Rion Williams - The 3 Foundations of Natural Game

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The 3 Foundations Of Natural Game

The Prime 'Actionable' Methods to Ultimate Success
As I've discovered them.  It took quite a while to reach this point of clarifying these as the 3
foundational pillars of natural game and solid behavioral change.  These are literally the
ONLY 3 things you have to know and apply with what I teach to achieve not only a potential
'best in the world' level of reality but to have unlimited power, effect, inspiration and
enlightenment in your personal, sexual and business lives. 
I've kept everything as simple as possible and with these you can start seeing clearly
improved results and effect with women even quite soon.  The 3 of these combined will
accelerate your reality incredibly fast.
I don't tend to overemphasize experience, I just see it as an easy 1/3rd of the ongoing
foundation of your development back into a natural alpha male.  Even though it's vital
(or you'd just live in a fantasy world), it's not everything because 'action' alone doesn't
always equate to results (even if you're tied to a dependency of chasing 'sex' as
personal validation or fulfillment). 
Even though there actually is unlimited value in natural grounding and relational
mastery for your personal life, without actually meeting women, you're going to be
missing the whole primary point here! 
To some guys, actually 'meeting women' scares them and they'd rather play video
games, but actually it's quite easy because with what I teach you become fearless and
equal to the beauty and power of women so you can start and experience relationships
with them versus rejection or dealing with cold shoulders. 
Gaining experience with women is actually very simple and easy.  It's also easy to
meet women; it's just what happens WHEN you meet them.
This isn't a 'game' style approach, this is closer to how it's SUPPOSED to be for men
and women.  Real people casually connecting and you smoothly (naturally) just
leading and doing the things intuitively to take the relationship to the NEXT level. 
It's invisible 'game' because it's not a game.  It's what works best, now at
hypercharged levels because your future women are involved in the process, they're
warm and open.
When you achieve relational equality and have natural value (not solely 'social
value'),  it will be very easy to attract and get several girls on your rotation (or choose
1 as a girlfriend) just by doing BASIC social communication skills without any PUA
style game, manipulation, coercion, inner game work or trickery. 
  My definition of 'experience' is:
Attracting, approaching, meeting, 'dating', calling, texting, socializing, connecting,
partying with, getting numbers, date logistics, follow-ups, making out, all levels of

getting physical, social networking, going out and communicating with women, sex,
learning from mistakes, all communication levels 'LIVE' and 'in person' with women.
Just see it as an ongoing thing and part of the overall applied balance of what I teach. 
Experience actually becomes easy and adds up fast because you're in the moment.  It's
the applied byproduct end of your attraction capability from doing natural grounding
and applying relational mastery.
You could even call it 'sexperience' but not all men starting out with my materials have much to go off of there right now
PUA's take a very hard work ethic of approaching and taking 'action' maybe 90% of
the time.  But if you don't have the ability to connect with women on the sexual level
and trigger attraction, you're going to have keep approaching a lot of women.  I think
they confuse 'action' with 'results' because they're not aware of the natural or energy
dynamic (let alone realize they're stuck in a social program). 
More failure does not equate to more success.  If you're not getting physical with
women, how can it really be considered 'experience'?  Look, Thomas Edison may
have failed 10,000 times with the light bulb but honestly (with all respect of course)
what he was doing wasn't natural.  PUA's will justify their failure's with game
references like baseball and striking out most of the time but it's just not natural.
The reproductive process IS natural and hard-wired.
Anyways, I see (my definition of) experience as something that's just taken for
granted when I'm teaching - it's mixed into your overall lifestyle and assumed that
you'll continue meeting, approaching and dating women.  Experience in a way is
actually the easiest part because when you apply what I teach, things will just work
and logistics becomes the top priority to manage your women.
So, of course we can't negate (the over-rating of) experience but the reality is, when
women are interested in you all of the time, you don't HAVE to approach 10,000
women to see success.  In this way, things are more realistic and like they're supposed
to be (not just with more natural behaving women but with all women). 
AND it's easier to gain more experience fast when things work - on that natural
(sexual) level because you'll be applying RELM and natural grounding to improve
your real world attraction capability, physiology and your natural value.
So just keep meeting and dating women and you'll see the magic byproduct effects
(what you want) off of RELM & Natural Grounding: physical results.  I like to mix it
up; day, night, social networking and internet.  You can easily always meet new
women if you're 'out and about' - especially if you run it like a business.
Relational Mastery
This is the most advanced 1/3 because most of it requires a lot of concerted mental or
physical effort here to understand with your logical mind and to apply to your life

