Multi-Agent Coordination: Fluid-Inspired and Optimal Control Approaches

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A Thesis
Presented to
The Academic Faculty


Peter M. Kingston

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy in the
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

May 2012

Approved by:

Dr. Magnus Egerstedt, Advisor Dr. Erik Verriest

School of ECE School of ECE
Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Santiago Grijalva Dr. Anthony Yezzi

School of ECE School of ECE
Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Panagiotis Tsiotras Date Approved: 28 March 2012

School of Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology

Thanks must go, first and foremost, to my advisor, Dr. Magnus Egerstedt – for his

support during my Ph.D.; for creating a uniquely positive academic environment and

research group; and for giving me the freedom to do interesting and varied research.

At all stages, Dr. Egerstedt has been an unfailing advocate, and for this I cannot

thank him enough. I would also like to thank my Ph.D. committee, Dr. Santiago

Grijalva, Dr. Panagiotis Tsiotras, Dr. Erik Verriest, and Dr. Anthony Yezzi. I

appreciate tremendously the time and effort that they have taken to review this dis-

sertation. Additionally, this work would not have been possible without the generous

support of the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation.

I would like to thank Dr. Todd Murphy, who was kind enough to host me at

Northwestern University and to introduce me to Geometric Mechanics. Ideas that I

first encountered in Chicago have illuminated my research in often-unexpected ways.

I would also like to warmly acknowledge Dr. Mike Stilman and Tobias Kunz, with

whom I enjoyed an excellent collaboration.

My present and former colleagues at the Georgia Robotics and Intelligent Systems

(GRITS) Lab have been an unrivaled source of insight and comradeship. GRITS Lab:

For our discussions (technical and otherwise), for your advice, and for your friendship,

I count myself lucky. It has been a singular privilege to work with you.

Finally, thank you to my family – for encouraging me to begin this journey, and

for supporting me through its completion.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

I INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Eulerian Swarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Lagrangian Swarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Subjective Controller Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

II PROBLEM BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Preliminaries: Algebraic Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Abstract Simplicial Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Index-Free Multiagent Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Time and Output Warped Formation Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.1 Time Warping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.2 Output Warping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 Preference Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

III EULERIAN SWARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1 Index-Free Multiagent Systems via Mass Density Functions . . . . . 17
3.1.1 The Indicator Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.2 Weighted Linear Consensus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.1.3 An Inner Product Space via Smoothing . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.4 A Finite-State-Space Analogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1.5 Index-Free Multiagent Systems via Mass Density Functions:
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2 Distributed-Infrastructure Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.1 One-Dimensional Models: Analogies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.2 Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.2.3 Hodge Decomposition on Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2.4 Laplacian Operators and Energy Functions . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.2.5 Two-Dimensional Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2.6 A Combined Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2.7 Example: Air Traffic Control via Incompressible Flows . . . . 45
3.2.8 Incompressible Flows: Numerical Example . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.9 Incompressible Flows: Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.2.10 Incompressible Flows: Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.2.11 Harmonic Flows: or, Homological Patrol Strategies . . . . . . 50
3.2.12 Distributed Computation of Homological Streamfunctions . . 53
3.2.13 Infrastructure-Assisted Behavior Generation . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2.14 Distributed-Infrastructure Routing: Conclusions . . . . . . . 61

IV LAGRANGIAN SWARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.1 Constraint-Coupled Mechanical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.1.1 Distance Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.1.2 From DAEs to ODEs by the Implicit Function Theorem . . . 65
4.1.3 A Physical Analogue: The Marionette . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2 Optimal Control for Approximate Formation Tracking . . . . . . . . 68
4.2.1 Time Warping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.2.2 Output Warping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.2.3 Example: The Puppet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

V PREFERENCE LEARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.1 Learning Metric Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.1.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.1.2 State of the Art: Support Vector Machines . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.2 Metric Preference Learning: A Convex Formulation . . . . . . . . . 104
5.3 The Preference Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.4 Metric Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

5.4.1 Direct Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.4.2 Instance Vector Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.4.3 QP Form and Relation to SVMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5.5 An Asymptotic Observer for Metric Cost Models . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.6 Apples and Oranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.7 Amoebas and Humans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
5.8 Learning Metric Costs: Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

VI CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124


REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134


1 Graph (left), and simplicial 2-complex (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Simplices of various dimension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Oriented simplices of various dimension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 The indicator distribution (left) is smoothed by convolution with a
Gaussian to arrive at a function in L2 (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5 Multiple mobile robots (red) are directed throughout a triangulated
environment with the help of wireless base stations (dark gray). . . . 32
6 Prototypical irrotational (left), incompressible (center), and harmonic
(right) vector fields on R2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
7 Given a planar simplicial 2-complex K (gray), G is the lower-adjacency
graph (bold lines) of the triangles. It is a subgraph of the dual graph
G (bold and dashed lines) to the 1-skeleton of K (thin solid lines),
denoted G ∗ . (Note that the five copies of v0 (circles) are identified.) . 40
8 Computational results are shown. Given a flow as input (first plot;
arrow sizes indicate flow magnitudes) on G, a circulant flow on G and a
streamfunction on the Rips Shadow of K are produced (second plot).
The Lagrange multipliers for the cycle-space projection (third plot) are
a close analogue of pressure in the dynamics of incompressible fluids.
The streamfunction is computed locally at each triangle, requiring only
the addition of a local offset (fourth plot), which is computed in a
distributed fashion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
9 Incompressible-flow human-swarm interaction demo: The scenario. . . 50
10 Incompressible-flow human-swarm interaction demo: Video frames,
overlaid with flows (gray arrows) and streamfunctions (colored gra-
dients; blues are low values and reds are high). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
11 The vector fields produced avoid the concentration of agents within
any one control volume (dashed circle) (left), paths with local loops
(center), and collisions with the boundary of the complex (right). . . 52
12 A pure simplicial 2-complex K (left), its boundary subcomplex B(K)
(center), and the corresponding insulated 1-skeleton G(K) (right) . . 57
13 Distributed algorithm for computing homological patrol strategies. . . 59

14 Depicted are a specified flow (left), and its projections onto the in-
compressible (center) and harmonic (right) subspaces. The harmonic
flow described in this section (right) differs from the incompressible
flow described in Section 3.2.8 (center), in that the former avoids the
local vortices visible in the latter. In both cases, it is a collection of
hybrid, piecewise-linear controllers that realize the flows. These con-
trollers are produced as the Hamiltonian vector field corresponding to
a piecewise-linear streamfunction (color gradients). . . . . . . . . . . 60
15 The marionette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
16 Human subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
17 The marionette is modeled as a system of point masses (m1 , · · · , m10 )
interconnected by massless rods (solid lines) and suspended by strings
(dashed lines) from four kinematically-controllable points (p1 , · · · , p4 ). 67
18 Comparison of three signals: Although subjectively, Signal 1 represents
the “same motion” as the reference signal (it is merely shifted, dilated,
and scaled) Signal 2 will be judged “more similar” to the reference by
either the L2 metric (79) or angle (80). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
19 J(ξ) is plotted against the linear time warping parameter ξ = v(0)
for the problem in which an autonomous nonlinear pendulum approx-
imately tracks a sinusoid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
20 Simplicial tessellations in the plane containing the region outlined in
bold satisfying (left) all rules 1-4; (center) all rules except 3 (the of-
fending vertex is circled); and (right) all rules except 4 (the offending
simplex is circled). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
21 Given the set S of input simplices, the output warping function s
is determined by the positions of the vertices of the corresponding
output simplices R. This example uses a Coxeter-Kuhn-Freudenthal
tessellation of a regular grid of cubes in R2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
22 Van der Pol oscillator vs. driven pendulum, before warping. We wish
to scale the time axis of the output (top left) and the output space of
the reference (bottom right) to align the two signals. . . . . . . . . . 93
23 Van der Pol oscillator vs. driven pendulum, after warping. Time warp-
ing matches the first part of the Van der Pol oscillator’s transient to
that of the pendulum (left top, bottom), and output warping rotates
and deforms the reference output space to better match the output
(right top, bottom). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
24 The cost in Example 4.2.5 is reduced (top), eventually reaching a local
extremum as evidenced by the reduction of the norm of the derivative
to zero (bottom). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

25 The gradient descent procedure is characterized by a rapid initial de-
scent followed by slower final descent. Each curve corresponds to a
different initial guess for the control trajectory; each component of the
guess for u takes the form α cos(ωt) + β sin(ωt), with (α, β) chosen
uniformly at random from [−1, 1] × [−1, 1] and ω from [0, ωmax ], where
ωmax is the Nyquist frequency for the sample rate used. The initial
guesses for the output warping are realizations of the random vari-
able I + 51 , where here I denotes the coefficients corresponding to the
identity affine transformation and  is drawn uniformly from [−1, 1]6 . 94
26 Animation frames showing the lowest-cost imitation of the human sub-
ject’s bhangra performance by the puppet; percentages are of the total
playback time elapsed. The puppet begins hanging in an equilibrium
state (at time “0%”). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
27 The affine transformations arrived at by the optimization algorithm for
different initial guesses (as described in Figure 25) are illustrated as
frames in R2 (solid), along with the identity transformation (dotted).
The lowest-cost transformation is drawn in bold. . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
28 The original preference graph G (left), and the corresponding transitively-
reduced quotient graph, (G/ ∼)t (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
29 Two examples for X = R2 . Shades of gray indicate the number of
violated constraints (points in darker regions violate more constraints),
and discontinuities in the derivative of the piecewise-linear function
x 7→ maxi ||d1i || (hdi , xi − bi ) are indicated by dashed lines. In the first
example (top), P 6= ∅ (white region), and x̄ is its incenter, the point
maximally far away from the closest of the constraint surfaces (thin,
solid lines) - i.e., it is the center of the largest inscribed sphere (thick,
solid curve). In the second example (bottom), P = ∅, and the resulting
optimum, x̄, is the point whose worst constraint violation is minimal. 108
30 A number of uniformly-randomly selected points in [−1, 1] × [−1, 1] ⊂
R2 are compared according to a point at infinity (i.e., a linear cost
function) (dotted), and both the traditional SVM (dashed) and the
minimax-rate (solid) approaches are used to produce estimates of this
direction from the comparisons. From the difference-classification point
of view (top), one wishes to separate the vectors {di }N i=1 (displayed
as “o”s) from the vectors {−di }i=1 (displayed as “*”s). From the
minimax-rate point of view (bottom), one wishes to find the direc-
tion that maximizes the rate of constraint satisfaction (the numbers
of violated constraints are represented by shades of gray; the white
region is feasible). The traditional SVM solution separates the posi-
tive from the negative differences with a larger margin (top), but the
minimax-rate solution stays as far from the edge of the constraint cone
as possible (bottom). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

31 A series of the observer’s estimates, with αk = 1 ∀k. The initial esti-
mate is x̃0 , and the true ideal is given by x̄. In step 0, the observer
projects x̃0 onto the plane (solid line) corresponding to the measured
output s0 = (x10 , x20 ) to produce x̃1 . In step 1, the observer makes no
changes to its estimate, because x̃1 is on the correct side of the plane
corresponding to s1 ; hence x̃2 = x̃1 . In step 2, the observer projects x̃2
onto the plane corresponding to s2 to create the estimate x̃3 , which is
yet closer to x̄. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
32 Example estimate trajectory for observer (201-202) for αk = α = 1,
with X = R2 . The estimate begins at x̃0 = (−15, 15), and approaches
the ideal x̄ = (17, 0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
33 Depicted are the 9 apples used to generate comparisons with the single
orange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
34 An example of a pairwise comparison between two apples, relative to
the orange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
35 The preference graph corresponding to the apple experiments. . . . . 119
36 The preference graph corresponding to the amoeba experiments. . . . 121
37 Each question took the form, “Which of the two ‘amoebas’ (bottom)
looks more like the [motion capture data from a] human dancer (top)?” 121
38 If x1 ∈ B1 and x2 ∈ B2 , then ||x̃k+1 − x̄|| < ||x̃k − x̄||. . . . . . . . . . 131


Multiagent coordination problems arise in a variety of applications, from satel-

lite constellations and formation flight, to air traffic control and unmanned vehicle

teams. We investigate the coordination of mobile agents using two kinds of ap-

proaches. In the first, which takes its inspiration from fluid dynamics and algebraic

topology, control authority is split between mobile agents and a network of static

infrastructure nodes - like wireless base stations or air traffic control towers - and

controllers are developed that distribute their computation throughout this network.

In the second, we look at networks of interconnected mechanical systems, and develop

novel optimal control algorithms, which involve the computation of optimal deforma-

tions of time- and output- spaces, to achieve approximate formation tracking. Finally,

we investigate algorithms that optimize these controllers to meet subjective criteria

of humans.



Multiagent coordination problems arise in a variety of applications, including satellite

constellations, formation flight, air traffic control, and unmanned vehicle teams. Mo-

tivations are multifold: to produce systems that are robust to the loss of individual

components; to position instruments at scales at which mechanical structures are im-

practical, e.g., for interferometry, phased-array applications, or multi-view imaging;

to enable existing systems like military platforms, by coordinating, to collectively

solve larger problems than those for which they were originally designed; and to im-

pose order on systems, like electrical grids and transportation networks, that arise

from distributed social structures. Much of the inspiration for multiagent approaches

comes from biology, where flocks, schools, and packs of animals coordinate to solve

problems – like flying with aerodynamic efficiency, foiling predators, or hunting prey

– but physics also has a role to play, where ensembles of particles, like those com-

prising fluids or electrical conductors, exhibit properties that arise only from their


Despite the immense growth in interest in deploying multi-agent and swarm

robotic solutions, and despite the intuitive biological and physical justifications for

doings so, there remains a need for useful abstractions for controlling these systems.

The goal of this dissertation is to fill this gap, by presenting novel abstractions for

multiagent systems.

We will focus on two complementary, physically-inspired approaches to multiagent

coordination. To describe them, we will borrow the terms Eulerian and Lagrangian

from fluid dynamics. The Eulerian approach considers points or control volumes that

are fixed in space, and the dynamics one obtains relate values that are assigned to

these points – like density, temperature, and pressure – to flows of mass, energy, and

force. This is to be contrasted to the Lagrangian approach, in which coordinates

are employed that move with the fluid – which has the interpretation of tracking

an individual particle of the fluid. For our purposes, Eulerian control schemes for

multiagent systems will be those that work with fixed control volumes containing

mobile agents, and Lagrangian control schemes will be those that track individual

agents, as particles. The key distinction between the two approaches is that, whereas

the Lagrangian approach is concerned with what state each agent is in, the Eulerian

approach only considers how many agents are in each state.

1.1 Eulerian Swarms

For implementation, the Eulerian approach to multiagent control splits control au-

thority between mobile agents and a network of static infrastructure nodes – like

wireless base stations or air traffic control towers – that are responsible for differ-

ent regions of the environment. Algorithms are then developed that distribute their

computation throughout the static network, to produce local controllers that are

broadcast to mobile agents within each region – an approach that we first considered

in [55].

An underlying assumption for the Eulerian approach is that mobile agents are

anonymous and interchangeable. Then, rather than requiring agents to engage in

complicated role-assignment negotiations – some of which result in problems that are

NP-hard – we exploit the existence of static infrastructure to discard agent identi-

ties a priori by representing the joint state of a swarm as a density function over a

state space. Indeed, a desire to simplify multiagent algorithms by discarding agent

identities is an important motivation for the approach.

Another motivation is the recognition that real multiagent systems often do use

static communications infrastructure, so in these situations, it is natural to ask

whether that infrastructure can be used for control as well. Moreover, in certain ap-

plication domains, like air traffic control, static infrastructure is not only widespread,

but indeed has legal authority. The Eulerian approach is compatible with these ex-

isting forms of engineering and social organization.

Finally, the distributed-infrastructure approach harnesses a number of extremely

interesting tools from algebraic topology, Hodge Theory, and the theory of discrete

harmonic functions – which gives, in addition to the practical reasons just outlined,

an aesthetic motivation for considering the Eulerian approach.

1.2 Lagrangian Swarms

In a complementary approach, we consider multiagent system representations that do

track individual agents’ states. In particular, we look at networks of interconnected

mechanical systems, and develop novel optimal, approximate formation tracking algo-

rithms. As in the distributed-infrastructure approach, graph-based models are used

to represent robot formations; in this case, graph edges represent constraints that

couple agents. The chief source of novelty is the development of a number of new

optimal control problems, which involve additional degrees of freedom, and their ap-

plication to these constraint-coupled swarms. Specifically, we allow for both the time

axis and the output space to be deformed elastically, and optimize over the homeo-

morphisms defining these warpings, to achieve approximate formation tracking. We

first addressed the time- and output- warped tracking problems in [59] and [61].

Deformation of the time axis is motivated by the recognition that the controlled

system either simply may not be able to move as quickly as a human, or may have

natural modes of oscillation (imagine waves propagating through a swarm) that can be

exploited by interpreting time liberally. In other words, although one system may not

be able to execute a motion at the same speed as another, it may nevertheless be able

to perform an “equivalent” motion by moving at a different speed. This approach

was originally motivated by problems in robotic puppetry, where, for instance, a

marionette actuated by weak servos whose arm swings with a natural frequency of 1

Hz may be asked to mimic a human waving her hand at 2 Hz. By choosing to interpret

the human’s wave at a slower speed, the oscillatory dynamics of the marionette can be

used to create a more convincing wave. In the same way, we aim to allow controllers

to harness, rather than fight, the natural modes of swarms. This is enabled by a

flexible interpretation of time, which will arise automatically as the solution to one

of a number of optimal control problems.

In addition to deforming the time axis, we apply homeomorphisms to the output

space as well. Returning to the example of the marionette asked to mimic a waving

human, suppose that the human waves at head level yet the puppet cannot raise its

hand above shoulder level. Using any of the usual metrics, the marionette simply

cannot track this reference signal. However, if the human’s “wave” motion is allowed

to be translated down to shoulder level, it can be tracked and the puppet can “mimic”

the human by executing a motion which is lower but still recognizably the same. In

a similar way, swarm formation specifications may be deformed to allow swarms to

subjectively track human commands.

1.3 Subjective Controller Tuning

Finally, we investigate methods for using data of humans’ preferences, in order to

“learn” controllers, under both frameworks, that optimize humans’ subjective experi-

ence in controlling swarms. Our goal in this complementary work, which we explored

in [58], [60], and [57], is not to investigate human psychology itself, but rather to

develop the tools necessary for optimal subjective control.

Entertainment and artistic applications help to motivate this aspect of the prob-

lem, where robots are asked to generate motions that, rather than achieving a well-

defined physical outcome, instead serve an aesthetic or communicative purpose. In

these situations, the effectiveness of control is ultimately the degree to which it aligns

with the subjective judgements of human observers.

The role of human preferences in these problems is unavoidable, in that a swarm

behavior or motion is aesthetically pleasing only if we think it is pleasing. We will

address techniques both for using empirical measurements to learn cost functions

that are consistent with humans’ aesthetic preferences, and for generalizing from

these preference measurements to determine a globally best alternative.

Work in this area has the opportunity to impact areas beyond control and robotics,

with applications ranging from recommendation systems as used by shopping (Ama-

zon, eBay), Internet radio (Pandora, Grooveshark), and advertising (Facebook, Google)

websites (see e.g. [44], [1], [74]); to more fundamental study of human behavior, e.g.

in psychometrics (e.g., [97], [17]) and economics (e.g., [2], [103], [84]). Nevertheless,

for the purposes of this dissertation, preference learning plays a secondary, comple-

mentary role to the primary contributions of Eulerian and Lagrangian swarm control




Graph theory and algebraic topology provide a natural mathematical language for

discussing multiagent coordination. At heart, both simply model how things are

connected, and for us they will serve two related purposes.

The first is to describe interactions between agents. Interactions can take various

forms: Agents may communicate with one another over traditional communications

channels (e.g., radio, optical, or acoustic links); they may react to one another’s

physical presence using sensors (like sonar, laser, or infrared rangefinders); or they

may mechanically alter one another’s states (e.g., by pushing or pulling). The simplest

interactions are pairwise, and are naturally represented as edges of a graph that takes

the agents as its nodes, but more complicated interactions involving three or more

agents can also be modeled using a generalization of graphs, the abstract simplicial

complex. Graphs and simplicial complexes, which are illustrated in Figure 2, will be

introduced formally in the subsequent sections.

The second purpose of graphs and simplicial complexes, for us, is to serve as

spatial abstractions – both of environments in which agents operate, and of more

abstract output spaces of systems. In this context, the nodes of graphs, and the

Figure 1: Graph (left), and simplicial 2-complex (right)

triangles, tetrahedra, and higher-order simplices of simplicial complexes, will repre-

sent regions of a geometric space. In the distributed-infrastructure approach (to be

introduced in Section 3.2), abstract simplicial complexes will serve both roles simul-

taneously – of modeling agent interactions, and of discretizing space – as simplices

represent both static agents, like routers, and regions of an environment under their

control authority.

2.1 Preliminaries: Algebraic Topology

A number of tools from algebraic topology and homology theory – most notably the

Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition, both of a vector field on a smooth manifold (see

e.g. [69]), and of a chain on a simplicial complex (as in [40] or [76]) – will play a key

role. The analogy between the discrete and continuous in this context is the subject of

discrete exterior calculus (discussed in [27]), which has found application in a number

of areas including computer graphics (e.g. [98]), image processing and clustering (e.g.

[37]), computational physics [81], statistical ranking [50], and multiagent control,

including [36] where a connection to continuous PDEs is made, [110] which explores

a related Laplacian-like operator, [75], which uses higher-order Laplacian dynamics

to probe the homology of the complex, and [92], which additionally gives subgradient

algorithms to find sparse representatives of the homology groups.

The formalism used in this section closely parallels that of [75] and [92]. Philo-

sophically, however, the goals are very different – in [75] and [92], one seeks to locate

holes in a network; here, we will look to understand human preferences and to direct

agents throughout an environment. A number of technical differences will also arise

from these different goals.

2.1.1 Abstract Simplicial Complexes

We now introduce abstract simplicial complexes more formally. Our exposition will

be brief, intended mainly to introduce notation and terminology; for more detail, the

0-simplex 1-simplex 2-simplex 3-simplex
(Vertex) (Edge) (Triangle) (Tetrahedron)

Figure 2: Simplices of various dimension.

interested reader may wish to refer to [40] or [76] (although the formal definitions

used in each are slightly different), as well as the introductions to [50] (which uses a

dual formulation) and [92]. The definitions that follow in this section are more-or-less


Given a finite set V (K) of vertices, a simplex ∆ ⊂ V (K) is a subset of V (K).

If the cardinality of that subset is k + 1, then the order of ∆ is said to be k, and

it is called a k-simplex; simplices of various orders are illustrated in Figure 2.1.1.

Any (k − 1)-simplex σ ⊂ ∆ is a face of ∆. A simplicial complex K is a finite set of

simplices that is closed with respect to taking faces; i.e., if ∆ ∈ K and σ is a face of

∆, then σ ∈ K. A simplicial k-complex K is said to be pure if all simplices whose

order is less than k are faces of higher-order simplices. We denote the k-simplices of

K by Σk (K). A simplex ∆ ∈ K is a coface of σ ∈ K if σ is a face of ∆. Two simplices

σ1 , σ2 are lower-adjacent (denoted σ1 ^ σ2 ) if they share a face, and upper-adjacent

(denoted σ1 _ σ2 ) if they share a coface. A simplicial complex is illustrated in Figure


An orientation of a simplex is a total order over its vertices, modulo even permuta-

tions, with a formal sign,1 as is illustrated by Figure 2.1.1. If the set ∆ = {v0 , · · · , vk }

is a simplex, we denote an orientation of ∆ by an ordered list, e.g. [v0 , · · · , vk ]. Two

orientations related by an odd permutation are said to be opposite, and this is written

The formal sign is necessary only to allow 0-simplices to have two orientations.

0-simplex 1-simplex 2-simplex 3-simplex
(Vertex) (Edge) (Triangle) (Tetrahedron)

Figure 3: Oriented simplices of various dimension.

with a minus sign; for instance [v0 , v1 , v2 ] = −[v1 , v0 , v2 ]. Finally, an orientation of

a simplex induces an orientation on its faces; the i-th oriented face of an oriented

simplex ∆ = [v0 , · · · , vk ] is,

Fi (∆) = (−1)i [v0 , · · · , vi−1 , vi+1 , · · · , vk ]

= (−1)i ∆/vi . (1)

Likewise, an orientation of a simplicial k-complex is an assignment of an orientation

to each of its k-simplices. A simplicial k-complex is consistently oriented if, for every

pair of lower-adjacent k-simplices ∆1 , ∆2 sharing a face σ, ∆1 and ∆2 induce opposite

orientations on σ.

A k-chain c ∈ Ck (K) over an oriented simplicial complex K is a formal sum of

elements from Σk (K) taking coefficients from some commutative ring; we use the

real numbers, R. For instance, the formal sum 1.2v0 + 2.6v1 − 0.5v4 is a 0-chain

over an appropriate simplicial complex. Formal sums can be added and multiplied

by scalars in the natural way, so Ck (K) forms a finite-dimensional real vector space.

Additionally, we equip Ck (K) with an inner product, h·, ·i, defined by

* N +
ai σ i , bi σi = ai b i (2)
i=0 i=0 i=0

where Σk (K) = {σ0 , · · · , σN }, and ai , bi ∈ R ∀i are the chain coefficients.

