fredric jameson
Stalingrad is like a painting that cannot be observed from close up, but from
which one must step back in order to do it full justice.
—Joseph Goebbels
[ i ]
one of what the formalists called ostranenie, different consideration cutting across all of
or defamiliarization (estrangement), in which them—namely, the suspicion that war is ulti-
a stereotype is dismantled and brought before mately unrepresentable—and by an attention
us in all its nameless freshness and horror. to the various forms the impossible attempt
Whether this is an essentially modernist op- to represent it may have taken.
eration or, on the contrary, something all the As for the narrative variants, which seem
realisms are by definition called on to do is a to me to hold for film as much as for the
question we will for the moment leave open. novel, I enumerate eight of them: (1) the ex-
Still, it suggests that there exists some istential experience of war, (2) the collective
stereotype of war for such passages to defa- experience of war, (3) leaders, officers, and
miliarize and that there must then also be the institution of the army, (4) technology, (5)
representations of war that are content to con- the enemy landscape, (6) atrocities, (7) attack
firm the stereotype. Indeed, one often has the on the homeland, and (8) foreign occupa-
feeling that all war novels (and war films) are tion. The final category does not include the
pretty much the same and have few enough related subject matter of spies and espionage
surprises for us, even though their situations (now largely settled into a generic category of
may vary. In practice, we can enumerate its own); nor does it exhaust the phenomenon
some seven or eight situations, which more of guerrilla warfare, from the current United
or less exhaust the genre. If so, and despite States occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan
experience that confirms this opinion, this all the way back to the Vendée and indeed
would be an astonishing fact, given the radi- to the earliest institutionalization of armies:
cal changes in warfare historians document for guerrilla warfare—the result of uneven
since the hand-to-hand combat in the plains development and of the incursion of an “ad-
before Troy (Hegel’s prototype of that human vanced” mode of production into an “under-
and unalienated form, the epic, as opposed to developed” one—can also offer the prototype
the modern “prose of the world,” denatured of war itself and not its savage exception.
by money, commerce, and industry): there is Yet these very exclusions suggest a different
then, marked by technological advances (gun- way of cutting across the plot types, for the
powder, machine guns and tanks, aircraft, typical events of foreign occupation (and of
unmanned cybernetic weaponry), a whole pe- espionage, for that matter) take us back to in-
riodization of structural changes in warfare stitutions and to the state as actor and agency,
and its accompanying strategies that needs while the horror of guerrilla warfare (whether
to be combined with the narrative typologies urban or rural) seems rather to lie in the un-
we are about to enumerate and to examine in identifiability of its actors, who emerge from
more detail. Add to this complication a pe- their surroundings without warning and just
riodization of properly aesthetic modes and as unexpectedly disappear again.
transformations (allegory, realism, modern- What may prove most helpful here, then,
ism, postmodernism), and we confront a is Kenneth Burke’s “dramatistic pentad,”
combination scheme of no little complexity which differentiates between act, agent, agency,
that may strike us ultimately as serving less purpose, and scene as so many distinct media
to explain these representations than simply through which the narrative material can be
to classify them. But perhaps such possibili- focused. To use a more structural terminol-
ties, which account for the organization of the ogy, we may say that each of Burke’s catego-
notes that follow into a sampling of exhibits ries constitutes a different kind of dominant
rather than a unified and systematic theory, and thereby produces a somewhat different
may be reduced and simplified by the rather projection of the material, it being understood
1534 War and Representation [ P M L A
that there is no correct or true, photographi- film Il mestiere delle armi (2001), on the devel-
cally accurate rendering of such multidimen- opment of artillery in the sixteenth century.
sional realities. Still, narrative semiotics, by The first category of war narrative, that
identifying Burke’s first three categories with of the existential experience of war—which
one another—an act always somehow imply- has its classical literary realization in Stephen
ing an agent and the agent in turn implying Crane’s Red Badge of Courage (1895)—most
an agency—suggests a different ordering of often expresses the fear of death and, a some-
these perspectives, in which purpose some- what different thing, death anxiety: as such,
how withdraws (as a feature of interpretation although this category is surely the quintes-
rather than of representation), while scene sential form the representation of war takes
emerges as a new element in its own right: in in most people’s minds, its content (personal
scene, the anthropomorphic is eclipsed and danger, decisions and hesitations, contin-
some new and as yet unrecognizable narra- gency, apprenticeship) can be transferred to
tive reality comes into view. For the act and other generic frameworks. War then becomes
its accompanying actantial categories always the laboratory in which, like the bullring for
presuppose a name, and thereby a preexisting Ernest Hemingway, such experiences are
concept of the event identified (as already with most unfailingly aroused and observed. Yet
the word war), while action and agency seem it tends toward the bildungsroman to the de-
to be determined in advance by this or that in- gree to which it is generally a question of a
stitutionalized and organized agent. young and inexperienced soldier, whom the
Scene, however, remains unnamed at this experience does not leave untouched.
level of narrative complexity, becoming con- With the collective focus, everything
crete in the course of the representation. Spati- changes; yet here also we find ourselves in the
ality is only one possible dimension of scene, to presence of a content fully interchangeable
which anthropomorphic elements are subordi- with several other familiar and well-defined
nated in unaccustomed and estranged ways. genres, which call the generic specificity of
Technology, meanwhile, as alienated and the war film back into question. For the col-
reified human labor and energy, is always a lective war story turns on the interaction of
slippery category, moving back and forth be- various character types apparently gathered
tween allegory and external (or proto-natural) at random. The experience is the national one,
doom yet sometimes also celebrated as the of universal conscription as the first occasion
triumph of human inventiveness and an ex- in which men from different social classes are
pression of human action (or its prosthetic ex- thrown together, at least until the public high
tension). It wanders across all our tale types, school dramas of more recent memory. In the
sometimes organizing their periodization Europe of emergent nationalism, the experi-
(as I suggest above), sometimes generating a ence was called on to level the old regional
uniquely nightmarish experience, as in the cultures (Sicily, Brittany) and to standardize
terror and panic aroused by the appearance of language and the state’s claims of authority—
the first tanks at the Battle of the Somme in to encourage discipline, obedience, and recog-
World War I or by the V-2 rockets in that war’s nition of the national system. American war
sequel. Yet technology is truly the apotheosis films, taking class difference for granted and
of a properly modernist teleology, a direct line only gradually absorbing racial difference,
from the slingshot to the megaton bomb, as found their originality psychologically, in the
Theodor W. Adorno put it. Each innovation is typology of personalities thrown together in a
also the same in its embodiment of radical dif- group (or war machine). The intelligent upper-
ference: witness Ermanno Olmi’s wonderful class figure, the sociopath, the weakling, the
124.5 ] Fredric Jameson 1535
bully, the fixer, the jokester, the trickster, the to nostalgia for the family by way of collective
Don Juan, the ethnic type (generally southern envy of the southern European clan system).