(with your ego).  It is also the cornerstone of the 3 because your (applied) ability is
more important than your actual results.
For millions of people, any semblance of this level of control is invisible and near
impossible to even conceptualize if their mind exists only of social programs and
millions of signals they're trying to sort out.  It comes down to the macro-level
relationships they're in; the behavioral influencing relationships that are controlling
them and holding them back from personal and natural manifestations.
The concept is simple and most of the 'advanced' is in the great profundity of the
realm of 'RELM'. 
So I'll try to simplify it so that you can get the gist of it here.
Relational Mastery is the applied behavioral science of power.  It's being aware of
and then managing and controlling the relationships and TYPES of relationships that
influence your State, emotions, physiology, beliefs and ultimately behavior.
By managing what influences your emotions and beliefs through the timeline of
Causality (cause and effect) you can effectively change your behavioral
communication in the future.
In other words, if your cause was the social program of sexploitation with pussy on
the pedestal, that BELIEF is a type of relationship which has affected your energy and
behavioral communication with women TODAY. 
It's a stimulus-response relationship where the woman is the stimulus and you are the
response when it's really just an unnatural program or relationship at the root you've
been in.  This is why most men fail today; (it's not your inner game) women have the
unnatural power and the men aren't being the natural stimulus anymore. 
One of the keys about Relational Mastery is taking your current behavioral limitations
out of the equation.  RELM is the ongoing management and reframing of
relationships so that you always have independence, power, choice, control,
awareness, respect and can EXTRACT value from other programs or sources of
influence instead of being oppressed or manipulated by them.
In essence, applying relational mastery to your life, allows you the level of control a
Director or Producer has over a production vs. the level of control a endline consumer
has over changing the production.  And we're talking about your LIFE and future.
The key to power is applying relational mastery so that you only have interdependent
relationships with all other sources of power.  In essence (as I am), to be equal to all
other sources of power or people independent from social status or personal
Then you recondition yourself into this new reality of power through our advanced
training and natural grounding.
The test of power is how you BEHAVE around other people of power (like extremely

beautiful women).  Real world relationships of power are built upon physiological
equality and 'trust'. 
If you don't become more equal in energy value (power) to women, you will continue
experiencing massive limitations with women who 'are' higher value than you.
Relational Mastery along with natural grounding not only equalizes the physiological
power so that the world of millions of women opens up to you (they're just looking
for their equal and someone they can trust to start with), it makes life a LOT easier
because you're not allowing or being stuck in oppressive relationships or social
programs anymore that you don't consciously choose.
RELM gives you control over your own destiny.  Part of RELM application is
replacing your social programs with natural and personal programs.  It's having
awareness and control of all 'signals' or programs that are coming at you. 
If you turn the t.v. on, it's having awareness to see what kind of value this is; social
and oppressive, conditioning garbage value?  Or is it giving YOU personal and
natural value?  This will influence a lot of your decisions so that you only keep
relationships that are beneficial, transactional or empowering instead of oppressive or
where you lose and someone else takes advantage of you.
Whereas Natural Grounding is all about the now state and accessing unlimited
inspiration, creativity, power and polarity without ego - RELM is where your good
ego can run rampant and take progressive control and set goals and far more easily
achieve them.  It frames the relationships and determines much of how people relate
to you.
RELM is a very advanced, profound subject but it is the clearest path to relationship
and life mastery affecting ALL areas of your life.  In a way, it's HOW to have power
and start relationships with other people of power (like desirable women).
Understanding the relational dynamics are crucial to fast growth, getting all limiting
inner game out of the way.  The actual 'experience' or connecting part itself in about
all forms is CAKE once you've got RELM and solid grounding experience.
My monthly power coaching DVD and our exclusive forum is also called 'Relational
Mastery'.  There's nothing else out there that comes close.  By staying with it monthly,
you'll be able to keep on track with the dynamics and applied behavioral science of
power, success, attraction and manifestation in your life.
Natural Grounding
There's so much I can say about this that it's difficult to even start (and those already
grounding know what I mean) but I want to make this a very short overview.
Natural Grounding is a newer form of meditation which I call 'relational meditation'. 
It helps you get into massive enlightening, empowering States of 'now' where your
ego is completely absent (the more effective you get at it). 

It allows you to access far greater power, inspiration and creativity than the limits of
your ego and it allows you to get in a raw, energy relationship with the direct
sexuality of women to recondition yourself and your energy in relation to women
(pretty much everything when it comes to seduction) at massive levels.
You may have never felt true bliss or peace until you've done natural grounding.  You
can become an alpha male just through natural grounding and new experiences with
Natural Grounding boiled down is:
Meditating or getting in a non-egoic, alpha 'now' state of physiological polarity in
relation to pre-approved natural alpha female music video resources (and without
It's letting the alpha female behavior and energy affect your emotions and beliefs in
'realtime'.  It automatically reinforces and builds your beliefs accurately aligned to
nature.  It builds your sexual energy polarity with women while breaking down ALL
of the social conditioning and personal 'inner' B.S. that has held you back.
Since seduction is bringing out the natural character of women, natural grounding
gives you the power directly (and like nothing else) to connect, value and reach
women on the raw sexual level of communication like nothing else.  It is nothing
close to sexploitation of women in any form.
The EFFECT of natural grounding (which are primarily from proven, root resources)
is that women are open, attracted, flirting and interested in you everywhere you go
like you ARE the rockstar yet on the real, sexual level.
Sex is a byproduct of a pre-existing relationship based on attraction.  Doing
grounding will help you 'open the path' to building real, physical relationships with
women.  And the stronger your natural value and polarity is (through grounding
because it affects your physiology), the stronger women will be compellingly
attracted to you and the power of nature can take it's course separate from the inner
and social character of you or her.
How can you bring out a woman's sexuality if you don't know what her sexuality is? 
N.G. gets you directly in relation to natural alpha behaving women so that their power
affects you; YOU are natural alpha male in proper alignment for things to work, then
you just take it out in the real world.
You will see that women and people will react to you differently, that your social
anxiety melts away, that you are more present, confident, masculine and powerful
If you believe sexuality is a woman's skin and you're having difficulties with women,
well your prescription is 1 hour of natural grounding a day. 
Natural Grounding will completely rock your world and I encourage you to start