Boundary operators will be central to this work. The k-th boundary operator

δk (K) : Ck (K) → Ck−1 (K) on the oriented simplicial complex K is defined,
δk (K) ai σi = ai Fj (σi ) ; (3)
i=0 i=0 j=0

by convention, δ0 (K) = 0. The null space of δk (K) is called the k-cycles of K and

denoted Zk (K); the image of δk+1 (K) is called the k-boundaries and denoted Bk (K).

The k-th homology group is the quotient space Hk (K) = Zk (K)/Bk (K); its dimension

is the k-th Betti Number of K.

The k-th combinatorial Laplacian is defined, Lk (K) = δk∗ (K)δk (K)+δk+1 (K)δk+1


where δk∗ (K) denotes the adjoint operator to δk (K), called the k-th coboundary oper-

ator. The matrix representations of δk (K) and δk∗ (K) are transposes of one another.

For the special case when K is 1-dimensional and so isomorphic to a graph, we

may also use terminology from graph theory [28].2 There, C0 (K) is called the vertex

space, C1 (K) is the edge space, δ1 (K) is the cycle space (and its dimension is the

cyclomatic number ), and image δ1∗ (K) is the cut space.

A realization of a simplicial complex K is an isomorphic complex K 0 whose vertex

set V (K 0 ) is a finite subset of Rn for some n ∈ N, and its Rips Shadow R(K 0 ) ⊂ Rn

is the union of the convex hulls of its simplices’ vertex sets.

2.2 Index-Free Multiagent Systems

The systems that we will be controlling are swarms of interchangeable agents. Conse-

quently, we are interested in problem formulations that do not require agent identities.

In much of the multiagent systems literature, it is assumed that there is an indexed

collection of agents with states x1 , · · · , xN ∈ Rn . Then, these individual states are

collected in a single vector x ∈ RnN , and analysis proceeds from this point. Examples

include [78], [107], [32], [94], [11], [12], [85], [104], [30], [31], [39], [71], [79], [95], [96],

[106], [108], [56]. For systems in which there are many homogeneous agents, however,

In graph theory, it is more common to use the two-element field F2 = {0, 1} (i.e., XOR serves
as the addition operation) instead of R.

it may be argued that this is an unnatural approach because it requires that agents be

indexed, whereas the fundamental properties of such systems should be independent

of agent labeling. One way of dealing with this is to introduce an equivalence relation

between states, defined

x ∼ y ⇐⇒ ∃P ∈ π(N ) s.t. x = (P ⊗ I)y (4)

for any x, y ∈ RnN , where π(N ) denotes the group of N × N permutation matrices

and ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product. Essentially, one is then looking for properties

of the system that are invariant under permutation of the agent indices or for methods

by which the agents can agree on a permutation; this is the approach taken in e.g.

[49], [100], [109].

We will be interested, instead, in swarm representations that are inherently permutation-

invariant; this is addressed later in Section 3.1.

Similarly-motivated previous work includes [63] and [62], in which the individual

configurations in R2 ∼
= C of robots in a formation are represented by the roots of
a complex polynomial whose coefficients constitute the permutation-invariant joint

configuration. Particularly attractive properties of this representation include that

it is finite-dimensional and can be interpolated in a very straightforward way. A

limitation which we wish to avoid is that it is only applicable to states/configurations

in two dimensions, and since the representation hinges on the Fundamental Theorem

of Algebra it is not clear how one would generalize to higher (or lower) dimensions.

The work with the largest technical similarities to ours exists in the mathemat-

ical biology community under the heading of nonlocal integro-differential models of

swarms; this includes [73], [99], [68], [13], and [19]. The models studied in this area

typically also include diffusion and sometimes nonlinear reaction terms, but share the

property of determining advection velocities by a convolution integral; hence many of

the results given in e.g. [99] can be specialized to the case which we will study. Never-

theless, there are a number of essential novelties to our approach which arise precisely

because of the interplay between the indicator distribution and the indexed represen-

tation (the latter of which is not present in a purely continuum model). Among these

are a natural permutation-invariant geometric structure which the indexed represen-

tation inherits via the kernel trick, and an Eulerian control philosophy which has the

potential to result in dramatically simple controllers, which are the subject of Section


2.3 Time and Output Warped Formation Tracking

In this section, we discuss methods that assert, a priori, that a multiagent formation

is similar to a given reference if it can be easily deformed or “warped” to match that

reference. Specifically, we will consider problems related to the following physical

analogy: Suppose one were to draw, using a pencil, the graphs of two signals (repre-

senting formation trajectories) on sheets of rubber, and to then stretch those pieces

of rubber until the graphs approximately “lined up.” Formally, such a process could

be described by the pre- or post- composition of the signals with homeomorphisms

– an idea that is investigated in more detail in Section 4.2. In preparation for that

formal problem statement, in this section we review literature that approaches the

comparison of signals or the control of systems using similar ideas.

2.3.1 Time Warping

For the case when control is not the objective but instead one simply wants to compare

signals, the time warping problem has been studied extensively in the automatic

speech recognition literature. There, variations in speaking rate are accounted for by

“normalizing” the time axes of different signals. That problem is usually solved in a

discrete-time framework with a dynamic programming algorithm known as Dynamic

Time Warping (DTW) (for example, see [86], [87], [20], [105]). The research presented

in Section 4.2 is inspired in large part by that work, but differs crucially in that we are

now interested in the control of systems, and the control problem and the “warping”

problems are inextricably coupled. What this means is that one cannot simply perform

dynamic time warping on a reference signal and then control the system to track it;

rather, the two problems must be solved simultaneously.

A number of different but related problems have also been studied in the controls

context, as time reparametrization (e.g., [80]) or path following (e.g. [41],[88],[5]).

In [80], for instance, infeasible reference trajectories for feedback-linearizable sys-

tems with bounded control inputs are made feasible by reparametrization. Certain

minimum-time optimal control problems are introduced, and necessary conditions for

the existence of time warping functions are given for this large class of systems. Exact

and asymptotic tracking are considered, but finite-time approximate tracking – which

we will consider – is not.

Of the previous work, that most similar in approach to our own appears in [83],

in which the authors discuss a number of time warping problems in which dynamical

constraints need to be enforced. The primary concern of [83] is the comparison of

motions for computer vision purposes rather than the control of systems, and this does

however motivate different problem formulations and solutions. Linear time-invariant

systems are studied; a combination of dynamic time warping and deconvolution is used

to solve one formulation efficiently, and another formulation results in an optimal

control problem. Key differences from our work include that in [83] time warping is

applied to the input to the systems rather than the output as in our case, and in [83]

the control effort required to effect the motion is not penalized in the optimization

problem. These differences follow naturally from the different goals.

2.3.2 Output Warping

Conceptually, output warping is inspired in large part by work in “elastic” image

deformation, which has applications to image registration (e.g., [54], [67], [70], [82],

[101]), video compression (e.g., [93], [45]), and image processing (e.g., [9]). As we will

be “warping” not images but output trajectories, there are however very few technical

similarities to our work in this literature (besides the use of simplicial complexes to

define warping functions in [9]).

The time- and output- warping problems developed in this dissertation fit nat-

urally into the context of multiagent formations, but can also be applied to fairly

general nonlinear systems, including large classes of mechanical systems – e.g., robots

like those we have studied in other contexts, like [65]. The warped tracking problems

are the subject of Section 4.2.

2.4 Preference Learning

The idea of learning cost or rating functions from expressed preferences has been

studied extensively in the machine learning community, where a number of related

approaches and problems exist. We sketch a taxonomy of this work here.

In instance preference learning, one is given a set of objects called instances or

alternatives (usually points in a real vector space)3 together with information about

humans’ preferences among them, and it is sought to learn functions that generalize

these expressed preferences to the entire space in some way. When the preference

data take the form of values from an ordinal scale – e.g., “Good,” “Fair,” “Poor” –

the problem is known as ordinal regression (e.g., [43], [23]). When they take the form

of a collection of pairwise comparisons (i.e. answers to questions of the form “Which

of these two options is better?”), we will refer to the problem as preference learning

(e.g. [24] [42] [34] [26] [22] [3] [50]). Often, preference learning is done by constructing

a real-valued ranking function over the instances (e.g., [34] is representative), but in

some cases (particularly when one wishes to allow intransitive preferences), one can

seek merely to solve a binary classification problem that determines, for a given pair

To the extent that a distinction is made between “instances” and “alternatives,” it is that
“instances” are the points that were shown to human judges, whereas “alternatives” may also include
other points in the space besides those that were seen.

of instances, which is preferred (as in, e.g., [42]). Applications have included route

selection by automotive GPS systems [34], food preference studies [10] [29], and the

sorting of search results [51] [26], among many others.

It should be noted that pairwise comparison studies have the advantage over

numerical or ordinal-ranking experiments of being less prone to batch effects, a psy-

chological phenomenon in which people’s rankings are only accurate among objects

compared at around the same time [29]. Specific experimental protocols include two-

alternative forced choice (2AFC), in which, when comparing two objects A and B,

subjects must either respond “A is better than B” or “B is better than A;” three-

alternative forced choice (3AFC), in which “the two are the same” is also an acceptable

answer; and 4AFC, which also includes “the two are incomparable” as an answer.

The problem of label preference learning (e.g. [48] [7]) introduces an extra level of

complexity over instance preference learning. Here, two sets of objects are considered,

one of instances and the other of labels; then, one is given, for each instance, a partial

order (or label ranking) over labels for that instance. In the prototypical example, the

instances are documents, the labels are document classifications, and the label ranking

for e.g. the book Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences [53] would indicate that

it is more “Mathematics” than “Social Sciences,” and more “Social Sciences” than

“Biology.” Continuing the example, the goal is to learn from these data a function

that, when presented with some unseen book, will return a label ranking for it.

For solving instance- and label- preference problems, large-margin approaches,

which ultimately employ Support Vector Machines (SVMs), dominate in the litera-

ture; most of these approaches draw heavy inspiration from [43]. However, Bayesian

[22] and least-squares [50] approaches also exist.

The least-squares approach of [50] is worth singling out, because a very strong

link to combinatorial Hodge theory exists here. Indeed, [50] represents preferences

as 1-chains on a simplicial 2-complex, and considers projections of these preference-

representing 1-chains onto conservative and harmonic subspaces.

Our work, to be presented in Chapter 5, falls into the category of large-margin

instance preference learning for 2- or 3- AFC experiments, but differs from existing

literature in that the goal of computing a globally-optimal alternative motivates dif-

ferent problem formulations and optimization problems, which allow for the efficient

determination of that alternative. Ultimately, the role of preference learning in this

dissertation is as a complementary technology – as a method to tune the controllers,

designed using the Eulerian and Lagrangian control methodologies that are the em-

phasis of our work, so that they align with humans’ subjective preferences.



In this chapter, we will be interested in describing multiagent systems in ways that

discard agent identities, and, often, that offload control authority from individual,

mobile agents, to an instrumented environment in which they operate. We will be-

gin this chapter by discussing the index-free multiagent representation itself (first

introduced in Section 2.2), and demonstrating that, within this framework, many of

the results typically obtained in a more traditional Lagrangian setting can also be

achieved without indexes. With this done, we reach the heart of our work in the next

section – a collection of algorithms by which static infrastructure nodes can synthesize

local controllers that they pass to mobile agents, and that, despite being arrived at

by purely local operations, satisfy desirable global properties.

3.1 Index-Free Multiagent Systems via Mass Density Func-


Our discussion of the index-free multiagent system representation will proceed as fol-

lows: After introducing the indicator distribution and its dynamics (Section 3.1.1),

we relate this representation to the more standard graph-theoretic one (Section 3.1.2);

then we prove conservation properties including stability (Section Following

this we construct an inner product space on indicator distributions which enables

us to reason geometrically about them (and kernelize the Lagrangian representation)

(Section 3.1.3), and finally use a discrete analogue to this representation to give

an example both of the dual relationship between the Eulerian and Lagrangian ap-

proaches, and of the utility for certain problems of selecting the Eulerian approach

(Section 3.1.4). In the interest of clean expressions, we freely drop arguments to

functions throughout this section wherever this should not cause undue confusion.

3.1.1 The Indicator Distribution

Beginning from the classical notion of an indexed set of agents, we will build an

indicator distribution, or permutation-invariant state, that retains all necessary in-

formation while stripping out agent identities. The essential idea will be to construct

an object that tells us not what state each agent is in, but rather how many agents

are in each state. The construction is as follows: Starting from an indexed collection

of agents with states x1 , · · · , xN ∈ Rn , we build an indicator distribution m over Rn

m(x) = Φ(x1 , · · · , xN )(x) = δ(x − xi ) (5)

where δ is the Dirac delta distribution on R , T (Rn ) denotes the space of tempered

distributions on Rn , and the map Φ : RnN → T (Rn ) creates m from x1 , · · · , xN .

We use m to denote this distribution because we would like to think of it as the

agent “mass distribution.” Importantly, notice that although indices were used in

the construction of m, it is fundamentally an object that is concerned only with the

number of agents in any given state.

One may also think of m as the probability distribution (after normalizing by N

that answers the question, “If an agent is chosen uniformly at random, what is the

probability that that agent is at the state x?”

More generally, we would like to be able to add and subtract distributions so that

we have a full vector space structure. Hence we will also consider linear combinations

of distributions of the form (5); these take the form

x 7→ ci δ(x − ξi ) (6)

for some c1 , · · · , cK ∈ R, K ∈ N, and ξ1 , · · · , ξK ∈ Rn .

Now suppose that, in the classical setting, each agent i ∈ {1, · · · , N } has state

xi ∈ Rn and dynamics

ẋi = vi (7)

where vi is our control input, and that moreover vi is generated by some controller,

identical for all agents, that depends only on m(·, t) and not the indexed set of states.

In other words (and making time dependence explicit), vi (t) = v(xi (t), m(·, t)) ∀i ∈

{1, · · · N }. Then, the equivalent dynamics for our indicator distribution are given by

the advection equation

ṁ = − div(mv) (8)

which holds in a weak sense to be described in the next paragraph. Informally, the

meaning of (8) is that the rate at which m decreases at a given point is precisely the

divergence of the mass flux vector field mv from around that point.

Since m is defined as a sum of Dirac delta distributions, we must be careful to

state exactly what is meant by (8). Formally, the distribution m is defined as a linear

functional on smooth, rapidly-decreasing test functions called Schwartz functions, and

its evaluation at a function f : Rn × R → R is denoted hm, f i. In particular, the

Dirac delta distribution is identified with the evaluation functional. Then, by analogy
∂m ∂f
with integration by parts, one defines ∂x i
, f , − m, ∂xi
; and multiplication by a

scalar function s : Rn ×R → R is defined as hsm, f i , hm, sf i. With these definitions,

what (8) really means is that, for any Schwartz function f : Rn × R → R,

− m, f˙ = hm, v · grad f i − hm, f div vi . (9)

One sees from (9) that the only classical derivatives actually used in (8) are those of

the vector field v and of the test function f . For our purposes, it is sufficient merely

to note that, with these definitions, integration by parts and the product rule (for the

product of a differentiable function with a tempered distribution) both hold. (For a

more detailed discussion of these topics, please see [47].)

3.1.2 Weighted Linear Consensus

In the indexed setting, a particular problem that has received a great deal of attention

is that of distributed averaging. This is described by the consensus equation

ẋ(t) = −Lw (G(t))x(t) (10)

where Lw (G(t)) is the (possibly weighted) graph Laplacian for some undirected inter-

action graph G(t) on N vertices, and can be written as the product

Lw (G(t)) = D(t)W (t)DT (t) (11)

where D(t) is the incidence matrix for any orientation of G(t) and W (t) is a di-

agonal matrix of positive edge weights. Specifically, if G(t) is an orientation of an

undirected graph G(t), then D(t) is the matrix representation of the boundary op-

erator δ1 (G(t)) defined in (3); i.e., if G(t) has n vertices, m edges, and edge set

{(e11 , e21 )(t), · · · , (e1m , e2m )(t)}, then D(t) ∈ Rn×m is defined by,

 1 if e1j (t) = i

Dij (t) = −1 if e2j (t) = i . (12)

 0 otherwise

For a more comprehensive overview, please see [72].

We say that the protocol (10) is permutation invariant if both the presence of an

edge between two agents, and the weight assigned to an edge, are functions only of

the permutation-invariant state (or indicator distribution) m = Φ(x). In other words,

the interaction graph is allowed to depend on the states of the many agents, but not

on their identities.

This occurs in a great many cases of interest, including disk graphs, Gabriel and

Delaunay graphs, nearest-neighbor graphs, and even situations in which edges are

functions of many agents’ states (e.g., if a line-of-sight communication link between

two agents can be severed by a third agent who gets in the way). Consensus on static

(i.e., constant) interaction graphs, however, is generally not permutation-invariant,

since in this case edges are determined not by agents’ states but by their identities

(i.e., if agent i is to communicate with agent j and not with agent k regardless of

the many agents’ states, then it requires some way to differentiate between agents j

and k). In graph-theoretic terms, what is required for a static interaction graph is

that every permutation of the vertex labels be a graph automorphism – a property

possessed only by the empty graph and the complete graph. Hence, permutation-

invariance will usually involve dynamic, state-dependent graphs.

So long as (10) is permutation-invariant, it is possible to express equivalent dy-

namics in our index-free framework. In short, the state-dependent vector field v in

(8) then takes the form,

v= m(ζ)w(ζ, x, m)(ζ − x)dζ (13)

where w : Rn × Rn × T (Rn ) → [0, ∞) is a positive state-dependent weighting function

satisfying the symmetry property w(ζ, x, m) = w(x, ζ, m) for all x, ζ ∈ Rn and m ∈

T (Rn ). In most cases that arise, w depends only on its first two arguments, since the

intensity with which a pair of agents interacts is usually a function only of their two

states and not on other agents’. For instance, the unit-disk topology1 can be encoded

by the weighting function

w(ζ, x) = 1B1 (ζ) (x) (14)

where, for a given set S, 1S denotes the zero-one indicator function for S, and Br (ζ)

denotes the open ball, centered at ζ, of radius r.

A yet-more-specific form for w which will be of particular interest is

0 1
w(ζ, x) = f ||ζ − x||2 (15)

where f 0 is the derivative of some nondecreasing scalar function f : R → R.

I.e., two agents can interact if and only if they are within one unit distance of one another.

Regardless of the particular form of w, the controller (13) then induces the closed-

loop dynamics on the indicator distribution m,

ṁ(x) = − div m(x) m(ζ)w(ζ, x, m)(ζ − x)dζ . (16)
ζ∈Rn Properties of Index-Free Linear Consensus

In this section we prove center-of-mass conservation and stability properties of the

closed-loop system (16). Note that the following theorems hold not only when m is

a sum of Dirac deltas as in (5), but also for any positive m which either has compact

support or which more generally vanishes at infinity; naturally, this includes smooth

density functions.

We note here that similar results to Theorems 1 and 2 are also proven for a closely-

related PDE featuring diffusive terms in [99]. We nevertheless include Theorems 1 and

2 both in the interest of completeness, and for their value as instructive specializations

to our case.

Theorem 1 (Center of Mass Conservation). Under the assumption that m vanishes

at infinity, the center of mass x̄(t) ∈ Rn defined by

x̄i , m, xi (17)

(where xi is the ith canonical coordinate function) is constant in time.2

Proof : Differentiating the i-th component of x̄,

m, xi = ṁ, xi

= − div(mv), xi
∂ j i
=− (mv) , x .

Here, hm, ·i denotes evaluation of m as a linear functional.

Since m vanishes at infinity, integration by parts gives that this equals
1 ∂ i n ∂ i
(mv) , 1 x + · · · + (mv) , n x
∂x ∂x

= (mv)1 , δ 1i + · · · + (mv)n , δ ni

where δ ij denotes the Kronecker delta. As a result,

m, xi = mv i , 1

where 1 denotes the constant function that returns 1 ∈ R; this bracket is interpreted

as the total mass flux. Expanding this expression, we have


mv , 1 = m(x) m(ζ)w(ζ, x, m)
x∈Rn ζ∈Rn

· (ζ − x)dζdx
= m(x)m(ζ)w(ζ, x, m)

· (ζ − x)d(x, ζ) .

We note that the term being integrated is antisymmetric in x and ζ, and hence that

the integral is zero.

Theorem 2 (Stability). Let w : Rn × Rn → R take the form (15). Then the closed-

loop dynamics (16)

• are stable if f 0 (x) ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ [0, ∞), and

• are globally asymptotically stable with equilibrium point x̄ defined by (17), if

f 0 (x) > 0 ∀x ∈ [0, ∞)

so long as m vanishes at infinity. Moreover, in the first case, if f 0 (x) > 0 ∀x ∈ [0, R),

then for all i, j ∈ {1, · · · , N }, at equilibrium either ||xi − xj || = 0 or ||xi − xj || > R.

Proof : Consider the Lyapunov functional,
Z Z  
1 2
V (m) = m(x)m(y)f ||x − y|| dxdy . (18)
y∈Rn x∈Rn 2

V̇ = [ṁ(x)m(y) + m(x)ṁ(y)]
y∈Rn x∈Rn
1 2
·f ||x − y|| dxdy

which by symmetry
Z Z  
1 2
=2 ṁ(x)m(y)f ||x − y|| dxdy
y∈Rn x∈Rn 2

and substituting in (8)

= −2 div(m(x)v(x))m(y)
y∈Rn x∈Rn x
1 2
·f ||x − y|| dxdy
n Z

= −2 i
(m(x)v i (x))m(y)
i=1 y∈Rn x∈Rn ∂x
1 2
·f ||x − y|| dxdy .

Integrating by parts (and since m vanishes at infinity), this is,

n Z
−2 (m(x)v i (x))
i=1 y∈Rn x∈Rn
∂ 1
· i m(y)f ||x − y||2 dxdy
∂x 2

which, since f 0 ( 12 ||x − y||2 ) = w(x, y), simplifies to

n Z
2 m(x)v i (x)m(y)w(x, y)(xi − y i )dxdy .
i=1 y∈Rn x∈Rn

Substituting in (13) we arrive at the separable integral
Xn Z Z 
i i
2 m(x) m(y)w(x, y)(x − y )dy
i=1 x∈Rn y∈Rn
i i
· m(ζ)w(x, ζ)(ζ − x )dζ dx
Xn Z
= −2 m(x)||v(x)||2 dx
i=1 x∈Rn

which is never positive so long as f 0 ≥ 0 (thus proving the first statement of the

theorem), and always strictly negative provided f 0 > 0 (which, together with the

previous theorem, proves the second statement). The third statement likewise follows

immediately from LaSalle’s invariance principle.

3.1.3 An Inner Product Space via Smoothing

In this section we imbue the state space of indicator distributions with an inner prod-

uct structure; this will enable us to reason geometrically about multiagent control

laws in an index-free way. Essentially, we will smooth indicator distributions by con-

volving them with an appropriate function (in particular, a Gaussian) to arrive at

smooth functions for which the standard L2 inner product is defined; this is illustrated

by figure 4. The reason for choosing Gaussians in particular is that the corresponding

convolution operator is invertible. In geometric language, the inner product is con-

structed as the pullback of the standard L2 inner product under a linear isomorphism.

The smoothing operator is introduced in section, which is used to define

the inner product in section Finally, in section, we use this inner

product together with the embedding Φ introduced in (5) to compute these inner

products directly from the indexed representation. Smoothed Indicator Distributions

Let w : Rn → R be a Gaussian of the form,

w(x) = exp(−xT Qx) (19)

Indicator Distribution, m Smoothed Indicator Distribution, Aw (m)

2 2

1.5 1.5

Aw (m)(x)
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
−1 −1

0 1 0 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
−0.5 −0.5
1 −1 1 −1
x1 x2 x1 x2

Figure 4: The indicator distribution (left) is smoothed by convolution with a Gaus-

sian to arrive at a function in L2 (right).

for some Q = QT  0 ∈ Rn×n . Then we define the smoothing operator Aw : T (Rn) →

L2 (Rn , R) by,

Aw (m) = w ∗ m (20)

where ∗ is the standard convolution operator.

Lemma 1. Aw is a linear isomorphism.

Proof : Aw is clearly linear. To show that it is also invertible, we note that

m̃ = Aw (m) can be computed as the solution to Laplace’s equation in the following

way: The PDE

φ̇(x, t) = ∆φ(x, t) (21)

with the initial conditions φ(z, 0) = m(Q−1/2 z) (where (Q1/2 )T Q1/2 = Q; Q1/2 exists

since Q  0, and can be computed by e.g. the Cholesky decomposition) has the

1 (z−Q1/2 xi )T (z−Q1/2 xi )

φ(z, t) = e 4t (22)

for t > 0, and hence m̃(x) = π n/2 φ(Q1/2 x, 14 ).3 In the same way, starting with m̃

The function (22) is known as the heat kernel.

and imposing the condition φ(z, 41 ) = 1
π n/2
m̃(Q−1/2 z), m can be reconstructed as

m(x) = φ(Q1/2 x, 0).

Note that although the backwards heat equation used in lemma 1 is extremely

ill-conditioned, in principle the solution exists; see e.g. [33].

Lemma 2. For any indicator distribution m, A(m) is square integrable.

Proof : A(m) can be written as a sum of translated copies of w; since w is

square-integrable, this sum is square-integrable. An Inner Product

Given two indicator distributions m1 , m2 , we define their inner product

hm1 , m2 iA = hA(m1 ), A(m2 )iL2 (Rn ,R) .

