LISA: Library and Information Science Abstracts: Database Guide
LISA: Library and Information Science Abstracts: Database Guide
LISA: Library and Information Science Abstracts: Database Guide
Database Guide
Last Revised March 2006
Table of Contents:
Sample Record:................................................................................................................... 5
Language:............................................................................................................................ 8
Boolean Operators and Other Search Tools Supported by the CSA Interface ................... 9
LIMITS ............................................................................................................................. 12
SORTING ......................................................................................................................... 13
BROWSE INDEXES........................................................................................................ 16
Last Revised March 2006
LISA Library and Information Science Abstracts
Last Revised March 2006
Selection Policy
LISA has an international perspective, and a diverse audience including researchers,
students, library staff, and information professionals. Since its inception in 1969 LISA
has been interested in a broad range of library and information science (LIS) theory and
practice, now taking in developments facilitated by information and communications
technology and LIS-related fields such as archives, records management, publishing,
information design and technical writing. Consequently, LISA covers a great variety of
In considering candidate journals at the scholarly end, the editor takes account of a range
of standard criteria, eg publishing standards, timeliness, editorial content, peer review,
international diversity of authorship and citation data. The editor also needs to have an
eye for current trends and growth points within the field - at the moment, for example, in
developments in Web-based distance education and electronic government.
LISA is also interested in important but more topically-oriented journals and magazines,
such as the CILIP "Update" in the UK or "Bibliotecche Oggi" in Italy, and in smaller,
more limited publications which deal with specialist areas of interest to the library
community (eg "The One Person Library").
There are around 500 titles on CSA Illumina, 26 of which are e-journals.
For most of these journals, all articles are indexed and abstracted, but for a few fringe
titles, the editor selects only those relevant to the information community.
Around one third of current journals are published in the UK another third in the USA.
The rest come from a variety of countries including 14 titles from Germany, 12 from
Japan, 6 from South Africa, 5 from France, 4 from India.
Last Revised March 2006
Sample Record:
Last Revised March 2006
Searchable field codes:
Last Revised March 2006
Afrikaans Italian
Arabic Japanese
Bulgarian Malay
Catalan Norwegian
Croatian Persian
Czech Polish
Chinese Portuguese
Danish Rumanian
Dutch Russian
English Serbian
Finnish Slovak
French Slovenian
Gaelic Spanish
German Swedish
Hebrew Turkish
Hungarian Urdu
Icelandic Yugoslav
Indonesian Welsh
Last Revised March 2006
Boolean Operators and Other Search Tools Supported by the CSA
Boolean operators help define the relationships between words or groups of words.
Use to narrow a search and retrieve records containing all of the
words it separates
Use to broaden a search and retrieve records containing any of the
words it separates
Use to narrow a search and retrieve records that do not contain the
term following it
Use to group words or phrases when combining Boolean phrases
and to show the order in which relationships should be considered
Proximity operators identify the number of words to come between the search terms.
Use to narrow a search by specifying a proximity relationship of
fewer than “X” words between search terms.
Use to narrow a search by specifying a proximity relationship of
fewer than 10 words between search terms
Special symbols can expand the scope of your search.
Truncate using the wild card symbol. This expands a search term to
* include forms of a root word, e.g. catalog* retrieves catalog,
catalogue, catalogs, catalogues, cataloguing, etc.
Find alternative spellings. The ? represents any single character; ??
? represents two characters and so on. Use within or at the end of a
word, e.g. wom?n finds woman as well as women
Note: Search queries containing several operators search in the following order: ( ),
Last Revised March 2006
On CSA Illumina, search strategies can be applied using one of three approaches.
Quick Search restricts your search to anywhere. An anywhere search looks across all of
the available fields in a record. Multiple words entered into the search field, will be
treated as a phrase.
Last Revised March 2006
Advanced Search
Advanced Search gives you the advantage of being able to select any of the 19 field codes
from a pull-down menu. The separate search boxes are formatted to include the Boolean
Operators to help guide you in formatting your search.
