Similar Looking Kanji
Similar Looking Kanji
Similar Looking Kanji
末 matsu, batsu, sue
Kanji Reading Meaning
木 moku, boku, ki tree, wood
人 hito,jin Person
休 kyuu,yasumi rest; day off; retire; sleep
入 hai(ru) Enter
本 hon,moto book,present; main; origin; true
犬 inu Dog
林 rin,hayashi grove; forest
太 futo(i) fatty
森 shin,mori forest; woods
待 Ma(tsu) To wait
可 ka good, right, possible
持 Mo(tsu) To have
何 ka, nani, nan how, what, how many
時 Toki, Ji Time, Hour
荷 ka, ni burden, baggage
得 Toku(ni) specially
河 kawa, ka river
左 sa, hidari left
力 ryoku,riki,chikara power; strength
右 yu, u, migi right
万 man Ten – thousand
石 seki, shaku, ishi stone
方 kata,hou direction; person; alternative
友 tomo(dachi) friend
力 ryoku,riki,chikara power; strength
貝 kai shell
門 mon, kado gate
買 bai,ka(u) buy
間 kan, ken, aida interval, space, room
目 me Eye
問 man, to(u) ask about question
首 kubi Neck
聞 bun, mon, ki(ku) hear, ask about
土 do, to, tsuchi earth, ground
開 hira, a(ku) open
士 shi man, retainer
男 dan,nan,otoko man
言 gen,gon,i(u),koto say
読 doku,toku,yo(mu) read
語 kotoba,go word
夕 seki,yuu evening
牛 ushi,gyuu cow
午 hiru,go noon
年 nen,toshi year,age
生 u(mareru),i(kiru),sei be born,live