Lemma 3. h·, ·iA is an inner product.

Proof : Since A(m1 ) and A(m2 ) are square integrable by Lemma 2, their L2

inner product exists. Since h·, ·iL2 (Rn ,R) is symmetric, so is h·, ·iA ; since A is linear and

h·, ·iL2 (Rn ,R) is bilinear, h·, ·iA is bilinear; and since h·, ·iL2 (Rn ,R) is positive definite and

A is an isomorphism, h·, ·iA is positive definite. Hence h·, ·iA is an inner product. Kernelizing the Inner Product

How does the inner product of the previous section relate to the classical indexed

representation of a multiagent system?

The kernel κΦ attached to the embedding Φ is the map

κ((x11 , · · · , x1N ), (x21 , · · · , x2N )) ,

Φ(x11 , · · · , x1N ), Φ(x21 , · · · , x2N ) . (23)

In other words, it is the map that computes inner products between joint states in

the higher-dimensional space of indicator distributions, without (necessarily) needing

to explicitly construct the indicator distribution representation ([8] has more on the

subject of kernel functions).

For indicator distributions of the form (5) and the inner product h·, ·iA defined in

the previous section, the corresponding kernel is,

κ((x11 , · · · , x1N ), (x21 , · · · , x2N ))

Z Y2 X N
= Aw (δ)(x − xij )
x∈Rn i=1 j=1

= Aw (δ)(x − x21 ) + · · · + Aw (δ)(x − x2N ) dx
= Aw (δ)(x − x1i )Aw (δ)(x − x2j )dx . (24)
i,j x∈Rn

For the case of Gaussian κ as in (19),

Aw (δ)(x − x1 )Aw (δ)(x − x2 )dx
= exp(−(x − x1 )T Q(x − x1 ))

· exp(−(x − x2 )T Q(x − x2 ))dx

= exp(− (x2 − x1 )T Q(x2 − x1 ))
Z 2
· exp(−(x − x̄12 )T Q(x − x̄12 )dx
x∈R n
r n
1 2 1 T 2 1 π
= exp(− (x − x ) Q(x − x )) (25)
2 det Q

for any x1 , x2 ∈ Rn (where x̄12 = (x1 + x2 )/2), and so

κ((x11 , · · · , x1N ), (x21 , · · · , x2N ))

r n X
π 1
= exp(− (x2j − x1i )T Q(x2j − x1i )) . (26)
det Q i,j 2

More generally, we may be interested in allowing indicator distributions of the

form (6). In this case we have another embedding Φ2 which maps (6), thought of as

a formal sum, to the distribution encoded by the same, and its corresponding kernel


κΦ2 (c11 δ(x − ξ11 ) + · · · + c1K δ(x − ξK

1 ),

c21 δ(x − ξ12 ) + · · · + c2K δ(x − ξK

2 ))
r n X
π 1
= c1i c2j exp(− (x2j − x1i )T Q(x2j − x1i )) (27)
det Q i,j 2

which differs from (26) by the factors c1i , c2j which are now included.

The significance of the kernel function we have obtained is that it gives the original

indexed representation a permutation-invariant geometry which can be used to reason

about multiagent control laws without necessarily needing to work at the level of

partial differential equations. Moreover this geometry can be understood concretely in

terms of indicator distributions, and this ties the Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches


3.1.4 A Finite-State-Space Analogue

One interpretation of the Eulerian view of multiagent systems presented so far is that,

rather than thinking of agents as making decisions about which actions to take, one

can instead view the states themselves as making decisions about how many agents

should be entering or leaving them – subject to the dynamical constraints imposed by

the number of agents in each state. We may take this interpretation very literally, and

consider situations in which, e.g., rooms of a building decide which robots should enter

them at any time, or in which sectors of a warzone command various autonomous

support vehicles to enter or leave them in response to changing demands or in order

to meet an objective.

In short, what we are considering is “dumb robots in a smart environment.”

A qualitative observation that motivates this is the complementary behavior of

the mass distribution m of the agents (the Eulerian setting) to that of their joint

state vector x (the Lagrangian setting). We observe that in the Eulerian setting, con-

sensus corresponds to a very “peaky” distribution, in which all mass is concentrated

at one point, whereas in the Lagrangian setting, consensus corresponds to a “flat”

distribution of states over agents, in which x1 = x2 = · · · = xN . Hence we can expect,

more generally, that each controller in the Lagrangian setting corresponds to a “dual”

controller in the Eulerian setting, and that certain control objectives may be easier

to achieve in one setting or in the other; this is the idea explored in Section

The finite state spaces of these examples – e.g. rooms of a building – also mo-

tivate the construction of a finite-state-space analogue to the indicator-distribution

representation we have discussed so far. To this end, we assume the existence of a set

R = {1, · · · , N } of rooms, connected in an undirected graph Gp = (R, Ep ⊂ R × R),

in which edges indicate physical paths – e.g., hallways – by which agents can move

between them. We likewise assume that the rooms can communicate via some net-

work, represented as another graph Gc = (R, Ec ⊂ R × R). Finally, we associate to

each room i ∈ R a number mi ∈ R of agents currently in that room, and thereby

define the vector m = (m1 , · · · , mN ) ∈ RN [The relaxation to allow for a real (rather

than only natural) number of agents in each room can be viewed as a limiting case

for a very large number of agents]. Assuming either a discrete timestep or Lebesgue

sampling, the dynamics of the resulting system are summarized,

m[k + 1] = m[k] + Du[k] ∀k ∈ N (28)

subject to the elementwise state constraint m[k] ≥ 0 for all k ∈ N, where D is the

incidence matrix associated with Gp and u[k] ∈ R|Ep | . Example: Vacuuming an Office Building

As a particular concrete example, suppose that each room of an office building has

been outfitted with a short-range (e.g., Bluetooth) wireless access point, and that

we have a number of vacuum-cleaning robots that we would like the access points to

deterministically direct throughout the building. The goal in this case, in order to

minimize the amount of dirt left in the worst-cleaned room, is to achieve a uniform

distribution of robots over the rooms. The question then becomes how the rooms of

the building, in a distributed way and while respecting state constraints, can choose

to direct robots between themselves so that the robots are eventually distributed

uniformly throughout the building. This is a version of the coverage problem, and it

will turn out to be particularly easy to solve in the Eulerian setting.

For the purposes of this example we will assume Gp = Gc = G – i.e., that the

physical and network topologies are the same – in which case the controller

u[k] = −γDT m[k] (29)

for some γ > 0 gives the closed-loop dynamics

m[k + 1] = (I − γDDT )m[k]

= (I − γL)m[k] (30)

where L is the graph Laplacian for G. Since L is positive semidefinite (see [72]), the

eigenvalues of the closed-loop system matrix lie within the unit circle for sufficiently

small γ (for all but the 1 eigenvector, whose eigenvalue is exactly 1), e.g. γ = 21 ||L||2 ,

and so the system is stable. Moreover, it can be seen that the given controller satisfies

the state constraint m[k] > 0 ∀k ∈ N.

3.1.5 Index-Free Multiagent Systems via Mass Density Functions: Con-


We have stripped agent identities from the multiagent modeling machinery by em-

ploying an indicator function representation, and in so doing arrived at an integro-

differential model for multiagent systems which parallels the now-standard graph-

theoretic constructions. Along the way, we proved stability and conservation prop-

erties from within a continuum model, and, guided by our permutation-invariant

representation and the so-called kernel trick, endowed the traditional vector state

space with a permutation-invariant geometry. Finally, we illustrated a qualitative

Figure 5: Multiple mobile robots (red) are directed throughout a triangulated envi-
ronment with the help of wireless base stations (dark gray).

duality between the Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches by way of a finite-state-

space analogue, which demonstrated that for certain problems a literal interpretation

of the Eulerian approach can result in very simple controllers.

3.2 Distributed-Infrastructure Routing

Heartened by our initial success with simple, Laplacian-based controllers designed

from the Eulerian perspective, we now aim to solve problems that involve not just

convergence of agents to a static deployment in the environment, but interesting

motions in the steady state. The purpose will be to route agents throughout an envi-

ronment, while satisfying various safety and efficiency constraints. Figure 5 shows a

“cartoon” of the envisioned scenario, in which static infrastructure nodes, like wireless

base stations, communicate with one another in consensus-like protocols to synthe-

size controllers that are passed to mobile agents, that move within an environment

represented as a simplicial complex.

3.2.1 One-Dimensional Models: Analogies

We will first consider “one-dimensional” models – those that represent the movement

of agents throughout an environment by flows on edges of a graph. After developing

algorithms to solve multiagent routing problems in this one-dimensional case, we will,

in subsequent chapters, address the two-dimensional case – in which controllers are

constructed to move agents within triangular regions. Higher-dimensional analogues

– in which tetrahedra, pentachora, etc, take the place of triangles – are then also


In this and subsequent sections, we will be strongly motivated by close analogies

between k-chains of different orders, and objects defined on differentiable manifolds.

A first set of analogies relates to the use of graphs as models for environments.

Here, a vertex is the analogue of a point on a smooth manifold, and an edge is

the analogue of an arclength-parametrized curve or unit tangent vector; here, up-

per -adjacency represents topology. A 0-chain is the analogue of a scalar field; its

coefficients are values assigned to the corresponding vertices. A 1-chain is the ana-

logue of a vector field; it can be thought of as assigning a directed flow to each edge.

The coboundary operator δ1∗ : C0 (K) → C1 (K) is the analogue of the gradient opera-

tor, and the boundary operator δ1 : C1 (K) → C0 (K) is the analogue of the divergence

operator. Just as the Laplacian on Rn factors as ∇ = div grad, so too does the ze-

roeth combinatorial Laplacian factor into the analogous combinatorial operators, as

L0 = δ1∗ ◦ δ1 .

We will make a dual analogy for simplicial 2-complexes. Here, a triangle is the

analogue of a point on a smooth manifold, and an edge or face is the analogue of

a unit tangent vector; here, lower -adjacency represents topology. A 2-chain is the

analogue of a scalar field. A 1-chain is the analogue of a vector field; it represents a

directed flux across each face. The coboundary operator δ1∗ : C0 (K) → C1 (K) is the

analogue of the gradient operator, and the boundary operator δ1 : C1 (K) → C0 (K)

is the analogue of the divergence operator.

Irrotational Flow Incompressible Flow Harmonic Flow

Figure 6: Prototypical irrotational (left), incompressible (center), and harmonic

(right) vector fields on R2 .

3.2.2 Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition

The Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition of a vector field v : R3 → R3 is its unique

representation as the sum

v = vc + vr + vh (31)

with div vc 6= 0, curl vc = 0; div vr = 0, curl vr 6= 0; and div vh = 0, curl vh = 0.

From a functional analysis perspective, the three terms are projections of v onto

three orthogonal linear subspaces of the space of vector fields on R3 . The three terms

are the the curl-free, divergence-free, and harmonic components, respectively. The

first represents sources and sinks, the second vortices, and the third global flows

representing the topology of the space, and illustrated in Figure 6.

On a simplicial 1-complex (i.e., a graph) G, we can compute an analogous decom-

position of a 1-chain v ∈ C1 (G) as

v = vc + vr (32)

with vc ⊥ vr under the inner product (2); this is the subject of section 3.2.3. Note

that by working with the 3-clique complex of a graph – a simplicial 2-complex – it

is possible to further decompose v into a total of three components, including an

analogue to the harmonic component of (31); this is the path taken in e.g. [50], but

it comes at the cost of treating edges rather than nodes as the agents that perform


3.2.3 Hodge Decomposition on Graphs

From Hilbert’s Projection Lemma, we know that orthogonal projections are least-

squares solutions to linear equations. In particular, the orthogonal projection of a

1-chain v ∈ C1 (G) onto its curl-free component can be found from the least-squares

solution to the equation,

δ1∗ (G)p = v . (33)

We use p ∈ C0 (G) for the unknown variable because it corresponds to pressure in

fluid dynamics. The solution is readily found to be,

p = (δ1 (G)δ1∗ (G))† δ1 (G)v (34)

= L†0 (G)δ1 v (35)

where (·)† denotes the pseudoinverse operation. 4

Once p is known, the curl-free

component is reconstructed easily as

vc = δ1∗ (G)p . (36)

This decomposition appears both in the swarm control algorithms to be presented

in the subsequent sections, but also in preference learning (see e.g. [50]; preference

learning is discussed in more detail in Chapter 5).

What is interesting is that consensus dynamics solve the equation (33), as de-

scribed in the following theorem:

Theorem 3. The forced Laplacian dynamics

ṗ = −L0 (G)p + δ1 (G)v (37)

converge asymptotically to the solution (35) of (33) if p(0) = 0.

For the (matrix representation of the) graph Laplacian of a connected graph, this is the inverse
restricted to span{1}⊥ . I.e., L† = (L + n1 11T )−1 − n1 11T .

Proof : The ODE (37) can be written as

1 ∗
ṗ = −gradp ||δ1 (G)p − v||2 (38)

which are precisely the gradient descent dynamics needed to solve (33) (Here, the

norm is that induced by the inner product (2)). Since the quadratic form is convex

on the quotient space C0 (G)/ N (L0 (G)), gradient descent converges in that quotient

space regardless of initial condition, and since p(0) = 0, the component of p in

N (L0 (G)) remains zero for all time.

The important message is that the familiar Laplacian dynamics, when forced,

solve the normal equations, and give a spatially-distributed way to asymptotically

compute p.

The divergence-free component of the 1-chain v, likewise, is the projection of v

onto image{δ1∗ (G)}⊥ . Hence it can be found as,

vr = v − vc = v − δ1∗ p (39)

from the same p.

Due to the important role of discrete Laplacian operators in this and subsequent

sections, before proceeding we will provide an alternative, energy-function–based de-

scription of these operators, which will additionally enable us to define a number of

novel Laplacian-like operators of our own.

3.2.4 Laplacian Operators and Energy Functions

An equivalent way to introduce the symmetric Laplacian operators is by means of

particular scalar-valued functions, which we will refer to as energy functions. Before

proceeding, it will also be useful to define the boundary subcomplex B(K) of K, which

consists of those faces that agents cannot cross:

Definition 3.2.1. The boundary subcomplex B(K) of a pure simplicial n-complex

K is the n − 1-subcomplex,
 

σ has fewer than 
B(K) = cl σ ∈ Σn−1 (K) (40)
 
two cofaces.
where cl denotes simplicial closure.

Note that the (n − 1)-skeleton of K decomposes as a union of B(K) with the

(n − 1)-skeleton of F (K), which are disjoint with one another. Simply put, each

(n − 1)-simplex is either a face that can be crossed, or one that cannot be crossed.

With the boundary subcomplex defined, we are now in a position to define the

energy functions:

Definition 3.2.2. For an abstract simplicial complex K, the k-th energy function

Ek (K) : Ck (K) → R is defined by,

1 X
Ek (K)(x) = hδk+1 (∆), xi2
∆∈Σk+1 (K)

1 X
+ hδk∗ (σ), xi2 , (41)
σ∈Σk−1 (K)

with the convention that Σi (K) = ∅ for all i < 0, and that summations over the empty

set evaluate to zero.

By way of these energy functions, the (standard) combinatorial Laplacian can

then be defined simply:

Definition 3.2.3. For an abstract simplicial complex K, the k-th combinatorial

Laplacian Lk (K) : Ck (K) → Ck (K) is the Hessian of the k-th energy function,

Ek (K).

It will also be useful to define generalizations of the energy functions that omit

certain terms from the summations of Definition 3.2.2, as well as corresponding Lapla-

cian operators. The first of these is nonstandard:

Definition 3.2.4. Let K be an abstract simplicial complex and L ⊂ K be a subcom-

plex of K. Then the k-th restricted energy function Ek (K, L) is defined by,

1 X
Ek (K, L)(x) = hδk+1 (∆), xi2
∆∈Σk+1 (K)/Σk+1 (L)

1 X
+ hδk∗ (σ), xi2
σ∈Σk−1 (K)/Σk−1 (L)

1 X
+ hσ, xi2 (42)
σ∈Σk (L)

The restricted Laplacian is then defined in much the same way as before:

Definition 3.2.5. For an abstract simplicial complex K, and subcomplex B ⊂ K, the

k-th restricted combinatorial Laplacian Lk (K, B) : Ck (K) → Ck (K) is the Hessian

of the k-th restricted energy function, Ek (K, B).

Moreover, we will refer to the special case of L(K, B(K)) as the boundary-restricted

Laplacian corresponding to K.

The boundary-restricted Laplacian is particularly useful because it guarantees

zero flow out of the complex, while still characterizing the homology group of the

complex, as described by the next theorem:

Theorem 4. Let x ∈ Ck−1 (K) be a (k − 1)-chain on a pure k-complex K. If x

is zero on B(K), then x is in the null space of the boundary-restricted Laplacian

Lk−1 (K, B(K)) if and only if it is in the null space of the standard Laplacian Lk−1 (K).

Proof. Since x is zero on B(K), all terms of the third summation of (42) are

zero; consequently, we need only consider the first two summations. If x ∈ N L(K),

it then follows that x ∈ N L(K, B(K)), since the terms of the first two summations

in (42) are a subset of those in (41), and each term is positive. To show the converse,

we note that the only terms that appear in (41) but not in the first two summations

of (42) correspond to faces in B(K), and, since x is zero on B(K), these terms are


Finally, we define a directed zeroeth Laplacian operator:

Definition 3.2.6. Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph. Then the directed graph

Laplacian L(G) : C0 (V ) → C0 (V ) is defined by,

[L(G)(x)]i = (xi − xj ) . (43)
j|(vj ,vi )∈E

Note that, since G in Definition 3.2.6 is directed, it may be that (vi , vj ) ∈ E while

(vj , vi ) ∈
/ E, in which case L(G) is not symmetric.

With the necessary Laplacian operators thus defined, we now consider the com-

putation of face fluxes that serve as representatives of the first homology group.

3.2.5 Two-Dimensional Models

We now shift our attention from one- to two- dimensional models of the environment;

these described by simplicial 2-complexes. We will describe a method for generating

incompressible vector fields in their Rips Shadows as Hamiltonian vector fields, and

for computing a single global streamfunction that generates these.

In this line of thought, agents are 2-simplexes. For the case of air traffic control,

this represents the idea that each simplex is a region of airspace under the authority

of a particular controller on the ground, and that it is the job of these automated

ground controllers to agree in a distributed way how airplanes should be routed among


We will assume that the graph G of the previous sections is the lower-adjacency

graph of the triangles of a pure simplicial 2-complex – i.e., that, given a 2-complex

K, V (G) = Σ2 (K), and (∆1 , ∆2 ) is an edge of G if and only if ∆1 ^ ∆2 in K.

Equivalently, G is the subgraph of the dual graph to the 1-skeleton of K obtained by

deleting the “outside vertex” (v0 in Figure 7).

In what follows, we will produce an incompressible flow over R(K) by computing

a particular 0-chain over K. To do this, we first introduce a family of local flows





Figure 7: Given a planar simplicial 2-complex K (gray), G is the lower-adjacency

graph (bold lines) of the triangles. It is a subgraph of the dual graph G (bold and
dashed lines) to the 1-skeleton of K (thin solid lines), denoted G ∗ . (Note that the five
copies of v0 (circles) are identified.)

defined on the individual k-simplices (this is the subject of Section, and then

compute a global 0-chain over K (Section representing a streamfunction. Local vector fields

In this section we will describe the individual building blocks for our global vector

field. In particular, given a 0-chain over the vertices of a simplex, we will produce an

incompressible flow within the simplex. This is done by using barycentric interpola-

tion to create a streamfunction over the simplex, and defining a Hamiltonian vector

field along this streamfunction.

Let x1 , x2 , x3 ∈ R2 be the vertices of a realization of an oriented 2-simplex ∆ =

[v0 , v1 , v2 ], Defining X = [x1 , x2 , x3 ] ∈ R2×3 , the barycentric coordinates b ∈ R3 of a

point x ∈ R2 are the unique solution to the equations,

Xb = x (44)

1T b = 1 . (45)

It is also convenient to define the inverse matrices B1 ∈ R3×2 and B2 ∈ R3×1 by5
 −1
X 
  = B1 B2 . (46)

Then, letting c0 v0 + c1 v1 + c2 v2 be a 0-chain on ∆ and c = (c0 , c1 , c2 ) ∈ R3 , we

define a scalar field φ(∆) : R2 → R over the Rips Shadow of ∆ by

φ(∆)(x) = cT (B1 x + B2 ) . (47)

We will call φ(∆) the local streamfunction corresponding to the simplex ∆.

Finally, the Hamiltonian dynamics corresponding to φ(∆) are defined, in Cartesian

coordinates, as

ẋ = J grad φ(∆)

= JB1T c (48)

or in barycentric coordinates as,

ḃ = B1 JB1T c

, A(∆) (49)

where J ∈ R2×2 is the matrix representation of the symplectic form (a, b) 7→ det([a, b]).
0 1 2 T 2×2
I.e., J = [ −1 0 ], so that, for all a, b ∈ R , a Jb = det([a, b]) (where [a, b] ∈ R

denotes the matrix with a and b as columns).

Lemma 4. The vector field (48) is divergence-free within each triangle.

Proof : The vector field x 7→ JB1T c is constant in x, so its divergence is zero.

We will now use these per-simplex building blocks to assemble a single global

vector field on K.
The inverse has a nice interpretation: bi is the ratio of the volume of the simplex with x
substituted for xi , to that of the original simplex.

41 A global vector field

Under the assumption that the interiors of the Rips Shadows of all the simplices are

disjoint, we define the piecewise vector field ν : R(K) → R3 in barycentric coordinates


ν(x) = A(∆) if x ∈ R(∆) ∀∆ ∈ K . (50)

In the section that follows, we will show that this vector field is globally divergence-

free by demonstrating the existence of a single global streamfunction. Moreover, we

will give a distributed algorithm to compute this streamfunction.

Before proceeding, however, we would like to point out that, already, (50) by itself

constitutes a single hybrid controller for the vehicles: Each vehicle looks up which

2-simplex ∆ it is in, requests the vector A(∆) from ∆, and then follows that vector

field. The global stream function

We would like to construct a global streamfunction φ : R(K) → R of the form,

φ(x) = φ(∆)(x) if x ∈ R(∆) ∀∆ ∈ K (51)

that produces the vector field (50) – for some global 0-chain over K. In the following

sections, we prove that such a 0-chain exists, and give algorithms for computing it.

Existence and Properties

Definition 3.2.7. Given an oriented simplicial k-complex K, a vector field (in barycen-

tric coordinates) v : R(K) → R3 agrees with a (k − 1)-chain v if, for each simplex

∆ ∈ Σk−1 (K), the flux of v across R(∆) equals hv, ∆i.

Theorem 5. If v is a divergence-free 1-chain over G, then there exists a 0-chain over

K that induces a Hamiltonian vector field agreeing with v on the Rips Shadow of K.

Proof : Since the edge flow v is in the cycle space of G and G ⊂ G, it is in the

cycle space of G. Then, by cycle-cut duality, it is in the cut space of G ∗ , the 1-skeleton

of K. Consequently there exists a vector c0 in the vertex space of G∗ , or equivalently

a 0-chain c over K, whose coboundary is v. Distributed computation of a global stream function

Method 1 This first method serves to motivate the second. As in section 3.2.3, we

are faced with the problem of computing a 0-chain whose boundary best approximates

a given 1-chain; hence the global 0-chain c ∈ C0 (K) can be computed using the

gradient descent dynamics,

ċ = −L0 (K)c + δ1 (K)v (52)

where now c is a 0-chain over the vertices of K rather than of G, and the operators

L0 , δ1 likewise correspond to K. An issue with this approach is that vertices of K

are shared by multiple agents – triangles – so an additional synchronization protocol

is required for an actual implementation. The next method avoids this messiness,

and is much more compatible with the reality that it is triangles, not vertices, that

represent agents.

Method 2 Within a single oriented 2-simplex ∆, the problem of computing 0-

chains with given boundaries is straightforward. Let c ∈ C0 (∆) and v ∈ C1 (∆) be 0-

and 1-chains over ∆ representing streamfunction values and face fluxes, respectively.

The problem is that of solving the equation

δ1∗ (∆)c = v, (53)

where δ1 (∆) has the matrix representation
 
0 1 −1
 
E3 , −1 0 1 . (54)
 
1 −1 0

Since the matrix E3T has a 1-dimensional null space spanned by 1, there is a family

of solutions,

c = [δ1∗ (∆)]† v + 1s (55)

where 1 ∈ C0 (∆) is the 0-chain that assigns a 1 to each vertex.6 What this means is

that, if a single agent – a triangle – knows its face fluxes, then it can independently

determine what the 0-chain over its vertices should be, up to a constant. The coor-

dination problem then is only to determine that scalar s for each triangle – i.e., a

2-chain over K, or, equivalently, a 0-chain over G.

What need the values s1 , · · · , sN of the different triangles satisfy? Namely, for

two consistently-oriented simplices indexed i and j, sharing a face that is the k th face

of simplex i and the lth face of simplex j,

si − sj = − [Dk (v̄i ) − Dl (v̄j )] , wij (56)

where v̄j ∈ R3 is the vector representation of the restriction of the 1-chain v to the

simplex j, and Dk (v̄) is defined by,

[D0 (v̄), D1 (v̄), D2 (v̄)]T = E3 [v̄0 , v̄1 , v̄2 ]T . (57)

The skew-symmetric matrix W = [wij ]ij itself encodes a 1-chain over G. The problem

has thus been reduced to computing a 0-chain s ∈ C0 (G) – that with coefficients

s1 , · · · , sN – given a 1-chain, w ∈ C1 (G) – whose coefficients come from W – that is

Note that the matrix representation of the pseudoinverse in (55) is particularly simple: (E3T )† =
3 E3 .

to be its boundary. Hence, s can be computed asymptotically by the system,

ṡ = −L0 (G)s + δ1 (G)w (58)

much as before.