Last Revised March 2006
Command Search or Professional Search
Command Search or Professional Search may be preferred by advanced users who are
comfortable with entering search strategies without the aid of a template.
Search strategies may be refined by using the following limits (available in ‘Advanced
Search’ and ‘Command Search’):
Latest Update limits your results to include only the most recent records that were added
to the database. LISA is updated twice monthly.
Journal Articles Only limits the search to only include the publication type of journal
English Only limits retrieval to only records that are available in English.
By Publication Date limits retrieval to a specific date range.
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The sorting features give you the opportunity to order your results based on the
publication date or relevancy.
Most Recent First displays the records in order beginning with the most recent.
Relevance Rank displays records in order based on relevancy. Relevancy is determined
through a rating system that weighs the records based on the number of times the term(s)
appear in the record and where they appear.
Select how to display records from the ‘Show’ pull-down menu. Options include
displaying the short format, full format, full format-no references, and custom format.
The ‘de-duplication’ feature automatically removes any duplicate records that appear in
your set of results, which is especially useful when you are cross-database searching. You
can also use the ‘Show Duplicates’ feature to display the duplicates.
When viewing records on CSA Illumina, both the author and descriptors are hot linked.
Clicking on the hot-link will search the database for each occurrence of the selected
author or descriptor.
Last Revised March 2006
Printing, saving, and e-mailing records can be done by using the ‘Save, Print, E-mail’
function. This function also includes an exporting feature to a number of bibliographic
managers such as RefWorks and the use of our output format editor, QuikBib.
Value-Added Features
CSA Illumina offers a number of value-added features to help with the search process
and maximize the relevancy of search results.
Using a thesaurus is a more powerful way to identify relevant descriptors, along with
related terms.
The Thesaurus is a search aid that helps you select appropriate terms, ensuring the most
comprehensive retrieval. In LISA, the thesaurus allows you to browse terms in a
hierarchical index and helps you define more accurately what you are looking for.
LISA Thesaurus may be searched directly from the Thesaurus tab, using the Thesaurus
Search Feature.
Last Revised March 2006
1. The Alphabetical display presents an alphabetical list of thesaurus terms. This can
be compared to an Index
2. The Hierarchical display shows a term and its hierarchy. You will find additional
information in this view, including its Scope and History Notes, any Use For (UF)
or Use directions, and its hierarchical relationships with Broader Terms (BT),
Narrower Terms (NT), and Related Terms (RT). (see screenshot below).
3. The Rotated Index displays all thesaurus terms or phrases that contain the search
term used. You should only enter one word in the box. For example if you search
for the word “libraries” you will display libraries as a descriptor term but also
“Academic libraries”, “Digital libraries” etc.
- online catalogs
- online public access catalogues
Last Revised March 2006
The LISA Thesaurus gives one permitted term or descriptor and that is "Online
catalogues". The other synonymous terms are listed in the Thesaurus, with a UF (Used
For) reference to the permitted term
Marked terms can be searched from any of the displays, applying AND, OR, or Explode
operators, and setting limits as defined above.
Searches may also be activated through three browsable indexes: Author, Journal Name,
and Publication Type.
Last Revised March 2006
The Research Process
I) How to begin the electronic research process
A. Quick search:
1. Enter phrase or multiple search terms separated by Boolean operators AND to
link terms, OR to link similar words or synonyms:
B. Advanced Search:
The drop boxes allow you to limit the search by any of the searchable field codes
including Keyword (KW), Author (AU), Journal Name (JN), Descriptor (DE), Abstract
(AB), or Title (TI). You can also limit your search to specific publication years and
choose the record format. The descriptor field (DE) and abstract field (AB) will allow
you to narrow down your search even more by locating specific descriptors and key
words in the abstract.
Example: If I wanted to limit my search to India.
Last Revised March 2006
III) Analyzing Results
A. Good results:
If results are satisfactory, then Save, Print, E-mail citations or download them to a
bibliographic manager such as RefWorks or QuikBib.
Last Revised March 2006
Contact us:
For Technical support issues:
For a list of all available databases on CSA Illumina and any other products available
from CSA:
Last Revised March 2006