Business Process Modeling-A Comparative Analysis : Ut - M.indulska@business - - Au

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Research Article

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Business Process Modeling- A Comparative Analysis*

Jan Recker Marta Indulska

Faculty of Science and Technology UQ Business School
Queensland University of Technology The University of Queensland

Michael Rosemann Peter Green

Faculty of Science and Technology UQ Business School
Queensland University of Technology The University of Queensland

Many business process modeling techniques have been proposed over the last decades, creating a demand for theory to assist in
the comparison and evaluation of these techniques. A widely established way of determining the effectiveness and efficiency of
modeling techniques is by way of representational analysis. This paper comparatively assesses representational analyses of 12
popular process modeling techniques in order to provide insights into the extent to which they differ from each other. We discuss
several implications of our findings. Our analysis uncovers and explores representational root causes for a number of
shortcomings that remain in process modeling practice, such as lack of process decomposition and integration of business rule
specification. Our findings also serve as motivation and input to future research in areas such as context-aware business process
design and conventions management.

Keywords: Business process management, Process modeling, Representation theory, BWW model

* Yair Wand was the accepting senior editor. Joerg Evermann, Andreas Opdahl, and Pnina Soffer were the reviewers. This article
was submitted on January 9, 2006 and went through two revisions.

Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 333-363, April 2009

Volume 10 ƒ Issue4 ƒ Article 2

Business Process Modeling- A Comparative Analysis

1. Introduction
Business process management (BPM) continues to be a top business priority, and building business
process capability is still a major challenge for senior executives(Gartner Group, 2009). The interest
in BPM has, inter alia, triggered substantial academic and commercial work aiming toward advanced
business process management solutions. One prominent example in this context is increasingly
popular business process modeling (Davies et al., 2006). Due to a strengthened interest in a more
disciplined approach to business process management, many organizations have made significant
investments in process modeling initiatives, which in turn have triggered substantial related research.
The recent introduction of legislation such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Nielsen and Main, 2004) for
example, further contributed to the increasing interest in business process modeling as a way to
document the processes of an organization.

The ongoing and strengthened interest in modeling for business process management has given rise
to a wide range of modeling techniques, from simple flowcharting techniques (American National
Standards Institute, 1970), to techniques initially used as part of software design such as UML
(Fowler, 2004), to dedicated business-oriented modeling approaches such as Event-driven Process
Chains (Scheer, 2000), to formalized and academically studied techniques such as Petri nets (Petri,
1962) and their dialects. Consequently, a competitive market is providing a large selection of
techniques and tools for process modeling (Ami and Sommer, 2007), and significant demand has
been created for means to evaluate and compare the available techniques (Moody, 2005). Indeed,
many available “standards” for process modeling lack rigorous evaluation (van der Aalst, 2003).

Given the keen interest in process modeling as a way of capturing the operations of organizations in
real-world domains, and given the multitude of available techniques for such a task, our interest is to
understand the capabilities of different process modeling techniques to facilitate the modeling of real-
world business domains.

While in earlier work we examined the evolution of representational capabilities of process modeling
techniques (Rosemann et al., 2006), the aim of this paper is to study the differences in the
representational capabilities across leading process modeling techniques. We use a theory of
representation and the associated notions of ontological completeness and ontological clarity (Weber,
1997) as measurements for the study. From these overall objectives, we derive the following research
1) How do process modeling techniques perform in light of representation theory?
2) What are the common concepts and key differentiators of leading process modeling
techniques, measured by their levels of ontological completeness and clarity as based on the
representation theory?
3) What are the key implications and what lessons can be learned from the representational
analysis of leading process modeling techniques for the modeling of business processes?

We proceed as follows. The next section provides an introduction to process modeling and an
overview of Wand and Weber’s representation theory, including its previous applications in the
evaluation of process modeling techniques. We complement the existing work by conducting
additional representational analyses of Petri nets and BPMN as two prominent examples of process
modeling techniques. Section 3 reports on and discusses the findings of the comparative assessment
of process modeling techniques from the viewpoint of their ontological completeness and ontological
clarity. The paper concludes in Section 4 with a review of contributions and a discussion of the
implications and limitations of our study.

2. Background & related Work

2.1. Process Modeling
Significant attention has been paid to the role conceptual models and conceptual modeling play in the

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process of Information Systems development (Karimi, 1988; Wand and Weber, 2002; Garda et al.,
2004). Traditional forms of conceptual modeling, i.e., building a representation of selected
phenomena in a problem domain for the purpose of understanding and communication among
stakeholders (Mylopoulos, 1992; Siau, 2004), accounted only for the organization’s data and, if at all,
that portion of its processes that interacted with the data. Newer uses of information systems,
however, extend deployment beyond transaction processing and into communication and
coordination. This extension is known as a process-aware perspective on information systems
(Dumas et al., 2005), and it is this perspective that gave rise to the conceptual modeling of business
processes, viz., process modeling.

Process modeling is widely used within organizations as a method to increase awareness and
knowledge of business processes, and to deconstruct organizational complexity (Bandara et al.,
2005). It is an approach for describing how businesses conduct their operations and typically includes
graphical depictions of at least the activities, events/states, and control flow logic that constitute a
business process (Curtis et al., 1992; Davenport, 2005). Additionally, process models may also
include information regarding the involved data, organizational/IT resources, and potentially other
artifacts such as external stakeholders and performance metrics, to name just a few (Scheer, 2000).

Existing business process modeling techniques fall into two categories (Phalp, 1998). Intuitive
graphical modeling techniques such as the Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) (Scheer, 2000) are
mostly concerned with capturing and understanding processes for project scoping tasks and for
discussing business requirements and process improvement initiatives with subject matter experts.
Conversely, other process modeling techniques such as Petri nets (Petri, 1962) are founded on
mathematical, rigorous paradigms. These techniques are typically used for process analysis (Verbeek
et al., 2007) or process execution (van der Aalst and ter Hofstede, 2005), and can also facilitate
simulation or experimentation with process scenarios (Hansen, 1996).

In considering how to model business processes, the decision of the type of notation (or technique) to
be used for process modeling is an important consideration (Rosemann, 2006). This decision can be
seen as essentially the same problem that software engineers encounter when carrying out analysis
or design tasks. One might choose to use either structured analysis notations or object-oriented
approaches. One important aspect in the consideration of a particular technique then is that different
techniques have different capabilities for articulating real-world process domains. Different modeling
techniques tend to emphasize diverse aspects of processes, such as activity sequencing, resource
allocation, communications, or organizational responsibilities (Soffer and Wand, 2007). As an
example, the Petri net model of a business domain looks considerably different from a data flow
diagram or BPMN model of the same domain.

While this observation seems obvious, there is a need to understand why these differences exist and
what implications they introduce. Furthermore, being mostly practice driven, available process
modeling techniques often lack a formal theoretical foundation on which differences between the
techniques can be examined (Soffer and Wand, 2007). Hence, there is a need for a theoretical
framework to facilitate these explanations (Phalp, 1998; Moody, 2005). While, in general, the lack of
established quality frameworks for conceptual modeling has repeatedly been noted as critical (Moody,
2005), a promising base has emerged over the last few years that builds on representation theory
(e.g., Wand and Weber, 1990; 1993; 1995). Accordingly, to address this critical gap, we use
representation theory as a means for establishing the differences among 12 leading process
modeling techniques.

2.2. Representation Theory in Information Systems

Representation theory (e.g., Weber, 1997) was developed by Wand and Weber as an adaptation of
an ontology proposed by Bunge (1977). The theory suggests a model of representation, known as the
Bunge-Wand-Weber (BWW) representation model (Wand and Weber, 1990; 1993; 1995), as a
benchmark for the evaluation of the representational capabilities of a modeling technique in the
Information Systems domain. In this paper we employ this model and the associated principles of

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representational analysis to comparatively assess 12 popular process modeling techniques.

While a number of existing ontological models of representation (e.g., Cocchiarella, 1995; Chisholm,
1996; Guizzardi, 2005) can be used as part of representational analysis, the deployment of the BWW
representation model in our study can be justified on at least three premises. First, unlike other
conceptual modeling theories based on ontology (e.g., Cocchiarella, 1995; Chisholm, 1996), the
BWW representation model has specifically been derived with the Information Systems discipline in
mind (Weber, 1997). Second, the BWW representation model serves as an upper ontology for the
modeling of Information Systems, and its foundational character and comprehensive scope allow for
wide applicability. Third, there is an established track record of individual studies and a demonstrated
usefulness of representational analyses of modeling techniques using the representation model
(Green and Rosemann, 2004; Wand and Weber, 2006), which allows comparison of the results with
other studies.

Building on the observation that, in their essence, Information Systems are representations of real
world systems (Wand and Weber, 1995) and drawing on Bunge’s ontological model, the BWW model
specifies a number of constructs that are deemed necessary to provide faithful representations of any
domain to be represented by Information Systems. Therefore, these constructs should be included in
any conceptual modeling technique. These constructs can be represented in a meta model. The meta
model by Evermann (2009), for instance, describes the nature, type, and relationships of the
ontological representation constructs using the UML and OWL formats. The comprehensiveness and
detail of this meta model would suggest that this specification could provide a potential starting point
for future representational analyses of modeling techniques on the basis of a meta model comparison
of technique constructs to representation constructs. However, this suggestion remains to be verified
empirically. The meta model by Rosemann and Green (2002) highlights several clusters of BWW
constructs: things including properties and types of things; states assumed by things; events and
transformations occurring on things; and systems structured around things (see Appendix 1). We
deem this suggested clustering a valuable analysis framework for our work, through which the
outcomes of the individual representational analyses of process modeling techniques can be
assessed, which is why we selected this meta model for our forthcoming discussion.

