Trans Chapter 16
Trans Chapter 16
Trans Chapter 16
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
B. Accessory Structures
I. Introduction Tongue
II. General Organization Salivary Glands
III. Histology Liver
IV. The Mouth or Oral Cavity Gallbladder
V. The Salivary Glands Pancreas
VI. Teeth
VIII. The Esophagus
The walls of the alimentary canal from the esophagus
IX. The Stomach
to the anal canal have the same arrangement of tissue
X. The Pancreas
XI. The Liver
A. The Gall Bladder Coats / Tunics – Tissue layers in the walls of the
XII. The Small Intestine alimentary canal – Esophagus to the Anal Canal.
XIII. The Large Intestine The 4 Coats / Tunis of the Canal:
XIV. The Formation of the Feces 1. Tunica Mucosa
Innermost lining of the canal
I. INTRODUCTION Consist of a mucous membrane attached to a
thin layer of visceral muscle.
The function of the Digestive System is to break 3 Layers make up the Mucous Membrane:
down food via Hydrolysis; Epithelial Tissue (Endothelium)
Into simpler Substance – Nutrients Direct Contact with the content of
Digestion – a Process of transforming food into the canal
nutrients. Function:
Digestion allows the converted food into high – a) Protection
energy ATP molecule. b) Secretion of enzymes and
The major organs and accessory structure that mucus
perform this function are collective called as c) Absorption of nutrients
Digestive System. Lamina Propria
The 5 Basic Digestive Activities: Underlying loose connective tissue
1. Ingestion Supports epithelium
Taking the food into the body Binds it to the muscularis mucosa
2. Peristalsis Provides with its lymph and blood
Physical movement supply.
Pushing of food along the digestive Muscularis Mucosa
tract Special Layer
3. Digestion Made of muscle fibers
Breakdown of food by both Produce folds to tremendously
mechanical and chemical increase the digestive and absorptive
mechanisms area of the small intestine
4. Absorption 2. Tunica Submucosa
Passage of digested food from the Consists of loose connective tissue
digestive tract into the cardio and Binds Tunica Mucosa to the next layer –
vascular and lymphatic systems for Tunica Muscularis
distribution to the body’s cells. 3. Tunica Muscularis
5. Defecation Mouth, Pharynx, and the first part of the
Elimination from the body of those esophagus consist of skeletal muscle
substance that are ingestible and The Skeletal Muscle allows the voluntary act
cannot be absorbed of swallowing.
II. GENERAL ORGANIZATION The rest of the tract consists of Smooth
Two main organ groups of Digestion: Smooth Muscle can be classified into 2:
A. Gastrointestinal Tract (Alimentary Canal) An inner circular layer
Long continuous tube that runs through the An outer longitudinal Layer of fibers
venal cavity of the body—Mouth to Anus Involuntary contractions of these smooth
Length is approximately 30 feet (9 meters). muscle fibers break down food
Organs include: physically
Mouth (Oral Cavity) It mixes with the digestive secretions that
Oropharynx break down food chemically, and propel
Esophagus the food through the canal
Stomach Plexus of Auerbach - The major nerves
Small and Large Intestine supply to the Alimentary Canal
Churning – Muscular contraction in the tube
breaking down food physically
4. Adventitia / Tunica Serosa
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Mark