tracks cutting & embankment (single lane & double lane)
Layout of signalling points & crossing.
2. Drawing of different types of Irrigation structures: –
Dams, barrages, weir etc.
Longitudinal section of distributaries with the help of given sketch & data.
head regulators
Types of cross drainage work
Hydro electric project
3. Estimating and Costing:-
General Principle of estimating & costing
Methods of measurement techniques
Preparation of detailed Estimate:-
Calculation of quantities of items of single storied and double storied building
Preparation of abstract of estimate by prevailing rates
Rate analysis:- Preparation of rate analysis of major items :-
RCC, PCC, Wood works, Stone & Brick masonry, & Plastering
Problems on Preparation of Preliminary/Approximate Estimates for building projects.
Familiarisation of estimation soft ware
Doing estimating with software Estimation of earthwork of irregular boundaries
4. Wiring Electrical :-
Safety precaution and elementary first aid.
Artificial respiration and treatment of electrical shock
Elementary electricity.
General ideas of supply system.
Wireman’s tools kit. Wiring materials. Electrical fittings.
System of wirings. Wiring installation for domestic lightings first aid.
Artificial respiration and treatment of electrical shock
Elementary electricity.
General ideas of supply system.
Wireman’s tools kit. Wiring materials. Electrical fittings.
System of wirings. Wiring installation for domestic lightings.
5. Drawing details of RCC members with reinforcement
Details of bending of bars, crank, covers etc,

Lintel &, chajjas
Rectangular beams (doubly &Singly reinforced)
stair - details of step
6. Draw Reinforced details of RCC members:-
bar-bending schedule
Details of one-way slab & two-way slab,
T-beam, Inverted beam, cantilever, retaining wall,
column with footing & continuous columns showing disposition of reinforcement
details of step etc.
RCC framed structure, portal frame, B.I.S. Code 456-2000 and its application.
7. Drawing of different types of:-
steel sections, rivet, bolts, etc
.section and elevation of girders,
Structural Joints
plate girders roof trusses, stanchion etc.
8. Public Health & Sanitation.
Drawings of showing various pipe joints for underground drainage,
Types of sanitary fittings in multi-storeyed building.
Manholes and septic tank.
Water supply system.
Plumbing System of New technology. Public Health & sanitation.
R.C.C square overhead tank supported by four columns
Rapid Sand Filter
Preparation of service plan (drainage plan)for isolated building & in sewer system
Drawings of toilet fixtures

9. Surveying: -
Equipment and Instrument typically used to perform surveying
Distance measuring (chaining)
Field book and plotting
Observation of bearings
10. Levelling:-
Handling of levelling instruments & their settings
Temporary adjustment of a level
Simple levelling
Differential levelling (Fly levelling)
Levelling field book
Reduction of levels – Height of collimation and Rise and Fall method – Comparison of
methods –
Problems on reduction of levels –
Missing entry calculations: Problems.
Types of levelling –
Check levelling –
Profile levelling or Longitudinal, plotting the profile
Contouring :- Direct and Indirect methods
topography map, contours drawing
Solve trigonometric problems
11. Theodolite survey:-
Operating & setting up a Theodolite.
Complete the collimation checks on the instrument in the field
Observation of readings and sighting the points from the instrument.
Direct, indirect and Deflection angle
Measurement of horizontal angles by-Repetition method & Reiteration method.
Practice in measuring vertical angles,
setting out given vertical angles,
Setting out a straight line over & across obstacles, prolonging lines.
establishing lines at given angles with given lines.
Running a closed traverse over a given area, booking, calculating them.
ordinates and plotting the traverse. Simple problems- Transition curves
Running an open traverse, calculate & plot the same
12. Instrument of total station-basic concept.
13. Basic concept of GPS/GNSS, remote sensing system, sensors, etc.

8.1 Assessment Guideline:
Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial
barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking assessment. Due consideration to be given while assessing for team work,
avoidance/reduction of scrape/wastage and disposal of scarp/wastage as per procedure,
behavioral attitude and regularity in training.

The following marking pattern to be adopted while assessing:

a) Weightage in the range of 60-75% to be allotted during assessment under following

performance level:

For this grade, the candidate with occasional guidance and showing due regard for safety
procedures and practices, has produced work which demonstrates attainment of an
acceptable standard of craftsmanship.

In this work there is evidence of:

 good skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop equipment
 many tolerances while undertaking different work are in line with those demanded
by the component/job.
 a fairly good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
 occasional support in completing the project/job.

b) Weightage in the range of above75%- 90% to be allotted during assessment under

following performance level:

For this grade, the candidate, with little guidance and showing due regard for safety
procedures and practices, has produced work which demonstrates attainment of a
reasonable standard of craftsmanship.

In this work there is evidence of:

 good skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop equipment
 the majority of tolerances while undertaking different work are in line with those
demanded by the component/job.
 a good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
 little support in completing the project/job

c) Weightage in the range of above 90% to be allotted during assessment under
following performance level:

For performance in this grade, the candidate, with minimal or no support in organization
and execution and with due regard for safety procedures and practices, has produced
work which demonstrates attainment of a high standard of craftsmanship.

In this work there is evidence of:

 high skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop equipment
 tolerances while undertaking different work being substantially in line with those
demanded by the component/job.
 a high level of neatness and consistency in the finish.
 minimal or no support in completing the project

SUBJECTS Marks Sessional Full Pass Marks Duration of
Marks Marks Exam.

Practical 300 100 400 240 08 hrs.