European; but a black man, a Chicano, or a Thus, what both war films (of the collec-
Native American gradually follows), the reli- tive buddy type) and caper films abstract from
gious fundamentalist, the nice guy, the nerd: and yet dramatize in their own specific generic
the list is endless, but the combinations—that ways is the division of labor itself: each of the
is to say, the fundamental dramatic conflicts character types stands for a certain compe-
and clashes—are probably statistically limited tence, something brought out much more
and certainly generically predictable. strongly in the caper films, where each charac-
The crucial thing about this collective sys- ter is selected for a specific specialty. The small
tem is that it is itself the abstraction of some- or micro group is the Deleuzian nomadic
thing else. We may focus the action in terms war machine, literally or figuratively—that is
of male bonding or the psychology of hierar- to say, an image of the collective without the
chical institutions, with the problem of au- state and beyond reified institutions. Still,
thority figures (incompetent, psychotic, etc.) such “groups-in-f usion,” as Jean-Paul Sartre
added later on. The first versions of the form calls them in The Critique of Dialectical Rea-
emerge in what we may call a prefeminist son, become forerunners of the institutional as
world, and certainly the absence of women such as they ossify. Indeed, when the peace-
is a significant structural part of the form— time army (or indeed the police force, in cur-
later women will be admitted as yet another rent procedurals) comes into its own mode of
variation on the male character types—but representation, it is rather bureaucracy whose
the crucial feature here is the absence of the epic is sung before us (without being named as
family and of peacetime, indeed of wage la- such, except in socialist realism), and the col-
bor. This is why a juxtaposition with the heist lective structure of the nomads is appropriated
or caper film is so interesting: for in this last for the celebration of the state. Both are after-
we find the same abstract structure, the same images of the social, and we make a more pro-
variety of character types and their clashes, ductive use of Gilles Deleuze when we grasp
the same as it were sealed social world, but his dualism as an alternating possibility and
in which the legitimacy of the institution realize that libidinal investment in the nomads
of the army and the declaration of war has can be no less reprehensible (but also no more
been stripped away, yielding a different kind so) than libidinal investment in the state.
of defamiliarization, where the overall aim As for the third category, that of leaders
of the collective action is not even war aims and institutions, it initiates a shift of grav-
(defeating the enemy, defending freedom, or ity toward the exterior of the experience of
some other such socially plausible motive) war, whether individual or collective, for the
but rather simply money itself—the ultimate officers are ordinarily as much a part of the
abstraction, the ultimate “axiomatic” emp- soldier’s external environment as the enemy
tied of concrete content. Yet the absence of itself; and are indeed equally often objectified
wage labor or commodified labor is here re- into what gets identified as the bureaucracy or
tained; and as in many other kinds of crime the state. Initially, however, such characters
films, there is a utopian overtone in which the furnished the staple of the older chronicle his-
characters live in a disalienated world and in tory, with its great men and world-historical
which activity is akin to play (I have else- figures—what Georg Lukács assigns to the
where tried to show that these utopias can be potentialities of the stage, as in Schiller’s Wal-
invested with very different valences: for ex- lenstein, Strindberg’s Gustavus Adolfus, or
ample, the Mafia film quintessentially appeals Shakespeare’s war-riddled history plays (and
1536 War and Representation [ P M L A
the shorthand German imitations that come given, but that Prince Bagratión tried to make
out of them, like Goethe’s Goetz von Berlich- it appear that everything done by necessity,
ingen or even dramas of Kleist and Büchner). by accident, or by the will of subordinate
This is, on one traditional yet rather narrow commanders was done, if not by his direct
acceptation of the term, the place of politics command, at least in accord with his inten-
tions. Prince Andrew noticed, however, that
as such; and it cannot be doubted that the
though what happened was due to chance
various populist representations of the sim-
and was independent of the commander’s
ple soldier and the common man in uniform
will, owing to the tact Bagratión showed, his
are dialectically later than these less and less presence was very valuable. Officers who ap-
glorious figures striding about the stage and proached him with disturbed countenances
vocalizing their decisions, with or without a became calm; soldiers and officers greeted
note of human, all-too-human pathos. him gaily, grew more cheerful in his pres-
Tolstoy’s notorious loathing for Napoléon ence, and were evidently anxious to display
is in that sense merely the other face of his their courage before him. (163)
hero-worshipping portrayal of the uniquely
Russian bluffness and acumen of Kutuzov, This pretense of freedom in the face of neces-
a historical figure Tolstoy himself had not sity, however, pales in comparison with the
many years before this characterized as “sen- criminality of the officers’ decisions in World
sual, cunning and unfaithful”—just as he had War I, so memorably exemplified in Stanley
in earlier times called such patriotism “a fairy Kubrick’s Paths of Glory (1968); and it is to be
tale which aroused national feeling” (Eikhen- remarked at this point that many mass cul-
baum 149, 144). Perhaps the classic defamiliar- tural genres—the police procedural, the spy
ization of the “great general” comes closer to novel—end up turning less on the pursuit of
Tolstoy’s representation of “world-historical” the enemy or the official Other than they do
decision making and his inveterate resistance on their own institutional framework, with its
to it (a stance to which we owe the concluding ineffective and ill-informed command system
“theory of history” in War and Peace): and internal subversion, by moles and double
or triple agents.