The process of using the BWW model as a reference benchmark for the evaluation of the
representational capabilities of a modeling technique forms the core of the research method of
representational analysis (e.g., Rosemann et al., 2009). Representational analysis can be used to
make predictions of the modeling strengths and weaknesses of the technique, viz., its capabilities to
provide complete and clear descriptions of the domain being modeled. In this process, the constructs
of the BWW representation model (e.g., thing, event, transformation) are compared with the language
constructs of the modeling technique (e.g., event, activity, actor) in a bi-directional mapping. The
basic assumption is that any deviation from a 1-1 relationship between the corresponding constructs
in the representation model and the modeling technique leads to representational deficiency in the
use of the technique, which potentially causes confusion to its users. These undesirable situations
can be further categorized into four sub-types (see Figure 1), resulting in two main evaluation criteria
that may be studied according to the BWW model (Weber, 1997): ontological completeness and
ontological clarity. Ontological completeness is measured by the degree of construct deficit (1:0), i.e.,
the extent to which a process modeling technique covers completely the constructs proposed in the
BWW representation model. On the other hand, ontological clarity is constituted by the degrees of 1)
construct overload (m:1), or the extent to which single language constructs cover several BWW
constructs, 2) construct redundancy (1:m), or the extent to which a single BWW construct maps to
several language constructs, and 3) construct excess (0:1), or the extent of language constructs that
do not map to any BWW construct.

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1:m Legend

BWW Set of constructs described in the BWW Model

MT Set of constructs comprising the Modeling Technique

Construct described in the BWW Model

Modeling Technique construct



Figure 1. Potential representational deficiencies of a modeling technique. Adapted

from (Weber, 1997)

Over the last 15 years, the BWW model has reached a significant level of maturity, adoption, and
dissemination, and has been used in a wide range of research projects (Green and Rosemann, 2004)
to evaluate different modeling techniques. The evaluated techniques cover a wide spectrum of
modeling, from data modeling (Wand and Weber, 1993), to schema modeling (Weber and Zhang,
1996), to object-oriented modeling (Opdahl and Henderson-Sellers, 2002), to use case modeling
(Irwin and Turk, 2005), to business modeling (Zhang et al., 2007), to reference modeling (Fettke and
Loos, 2007). The model also has a growing track record in the area of process modeling, with
contributions coming from various researchers. We review such BWW-related studies that focus
specifically on process modeling techniques in the next section.

Some criticisms have been leveled over the years at the use of representation theory, viz., limited
empirical testing (Wyssusek, 2006), a lack of coverage caused by the representation model focusing
just on the representational algebra (“notation”) of a technique, and a lack of understandability of the
BWW constructs (Rosemann et al., 2004). Certainly, the work to date has attempted to mitigate each
of these criticisms. For instance, many authors have empirically tested the validity of the predictions
stemming from representation theory (e.g., Bodart et al., 2001; Green and Rosemann, 2001; Parsons
and Cole, 2004; Gemino and Wand, 2005; Bowen et al., 2006; Burton-Jones and Meso, 2006; Recker
et al., 2006; Shanks et al., 2008). These studies found that the premises offered by representation
theory, indeed, inform researchers about conceptual modeling activities, outcomes and success, and,
moreover, leverage “better” conceptual modeling. Other researchers have undertaken efforts to
provide procedural guidelines for the application of the theory (Green et al., 2006; Rosemann et al.,

In the absence of compelling evidence in favor of a specific ontology to be used as part of a

representational analysis, the final verdict about the validity of any ontology-based conclusions should
be based on empirical methods and outcomes (Wand and Weber, 2006). In light of the empirical
insights gained on the basis of the BWW representation model, it would appear that there is support
for the usefulness, appropriateness, and validity of representation theory, which, in turn, serves as
justification for the selection of this theory in the present study.

2.3. Previous Representational Analyses of Process Modeling Techniques

Keen and Lakos (1996) determined essential features for a process modeling technique by using the
BWW representation model to evaluate six process modeling techniques. Among the modeling
techniques they evaluated were: ANSI flowcharts (American National Standards Institute, 1970), Data
Flow Diagrams (DFD) (Gane and Sarson, 1979), IDEF Method 3 Process Description Capture
Method (Mayer et al., 1995), ISO/TC/97 standard for conceptual schema specification (van

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Griethuysen, 1982), Merise (Tardieu, 1992), and the researchers’ own Language for Object-Oriented
Petri nets (LOOPN++) (Keen and Lakos, 1994). The evaluation was restricted to the assessment of
the ontological completeness of each technique. From their analysis, Keen and Lakos concluded that,
in general, the BWW representation model facilitates the interpretation and comparison of process
modeling techniques. They propose the BWW constructs of system, system composition, system
structure, system environment, transformation, and coupling to be essential process modeling
technique requirements. As our analysis will show, however, these findings are not entirely reflected
in the leading process modeling techniques we consider.

Green and Rosemann (2000) used the BWW model to analyze the Event-driven Process Chain
(EPC) notation (Scheer, 2000), assessing both ontological completeness and clarity. They found
empirically confirmed shortcomings in the EPC notation with regard to users’ ability to represent real
world objects and business rules, and users’ ability to clearly delineate the scope and boundary of the
domain being modeled (Green and Rosemann, 2001).

Green et al. (2005) examined the Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language Business
Process Specification Schema (ebXML BPSS) v1.01 (OASIS, 2001) in terms of ontological
completeness and clarity. While the empirical validation of results has not yet been performed, the
analysis indicates that ebXML has a relatively high degree of ontological completeness.

Green et al. (2007) also compared different modeling standards for enterprise system interoperability,
including Business Process Execution Language for Web Services v1.1 (WS-BPEL) (Andrews et al.,
2003), Business Process Modeling Language v1.0 (BPML) (Arkin, 2002), Web Service Choreography
Interface v1.0 (WSCI) (Arkin et al., 2002), and ebXML BPSS v1.01. These four standards, which
proclaim to allow for specification of intra- and inter-organizational business processes, were
analyzed in terms of their ontological completeness and clarity. The study found that ebXML provides
a wider range of language constructs for specification requirements than other techniques, indicated
through its comparatively high degree of ontological completeness.

Furthermore, for the present study, we conducted two additional representational analyses (from the
viewpoint of both ontological completeness and clarity) of process modeling techniques, namely
analyses of Petri nets (Petri, 1962) and BPMN v1.0 ( and OMG, 2006). The importance of
including an analysis of Petri nets stems from the influence of this technique on a number of other
modeling techniques. On the other hand, we chose to analyze BPMN because it denotes the most
recently proposed notation for process modeling, one that has now been ratified by the OMG as a
process modeling standard, and is backed by strong practitioner interest. A number of shortcomings
related to ontological completeness and clarity were identified in terms of the use of these two
techniques. For instance, in BWW terms, Petri nets lack support for the modeling of systems
structured around things, and BPMN lacks capabilities to represent states assumed by things. The
analyses are summarized in the form of a mapping table in Appendix 2 and have been empirically
validated in the case of BPMN.1

Further work has used the principles of representational analysis to explore other conceptual
modeling techniques (e.g., Rohde, 1995; Opdahl and Henderson-Sellers, 2001; Opdahl and
Henderson-Sellers, 2002; Irwin and Turk, 2005; Fettke and Loos, 2007; Zhang et al., 2007). The
techniques under consideration in these analyses, however, are based on concepts different from the
notion of a “process” or “activity” that is central for the decomposition and partition of a real-world
system with a process modeling technique. For example, object-centric modeling techniques use the
concept of an “object” as the unit for partitioning and decomposition of a real-world system (Vessey
and Conger, 1994). Therefore, we have limited our analyses to activity-centric process modeling
techniques. We believe that the inclusion of techniques not generally accepted as pure process
modeling techniques (e.g., state-transition diagrams, OML diagrams, and Use cases) could potentially
confound the results.

For details of the analyses of Petri nets and BPMN, as well as details of the empirical validation of the identified
BPMN shortcomings, please refer to Recker and Indulska (2007) and Recker et al. (2006).

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3.1. Research Design
While representational analysis of a process modeling technique provides means for exploring
strengths and weaknesses of that technique, it can also be used for the comparison of various
techniques, thereby allowing for a comparative assessment to highlight representational differences
between the considered techniques. In order to extract common shortcomings and highlight main
differentiating features between various process modeling techniques, we consolidated
representational analyses of ten techniques, performed representational analysis of two additional
techniques, and then performed a comparison of the twelve analyses, with a focus on both
completeness and clarity. The analyses considered were those of Keen and Lakos (1996) (viz., ANSI
flowcharts, DFD, IDEF Method 3 Process Description Capture Method, ISO/TC97, Merise), Green
and Rosemann (2000) (viz., EPC), Green et al. (2007) (viz., BPML, WSCI, ebXML, WS-BPEL), and
our own analysis of Petri nets and BPMN. For each representational deficiency situation — deficit,
overload, redundancy and excess — we constructed a table into which we mapped the results of the
respective analyses. Our analysis covered a wide selection of process modeling techniques, ranging
from illustration methods (e.g., Flowcharts) to integrated techniques (e.g., EPC) and covering more
recent techniques capable of both process description and execution (e.g., ebXML and WS-BPEL).

In performing the representational analysis of BPMN and Petri nets, we followed an extended
representational methodology that allows for maximizing the objectivity and internal validity of such
work (Green et al., 2006; Rosemann et al., 2009). In both analyses, we also measured inter-coder
reliability between the researchers, creating representation mapping results using Cohen’s Kappa
(Cohen, 1960). In the case of BPMN, over the mapping rounds conducted, we calculated Cohen’s
Kappa to be .62 in the first round and .83 in the second round (Recker et al., 2007b). In the case of
Petri nets, Cohen’s Kappa was.69 in the first round and .92 in the second round (Recker and
Indulska, 2007). These statistics exceed generally recommended Kappa levels of .6 (Moore and
Benbasat, 1991).

In the comparative analysis that followed, we were concerned with minimizing potential mapping
errors and general subjective bias. Therefore, we accomplished the comparison as follows. Two
researchers individually extracted the mapping analyses of the selected techniques from the
respective studies into four tables, one each for construct deficit, redundancy, overload and excess.
The two researchers then met to compare the two versions for each mapping table and cross-
checked for mapping inconsistencies. For instance, the two researchers identified an inconsistency in
their consolidation of the representation mapping of Data Flow Diagrams from (Keen and Lakos,
1996). The inconsistency encountered was caused due to the use of the term “event space” in (Keen
and Lakos, 1996), which potentially could refer to the two ontological constructs “lawful event space”
and “conceivable event space” in the original work by Wand and Weber (1990; 1993; 1995). In the
meeting, the researchers revisited both the original works and the mapping performed in (Keen and
Lakos, 1996) and agreed that Keen and Lakos (1996) referred to ‘conceivable event spaces’. After
this stage, we again consolidated all four tables. By reaching a consensus over the consistency of the
four final mapping tables, we are confident that we have demonstrated objectivity and rigor in this
type of research.

Because the analyses were independently conducted by different research groups, and because
representational analyses may refer to varied research purposes (Rosemann and Green, 2000), we
put effort into making the individual analyses comparable. We neither questioned nor reviewed the
mapping results as proposed by the different research groups. Hence, our study consolidates
previous analyses instead of revises or extends them.

One point of note is the fact that analyses did not entirely differentiate between the property sub-types
as defined in (Wand and Weber, 1993; 1995; Weber, 1997) and as defined in Appendix 1 (viz., in
general, in particular, hereditary, emergent, intrinsic, non-binding mutual, binding mutual, and
attributes). In order to enable the comparison of the studies, we had to generalize all these property

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sub-types to the super-type property. Therefore, if a mapping was found for a sub-type of property,
e.g., emergent or binding mutual property, then we recorded the mapping as belonging to the super-
type property. Similarly, as some analyses did not consider the constructs of stability condition and
corrective action (which form parts of the lawful transformation construct), we generalized mappings
of these constructs to the lawful transformation construct. We realize that this generalization for
comparison purposes brings with it the limitation that some of the specialized sub-types of the
property and transformation constructs that may be important for specific purposes are not
incorporated in the analysis. For example, mutual properties specify attributes that two things share
due to their participation in a binding relationship, and which characterize the type of relationship.
These properties could be of particular interest when analyzing modeling scripts that relate to the
domain of interoperability, as they could be used to specify the role or behavior of two mutually inter-
dependent process entities participating in a collaborative business scenario. For instance, Green et
al. (2005) describe an example of how mutual properties affect transactions in a collaboration
scenario using ebXML.

A second point of note stems from the fact that we were restricted in our comparative analysis to 1:1
mappings between constructs in the modeling technique and constructs in the BWW representation
model. While, in general, representation theory allows for the comparison of BWW model constructs
to a combination of several technique constructs (1:n mappings) (Wand and Weber, 1993), or even
vice versa, representational analyses typically are restricted to 1:1 comparisons. All of the studies that
we examine in this paper were restricted to 1:1 mappings. This situation, in turn, posits a limitation of
our study. It would, indeed, be interesting and challenging to examine how different process modeling
techniques employ production rules to form ontologically meaningful clusters of technique constructs.2
Yet, we cannot consider the potentially unlimited variety of construct compositions across all
techniques in our study.

A final point of note in the consolidation and comparison is related to the shortcoming of analyses
focusing on both ontological completeness and clarity. As for the investigation of the ontological clarity
of process modeling techniques — in particular construct excess, redundancy, and overload — we
reduced the number of techniques considered in the analysis. This reduction is due to a lack of
consideration of aspects of ontological clarity in the study of ANSI Flowcharts, ISO/TC97, MERISE,
DFD, and IDEF3, as the evaluation performed by Keen and Lakos (1996) was restricted to ontological
completeness only.

In the following sub-section, we structure our line of investigation in accordance with the four types of
representational deficiencies of modeling techniques, viz., construct deficit, redundancy, excess, and

3.2. Construct Deficit in Process Modeling Techniques

Construct deficit of a particular process modeling technique occurs in situations in which no language
construct can be identified that maps to a particular BWW construct. This situation can be interpreted
as the lack of means for users to capture and describe certain real-world phenomena. The focus of
this aspect is to identify the degree of completeness (DoC), or the extent to which process modeling
techniques are able to provide complete descriptions of a real-world domain. DoC can be measured
relatively as one minus the degree of deficit, with the degree of deficit being the number of BWW
constructs found not to have a mapping to language constructs (#C), divided by the total number of
constructs defined in the BWW representation model (#M). This metric is based on the assumption
that each construct in the BWW model is equally relevant, viz., each construct has the same weight. It
has been argued that this assumption may not always hold true in modeling practice (Rosemann et
al., 2004); however, the selected metric also allows for the derivation of weighted measurements.

The results of our comparison are illustrated in Table 1. Each tick indicates that the specified BWW
construct can be represented by the analyzed technique.

An example of how such a task can be approached is illustrated in (Soffer et al., 2007).

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Table 1. Comparison of construct deficit of process modeling techniques

ua Flow- ISO
Ve e Petri net charts DFD TC87 Merise EPC IDEF3 ebXML BPML WSCI WS-BPEL BPMN
1.01 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0
1962 1970 1979 1982 1992 1992 1995 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004
BWW Construct

THING 9 9 9 9
T ypes 9
CLASS 9 op erties 9 9 9 9 9
ding s
KIND gs inclu of Thing 9
Th in
PROPERTY 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Cluster Degree of
50.0 % 100 % 75.0 % 75.0 % 75.0 % 75.0 % 50.0 % 50.0 % 50.0 % 50.0 % 50.0 % 0.0 %
Cluster Degree of
50.0 % 0.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 % 50.0 % 50.0 % 50.0 % 50.0 % 50.0 % 100 %

STATE 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
STATE LAW 9 9 9 9 9
9 9
db y Th
t ates ass
Cluster Degree of
42.9 % 100 % 100 % 85.7 % 85.7 % 57.1 % 85.7 % 0.0 % 85.7 % 85.7 % 85.7 % 100 %
Cluster Degree of
57.1 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 14.3 % 14.3 % 42.9 % 14.3 % 100 % 14.3 % 14.3 % 14.3 % 0.0 %
EVENT 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
EXTERNAL EVENT 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
ing o9n T 9 9 9
9 9
atio ns oc 9 9 9 9 9
n d Tran 9 9 9 9 9
EVENT ts a
Even 9
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
ACTS ON 9 9 9 9

COUPLING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Cluster Degree of
45.5 % 81.8 % 81.8 % 54.5 % 45.5 % 45.5 % 72.7 % 9.1 % 36.4 % 18.2 % 18.2 % 18.2 %
Cluster Degree of
54.5 % 18.2 % 18.2 % 45.5 % 54.5 % 54.5 % 27.3 % 90.9 % 63.6 % 81.8 % 81.8 % 81.8 %
SYSTEM 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 9 9 9
9 gs 9
d Thin
9 r 9 9
Syst 9 9
9 9 9
Cluster Degree of
100 % 100 % 28.6 % 100 % 57.1 % 85.7 % 28.6 % 71.4 % 100 % 57.1 % 57.1 % 14.3 %
Cluster Degree of
0.0 % 0.0 % 71.4 % 0.0 % 42.9 % 14.3 % 71.4 % 28.6 % 0.0 % 42.9 % 42.9 % 85.7 %
Total Degree of
58.6 % 93.1 % 72.4 % 75.9 % 62.1 % 62.1 % 62.1 % 27.6 % 65.5 % 48.3 % 48.3 % 34.5 %
Total Degree of
41.4 % 06.9 % 27.6 % 24.1 % 37.9 % 37.9 % 37.9 % 72.4 % 34.5 % 51.7 % 51.7 % 65.5 %

341 Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 10 Issue 4 pp. 333-363 April 2009
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Drawing on the clusters identified by Rosemann and Green (2002), Table 1 presents interesting
patterns in the representation capabilities of the process modeling techniques under consideration.
In terms of the cluster things including properties and types of things, Table 1 reveals that only BPMN
is able to cover all aspects of things. In this aspect, BPMN appears to denote a considerable
improvement compared to other techniques. For example, the popular and widely used EPC performs
poorly in terms of this cluster, indicated by a relatively low degree of completeness (25%). Also, the
poor performances of Flowcharts (0%) and DFD (25%) are notable given their historically high level of
adoption in modeling practice (Davies et al., 2006). Closer inspection of Table 1 shows that while
earlier process modeling techniques provided a construct for representing a specific thing, more
recent standards have representation capabilities for classes of things rather than for an individual
thing. Therefore, it would appear that, in general, there has been a move to model classes of things
rather than actual things, i.e., instances. These findings support earlier studies that reported that, for
instance, DFD diagrams are often complemented with Entity-Relationship Diagrams (Chen, 1976)
that specify the nature and relationships between the modeled real-world things (Wand and Weber,

The move from things to classes of things can be seen as a strong shift toward an understanding that
processes are performed by a class of things with generally common properties, rather than specific
things with unique properties. This situation can be seen, for instance, in the increased application of
process analysis techniques (such as Activity-based costing, root-cause analysis, Pareto analysis)
that consider classes of processes with common properties (e.g., sets of processes for VIP
customers, processes with different types of involved business objects) instead of dedicated process

Nevertheless, the overall limited coverage of things and classes of things in business process models
is still an issue. The limited coverage of things and classes of things inhibits users from decomposing
processes according to the properties of things (e.g., what are the differences in the processes for
handling domestic vs. international invoices?) instead of functional decomposition (e.g., what are the
detailed steps of invoice verification?). Anticipating a move toward better support for things as well as
classes of things in process modeling, a technique would allow users to craft process models that can
be used as direct input for advanced analysis techniques such as root-cause and process cost

From the perspective of the cluster states assumed by things, throughout the BPM domain, a lack of
support for business rule definitions can be observed (see, for instance, Green and Rosemann, 2001;
Recker et al., 2006). In particular, the lack of support for the representation of conceivable and lawful
state spaces indicates that modeling will be unclear to the modeler when trying to determine which
set of states can potentially occur in a process and which states are possible but should not be
allowed. This shortcoming is one explanation for the often limited capabilities of process modeling
techniques in supporting exception handling. Exception handling requires semantically richer process
models in which certain states are classified as exceptions, i.e., deviations from the expected daily
practices (Russell et al., 2006). Lack of representational capability in the cluster states assumed by
things is a root cause of these current limitations. For instance, to represent exceptions, we need, in
particular, lawful states and lawful state spaces. Representational support for these concepts would
allow for the definition of the particular set of state vectors of the domain in which a process operates.
A lawful transformation should be enacted (i.e., an exception handling routine triggered) so that
reaching an unlawful state can be prevented (i.e., a state in which the process system cannot
faithfully terminate).

By having representations for states and transformations, clarity can also be given to the
representations, and implications, of process-relevant events. Indeed, if a technique had
representations for states and state changes, it would be possible to deduce relevant events from this
information. For instance, in State Charts, it is possible to derive transitions based on the
representation of states and state changes. Thus, representation for states and transformation could
mitigate a potential deficit in representing events.

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Moreover, having a representation of state-based concepts would allow process model users to
answer questions pertaining to business rule specification (when should which process change be
effected?), exception handling (what are the event-driven changes that regular process
transformations do not cover?), or process recovery (what was the state of a process object before an
event occurred that resulted in a process failure?). In other words, advanced representation support
for the essential concepts of states underlying exception handling procedures would allow users to
specify conceptually a number of process change strategies in the occurrence of exceptional events
impacting day-to-day business operations. A closer look at Table 1 reveals, indeed, that most
techniques have a very low degree of completeness in the cluster of states assumed by things (see,
for instance, Flowcharts, IDEF3, and BPMN), except for ebXML (100% in this cluster) and Petri nets
(52% in this cluster). One particular issue here is the limited support for the history construct.
Available techniques appear to support the design of process models with only limited consideration
of the traceability of the process objects that are the focus of the models. The specification of the
history of states that a process object has traversed through its lifecycle could be leveraged for a
range of areas of process-related decision-making scenarios, especially in the context of business
rule management. Consider the case of credit history checks or customer relationship management
processes, where key decisions are made, and special rules applied, on the basis of the history of the
relevant process object (e.g., a credit card applicant or a frequent flier member). These and similar
scenarios point to the area of business rule specification, which is dependent on accurate
specification of not only the current process flow but also the nature and history of the objects that
have traversed through the process previously. Anticipating better representational support for state-
based concepts — in particular, the history of state changes — could, thus, be leveraged for a closer
integration of business rule specification with process modeling practice. Both business rule modeling
and business process modeling are used to document organizational policies and procedures. Yet,
very little synergy and overlap has been identified. Indeed, the lack of support for state and history
constructs in process modeling techniques can be seen as one root cause for this dilemma.
Anticipating better representational support could lead to an advanced understanding of the
relationship between the two modeling types and allow organizations to maximize synergies and
reduce their modeling efforts. One alternative application area of the understanding of the
representational differences would be a clear demarcation of business process and business rule
modeling, their purposes and touch points, and to see both as complementary yet orthogonal views
(Herbst et al., 1994; Kovacic, 2004). Techniques could then be developed that, together, provide
maximal representational coverage while sharing minimal representational overlap (Green et al.,

Table 1 indicates that most of the investigated techniques perform reasonably well in the cluster
events and transformations occurring on things. This finding supports the argument that things,
events, and transformations are core concepts in process modeling (Soffer and Wand, 2005; 2007).
An interesting observation can be made with respect to the degrees of completeness of Flowcharts
(18%), DFD (18%), and IDEF3 (29%). We speculate that the relatively low degrees of completeness
can be explained by the fact that these grammars were originally developed with the intention of
modeling information flows rather than process or communication flows (see Danesh and Kock, 2005)
and, hence, they did not put emphasis on the consequences that events may have on the
transformation of the modeled things. Also, note again that ebXML BPSS performs best from the
viewpoint of construct deficit (DoC: 91%). Moreover, it denotes the single technique capable of
depicting both conceivable and lawful event spaces. In other words, there is a realization that it is
important to give an indication clearly of allowable states that a thing can take on as a result of
suffering an event.

Contrasting the representations of events and transformations in process modeling techniques with
the representations for states assumed by things, the overall representational support for events and
transformations may mitigate the lack of representation for states, and indeed, may even explain the
lack of state-based constructs in most techniques considered. Indeed, given the complimentary
nature of events, states, and transformations, it may be possible that state representations in process
modeling techniques might not be required to achieve sufficient completeness.

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In the cluster systems structured around things, in general, there appears to be inconsistent support.
From the list of seven BWW constructs in this cluster, five have been found to be represented in
fewer than 34% of the considered modeling techniques, viz., system environment, system structure,
subsystem, system decomposition, and level structure. Thus, appropriate structuring and
differentiation of modeled things or entities, such as business partners, is not well supported. We find
this fact quite problematic, especially in light of collaborative business processes and interoperability.
Table 1 suggests that DFD, IDEF3, and BPMN models perform best in representing systems
structured around things. For example, these three techniques have in common dedicated language
constructs to model system decompositions (e.g., the Pool or Lane construct in BPMN). Constructs to
model system decompositions allow users to present a composition view that articulates the
components of which a system is composed. While the ontological concept of system decomposition
relates to the things within that system, it is reasonable that a sub-process will modify at most the
domain in which the main process operates, and usually only these sub-parts of this domain. Thus,
language constructs that support process decomposition point indirectly at supporting system
decomposition in the ontological sense, and vice versa.

There are at least two critical implications of the limited support for depicting the organizational and
wider setting of a modeled process (for instance, only two out of 12 techniques support the “system
environment” construct). First, process models tend to be decoupled from their surrounding system,
and thus, the design of context-aware process models becomes impossible. Context-aware process
models have explicit relationships with external factors (e.g., time, location, weather, market
conditions, etc.), and these relationships allow changes in the factors and the related process
changes to be anticipated (Rosemann et al., 2008). However, moving process modeling toward
awareness of its organizational and contextual setting, and the potential change drivers within, would
require a strong representation support in the modeling techniques such that the relevant
environmental aspects of the systems in which a process is embedded and operates can be specified
conceptually. Second, modeled processes without consideration of their wider organizational setting
are more vulnerable to unexpected behaviors in the environment. Unexpected changes in process
environments require the instantiation and execution of well-defined exception handling strategies to
cope with the change. Currently, support for exception handling is not fully present in the conceptual
specification of processes (Russell et al., 2006) or in the methods available for process verification.
Current approaches for model verification (e.g., van der Aalst, 1999; Verbeek et al., 2007) focus on
internal structure properties such as soundness, liveness, or boundedness (Dehnert and
Zimmermann, 2005), while disregarding the external stimuli of process behavior. This finding calls for
further research in the areas of conceptual process specification and structural process verification.

3.3. Construct Redundancy in Process Modeling Techniques

Construct redundancy occurs in situations in which a process modeling technique has more than one
language construct mapping to the same BWW construct. This situation potentially causes confusion
in the usage of the respective modeling construct. In light of the underlying representation theory,
semantically equal language constructs that seem to be indistinguishable in their real-world meaning
and, thus, denote an unnecessary duplication, lead to potential confusion in the interpretation of the
resulting model. The focus of this aspect is to identify the degree of redundancy (DoR) of a process
modeling technique, which is an indication of a technique’s capabilities to provide clear descriptions of
the modeled domain (Weber, 1997). DoR can be measured relatively as the number of language
constructs found to have a mapping to the same BWW construct (#R), divided by the total number of
constructs in the modeling technique (#T). For example, Table 2 reveals that ebXML BPSS contains
three language constructs for representing the BWW construct event. Hence, ebXML contains two
potentially redundant constructs out of a total of 51 language constructs.

In order to comparatively assess the occurrences of construct redundancy in the leading process
modeling techniques we consider, it is necessary to elaborate on the following situations.

Due to the generalization of all property-related sub-types to the super-type property, we cannot
analyze construct redundancy for properties. Hence, in Table 2, an “x” indicates that the respective

Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 10 Issue 4 pp. 333-363 April 2009 344
Recker et al./Business Process Modeling

Table 2. Comparison of construct redundancy of process

modeling techniques
1.01 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0
1962 1992 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004
BWW Construct

nd Type 2
ties a
CLASS 1 3 1 oper 1 1 2
l udi ng P ings
KIND gs in of h
T 1
PROPERTY x x x x x x

STATE 3 1 5 1 1 1
1 1
t es assu


EVENT 1 1 3 3 6 4 9
EXTERNAL EVENT 1 3 2 3 1 8

INTERNAL EVENT 1 1 4 1 3 3 8
1 1 1
and T2ran 2hings 1 2
ts nT
Even 2 currin1g o 1
2 7
TRANSFORMATION 1 1 1 10 8 11 6
1 1 1 4 4 3 7
ACTS ON 1 1 1

COUPLING 2 1 1 1

SYSTEM 2 1 1 2
1 1 2
SYSTEM a ro und
red 1 1
s structu
Syste 1 2

Degree of
28.6 % 0.0 % 15.7 % 30.4 % 30.6 % 31.9 % 51.3 %

345 Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 10 Issue 4 pp. 333-363 April 2009
Recker et al./Business Process Modeling

process modeling technique provides a differentiated set of constructs to depict certain properties.
For instance, EPC allows for the definition of attribute types that group sets of free attributes in
accordance to any given purpose.

Also note that events and states have further sub-types in the BWW model, namely unstable/stable
state, internal/external, and well-defined/poorly-defined event. If a technique contains two language
constructs that provide representations for state (or event), each of which disjointly represents one of
its BWW sub-types (for example, one representation for stable state, one for unstable state), these
constructs are not deemed redundant.

The results of our comparison are illustrated in Table 2. For each BWW construct, we indicate the
number of process modeling technique constructs that have been found to represent the BWW
construct. Note again the reduced set of process modeling techniques that we were able to consider
because we relied on earlier studies that did not differentiate the analysis of events and states into
their respective sub-types.

In terms of things, their types and properties, it generally appears that the relatively high degree of
deficit in this cluster comes with a relatively low degree of redundancy. However, we can comment on
two points. First, although BPMN provides full coverage for this cluster, this coverage comes at the
cost of a high degree of redundancy. In particular, confusion arises as to the differentiation of the
Lane construct from other representations for things and classes of things, specifically the Pool
construct (Recker et al., 2006). Second, ebXML BPSS provides several constructs for representing
classes of things, which may cause confusion when some instances of a class participate in a
relationship and other instances do not. Indeed, confusion in the relationship may exist even when
there is only one class construct. For example, it may be unclear under what circumstances an
instance of a DocumentEnvelope is used by RequestingBusinessActivity (Green et al., 2005). Yet,
because ebXML BPSS provides more than one construct to represent classes of things, the potential
confusion is amplified.

