General Guidelines For: Design Engineering
General Guidelines For: Design Engineering
General Guidelines For: Design Engineering
FAQs 15
References 17
On 2nd February, 2012 (The first cohort of 4-year degree engineering students graduated out
in May 2012.), GTU started the process of updating its syllabi. Being the most Innovative and
largest University of India, GTU always tries to cope up with all latest trends in Innovation,
Entrepreneurship and Technological advancement. In this regard, GTU has introduced a
creative and interactive practical approach in its syllabi named “Design Engineering” in AY
2014-15. Design Engineering is very unique and pioneering initiation of GTU based on
globally accepted and implemented techniques by designers and engineers called “Design
Thinking”. One of the key objectives of this initiation is to infuse the Design Thinking mind-
set into engineers of future with pervading the methodology into core subjects also. It is a
first of its kind initiation in the Indian Education System (In process branches such as
Chemical Engineering and IT, one uses the term ‘Project-based Learning’ for a similar idea).
Four modules, in Design Spine, have been introduced from 3rd to 6th semester in every
branch of the engineering curriculum of its all affiliating colleges across the Gujarat State.
To move a step forward in this direction, GTU’s Centre for Industrial Design (OPEN DESIGN
SCHOOL) has conducted a series of Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) to sensitize the
Design Driven Innovation for Faculty Members of various colleges and created different
frameworks/Canvases so that students can better learn the subject. So far, 36 FDPs have
been organized centrally at GTU till date, in which more than 2200 faculty members have
been trained for Design Thinking methodologyfrom around 125 Engineering colleges across
the states from more than 15 branches. Further one International conference and one
National Symposium have been organized by GTU to map the progress of the initiation as
well as to know the ground reality at the colleges by inviting academia, industry and policy
makers oncommonplatform, the very basic idea of these two events was to strengthen the
course by applying global practices in Design Thinking to achieve “Make in India” & “Start-
up India” initiatives of Honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi.
Test Empathy
Prototype Ideation
Domain Empathy
•Intro to Design Thinking Identification •AEIOU Framework •Define the Problem
methodology •Role Playing Statement based on
•Importance •Select your area of •Identify empathy of User
interest for design •Interview Unarticulated/Unmet
•Design Process •And many more •Right problem leads
project needs of User you to right solution
•Design Elements •Branch specific or methods available •Pleasure and Pain
General domain points
Design Thinking •Story telling Define Design
- Intro Problem
Mind Mapping
Design Thinking is
SCAMPER tool Convergent process
Product Concept
• Revalidation Development •Very early & rough Finalization •Multiple ideas/solutions
prototype for problem
• Reject • Functions • After combining
•Made up of paper, •Refine the problem
• Redesign • Features cardboard, thermocole and refining, finally statement with possible
• Retain etc. whichever material select the concept solutions
• User Expereince •Opportunity mapping
is available for your problem
• Components
Customer Dirty statement
Feedback Ideation
Fail fast to
succeed faster
Please refer next page for further process…….
The objective of using whole Design Thinking process in every semester and repeating it
again and again is to master the process so that irrespective of the problem and domain,
after study in their professional carrier, students would solve the problems easily
irrespective of domain as they would have mastered the process.By saying this, University
wants that the students will learn the process properly and focus on details of every stage.
The final outcome of the project is one of the important and desired evaluation criteria, but
one should also celebrate the failure. So we suggest the students that you should only focus
on the process of Design Thinking and do not worry about the final outcome, you can always
iterate and modify your concept at every stage. If one would follow the process accurately
then outcome would be definitely precise.
During their Bachelor of Engineering, students are learning the various principles and
aspects of engineering, through this Design Engineering course, university wants to
inculcate Design Mind-set/Attitude in the students so that students can use their
engineering/technical knowledge to create better solutions. Students and faculty members
need to relate the core subjects topics of respective semester and branch with their Design
Engineering projects as one of the key objectives of this initiation is to infuse the Design
Thinking mind-set into engineers of future with pervading the methodology into core
subjects also.
Post-graduate Research Centre for Industrial Design
This course is meant for beginners. The course is designed to initiate Design Thinking
understanding for the 3rd semester students.
The course aims to expose the students to the basic process and framework of Design
Thinking and relevant tools & techniques for Creativity & Innovation.
Course Contents
This Course is designed to give very basic understanding of the Design Thinking
methodology. The content is divided into week-wise activities to better understand the
course and give enough time to all the learning parts of it, but depending upon the type and
nature of projects, students and guide may re-schedule the activities. In Design Engineering
– 1A, student will select very basic and small, individual or team project. This project would
be from very general topic/domain like designing something for
yourself/parents/Teacher/Friends. Whole class may select single project topic or similar
topic in different small groupsto have healthy competition among the class. This kind of
basic project would give good understanding of Design Thinking process. In this module
student will use whole Design Thinking process as shown above to complete their projects
but here the learning objective or focus would be on Observation or Empathy process. So
students need to give more time to these phases and then reach up to the rough prototype
This is a revision course designed for those who have undergone the fundamentals of design
thinking process in 3rd semester.