But at that moment an adjutant galloped up Perhaps the abstract theoretical debates
with a message from the commander of the
on strategy and tactics are relevant here in
regiment in the hollow and news that immense
a new and more formal way: the debate on
masses of the French were coming down upon
them and that his regiment was in disorder the influence of Carl von Clausewitz, for ex-
and was retreating upon the Kiev grenadiers. ample. His notion of war as a duel is as an-
Prince Bagratión bowed his head in sign of thropomorphic as the conceptions of Hegel
assent and approval. He rode off at a walk to or Homer, his notion of the decisive final bat-
the right and sent an adjutant to the dragoons tle is a thoroughly narrative one (which has
with orders to attack the French. But this adju- wrongly been criticized for omitting the very
tant returned half an hour later with the news different dynamic of guerrilla warfare), and
that the commander of the dragoons had al- even the famous maxim of war as the con-
ready retreated beyond the dip in the ground,
tinuation of politics by other means is a way
as a heavy fire had been opened on him and he
of translating warfare and its specialized per-
was losing men uselessly, and so had hastened
to throw some sharpshooters into the wood. sonnel back into more familiar peacetime and
Prince Andrew listened attentively to civilian realities amenable to the techniques
Bagratión’s colloquies with the commanding of the more conventional realist novel.
officers and the orders he gave them and, to Behind all such discussions lies a narra-
his surprise, found that no orders were really tological problem and a challenge to anthro-
124.5 ] Fredric Jameson 1537
of human actions and characters, which ques- way that humans acknowledge the primacy of
tions whether such possibilities are not alto- scene, just as maps are another.
gether obsolete in the age of nuclear weapons, This category abolishes or suspends the
drones, and suicide bombers. These debates distinction between the enemy’s landscape
are waged back and forth across history by and our own, the latter no less fraught with
generals and commanders, dictators (in an- peril than some unknown, hostile terrain.
cient and modern senses), and other war Here the great hand-to-h and duels of the
leaders. They reenter the narrative representa- armies (Napoléon versus Kutuzov, Wallen-
tions of war in the form of unwarranted hero stein versus Gustavus Adolfus) give way to
worship and blind allegiance, or a sense of imagery of penetration (the first glimpse of a
betrayal, or the contempt of footsoldiers for sea of tanks at the battle of Kursk, the smell
stupid officers or cowardly generals. These are of sweating armies miles away in World War
all what semiotics terms actantial questions, I, the screaming of dive bombers, the first
issues of action and human agency; and even exposed steps in an abandoned hamlet). The
our fourth category, that of technology, seems space of modern warfare is vulnerable by def-
to move uneasily in and out of the whole area inition and no longer belongs to anyone.
of personification and anthropomorphism. That was also the case in the Thirty Years’
When it comes to the next set of catego- War, whose most extraordinary literary doc-
ries, however, my sense is that the focus of ument begins in full incursion and horror, as
the war narrative subtly changes and that in mercenaries (of whatever affiliation) loot vil-
Burke’s dramatistic pentad we have begun to lages and torture peasants for food and gold:
move from the first four categories to the fifth,
which he called scene and to which he attrib- Da fing man erst an, die Stein von den Pistolen
uted a different and perhaps more diffuse kind und hingegen an deren Statt der Bauern Dau
of rhetorical and representational power. men aufzuschrauben, und die armen Schel
men so zu foltern, als wenn man hätt Hexen
brennen wollen, massen sie sich einen von den
[ ii ] bereits in Backoven Steckten, und mit Feuer
hinter ihm her waren, ohngesehen er noch
For even atrocities might seem to us today to
nichts berkannt hatte; einem anderen mach
belong rather to the malignant properties of ten sie ein Seil um den Kopf und rettelten es
evil or cursed landscapes than to the savagery mit einem Bengel zusammen, das ihm das
of individual actors; and it is as though with Blut zu Mund, Nas und Ohren heraus sprang.
this and our other later plot types we pass from (Grimmelshausen 17)
a world of acts and characters to one of space:
scene, landscape, geography, the folds of the Then they used thumbscrews, which they
earth that determine military campaigns by cleverly made out of their pistols, to tor-
introducing contingency or the main chance— ture the peasants, as if they wanted to burn
witches. Though he had confessed to nothing
a heterogeneous element as much Stimmung
as yet, they put one of the captured hayseeds
or affect as it is a mere stage or context for
in the bake oven and lit a fire in it. They put
human gestures. Bombs falling out of the sky a rope around someone else’s head and tight-
are part of it, along with the lunar landscape ened it like a tourniquet until blood came out
of trench warfare; the silence of deserted vil- of his mouth, nose, and ears. In short, every
lages is a narrative player in such tales, along soldier had his favorite method of making life
with the menace of empty windows and the miserable for peasants, and every peasant had
complicity of nature in ambush or pursuit— his own misery. (Schulz-Behrend 7)
1538 War and Representation [ P M L A
The period has virtually become defined by Some such gestaltlike metamorphosis
such atrocities, which I am tempted to count from familiar to unfamiliar, from the anthro-
into scene, into space itself as one of its prop- pomorphic to the micro- or macroscopic play
erties during this long war, in which most of of material elements, can be observed in what
central Europe is consumed, at all scales from the Thirty Years’ War imposes on our at-
macroscopic to microscopic: armies pursuing tempts to conceptualize it as a whole. On the
each other from one end of Europe to another, one hand, the great strategic trajectory of the
enemy battalions unwittingly colliding in armies of a Wallenstein or a Gustavus Adol-
marshes during the night, bands of maraud- phus, of ferocious condottieri like Ernst von
ers burning villages, a deserter ransacking an Mansfeld or the Bavarian general Tilly, or of
empty house. the Spanish armies of intervention, in search
of the enemy and of some decisive bone-
“Noses and eares cut of to make hatbandes.” jarring clash. On the other, a well-nigh optical
. . . “The robbers and murderers took a piece enlargement, an eyelash-brushing approach in
of wood and stuck it down the poor wretches’ which the seemingly intelligible units of the
throats, stirred it and poured in water, adding
official armies disintegrate into minute bands
sand or even human faeces. . . .” “They tied
of individual marauders spreading across an
our honest burgher Hans Betke to a wooden
pole and roasted him at the fire from seven everywhere-identical landscape of fields and
in the morning until four in the afternoon, woods, huts and paths, and offering the same
so that he gave up the spirit amidst much scenes of carnage and flight over and over
shrieking and pains.” (Clark 32–34) again, beyond history, beyond narrative.