In terms of states assumed by things, the coverage by process modeling techniques is limited, which
in turn is associated with a relatively low degree of redundancy. We can make two points. First, Petri
nets appear to have redundant constructs for modeling the states of things in light of the BWW
representation model, particularly, unstable states. Specifically, our own analysis of construct
redundancy in Petri nets revealed that they have three different concepts for representing the
(unstable) state of a thing: Place, Initial Marking, and Token. From a representational perspective,
this situation induces ambiguity in the use of the technique. However, we note that this proposition
should be subject to further discussion (which is outside the scope of this paper but a noted future
research direction), as the necessity of the mentioned constructs for the formal verification and
analysis of workflow specification languages cannot be neglected (Kiepuszewski et al., 2003).
Second, ebXML BPSS appears to be subject to frequent redundancy with respect to the
representation of stable states. Its constructs Start, Fork, Join and Success all appear to be
redundant in their representational capability and, thus, to potentially cause confusion in the use of
this technique. It may be worthwhile to consider reducing the range of constructs available to a more
limited set that avoids this redundancy. Clearly, the answer to this question requires empirical

We found that constructs for representing events and transformations occurring on things have a
higher level of redundancy. In fact, 71% of the techniques under investigation provide more than one
construct for representing an event or internal event (83% in terms of external events). Indeed, the
use of external events may help to mitigate the lack of constructs in some of the techniques for
system environment, in that the external events allow us to model the impact of the environment, if
not the environment itself.

Similarly, we found the lawful transformation construct to be mapped to more than one language
construct for 57% of the considered techniques, sometimes even to 10 or more constructs, as in
BPML and WS-BPEL. A possible interpretation is that process modeling techniques tend to provide a

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surplus of constructs for the representation of these domain phenomena without any representational
need for such differentiation, as advocated by representation theory. In other words, these additional
constructs may provide further information on “how” to undertake the transformation rather than
enhancing the meaning of the transformation. In a related proposition, a closer inspection of Table 2
reveals the particularly high degree of redundancy of BPMN in this cluster (71%) as compared to
alternative techniques such as EPC (0% in this cluster).

BPMN also appears to be the single technique subject to frequent redundancy in the cluster of
systems structured around things. Both the Lane and Pool constructs allow the depiction of various
aspects of systems. This result implies that the differentiation of these constructs in the specification
needs to be improved to allow for a better understanding in which context each of the specialized
constructs is more appropriate.

The increasing amount of construct redundancy in more recent techniques such as WS-BPEL, WSCI,
or BPMN can be seen as a reaction to the increasing number of purposes of business process
modeling. Traditionally, process modeling has been used to assist stakeholder communication and to
specify business requirements for process improvements. In recent years, process modeling has also
become popular in advanced application areas such as compliance management (Sadiq et al., 2007),
Enterprise Systems configuration (Dreiling et al., 2008), simulation (Gregoriades and Sutcliffe, 2008),
and software design (Ouyang et al., 2009). In light of this trend, it will become practically impossible
for vendors of process modeling support to sell the idea of a “one size fits all” approach. Rather, it can
be assumed that the practical adoption of process modeling techniques now follows a typical two-
stage approach. First, techniques are selected based on their completeness (see Table 1). Second,
company-specific conventions are defined that customize (and often reduce) the increasingly rich
modeling techniques for the very specific demands of an organization (Rosemann, 1998). As Table 2
shows, the market has reacted by providing modeling techniques with embedded redundancies that
often can be seen as detailed variants of the same construct for different purposes (consider, for
instance, the differentiation of BPMN into a core and an extended set). While the move toward richer
sets of process modeling constructs may be seen as an advancement in this area, it also clearly
highlights the need for more research on convention management, viz., how to manage the
increasing redundancies in modeling techniques and how to establish a common core of process
modeling concepts to be taught and used by business analysts. In fact, recent empirical studies show
that users avoid the available multiplicity of constructs and instead tend to use a very restricted set of
constructs (zur Muehlen and Recker, 2008). Clearly, more research is needed into the nature,
management, and use of modeling conventions that are more and more frequently employed to
manage the representation complexity afforded by advanced process modeling solutions.

3.4. Construct Excess in Process Modeling Techniques

Construct excess occurs in situations in which a process modeling technique provides language
constructs that do not map to any BWW construct. This situation can be interpreted as the provision
of constructs that appear to have no real-world meaning in the BWW representation model.
Accordingly, users will be unclear as to the real-world situations for which they use these constructs
as representations and, thus, they will need mechanisms for further clarification. The focus of this
aspect is to identify the degree of excess (DoE) of a process modeling technique, which serves as
another indication of its capability to provide clear descriptions of the modeled domain (Weber, 1997).
DoE can be measured relatively as the number of language constructs found not to have a mapping
to any BWW construct (#E), divided by the total number of constructs in the modeling technique (#T).
For example, BPMN contains a language construct named “text annotation,” which can be used to
attach to a process diagram textual descriptions for which no graphical symbol is provided. Such a
situation would indicate that BPMN users have to employ textual means for capturing real-world
phenomena in the problem domain due to a lack of graphical means for doing so. The textual
annotation as per the BWW model is proposed as excess, since its meaning is not prescriptively
specified and thereby potentially subject to misuse and misinterpretation.

The results of our comparison of the occurrences of construct excess in leading process modeling

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techniques are illustrated in Table 3. It shows each process modeling technique construct that has
been found not to have a mapping to any BWW construct.

Table 3. Comparison of construct excess of process modeling techniques

on 1.01 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0
ar 1962 1992 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004

AND connector Performs All All Scope Parallel

OR connector Business Activity For Each For Each Message Properties Inclusive OR

XOR connector Business State Choice Selector Message Definitions Event-based XOR
Proposed excess constructs

Business Action Sequence Sequence Sequence Data-based XOR

Document Security Delay Join Flow Group

Completion State Empty Empty Empty Activity Looping

Enumeration Status Identity Correlate Multiple Instances

Spawn Spawn Normal Flow

Context Context Event

Activity Type Gateway

Synch Text Annotation

Parameters Association Flow

Activity Instance State Off-page Connector



Degree of
0.0 % 42.9 % 13.7 % 28.3 % 18.4 % 12.8 % 38.5 %

Perusal of Table 3 suggests that there is a lack of a process modeling “common definition” as the
different techniques use different terms to specify constructs (e.g., OR connector, Selector, and
Choice). Furthermore, unlike in the data modeling community, the process modeling community has
no generally accepted differentiation into conceptual, logical, and physical layers of modeling. As
Table 3 indicates, conceptual constructs such as business activity (ebXML) are compared with
constructs on the physical layer (e.g. activity instance state). This situation clearly demonstrates the
need for the development of a common definition for processes that provides a meta-standard as well
as well-specified layers of abstractions for the development and comparison of process modeling
techniques. The representation theory that underlies our study might be a first potential candidate that
could inform the development of such a common definition. A first attempt is provided in (Soffer and
Wand, 2007).

In more detail, it is interesting to note that throughout all the analyses of process modeling
techniques, control flow mechanisms such as logical connectors, selectors, gateways, and the like
are repeatedly proposed as construct excess, since they do not map to any construct of the BWW
model. Indeed, from a low-level perspective, these constructs bear no real-world meaning at all. The
real-world meaning of these constructs is only revealed when examined in the wider setting of a
control flow pattern (such as mergers, joins and splits) (Soffer et al., 2007). It further appears that
some modeling techniques such as BPMN provide language constructs that, in their essence, may be
useful for the act of modeling but not for capturing domain semantics or real-world phenomena per
se. Candidates for these scenarios include Off-page Connector, Group, and Text Annotation, which
define means to link models or group model elements or attach additional descriptions to models. Our
research findings suggest that these elements should be removed from the respective technique and
that they should be provided by the supporting modeling tool. Thereby, the act of modeling can be
supported through constructs such as text annotation, grouping elements or others in a technique-

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independent fashion, while the technique itself merely contains domain representation constructs.
This situation would lead to reduced levels of complexity in the usage of the technique, and it would
allow a user to choose for himself/herself whether or not such elements are required in his/her
process modeling work.

Other candidates that are proposed as excess — such as DocumentSecurity and EnumerationStatus
(ebXML BPSS), Parameters and Activity Instance State (BPML), Message Properties and Message
Definitions (WS-BPEL), Spawn (WSCI), or Multiple Instances (BPMN) — all have in common that
they capture certain aspects of process implementation and execution (which are required by
technical analysts seeking to develop and deploy process execution engines) but they are not the
conceptual “deep structure” of domain phenomena. Again, for the purpose of describing semantics of
the modeled domain (which would be the task of business or process analysts in earlier stages of an
IS development project), these constructs may be considered unnecessary. This situation has major
implications for process modeling practice, as our findings can be used to devise training courses or
modeling methodologies for the techniques with respect to various roles (e.g., business analyst vs.
technical analyst) or purposes (e.g., documenting business requirements vs. specifying system
requirements). Indeed, in the early stages of process modeling projects concerned with scoping,
documentation, and communication, our findings suggest that the proposed excess constructs should
be excluded from process modeling, perhaps via a related policy established in conventions
management. Again, our findings motivate further research in this area.

3.5. Construct Overload in Process Modeling Techniques

Construct overload occurs in situations in which a process modeling technique provides language
constructs that map to more than one BWW construct. This situation can be interpreted as causing
confusion in the interpretation of the respective modeling technique, as it provides language
constructs that appear to have multiple real-world meanings and, thus, can be used to describe
various real-world phenomena. These cases are undesirable, as they require users to bring to bear
knowledge external to the model in order to understand the capacity in which such a construct is used
in a particular scenario. The focus of this aspect is to identify the degree of overload (DoO) of a
process modeling technique, which serves as a further indication of its capability to provide clear
descriptions of the modeled domain (Weber, 1997). DoO can be measured relatively as the number
of language constructs found to have a mapping to more than one BWW construct (#O), divided by
the total number of constructs in the modeling technique (#T). For example, the Petri nets technique
has a place construct that can be used to represent a thing, class, or state. Hence, with respect to the
BWW representation model, Petri nets contain at least one theoretically overloaded construct out of a
total of seven language constructs.

