Design and Modification of Radiator in I.C. Engine Cooling System For Maximizing Efficiency and Life
Design and Modification of Radiator in I.C. Engine Cooling System For Maximizing Efficiency and Life
Design and Modification of Radiator in I.C. Engine Cooling System For Maximizing Efficiency and Life
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Background/Objectives: Engine produces high amount of heat while running. This can raise the engine temperature to
very high level and can damage or seize the engine components. Hence for the safety of engine components, it needs to run
at much lower temperature, which is called engine working temperature. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Radiator plays
a vital role in engine cooling system. When increasing the cooling efficiency of radiator causes increase the life time of
engine. The efficiency of the radiator can be increased by changing the surface area or dimension of the tube or increasing
the number of fins/tubes. The heat transfer rate for the existing radiator could be analyzed. Findings: After analyzing the
existing radiator, the new radiator has been designed. Two flat plates are placing inside the tube which acts as the nozzle.
Hence, nozzle velocity increases and pressure decreases. Pressure is directly proportional to temperature. Application/
Improvements: Thus, the temperature of coolant inside the radiator decreases. As a result efficiency of the proposed
radiator is increased 5.37% when comparing with existing method.
the effect of cooling be reduces3. Surface dimples of In this research work a new radiator is designed
the cooling fins endorse the turbulent mixing in the after analyzing the existing radiators. Two flat plates are
flow along with increasing heat transfer4. The thermal placing inside the tube which acts as the nozzle. Hence,
conductivity of the ethylene glycol+water, diethylene nozzle velocity increases and pressure decreases. Pressure
glycol+water and triethylene glycol+water mixtures, is directly proportional to temperature.
measured temperatures ranging from 25°C to 40°C in
addition to concentrations from 25 wt. % glycol to 75
wt.% glycol. Raising concentration of glycol causes for
2. Cooling System in I.C. Engine
reducing the thermal conductivity5. Engine produces high amount of heat while running.
The circular design of radiators which are made This can raise the engine temperature to very high level
with compact, low cost, better performance as well as and can damage or seize the engine components. Hence
least power required for rotating fan and higher mass of for the safety of engine components, it needs to run at
airflow6. much lower temperature, which is called engine working
When reducing the individual channel diameter temperature. Engine cooling system keeps the engine
cases reducing the mass flow rate. When maximizing the running at its working temperature by removing excess
individual diameter lead to make turbulent flow7. Compact heat. Coolant is mixture of water and antifreeze which
heat exchangers could be translating higher energy by flows through the engine cooling system to absorb the
means of effective as well as low cost when comparing excess heat and dissipate it through radiator. Engine
other kinds of heat exchangers8. Two approaches that are coolant is mixture of Antifreeze and Water. It is generally
passive and active considered while designing compact mixed in 30:70 to 50:50 ratio depending on weather
heat exchangers for increasing cooling performance as conditions in which vehicle is used. 50% of Antifreeze is
soon as not affect its pressure9. When experiencing lower used in conditions where the temperature falls below -15o
coolant temperature, greater depth of the air flow, smaller Centigrade. 30% of Antifreeze is used in conditions where
pitch of the cooling fins causes pressure drop in the cooling the temperature does not fall below -15o Centigrade.
system10. The volume of the flow rate and also the type Antifreeze is mixture of Glycol and Additives. It has
of the working fluid are the major peculiarity that will be anti rust properties to avoid rusting of engine passages.
tested by using this radiator test rig, causing the changes It has very low freezing temperature to avoid freezing in
in the rate of the heat transfer. Such phenomena created extreme cold conditions. The schematic of liquid cooling
to replicate the same system applied in the real automobile system is shown in Figure 1.
system where it would cost in very large scale if those
analyses and experiments carried out in that engine bay11.
2 Vol 9 (2) | January 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
R. Paul Linga Prakash, M. Selvam, A. Alagu Sundara Pandian, S. Palani and K. A. Harish
Vol 9 (2) | January 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Design and Modification of Radiator in I.C. Engine Cooling System for Maximizing Efficiency and Life
4 Vol 9 (2) | January 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
R. Paul Linga Prakash, M. Selvam, A. Alagu Sundara Pandian, S. Palani and K. A. Harish
Conduction in fins
L / Kc A
A5 = (2 l + 2 b)
Figure 5. Resistant Circuit of Radiator Tube with Fins A5 = (2 × 14.75 e-3 + 2 × 11.75 e-3)
A5 = 0.053
Convection from water to brass L / (kc A5) = 9 e-3 / (386 × 0.053)
1 / hw A1 L / (kc A5) = 4.39 e-4
A1 = 2 l + 2 b (Area of inner tube)
A1 = ( (2 × 10.5 e-3) + (2 × 1.8 e-3))
Convection from fin to air
A1 = 0.0246 m2
1 / ha A5
1 / hw A1 = 1/4500 × 0.0246
A5 = 0.053 m2
1 / hw A1 = 9.033 × e-3
1 / ha A5 = 1 / (464.096× 0.053)
= 0.0406
Conduction In brass plate R = 1 / (hwA1) + L / (kbA2) + 1 / (hwA2) + L / (KwA3) + 1 /
L/KA (hwA3) + L / kb A4 + L / kb A4 + 1 / ha A5
A2 = (2l + 2b) – A1 R = 9.033 e-3 + 3.2008 e-3 + 8.748 e-3 + 9.044 e-3 + 0.0393
A2 = ((2 × 10.7e-3) + (2 × 2e-3)) – 0.0246 + 2.945e-3 + 4.39e-4 + 0.0406
A2 = 0.0254m2 R with fins = 0.1133
L / Kb A2 = 9 e-3 / (110.7 × 0.0254)
L / Kb A2 = 3.2008 e-3
Cross Flow Heat Exchanger (Both Fluid Unmixed)
Convection from brass to water Thermostat opening temperature: 90°C
1 / (hw A2) Entry temperature of hot fluid into radiator, (T1) = 90°C
A2 = 0.0254 m2 Atmospheric temperature: 30°C
1 / (hw A2) = 1 / (4500 × 0.0254) Entry temperature of cold fluid, (t1) = 30°C
1 / (hw A2) = 8.748 e-3
To Find
Conduction in water Exit temperature of hot fluid from radiator (T2)
L / Kw A3 Exit temperature of cold fluid from radiator (t2)
A3 = 2 пrl
A3 = 2 п× 0.9 e-3 × 9 e-3
Cross flow heat exchanger (Both fluids unmixed)
A3 = 5.654 e-3
Effectiveness = 1-exp ((exp(-NCn) – 1)/Cn)
L / (Kw A3) = 9 e-3 / (0.67 × 5.654 e-3)
L / (Kw A3) = 9.044 e-3
Vol 9 (2) | January 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Design and Modification of Radiator in I.C. Engine Cooling System for Maximizing Efficiency and Life
6 Vol 9 (2) | January 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
R. Paul Linga Prakash, M. Selvam, A. Alagu Sundara Pandian, S. Palani and K. A. Harish
Vol 9 (2) | January 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7