doing it A.S.A.P.
It is the all-in-one antidote in a way.
Start with the secret of women video on this website and if nothing else, try and order
Palmy's Rhythm of the Times DVD or VCD.
N.G. is ultimately being in that 'state of now' that you've heard talked about.  Doing
more grounding in the natural and relational (energy) dynamics will help you
condition yourself into deeper alpha states instead of just valuing the social visual
reality in front of you being helpless in a contrived game.
This is about connecting with women on that natural level despite their own
behavioral adaptation to their culture.  You will see women open up to you that you
didn't believe was possible and get more follow-ups and results than ever before.
Instead of solo or traditional meditation where my ego was always getting in the way,
I've found it easier to do what I call 'relational meditation'.
As you can already tell I think, the benefits of doing natural grounding are nothing
less than miraculous on a personal level.  There are 2 primary types you can further
explore; 'Alpha State Grounding' for absolutely unlimited personal, creative
inspiration and empowerment.
And the other is 'Open Polarity Grounding' where you ground and get in alpha
polarity with peak female sexuality right before you go out to meet women and you
'sustain' that open energy state (automatically communicating and bringing out the
energy and nature of women on that sexual 94% level) and the impossible will start
happening around you and women FAST.
I've done several thousand hours of (alpha state) grounding and I've done OP
Grounding only once to great results alone.  I will be doing it far more in the future. 
This action technique is so powerfully effective that if you just did this before you
went out to meet new women, you're going to rise to world class levels of results
sooner than you thought possible. 
Read about Marcus experiences on our RELM forum.
The action step of N.G. is HOW to achieve behavioral congruency, power and
attraction with women in record time.  We're talking about your physiological and
sexual relationships, value and communication with women. 
Natural Grounding is nothing less than magical.  You'll realize how pathetically small
your huge ego really is and how inner game seems like a joke the more you
experience the raw power of grounding and viewing a natural reality with women
everywhere you go.
You too may find unlimited happiness, inspiration and bliss with it.
I would say that around 70% of my consistent success with women is directly or
indirectly due to natural grounding.  It's healthily addictive when you start.  It's also

your path to the 'now' state but do me a favor and send me your testimonial after you
start grounding. 
Because we're dealing with nature and energy, there are absolutely no limits because
you're transcending your ego and you can also use it to your advantage with far more
So my method of teaching is that I don't have you 'approaching 10,000 women' in
order to 'gain experience'.  You don't have to memorize things or play games.
We build up your attraction capability, physiology, relational equality so that when
you DO connect with women (as is normal) things will just start to happen.  You will
produce (attraction) results almost all of the time because you're exchanging more
natural value with women; you're communicating on that 'sexual' level. 
You're at a higher level of power and polarity so that she has a reason to be with you,
sexually or for a balanced relationship (without proactively building this value, you'll
remain closer to wherever you are now).
By working on your attraction capability with the 2/3 of natural grounding and
RELM, you'll be able to see applied far greater results, close ratios and success than if
you just kept blindly approaching (experience/action only) while still having fear and
it seeming like the thing to obviously do.
When you START the PUA (pick up artist) path of the 'game' (which is a limiting
social program) you start in your logical mind and make an analytic monster out of
something that is the easiest thing to do; connecting with another person and building
a relationship.
Experience is easy.  Starting and building relationships with other people is a normal
human function where there is no fear of connection when you are equal or greater in
value to those people.  It's everything that's getting in the way that we resolve with
RELM and natural grounding.
Doing all 3 actionable steps will help you become fearless, overcome approach
anxiety permanently and resolve your inner game issues no matter how bad they are. 
You literally don't have to focus on anything else.  All of your other questions and
issues will be answered by just experiencing results and gaining more experience.
Set your own schedule and do a balance of all 3.  DO the natural grounding, apply
and understand relational mastery in the midst of being out there meeting women and
dating (or having them at your place). 
The balance of the 3 applicable foundations will accelerate your growth and real
world results rapidly.  Not doing one of the 3 will slow your development down quite
a bit.

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