This effect is caused not solely by the
With such nightmares, one has the sense that complexity of this block of historical time,
the two categories of internal invasion and in- with its innumerable agents and actors (who
tervention and of war carried to foreign, un- constantly change position and swap their
familiar territory coincide and dialectically functions with one another), a multiplicity
reinforce each other. This is not so much the only momentarily simplified by the conven-
pseudo-synthesis of a “civil war” (an oxymoron tional stereotype of religious war and the
if there ever was one) as an utter transmogrifi- climactic struggle between the Counter-
cation of the familiar into the alien, the heim- R eformation and Protestantism. For the
lich into the unheimlich, in which the home Counter-Reformation is already divided and
village—the known world, the real, and the ev- multiplied by the triple centers of the papacy,
eryday—is transformed into a place of unimag- Madrid, and the Habsburg emperor Ferdi-
inable horror, while the neighbors of the home nand II (more Catholic and fanatical than the
country (the eternal peasants, the stock charac- pope and than his Spanish relatives), while
ters of village life) become sly faces of evil and what is loosely called Protestantism—already
of menace, ambushing the soldier who strays locked in internecine warfare between its
from his company and lynching the few they two branches, Lutheran and Calvinist, both
can safely overpower, concealing food, and hid- of them anathematized by innumerable mil-
ing in the woods like savages (anachronistically lenarian sects—is itself susceptible to infinite
to redeploy that Fenimore Cooper imagery fission and the propagation of innumerable
Balzac so relished). But this is something that subsidiary local and foreign conflicts.
happens, not so much to individuals, to charac- To assign the guilt of striking the first
ters as such, as to the landscape, which fades in blow is a philosophical quandary of the first
and out of nightmare, its mingled dialects now magnitude. Even the most warlike of the
intelligible, now the gibberish of aliens. participants—Wallenstein, for example—can
124.5 ] Fredric Jameson 1539
also be read as embodying a humane will to liable mooring, namely a certain Wallenstein,
peace, to the ending of the indefinite prolif- the three making merry over this unknown
eration of the war and an establishment of name. And the slack Friedrich felt himself
central European unity on a new basis. (Even awakening to life again, swept back into the
old excitement by the proximity of these two
Schiller’s Hamlet-l ike version of the great
stormily galloping, heavily ironclad warriors.
generalissimo’s assassination leaves us with
(Döblin 248)1
multiple interpretations of his motives: Does
he want to found a dynasty and make him- The stereotypical vacillation (shared by the
self emperor? Does he want to unite Germany emperor) does not equip this personage to be
in some prefiguration of nineteenth-century a protagonist, any more than the grim but in-
nationalism? Is he, against all appearances, a distinct determination of the true instigator of
moderate and a peacemaker? or even a Prot- this war, the Bavarian elector Maximilian, en-
estant sympathizer? Etc., etc.) titles him to be the villain of the piece (Mann
In fact, although Ferdinand would like 299–300). But we must also pause here a mo-
to repeal many of the confessional compro- ment to register the existence of that extraor-
mises of the preceding century, it is the Prot- dinary literary document, the novel entitled
estant side that provides the provocative and Wallenstein, an untranslated and visionary
incendiary pretext: the Protestant elites of nightmare dreamed and written up by the
Prague, dissatisfied by Habsburg sovereignty, young surgeon Alfred Döblin in evenings dur-
persuade the elector of the Palatinate, a son- ing the bloody trench warfare of World War I
i n-law of James I of Eng land, to assume the and published in 1920, nine years before Ber-
throne of Bohemia, normally a prerogative of lin Alexanderplatz made him world famous.
the emperor’s dynastic lineage. But the elec- No background in Döblin, no preparation, no
tor only wins the mock title of Winter King, perspective, it comes before us as a perpetual
owing to his brief tenure, cut short by the de- present that is at every moment, on every
cisive battle of White Mountain (1620), and page, in every sentence, filled space, without
leaves the unhappy Friedrich to wander from a pause or backward or forward glimpse. The
ally to ally in search of a renewal of fortune, armies are in movement even when at rest in
in a hapless quest that turns him into the very their temporary quarters. The army’s pauses
allegory of weakness and indecision. Here is a are movement; they hint at some sly signal by
modern version of this uninspiring and vac- Wallenstein, who rebukes the kaiser by not
illating figure, perking up somewhat at the following his directions, feints the enemy,
prospect of meeting his mercenary generals, pretends to obey the commands to stop (says
themselves revived by the intermittent and one of the imperial counselors, “[E]s ist mir
sluggish streams of cash flowing reluctantly nicht klar, gegen wen der Herzog Krieg führt”
into The Hague, “refreshed by the sums like [254]). Yet the space is filled at every moment
flowers in the dew,” as they ride out to greet with names, with all the characters of history,
their sometime employer: some known, some only mentioned in pass-
ing, and with place-names as well—not even
His heart beat strongly in his breast as he saw
the map is enough to accommodate them all.
powerful hooves drive these armored and un-
disciplined men toward him. They told of the
It is a pulsing interminable uninterrupted
Danish king, Christian, and of Lower Saxony, flow, true textuality (not mere form without
magnificent in its prosperity; told also how content) in which everything is in perpetual
the emperor lusted to swallow up Magdeburg, change back and forth across central Europe
and gave news of the latest effort of the dis- yet driving forward temporally so that time,
tinguished house of Habsburg to acquire a re- the passing instants, becomes invisible. Only
1540 War and Representation [ P M L A
the events are generated, and they never stop; conduit of energy, whether blood, sexuality
the writer never stops (he thereby disappears and libido, activity, irritability, sensation, im-
also); and the sources are so thoroughly used pulse, drive, propulsion; it is what makes the
up that nothing is anymore allusion. Schiller sentences pound forward like horses’ hooves
has long since vanished. There is no longer as well as the human individuals themselves
any competition with this unending flow of to their otherwise incomprehensible yet ir-
text but only the affect that pulses through it repressible heat-seeking clashes. The libidinal
and changes color from pallor to flush, purple apparatus of the war—of this extraordinary,
to sallow yellow. All the tonalities of the af- unique war—thus ensures the most fully re-
fective spectrum stream through the intermi- alized representation of finance and its net-
nable moments, none of them truly fulfilled works and capillary extremities, making
or effectuating any lasting pause or destiny. wealth in its “early modern” sense appear be-
Not the least interest of this novel is in- fore us as a phenomenon in its own right, in
deed the recurrence in its form of an allegori- the strong Heideggerian sense of the phaines
cal habit profoundly consanguineous with the thai, the appearance of Being, in ways frontal
baroque content of its setting in the Counter- narratives of trading companies and usurers
Reformation. Thus, here it is money itself were unlikely to convey, or the abstractions of
that ultimately revives the unhappy Winter religious moralizing or economic philosophy.