3.2.6 A Combined Algorithm

The two distributed computations described in the previous sections can be performed

simultaneously within the network, and stability properties are maintained. This is

the subject of the following theorem.

Theorem 6. The solution of the ODE

      

ṡ −L0 −δ1 Dδ1  s δ1 D
 =   +  v (59)
ṗ 0 −L0 p δ1

(where D is the linear operator that produces the 1-chain w following (56)), converges

asymptotically to a vector in C0 (G) × C0 (G) that solves the equations (35) and (56).

Proof : The system matrix in (59), which we will refer to as A, is block-upper-

triangular, so its eigenvalues are those of its diagonal blocks. Those in turn are graph

Laplacians, which are known to be positive semi-definite (see e.g. [72]). Consequently,

(59) converges asymptotically to a solution (s, p) provided it has no Jordan blocks

larger than 1 × 1 – a possibility that is ruled out since image(δ1 Dδ1∗ ) ⊥ N (L0 ).

3.2.7 Example: Air Traffic Control via Incompressible Flows

In this section, we explore the use of the the vector fields obtained in the previous

sections to direct air traffic throughout an environment, in order to give a flavor for

how the preceding theory can be applied. The idea will be to project control inputs

onto the divergence-free subspace, using consensus dynamics as in Section 3.2.3; this

ensures that aircraft don’t “pile up” anywhere.

The aircraft are assumed to inhabit the nodes of the graph G (which correspond

to different regions of airspace), and the edges encode which regions are adjacent.

Let M ∈ C0 (G) be a constant scalar field on G representing the capacity of each

vertex – i.e., the number of aircraft that can safely share that airspace – and let

m : R+ → C0 (G) be a time-varying 0-chain on G representing the number of aircraft

at each vertex. Assuming m(0) = M – i.e., that the airspace is initially filled to

capacity – we investigate the general problem of directing the aircraft between them

while maintaining the safety constraint m(t) ≤ M ∀t.

For this example, we restrict our attention to the case when safety is ensured

by maintaining m(t) = M ∀t with equality. This is guaranteed by maintaining

ṁ(t) = 0 ∀t, which in turn is satisfied by ensuring that the 1-chain describing the air

traffic is divergence free. Two such problems naturally arise, from different projection

operations, described in the following sections. Least-squares approximation

Suppose an operator wishes to command the air traffic system with a particular

reference vector field. One way in which the system can respond to this command is

by providing the vector field that approximates the commanded field optimally in a

least-squares sense while satisfying the incompressibility constraint. This is precisely

the projection problem of Section 3.2.3, so the problem can be directly solved in a

distributed fashion by the algorithm (37). We should note that, in order to do this,

the operator need only communicate with two nodes per nonzero commanded edge

flow; this is encoded by the product δ1 (G)v. Smallest divergence-free flow containing a particular component

A second way in which an operator’s commanded vector fields may be used is by

finding the smallest (in an l2 sense) divergence-free flow containing the commanded

flow v̄ as a component; this is the lowest-energy safe holding pattern that guarantees

a certain amount of traffic on specified edges. In this case, we seek a solution to the

constrained optimization problem,

arg min ||v||2 (60)
v∈C1 (G) 2

s.t. δ1 (G)v = 0 Divergence-free (61)

hv̄, vi = ||v̄||2 Contains component. (62)

Theorem 7. Let Pr denote the l2 projection operator for the divergence-free subspace

of C1 (G), which is computed by (37). Then for all v̄ 6= 0, the problem (60-62) either

has the solution

Pr v̄ (63)
hPr v̄, v̄i
or is infeasible.

Proof: If v̄ ⊥ ker δ1 (G), then (62) requires v ∈

/ ker δ1 (G). This contradicts (61),

so in this case the problem is infeasible. Hence, without loss of generality, suppose

/ (ker δ1 (G))⊥ .
v̄ ∈

Any vector v ∈ C1 (G) can be decomposed uniquely as v = vc + vr , with vc ∈

(ker δ1 (G))⊥ and vr ∈ ker δ1 (G). Furthermore, vc can be uniquely decomposed as vc =

vc,|| + vc,⊥ , with vc,|| ∈ span Pr v̄ and vc,⊥ ∈ (span Pr v̄)⊥ ; hence a unique decomposition

vc = vc,|| + vc,⊥ + vr exists, and by the Pythagorean Theorem, ||vc ||2 = ||vc,|| ||2 +

||vc,⊥ ||2 + ||vr ||2 . By (61), ||vr ||2 = 0, and by (62), ||vc,|| ||2 = ||v̄||2 . Only ||vc,⊥ ||2

remains free; the quantity ||vc ||2 is minimized when ||vc,⊥ ||2 = 0. To summarize, we

know that v = vc,|| with vc,|| ∈ span Pr v̄, and that ||vc,|| ||2 = ||v̄||2 . Only one element

of the vector space C1 (G) satisfies these properties, and that is (63).

3.2.8 Incompressible Flows: Numerical Example

To demonstrate the character of the results obtained with these methods, starting

from a simplicial 2-complex K with second lower-adjacency graph G, we computed

the divergence-free projection of a commanded 1-chain on G with three nonzero ele-

ments, and the corresponding 0-chain on K and streamfunction on the Rips Shadow

of K; this is shown in Figure 8. Note that the large commanded flow across a single

face at the upper right of the complex is propagated through the “jughandle” at the

upper right, and that the commanded flows lower in the complex in less confined

areas result in pairs of vortices that have mostly local effects; nevertheless, small

flows are produced throughout the complex. These qualitative characteristics are

typical of the kinds of flows obtained: Where necessary, flows propagate globally, but

otherwise most effects of a command are manifested locally. It is the pressure field

that propagates this information; essentially, “shocks” are created across the faces

where large flows are commanded, and elsewhere the pressure is smoothed across the

complex by diffusion. The nonzero commanded flow at the upper right demonstrates

this well; it creates a “shock” in the pressure field (black triangle next to white trian-

gle), which diffusion spreads into linearly-decreasing pressure around the upper right

“jughandle.” Where vortices are produced, the streamfunction exhibits a pair of local

extrema – a maximum for a clockwise vortex and a minimum for a counterclockwise

one – as can be observed in the left part of the complex. Vehicles then follow level

sets of the streamfunction around the environment.

3.2.9 Incompressible Flows: Implementation

A demonstration was produced using a collection of ten Khepera III mobile robots,

in an indoor environment, as shown in Figure 9. Blue edges represent the boundary

of the complex; internal edges are shown in purple. The input flows are generated

by a human using a motion capture wand; whenever the wand’s projection onto the

floor crosses an internal edge, an input flow is added in the same direction across that

edge, with magnitude an increasing function of the wand’s speed. Video frames, with

streamfunction and flows, are shown in Figure 10.

Figure 8: Computational results are shown. Given a flow as input (first plot; arrow
sizes indicate flow magnitudes) on G, a circulant flow on G and a streamfunction on
the Rips Shadow of K are produced (second plot). The Lagrange multipliers for the
cycle-space projection (third plot) are a close analogue of pressure in the dynamics
of incompressible fluids. The streamfunction is computed locally at each triangle,
requiring only the addition of a local offset (fourth plot), which is computed in a
distributed fashion.

Figure 9: Incompressible-flow human-swarm interaction demo: The scenario.

3.2.10 Incompressible Flows: Summary

Given specified input flows, distributed consensus-like algorithms were described that

compute divergence-free approximations. Then, these discrete flows were “lifted”

to two-dimensional streamfunctions that generate vector fields over the entire Rips

Shadows of corresponding simplicial 2-complexes. These flows mimic the behavior

of incompressible fluids, and, since vehicles following them will never concentrate in

any region, provide a useful method for coordinating collision-free navigation among

large numbers of agents.

3.2.11 Harmonic Flows: or, Homological Patrol Strategies

We will now consider more complicated flow constraints. The goal is, as before, for

the static agents Σn (K), in a distributed fashion, to produce a family of continuous

vector fields {vi : R(K, r) → Rn }M

i=1 having nice properties, by which the mobile

agents can circulate throughout the environment, as required for robot patrol or

aircraft holding-pattern applications, but we will now require that the flows satisfy

additional conditions.

In particular, we look for any vector field f in this family to satisfy three properties:

P1.1 The first of these, uniform coverage, insists that if the initial probability density

Figure 10: Incompressible-flow human-swarm interaction demo: Video frames, over-
laid with flows (gray arrows) and streamfunctions (colored gradients; blues are low
values and reds are high). 51
Figure 11: The vector fields produced avoid the concentration of agents within any
one control volume (dashed circle) (left), paths with local loops (center), and collisions
with the boundary of the complex (right).

of the agents is the uniform distribution m(x, 0) = 1/ Area(R(K)) over the

environment, that this condition persist; i.e., that m(x, t) = 1/ Area R(K) for

all positions x and positive times t.

P1.2 The second, no local cycles, encourages that efficient paths without unneces-

sary loops be traced out by the agents following v, and is expressed by the

requirement that no closed integral curve of f be contractible in R(K) to a


P1.3 The third, zero boundary flux, requires that agents not leave the environment.

Formally, this means that f must have no component orthogonal to the bound-

ary of the complex.

The requirements are illustrated by Figure 11.

This problem will be addressed in three parts. First, it is shown how existing

distributed protocols can be used to produce face fluxes satisfying a discrete version

of most (but not all) of the requirements P1. Next, symplectic vector fields are

generated over the continuous space that are consistent with given flows, also in a

distributed fashion. Finally, a simple, unified algorithm is presented that solves the

continuous and discrete parts of the problem simultaneously, while also satisfying the

remaining requirements of P1.

3.2.12 Distributed Computation of Homological Streamfunctions

In the next subsections, we will describe two classes of distributed methods for com-

puting vector fields satisfying P1. The first, which serves to motivate the second,

employs a method described in [75] to compute face fluxes within K, and then, as

a separate step, adapts another distributed algorithm, described in [55], to compute

vector fields that are consistent with those fluxes, via streamfunctions. The second,

which is one of the contributions of this chapter, consists of considerably simpli-

fied, unified algorithms that compute the discrete flows and continuous controllers

simultaneously, and that also satisfy additional requirements neglected by the first


We will make a departure from the previous section, in which 1-chains represented

flows on edges, and a dual graph was constructed, by using n − 1-chains on K (i.e.,

elements of Cn−1 (K)) to, directly and without constructing a dual graph, represent

flows of mobile agents across faces. The idea is that, if a simplex σ ∈ Σn−1 (K) appears

in a chain with positive coefficient c ∈ R, then agents are flowing across σ from the

coface of σ with dissimilar orientation, to the coface with similar orientation.

In the subsequent sections, we will be interested in computing face fluxes in

Cn−1 (F (K)) that serve as representatives of the homology group Hn−1 (F (K)). Later

in this section, continuous control laws will be produced that achieve these fluxes. Projection onto the first Homology Group

In this subsection, we describe a simple distributed algorithm for generating ran-

dom elements of the homology group Hk (K) without global knowledge of the graph


Recalling that Hk (K) = Zk (K)/Bk (K), what we will do is produce unique repre-

sentatives of elements of Hk (K), that have a component in Zk (K) but not in Bk (K).

We are able to do this because a natural isomorphism exists between Hk (K) and

the null space N Lk (K) of the k-th combinatorial Laplacian. Since N Lk (K) =

Zk (K) ∩ Bk (K)⊥ , an element v ∈ N Lk (K) is the unique representative of an equiv-

alence class in Hk (K) = Zk (K)/Bk (K) whose component in Bk (K) is zero.

Since the restricted energy function E1 (K, B(K)) is convex, gradient descent from

any point converges asymptotically to N L(K, B(K))k . Indeed, since E1 (K, B(K))

has a quadratic but not a linear term, those gradient dynamics are simply,

ẋ = −Lk (K, B(K))x (64)

which, so long as k is not too large, constitute a distributed method for asymptotically

computing the projection of a given k-chain x(0) onto N Lk = Hk (K). To elaborate,

the sparsity pattern of Lk implies that this process requires (k+1)-hop communication

in each round.

In [75], this property of the dynamics (64) was used to project a random 1-chain

onto the homology group H1 (K) in order to determine, with unit probability, whether

it is trivial (i.e., has dimension zero). In this way, a sensor network could determine

whether it contained any holes.

For our purposes, what matters is that this is an algorithm for producing unique

representatives of elements of H1 (K). With such a method thus in hand, we now

turn our attention to the generation of continuous control laws from these edge flows.

When the environment is two-dimensional (i.e., n = 2, and K is a pure 2-complex),

these can be produced via streamfunctions, which we describe in the next subsection. Hybrid Streamfunctions

We will compute streamfunctions over R(K, r) that induce vector fields that agree

with the flows computed in the previous section in the following sense:

Definition 3.2.8. Given an oriented simplicial k-complex K with realization r :

V (K) → Rn , a vector field v : R(K) → Rn agrees with a (k − 1)-chain ν if, for each

simplex ∆ ∈ Σk−1 (K), the flux of v across R(∆) equals hν, ∆i.

Now that we have both (1) a method for computing 1-chains in H1 (K) and (2)

a method for computing streamfunctions that agree with them, in principle the two

algorithms can simply be composed to produce homological streamfunctions satisfying

P1.1 and P1.2. However, it is possible to perform a similar computation in a more

unified manner, while additionally satisfying P1.3, as described in the next section. Simple, unified algorithms

The key idea of this section is that the two algorithms just described can be unified

by considering as a whole the properties that the 0-chain defining the streamfunc-

tion must satisfy; in the process, we will enforce the additional constraints imposed

by P1.3. We will first consider a undirected, 2-hop algorithm that follows directly

from our definitions, before introducing a directed, 1-hop algorithm that, remarkably,

converges to the same set. An undirected, 2-hop algorithm

The most straightforward approach, which results in an at-most-2–hop algorithm,

results from composing the boundary and energy operators, as follows:

Theorem 8. The dynamics,

ċ(t) = δ1 (K)L1 (K, B(K))δ1∗ (K)c(t) ∀t > 0 (65)

converge asymptotically from any initial condition c(0) ∈ C0 (K) to a value c(∞) ∈

C0 (K) such that, if x = δ1∗ (K)c, then x ∈ N L(K, B(K)).

Proof: The restricted energy function E(K, B(K)) can be written,

E(K, B(K))(x) = x∗ L1 (K, B(K))x ; (66)


E(K, B(K))(δ1∗ (K)c) = c∗ (t)δ1 (K)L1 (K, B(K))δ1∗ (K)c(t) (67)

whose gradient-descent dynamics with respect to c are (65).

What this means is that, by running the simple, linear, 2-hop protocol (65), we

can asymptotically compute a 0-chain, that induces a streamfunction, that induces a

vector field satisfying P1. However, in the next section, we will see that this is also

achievable with a directed, 1-hop algorithm. A directed, 1-hop algorithm

Ultimately, we will produce a 0-chain satisfying the desired properties (i.e., that

induces a vector field satisfying P1) by running Laplacian dynamics on a directed

graph built from the complex K, which allows information to flow bidirectionally

within the interior of the complex, as well as bidirectionally within the boundary, but

only in a single direction between the two. This directed graph, which we will refer

to as the insulated 1-skeleton, G(K), only allows a 1-way flow of information from

the boundary to the interior of the complex.

Definition 3.2.9. The insulated 1-skeleton G(K) = (V, E) of a pure simplicial n-

complex K is the graph with vertex set V = Σ0 (K), in which

P2.1 For all a, b ∈ Σ0 (K/B(K)), we have (a, b), (b, a) ∈ E if and only if (a, b) ∈

Σ1 (K) or (b, a) ∈ Σ1 (K) .

P2.2 For all a, b ∈ Σ0 (B(K)), we have (a, b), (b, a) ∈ E if and only if (a, b) ∈

Σ1 (B(K)) or (b, a) ∈ Σ1 (B(K))

P2.3 For all a ∈ Σ0 (B(K)), b ∈ Σ0 (K/B(K)), we have (a, b) ∈ E if and only if

(a, b) ∈ Σ1 (K) or (b, a) ∈ Σ1 (K).

P2.4 For all a ∈ Σ0 (K/B(K)), b ∈ Σ0 (B(K)), we have (a, b) ∈

/ E.

Definition 3.2.9 is illustrated by Figure In essence, one undirected graph

links the vertices in the interior of the complex; another links those in its boundary;

Figure 12: A pure simplicial 2-complex K (left), its boundary subcomplex B(K)
(center), and the corresponding insulated 1-skeleton G(K) (right)

and edges between the two are directed from the boundary to the interior.

The insulated 1-skeleton G(K) produced through definition 3.2.9 is illustrated by

Figure The next theorem explains how consensus dynamics on G(K) can

then be used to compute representatives of the homology group and streamfunctions

together in a unified way.

Theorem 9. Let K be a pure simplicial n-complex, G(K) its insulated 1-skeleton,

and L the directed Laplacian corresponding to G(K). For any 0-chain c0 ∈ C0 (G(K)),

the directed Laplacian dynamics,

ċ(t) = −Lc(t) ∀t > 0 (68)

c(0) = c0

converge asymptotically to a 0-chain c∞ such that δ1∗ (c∞ ) ∈ N L1 (K, B(K)).

Proof : We must demonstrate that the system is stable, and that {c | δ1∗ c ∈

N L1 (K, B(K))} is its equilibrium set. First, we address stability. Without loss of
generality, the dynamics (68) can be block-decomposed as,
    
ẋ −(Lx + Dxb ) C  x
 =   (69)
ḃ 0 −Lb b

where Lx is the (undirected) Laplacian for the undirected graph G(K)/B(K), Dxb is

a diagonal, positive-semidefinite matrix (representing the extra degree due to edges

connecting vertices in G(K)/B(K) to B(K)), Lb is the (undirected) Laplacian for B,

and Cxb is a coupling matrix representing edges from G(K)/B(K) to B(K).

To demonstrate stability, we must show that none of the Jordan blocks for the

system’s zero eigenvalues are larger than 1x1, and that all eigenvalues are nonpositive.

First, note that, although the lower diagonal block, −Lb , does have a nontrivial

nullspace, it, by the Spectral Theorem, is diagonalizable, so none of its Jordan blocks

are larger than 1x1. Next, consider the upper diagonal block −(Lx + Dxb ): Since

there is at least one edge from B to each connected component of G(K)/B(K), no

zero-chain in the null space of Lx (i.e., that is constant on each connected component

of G(K)/B(K)) can also be in the null space of Dxb , and consequently −(Lx + Dxb )

is negative definite. Since the upper diagonal block has strictly negative eigenvalues,

and, although the lower block does have zero eigenvalues, they correspond to Jordan

blocks of size 1x1, the system is stable.

Next, we demonstrate that the equilibrium set is precisely the subspace {c | δ1∗ c ∈

N L1 (K, B(K))}, by considering in turn each of the requirements that a vector in

N L1 (K, B(K)) must satisfy, with reference to (42):

• No circulation: The first sum of (42) is zero if and only if, for each simplex ∆ ∈

Σ2 (K)/Σ2 (B(K)), we have hδ2 (∆), δ1∗ (c∞ )i = 0, or equivalently (by definition

of an adjoint operator), if hδ1 δ2 (∆), c∞ i = 0. Since δk δk+1 ≡ 0 for all k ∈ N,

this is automatically true.

• No divergence in interior: The second sum of (42) is zero if and only if, for

each σ ∈ Σ0 (K)/Σ2 (B(K)), we have hδ1∗ (σ), δ1∗ (c∞ )i = 0, or, equivalently, if

hσ, δ1 δ1∗ c∞ i = hσ, L0 (c∞ )i = 0. This is precisely the condition, specified by the

upper diagonal block of the system matrix, for vertices in σ ∈ Σ0 (K)/Σ2 (B(K))

to be at equilibrium.

• Boundary condition: The third sum of (42) is zero if and only if, for each

Input: Oriented simplicial complex K; q ∈ N
Output: c∞,1 , · · · , c∞,q

• For i = 1 to q

– Generate random 0-chain c0 ∈ C0 (K), according to any

probability distribution p on C0 (K), the span of whose
support is C0 (K).
– Run dynamics (68) or (65) from initial condition c0 until
convergence; store result as c∞,i .

Figure 13: Distributed algorithm for computing homological patrol strategies.

σ ∈ Σ1 (B(K)), we have hσ, δ1∗ (c∞ )i = 0, or, equivalently, iff c∞ is constant on

each connected component of B(K). The lower diagonal block of the system

matrix is the standard zeroeth combinatorial Laplacian for B(K), and its null

space is exactly such zero-chains.

With stability guaranteed and the equilibrium set characterized, we conclude the


3.2.13 Infrastructure-Assisted Behavior Generation

In a two-dimensional environment with h holes,7 the distributed homological-streamfunction

generation algorithm of the previous section can be employed in a straightforward way

to generate, with probability 1, an h-dimensional vector space of patrol behaviors.

With the “heavy lifting” done by the distributed projection algorithm, the remainder

of the behavior generation algorithm is exceedingly simple: So long as q ≥ h, the

resulting family of vector fields induced by the zero-chains c∞,1 ), · · · , c∞,q will span

the space of vector fields satisfying P1.

A possible objection can be raised, which is that, if q is chosen according to

a conservative upper bound on h, then the set of behaviors obtained will not be

i.e., in a 2-complex whose first Betti number is h

Input Flow Incompressible Flow Harmonic Flow

Figure 14: Depicted are a specified flow (left), and its projections onto the incom-
pressible (center) and harmonic (right) subspaces. The harmonic flow described in
this section (right) differs from the incompressible flow described in Section 3.2.8
(center), in that the former avoids the local vortices visible in the latter. In both
cases, it is a collection of hybrid, piecewise-linear controllers that realize the flows.
These controllers are produced as the Hamiltonian vector field corresponding to a
piecewise-linear streamfunction (color gradients).

linearly independent; i.e., vector fields will be generated that are redundant in the

sense that they lie in the span of the others. In general, two ways to deal with this

situation exist:

The first is to perform distributed orthonormalization. This is the approach taken

in e.g. [14], [64], [90], [46], which perform distributed Arnoldi-like iterations to com-

pute Laplacian spectra. The unavoidable disadvantage of approaches of this type

is that the computation of inner products inherently requires sums across all of the

agents; hence each outer iteration of these algorithms involves an entire consensus

problem to compute inner products, and the algorithms are consequently (and nec-

essarily) quite slow.

The second is to accept redundancy. So long as our objective is to generate be-

haviors satisfying the properties P1, there is no particular reason to believe that a

minimal set of such behaviors is required. Indeed, it is precisely by relaxing the or-

thonormality requirement found in spectral algorithms that the algorithms we present

obtain their speed.

An example showing the output of the algorithm of Figure 13, compared to that

of the previous Figure 8, is given in Figure 14.

3.2.14 Distributed-Infrastructure Routing: Conclusions

We have developed a collection of distributed, consensus-like algorithms by which

static infrastructure nodes can synthesize controllers for mobile agents that cause

them to circulate throughout an environment without either concentrating their mass

in any location, or following paths with contractible loops. This is done first by com-

bining existing algorithms for computing flows and synthesizing controllers that agree

with the flows; then by, in a unified fashion, computing controllers and flows together

in a symmetric, 2-hop algorithm; and finally by an equivalent 1-hop algorithm that,

remarkably, arises from a directed Laplacian. The result is a family of linear pro-

tocols that converge exponentially to hybrid controllers representing the topology of

the environment.



In contrast to the previous chapter, in which we described multiagent systems in terms

that rendered agent identities irrelevant, in this chapter we will address swarm repre-

sentations that explicitly maintain the state of all agents in the system. We will begin

by describing multiagent systems as collections of Lagrangian/geodesic systems that

interact via holonomic constraints, and then describe approximate formation track-

ing algorithms that allow a controller, by manipulating just a few “leader” agents, to

effect global, approximate formation tracking.

For our purposes, each agent will be a Lagrangian mechanical system. We will ini-

tially, following [18], describe these systems in a coordinate-free, differential-geometric

framework; however, in later sections, we will, invoking the implicit function theo-

rem, impose local coordinate charts and solve optimal control problems on general

nonlinear systems on Rn .

4.1 Constraint-Coupled Mechanical Systems

We consider a collection of mobile agents, comprised of a finite set L of kinematically-

controlled leader agents that represent the exogeneous input to the system, and a

finite set F of follower agents that interact with each other and with the leaders

via holonomic constraints. Together, these agents are connected in a communication

graph G on the vertex set L F . Each agent i ∈ L F is a geometric mechanical

system, with configuration manifold Qi , and Riemannian metric Gi . Corresponding

to each agent i ∈ F , we have a potential field Vi : Qi → R, and, for each edge

(i, j) ∈ E(G), holonomic constraints hij : Qi × Qj → Rmij and interagent potentials

Vij : Qi × Qj → R, which give rise to a configuration trajectory γi : R+ → Qi for

all agents in L F , and Lagrange multipliers λij : R+ → T∗ (Qi ) for all (i, j) ∈ F ×
(L F ). The control input signals are, for each i ∈ L, a function ui : R+ → T Qi that

specifies velocities at all times.1 We will additionally require that the potential fields

V , {Vij }ij be continuously-differentiable, and that the constraint functions {hij }ij be

twice-continuously-differentiable. Then the combined dynamics are represented by

the coordinate-free differential-algebraic equation (DAE),

∇γi0 (t) γi0 (t) = − grad Vi (γi (t)) − grad Vij (γi (t), γj (t))
" #
+ G]i h∗,1
i,j (γi (t), γj (t))λij (t) ∀i∈F
γi0 (t) = ui (t) ∀i ∈ L

hij (γi (t), γj (t)) = 0 ∀ (i, j) ∈ E(G)

γi0 (0) = γ0

with initial condition γ0 ∈ T Q (note that, since tangent vectors implicitly refer-

ence their base points, γ0 contains not just the initial velocity, but also the initial


Here, we also use the slightly nonstandard notation f ∗,i to refer to what we will

call the slot pullback of a function – a partial derivative akin to the slot derivative. Pre-

cisely, if f : S1 ×· · ·×Sn → T , then f ∗,i (s1 , · · · , sn ) = (s 7→ f (s1 , · · · , si−1 , s, si+1 , · · · , sn ))∗ (si ).

I.e., it is the standard pullback of f , considered as a function only of its i-th argument.

Likewise, gradi f (s1 , · · · , si ) , grad(s 7→ f (s1 , · · · , si−1 , s, si+1 , · · · , sn )) denotes the

slot gradient.
On a subset Ui ⊂ Qi of each configuration manifold for i ∈ L F , one may

define a coordinate chart φi : Ui → Rni , and represent the configuration trajectory in

coordinates by qi , φi ◦ γi . In these coordinates, and with some abuse of notation,

Each ui must also satisfy πT Q ◦ γi ≡ πT Q ◦ ui , where πT Q is the bundle projection map. All this
means is that the only velocities that can be specified while at a point γ(t) are those that actually
exist in T γ(t).

the first equation of the DAE (70) can be written,
ni X
X ni
q̈i (t) + Γi,jk (qi (t))q̇i,j (t)q̇i,k (t) =
j=1 k=1

dVi T
− Mi−1 (qi (t)) (qi (t))
X ∂Vij T (71)
− Mi−1 (qi (t)) (qi (t), qj (t))
∂q i
" #
X ∂hi,j T
+ Mi−1 (qi (t)) (qi (t), qj (t))λij (t)

for all i ∈ F , where M is the coordinate representation of G (i.e., it is the mass

matrix), and each Γi,jk is a vector of Christoffel symbols of the second kind. The left

side of the equation represents coordinate-free acceleration, which includes the effects

of Coriolis and centripetal forces; and the right side represents internal, interaction,

and constraint forces acting on the system.

4.1.1 Distance Constraints

A common special case of the dynamics (70) arises when agents are particles – i.e.,

Q1 = · · · = QN = Rn , for some n > 0 (typically 2 or 3), and the constraints {hij }ij

that link agents specify interagent distances. In this case, the (shared) configuration

manifold is not just a Riemannian manifold but also an inner product space, and the

constraints take the form,

hij (γ1 , γ2 ) , ||γ1 − γ2 ||2 − rij

∀ (i, j) ∈ E(G) (72)

with constants rij = rji > 0 for all i, j. Dropping time arguments, the dynamics (70)

are then represented by the DAE, in coordinates,

mi q̈i = − grad Vi (qi ) + (qj − qi )λij
j∈Ni (73)
||qj − qi ||2 = rij

which must be solved for {qi }i∈L S F and {λij }(i,j)∈E(G) .

4.1.2 From DAEs to ODEs by the Implicit Function Theorem

In subsequent sections, it will be helpful not to work directly with DAEs like (70),

which are numerically problematic, but instead with equivalent, lower-dimensional

ODE models. The idea is to represent the submanifold H , {(q1 , · · · , qN ) ∈ Q1 ×

· · · × QN | hij (qi , qj ) = 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ E(G)} of Q1 × · · · QN not by embedding it in

Q1 × · · · QN , but instead by actually constructing the induced affine connection on

that submanifold. The result is a coordinate-free ODE of the form

∇β 0 (t) β 0 (t) = − grad V (β(t)) (74)

where β : R+ → H. The apparent simplicity of (74) is due to the significant com-

plexity now hidden in the affine connection ∇ on H.

Practically, equation (74) is implemented by recourse to a coordinate chart –

which, by the Implicit Function Theorem, is guaranteed to exist locally everywhere.

This approach comes with the caveat that coordinate charts will have singularities,

but in practice we have found that, by a reasonable choice of coordinate chart, one

can position singularities away from the regions of the configuration manifold that

are of interest.

4.1.3 A Physical Analogue: The Marionette

A physical analogue exists for swarms that behave according to (73), after only mild

relaxations, in the form of marionettes like that shown in figure 15. Here, one has a

collection of mechanical systems – the various rigid bodies (arms, legs, torso, etc) that

comprise the marionette, that are coupled by joints. We will apply the optimal control

algorithms presented in the subsequent sections to the example of a marionette.

In our case, the marionette is modeled as a collection of ten point masses m1 , · · · , m10

joined by massless rods and suspended from four massless strings in two dimensions,

as illustrated by Figure 17. The free endpoints p1 , · · · , p4 of the strings can be moved

Figure 15: The marionette Figure 16: Human subject

kinematically, and the remainder of the model is fully dynamic. The resulting me-

chanical system has 11 dynamic and 8 kinematic degrees of freedom, for a state space

dimension of 30. The strings are in principle represented by inequality constraints

on the distance between the points at which their ends are anchored; in our model

these constraints are for simplicity relaxed to exponentially-stiffening springs (for a

complete treatment of marionette dynamics including inequality constraints, see [52]).

This model is an exact analogue for constraint-coupled multi-agent formations,

where agents take the role of point masses, interagent distance constraints take the

role of massless rods, and the string model, based on an artificial potential, corre-

sponds exactly to the artificial potentials typically used for connectivity preservation

and collision avoidance.

We denote the marionette’s configuration in generalized coordinates by q(t) ∈ R11 ;

specifically, q(t) consists of the position in R2 of m1 , together with the nine joint

angles. Additionally denoting the generalized velocity by ν(t) ∈ R11 , the dynamics

of the state x(t) = (q, ν, p)(t) of the marionette are summarized,

q̇ = ν (75)
ν̇ = M (q)−1 − Γij (q)νi νj − ∇Ugrav (q) − ∇Uspring (q, p) − µν (76)
ṗ = u (77)

p1 p3 p4 p2

m2 m1 m4

m3 m5


m7 m8

m9 m10

Figure 17: The marionette is modeled as a system of point masses (m1 , · · · , m10 )
interconnected by massless rods (solid lines) and suspended by strings (dashed lines)
from four kinematically-controllable points (p1 , · · · , p4 ).

where M (q) is the mechanical system’s mass matrix, each Γij (q) ∈ R11 is a vector of

Christoffel symbols of the first kind, Ugrav is the gravitational potential, µ ∈ R+ is a

damping coefficient, and Uspring (q, p) is the sum of spring potentials; specifically,
Uspring (q, p) = k1 exp k2 ||ρi (q) − pj ||2 − lij

where Ispring = {(2, 1), (7, 3), (4, 2), (8, 4)} is a set of index pairs summarizing the

spring connections, each ρi : R11 → R2 is the forward kinematic map from the

configuration q to the position of the i-th point, lij is the nominal length of the string

connecting mi and pj , and k1 , k2 ∈ R+ are chosen constants.

The output map h in this case depends only on the configuration component q

of the state, and returns the positions ρ1 (q), · · · , ρ10 (q) of the ten masses m1 , · · · , m10 .

Our goal is that the output signal y track the corresponding positions r̄ = [ρ̄1 , · · · , ρ̄10 ]T

of points on a human subject, in an approximate sense that will be introduced in the

next sections. More specifically, the reference signal was created by a human dancer

who performed the bhangra in a motion-capture environment as shown in Figure

16. It consists of the coordinates of the subject’s joints as computed by standard

motion-capture software,2 and projected onto a coronal (or frontal ) plane.

With the modeling of constraint-coupled, Lagrangian multiagent systems ad-

dressed, we now turn our attention to optimal control algorithms for these systems.

4.2 Optimal Control for Approximate Formation Tracking

How should one multiagent formation “mimic,” or approximately, subjectively track

another? We would like to consider this question in a reasonably general way to begin

with that is independent of the particular physical quantities chosen to represent a

motion – besides that they can be measured and that they vary in time. Hence,

whether they are described by joint angles of an articulated figure, or as the positions

in Euclidean space of “marker” points, or by some other quantities, we will view

motions simply as signals – albeit signals subject to dynamic constraints.

For instance, consider two motion signals, y1 : [0, T ] → Rm and y2 : [0, T ] → Rm ,

defined on some time interval [0, T ], T ∈ R+ . Again we ask: How should y1 and y2

be compared? An obvious first answer is to use the generalized L2 metric,

dQ (y1 , y2 ) = ||y1 − y2 ||Q = (y1 (t) − y2 (t))T Q (y1 (t) − y2 (t)) dt (79)

(Q being any symmetric positive definite matrix) and consider motions with smaller

distances between them to be “more similar.” Alternatively, we might use the angle

between the two signals,

 RT 
hy1 , y2 iQ y (t)Qy 2 dt
∠(y1 , y2 ) = cos−1 = cos−1  qR 0 1
 (80)
||y1 ||Q ||y2 ||Q T T T T
y1 (t)Qy1 dt 0 y2 (t)Qy2 dt

as our measure, and treat motion signals with small angles between them as more

similar. However, each of these “dissimilarity measures” leaves much to be desired.

For instance, see Figure 18, and suppose that the given signals are joint angle tra-

jectories of a moving arm on a humanoid robot or marionette, and moreover assume

Vicon VisionIQ was used.

that the reference signal represents a “wave” motion. Although Signal 1 also repre-

sents a “wave” motion, simply dilated and shifted, the qualitatively different signal

2 would be judged more similar using either the L2 metric (79) or angle (80) as the

dissimilarity measure.
Signal 1
Signal 2

Figure 18: Comparison of three signals: Although subjectively, Signal 1 represents

the “same motion” as the reference signal (it is merely shifted, dilated, and scaled)
Signal 2 will be judged “more similar” to the reference by either the L2 metric (79)
or angle (80).

A basic problem in both (79) and (80) which is highlighted by Figure 18 is the as-

sumption that the temporal correspondence between different signals is known a priori

– that y1 (t1 ) should be compared to y2 (t1 ) and not y2 (t2 ) for all t1 6= t2 (t1 , t2 ∈ [0, T ]).

Much is assumed about the spatial correspondence as well: (79) presupposes that at

any time t ∈ [0, T ] it is preferable that y1 (t) be equal to y2 (t) than to some other value,

e.g., a scaled or otherwise transformed value of y2 (t). The angle between signals (80)

is somewhat more forgiving – comparing not motions themselves but entire equiva-

lence classes of motions which are the same up to a positive scalar multiple – but

nevertheless it cannot tease out any spatial correspondences more complicated than

this. Hence, in the sections that follow we will propose a measure of the similarity of

motions that makes spatial and temporal correspondence explicit.

4.2.1 Time Warping

A time warping function is a function w : [0, T ] → R, T ∈ R+ satisfying,

1. w is continuously-differentiable.

2. w is strictly increasing

3. w(0) = 0 .

Thus w is a bijection, and, moreover, it is a homeomorphism.3 We will denote the set

of all time warping functions (that is, those functions satisfying 1-3 above) by Ω, and

the set of derivatives of time warping functions by Ω0 ; i.e., Ω0 is the set of continuous

non-negative functions which are zero at at most a finite number of points.

Given a reference signal r : [0, T ] → Rp , T ∈ R+ , and another signal y : R → Rp ,

the goal of time warping is to find a function w satisfying the above (i.e., w ∈ Ω) that

minimizes the functional J : Ω → R+ ∪ {0} defined,

J(w) = ||r(τ ) − (y ◦ w)(τ )||2Q dτ ∀w ∈ Ω . (81)

For instance, consider the following example:

τ 2
Example 4.2.1. Suppose T = 2π, r(τ ) = sin( 2π ), and y(t) = sin(t) for all τ ∈ [0, T ]

and t ∈ R. Then the optimal warping function is given by,

w∗ (τ ) = ∀τ ∈ [0, T ]

since (y ◦ w)(τ ) = sin( 2π ) = r(τ ), so J(w∗ ) = 0 ≤ J(w) ∀w 6= w∗ . Also note that

although in this particular example, exact matching is possible (i.e., there exists a

w ∈ Ω such that y ◦ w = r), this is not generally the case.

An example of a function that satisfies these requirements and is a homeomorphism but not a
diffeomorphism would be x 7→ x3 , because its inverse is not differentiable at the origin.

At this point it may be appropriate to point out that another measure of the

similarity of signals (usually applied in a stochastic setting to jump processes) which

allows for time warping is the Skorohod metric [38],

( )
d(r, y) = inf  > 0 : ∃λ ∈ Λ, sup |y(λ(τ )) − r(τ )| + sup |τ − λ(τ )| ≤  (82)
τ ∈[0,T ] τ ∈[0,T ]

where Λ ⊂ Ω is the set of all strictly increasing functions λ such that λ(0) = 0

and λ(T ) = T . Some salient differences between (82) and (81) include that we use

generalized L2 norms instead of supremum norms; allow a slightly larger class of time

warping functions; and do not directly penalize deviation of the time warping function

from the identity function, but rather deviation of their derivatives. Additionally, the

computation of (81) involves a single minimization instead of the nested optimization

in (82). The strength of the Skorohod metric, which we do not require, is that it

results in a complete metric space. An advantage of the cost (81) over (82) for our

purposes is that it considers the duration and not just the amplitude of deviations

between signals.

We can use the time warping idea to formulate a “time-warped” output-tracking

problem as well. We will do this in two ways: First, we will solve the problem when

“any” time warping function is allowed; we call this the nonparametric time warping

problem. We follow this with a look at techniques that fix a particular parametrized

form for the time warping function – we address linear functions and, more generally,

polynomials – and which optimize over those parameters. Tracking with Nonparametric Time Warping

Given a (possibly) nonlinear system of the form,

(t) = f (xt (t), ut (t), t) (83)
yt (t) = h(xt (t))

(with xt (t) ∈ Rn , ut (t) ∈ Rm , yt (t) ∈ Rp , and compatible dimensions for the domain

and codomain of f and h)4 we consider, to begin, the optimal control problem,
"Z Z w(T ) #
min ||yt (w(τ )) − r(τ )||2Q dτ + ||ut (t)||2Ru dt (84)
u∈U[0,T ] ,w∈Ω 0 0

or equivalently,
Z T  
min ||yt (w(τ )) − r(τ )||2Q + w0 (τ )||ut (w(τ ))||2Ru dτ (85)
u∈U[0,T ] ,w∈Ω 0

where r : [0, T ] → Rp is a reference signal, and U[0,T ] is the set of piecewise-continuous

functions from [0, T ] to Rm .5 In other words, we would like the output y to “track” the

reference signal r as closely as possible. However, note that this differs from the usual

tracking problem by the introduction of the time warping function w : [0, T ] → [0, ∞),

and also in that we integrate tracking error over reference time (“τ time”) instead of

system time (“t time”).

Defining v , w0 as the derivative of w, applying the chain rule to (83), and

augmenting the state with the time t = w(τ ) we can write the dynamics in reference

time as,
   
d  xt ◦ w   v(τ )f ((xt ◦ w)(τ ), (ut ◦ w)(τ ), w(τ )) 
  (τ ) =   (86)
dτ w v(τ )

or defining x , xt ◦ w, u , ut ◦ w, and y , yt ◦ w, and moreover treating t as

a function of time (so in fact t = w), we can simplify this notation and combine

the above with (85) to state the following standard (Bolza) optimal control problem:

Given the system,

   
d  x   v(τ )f (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ )) 
  (τ ) =   (87)
dτ t v(τ )

y(τ ) = h(x(τ ))

Note that the subscript t is simply part of the function names xt , yt , etc, and is used to
distinguish these functions from others to be introduced later.
In (85) and elsewhere we denote || · ||2M , (·)T M (·) and assume M = M T  0, for whichever
matrix M is used in the subscript.

with known initial conditions (x, t)(0) = (x0 , 0), minimize the cost functional
Jtrack (u, v) = ||y(τ ) − r(τ )||2Q + v(τ )||u(τ )||2Ru dτ (88)

over the functions u and v over U[0,T ] and Ω0 , respectively (these functions can be

viewed as control inputs to the system).

In fact, however, we will actually use a slightly modified cost that also penalizes

large deviations of w0 (τ ) from one, both to regularize the problem and to capture the

intuition that signals that must be “warped” by a great deal are more dissimilar than

those that do not need to be warped as much; this is given below:

J : U[0,T ] × Ω0 → R

J(u, v) = Jtrack (u, v) + Jtimewarp (v)

= ||y(τ ) − r(τ )||2Q + v(τ )||u(τ )||2Ru + Rv (v(τ ) − 1)2 dτ . (89)

This, together with (87), is the problem with which we will be interested in this

section. Since it is also a Bolza problem, the solution can be found using standard

optimal control theory, which we apply in the next section. First, however, we will

present a brief discussion of the significance of dynamics to the time warping problem

in order to build some intuition:

Example 4.2.2. Consider the underdamped simple harmonic oscillator with state

xt (t) = (xt,1 , xt,2 )(t) ∈ R2 and dynamics

      
d  xt,1   0 1   xt,1   0 
  (t) =    (t) +   ut (t) (90)
dt x −ω02 −2ζω0 xt,2 1

yt (t) = [ 1 0 ]xt (t)

with ζ ∈ (0, 1) ⊂ R, ω0 ∈ R+ , and suppose that we would like to minimize the

infinite-time cost (a modified version of (88)),

Z T 
1 2 1 0 2
lim ||(yt ◦ w)(τ ) − r(τ )||Q + w (τ )||(ut ◦ w)(τ )||Ru dτ (91)
T →∞ 0 T w(T )

where the reference signal to be tracked is the sinusoid,

r(t) = cos(ωr t) ∀t ∈ [0, ∞) . (92)

with ωr ∈ R+ . Moreover for clarity of exposition we will limit our attention to time

warping functions of the form

w(τ ) = ξτ ∀τ ∈ [0, T ] (93)

for some ξ ∈ R+ (Such parametric time warping functions are discussed in more

detail in section

Before proceeding, we point out that in this example the control input that globally

minimizes the cost (91) will not be unique. This is, informally, because components

of signals that are bounded and occur for finite time “disappear” in the infinite-time

average of (91). In fact, if u∗ is a minimizer for (91) (with ξ fixed), then so is u∗ + ũ

for any bounded ũ such that limt→∞ ũ(t) = 0. The consequence for this example is

that it is only the behavior of the various signals as t → ∞ that is of interest.

We note that the presence of frequencies other than ωr in ut ◦ w (and hence in

yt ◦ w) increases both terms of (91),6 so ut ◦ w and yt ◦ w must approach sinusoids with

angular frequency ωr as t → ∞; without loss of generality (by the previous paragraph)

we will assume that they are in fact sinusoids. Also observing that the phase of ut ◦ w

has no effect on the second term of (91), it must be that y ◦ w = a cos(ωr t) for some

a ∈ R+ , and
a ωr
ut (t) = ei ξ t (94)
h(iωr /ξ)

where h is the transfer function defined by h(s) = 1/(s2 + 2ζω0 s + ω02 ).

These arguments can be made rigorous using Plancherel’s identity for Fourier series and consid-
ering a sequence of values for T that are multiples of ω2πr ; we have omitted this lengthier development
for the purposes of our informal discussion.

It follows that the minimization problem (91) then reduces to,
" Z Z ξT  2 #
Q T Ru a ω r
min lim (a − 1)2 cos2 (ωr τ )dτ + ei ξ t dt
a,ξ T →∞ T 0 ξT 0 h(iωr /ξ)
" 2 #
u a
= min (a − 1)2 + . (95)
a,ξ 2 2 h(iωr /ξ)

For any fixed a, this is minimized with respect to ξ when the magnitude of the transfer
function |h(iωr /ξ)| is maximized. This occurs when ξ = ξ ∗ , ωr /(ω0 1 − ζ 2 ) – that

is, when ξ is chosen so that the resonant frequency of the system with system matrix
 
 0 1 
ξ  (96)
−ω0 −2ζω0

coincides with the frequency of the reference signal.

The minimizing value of a (which is of less interest) is given by

|h(iωr /ξ ∗ )|
a= . (97)
|h(iωr /ξ ∗ )| + Ru /Q
The key point demonstrated by this example is that the steady-state effect of time

warping is to scale the frequency axis (by the Fourier Dilation Theorem) so that

passbands of the system coincide with concentrations of energy in the reference signal.

(In fact, this effect is sufficient to overcome certain performance limitations, caused by

unstable zero dynamics, that are inherent to the unwarped reference tracking problem;

we refer the interested reader to [66] and [4].) Optimality Conditions

Theorem 10. The first order necessary optimality conditions for the minimization

of (89) are

2v(τ )uT (τ )Ru + v(τ )λT (τ ) ∂f

(x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ )) = 0T
∀τ ∈ [0, T ]
||u(τ )||2Ru T
+ 2Rv v(τ − 1) + λ (τ )f (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ )) + µ(τ ) =0

where λ is the solution to the backwards differential equations (101), (102).

Proof : Taking (x, t) to be the state, (u, v) the control input, and (λ, µ) the

costate, the Hamiltonian for this problem is,

H((x, t), (u, v), (λ, µ), τ ) = L(x, (u, v), τ ) + vλT f (x, u, t) + µv (99)


L(x, (u, v), τ ) = ||h(x) − r(τ )||2Q + v(τ )||u||2Ru + Rv (v(τ ) − 1)2 (100)

and the costate equations are,

dλ ∂H T
− (τ ) = ((x, t)(τ ), (u, v)(τ ), (λ, µ)(τ ), τ )
dτ ∂x
∂L T ∂f T
= (x(τ ), (u, v)(τ ), τ ) + v(τ ) (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ ))λ(τ )
∂x ∂x
∂f T
= 2h0 (x)T Q(h(x) − r(τ )) + v(τ ) (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ ))λ(τ ) (101)
dµ ∂H
− (τ ) = ((x, t)(τ ), (u, v)(τ ), (λ, µ)(τ ), τ )
dτ ∂t
∂f T
= v(τ ) (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ ))λ(τ ) (102)
with (λ, µ)(T ) = 0. Note that when f is not time-varying, ∂t
= 0, which gives the

simplification that µ(τ ) = 0 ∀τ ∈ [0, T ].

In any case, the first order necessary optimality conditions (FONCs) are,

((x, t)(τ ), (u, v)(τ ), (λ, µ)(τ ), τ ) =
2v(τ )uT (τ )Ru + v(τ )λT (τ ) ∂f
(x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ )) = 0T
((x, t)(τ ), (u, v)(τ ), (λ, µ)(τ ), τ ) =
||u(τ )||2Ru + 2Rv v(τ − 1) + λT (τ )f (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ )) + µ(τ ) = 0

for all τ ∈ [0, T ].

In fact, these equations (103) can be given the stronger interpretation of stating

that the gradient of the functional (89) in the functional space of which (u, v) is an

element must be zero; we will take advantage of this interpretation in the later section which describes an algorithm for computing the optimal (u, v).

Example 4.2.3. The preceding, more general formulation can be used to solve the

usual, more specific time-warping problem (81). Given signals y and r to be compared,

we define the “signal generator” system,

ẋt (t) = y 0 (t) , xt (0) = y(0) (104)

in which case the corresponding augmented system in reference time is

   
d  x   v(τ )y (t) 
  (τ ) =  . (105)
dτ t v(τ )

The Hamiltonian is (letting Q = 1, Rv = k ∈ R)

H((x, t), v, (λ, µ), τ ) = (x − r(τ ))2 + k(v − 1)2 + λvy 0 (t) + µv, (106)

and we obtain the costate equations

− (τ ) = 2(x − r(τ )) (107)

− (τ ) = λ(τ )v(τ )y 00 (t(τ )) (108)

with (λ, µ)(T ) = 0. Finally, the FONC is,

((x, t)(τ ), v(τ ), (λ, µ)(τ ), τ ) = µ(τ ) + λ(τ )y 0 (t(τ )) = 0 (109)

which converts the problem into a two point boundary value problem. Tracking with Parametric Time Warping

In some situations, we may be interested only in time warping functions with a

particular parametric form. One example is linear time-warping functions, which are

of special interest since they represent a uniform scaling of the time axis. Another

motive for investigating time warping functions with given parametric forms is the

discretization of the problem for numerical solution.

To express these ideas, we introduce a parameter vector ξ in some parameter set

Ξ ⊂ Rq , and a parametrization function φv : Ξ → Ω0 which, given a parameter vector,

returns the derivative of a time warping function. Then, we are in fact considering

the problem,

min J(u, φv (ξ)) . (110)


In the following subsections, we will first consider parametrization functions that

return linear and polynomial time warping functions (whose structure allow them to

be treated nicely under the Bolza framework), and then give a more general view of

the problem. Linear Time Warping

Linear time warping functions are of the form,

w(τ ) = ξτ (111)

or in terms of parametrization functions,

φv (ξ)(τ ) = (ξτ ) = ξ (112)

for all ξ ∈ Ξ , R+ , τ ∈ [0, T ]. Letting v = φv (ξ) (so v(τ ) = ξ ∀τ ∈ [0, T ]), we can

address this problem by augmenting the state with v (rather than treating v as a

control input as before) to obtain yet another Bolza problem: Given the system,
   
 x   v(τ )(f (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ )) 

d     
t (τ ) =  v(τ )  (113)
dτ 
 
 

v 0

y(τ ) = h(x(τ ))

with partially-known initial conditions (x, t)(0) = (x0 , 0), minimize (89) with respect

to the initial condition v(0) = ξ. Rather than giving a specialized solution to this

problem here, we will instead present the more general polynomial time warping

problem of which this is a special case. First, however, we would like to point out

some features of this minimization problem: Referring to figure 19, we note that this

is a highly nonconvex problem, so without an impractical amount of searching we can

at best expect local solutions to the problem. This said, even local solutions offer

improvement over the solution to the standard LQ tracking problem, as the time

warping still represents additional degrees of freedom that can be exploited to find

motions which are “similar” in a sense that is less strict than the usual L2 norm.

Cost: Autonomous Pendulum vs. Sinusoid











0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 19: J(ξ) is plotted against the linear time warping parameter ξ = v(0) for
the problem in which an autonomous nonlinear pendulum approximately tracks a
sinusoid. Polynomial Time Warping

Polynomial time warping functions are of the form,

w(τ ) = φv (ξ)(τ ) = ξi τ i (114)

for some integer N ≥ 1, and with discrete parameter vector ξ = [ξ1 , . . . , ξN ] ∈ RNv

(Note that the requirement that w(0) = 0 implies that there is no constant term in

the polynomial). As in the linear case in the previous subsection, we will augment the

system to obtain a Bolza problem with partially-free initial conditions. The structure

of polynomials will give us a particularly convenient way to do this, by representing

polynomials as the output of an autonomous linear system. Differentiating (114), we

w0 (τ ) = iξi τ i−1 . (115)

Functions of the form (115) can be generated by the autonomous system,

   
 v1   v2 
   
 v   v 
 2   3 
d   
 ..   ..

 . = .  (116)
dτ    
   
 vN −1   vN 
 v   v 
   
vN 0

with output w0 = v1 and initial conditions,

vi (0) = i!ξi ∀i ∈ [1, . . . , Nv ] . (117)

Hence, analogously to (113), we define the augmented system,

   
 x   v1 (τ )(f (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ )) 
   
 t   v1 (τ ) 
   
   
   
d 

v1  
 (τ ) = 
v2 (τ ) 
 (118)
dτ 
 ... 
 
 ..

   
   
 v   vN (τ ) 
 Nv −1   
   
vN 0

y(τ ) = h(x(τ ))

with partially-known initial conditions (x, t)(0) = (x0 , 0), and seek to minimize (89)

with respect to the initial conditions v1 (0), . . . , vN (0). In order for t to be a valid time

warping function, it is also necessary that this minimization be performed such that

the constraint v1 (τ ) > 0 ∀τ ∈ [0, T ] is satisfied.

Theorem 11. The FONCs for the polynomial time warping problem are given by

(122) and
∂J T
(ξ) = diag(1, 12 , 3!1 , ..., N1v ! )ν(0) = 0 (119)
where ν is the solution to

dν ∂H T
− (τ ) = ((x, t, v)(τ ), u(τ ), (λ, µ, ν)(τ ), τ )
dτ ∂v 
||u||2Ru T
+ 2Rv (v1 − 1) + λ (τ )f (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ )) + µ(τ )
 
 
 ν1 (τ ) 
 
= =0 (120)
 
 ... 
 
νNv −1 (τ )

for all τ ∈ [0, T ], and with ν(T ) = 0.

Proof : For the polynomial time warping problem, the Hamiltonian is (here we

identify the costate by (λ, µ, ν), where ν(τ ) ∈ RNv ∀τ ∈ [0, T ]),

H((x, t, v), u, (λ, µ, ν), τ ) = L(x, (u, v1 ), τ ) + λT v1 f (x, u, t) + µv1 + ν T [v2 , . . . , vN , 0]T

= ||h(x) − r(τ )||2Q + v1 ||u||2Ru + Rv (v1 − 1)2 + λT v1 f (x, u, t) + µv1 + ν T [v2 , . . . , vN , 0]T

and we obtain the costate equation for ν, (those for λ and µ are the same as given in

(101, 102)) given by (120).

This gives us a convenient method for minimizing over ξ = v(0) since,

∂J T ∂J T
(ξ) = diag(1, 12 , 3!1 , ..., N1v ! ) (v(0)) = diag(1, 21 , 3!1 , ..., N1v ! )ν(0) . (121)
∂ξ ∂v(0)

In other words the gradient of the cost with respect to the polynomial coefficients is

simply a scaled version of the initial value of the costate ν.

Additionally, the optimality conditions for the control input are,

((x, t, v)(τ ), u(τ ), (λ, µ, ν)(τ ), τ ) =
2v1 (τ )uT (τ )Ru + v1 (τ )λT (τ ) (x(τ ), u(τ ), t(τ )) = 0T (122)

for all τ ∈ [0, T ].

Finally, we note that, in principle, since Theorem 11 is a restriction of Theorem

10, it can also be proven as a corollary following the approach of the next section

(, in which case (119) would be seen as the projection of the second equation

of (103) onto the subspace of polynomial functions. That said, the introduction of

the exosystem (118) is particularly convenient, in that it reduces the problem to one

that can be addressed within the standard Bolza framework. The Chain Rule for Parametrization Functions

If the Fréchet derivatives of both the parametrization function φ and the cost J

[defined in (89)] exist, then we may in fact apply the solution given in section 4.2.1

directly to the discretized problem (110) through a simple application of the chain


Since we will be interested in discretizing not just the time warping function v

but also the control input u, at this point we will introduce a second parametrization

function φu : Σ → L2 ([0, T ], Rm ) for some Nu ∈ N and parameter space Σ ⊂ RNu . In

other words, given some finite-dimensional σ ∈ Σ, the function φu returns a control

input function u ∈ L2 ([0, T ], Rm ). This yields the fully discretized problem,

min J(φu (σ), φv (ξ)) , min Jφu ,φσ (σ, ξ) . (123)

σ,ξ σ,ξ

With the interpretation that the partial derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect

to the control input (as a function of time) is the gradient of J with respect to the

control input (projected onto the dynamical constraint),

∂H T
∇u J(u, v)(τ ) = ((x(τ ), t(τ )), (u(τ ), v(τ )), (λ, µ)(τ ), τ )
∂H T
∇v J(u, v)(τ ) = ((x(τ ), t(τ )), (u(τ ), v(τ )), (λ, µ)(τ ), τ )

for all τ ∈ [0, T ]. Then, applying the chain rule to (123), the partial gradients of

Jφu ,φσ with respect to σ and ξ are given by the inner products,
 
 h∇σ1 φu (σ), ∇u J(φu (σ), φv (ξ))iL2 ([0,T ],Rm ) 
 .. 
∇σ Jφu ,φv (σ, φ) = 
 . 
 (124)

∇σNu φu (σ), ∇u J(φu (σ), φv (ξ)) L2 ([0,T ],Rm )
 
 h∇ξ1 φv (ξ), ∇v J(φu (σ), φv (ξ))iΩ0 
 .. 
∇ξ Jφu ,φv (σ, φ) = 
 . 
 (125)

∇ξNv φv (ξ), ∇v J(φu (σ), φv (ξ)) Ω0

where the inner products in either Ω0 or L2 ([0, T ], Rm ) are defined,

ha, bi = aT (τ )b(τ )dτ (126)

for any two functions a, b therein. By solving the state and costate ODEs and evalu-

ating the integrals (126) numerically we thus obtain a principled and general way to

discretize the problem.

A technical note: The set Ω0 equipped with the inner product (126) is not strictly

an inner product space because it contains neither the zero element nor an additive

inverse, but Ω0 ∪ (−Ω0 ) ∪ {0} is (where here 0 denotes the zero function), and it is

sufficient for our purposes that Ω0 be a subset of an inner product space. Moreover

Ω0 ∪ (−Ω0 ) ∪ {0} is not a complete inner product space (and so not a Hilbert space)

since Ω0 contains points arbitrarily close to functions that are not strictly increasing.

Consequently, safeguards are necessary in optimization algorithms to prevent conver-

gence to functions that are not strictly-increasing (but the term of (89) that penalizes

deviation of w0 = v from unity tends, as a side benefit, to prevent this).

Example 4.2.4. Suppose φu and φv parametrize control inputs by uniform linear

b-splines. In other words, the control inputs u and v are represented by uniformly

spaced samples, and linear interpolation is used for the intermediate values. Then,

φu (σ) and φv (ξ) can both be expressed as sums of triangular basis functions, as given

T K −1
φu (σ)(τ ) = [σ1+m(i−1) , . . . , σmi ] tri (τ − i − 1) (127)
K −1
φv (ξ)(τ ) = ξi tri (τ − i − 1) (128)

where K ∈ N is the number of samples used. Then, the functional gradients are given

K −1
(∇σi φu (σ, ξ))(τ ) = emod(i−1,m)+1 tri (τ − d mi e − 1) ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , mK}
K −1
(∇ξi φv (σ, ξ))(τ ) = tri (τ − i − 1) ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , K} (130)

where ei denotes the i-th element of the natural basis, and

 1 − |τ | if |τ | ≤ 1
tri(τ ) = . (131)

 0 if |τ | > 1

This gives us the finite-dimensional partial gradient for Jφu ,φv with respect to ξi ,
Z T  
∂H K −1
(∇ξ Jφu ,φv (σ, ξ))i = ((x, t, v)(τ ), u(τ ), (λ, µ, ν)(τ ), τ ) tri (τ − i − 1) dτ
0 ∂v T

for all i ∈ {1, . . . , K}. The expression for ∇σ Jφu ,φv is similar.

4.2.2 Output Warping

In the previous sections, we assumed that the spatial correspondence between val-

ues of the output signal and those of the reference signal was known, and that only

the temporal correspondence needed to be determined. In this section, we will ad-

ditionally assume that the spatial or output-space correspondence is unknown. This

explicitly addresses the fact that it is not just the dynamics of the “mimicking” sys-

tem that may differ from those of the system that generated the reference motion,

but also spatial constraints and scales – a problem evident even in the prototypical

example of a large industrial robot arm asked to imitate a human operator.

To treat the problem of spatial correspondence, we will assume that the reference

signal r that we have been considering so far is in fact the composition of two functions:

the “actual” reference signal r̄ : [0, T ] → Rp , and an “output warping function”

s : Rp → Rp of our choosing which transforms values of r̄ before they are compared

to those of the output signal y. In other words, r = s ◦ r̄.

More precisely, an output warping function s : Rp → Rp is a continuous bijective

map with continuous inverse (That is, s is a homeomorphism from Rp to Rp ). We

will denote the set of all such functions by S.

We will additionally assume that s has a particular parametric form. This is

expressed by saying that s is returned by a parametrization function φs : C → S,

where C is a finite-dimensional real vector space of dimension Ns ; without loss of

generality, we will say C = RNs unless otherwise stated.

With these definitions, we can extend the original cost functional (89) to obtain

the new cost functional to be minimized,

J¯ : U[0,T ] × Ω0 × C → R

¯ v, c) = J¯track (u, v, c) + J¯timewarp (v) + J¯outwarp (c)

= ||y(τ ) − (φs (c) ◦ r̄)(τ )||2Q + v(τ )||u(τ )||2Ru + Rv (v(τ ) − 1)2 dτ

+ J¯outwarp (c) (133)

where J¯outwarp is some cost used to penalize “large” output warpings, regularize the

problem, and in certain cases enforce constraints; its form will be determined by the

choice of φs and is discussed in more detail later.

Differentiating (133) to find the partial gradient with respect to c, we obtain the

∇c J¯ = − (∇c φs (c))(r̄(τ ))T Q [y(τ ) − φs (c)(r̄(τ ))] dτ + ∇c J¯outwarp (c) = 0 (134)

which must be satisfied in addition to those given in Section 10. Note that in this

equation we assume for notational simplicity that c is a column vector, but we may

also use other finite-dimensional real vector spaces, like the matrix-vector pairs of the

next section. Affine Output Warping

Affine output warping functions are of the form,

φs ((M, z))(r) = s(r) = M r + z (135)

where M ∈ Rp×p is an invertible matrix, and z ∈ Rp . Hence, for affine output warping

functions, c = (M, z), C = Rp×p × Rp , and Ns = p2 + p.

In selecting an appropriate J¯outwarp for this parametrization, we have two goals:

1. to reward “smaller” transformations – that is, those “close” to the identity

transformation in some sense – over “larger” ones.

2. to ensure that s remains a bijection. This means penalizing values of (M, z) for

which M is singular or nearly-singular.

The following function achieves these goals:

[tr(M T M )]p 1
J¯outwarp ((M, z)) = α T
+ β tr[(M − I)T (M − I)] + γz T z (136)
det(M M ) p

where α, β, γ ∈ R+ ∪ {0} are scalar coefficients used to weight the relative “impor-

tance” of the various parts of the cost.

The first term is inversely proportional to the Gram determinant of the columns of

M and so gives a measure of “how singular” M is. The presence of the Frobenius norm

tr(M T M ) in the numerator makes this term somewhat independent of the absolute

tr((αM )T (αM ))p tr(M T M )p
scaling of the matrix, since det((αM )T (αM ))
= det(M T M ))
for all α ∈ R; that is, it is

constant on lines passing through the origin in Rp×p . Furthermore, if σ1 , . . . , σp are

the singular values of M , then,

 2 p  2 p
p σmin [tr(M T M )]p (σ12 + . . . + σp2 )p p σmax
p 2
≤ T
= 2 2
≤p 2
σmax det(M M ) σ1 . . . σp σmin
so the p−th root of this term is always between the (squared) l2 condition number

for M and its reciprocal, up to a constant factor p.

The second term is the squared Frobenius norm of M − I, and gives the expected

value of ||M x − x||2 /||x||2 if x is a random variable drawn from a uniform distribution

on a ball of (any) fixed radius centered at the origin in Rp . Together with the third

term, it penalizes “large” transformations – i.e., those that differ substantially from

the identity map.

Hence for this problem we have,

¯ v, (M, z)) =
J(u, ||y(τ ) − M r̄(τ ) − z||2Q + ||u(τ )||2Ru + Rv (v(τ ) − 1)2 dτ

+ J¯outwarp (c) (138)

Combining (138) with (136) and taking partial gradients with respect to M and

z we obtain the FONCs expressed by Theorem 12.

Theorem 12. The additional FONCs for the problem (138) are,
¯ v, (M, z)) =
∇M J(u, 2Q (M r̄(τ ) + z − y(τ )) rT (τ )dτ
2 T p −T T p−1

+α − tr(M M ) M + p tr(M M ) M
det(M T M )
+ 2β (M − I)
=0 (139)
∇z J(u, v, (M, z)) = 2Q(M r̄(τ ) + z − y(τ ))dτ + 2γz = 0 ∈ Rp (140)

which must be satisfied in addition to (103).

Proof : Please see the appendix.

87 Piecewise Affine Output Warping

A natural extension of affine output warping is piecewise affine output warping, which,

with a sufficiently fine subdivision of the region R ⊂ Rp of interest, allows for the

representation of arbitrary output warping functions to whatever accuracy is desired.

This is a particularly attractive representation for computer implementation.

The essential idea will be that we divide the space R into some number of p-

simplices, and use an affine warping function (as described in the previous section)

within each of these, chosen in such a way that the resulting piecewise function is

continuous. A new element that this adds to the problem is that, in order to enforce

that s remain a bijection, more is required than that each of the individual affine

warping functions’ “M ” matrices be full rank; we must also ensure that the images

of their domains remain disjoint.

To begin, let S = {S 1 , . . . , S |S| } be a collection of p−simplices (which we will refer

to as the input simplices satisfying,

1. S⊃R

2. int(S i ) ∩ int(S j ) = ∅ ∀i 6= j

3. If y ∗ is a vertex of S i and y ∗ ∈ S j , then y ∗ is a vertex of S j (∀y ∗ ∈ Y, i 6= j).

4. For each simplex S i , there is another simplex S j sharing p vertices with S i .

The third condition ensures that there are no “t-junctions” in the mesh and the

fourth requires that each simplex share a face with another simplex; these are illus-

trated in Figure 20. Simplicial tessellations which meet these criteria include the

Delaunay tessellation of a collection of randomly-selected points, and the Coxeter-

Kuhn-Freudenthal tessellation of a regular grid of p-cubes (for more on simplicial

tessellations, see e.g. [21]). We will represent each simplex S i as the (p + 1)-tuple

of its vertices in Rp , which we denote S i = (S1i , . . . , Sp+1
) ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , |S|}. Further-

more, let verts(S) = {V1S , . . . , V|Sverts(S)| } be the unique vertices of S, and G S be the

graph whose nodes are the elements of verts(S), and in which an edge exists between

VkS and VlS iff ∃i ∈ {1, . . . , |S|} s.t. {(1 − t)VkS + tVlS : t ∈ [0, 1]} ⊂ S i . Together with

requirement 3 above, this means that the edges of G S , which we denote “edges(G S ),”

are in 1-1 correspondence with the unique edges of the simplices in S.

Good Violates Rule 3 Violates Rule 4

Figure 20: Simplicial tessellations in the plane containing the region outlined in
bold satisfying (left) all rules 1-4; (center) all rules except 3 (the offending vertex is
circled); and (right) all rules except 4 (the offending simplex is circled).

Next, let R = {R1 , . . . , R|S| } be another collection of p−simplices (the output

simplices) defined by

Rji = g(Sji ) ∀(i, j) ∈ {1, . . . , |S|} × {1, . . . , p + 1} (141)

where g : R → Rp is any homeomorphism from R to some subset of Rp . As for S, we

define verts(R) = {V1R , . . . , V|Rverts(R)| } to be the unique vertices of R; we also define

G R analogously to G S . We will consider the elements of verts(R) to be the parameters

defining the output warping function. That is, c = [(V1R )T , . . . , (V|Rverts(R)| )T ]T ∈ C =

Rp| verts(R)| . In other words, holding the input simplices fixed, we optimize over the

positions of the vertices of the corresponding output simplices.

Then, we define the output warping function by,

s(y) = Mi (y − S1i ) + R1i if y ∈ S i ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , |S|} (142)

Mi = R2i − R1i R3i − R1i ... i
Rp+1 − R1i S2i − S1i S3i − S1i ... i
Sp+1 − S1i

is a p × p matrix for each i ∈ {1, . . . , |S|}. Equivalently,

X π (r)
s(r) = Ri S βi (r, S πS (r) ) (144)

where πS (r) : R → N is the function that, given a point r ∈ R, returns the index of

the simplex in S containing R, and β : R × S → Rp+1 is the function that, given a

point r ∈ R and a simplex S i ∈ S, returns the barycentric coordinates of r in S i if

r ∈ S i and 0 otherwise. That is, β is defined,

  

 T i

  1 − 1 Mi (r − S1 ) 
  if r ∈ S i
β(r, S ) = i
Mi (r − S1 ) . (145)

 0 / Si
if r ∈

Input simplices, S Output simplices, R

Figure 21: Given the set S of input simplices, the output warping function s is
determined by the positions of the vertices of the corresponding output simplices R.
This example uses a Coxeter-Kuhn-Freudenthal tessellation of a regular grid of cubes
in R2 .
With this representation, a cost which tends to maintain the bijectivity of s is

given by,
1 X 2
J¯outwarp (c) = ||ViR − VjR ||K − ||ViS − VjS ||K (146)
R(Vi ,VjR ) ∈ edges(G R )

The idea here is that G R is a rigid graph, and that by maintaining edge distances we

ensure that simplices can neither “collapse” nor “collide.” If G R is visualized as a

network of springs, then (146) gives their overall potential energy.

The partial gradient of J¯outwarp with respect to each ViR is then,

X ||ViR − VjR ||K − ||ViS − VjS ||K

∇ViR J¯outwarp (c) = R R
K(VjR − ViR ) (147)
||Vj − Vi ||K
VjR ∈NG R (ViR )

where NG R (ViR ) is the neighborhood of ViR in G R .

Admittedly, this cost does leave something to be desired, since simplices can

collapse with finite energy. Nevertheless, we believe it is useful for its simplicity. One

may wish to also apply (136) for each simplex in cases where (146) is not sufficient.
Now, define c = (V1R )T . . . (|Vverts(R)|
)T . Letting i1 (r), . . . ip+1 (r) be the

indexes into verts(S) corresponding to the vertices of the simplex in S containing r,

letting πS (r) be the simplex in S containing r, and defining the p| verts(S)|×p matrix
 
 Iα1 
 .. 
Z(r) =  .  (148)

 
Iα| verts(S)|

where αi1 (r) = β1 (r, πS (r)), . . . , αip+1 (r) = βp+1 (r, πS (r)) and αi = 0 ∀i ∈
/ {i1 (r), . . . , ip+1 (r)},

then the the partial gradient of (133) without the last term J¯outwarp is given by,
∇c (J¯ − J¯outwarp )(R) = −2 Z(r(τ ))Q [y(τ ) − (φs (c) ◦ r)(τ )] dτ . (149)

Hence the partial gradient of J¯ with respect to c is simply the sum of (147) and (149).

We apply piecewise affine output warping together with linear time warping in a

short example below.

Example 4.2.5. Suppose we would like the state of an autonomous Van der Pol

oscillator to track that of a damped pendulum driven by a fixed-frequency sinusoid,

allowing for linear time warping and piecewise affine output warping. That is, the

system is given by,
   
d  xt,1   xt,2 (t) 
  (t) =  
dt x ζvp (1 − x2t,1 (t))

yt (t) = xt (t)

(with in our case ζvp = 0.9) and the reference signal r is the solution to,
   
d  r1   r2 (τ ) 
  (τ ) =  
dτ r 2
sin(τ ) − ω0 sin(r1 (τ )) − ζpend r2 (τ )

with in our case ω0 = 1, ζpend = 0.5, x(0) = r(0) = [0.1, 0.1]T , and τ ∈ [0, T ] = [0, 10].

We will use essentially the same costs introduced earlier, but with some specially-

chosen constants; we wish to solve the minimization problem,

 Z T
min 0.08 ||yt (ξτ ) − (φs (c) ◦ r̄)(τ )||2 dτ
ξ,c 
 0

1 X
2 
+0.92 γi,j ||Vi − Vj || − ||Vi − Vj || (150)
2 

(ViR ,VjR )∈edges(G R )

where γi,j is the number of simplices containing both ViR and VjR for all i, j ∈

{1, . . . , |V R |}, i 6= j. Then, performing gradient descent using the gradient given

by (147), (149), and (121), we obtain the results shown in Figures 22, 23, and 24.

4.2.3 Example: The Puppet

To demonstrate the application of these ideas, we computed optimal controls for

the simplified model of a marionette discussed in Section 4.1.3, which we wished to

“mimic” the movements of a human as recorded by a motion capture system.

The optimization takes place with both time- and output- warping. The time

warping is nonparametric, and the output warping optimizes over the six scalar pa-

rameters defining a two-dimensional affine transformation that is applied to all of

2 2



−4 −2
0 5 10 −2 −1 0 1 2

Figure 22: Van der Pol oscillator vs. Figure 23: Van der Pol oscillator vs.
driven pendulum, before warping. We driven pendulum, after warping. Time
wish to scale the time axis of the out- warping matches the first part of the Van
put (top left) and the output space of der Pol oscillator’s transient to that of
the reference (bottom right) to align the the pendulum (left top, bottom), and
two signals. output warping rotates and deforms the
reference output space to better match
the output (right top, bottom).

Cost vs. Iteration



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
2−Norm of Derivative vs. Iteration



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 24: The cost in Example 4.2.5 is reduced (top), eventually reaching a lo-
cal extremum as evidenced by the reduction of the norm of the derivative to zero

the reference points. In other words, for a given warping parameter vector c =

Cost vs. Iteration











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 25: The gradient descent procedure is characterized by a rapid initial descent
followed by slower final descent. Each curve corresponds to a different initial guess for
the control trajectory; each component of the guess for u takes the form α cos(ωt) +
β sin(ωt), with (α, β) chosen uniformly at random from [−1, 1] × [−1, 1] and ω from
[0, ωmax ], where ωmax is the Nyquist frequency for the sample rate used. The initial
guesses for the output warping are realizations of the random variable I + 51 , where
here I denotes the coefficients corresponding to the identity affine transformation and
 is drawn uniformly from [−1, 1]6 .

(c1 , · · · , c6 ), the corresponding output warping function is given by,

  
  c1 c3 
s(r̄) = I10×10 ⊗   r̄ + c5 , c6 , c5 , c6 , · · · , c5 , c6 (151)
c2 c4

where ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product.

The results are shown in Figures 25, 26, and 27, where it can be seen that marked

improvements in similarity are achieved, both in numerical cost (Figure 25) and in

subjective appearance (Figure 26). Both Figure 25 and Figure 27 also illustrate

the point that, since the dynamical constraints are nonconvex, the local optimum

to which the gradient descent procedure converges depends on the initial condition

used to initialize the algorithm. Nevertheless, even for fairly widely-separated initial

guesses in the puppet example, similar final costs are obtained.

0% 20% 40%

60% 80% 100%

Figure 26: Animation frames showing the lowest-cost imitation of the human sub-
ject’s bhangra performance by the puppet; percentages are of the total playback time
elapsed. The puppet begins hanging in an equilibrium state (at time “0%”). Warped Tracking: Contributions

In order to allow one system to “mimic” a reference signal, we have introduced several

versions of a modified output tracking problem that also includes time and output

warping functions as decision variables. The basic motivation has been that this

captures a measure of qualitative similarity which the usual error metrics used in

tracking problems (like the generalized L2 metric) do not.

Time warping in particular takes on a special significance in a controls setting,

where, rather than just being a method to compare signals, it actually modifies the

dynamics of systems when viewed in “reference time.” We have used this fact to

reduce the time-warped tracking problem to a standard (Bolza) problem in optimal

control, to be solved numerically. The intuition is that we can essentially shift the

“passbands” of systems so that they coincide with concentrations of energy in refer-

ence signals. Yet although this frequency-domain interpretation is useful to develop

Output Warping Affine Transformations





−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

Figure 27: The affine transformations arrived at by the optimization algorithm for
different initial guesses (as described in Figure 25) are illustrated as frames in R2
(solid), along with the identity transformation (dotted). The lowest-cost transforma-
tion is drawn in bold.

an intuition for the problem, our development has been entirely time-domain, so

that it is applicable to problems with finite time horizons and very general nonlinear


The time-warping problem was studied both when allowing “arbitrary” time warp-

ing functions, and when restricting the allowed functions to certain parametric forms.

For linear and polynomial time warping functions this allows the problem to be re-

framed as yet another Bolza problem. For time warping functions with different

parametric forms, parametrization functions were introduced; this has the advantage

of generality but moves slightly outside of the standard Bolza framework.

Likewise, output warping functions having fixed parametric forms were studied;

particular attention was paid to affine output warping functions and to a class of

piecewise-affine output warping functions defined using a collection of simplices.

In all of the above cases, first order necessary optimality conditions – really gra-

dients – were derived, with the underlying motivation being that this information

is necessary for the solution of these optimization problems by first-order numerical

methods - e.g. steepest descent, nonlinear conjugate gradient methods, or quasi-

Newton methods. Numerical examples were given for the problems (1) of aligning

an autonomous Van der Pol oscillator’s output to that of a nonlinear pendulum us-

ing linear time warping and piecewise affine output warping, and (2) of controlling a

marionette to mimic a human dancer using nonparametric time warping and affine

output warping.

The chief limitations of this approach are related to computational tractability,

and are common to many problems in numerical optimal control: The gradients,

being the solutions to ordinary differential equations, are fairly expensive to compute;

and the nonconvexity of the problem means that only local optima are guaranteed.

Nevertheless, it is possible to compute local optima which do give results that achieve

substantial improvements in qualitative similarity.



5.1 Learning Metric Costs

At the core of preference learning is a collection of empirical, pairwise comparisons.

The underlying assumption is that these comparisons reflect an underlying rating

function. Hence, given a sequence of pairwise comparisons between points in a Hilbert

space, we wish to find (1) a real-valued rating function that is consistent with those

preferences, and (2) a global optimum to this function – the best point in the metric

space. By solving these two problems we would have recovered what the underlying

source for the comparisons is.

Crucially, we would like to be able to determine both the rating function and the

point that minimizes it entirely by convex optimization – both so that the resulting

problems are computationally efficient, and to ensure that any minima we find are in

fact global optima. Although existing approaches like the Support Vector Machine

(SVM) methodology of [43] and [29], which we will discuss in Section 5.1.2, do find

a rating function as the solution to a convex program, these typically use the so-

called kernel trick, which introduces nonlinearities that prevent the determination of

a minimizer to that function by convex programming. Yet, without the kernel trick,

and using the SVM approach, one arrives at linear cost functions that have no unique

minima at all. Our contribution, beginning in Section 5.2, is instead a set of convex

programs that provide a useful compromise between these extremes, and which only

reduce to an SVM classification problem in a particular limiting case. These will

allow us to entertain the idea of a unique “best” point in the space, and at the same

time determine what it is by convex programming.

5.1.1 Problem Formulation

Given a sequence of pairwise comparisons between points in a Hilbert space, we wish

to find a real-valued rating function that is consistent with those preferences. Our

motivation is that, given some assumptions about what this function looks like, we

would like to find the best possible point.

Formally, let (X, h·, ·i) be the Hilbert space, and S , {(x1i , x2i )}N
i=1 ⊂ X × X the

sequence of comparisons; a pair (x1i , x2i ) appears in the sequence S if and only if x1i is

preferred to x2i . What we seek is a function f : X → R such that

f (x1 ) < f (x2 ) ⇔ (x1 , x2 ) ∈ S . (152)

That is, we adopt the convention that lower scores are better; hence we will refer to

f as a cost function.

Moreover, we would like f to minimize some smoothness criterion which we assume

will make it generalize well to other points in X besides the ones we have seen in S.

The very general requirement, just introduced, that X be a Hilbert space, will be

all that is needed to apply the algorithms that will be developed in the subsequent

sections. Examples of Hilbert spaces to which the preference learning of this chapter

can be naturally applied include the following:

1. The solution to the time- and output- warped tracking problems of Section 4.2

depends on the choice of symmetric weight matrices Q, Ru , and Rv , output

warping parameter vector ζ ∈ C,1 and reference signal r̄. Because the vector

space of tuples (Q, Ru , Rv , ζ) is real and finite-dimensional, it is a Hilbert space

(under any inner product). If the choice of r̄ is also restricted to a particular

Hilbert space – e.g. L2 – then, since direct products of Hilbert Spaces2 are

C is defined in Section For instance, ζ = (α, β) if (135) is used, or ζ = verts(R) if (144)
is used.
Here, it is assumed that the inner product for a Hilbert space A × B is defined, unless otherwise
specified, by h(a1 , b1 ), (a2 , b2 )iA×B , ha1 , a2 i + hb1 , b2 i.

themselves Hilbert spaces, tuples (Q, Ru , Rv , ζ, r̄) live in a Hilbert space and

can be learned under this framework.

2. The space of 1-chains, C1 (K), of Chapter 3, is a finite-dimensional vector space

that we have equipped with an inner product; consequently, it too is a Hilbert

space, and the input 1-chain v ∈ C1 (G) can be learned under the preference-

learning framework of this chapter.

In the following sections, we investigate a few choices for (1) particular parametric

forms for f , and (2) particular smoothness criteria, beginning with the current state

of the art. As we finish summarizing the state of the art, our interest in finding the

best possible point – a global minimizer of f – will begin to lead us into new territory,

starting with Section 5.2.

5.1.2 State of the Art: Support Vector Machines

The Support Vector Machine (SVM) approach to preference learning, which follows

the foundational work on SVMs of [15] and [102], was developed in [42] and [43], and

has been applied in a number of contexts, including [29]. The following subsections

briefly summarize a particular instantiation of this approach; for more detail see [43]. Linear cost functions

Initially, we would like to consider linear cost functions. These have the form

f (x) = hw, xi (153)

for some w ∈ X. This will be less of a restriction than it initially appears, because

we can achieve nonlinearity by preprocessing, or equivalently via the so-called kernel

trick (see e.g. [15], [8]). Constraints

The first observation, from (152) and linearity of the inner product, is that

w, x2 − x1 > 0 ⇔ (x1 , x2 ) ∈ S . (154)

We strengthen the constraints by asserting that, in fact, hw, x2 − x1 i > , for some

 > 0 and all (x1 , x2 ) ∈ S. Since the scale of f is arbitrary (i.e., if f satisfies all

pairwise inequality constraints, then so does cf for any c > 0), we without loss of

generality choose  = 1, and require the stronger constraints,

w, x2 − x1 ≥ 1 ∀(x1 , x2 ) ∈ S . (155) Maximizing separation

Subject to the constraints given above, it is traditionally ||w||2 that is minimized in

the SVM literature. In the case of classification problems, this corresponds to finding

the maximum-margin separating hyperplane. In our case, it has another natural

justification which we describe in this section.

Consider the quantity

1 2
f (x2 ) − f (x1 ) . (156)
(x ,x )∈S

If w satisfies the constraints (155), then this number will be positive. In fact, since

scale is arbitrary and we are minimizing with respect to ||w||2 , it will be exactly one

(if it were some number greater than one, we could divide f by that number to obtain

a new function also satisfying the constraints, corresponding to a w of smaller norm).

Next consider those pairs (x1 , x2 ) ∈ S satisfying f (x2 )−f (x1 ) = 1. Such points x1
and x2 lie on level sets of f which are a distance of ||w||
apart. Therefore, minimizing

||w||2 maximizes the distance between the level sets on which lie the least-well-separated

points. The Optimization Problem

Combining the minimization problem described in the previous subsection with the

constraints (155), we state the following primal optimization problem, which is the

standard unbiased 3 SVM classification problem: We wish to find

arg min ||w||2

. (157)

2 1
1 2
s.t. w, x − x ≥ 1 ∀(x , x ) ∈ S

This is a quadratic programming (QP) problem which, in principle, can be solved as-

such so long as it is finite-dimensional. The Lagrange dual to this problem – another

QP – reveals additional insights however: (1) that the optimal w ∈ span {x2 − x1 : (x1 , x2 ) ∈ S}

and so one need only solve for the coefficients of its expansion in terms of this finite

basis, and (2) moreover that this expansion is sparse, with only a few terms being

nonzero; these elements of {x2 − x1 | (x1 , x2 ) ∈ S} which have nonzero coefficients are

called the support vectors. For more see [89]. For our purposes it is enough to note

(1) that because w ∈ span {x2 − x1 | (x1 , x2 ) ∈ S}, (157) can be found as the solution

to a finite-dimensional problem whose dimensionality is the number of comparisons,

regardless of the dimensionality of X (which can even be infinite-dimensional), and

(2) that the optimization problem depends only on the inner products between the

various elements of {x2 − x1 | (x1 , x2 ) ∈ S}. This finite-dimensional dual problem can

be solved by general-purpose QP codes, or by special-purpose SVM solvers (which are

generally for the more common biased SVM classification problem) by augmenting

the problem with additional instances in a symmetric way which ensures that the

solution hyperplane nevertheless passes through the origin; for more on this latter

approach see e.g. [43], [29]. Kernelization

The basic idea behind the so-called kernel trick (see e.g. [15], [8]) is that, rather

than finding a linear classifier for instances directly, one can first map the points to a

higher-dimensional inner product space F (called the feature space) using a nonlinear

Here, unbiased means that the separating hyperplane must pass through the origin. This is as
opposed to the biased case, where not just linear but also affine varieties are allowed.

embedding Φ : X → F . Moreover since only inner products between elements of this

space need be computed, the embedding need not be explicitly constructed; rather,

the function κ : X × X → R defined by,

κ(x1 , x2 ) , Φ(x1 ), Φ(x2 ) (158)

is all that is actually needed. Mercer’s theorem establishes conditions under which

a Φ and F exist such that a given function from X × X to R can be written in the

form (158). Specifically, for any arbitrary finite list x1 , · · · , xM ∈ X of instances,

the kernel matrix [κ(xi , xj )]i,j ∈ RM ×M must be symmetric positive definite and so a


Early work in preference learning (e.g. [42]) simply applied the kernel trick to the

classification problem described in section However, as noted by [42], since

this implicitly passes differences between points through Φ and not the points them-

selves, this does not preserve the structure of an assumed underlying cost function;


w, Φ(x2 − x1 ) > 0 ⇐⇒
/ w, Φ(x2 ) − Φ(x1 ) > 0 (159)

and so it is incorrect using this approach to assume that there exists a cost function

of the form

f (x) = hw, Φ(x)i . (160)

The work [43] resolves this to recover a cost function which does have the form (160)

by classifying not differences between points (elements of X) but rather pairs thereof

(elements of X × X), while simultaneously insisting on a particular form for the

kernel; this is also the approach used in [29]. In [43] it is shown that a cost function

of the form (160) is obtained by using a kernel function K : (X × X) × (X × X) → R

defined by,

K(x1 , x2 ; x3 , x4 ) , κ(x1 , x3 ) − κ(x1 , x4 ) − κ(x2 , x3 ) + κ(x2 , x4 ) (161)

in the resulting classification problem, where κ is the kernel function corresponding

to the embedding Φ in (160). The kernel K is referred to in [29] as the Herbrich’s

Kernel attached to κ.

This results in the cost function,


f (x) = αi κ(x2i , x) − κ(x1i , x) (162)

where the coefficients {αi }N

i=1 ⊂ R are the solution to the dual problem to (157). Limitations

In the remainder of this chapter, motivated by the desire to compute globally-optimal

alternatives by convex optimization, we will investigate metric cost models, and find

that these cannot be addressed efficiently within the SVM framework. This will

motivate the construction of Chebyshev estimators. These also employ convex opti-

mization and the idea of maximizing robustness, but only reduce to SVMS in par-

ticular special cases. (A more detailed discussion of the incompatibilities that exist

between metric cost models and standard Support vector Machine approaches has

been deferred to the Appendix.)

5.2 Metric Preference Learning: A Convex Formulation

In this section, we begin to introduce our contributions to preference learning. These

include novel, convex problem formulations; an asymptotic “observer” for human

preferences that converges under a persistent-excitation assumption; and algorithms

that simplify preference data based on purely graph-theoretic considerations. We

begin by considering these graph-based simplifications, before introducing metric cost

models themselves and their accompanying optimization problems.

5.3 The Preference Graph

The preference graph G = (V, S) corresponding to the comparison sequence S is the

directed graph whose vertex set V = {x11 , x21 , · · · , x1N , x2N } ⊂ X is the collection of all

unique points that have been compared, and whose edge set is S. We will index the

vertices as V = {x1 , · · · , xM }, where M ≤ 2N is the cardinality of V .

If (152) is to hold with strict inequality, then we note immediately that the graph

G must be acyclic, and thus represent a partial order. When nonstrict inequalities

are allowed, however, then we may permit cycles, and moreover G can be replaced

by a smaller, equivalent acyclic graph. This has the practical significance of allowing

redundant constraints to be eliminated on purely graph-theoretic grounds, thereby

speeding up later optimization steps. This is constructed, following [6], in the follow-

ing way:

A cell is defined to be an equivalence class of vertices; two vertices v1 , v2 ∈ V

belong to the same cell (denoted v1 ∼ v2 ) if and only if there exist directed paths in

G from v1 to v2 and from v2 to v1 . The quotient graph G/ ∼ is the directed acyclic

graph whose vertices are these equivalence classes, and in which the directed edge

(C1 , C2 ) exists between two cells C1 and C2 whenever there exist vertices v1 ∈ C1 and

v2 ∈ C2 such that there is a directed path in G from v1 to v2 .

Since any two vertices in the same cell must by (152) have the same cost, one may

optimize using only the constraints represented by the edges of this quotient graph,

and discard the rest. Hence without loss of generality we will assume that G is acyclic;

when it is not it should be understood that we will actually work with G/ ∼.

Additional constraints can be eliminated via the transitive reduction. Formally,

using Aho’s definition [6], G t is the transitive reduction of a graph G if,

1. there is a directed path from vertex u to vertex v in G t if and only if there is a

directed path from u to v in G, and

2. there is no graph with fewer arcs than G t satisfying condition 1.

In the case of a directed acyclic graph, the reduction G t (which is unique) is a subgraph

of G. It was shown in [6] that computation of the transitive reduction is of the



C1 C2 C3


Figure 28: The original preference graph G (left), and the corresponding transitively-
reduced quotient graph, (G/ ∼)t (right).

same complexity as transitive closure, and hence matrix multiplication; thus, the

transitive reduction can be found in O(nlog2 7 ) steps using Strassen’s algorithm [91],

or, in principle, O(n2.376 ) steps using the Coopersmith-Winograd algorithm [25]. (See,

e.g., [35], [77]). Moreover, if G contains cycles, then the algorithm given in [6] can

compute (G/ ∼)t with the same complexity.

In short, by working with the transitive reduction of the quotient graph, we are

able to eliminate redundant constraints on purely graph-theoretic grounds, before

even knowing the form of the cost function f . The reduction is illustrated by Figure


5.4 Metric Costs

Colloquially, when comparing various alternatives, we often speak of options as being

“closer to what we would like,” or of being “far from perfect.” Motivated by this

everyday use of geometric language, in [58] we considered metric costs, which have

the form,

f (x) = ||x − x̄||2 . (163)

In short, it is assumed that there exists some single best point x̄ in X, and one

alternative is preferred over another if and only if it is closer to that point.

What does an individual response (x1 , x2 ) tell us about the location of x̄? Simply,

the following are equivalent:

1. (x1i , x2i ) ∈ S

2. f (x1 ) ≤ f (x2 )

3. hx2i − x1i , x̄i − 21 hx2i − x1i , x2i + x1i i < 0.

In words, each comparison constrains x̄ to lie within a particular halfspace of X.


di , x2i − x1i (164)

1 1 
µi , xi + x2i (165)
bi , hdi , µi i , (166)

the totality of what we know, then, about where x̄ might lie is summarized by the

inclusion over all the comparison halfspaces,

x̄ ∈ P , {x | hdi , xi − bi < 0} . (167)

The set P , if it is bounded, is a polytope in X. In [58], we stated this system of

inequalities and gave an asymptotic observer that x̄ under certain assumptions. Here,

we ask another question: Out of all the points in this polytope, which is “best?”

When P is bounded, we propose to select x̄ as the incenter or Chebyshev center

of the polytope,
x̄ = arg min max (hdi , xi − bi ) (168)
x i ||di ||
which is the point that is maximally far away from the closest constraint plane, as

illustrated by Figure 29. In other words, when P is nonempty, x̄ is the point that

can be perturbed as much as possible without contradicting any of the preferences

expressed in S; and when P is empty, it is the “compromise” point whose worst

constraint violation is minimal.


Figure 29: Two examples for X = R2 . Shades of gray indicate the number of violated
constraints (points in darker regions violate more constraints), and discontinuities in
the derivative of the piecewise-linear function x 7→ maxi ||d1i || (hdi , xi − bi ) are indi-
cated by dashed lines. In the first example (top), P 6= ∅ (white region), and x̄ is
its incenter, the point maximally far away from the closest of the constraint surfaces
(thin, solid lines) - i.e., it is the center of the largest inscribed sphere (thick, solid
curve). In the second example (bottom), P = ∅, and the resulting optimum, x̄, is the
point whose worst constraint violation is minimal.

Note that with the definition (168), if the constraints are feasible (i.e., if P 6= ∅),

then x̄ ∈ P . This can be viewed as minimizing the ∞-norm of the vector of con-

straints. Additionally, x̄ ∈ aff {x11 , x21 , · · · , x1N , x2N } and hence we need only solve for

the coefficients of an expansion in terms of this basis (see Theorem 13). Furthermore,

this minimization problem has a sensible solution even when P is empty; it is the

point whose worst constraint violation is as small as possible.

This can be rewritten in epigraph form as the constrained minimization problem,

(z̄, x̄) = arg min z (169)


s.t. ||di ||z ≥ hdi , xi − bi

which is always feasible (but possibly unbounded), and satisfies z̄ > 0 ⇐⇒ P = ∅.

Theorem 13. If (168) has a global minimizer, then it has a global minimizer in the

affine subspace, aff {x11 , x21 , · · · , x1N , x2N }.

Proof : Let x be a global minimum to (168), and x̄ be the projection of x onto the

affine subspace, aff {x11 , x21 , · · · , x1N , x2N }; i.e., x̄ = x + δ with δ ⊥ span{d1 , · · · , dN }.

Then for all i ∈ {1, · · · , N }, since hdi , δi = 0 and by linearity of the inner product,
1 1
||di ||
hdi , x̄i − bi = ||di ||
hdi , xi − bi , and hence the value of the objective function in

(168) is the same at either x or x̄.

5.4.1 Direct Solution

The minimization problem (169) can be rewritten, when X is finite-dimensional, in

matrix form as,

 
z 
arg min 1 0  
(z,x) x
   
T   . (170)
 −||d1 || d1   b1 
 . ..  z  . 
s.t.  ..   . 
 .  ≤ . 

  x  
−||dN || dTN bN

This is a linear program (LP), which can be solved directly by general-purpose LP

codes provided dim(X) is not too large.

5.4.2 Instance Vector Expansion

Since x̄ ∈ aff {x11 , x21 , · · · , x1N , x2N }, the optimization problem (168) can be solved as a

finite-dimensional problem even when X is not finite-dimensional, by expanding x̄ in

terms of a finite-dimensional basis, as described by the following theorem:

Theorem 14. The point

x̄ = c̄k dk + x∗ (171)

solves the optimization problem (168), where

x∗ = arg min ||x||2 | x ∈ aff x11 , x21 , · · · , x1N , x2N , (172)

and c̄ is found by solving

(z̄, c̄) = arg min z


s.t. Gdd c − Dz ≤ β , (173)

with D = (||d1 ||, · · · , ||dN ||), β ∈ RN defined by

βi , hdi , µi i (174)

and Gdd ∈ RN ×N being the Gramian,

 
 hd1 , d1 i · · · hd1 , dN i 
 .. .. .. 
Gdd , 
 . . .  .
 (175)
 
hdN , d1 i · · · hdN , dN i

Proof : Defining x∗ by (172), one can write any x in the affine span of the data

in the form (171). Substituting the expansion (171) into (169) and noting that by

Hilbert’s Projection Theorem x∗ ⊥ di for all i ∈ {1, · · · , N }, one obtains (173).

Remark 1. We also note at this point that (171) can be written,

x= (indegc (xk ) − outdegc (xk )) xk + x∗ (176)
, ξk xk + x∗ (177)

by treating c as a vector of edge weights to the preference graph, and denoting the

weighted in- and out-degrees of a given node xk by indegc (xk ) and outdegc (xk ) respec-

tively. Precisely,

indegc (xk ) , ci (178)
i|x2i =xk
outdegc (xk ) , ci . (179)
i|x1i =xk

Remark 2. Moreover, β can be written,

βi = eTi Gµd ei , (180)

where Gµd ∈ RN ×N is the cross-Gramian

 
 hd1 , µ1 i · · · hd1 , µN i 
 .. ... .. 
Gµd ,  . . 
 (181)
 
hdN , µ1 i · · · hdN , µN i
and ei denotes the i-th column of the identity matrix.

Remark 3. Note that this problem depends only on inner products of the various

di and ui vectors, and hence the problem can be solved even when X is infinite-
N (N +1)
dimensional. Precisely, 2
+ N 2 ∼ O(n2 ) inner products must be computed to

build the matrices Gdd and Gµd , where N is the number of comparisons. Alternatively,

the relevant matrices can also be produced directly from inner products of elements of

S, as

Gdd = K 22 − K 21 − K 12 + K 11 (182)
Gµd = (K 22 + K 21 − K 12 − K 11 ) (183)
where each matrix K lm ∈ RN ×N is defined by

Kijlm = xli , xm
j (184)

and can be built by indexing into the single Gramian (or kernel) matrix K ∈ RM ×M


Kij = hxi , xj i . (185)

p p p p
Moreover, D = ( Gdd
11 , Gdd
22 , Gdd
33 , · · · , Gdd
N N ).

Finally, x̄ can be reconstructed using (171) and

x∗ = α i xi (186)
α= T †
K †1 (187)
1 K 1

where K † denotes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of K, and 1 = (1, 1, · · · , 1) ∈

RM .

In particular, the costs of the presented instances can be reconstructed as,

f (xk ) = (ek − ξ − α)T K(ek − ξ − α) (188)

where ξ is related to c by (176), (178), and (179). Unbounded Case: The minimax-rate problem

When P is nonempty but unbounded, we ask a slightly different question: What is

the “point at infinity,” or direction, that is best? More precisely, what we seek in this

case is a unit vector

1 1
v̄ = arg min lim max (hdi , tvi − bi ) (189)
v∈X|||v||=1 t→∞ t i ||di ||
= arg min max hdi , vi (190)
v∈X|||v||=1 i ||di ||

or equivalently,

(p̄, v̄) = arg min p (191)


 ||di ||p ≥ hdi , vi ∀i ∈ {1, · · · , N }
s.t. .

 ||v||2 ≤ 1

As before, an instance vector expansion is possible:

Theorem 15. Letting v = k=1 ck dk , the optimization problem (191) is equivalent


(p̄, c̄) = arg min p (192)


 Gdd c − Dp ≤ 0

 cT Gdd c ≤ 1

with the matrices Gdd and D as defined in the previous subsection.

Proof : The proof takes the form of theorem 14’s.

The problem (192) is a finite-dimensional second-order cone program (SOCP),

which can be solved efficiently.

The cost function for the unbounded case arises from a similar limit process to

(190), as
1 2
f (x) = lim ||x − vt|| − t (193)
t→∞ t
1 2 2

= lim ||x|| − 2 hx, vti + ||vt|| − t (194)
t→∞ t

= −2 hx, vi (195)

which can be evaluated at the instances as,

f (xk ) = −2eTk Kξ . (196)

5.4.3 QP Form and Relation to SVMs

When int P is nonempty - as is almost always true in the unbounded case - the

minimization problem (190) can be rewritten as an equivalent quadratic program

(QP), which will make the relationship to the usual SVM approach very clear. In

fact, (190) is equivalent to a particular SVM classification problem (which differs from

but is related to that studied in e.g. [29] and [43]).

w= v (197)
and restricting our attention to negative values for p (since when int P is nonempty,

p∗ < 0), we note that

arg min p = argmax p2 = arg min = arg min ||w||2 . (198)

Additionally, the constraints in (191) can be replaced by,

,w ≥ 1 (199)
||di ||

which results in the standard unbiased SVM problem,

w̄ = arg min ||w||2

s.t. , w ≥ 1 ∀i ∈ {1, · · · , N } . (200)
||di ||
This is equivalent to (191) in the unbounded case except when int P = ∅; then,

since p̄ = 0, w̄ from (197) is undefined, but the solution to the SOCP problem (192)

nevertheless exists.

The minimax-rate problem (200) differs from the SVM problem considered in
e.g. [29] and [43] by the factor of ||di ||
included in each constraint. The difference

is that whereas the standard SVM approach attempts to classify differences using a

maximum-margin separating hyperplane, the minimax-rate approach finds the direc-

tion that maximizes the rate of constraint satisfaction; this is illustrated in Figure


5.5 An Asymptotic Observer for Metric Cost Models

Suppose we have access to a very long (infinite) sequence of comparisons S = {(x1k , x2k )}∞
k=1 =

{s1 , s2 , · · · } ⊂ X × X, perhaps as the result of passive monitoring over an extended

period of time, and we would like to know the features x̄ of the ideal alternative. If

alternatives are presented at random to the human, can we construct an asymptotic

observer for x̄ which can avoid storing all of the very (infinitely) many constraints

implied by this sequence? It turns out that the answer is yes, and exactly such an

observer is given by,

 P k x̃k + αk bk
dk if dTk x̃k − bk > 0
x̃k+1 = k dk (201)

 x̃k otherwise
k dk dk
Pk = I − α T (202)
dk dk
for any sequence of observer gains αk ∈ (0, 2) (and dk , bk defined by (164-166)),

regardless of x̃0 . That is, x̃k converges to x̄ in probability as k → ∞, given a few

Difference classification Constraint satisfaction rate
1.5 1.5
Minimax−rate Minimax−rate
True plane True direction
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1

−1.5 −1.5
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

Figure 30: A number of uniformly-randomly selected points in [−1, 1] × [−1, 1] ⊂ R2

are compared according to a point at infinity (i.e., a linear cost function) (dotted),
and both the traditional SVM (dashed) and the minimax-rate (solid) approaches are
used to produce estimates of this direction from the comparisons. From the difference-
classification point of view (top), one wishes to separate the vectors {di }N
i=1 (displayed
as “o”s) from the vectors {−di }i=1 (displayed as “*”s). From the minimax-rate point
of view (bottom), one wishes to find the direction that maximizes the rate of constraint
satisfaction (the numbers of violated constraints are represented by shades of gray; the
white region is feasible). The traditional SVM solution separates the positive from
the negative differences with a larger margin (top), but the minimax-rate solution
stays as far from the edge of the constraint cone as possible (bottom).

x10 x̄ x21 x12

x̃3 x11

x̃1,2 x22

Figure 31: A series of the observer’s estimates, with αk = 1 ∀k. The initial estimate
is x̃0 , and the true ideal is given by x̄. In step 0, the observer projects x̃0 onto the
plane (solid line) corresponding to the measured output s0 = (x10 , x20 ) to produce x̃1 .
In step 1, the observer makes no changes to its estimate, because x̃1 is on the correct
side of the plane corresponding to s1 ; hence x̃2 = x̃1 . In step 2, the observer projects
x̃2 onto the plane corresponding to s2 to create the estimate x̃3 , which is yet closer
to x̄.

assumptions; we will prove this shortly in Theorem 16. Moreover, note that, although

(201-202) are broken down into separate expressions for clarity of presentation, they

are in fact all functions of x̃k , so this observer can be implemented with only dim{X}

real memory elements.

It should be noted that this observer can be viewed as a subgradient algorithm

for solving the convex optimization problem; for more on subgradient algorithms, see

e.g. [16].

Geometrically, the observer (201-202) operates through a series of projections (or

under/over-projections, if αk 6= 1), as illustrated in Figure 31, with each projection

bringing the estimate x̃k of the ideal closer to the true ideal, x̄. A proof of convergence

follows as Theorem 16.

Before continuing, we now state a useful lemma, whose geometric interpretation is

that comparisons between distances relative to reference points can be interchanged

with signed point-plane distance tests.

Lemma 5. Let x1 , x2 , x̄ be any vectors in an inner product space (X, h·, ·i), and let






−20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20

Figure 32: Example estimate trajectory for observer (201-202) for αk = α = 1, with
X = R2 . The estimate begins at x̃0 = (−15, 15), and approaches the ideal x̄ = (17, 0).

./ be a binary relation from the set, {=, <, >, ≤, ≥}. Then,

x̄ ∈ {x | hd, xi − b ./ 0} ⇐⇒ ||x1 − x̄|| ./ ||x2 − x̄||

where d = x2 − x1 , and b = 21 hd, x1 + x2 i.

The proof of this is based on the Polarization Identity and is straightforward.

Theorem 16. Let x̄ ∈ X be the ideal alternative, and S = {(x1k , x2k )}∞
k=1 = {s1 , s2 , · · · }

a sequence of pairs of i.i.d. random vectors drawn according to a probability density

function p on {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ X | ||x1 − x̄|| < ||x2 − x̄||} which is nonzero in an open ball

B(x̄, r) = Br around x̄. Then, the asymptotic observer given by (201-202) converges

to x̄ in probability.

Proof : Please see the appendix.

An example of the estimate trajectory in feature space generated by such an

observer is given in Figure 32. For this example, X = R2 , and features were drawn

from a uniform distribution in the square [−20, 20] × [−20, 20]. The estimate evolves

from its initial condition, x̃0 = (−15, 15) to near the ideal x̄ = (17, 0).

Figure 33: Depicted are the 9 apples used to generate comparisons with the single

5.6 Apples and Oranges

To demonstrate the application of these ideas, photos of nine apples were shown to

an audience of thirteen people in a number of pairwise experiments. (The fruit is

shown in Figure 33.)

Each apple was described by a 15-dimensional feature vector, containing (1-3) the

average color in HSB (hue, saturation, brightness) color space, (4-6) the average color

in RGB color space, (7) the color variance, (8-10) width, height, and the ratio of the

two, (11-12) stem length, and angle relative to apple, (13-14) dimple angle and depth,

and (15) roundness.

The partial order over the apples was thus generated by having a number of people

make a number of randomly selected, pairwise comparisons (as the one depicted in

Figure 34). Represented as a preference graph, the results of these experiments are

given as Figure 35.

For these data, the minimization problem (173) is unbounded and hence we find

Figure 34: An example of a pairwise comparison between two apples, relative to the



x7 x9 x4


Figure 35: The preference graph corresponding to the apple experiments.

an optimal direction via (171). We obtain the optimum,

v̄1 = −0.0252 (Hue) v̄9 = −0.2380 (Height)

v̄2 = −0.0844 (Saturation) v̄10 = −0.0472 (Width/Height)

v̄3 = 0.1374 (Brightness) v̄11 = −0.0409 (Stem Length)

v̄4 = 0.3572 (Red) v̄12 = −0.5017 (Stem Angle)

v̄5 = 0.1137 (Green) v̄13 = 0.6683 (Dimple Angle)

v̄6 = 0.1856 (Blue) v̄14 = 0.0996 (Dimple Depth)

v̄7 = 0.0442 (Variance) v̄15 = −0.0472 (Roundness)

v̄8 = −0.1593 (Width)

which has the interpretation that dimple angle and redness are important orangelike

qualities, and that large stem angles are perceived as un-orangelike.

5.7 Amoebas and Humans

To understand the comparison of higher-dimensional objects and in particular mo-

tions, another experiment was performed in which an audience of 25 people was asked

to perform pairwise comparisons of different motions of a computer-animated amoeba,

relative to the motion-captured movement of a human who danced the bhangra. An

example of one such question is illustrated in Figure 37. In this manner, a preference

graph was generated as before, with 12 vertices (the amoeba motions) and 20 edges;

this is shown in Figure 36.

Inner products between the various amoeba motions were computed by rasterizing

the motions to binary videos, blurring each frame of the result, and computing the

standard Euclidean inner product of these (extremely large) [Frame Width]×[Frame

Height]×[Number of Frames]-dimensional vectors. We note that the sheer size of

this representation highlights the advantage of the instance vector expansion de-

scribed in section 5.4.2, without which the optimization problem simply could not be

realistically solved.

x5 x10 x9


x3 x11

x8 x1 x4


x12 x6

Figure 36: The preference graph corresponding to the amoeba experiments.

Figure 37: Each question took the form, “Which of the two ‘amoebas’ (bottom)
looks more like the [motion capture data from a] human dancer (top)?”

The minimization problem (173) with the resulting data turns out to be un-

bounded and hence we again find an optimal direction via (171). We obtain the

coefficient expansion for the optimal direction,

v̄ = ξk xk (203)

ξ = 103 ( 1.4918, −3.6556, −0.1390, 0.3113,

−1.1243, −0.1771, 2.6335, 0.5878,

1.8362, −1.7319, −0.2999, 0.2672 ) .

What this means is that, in order to look as much like it is dancing the bhangra as

possible, an amoeba should as its first priority aspire to be as much like amoeba 7

(ξ7 = 2.6335) and as dissimilar from amoeba 2 (ξ2 = −3.6556) as possible, and that

it should to a lesser extent model itself after amoebas 1 and 9 (ξ1 = 1.4918, ξ9 =

1.8362) while avoiding the aesthetically unappealing moves of amoebas 5 and 10

(ξ5 = −1.1243, ξ10 = −1.7319). Although this does not explain why, psychologically,

e.g. amoeba 7 is preferred to amoeba 2, it does produce both a consistent cost

structure, and an estimate for an amoeba motion that will be preferred to all others

in the larger space of motions.

5.8 Learning Metric Costs: Contributions

In this preliminary research, we investigated the problem of motion preference learning

under the assumption of an underlying metric cost model ; here, the alternatives being

compared are points in a Hilbert space, and human judges are assumed to prefer one

point to another if and only if it is closer to some fixed but unknown best alternative

that they may not have been shown. This assumption appears to be a good one for

the example considered and the features chosen, in that the feasible set P in this case

is nonempty.

Based on the metric cost assumption, a Chebyshev estimator was given for the

best point for the case when P is bounded, and a natural generalization, the minimax-

rate estimator, was developed for when P is unbounded. In the first case, the solution

was found, with an efficiency rivaling standard quadratic SVMs, as the solution to a

linear program; and in the second case the problem was shown to in fact reduce to a

particular SVM classification problem. In addition, an asymptotic observer for metric

cost functions was described, and shown to converge under reasonable assumptions.

In order that the estimators for the bounded and unbounded cases be applicable

to situations in which the compared alternatives inhabit high- or infinite- dimensional

metric spaces – as is the case for motion signals – the optimization problems were

additionally given in an instance vector expansion form, which results in optimization

problems whose size is proportional not to the dimensionality of the metric space, but

only to the number of comparisons available.

In all cases, optimal cost functions and points/directions were found efficiently

by convex programming. The results are efficient minimax estimators for the best

possible alternative.



We have addressed the coordination of multi-robot systems from two, physically-

inspired points of view, and then produced algorithms that tune the resulting con-

trollers to satisfy the subjective requirements of the humans who use them.

The first, Eulerian, family of controllers, uses tools from algebraic topology to cre-

ate fluid-like flows, and is ultimately based on reinterpretations of discrete Laplacian

operators not as communications protocols for mobile agents themselves, but rather

as spatial operators. The spatial interpretation of discrete Laplacians parallels that

of their continuous siblings, and is enabled by the existence, throughout developed

environments, of static infrastructure with computing capacity. Discrete analogues

to partial differential equations like the Laplace, Poisson, and Euler equations that

occur throughout physics, naturally follow. These, in turn, provoke the investigation

of other, novel Laplacian-like operators, whose null spaces are modified in various

ways, to characterise different spaces of interest. Perhaps most importantly, all of the

resulting algorithms are simple, linear, and globally-convergent – properties that are

appealing both from an implementation and from an analysis point of view. The gen-

eral mathematical approach employed here can be applied to a variety of problems,

of which those discussed in this dissertation are but a small sampling.

The second, Lagrangian, family of controllers, using first geometric-mechanical

formulations and then techniques from optimal control, produces algorithms that can

be used to manipulate virtual structures of mobile robots built from pairwise con-

straints. More broadly, the optimal control algorithms described in this dissertation,

although naturally applied to multiagent formations, are in fact developed in a way

that makes them generally applicable to nonlinear systems, and so have the potential

for broad use. It shares with the first approach a geometric-topological inspiration

– in this case, an interest in deforming space with homeomorphisms – as well as the

use of simplicial complexes as spatial discretizations. What it does not share is the

algorithmic simplicity, or the immediate mathematical richness (and tractability) of

the Eulerian approach. Nevertheless, because it is directly compatible with existing

approaches to formation control, the Lagrangian approach may, especially in the short

term, find more application.

The final portion of this dissertation, which investigates the learning of human

preferences to tune controllers, is less integrally related to multiagent coordination

problems than are the previous two sections. It does, however, complement the devel-

opment of Eulerian and Lagrangian control approaches, and helps to answer emerging

questions about how humans can interact effectively with multiagent swarms. Addi-

tionally, it is related to the discrete Poisson-type equations of the Eulerian approach,

so the two, apparently-disjoint areas, can and do cross-fertilize one another. These

connections can only become stronger with future work.



A.1 Proof of Theorem 12

Theorem. The additional FONCs for the problem (138) are given by (139) and (139),

which are reprinted here for convenience:

¯ v, (M, z)) =
∇M J(u, 2Q (M r̄(τ ) + z − y(τ )) rT (τ )dτ
+α T
− tr(M T M )p M −T + p tr(M T M )p−1 M
det(M M )
+ 2β (M − I)
=0 (204)
¯ v, (M, z)) =
∇z J(u, 2Q(M r̄(τ ) + z − y(τ ))dτ + 2γz = 0 (205)

which must be satisfied in addition to (103).

Before proving this, we present a few preliminaries with regard to notation. In

what follows, (x 7→ [expression]) denotes functions that take x as an argument and

return [expression]; e.g., (x 7→ x2 ) is the function that squares its argument. The

notation Dc (f ) is used for the differential of a function f at a point c in the domain

of f . Note that Dc (f ) is itself a (linear) function which can be evaluated; we denote its

evaluation at h (the “direction” of variation of the argument to f ) by Dc (f )(h). For

instance, Dc (x 7→ x3 )(z) = (h 7→ 3c2 h)(z) = 3c2 z. We denote the gradient of f at c by

∇f (c). The derivative is the vector dual to the gradient; that is Dc (f )(h) = h∇f (c), hi

for all variations h of the argument to f , where h·, ·i is an appropriate inner product.

Continuing the preceding example, ∇(x 7→ x3 )(c) = (x 7→ 3x2 )(c) = 3c2 .

We now give the proof of Theorem 12.

Proof : Considering the first term of (138),
tr(M T M )p
DA M 7→
det(M T M )
T p 1 1 T p

= tr(A A) DA M 7→ + D A M →
7 tr(M M ) (206)
det(M T M ) det(AT A)

where, since

DA M 7→ det(M T M )

= dX 7→ det(AT A) tr((AT A)−1 dX) ◦ (dA 7→ AT dA + dAT A)

= dA 7→ det(AT A) tr((AT A)−1 (AT dA + dAT A))

= dA 7→ 2 det(AT A)(tr(A−1 dA) (207)

we have
DA M 7→
det(M T M )
= dx 7→ T 2
◦ DA M 7→ det(M T M )
det(A A)
−2 det(AT A) tr(A−1 dA)
= dA 7→
det(AT A)2
−2 tr(A−1 dA)
= dA 7→ (208)
det(AT A)


DA M 7→ tr(M T M )p
= dx 7→ p tr(AT A)p−1 dx ◦ dA 7→ 2 tr(AT dA)

= dA 7→ 2p tr(AT A)p−1 tr(AT dA) (209)

Substituting (208) and (209) into (206),
tr(M T M )p
DA M 7→
det(M T M )
tr(AT A)p −1 2p tr(AT A)p−1 T
= dA 7→ −2 tr(A dA) + tr(A dA)
det(AT A) det(AT A)
−2 T p −1 T p−1 T
= dA 7→ tr tr(A A) A − p tr(A A) A dA
det(AT A)
T p −T T p−1

= dA 7→ tr(A A) A − p tr(A A) A, dA (210)
det(AT A)

where the angle brackets denote the inner product h., .i defined for matrices by

hA, Bi = tr(AT B) (211)

for any two square matrices A and B of compatible dimensions.

This (210) is the dual to the gradient, which is given by (and replacing the symbol

A by M ),

2 T p −T T p−1

− tr(M M ) M − p tr(M M ) M . (212)
det(M T M )

Likewise differentiating the other terms we obtain,

¯ v, (M, z)) =
∇M J(u, 2Q (M r̄(τ ) + z − y(τ )) rT (τ )dτ
2  1
+α T
− tr(M T M )p M −T + p tr(M T M )p−1 M + 2β (M − I) = 0
det(M M ) p
¯ v, (M, z)) =
∇z J(u, 2Q(M r̄(τ ) + z − y(τ ))dτ + 2γz = 0 ∈ Rp (214)

which concludes the proof.

A.2 Proof of Theorem 16

Theorem. Let x̄ ∈ X be the ideal alternative, and S = {(x1k , x2k )}∞

k=1 = {s1 , s2 , · · · }

a sequence of pairs of i.i.d. random vectors drawn according to a probability density

function p on {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ X | ||x1 − x̄|| < ||x2 − x̄||} which is nonzero in an open ball

B(x̄, r) = Br around x̄. Then, the asymptotic observer given by (201-202) converges

to x̄ in probability.

Proof : Please see the appendix. 1. If hdk , x̃k i − bk > 0, then ||x̃k+1 − x̄|| <

||x̃k − x̄||. The distances ||x̃k − x̄|| and ||x̃k+1 − x̄|| are related through the Polarization

Identity by (where ∆k = x̃k+1 − x̃k ),

||x̃k+1 − x̄||2 = ||x̃k + ∆k − x̄||2 =

||x̃k − x̄||2 + ||∆k ||2 + 2 hx̃k − x̄, ∆k i

so, it order to show that ||x̃k+1 − x̄|| < ||x̃k − x̄||, it is sufficient to demonstrate

||∆k ||2 + 2 hx̃k − x̄, ∆k i < 0. (215)

From (201, 202),


k dk dk αk b k
∆k = I −α T x̃k + T dk − x̃k
dk dk dk dk
= (bk − hdk , x̃k i) dk (216)
hdk , dk i

so, substituting ∆k into (215) (and dropping the superscript indices k),

α2 α
(b − hd, x̃i)2 + 2 (b − hd, x̃i) hd, x̃ − x̄i < 0
hd, di hd, di

or equivalently, so long as α > 0 (as we require),

− (hd, x̃i − b) [α (b − hd, x̃i) + 2 hd, x̃ − x̄i] < 0. (217)

Since by assumption hd, x̃i − b > 0, this is satisfied iff the second factor is positive;

that is,

α (b − hd, x̃i) + 2 hd, x̃ − x̄i =

αb + (2 − α) hd, x̃i − 2 hd, x̄i > 0. (218)

Since hd, x̃i > b, and by Lemma 5, hd, x̄i ≤ b, this is satisfied so long as α ∈ (0, 2), as

we require.

2. The sequence ek = ||x̃k − x̄k ||, k = 0, 1, 2, ... is nonincreasing. In the second

case of (201), x̃k+1 = x̃k ; this is nonincreasing. In the first case, hdk , x̃k i − bk > 0, so

ek+1 < ek by point 1 above.

3. g.l.b.(ek ) = 0 with unit probability. By positivity of || · ||, zero is a lower bound.

To show that this is the greatest such bound, consider some  > 0 and suppose that,

at iteration m, ||x̃m − x̄|| = . Now, let z = min(r, /2), and consider the open balls

B1 = B(c1 , z/4), B2 = B(c2 , z/4), where the center points c1 , c2 are defined,

x̃ − x̄ (2j − 1)
cj = x̄ + z
||x̃ − x̄|| 4

for j ∈ {1, 2} (see Figure 38); additionally, let x1 ∈ B1 , x2 ∈ B2 . Then by Lemma

5, we can confirm that x̄ and x̃ are on opposite sides of the plane corresponding to

(x1 , x2 ) (and hence, that a projection will occur) by verifying that,

||x2 − x̃|| < ||x1 − x̃|| (219)

||x2 − x̄|| > ||x1 − x̄||. (220)

Considering the first of these, we note by the triangle inequality,

||x2 − x̃|| ≤ ||x2 − c2 || + ||c2 − x̃|| < 41 z + ||c2 − x̃||

whereas, by the inverse triangle inequality,

||x1 − x̃|| ≥ | ||x1 − c1 || + ||c1 − x̃|| |

≥ ||c1 − x̃|| = 21 z + ||x2 − c2 ||

so this is indeed the case. Considering the second inequality (220), we have likewise,

||x1 − x̄|| ≤ ||x1 − c1 || + ||c1 − x̄|| < 41 z + 41 z = 12 z


||x2 − x̄|| ≥| ||x2 − c2 || − ||c2 − x̄|| |≥ 34 z

B1 x2

x̄ c1 c2
| {z } x̃k
x1 B2

Figure 38: If x1 ∈ B1 and x2 ∈ B2 , then ||x̃k+1 − x̄|| < ||x̃k − x̄||.

so this inequality holds as well. Therefore, any x1 , x2 from B1 , B2 are associated

with a plane that separates x̃ from x̄ and hence triggers a projection. Since B1

and B2 have nonzero measure, and are subsets of Br in which p(· ) is nonzero, then

the probabilities for this iteration P1 = P(“a point is selected in B1 ”) and P2 = P(“a

point is selected in B2 ”) are both nonzero, and therefore, since the sk are independent,

Pboth = P(“one point is selected in B1 and the other is selected in B2 ”) = P1 P2 is

nonzero, and the probability that this occurs for at least one iteration k > m is given
by 1 − ∞ k=m 1 − P k
both = 1 or in other words, with probability one, there exists a

q > m such that hdq , x̃q i − bq > 0. Then, by point 1, ||x̃q − x̄|| < ||x̃m − x̄|| = ,

and so , with unit probability, cannot be a lower bound. Since ek is a nonincreasing

sequence in R and g.l.b.(ek ) = 0, ek converges to 0 and thus x̃ converges to x̄ in


A.3 Relationship of Metric Cost Models to SVM Approaches

in the Bounded Case

The metric cost models considered in the previous section are a special case of

quadratic cost models, subject to additional constraints. We will discuss their re-

lationship via kernelization to linear cost models in this section.

A.3.1 Quadratic Cost Models

First, assume for notational convenience that X is finite-dimensional, and consider

an arbitrary quadratic cost of the form

f (x) = xT Qx + bT x (221)

along with the problem of picking Q and b such that f is maximum-margin. We

immediately note that (221) can be written as an inner product in Rdim(X)×dim(X) ×

Rdim(X) as

f (x) = (Q, b), (xxT , x) = h(Q, b), Φ(x)i (222)

where Φ : X → Rdim(X)×dim(X) × Rdim(X) is defined by the above, and in this space

the inner product is defined

h(Q1 , b1 ), (Q2 , b2 )i = hQ1 , Q2 i + hb1 , b2 i = tr QT1 Q2 + bT1 b2 . (223)

I.e., this is the inner product induced on the product space by the Frobenius inner

product on Rdim(X)×dim(X) and the Euclidean inner product on Rdim(X) .

The kernel corresponding to Φ is,

κ(x, y) = hΦ(x), Φ(y)i

= (xxT , x), (yy T , y)

= tr(x(xT y)y T ) + xT y

= (xT y) tr(xy T ) + xT y

= (xT y)2 + xT y

= hx, yi2 + hx, yi . (224)

Hence, if no additional constraints are placed on (Q, b), then the quadratic case is

reduced by a simple example of kernelization to the linear case. In the subsections

that follow we examine what happens when additional constraints are imposed.

A.3.2 Metric Cost Models: Known Metric

By the Polarization Identity metric costs can be rewritten,

f (x) = ||x||2 − 2 hx̄, xi + ||x̄||2 (225)

or, dropping the ||x̄||2 term since it is constant in x,

f (x) = ||x||2 − 2 hx̄, xi

= (I, x̄), (xxT , −2x)

= h(I, x̄), Φ(x)i (226)

where Φ is defined by the above, and has corresponding kernel

κ(x, y) = hx, yi2 + 4 hx, yi . (227)

One might be tempted to try solving the original optimization problem (157) over

(Q, b) as in the previous subsection using this kernel, now subject to the equality

constraint that Q = I. Then we could recover the optimal point as x̄ = − 12 b.

Unfortunately, adding this equality constraint ruins the important property of the

optimization problem that the optimal (Q, b) lies in the span of the (transformed)

data and so that the cost at a point can be reconstructed as a linear combination of

the kernel evaluated at support vectors and the point. Although the problem is still

convex, its dimensionality is that of X. In the infinite- or very-large- dimensional case,

this renders the resulting optimization problem impractically large. Hence, standard

Support Vector Machines are incompatible with metric cost models, which helps to

motivate the preceding Chebyshev estimation scheme.


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