Again, as with the discussion relating to redundancy of constructs, we consider here the same
situations of events and states being able to be represented as mutually exclusive sub-types of
events (internal/external, well-defined/poorly-defined) and states (stable/unstable) without being
considered overloaded.

The results of our comparison of the occurrences of construct overload in leading process modeling
techniques are illustrated in Table 4. The table shows each process modeling technique language
construct that has been found to have a mapping to more than one BWW construct.

It appears that process modeling techniques are quite diverse in their levels of construct overload.
For instance, the same deliberately flexible specification that affords Petri nets a considerably high
level of ontological completeness also results in extensive overload of constructs such as Place,
Place Capacity, and Transition. We also mentioned earlier the design for flexibility in terms of the
Lane and, to a lesser extent, Pool constructs in BPMN. Hence, the trade-off between flexible usage
(and, therefore, multiple meanings) and specification precision (and, therefore, intuitiveness due to
precise semantics) of modeling constructs appears to be a recurring pattern that must be managed by
designers in the development of modeling techniques. The BWW model facilitates the generation of
related propositions in that it advocates the clarity of a specification. In other words, our findings

349 Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 10 Issue 4 pp. 333-363 April 2009
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Table 4. Comparison of construct overload of process modeling techniques

on 1.01 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0
ar 1962 1992 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004
Proposed overloaded constructs

Place Function Type Binary Collaboration Connect Partners Lane

Place Capacity Event Type Model Pool

Transition Message Flow

Start Event

Intermediate Event

End Event





of 42.9 % 28.6 % 2.0 % 0.0 % 4.1 % 2.1 % 25.6 %

indicate that the extra effort required for specifying the representational capacity in which overloaded
constructs are used diminishes the ease with which these models can be built. Moreover, better
support for differentiating the multiple purposes for which these constructs can be used (e.g., by
adding additional graphical markers) would appear advisable. Another option is to clearly specify the
specific semantic capacity in which a construct in question is to be used. Both options can be
expected to lead to improved ease of process modeling.

Two other observations can be made from Table 4. First, both Petri nets and EPCs have a relatively
high degree of overload (43% and 29%, respectively), which may be explained by the restricted
number of language constructs overall (seven). Such flexibility is only seemingly an advantage and
can result in a model that users cannot easily interpret. Empirical findings from other related analyses
support this view such as findings in the case of BPMN (Recker et al., 2006). Second, BPML appears
to be the single technique under investigation not exhibiting construct overload. Therefore, it would
appear that modelers using this technique are not required to bring in extra model knowledge to the
modeling task, and we can further assume that the understandability of the resulting BPML models is
relatively high. Again, this question is an empirical one.

Similar to the identified implications related to construct redundancy, we see these deficits as
expressing demand for more research on convention management. Again, the identified deficiencies
require a choice on the part of the organizations adopting a process modeling technique. For
example, this situation is part of convention management, which has been largely neglected as a
focus of academic analysis. A related research stream could investigate how the complexity of
process modeling techniques can be reduced by leveraging features available in state-of-the-art
process visualization engines.

3.6. Consolidation and Synopsis

We seek now to provide a consolidated picture of the overall representational capability of the
analyzed techniques. In particular, we are interested in identifying the relationship between the
ontological completeness of the techniques (measured by the degree of completeness (DoC), viz.,
one minus the degree of deficit) and their ontological clarity. This relationship allows us to identify the
costs (in terms of the clarity – or lack thereof – of the technique specification) of obtaining a certain

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scope of coverage (measured by the degree of completeness) in a technique. Standardizing the

scope of coverage (i.e., the degree of completeness) across all techniques considered also allows us
to comparatively assess the associated representational costs of these techniques (i.e., their levels of
construct redundancy, excess, and overload). Accordingly, for each technique considered, we divided
DoR, DoE and DoO by DoC, and then calculated the average total factor score of these three
measures to obtain a relative “lack-of-clarity-to-coverage” measure. Table 5 presents the results in
decreasing order of the average lack-of-clarity-to-coverage ratio.

Table 5. Relative lack-of-clarity-to-coverage for process modeling techniques

Technique DoC DoR DoE DoO Average
(year) (DoR / (DoE / DoC) (DoO / DoC) ‘lack-of-
DoC) clarity-to-
15.69% 13.73% 1.96%
ebXML 1.01 72.41% (21.67%) (18.96%) (2.71%) 14.45%
31.91% 12.77% 2.13%
WS-BPEL 1.1 51.72% (61.70%) (24.69%) (4.12%) 30.17%
30.61% 18.37% 4.08%
WSCI 1.0 51.72% (59.18%) (35.52%) (7.89%) 34.20%
30.43% 28.26% 0.00%
BPML 1.0 34.48% (88.25%) (81.96%) (0.00%) 56.74%
28.57% 0.00% 42.86%
Petri nets 41.38% (69.04%) (0.00%) (103.58%) 57.54%
51.28% 38.46% 25.64%
BPMN 1.0 65.52% (78.27%) (58.70%) (39.13%) 58.70%
0.00% 42.86% 28.57%
EPC 37.93% (0.00%) (113.00%) (75.32%) 62.77%

Representation theory (Weber, 1997, p. 85) advocates that process modeling techniques should be
complete in their representation of real-world phenomena, viz., they should have as high a degree of
completeness as possible. Representation theory also states that process modeling techniques
should be clear in their capabilities to facilitate representations of real-world domains, viz., they
should have relatively low degrees of redundancy, excess, and overload. As Table 5 indicates,
however, this is not the case for all techniques.

A number of interesting insights can be derived in terms of the representational costs of process
modeling techniques (as measured by the clarity-of-coverage ratio). Clearly, the capability of ebXML
is closest to the general principles of representation theory, as its comparatively high degree of
completeness (72.41%) is complemented by low relative degrees of redundancy (DoR/DoC: 21.67%),
excess (DoE/DoC: 18.96%), and overload (DoO/DoC: 2.71%). Correspondingly, the average lack-of-
clarity-to-coverage is roughly 14.45%. This suggests that the use of ebXML not only enables
modelers to create reasonably complete descriptions of real-world domains but also relatively clear
descriptions with little complexity and ambiguity. The second most complete technique (DoC of
65.52%), BPMN, on the other hand, achieves relatively poor measures across all clarity aspects
when normalized (DoR/DoC: 78.27%; DoE/DoC: 58.70%; DoO/DoC: 39.13%). In sum, BPMN has an
average lack-of-clarity-to-coverage ratio of 58.70%, ranking second to last in the set of techniques
considered. Thus, the use of BPMN can be expected to lead to quite complete but potentially unclear
and ambiguous representations of real-world domains. Users of BPMN can expect to be required to
make extra efforts and bring knowledge external to the model when creating and interpreting BPMN
diagrams (the study in Recker et al., 2006 provides empirical support for this observation).

Overall, three clusters of techniques can be identified through perusal of Table 5. One set of
techniques, including ebXML, WS-BPEL, and WSCI, achieves good average costs-of-clarity because
their degrees of redundancy, excess, and overload are reasonably compensated by comparatively
high degrees of completeness. A second set of techniques, including Petri nets, EPC, and BPML, are
afforded relatively high costs-of-clarity. This situation is because their degrees of redundancy, excess,

351 Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 10 Issue 4 pp. 333-363 April 2009
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and overload, when normalized by DoC, are not compensated by a high degree of completeness.
Instead, the relative clarity decreases due to limited scope of coverage. A third set of techniques, viz.,
BPMN, would have been expected to achieve a reasonably high lack-of-clarity-to-coverage ratio due
to its high degree of completeness. The comparatively high degrees of lack-of-clarity (measured by
DoR, DoE, and DoO), however, overcompensate for the scope of coverage and lead to a
comparatively low lack-of-clarity-to-coverage ratio overall.

Two more interesting patterns can be observed from Table 5. First, some techniques, such as Petri
nets, exhibit low degrees of redundancy (28.57) and excess (0.00%) with high degrees of overload
(42.86%). The scope of coverage of these techniques is, thus, obtained through a rather restricted set
of language constructs, which, in turn, are subject to overload. From this observation, a technique
design principle emerges that advocates a process modeling technique specification with a minimal
set of language constructs that is very flexible in meaning and purpose. The use of such a technique
would, thus, not bear complexity due to a surplus of equivalent or excessive language constructs.
However, the resulting models may still be prone to understandability concerns, as the used language
constructs have, prima facie, multiple meanings in the model. As opposed to this situation, a second
set of techniques, such as BPML or WSCI, achieve a relatively low degree of overload (e.g., BPML:
0.00%) and higher degrees of redundancy (e.g., BPML: 30.43%) and excess (e.g., BPML: 28.26%).
The observable underlying technique design principle is a technique specification that offers an
extensive set of language constructs for modeling that, while being clear in specification (indicated by
a low degree of overload), are potentially redundant and/or excessive. Consequently, such
techniques achieve a certain scope of coverage through a multitude of constructs, which in turn,
prima facie, offer a great many choices for representing the real-world phenomena the user seeks to
describe. Such a design principle seems to be based on technique extension rather than revision and
clarification. Based on these observations, it would appear that earlier developed techniques (such as
Petri Nets or EPC) were frequently overloaded yet not excessive or redundant, which would indicate
that they were intended for a restricted set of modeling purposes. More recent techniques (such as
BPML, BPMN, or WSCI) appear to have been designed to fit a wider variety of process modeling
purposes beyond typical communication and requirements specification purposes. Also, more recent
process modeling techniques face the challenge of having to persuade existing user communities to
become adopters of the new technique (Recker and Dreiling, 2007). One means of enabling the
switch to a new technique could be to provide backward compatibility. In terms of process modeling
techniques, backward compatibility could entice designers to add to the stack of constructs already in
use, or to provide subtypes for existing constructs, rather than to revisit, amend, or potentially
eliminate constructs already in use. Both rationales — extended application purposes and backward
compatibility — are potential explanations for the notable rise of degrees of redundancy and excess in
recent process modeling techniques.