King: the lifeblood of the money that runs All this eventuates in blood and land-
through the immense continental expanse scapes of dead bodies, the world of Jacques
of the conflict, feeding it locally and organiz- Callot anachronistically revived in that of
ing its forces into impermanent groups, from World War I, which reproduces it only for
foraging deserters and guerrillas up to offi- reasons of historical underdevelopment, be-
cial and unofficial warlords and the leaders of cause its generals failed to grasp the proper
the royal and imperial adversaries. The great use of machine guns or of tanks. Still, we
and bloody rhizome of the war then becomes may wonder what forms the representation of
a representation of money, riches, wealth, agents and agency can take under the regime
taxes levied, the very sustenance of potatoes of the scene, in this interminable narrative of
impounded from villages in flames and from events and sequence of grotesque or night-
peasants dead or in flight. Everything here— marish figures, more human in their caricat-
from the penniless imperial court, which urality than any of the genuine human beings
counts on Wallenstein to raise forces for it at of realism or of our acquaintance. No causes,
the same time that it tries to give him orders, to be sure, and yet immense allegorical fig-
down to the brutal soldateska who live off the ures, like the famous frontispiece of Hobbes’s
countryside—has to do with money and with Leviathan or, better, Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s
an immense coral polyp that refuses to starve vegetable portraits, in which the sovereign is
or die away but keeps itself alive for unforesee- called on to be his own multiplicity and his
able years by the very strength with which it own multitudinous subjects. But here the
draws money out of its hiding place, like mag- “world-historical figure” allegorizes not sub-
nets drawing, or blood from a stone, soaking jects or a people, not even the collectivity of
it up interminably, reproducing itself, using its the men under his command, but rather his
population of generals, peasants, priests, bur- own victims and the corpses he has in effect
ghers, kings, lepers, the landless, heiresses, as become. Here is Tilly, one of the more fear-
so many divining rods, so many instruments some of these legendary imperial warlords,
for draining the last drops of wealth from the as he entertains an audience with the equally
devastated land. Wealth then becomes the fearsome Wallenstein himself:
124.5 ] Fredric Jameson 1541
The Brabanter [Tilly], stiff and ghostly, hot breath in intermittent blasts, with a pant-
with a white scarf, two pistols and a dagger in ing and grunting that struck fear. (243–44)
his belt, and short white hair; at the hairs’ tips
like ears of wheat there waved the corpses of a These portraits, which we may characterize as
thousand men cut down. His pale, sharp fea- rehearsing the modes of allegory and symbol
tures, bushy brows, stiff brushlike moustache respectively, are drawn into an uninterrupted
rippled with the mutilated regiments of a
stream of filled time and space, of a visual
whole generation; they clung in slippage to the
writing only occasionally punctuated by dra-
buttons of his jerkin, to his belt. His gnarled
fingers each one testified to the annihilation
matic scenes, by a showing that mainly takes
of whole cities; with every knuckle a dozen second place to the telling of the visionary
exterminated villages. Over his shoulders nightmare, which feeds on the interminable
there crowded forward, writhing, the bodies war as on indefinitely renewable fodder.
of slaughtered Turks, Frenchmen, Palatiners, Wallenstein’s biographer gives us a more
and yet someday he would meet his judgment articulated picture of the perpetuum mobile
with them on himself along with their horses of this infernal machine, which seems un-
and dogs, hanging every which way in front of able to run down and stop (and indeed Wal-
each other and one on top of the other, a bur- lenstein’s function, for good and ill alike, is
den so immense his very head and little hat
to have been able to supply the gradually less
vanished beneath it. Necks ripped open and
and less enthusiastic kaiser with ever-renewed
scabby, stomachs with white and livid colors,
veined and dripping on the slit and restrained reserves of troops):
arms and the spastic legs. Guts in loops of in-
testines in which he was wrapped, sloshing After not much more than a year [after White
and f labby over the braced knees encased Mountain], people began to fear that the rapid
in leather, an interminable limp wormlike exhaustion both sides felt was premature. A
rippling train that as he dragged it creaked definitive victory would have had to be a uni-
with every step. He weighed the earth down versal one and could never have existed. Par-
like a mammoth but bore himself icily, deaf tial victories, however, each of which related
to the screams of the men and those, bone- to the whole in a different way, called new ene-
shattering, of the swine, the shrill cries and mies into the field, who then gave new energies
piping of the horses, all of them holding to to the old adversaries, humiliated and pillaged.
him, seeking to suck their life out of him, out Bohemia, although isolated in its captivity, re-
of the most minute hairs on his head; horses’ mained a part of Europe, and Germany even
necks straining, their nostrils trembling, pie- more so owing to its size. This is not merely an
bald, black; dogs shot to pieces and yet snuf- individual opposition, a struggle between two
fling at his mouth and nose, greedily sucking power centers, or the aggression of a single one
up his breath. He should have long since been of them. It is a tidal succession of wills in con-
drained; they were sucking dry wood; he flict, some of which claim to be able to form
clicked and clattered around inside and yet them into a single unified will and campaign
could not be brought down. Behind him four- against another one, and yet never do com-
teen regiments of infantry and six of cavalry. pletely subsume the wills of their individual
In front of him Friedland [Wallenstein], a allies. A fencing court. Individual pairs joust.
yellow dragon emerging from the bubbling Suddenly they form two fronts which begin to
bogs of Bohemia, plastered with black slime move in opposition to each other. Yet as they
to the hips, drawn back onto his knobby hind do so, the ballet of betrayal sets in within each.
legs, sulfur pressed into the earth ringing One party withdraws into a corner, exchanges
him, waving his broad elastic rump in the air meaningful looks with its former adversary,
behind him with his big jaws wide open, bliss- maneuvers between the two fronts, seeking
fully and with the fury of a serpent exhaling to mediate. Another tries to entice this or that
1542 War and Representation [ P M L A
participant out of both fronts and to form a of saints to the final utopia and desert-island
third. All this is laden with illusion, mis- narrative. How to account for this unparal-
takes, deception. No one knows enough about leled literary autopoesis, this nonteleological
the other, and some don’t even know their proliferation of generic exercises, which goes
own minds. (Mann 287–88) well beyond what has been identified under
the term generic discontinuities? Is it possible
This fencing ballet of the war as a whole, as in that it is precisely out of that undifferentiated
an aerial shot, stands in sharp contrast to the space of local yet universal conflict, whose
horrors on the ground, as recorded by Grim- fever chart runs from the plundering of vil-
melshausen and others—a kind of no-man’s- lages to the sacking of whole cities and back,
land in which all spaces are identical and all that in the absence of ready-made narrative
the atrocities as well, a kind of nightmarish microforms the various genres are themselves
repetition moving from Bohemia to the Baltic summoned into existence?
and back, a triumph, as it were, of space and At any rate, we begin virtually in the state
identity over time and its differentiations, a of nature, in which the youthful protagonist
virtually nonnarrative flow for which the only scarcely has language—in particular, he does
appropriate registering apparatus or point of not know his own name or has none—and
view would seem to be the eyes of an idiot or is being ordered around the field by his bru-
of a child, as in Ambrose Bierce’s terrifying tal father (whose very status is registered in
story “Chicamauga.” dialect—“knan”—equally bereft of a family
name). He flees into the woods during the mer-
[ iii ] cenaries’ sack of the village from which I have
quoted above and there meets a pious hermit
And this is indeed how Der abenteuerliche who instructs him in religion and, even more
Simplicissimus begins—the supreme liter- remarkably, in the classical languages and their
ary monument produced by one of the par- rhetorical traditions (the causes of this saintly
ticipants in this war, its six books published hermit’s withdrawal from the world, a premo-
in 1668 and 1669, some 150 years after Don nition of Simplicius’s own eventual destiny—it
Quijote and Lazarillo de Tormes and 50 before is indeed the hermit who thus baptizes him—
Robinson Crusoe (1719). Yet it is clearly incor- will be related in a later discovery, which reca-
rect to characterize Simplicissimus as a pica- pitulates the different genre of unhappy love).
resque novel or even as a bildungsroman (the On the death of the hermit, the boy returns to
hero is certainly a naïf, who seems to main- the world of social beings, becoming page to
tain his innocence even during the episodes the governor. Then, abducted by Croatian mer-
in which he has technically become a trick- cenaries, he is incorporated into the imperial
ster figure). Not only is this enormous text troops, where, after a number of humiliations,
episodic in the extreme, it is also rhizomatic, he reemerges generically as the trickster figure
a kind of hypertext throwing off all kinds of mentioned above, a Jäger supremely gifted in
ancillary episodes, at least one of which, Cou warfare and plunder or theft of all kinds, after
rasche (1670), has known a prodigious afterlife which he marries and then, in a more magical
in Bertolt Brecht’s theatrical version. episode, discovers treasure.
But we will argue that Simplicissimus is Yet these potential destinies are all
more than episodic; it is an extraordinary ma- abruptly broken off, whether out of impatience
chine for generic production, for the narrative or boredom or owing to the serial production
progression tirelessly generates one new genre of the various books, if not the fermentation
after another, from the war novel and the lives of new genres at work in Grimmelshausen’s
124.5 ] Fredric Jameson 1543
feverish imagination. There follow a salacious The devastated landscape, indeed, calls
episode in Paris, a spell as a traveling sales- out for the relief of utopian transfiguration.
man, a fall into the bad company of a real Such is the first crossing of the border into
thief who tries to teach him the way of the Switzerland:
real world (“du bis noch Simplicius, der den
Machiavellum noch nit studiert hat” [353]), The landscape struck me compared with
a religious conversion, his founding of a new other German lands, as strange as Brazil or
landed estate and family, a Vernian journey China. I saw people trading and strolling
to the center of the earth, and finally travels about in peace, barns full of cattle, courtyards
full of chickens, geese, and ducks. The streets
that lead to his shipwreck and a hermitlike
were used by travelers in safety, taverns full
existence on a desert island, where his auto-
of people making merry, no fear of the en-
biographical notes are found by a Dutch sea emy, no worry about plundering and sacking,
captain, who brings them back to Europe and no anxiety about losing land or life and limb.
to publication. Everyone lived safely under his grape arbor or
Finally, it is not so much the narrative fig tree and, in comparison with other Ger-
quality of the episodes that strikes the reader man lands, in pleasure and content, so that
as rather the restlessness of the character’s ex- I took this country for an earthly paradise,
ploration of his possible destinies and that of although it seemed primitive enough. (391)
the author’s experimentation with the various
narrative genres they carry within themselves. Later on, among the hallucinations of
We are here, in the German principalities of the desert island, this earthly paradise will
the empire, still very far even from the sophis- be transformed into a vision of primeval
tication of the Spanish monarchy, in which bliss—“so we lived like the first men in the
the first realisms flourished so many genera- golden age, where a bountiful heaven lets all
tions earlier and in which the urban world- the fruits of the earth flourish without work”
liness of commercial life and colonial and (582)—until the devil in the form of a woman
military power generate the picaresque, along shatters the vision and sends the text itself, in
with an extraordinary theatrical culture. Ger- the generic reversion, back into the anchoritic
many is here still profoundly prenovelistic, withdrawal of its own beginnings.
and indeed the first crystallizations of form I want to draw the conclusion that war,
in Grimmelshausen’s seemingly intermina- perceived at this existential proximity of
ble text take the form of immense allegori- scene, is virtually nonnarrative and that this
cal dream frescoes—most strikingly, that of raw material seeks to appropriate its missing
the class divisions and struggles of the feudal protagonist from any number of narrative
world, with its prelates and nobles at the top paradigms, ranging from the conventions of
of the allegorical tree and the nameless peas- generic war films and novels enumerated at
antry at its base (45), along with the dream the outset to the multiplicity of generic exper-
transformation into an animal, reminiscent of iments in Grimmelshausen’s peculiar text.
The Golden Ass, of Apuleius. But it would be
equally incorrect to read such allegorical epi-
sodes as the self-indulgence of an autodidact [ iv ]
reveling in his classical education. For in this It is a hypothesis we may now test on the aerial
great laboratory of forms, baroque allegory is warfare of World War II, about which it will
closely affiliated with utopia as such, which be recalled that the most famous representa-
one may perhaps indeed in hindsight identify tion of its most famous (European) atrocity—
(in Thomas More) as an allegorical form. Slaughterhouse-Five—sets the firebombing of
1544 War and Representation [ P M L A
Dresden offstage, behind the sealed door of and testimonies, among which Hitler’s vac-
the protagonist’s eponymous cellar. About this illations and tactical inattentions are duly
kind of warfare, W. S. Sebald, who grew up in registered in passing—in what could, I sup-
a part of Germany untouched by the air war pose, be called a nonlinear “narrative” if one
and exiled himself to England at an early age, still likes that kind of terminology. It should
has oddly maintained that the Germans have be understood that Kluge’s interest lies in the
repressed its experience and indeed that of the enumeration of destinies and the deployment
defeat in general. He excepts from this accusa- of anecdotes, not in any sustained or novelistic
tion one of the most remarkable writers (and storytelling or longer narrative breath. It may
filmmakers) of modern Germany, Alexander be said that he practices a unique type of di-
Kluge, whose portrayal of the Battle of Stalin- dactic abstraction, in which a given outcome is
grad (Schlachtbeschreibung) already presents x-rayed for the components it incorporates of
many of the features to be noted in the later life-promoting or lethal energies respectively.