The course aims to validate the learnings from the understanding design thinking course by
translating the concepts into exercises. Here branch specific topics need to be selected by
students and refine their learning for Design Thinking phases.
Course Contents
In the 3rd semester, students have learnt the basic Design Thinking methodology in DE-1A
and undergone the phases of the same with necessary tools and techniques. In 3rd
semester, if students have worked upon general topic/domain irrespective of their branch,
now in 4th semester they need to select branch specific existing artefact/component for
Reverse Engineering aspect and modify/redesign it as per the User’s needs using Design
Thinking. So that students will work on branch specific design projects and they would relate
all stages/phases of Design Engineering with their regular core subjects of particular branch
in further semester/s as one of the key objectives of Design Engineering subject is to absorb
Design Thinking approach into core engineering subject for practical learning. In this module
also whole Design Thinking process will be used by students, but more emphasis on Ideation
and initial Product Development phase.
Post-graduate Research Centre for Industrial Design
This is a mid-level course designed for those who have undergone the fundamentals of
design thinking process in 2nd year.
The course aims to validate the learnings from the understanding design thinking course by
translating the concepts into exercises. In this module, students will work upon community
based projects to validate their learning of Design Thinking process.
Course Contents
Students have learnt the fundamentals of Design Thinking methodology in 2nd year and
successfully gone through the process twice while working on general as well as branch
specific topics. Now in 5th and 6th semester students need to work on community/society
based project and need to use whole design thinking process. Here in 5th semester
emphasis will be on Observation, Empathy and Ideation; while in 6 th semester emphasis will
be on product development, detail design, prototyping and validation of the solutions in real
environment. At this stage, it is essential to identify parameters and check five basic design
principles viz. 1) Technical, 2) Ergonomics, 3) Aesthetics, 4) Cost and 5) Environment keeping
System Approach in mind. Designing something new involves several iterations on different
stages/ components/ aspects. Before investing further resources in terms of time/ money/
manpower it is important to strengthen these five principles to advance for novelty. It will
include several rigorous iterative efforts to make final product/process.
This is anadvance level course designed for those who have undergone the fundamentals of
design thinking process.
The course aims to validate the learnings from the understanding design thinking course by
translating the concepts into exercises. In this module, student will continue their work from
5th semester on Community based project and complete the Design Thinking cycle with
emphasis onproduct development, detail design, prototyping and validation of the solutions
in real environment.
Course Contents
Students have started community based projects and successfully gone through the process
of Observation, Empathy and Ideation in 5th semester. Now in 6th semester they will
continue their work from Ideation to product development, detail design, prototyping and
validation of the solutions in real environment.All students’ team need to work towards
final prototype and then test it in real environment. Final working model with YouTube
video link is required for this module.
In the 6th semester, student’s team will validate their concept and detailed design part with
reference to (1) Modelling and Analysis of their design (2) Prototyping and sequential
iteration of concepts, (3) Engineering Economics of Design, (4) Design for Use, Reuse and
Sustainability and (5) Test the prototype and additionally students will also learn topic like
(6) Ethics in Design.
What are the objectives or goals of GTU behind the introduction of this subject? Or Why
Design Engineering subject is introduced in curriculum?
An Engineer must be a problem solver. Keeping this thought in mind, GTU
introduced this Design Engineering course with ultimate goal of providing innovative
environment so that students can develop the mind-set to identify right problem and
then its solution.
The other important objective of University is to infuse the Design Thinking
knowledge to various core subjects of the particular branch to have pedagogical
innovation in Education System.
Also to cease the copy-paste type projects.
Learn the practical skills that are required in industry now-a-days.
What are the expectations of the industry today from their engineering staff?
Industries expect to hire an engineer who should have multidisciplinary knowledge,
who is a problem solver not only process manager. They require an engineer who
can work effectively in team, have hands-on experience and who are ready to
change or inculcate new things/knowledge/technology – an open minded personnel.
The objective of the Design Engineering course is to enhance the thinking ability and
change the mind-set of an engineering graduate in positive manner. What kind of
environment inside college should it be?
Creativity is inherent, but of course it would be enhanced by providing and creating
right environment for the students. For Design Thinking learning an open minded
environment in terms of type of projects, branch, skills, team size should be created
within institutions.
Concept note for GTU’s - Centre for Industrial Design (OPEN Design School)
Report on National Symposium on Role of Design in Make in India and Start up India: