Bab 6 Analytical Exposition Written

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Analytical Exposition

6 Persuading that

Learning Objectives:

1. The students are able to understand the meanings of spoken analytical

exposition monologs accurately, fluently, and contextually accepted in daily
2. The students are able to express the meanings of spoken analytical exposition
monologs accurately, fluently, and contextually accepted in daily life.
3. The students are able to read the meanings of written analytical exposition
monologs accurately, fluently, and contextually accepted in the forms of
written materials.
4. The students are able to write analytical exposition texts accurately, fluently,
contextually accepted in the forms of formal and informal forms of writing.

SECTION ONE: Building Knowledge of the Field

Activity 1: Exploring Ideas

Identify the problems in the world. Which one is the most

serious one and discuss them in your groups.

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1. students’ fight 6. pollution
2. nepotism 7. poverty
3. crime 8. housing
4. drugs 9. traffic
5. unemployment 10. corruption

Activity 2: Writing the opinions

Write the opinion about the problems above.

What do you or does your friend persuade after analysing the

1. I persuade that ……………………………………………………..

2. You persuade that …………………………………………………

3. He persuades that ………………………………………………….

4. She persuades that …………………………………………………

5. They persuade that ………………………………………………..

Activity 3: Reading the text and answering the questions

Read the text; then answer the questions.

Cars create pollution and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the
world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung

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cancer, and ‘triggers’ off asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people
can die from them.
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars
commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our
roads biggest killers.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to
sleep at night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.
I persuade that it is good for the city government to bend too many cars
come into the big city because they make the city in troubles, crowded, and heavy
traffic jams every time.

1. What kind of the text is it above?

2. What does the text tell?
3. What does the first paragraph tell?
4. In what paragraph do you find some arguments?
5. What is the summary of the text?

Activity 4: Giving the opinions based on the text

Give your opinions about advantages and disadvantages of the car

Based on the text you read above.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. comfortable 1. wasteful
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

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Activity 5: Studying the grammatical patterns

Study the following Dependent and Independent Clause usually

used in the analytical exposition.

Dependent Clause adalah anak kalimat yang mengandung Subject dan

Verb yang merupakan bagian dari suatu kalimat majemuk. Dependent Clause
tidak bisa berdiri sendiri tetapi selalu bergantung pada Main Clause atau induk
Independent Clause adalah induk kalimat dari kalimat mejemuk yang
sifatnya dapat berdiri sendiri dan tidak bergantung pada anak kalimat.
Dependent & Independent Clause memiliki pola kalimat sebagai berikut:

(that/Relative)+ Subject + Verb +

Subject + Verb
Main Clause =
Sub-Clause = Dependent Clause
Independent Clause
 He thinks that it will rain.
 She said that her mother was sick yesterday.
 I don’t know who the girl is.
 Do you know why she comes late to school?
 John acts as if he were good at Indonesian.

 Jika induk kalimat (Independent Clause) berbentuk present atau future tense,
maka anak kalimat (Dependent Clause) boleh dalam bentuk tense apapun.
 Jika induk kalimat (Independent Clause) berbentuk past tense, maka anak
kalimat (Dependent Clause) harus dalam bentuk past tense (lampau) atau
bentuk yang lebih lampau.

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Kata kerja-kata kerja berikut ini digunakan dalam induk kalimat (Independent
Clause) biasanya diikuti oleh anak kalimat (Dependent Clause):

agree feel promise suppose

ask guess remember tell
be afraid hear say teach
believe hope see think
decide imagine show understand
expect know to be be worried
explain learn sorry wonder

Perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat dari kata kerja-kata kerja di atas:

Verb Example
 agree  I agree what you have said just now.
 ask  She asked how where I came from.
 be afraid  He is afraid that he could not do his job well.
 believe  We believe that they are honest people.
 decide  They decided that they went to Sydney for a vacation.
 expect  You expected that your friend was well.
 explain  I explain that that problem is very easy for students.
 feel  I feel that I am fine now.
 guess  She guessed that he would come late.
 hear  He heard that his father had passed away.
 hope  We hope that he will get married soon.
 imagine  I imagined how beautiful she was.
 know  I don’t know why he comes late to the meeting.
 learn  We learned that it was a significant experience.
 promise  I promised that I would come to her house.
 remember  She remembered that we met her many years ago.
 say  He said that he got a gold medal for swimming.
 see  I see that she is a very kind lady.
 show  He showed that his research was very great.
 to be  It is what I mean.
 sorry  He was sorry that he could not keep her well.

 I suppose that my son gets a Nobel prize.

 suppose
 She told that she was born in California.
 tell
 We teach that the new students are still lack of
 teach
 think
 They think that their cat stole some fish in the kitchen.
 understand
 I don’t understand why my dog died yesterday night.
 be worried
 He is worried that he can not do the test correctly..
 wonder
 I wondered why he never comes.

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SECTION TWO: Modelling of the Text
Activity 6: Identifying the schematic structure of the analytical exposition

Study the following model of analytical exposition text.

Identify the structure of text: THESIS, PREVIEW,

The Public Trustee is a Sound Investment

It is a well-known fact that it is a dilemma for many people to

Thesis: make a will, without the added problems of deciding who
should draw up this document.

This task is made simple with the availability of service from

the Public Trust Officer.

Firstly the Office has a large efficient staff which includes

barristers, solicitors, accountants, valuers, and qualified
property inspector. Knowledge of the legal aspect is very well

Also the charges need consideration. Here at this Office there
are no charges for making or the holding of a will.

Furthermore, the Public Trustee is guaranteed by the State of

Queensland and has special powers to solve problems or
simplify procedures which, in the long term, save expense.

Therefore, it can be clearly seen that there is only one sound

Summing Up
choice in making your will – the Public Trustee – as it is
permanent, efficient, and secure. You should consider this!

Taken from English for Special Purposes, 1992.

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Activity 7: Identifying the linguistic features of the analytical exposition

Study the following model of analytical exposition text and

identify the linguistic features.

It is a well-known fact that it is a dilemma for Words that

Words that
indicate writer’s
many people to make a will, without the added indicate writer’s
problems of deciding who should draw up this attitude
This task is made simple with the availability of Mental verb
service from the Public Trust Officer. Mental verb
Firstly the Office has a large efficient staff which
includes barristers, solicitors, accountants, valuers, Relational verb
and qualified property inspector. Knowledge of the Relational verb
legal aspect is very well covered.
Also the charges need consideration. Here at this Present Tense
Present Tense
Office there are no charges for making or the holding
Relational Verb
Relational Verb
of a will.
Furthermore, the Public Trustee is guaranteed by Connective
the State of Queensland and has special powers to Modality
solve problems or simplify procedures which, in the
long term, save expense. Pronoun
Therefore, it can be clearly seen that there is only
one sound choice in making your will – the Public Modality

Trustee – as it is permanent, efficient, and secure. Mental

You should consider this!
Taken from English for Special Purposes, 1992.


trustee : a member of a group of people responsible for

managing the financial affairs of an institution or
dilemma : a situation in which somebody must choose one of
two or more unsatisfactory alternatives
barristers : a lawyer who is qualified to represent clients in the
higher law courts in England and Wales
solicitors : somebody who solicits, especially somebody who
asks for financial contributions

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property : something of value such as land or a patent that is
charges : to ask somebody for an amount as a price or fee
guarantee : something that assures a particular outcome
secure : safe, especially against attack or theft

SECTION THREE: Joint Construction of the Text

Activity 8 : Analyzing the schematic structure of the text

Analyze the schematic structure of the following text.


In Australia there are three levels of

……………………… government, the federal government, state
………………………. governments and local governments. All of
these levels of government are necessary.
This is so for a number of reasons.
First, the federal government is
…………………….... necessary for the big things. They keep the
economy in order and look after things like
Similarly, the state government look
…………………….... after the middle sized things. For examples
they look after law and order, preventing
things like vandalism in schools.
Finally, local governments look after
…………………….... the small things. They look after things like
collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone
would have diseases.
Thus, for the reasons above we can
…………………….... conclude that the three levels of government
are necessary.

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Taken form Making Sense of Functional Grammar
Activity 9: Identify the language features used in the text above.

Language Features of the Text

Three levels of government, ……………, ……………….,
Pronouns They, ……………,……………,……………,……………,
Relational Is, ……………,……………,……………,……………,
Connectives First, ……………,……………,……………,……………,
Simple Present Keep, ……………,……………,……………,……………,
Tense ……………,……………,……………,……………,…………

Activity 10: Answering the questions based on the text

Answer the questions based on the text in Activity8.

1. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text above?

2. According to the writer, what should be done with cars?
3. Underline the sentence that shows the writer’s position.
4. What arguments (reasons) does the writer use to support his/her position?
5. Underline the sentences in the text that show the writer’s arguments.

Activity 11: Composing own arguments

Reread the text in Activity 8 and make your own arguments and
compose them into a text using the following sequence with

Firstly, …………………………………………………………………………………..
Secondly, ………………………………………………………………………………..
Thirdly, ………………………………………………………………………………….
Finally, ………………………………………………………………………………….

Activity 12: Discussing the problem

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Discuss the followings and make your group’s arguments
Towards the TV programs nowdays.

Many TV channels such as RCTI, SCTV, TPI, TV7, ANTV, etc, have
regular news programs specially reporting crimes. The news is often very detailed
with disturbing pictures, such as murdered victims with blood all over their body.
The programs also report how a crime, for example a murder is planned and done.
What are your arguments towards those programs? Are the programs
needed to censored in order not to give bad impact for young watchers. Discuss
these and make a written exposition as your argumentative opinions.

Activity 13: Arranging paragraphs into a text

Arrange the following paragraphs into a correct sequence of

analytical exposition text. Use the plan of the analytical exposition.

 Another piece of conflicting evidence concerns the dingo. Lindy claimed that
Azaria was taken by a stray dingo. Some of the other campers said that they
saw no dingo, but there were several who confirmed Lindy’s story, and who
stated that they heard a dingo’s cry just before Azaria went missing.

 Firstly there is the question of the blood found in the car. It was claimed that it
was a baby’s blood. However, the tests used to identify the blood were later
found to be unreliable and the blood could have come from an adult.

 In the light of such conflicting evidence, I believe that it was wrong to convict
Lindy Chamberlain without finding more definite proof of her guilt.

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 In 1982 Lindy Chamberlain was convicted of murdering her baby Azaria
while camping at Ayers Rock. In my opinion, Lindy should not have been
convicted for Azaria’s murder as there is too much conflicting evidence.

 And finally there is the matter of the baby’s jumpsuit which was later found
with holes in it. The prosecution maintained that these holes could only have
been made by a pair of nail scissors – the ones they claimed Lindy used to kill
her baby. The defence on the other hand demonstrated that the holes could just
as easily have been made by a dingo’s teeth.

Source text: Derewianka, 1990, p. 70

Thesis : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 1 : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 2 : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 3 : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 4 : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 5 : ………………………………………………………………….
Summing up : ………………………………………………………………….

Activity 14: Giving own opinions

What is your opinion about the followings?

ItItisisnot good to see.
not good to see.

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Activity 15: Making a draft of analytical exposition

Make a draft of an analytical exposition based on the

problems above. Do this in your group.

Thesis : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 1 : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 2 : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 3 : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 4 : ………………………………………………………………….
Argument 5 : ………………………………………………………………….
Summing up : ………………………………………………………………….

SECTION FOUR: Independent Construction of the Text

Activity 16: Giving your own opinions

Give your own opinions by answering the following questions.

Do you agree or not with the following statements

1. Illegal drug dealers must not be sentenced to death.
2. Corruptors should be jailed or hung.
3. Alcoholic drinks must be banned.
4. Movies that contain pornography must not be played on TV.
5. Crimes News should be reduced or stopped on TV.
TV stations should reduce entertainment programs and add more
7. The government must provide more jobs for the citizens.
8. Prostitution doers should be sentenced to death.
9. Prostitution must not be localized.
10. Free sex must be forbidden.

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Activity 17: Writing an analytical exposition text

Choose one the problems stated and discussed above.

Write an analytical exposition using the provided plan.

An Analytical Exposition Plan


(What is the topic? What is your opinion about the topic?)

(What reasons do you use to support your opinion? Explain the
reasons point by point)

Summing Up
(Sum up or restate your opinion)

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