account of the bombing of his native city, Hal- “The Bombing of Halberstadt” is another
berstadt, on 8 April 1945 (1: 509–791). such collage (2: 27–82), in which individual ex-
It was indeed Kluge from whom we se- periences, in the form of anecdotes, are set side
lected the remark by Goebbels that figures as by side less for their structures as the acts of
a motto to the present essay; and it is in pre- traditional characters (Burke’s agents) than as
cisely this sense that Stalingrad seems to dis- names and destinies, the latter being reduced
integrate into a host of unrelated colors and in many cases to peculiar facts and accidents,
brushstrokes as we gradually approach our of the type of Ripley’s Believe It or Not. The
eyes and faces to the canvas. It would be facile juxtaposition of these anecdotes with quota-
to characterize this text as a deconstruction, tions from academic studies on the history of
either of the traditional narrative account of bombing and on RAF techniques, from schol-
the battle or of the battle itself. Yet in some arly conferences on the relation between aerial
literal sense the word is apt, provided that we strategy and ethics (“moral bombing” is, for ex-
take it backward, as referring to an account ample, specified as a matter, not of morals, but
of the elements and raw materials that went of morale), and from interviews with the allied
into the building of the phenomenon hereby pilots who participated in this raid—all these
unbuilt: indeed, the Stalingrad book has as its materials, which we take to be nonfictional
suggestive subtitle The Organizational Con- (although they may not be; the interviews in
struction of a Catastrophe. Kluge redistributes particular bear the distinctive marks of Kluge’s
the building blocks of the defeat in what may own provocative interview methods), raise the
be called nonexistential segments, which is question of the fictionality or nonfictionality
to say nonnarrative units set side by side in a of the personal stories of the survivors as well.
kind of collage. We here find extracts from an Halberstadt is, to be sure, Kluge’s hometown,
army manual on winter warfare side by side and he is perfectly capable of having assembled
with historical accounts, pictures of the land- a file of testimonies and eyewitness documen-
scape, interviews with survivors, medical de- tation and of using the names of real people.
scriptions of the most characteristic wounds On the other hand, these stories, with their
and mutilations, a chronology, the propa- rich detail, afford the pleasures of fictional nar-
ganda rhetoric of pastors and preachers on rative and fictional reading.
the subject, the language habits of the officers Is this text (written in the 1970s) a non-
and staff, press clippings and conferences, dis- fictional novel? I believe that we must think
patches from the front, the whole interlarded our way back into a situation in which this
with anecdotes and other stray observations question makes no sense and in which—as
124.5 ] Fredric Jameson 1545
with the storytelling that precedes the emer- opening section, which, so characteristically
gence of the so-c alled Western novel—the for this writer-filmmaker, deals with the local
distinction between fiction and nonfiction movie theater, the Capitol, and its manager,
(or history) does not yet obtain, any more Frau Schrader (the owners are on vacation in
than that (so closely related to it) between the country), this particular character is at
figurative and literal language. This is to say first worried about the next matinees at three
not that Kluge marks a regression to precapi- and six o’clock (the first bombs begin to fall at
talist storytelling but rather on the contrary 11:20 a.m.) and only later about the bodies of
that postmodernity as such has now rendered the initial spectators. Her emotional low point
those distinctions obsolete in the other direc- is reached, however, when she finds nothing
tion: now it is not so much a question of all to do and “feels herself ‘useless’”: not deadly
narrative being fictional as it is of a reading danger but the blockage of activity is the phe-
process that is always literal, even when we nomenon that interests Kluge here.
are reading what is technically a fiction. The agitated movements of these named
At any rate, it can be argued that the and presumably real-life characters serve to
opening section of “The Bombing of Hal- map out the streets they attempt to negotiate,
berstadt” is less a matter of assembling the the routes in and out of town, and the posi-
personal experiences of the survivors, the mo- tions of key buildings—the institute for deaf
ments of the first bombs—in what amount to children, for example, or the church tower, on
six successive waves of bombers—than it is of which civilian volunteers are stationed to ob-
a use of named individuals to map the small serve and report the attacks, which of course
city itself (64,000 inhabitants) as they try to exceed anything they had expected and at the
make their way across streets increasingly same time destroy any number of telephone
blocked by fires and rubble. (Indeed, we will lines and other channels of communication.
learn shortly that such attacks follow a specific Both these situations will be given a turn of the
and intentional pattern: first, strikes calcu- anecdotal screw in the second part, in which
lated to identify targets by columns of smoke the postwar interviewer inquires into the pos-
identifiable from the aircraft; then the system- sibility that a white flag of surrender had been
atic blocking off of streets so the fleeing popu- shown on the tower (“surrender to whom?”
lation is trapped; then an initial destruction the American pilot asks; “how do you surren-
of roofs and top storys, with a calculated time der to a squadron of bombers?”), while a colo-
lapse to allow a later wave of bombers to drop nel attempts to get information by telephone
new explosives through the holes and set fire about the state of things around his sisters’
to the buildings as a whole—these procedures home outside town (from Magdeburg, owing
carefully designed to produce the so-c alled to the destruction of the lines, he has to “make
firestorm characteristic of the raids.) A certain connections via Croppenstedt, Gröningen,
amount of curious detail is amassed here, such Emersleben, and Schwanebeck and then back
as the effort of the civilians to get rid of flam- through Genthin, Oschersleben, and, further
mable materials such as the stocks of paper in south, Quedlinburg”; he never gets through,
the newspaper offices or hosing groups down although the operators realize that this is not
to survive the heat. Mainly, however, these official but rather private business). From the
opening chapters document the regression of two parts, we may retain (and compare) the
the civilians into their private obsessions and initial attempt of Herr Grämert to rescue his
neuroses and their decidedly meaningful and twelve thousand tin soldiers, which repre-
intentional yet aberrant activities, as with the sent Napoléon’s winter campaign in Russia;
random scattering of an anthill. Thus, in the the episode of the “unknown photographer”
1546 War and Representation [ P M L A
(characteristically, the surviving photographs imagination. To be sure, with his physical eyes
are here reproduced, along with much other he only sees this particular tavern, a partial
visual material in part 2); and the episode in view of Wherstedter Bridge (and nothing of the
part 2 in which a teenager succeeds in master- torn-up rails), and perhaps a few houses, but
he can imagine the whole city. What he doesn’t
ing his piano lesson but not in persuading his
know [we are still in the night before the bom-
piano teacher to reschedule his lesson for the
bardment] is that this will be the last conscious
next day, on which, escaping the burning city, glimpse of the cityscape intact. (68)
he takes refuge in a village, where he practices
nonstop so energetically that the owners have Like Frau Schrader, he has his later moments
to tell him to give it a rest. of depression (owing to the absence of goals
Part 2 lets us into the formal secret of this and intentions to be fulfilled, activities to
work (I will not say its message or its mean- be carried out), but at length he recovers his
ing, exactly), with its differentiation of a strat- original energy and curiosity.
