InstruCalc 9 Product Bulletin

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instruCalc features more than 70 routines associated with control valves, ISO flow elements,

relief valves and rupture disks, and calculates process data at flow conditions for a
comprehensive range of fluids in either single components or mixtures.

instruCalc calculates the sizes of control valves, flow elements and relief devices; produces data sheets for
calculated items, and prepares instrument summaries and uses data sheets as a database for generating reports.


 The Control Valve sizing program to "ANSI/ISA-75.01.01-2007”.

 The Relief Valve sizing program to "API RP 520 2009" which includes 2 phase flow sizing.
 Tank venting to "API Std 2000" 5th Edition April 1998."
 The Flow Element sizing program combines all flow calculations into one program and provides a means for
transferring data between the calculations for optimum selection.
 Separate tables for calculation data, units' data, data sheets, pressure drop calculations, chemical properties
composition data and water hammer data. This allows for data to be available for manipulation.
 Technique for showing cavitation in restriction orifices and venturi meters (Flow Elements)
 Expanded vortex meter sizes – up to size 36 (Flow Elements)
 Incorporation of Z-factor in gas-flow for sizing Flow Elements
 AGA8 option for Natural Gas in Flow Elements
 PRV Program provides an option to calculate flow rate for a known size RV.
 Status shows clearly flashing, cavitation and choking of control valves.
 Outlet of control valves - flow velocity at outlet flange
 Allows for Density input instead of Specific Gravity in all Programs
 Allows absolute and gauge units for all pressure inputs

Operational Settings:

 Program runs in Windows 7 64 bit or 32 bit.

 Licence metering protects the network version.
 Excel Import/Export for process data
 Database Print manager with options to print the entire database stored data and all the calculations or any
combination of them.\
 Data files are Microsoft Access.

Three programs are available, each for standard and low flow valves:
 Liquid Flow
 Gas Flow
 Two Phase Flow
Options for each valve calculation are:
 Calculate Valve Size
 Calculate Flow Rate
 Calculate Valve Pressure Drop
Three cases are provided for each calculation:
 Maximum flow
 Normal flow
 Minimum flow
Aids for the calculations are -
 Typical valve data tables
 Fluid properties at flowing conditions
 A program to calculate the valve pressure drop available in the piping system

Calculation options and units are set

according the image opposite.

After using the above for normal flow to

determine the valve size, scroll bars will
change the flow, recalculate the data and
determine the maximum and minimum flows
that the piping system will allow.

The programs have a data base of typical

valves so that different valve data can be
entered into the calculation in order to make
the best selection. Try several and calculate
until a valve style and size is selected which
has the rangeability and does not have
cavitation or noise problems. When a final
selection is made the exact manufacturers’
data can be entered for a final calculation.

Finally, for liquid valves in long piping

systems, take the option for the minimum
closing time, this is the water hammer
program to determine if a special closing
time is required to avoid water hammer.

Control Valve Sizing Philosophy

Each manufacturer has its own formula for determining the valve size, the valve noise and the cavitation
characteristics. This program uses the ISA sizing formulas, it uses the Masoneilan noise prediction method and
incipient cavitation technique. The object of the program is to determine the valve size, the cavitation, flashing and
noise problems and prepare a data sheet suitable for bid purposes. Some manufacturers may differ from these
conclusions, usually the variations are minor and do not change the size and style. Occasionally the noise and
cavitation characteristics will differ so that engineering judgment may be called for. The failure of a valve because
of cavitation erosion can be extremely expensive. Sometimes a change in body style, or hardened trim is sufficient
to eliminate the problem.

The typical valve data files are in ASCII format, three options are provided. They are Standard Valves, Low Flow
Valves and a file for User Valves. They can be modified from within the program. The Standard file is based on
Masoneilan data. The Low Flow file is based on Research Control Valves data. If another manufacturer is
preferred edit the User valve file as required. If the manufacturer does not use the incipient cavitation factor (Kc)
then leave the box empty. ISA S75 shows data for a typical file.

Control Valve Graphical Display

Graphs for Control Valves and Flow Elements calculations can be generated. Graphs available for Control Valves
are: valve Cv and flow; valve pressure drop and flow; linear trim; and, equal percent trim. Flow Element graphs
include: flow and differential.

Control Valve Sizing Equations - ANSI/ISA S75.01.01-2002
Masoneilan Noise Control Manual
ISA Handbook of Control Valves J. W. Hutchison

Orifice and Restrictor Calculations: instruCalc calculates the orifice size, flowrate or differential range, which
enables the user to select the flowrate with optimum accuracy. It provides the recommended size and corrects the
orifice size accordingly. Process data can be converted individually or jointly with a simple "click of the mouse." ISO
orifice plate calculations have been updated to ISO 5167, 2003. The material yield strengths file calculates orifice
plate thickness automatically. The thickness is calculated for each orifice based on the pressure and temperature
of the selected plate material. Also ISO Venture, ASME Long Radius Nozzle and concentric orifice plate (thick and
thin) for gas and liquid services using Miller's Handbook, 3rd edition, 1996.
Available flow elements are shown in the image below.