In conclusion, the consolidated overview of the representational capabilities of process modeling

techniques in Table 5 can be used to guide relevant stakeholders in the selection of an appropriate
process modeling technique. Based on preferences that stem from factors such as the modeling role
occupied by a modeling stakeholder (e.g., process modeler, model user, process modeling coach) or
the modeling purpose of the modeling initiative (e.g., to analyze a process, to document a process, to
improve a process), a technique that is potentially redundant in its use may or may not be favored
over a technique that is neither excessive nor redundant but overloaded. While the overall objective
of providing complete representations of real-world domains can be regarded as given, certain trade-
offs can be made with respect to the costs-of-clarity through which the desired scope of coverage can
be achieved. The investigation of such preferences and trade-offs, however, is outside the scope of
this paper and is designated as future work.

4. Contributions
This paper presents a comprehensive comparative study of previous representational analyses of
process modeling techniques, and includes the outcomes of our representational analyses of Petri
nets and BPMN. The findings show the common core constructs of process modeling techniques (for
example, transformation, properties, events) as well as their key differentiators (for example,

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subsystem, system environment, lawful state space). The findings also allow for conclusions to be
drawn about the signs of representational “goodness,” as measured by the degrees of completeness,
excess, overload and redundancy of process modeling techniques.
Our examination delivers a comprehensive picture of the capabilities of process modeling techniques.
Our findings can be used for a root cause analysis of some prevalent hurdles in current process
modeling practices, such as lack of support for process decomposition, integration with business rule
specification, and the development and management of organizational modeling conventions.

4.1. Implications for Practice

The outcomes of this study can be of interest to both developers and users of process modeling
techniques. Developers should be motivated to examine representational analyses of existing
process modeling techniques in order to build upon these techniques and mitigate any weaknesses in
newly developed or extended techniques. The results will also motivate users to consider ontological
completeness and ontological clarity as potential evaluation criteria for the selection of an appropriate
modeling technique.

Our findings suggest that the most recent process modeling techniques provide a rather wide scope
of coverage, indicated by their high degrees of completeness. This finding suggests that the
effectiveness and application of process modeling techniques, and process modeling, overall, has
been increasing over time and will hopefully continue to do so in future generations of modeling
techniques. Regarding the level of efficiency of process modeling, however, it appears that the
discipline is heading toward a widened scope of coverage that induces increased modeling
complexity, as indicated by the high degrees of overload, excess, and redundancy of more recent
techniques such as BPML or BPMN (see Table 5). For example, the upward trend of construct
redundancy from EPCs to ebXML, WS-BPEL, WSCI and BPMN (see Table 5) points to a design trend
that is based on technique extension rather than revision or deletion of language constructs. A recent
interview with the design team of the BPMN technique supports this proposition – the BPMN
developers stated specifically that it is far more common to add constructs in technique revisions than
it is to delete or replace them (Recker et al., 2007a). Our findings can be used to guide modeling
technique developers in their design efforts, as they provide a theoretical base from which relevant
design principles can be drawn. Developers can potentially counteract the indicated trend toward
technique complexity while still enabling sufficient domain coverage.

Across the four types of deficits that we analyzed in this paper, the identified representational
shortcomings appear to underlie many of the current issues in the practical application of process
modeling. While additional evidence is required to further examine the root causes of current process
modeling issues, our analysis suggests that a number of potential root causes for such issues may be
related to the deficiencies identified in current process modeling techniques. For example, while we
acknowledge that further proof is required to define system decomposition and process
decomposition shortcomings, our analysis indicates that overcoming deficits related to modeling
classes of things could potentially lead to better representational support for decomposition principles.
For instance, representational support many articulate things with different properties, such as
domestic vs. international invoices, A- vs. B-types of procurement goods, regular vs. first-class
costumers etc. Better support, in turn, may enable users to articulate faithfully composed models of
the domains in which processes operate. Such a solution could ultimately assist process modelers in
the design of multi-level process architectures, or of process variants for different involved things. The
identified deficits in depicting states appear to explain the limited exception handling capabilities as
well as the lack of support for modeling the history of process objects. This is an obvious obstacle to
achieving a better integration with business rule specification to comprehensively cover organizational
processes and related policies. A further limitation in the actual application of process modeling is the
challenge of adequate convention management. As our analysis showed, the increased construct
redundancy, overload and excess more recent process modeling techniques (see Table 5) made the
management of company-specific modeling conventions even more important. Our own anecdotal
examination of process modeling practice, however, indicates that this important aspect of process
modeling initiatives appears to be typically overlooked. Organizations should be motivated to address

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this critical challenge that has gained in significance because process modeling is utilized for a wide
variety of purposes today.

Last, the findings related to the availability of excess constructs in process modeling techniques can
inform process modeling practitioners about the type of constructs that should be provided at various
stages of a modeling project. For instance, managers in charge of modeling conventions can use the
findings to define a restricted set of process modeling technique constructs to be used in project
stages concerned with domain representation (e.g., scoping, documentation, and communication).

In addition to addressing these shortcomings, we further argue that our representational analysis has
the power to trigger innovative extensions of process models. An example is the design of context-
aware process models (Rosemann et al., 2008). Context-awareness, however, requires overcoming
current limitations with respect to modeling environmental system elements that are related to
processes. Envisaging better representational coverage, this move could lead to a more
comprehensive conceptual specification of a process including relevant contextual change drivers,
which ultimately will assist in process flexibility and change implementation.

4.2. Implications for Research

In addition to its practical merits, our work serves both as motivation and input to the extension of
process modeling-related research. In particular, the uncovered representational issues can trigger a
number of related design science efforts (Hevner et al., 2004) dedicated to improving and extending
current process modeling approaches such that some of the existing limitations can be counteracted.
The field of context-awareness in process management (Rosemann et al., 2008), the challenge of
process decomposition in large-scale initiatives (Raduescu et al., 2006), and the integration of
process with business rule specification (zur Muehlen and Indulska, 2009) are only three examples of
emerging IS research topics related to process modeling that can leverage the findings from our
analysis. In Table 6 we suggest some specific programs of research based on the findings reported in
this paper.

At present, little is known about process modeling practice and process modeling technique usage
overall. We believe that we have laid the groundwork for extensive empirical research into process
modeling practice. Some of the conjectures we derived from our conceptual analysis (e.g., the
question of redundant event and transformation articulations, the move toward conceptual
specification of process classes rather than instances, etc.) call for appropriate empirical research
strategies that further operationalize and test our propositions. In particular, future empirical research
could address the potential consequences of the deficiencies that have been discovered through our
analysis of the various techniques.

Furthermore, our findings serve as input to the question of the applicability of the BWW
representation model as a benchmark for analyses of process modeling techniques. Our analysis
showed that insights into the nature problems of current process modeling techniques can be
generated based on the premises of representation theory. The possible consequences for process
modeling we derived based on representation theory allow fellow colleagues to generate ideas and to
proceed and test empirically whether the consequences manifest in process modeling practice.

However, our analysis also indicates that there may be areas of the theory where further work is
needed, e.g., in the area of event and transformation specializations or in the handling of process
orchestration concepts such as parallel splits and exclusive routing. We have not considered the
specialization of these BWW model constructs in this paper; however, we perceive the findings
discussed here as highly relevant to such a discussion. And, indeed, a number of researchers have in
the recent past started to address some of the challenges we identified (e.g., Soffer et al., 2007; zur
Muehlen and Indulska, 2009).

We believe that further work is required on a theory of process and system decomposition. Similar to
the work on faithful decomposition of object-oriented systems (Burton-Jones and Meso, 2006), more

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research is needed to understand how processes and process-oriented systems can be decomposed
on the basis of the principles of representation theory.

Table 6. Advocated programs of research

Area Description
Process Process decomposition is a vital element in large-scale initiatives. Current
decomposition techniques provide little support for breaking down complex scenarios
into smaller, manageable models. Representation theory stipulates
principles of good decomposition (Wand and Weber, 1990; Burton-Jones
and Meso, 2006) that can be used to provide better modeling support for
large-scale process initiatives.
Process and Little work has been done to understand the synergies and overlap
Business rule between using business rule specification vs. process modeling for the
specification documentation of organizational policies and procedures. Based on the
representational capabilities of process modeling techniques and
business rule specification techniques, the relationship between the two
modeling types can be researched to allow organizations to maximize
synergies and reduce their modeling efforts.
Differentiating the Further research could be carried out to provide a differentiation of
act of modeling process modeling into the conceptual, logical, and physical stages of
from domain modeling, similar to the data modeling discipline. Currently, techniques
representation provide a variety of constructs that are relevant only to certain stages of a
modeling project (e.g., only at process documentation stages, or only at
process implementation stages). Following the premise of construct
excess, research could examine which domain representation constructs
should be provided at which stage of modeling, and which constructs are
required to support the act of modeling at a later, more implementation-
oriented stage of modeling.
Context-awareness Little research has focused on the extrinsic drivers in the environmental
setting of a process that, in light of changes and perturbations, require
processes to adapt to the new situation. Current process modeling
techniques only capture the reactive, intrinsic part of process flexibility,
but lack contextualization, i.e., the stimulus for change. Representational
support for conceptualizing the system and environment in which a
process is embedded can be a starting point for the specification of
context-aware and truly agile processes.
Conventions The increased number of application areas for process modeling, and the
management increasing complexity of process modeling techniques, induce a strong
need for organizational policies and guidelines for managing this
complexity in process initiatives. Virtually no research yet exists that taps
into procedural guidelines (the process of process modeling), the
requirements of process modeling for different application areas and
stakeholder groups, or the impact of layout and naming conventions on
process model understandability (let alone project success).

4.3. Limitations
We identify four limitations in our research. Most notably, we based our study on previous
representational analyses that have been conducted by different researchers. We are aware that the
actual process of conducting a representational analysis is subject to the interpretations of the
researcher (Rosemann et al., 2004). Therefore, we spent considerable effort to make the individual
mapping results comparable. Second, we limited the considered representational analyses to studies
based on the BWW representation model, which, in turn, constrained the generalization of the results
and also the number of techniques we were able to consider. The BWW model provides a filtering
lens that gives insights into potential representational issues with a modeling technique. Yet, we are

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very much aware that ontological completeness and clarity are not the only relevant criteria for the
evaluation of the capabilities of a modeling technique, and they need to be put into an overall context
of other measures of modeling technique quality. For instance, cognitive aspects need to be taken
into consideration when seeking to examine the effects of lack of ontological completeness or clarity
on a user working with a modeling technique (e.g., Gemino and Wand, 2005). To that end, empirical
work needs to be conducted to test predictions resulting from the evaluation of modeling techniques
to determine whether deficiencies actually have consequences or not.

Third, we limited our research to ten previously analyzed process modeling techniques, adding to this
the analysis of Petri nets and BPMN to have a more complete picture. While we cannot claim that the
selected sample is complete, we believe it is representative of the most popular techniques. This
finding can be supported by earlier surveys (Davies et al., 2006). The smaller scope also enables us
to focus our work and to avoid having to translate findings from different theoretical bases. Fourth, our
research denotes a form of analytical study, which can only result in theoretical propositions. The
findings call for appropriate empirical research strategies in order to confirm or falsify the implications
drawn from our analysis. However, as one of our contributions, we have developed some conjectures
based on our findings that require further operationalization and testing. We invite other researchers
to also contribute in this field of study.

We would like to thank the editors and reviewers of CAiSE 2006 who provided stimulating feedback
on an earlier version of this paper. We would also like to thank Yair Wand and the JAIS review team
for their comments that assisted significantly in improving this paper.

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Appendix 1. Constructs in the BWW Representation Model, grouped by cluster. Adapted
from [Weber, 1997] with minor modifications
BWW Construct Cluster Description and Explanation
Things including properties and types of A thing is the elementary unit in the BWW model. The real world is made up of things. Two or more things
(composite or simple) can be associated into a composite thing.
PROPERTY Things possess properties. A property is modeled via a function that maps the thing into some value. For
example, the attribute 뱖 eight? represents a property that all humans possess . In this regard, weight is an
in general attribute standing for a property in general. If we focus on the weight of a specific individual, we would be
in particular concerned with a property in particular. A property of a composite thing that belongs to a component thing
hereditary is called a hereditary property. Otherwise it is called an emergent property. Some properties are inherent
properties of individual things. Such properties are called intrinsic. Other properties are properties of pairs

emergent or many things. Such properties are called mutual. Non-binding mutual properties are those properties
intrinsic shared by two or more things that do not "make a difference" to the things involved; e.g. order relations or
non-binding mutual equivalence relations. By contrast, binding mutual properties are those properties shared by two or more
things that do "make a difference" to the things involved. Attributes are the names that we use to
binding mutual represent properties of things.
CLASS A class is a set of things that can be defined via their possessing a single property.

KIND A kind is a set of things that can be defined only via their possessing two or more common properties.

STATE The vector of values for all property functions of a thing is the state of the thing.
States assumed by things

The set of all states that the thing might ever assume is the conceivable state space of the thing.
LAWFUL STATE SPACE The lawful state space is the set of states of a thing that comply with the state laws of the thing.
A state law restricts the values of the properties of a thing to a subset that is deemed lawful because of
natural laws or human laws.
A stable state is a state in which a thing, subsystem, or system will remain unless forced to change by
virtue of the action of a thing in the environment (an external event).
An unstable state is a state that will be changed into another state by virtue of the action of
transformations in the system.
HISTORY The chronologically-ordered states that a thing traverses in time are the history of the thing.

EVENT A change in state of a thing is an event.

The event space of a thing is the set of all possible events that can occur in the thing.
Events and transformations occurring on things

LAWFUL EVENT SPACE The lawful event space is the set of all events in a thing that are lawful.
An external event is an event that arises in a thing, subsystem, or system by virtue of the action of some
EXTERNAL EVENT thing in the environment on the thing, subsystem, or system.
An internal event is an event that arises in a thing, subsystem, or system by virtue of lawful transformations
in the thing, subsystem, or system.
A well-defined event is an event in which the subsequent state can always be predicted given that the prior
state is known.
POORLY DEFINED A poorly-defined event is an event in which the subsequent state cannot be predicted given that the prior
EVENT state is known.
TRANSFORMATION A transformation is a mapping from one state to another state.
A lawful transformation defines which events in a thing are lawful. The stability condition specifies the
TRANSFORMATION states that are allowable under the transformation law. The corrective action specifies how the values of
stability condition the property functions must change to provide a state acceptable under the transformation law.
corrective action
ACTS ON A thing acts on another thing if its existence affects the history of the other thing.

COUPLING Two things are said to be coupled (or interact) if one thing acts on the other. Furthermore, those two things
are said to share a binding mutual property (or relation).
binding mutual property
A set of things is a system if, for any bi-partitioning of the set, couplings exist among things in the two
Systems structured around things

SYSTEM COMPOSITION The things in the system are its composition.

Things that are not in the system but interact with things in the system are called the environment of the
The set of couplings that exist among things within the system, and among things in the environment of the
SYSTEM STRUCTURE system and things in the system is called the structure.
A subsystem is a system whose composition and structure are subsets of the composition and structure of
another system.
A decomposition of a system is a set of subsystems such that every component in the system is either one
SYSTEM of the subsystems in the decomposition or is included in the composition of one of the subsystems in the
DECOMPOSITION decomposition.
A level structure defines a partial order over the subsystems in a decomposition to show which subsystems
are components of other subsystems or the system itself.

361 Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 10 Issue 4 pp. 333-363 April 2009
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Appendix 2. Mapping results from the representational analyses of Petri nets and
BWW Construct Cluster Petri nets Construct BPMN Construct

THING Place Lane, Pool

Things including properties and types of

In General Attributes of Pools, Attributes of Lanes
In Particular

Mutual: Non-binding
Mutual: Binding
CLASS Place Lane, Data Object


STATE Place, Initial Marking, Token

States assumed by things

STATE LAW Place Capacity
Place Capacity

UNSTABLE STATE Place, Initial Marking, Token

Start Event, Intermediate Event, End Event,
EVENT Transition Message, Timer, Error, Cancel, Compensation,
Events and transformations occurring on things

Start Event, Intermediate Event, End Event,
Message, Timer, Error, Cancel, Compensation
Start Event, Intermediate Event, End Event,
INTERNAL EVENT Transition Message, Error, Cancel, Compensation,
Transition Compensation, End Event
POORLY-DEFINED Message, Timer, Error, Cancel, Terminate,
EVENT Start Event, Intermediate Event
Activity, Task, Collapsed Sub-Process,
TRANSFORMATION Transition Expanded Sub-Process, Nested Sub-Process,

LAWFUL Default Flow, Uncontrolled Flow, Exception

Stability Condition Arc weight Rule, Conditional Flow

Corrective Action ‘Exception Task’, Compensation Activity

ACTS ON Arc Message Flow

COUPLING Message Flow

SYSTEM Pool, Lane

Systems structured around

SYSTEM Pool, Lane

SYSTEM Pool, Lane

SYSTEM Pool, Lane

Link, Off-Page Connector, Gateway Types,

Association Flow, Text Annotation, Group,
Construct excess Activity, Looping, Multiple Instances, Normal
Flow, Event (super type), Gateway (super

Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 10 Issue 4 pp. 333-363 April 2009 362
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About the Authors

Dr. Jan Recker is Senior Lecturer at the Information Systems Program at Queensland University of
Technology Brisbane, Australia. He received a BScIS and MScIS from the University of Muenster,
Germany, and a PhD in Information Systems from Queensland University of Technology. His research
interests include BPM Standards, User-centered Systems Analysis and Design, Process Flexibility
and Post-Adoptive Usage. Findings from his research have been published in journals such as
Information Systems, the Communications of the Association for Information Systems, the
Australasian Journal of Information Systems, the Business Process Management Journal, and others.

Dr. Michael Rosemann is full Professor and co-leader of the Business Process Management Group
at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Dr Rosemann’s research interests
are Business Process Management, Conceptual Modeling and Enterprise Systems. He is the Chief
investigator of a number of research projects funded by the Australian Research Council and industry
partners. Dr Rosemann's publications have appeared in journals such as MIS Quarterly, European
Journal of Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
data Engineering, and Information System. He is the author and editor of six books and has been the
General Chair of the International Business Process Management Conference in 2007.

Dr. Marta Indulska is Senior Lecturer at the UQ Business School, The University of Queensland. She
obtained her PhD in Computer Science at the University of Queensland in 2004. Marta's main
research interests lie in the domains of conceptual modeling, Business Process Management, and
Compliance Management. In particular, her current research interests focus on the representation of
business rules and the analysis and improvement of process modeling techniques. Her work has
appeared in journals such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, Information
Systems, Decision Support Systems, and Data & Knowledge Engineering.

Dr. Peter Green is Professor of Electronic Commerce and Business Information Systems cluster leader
in the UQ Business School at the University of Queensland. He has qualifications in Computer Science,
Accounting, and a PhD in Commerce (Information Systems) from the University of Queensland. He has
worked during his career as the Systems Support Manager at the South-East Queensland Electricity
Board (SEQEB), for a Chartered Accountancy firm, and a Queensland government department. He has
researched, presented, and published widely on systems analysis and design, conceptual modelling,
information systems auditing, and eCommerce. His publications have appeared in such
internationally refereed journals as Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data
Engineering, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Journal of Database Management, and the Australian
Journal of Information Systems.

Copyright © 2009, by the Association for Information Systems. Permission to make digital or hard
copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice
and full citation on the first page. Copyright for components of this work owned by others than the
Association for Information Systems must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy
otherwise, to republish, to post on servers for commercial use, or to redistribute to lists requires prior
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363 Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 10 Issue 4 pp. 333-363 April 2009
ISSN: 1536-9323

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