Trade Theory 100 20 120 48 3 hrs.
Workshop Cal. & Sc. 50 10 60 24 3 hrs.
Engineering Drawing 50 20 70 28 4 hrs.
Employability Skill 50 50 17 2 hrs.
Grand Total 550 150 700 -

Note: - The candidate pass in each subject conducted under all India trade test.


 On successful completion of the course trainees can opt for Diploma course
(Lateral entry). [Applicable for candidates only who undergone ATS after
 On successful completion of the course trainees can opt for CITS course.

Employment opportunities:

On successful completion of this course, the candidates may be gainfully

Employed as Draughtsman, Surveyor, Construction Supervisor in the following

1. Building & construction and Structural Fabrication industries

2. Service industries like road transportation and Railways.
3. In public sector (Central and State) and private industries in India & abroad. .
4. Self employment








Sl. No. Name of the items Quantity
1. Box drawing instrument containing one 1.5 cm compass with pin point, pin point 21 Nos.
& lengthening bar, one pair spring bows, rotating compass with interchangeable
ink and pencil points, drawing pens with plain point & cross point, screw driver
and box of leads.(,0.4 mm).
2. Protractor celluloid 15 cm semi- circular. 21 No,
3. Scale card board- metric set of eight A to H in a box 1: 1, 1:2, 1:2.5, 1:5. 1:10, 21 Nos.
1:20, 1:50. 1:100, 1:200, 1:500. 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:1250. 1:6000, 1:38 1/3; 1:66,
4. Scales plotting box wood 6 metric scales 30 cms long with offset scales. 21 Nos.
5. Set square transparent 20 cm. 2 mm thick with bevelled edges 45 21 Nos.
degree ,
6. Set square celluloid 25 cm, 2mm thick with bevelled edges 45 degrees. 21 Nos.
7. T-Square 1250mm/Mini drafter' Parallel Bar 21 Nos.
8. Template -Architects and builders 21 Nos.


Sl. No. Name of the items
9. Geometrical models(wooden/plastic) as per given below; 04 each
i) Cube 08 cm sides.
ii) Rectangular parallel piped 8cmX15cm
iii) Sphere 8 cm dia.
iv) Right circular cone R cm dia base and 15 cm vertical height
v) Square pyramid Mem side base and 15 cm vertical height
vi) Cylinder 8 cm dia. 15 cm height.
vii) Prisms triangular S cm sides triangle and 15 cm length.
viii) Prism hexagonal 8 cm side's hexagon and 15 lengths
10. Templates - Circle. Ellipse, furniture, etc 04 Nos.
11. French curves - transparent plastic set of 12 04 Nos.
12. Flexible curves 80 cm long 04 Nos.
13. Radius curve metric 3 mm to 15 mm 04 Nos.
14. Brass parallel rulers in a case 04 Nos.
15. Calculator Scientific (Non-programmable) 04 Nos.
16. Proportional dividers 15 cm 04 Nos.
Sl. Name & Description of Machines Quantity
No. (indicative)
1. Steel tape 30 meters long. 04 Nos.
2 Digital Theodolite latest model With all accessories (Features:-Based on laser 02 Nos.
technology. Two large LCD panel with easy to read .Automatically compensates tilt in
two directions and compensates vertical angles. High integrated electronic board and
IC elements)
3 Instrument for Total Station with latest model, With all accessories (Graphic LCD 02 Nos.
display on both side. Multy function key board on both side. Able to interchange data
between GPS and Total station without any data conversion. Minimum 8 hours
rechargeable li-ion battery .Poles and Prism 2Nos each)
4 Hand held GPS (latest model) with standard specification 02 Nos.
5 Auto level With all accessories 02 Nos.


SL.No. Name of items Quantity

1 Personal computer with latest configuration min. 19 inch LED Screen and graphic 20 Nos.
card with latest operating system.
2 Laptop with latest configuration 02 Nos.
3 Plotter A1 size 01 Nos.
4 Printer (Desk ]et / Laser jel) with scanner (multipurpose) 01 Nos.
5 Server work station with latest configuration 01 Nos.
1 Broad Band connection 01 Nos.
7 UPS 5 KV 02 Nos.
8 Computer Table 20 Nos.
9 Computer chair 20 Nos.
10 furniture for server, printer, plotter 01 each
11 While Board ( 6' x 4* | 02 Nos.
12 DLP Projector (2000 lumens or higher) 02 Nos.
13 first Aid Box 01 Nos.
14 Screen for Projector ( motorized) 02 Nos.
15 Fire Extinguisher 01 Nos.
16 Air Conditioner 2.0 Ton 02 Nos.
17 Wall Clock 01 Nos.
IK Document Camera / Visualiser 02 Nos.
W Smart Board Inter Active Board 02 Nos.
21 Steel Cupboard I8O x 90 x 45 cm 02 Nos.
22 Steel Cupboard 120 x 60 x 45 cm 02 Nos.

Note: In case of basic training setup by the industry the tools, equipment and
machinery available in the industry may also be used for imparting basic training.




For Batch of 20 APPRENTICES

Actual training will depend on the existing facilities available in the establishment.

However, the industry should ensure that the broad skills defined against On-Job–

Training part (i.e. 9 months + 9 months) are imparted. In case of any short fall the

concerned industry may impart the training in cluster mode / in any other industry / at




1. Due care to be taken for proper & inclusive delivery among the batch. Some of the
following some method of delivery may be adopted:


2. Maximum utilization of latest form of training viz., audio visual aids, integration of
IT, etc. may be adopted.

3. The total hours to be devoted against each topic may be decided with due diligence to
safety & with prioritizing transfer of required skills.


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