 Calculate either.-- Orifice size, Flow rate or Differential range

 Calculate vent or drain hole size if required
 Calculate the minimum plate thickness
 Calculate permanent pressure and power loss
 Calculate accuracy percentage
 Supply fluid properties at flow conditions
 Supply steam data
 Supply pipe sizes
 Provide material selection
 Use English or SI engineering units in any mixture
 Use mass or volume flow units
 Import process data
 Print a calculation sheet using the Windows Print Manager

Calculation options are set according the
image opposite.

Prepare instrument data sheets

 WUSIWUG style
 Initially general- sheets for bid
 Supply data base of standard
specification items
 After vendor selection, revise for
permanent records
 Print a data sheet using the
Windows Print Manager

Print a list of saved records

 Print all records

 Print selected records
 Print only records having required


Calculation Dialog The user should be familiar with the ASME

Section 8 and relevant API publications:
 The Liquid Relief - known flow calculation
has options to size for single or multiple
valves or non-certified valves.
 The Gas Relief - known flow calculation
has options for section 1, section 8 or the
fire code. The reaction force and the
noise level are calculated
 The Steam Relief - known flow calculation
has options for Section 1, section 8 and
the fire code and calculates the reaction
force and noise level
 The Two phase - known flow calculation
has options for Section 1, section 8 and
the fire code and calculates the reaction
force and noise level, It has 7 different
two phase calculations.
 The Heat Exchanger - entrapped liquid
calculation is for a blocked in liquid filled
Data Sheet exchanger which has the heat turned on.
It calculates the flow caused by the liquid
 The Heat Exchanger - Tube failure
calculation is for tube rupture where the
tube pressure is 50% greater than the
shell pressure. It assumes no
vaporization of the shell side product.
 The Pipeline - Entrapped liquid calculation
is for liquid expansion in long, blocked in,
pipelines on a hot day. It usually only
takes a very small relief valve to avoid
blowing the gaskets
 The Fire size - Liquid vaporization is the
most complex calculation. It gathers the
flame wetted area of up to 15 liquid
containing vessels. The heat input is
calculated either by The API 520 or the
National Fire Protection Association
NFPA #30, method and a relieving flow
rate is determined. The reaction force
and relieving noise level are also
 The Fire size - Gas expansion also
gathers the flame wetted area, this time of
up to 15 gas containing vessels. The
maximum flow is then back calculated
from the valve size. The reaction force
and relieving noise level are then


The capabilities shown in the image below provide a convenient method of making pipe flow friction loss and water
hammer calculations.


instruCalc comes with the following databases which are user-definable:

Fluids Database

instruCalc calculates process data at flow conditions for the fluids shown in the table below. The database can be
updated with additional fluids.


Fluid mixtures can be generated.

Required data for each of the available datasets is shown below:



Low flow




Pipe sizes



instruCalc allows the user to select any set of engineering units, including a user-customised set. Units can be
mixed, matched and changed in the middle of a calculation.

PRICES (Note all prices are $US)

Electronic delivery only – application and manual – see ‘Supply and Activation’ below.
For sales to Australia and New Zealand please see Note 5 below.
For sales to Indonesia please see Note 6 below.


$ US $ US
Single-user, stand-alone licence 2,750.00 700.00
Single-concurrent-user, network (server installed) licence 3,150.00 800.00
2-user network licence 5,850.00 1,475.00
3-user network licence 7,950.00 2,000.00
4-user network licence 9,950.00 2,500.00
5-user network licence 11,950.00 3,000.00

Multi-user licenses in excess of five, site and corporate licenses POA

1. All prices in United States dollars and are net to Accutech. For overseas orders, any taxes, duties, customs or
import charges (except reasonable bank charges for the transfer of money) are to the customer’s account.
Prices correct at above date and subject to change.
2. Software comes with 12 months support. Purchase of the annually renewable software assurance at the
Same time as the software will provide 2 years of support.
3. Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) at 10% must be added to the above quoted prices for sales within
Australia. Sales outside Australia are GST-free.
4. For overseas orders, we ship only on receipt of payment by direct funds transfer to our bank.
5. For sales within Australia and to New Zealand we can provide a fixed price quotation in Australian dollars.
6. For supply to Indonesia we are unable to provide an appropriately signed copy of the Tax Withholding
Form DGT 1. Consequently all the prices shown above are increased by 25% for sales into Indonesia
to account for the amount withheld.

instruCalc network version was developed to monitor the number of simultaneous users. A license file is installed
on the server drive that controls and regulates the number of simultaneous users equal to that of the purchased
license. The client workstations look at the license on the server to see if there are open licenses before launching
the program. After install procedure on the network server, each workstation (that’s licensed) must have the full
program loaded onto it in order for the program to run. The client machine installed software must then have the
paths to the data files set to wherever the user’s database files will be stored.


 Permanent licenses of instruCalc are supplied only after receipt of payment in full.
 We supply instruCalc only via a digital download – software and manual.
 After initial installation (or at the end of the evaluation period) you will need to register the software for a
permanent licence activation code. The activation code is issued by the developer, not Accutech. The
developer is on Central US Time Zone and you need to keep this in mind when contacting the developer.

Accutech 2000 Pty Ltd T: 08 9364 2211 Australian Business Number

PO Box 65, Applecross F: 08 9316 1364 ABN: 40 062 194 580
Western Australia 6953 E:

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