Cy 2019 New Gia Salary Rates

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oste Republic of the Philippines B22 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY a CENTRAL OFFICE (39.90012015 JUN 0 g 2019 61 DOST Special Order No. 5 Series of 2019 SUBJECT: CY 2019 Prescribed Salary Rates for DOST Grants-in-Aid (GIA) Personnel In the interest of service and in view of the need to attract and retain competent and committed personnel for the effective and efficient project implementation, the salary rates of Grants-in-Aid (GIA) personnel is hereby revised as shown in Annex A for implementation effective 03 January 2019 as approved by the DOST-EXECOM during its meeting on 22 November 2018. Adoption of the revised salary rates for DOST-GIA Personnel is subject to availability of project funds, government accounting and auditing rules and regulations, and compliance to the following guidelines: 1, New and ongoing approved programs/projects shall be allowed to realign their budgets to ‘meet the requirement of the salary adjustment. However, no additional funding shall be provided and upgrading of position title shall not be allowed. 2. Consistent with the DOST-GIA guidelines, reprogramming of the allotment for expense item(s) shall be approved by the concerned Program/Project Leaders, provided there is no creation of new items. Copy of the amended line-item budget shall be submitted to the Office of the Undersecretary for R&D. 3. For ongoing programs/projects with insufficient budget, the new rates may be adopted on staggered basis or during project renewal where funds for this purpose shall be provided, 4. Existing contract of services of DOST personnel should be amended to comply with the new salary rates if project funds are sufficient and position titles must be in accordance with the DOST Qualification Standards issued through S.O. No. 508 dated July 24, 2013, For guidance. 70 dither” FORTUNATO T. DE LA PENA Secretary Rowena ey (0 Ha | i gee eee Pesta Ades DOST Corie on, Santen Ave ttn, “el Ns. Tankine 02097-2071 a5 09-3171 50 ray car a Son Sen ne Fechee LOSE") abr zo Rasa eo morass Visco greene On-losy, PRESCRIBED SALARY RATE FOR DOST-GIA PERSONNEL (Effective 03 January 2019) Monthly Rate of Position Title Personnel (P) {Csloorer ICS Ee Cae sean ee ra [Laborer pt E SUity Worker Pret rt 1nthe ie ruAorEEocere Tra RECALL) Laboratory Aide [94,173.20] 11. See see Ge 14,969.20 Driver! 14,959.20 14,959.20 15,856.80 poived Tr ee eae 75,856.80, 9 [Laboratory Aide T a [| science Aige 4 [Agriultural Technician? | 6 | 7 6-20] eri CO Ee [oe ory ote] 47,816.40 17,616.40 17,816.40, 13 |Labor Foreman 14 |Laboratory Technician 1 15 [Utility Foreman 16 [Computer Operator 1 47 [Agricultural Technician 11 Clerk V 18 [19 |Labor General Foreman 20 |Laboratory Inspector | 8 20,109.60 21 fiaboatog eatin roject Development Assistant Project Assistant | 20,109.60 27,570.00 [Computer Operator I 21,570.00 [Science Research Assistant [Laboratory Inspector I 23,079.60 27 [Project Assistant 70. 23,079.60 i [Data Entry Machine Operator I 11 24,904.80 information Officer 1 1 24,904.80 Project Evaluation Officer | 11 24,904.80 Project Development Offier 24,904.80 [Computer Operator II 27,525.60 [36 [Project Assistant M2 ro] [University Research Assosatel —___|__12 | 27578 60] 3 14 [Science Research Specialist | 30,278.40 [Computer Operator IV 33,306.00 [ 40 |information Systems Researcher Il 41 [Project Assistant IV ‘33,306.00 Salary Monthly Rate of Position Title Grade Personnel (P) 42 [University Research Associate II 14 ‘33,306.00 43 [Computer Maintenance Technologist I 15 [36,637.20 ‘44 [Computer Programmer I) 15. 36,637.20 48 [information Officer 15 36,637.20 46 [Project Evaluation TI 15 36,637.20 47 [Project Development Officer Il 15 36,637.20 48 [Information Systems Analyst Il 6 40,300.80 49 [Science Research Specialist Ir 16 40,300.80 '50 |University Researcher | 16 40,300.80 57 [Computer Maintenance Technologist il 17 44,330.40 2 [Computer Programmer Ill 8 48,764.40 53 |Information Officer II 18 48,764.40 54 [Project Development Officer II 18 48,764.40 ‘55 [Project Evalation Officer Ml 18 48,764.40 '56 |University Researcher Il 18 48,764.40 57 information Technology Officer | 19 54,322.60 ‘88 [Sr. Science Research Specialist 79 54,322.80 59 [Project Officer | 20 61,386.00 ‘60 [University Researcher lil 20 (61,386.00 61 [Project Officer I 21 69,366.00 62 [Information Officer IV 22 78,362.80 63 | information Technology Officer Il 22 78,382.80 (64 [Project Officer Ill 22 78,382.80 65 | Project Evaluation Officer IV 22 78,382.80 66 [Project Development Officer IV 22 78,382.80 67 [Supervising Science Research Specialist 22 78,382.80 68 [University Researcher IV 22 78,382.80 69 [Project Officer IV 23 (88,573.20 70 |Chief Science Research Specialist 24 100,087.20 71 [Project Officer V 24 100,087.20 72 [University Researcher V 24 400,087.20

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