egy from below and a strategy from above Another cameo appearance is made by
(the latter, to be sure, outlines the bombing the head of the fire brigade, who deplores
techniques and conveys what it would be im- the ignorance of the city officials and their
proper, as we shall see, to call the point of view haste to extinguish fires that will be control-
of the American pilots). Thus, Gerda Baethe lable only at a later stage of their chemical life
has learned that the pressure from the bomb and development and who takes a reasoned
blasts will damage the lungs; she tries to make decision to allow the city’s archives and its
her small children hold their breath during museum contents to go up in flames: “I was
the explosions. Meanwhile, Karl Wilhelm von virtually the last person in this city to see its
Schroers, a convalescent veteran in charge of valuable memorabilia, to say farewell, to esti-
the prisoner-of-war camps in Halberstadt, ea- mate the value of the collection” (78).
gerly visits key points in and out of the city, Here the micro perspective, the view
giving and taking orders but above all satisfy- from beneath, dwindles to its vanishing
ing his keen scientific curiosity. This charac- point. Yet it should not be imagined that the
teristic, like Baethe’s “strategies,” is not to be view from above, that of the pilots and crew,
understood in any subjective way, even though is more comprehensive or reliable. Indeed, as
the two are vivid personalities succinctly con- has already been hinted, there is in fact no
veyed in a page or two. In keeping with the view from above insofar as the pilots are ex-
neutrality of this text and with the generic fo- pected not to see but rather to determine their
cus of the anecdote as a form, these are exter- movements by map and by mathematical
nal or objective traits, of the type one registers calculation, by radar rather than by “sight”
in other people, as when we note that some- (an expression that here in any case signi-
one (a proper name) is “quick to anger” or that fies strategy, not the personal organs of the
some other proper name is “indecisive.” participants [54n12]). All the studies of aerial
But Schroers is more significant than warfare and its techniques foreground the
that, insofar as his “scientific curiosity” con- depersonalization of the individuals involved
stitutes something like an “aspiration to to- and their assimilation into the larger machin-
tality,” which his position on the ground can ery first of their own aircraft and then of the
scarcely satisfy. He is indeed a “collector of squadron as a whole. “Here there do not fly
strong sense impressions” (66). individual airplanes as in the Battle of Brit-
ain but rather a whole conceptual system, an
His capacity to feel increasingly curiosity intellectual construction in metal” (to quote
rather than anxiety is not based on any lack of one of the discussants at a symposium [51]).
124.5 ] Fredric Jameson 1547
Abstraction versus sense-d atum: these class, general will, multitude—all these re-
are the two poles of a dialectic of war, incom- main so many linguistic experiments for des-
prehensible in their mutual isolation, which ignating an unimaginable collective totality,
dictate dilemmas of representation navigable a manifold of consciousness as unimaginable
only by formal innovation, as we have seen, as it is real. War is one among such collective
and not by any stable narrative convention. realities, which exceed representation fully as
It is not to be imagined, however, that we much as they do conceptualization and yet
can return to some earlier state of wholeness, which ceaselessly tempt and exasperate narra-
in which, as in Homer, individual hand-to- tive ambitions, conventional and experimental
hand combat would at one and the same time alike: unless, of course, this particular reality
somehow epitomize the totality. ceases to exist.
On the other hand, the contradiction can
be exacerbated even further, and continues to
be in contemporary warfare. Michael Hardt
has evoked a kind of dialectic of the body in
the most recent American wars, in which the Note
solitary body of the suicide bomber, on the one 1. Unattributed translations are mine.
hand, finds itself opposed, on the other, to the
smart bombs and pilotless drones of an aerial
warfare visible only on monitors at thousands Works Cited
of miles of distance—a contradiction itself re- Burke, Kenneth. A Grammar of Motives. Berkeley: U of
produced in the distance between the conven- California P, 1953. Print.
tional duel of armies (“mission accomplished”) Clark, Christopher. Iron Kingdom. Cambridge: Harvard
and the house-to-house urban resistance of UP, 2006. Print.
Clausewitz, Carl von. On War. Trans. Michael Howard
guerrilla warfare (Hardt and Negri 45). Does
and Peter Paret. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1976. Print.
this opposition then not correspond to what I Döblin, Alfred. Wallenstein. Munich: DTV, 1983. Print.
previously identified as a distinction between Eikhenbaum, Boris. Tolstoy in the Sixties. Michigan: Ar-
the named (or institutionalized) action and dis, 1982. Print.
the blooming, buzzing confusion of scene, Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoffel von. Der abenteu
from which as yet no formalizable actantial erliche Simplicissimus. Munich: Artemis, 1956. Print.
Hardt, Michael, and Antonio Negri. Multitude: War and
categories have emerged? The abstract cate-
Democracy in the Age of Empire. New York: Penguin,
gory may also stand in constitutive opposition 2004. Print.
to what I called the existential experience of Kluge, Alexander. Chronik der Gefühle. 2 vols. Frankfurt:
war, through which an equally undefined sub- Suhrkamp, 2004. Print.
ject or consciousness finds representation. But Lukács, Georg. The Historical Novel. Lincoln: U of Ne-
braska P, 1983. Print.
scene is in its fullest reality necessarily collec-
Mann, Golo. Wallenstein. Frankfurt: Fischer, 1971. Print.
tive, and it is the multiplicity of the collective
Sartre, Jean-Paul. The Critique of Dialectical Reason.
that marks the difference between the repre- London: Verso, 2004. Print.
sentational problems we have rehearsed here. ———. The Reprieve. New York: Knopf, 1947. Print.
The language of the existential individual al- Schulz-Behrend, George, trans. The Adventures of Sim
ready possesses an elaborate history with all plicius Simplicissimus. By Hans Jacob Christoffel von
Grimmelshausen. Columbia: Camden, 1993. Print.
kinds of stereotypes that it can be the task of
Sebald, W. S. On the Natural History of Destruction. New
representation to correct, disrupt, undermine, York: Random, 2003. Print.
or metaphysically challenge. That of the col- Tolstoy, Leo. War and Peace. New York: Norton, 1966.
lective does not yet exist. Group, nation, clan, Print.