Nondual Biodynamics Unfolding
Nondual Biodynamics Unfolding
Nondual Biodynamics Unfolding
- Gerald Westhoff -
Without you this booklet would not be read.
This booklet does not have the pretention to have anything meaningful to say about
nondualism nor about biodynamics, it is merely a creation of that what wanted to be expressed.
Nothing personal neither intentional nor unintentional has been included herein that may have
been expressed by anyone else in same or similar words. Anything remotely resembling rests
on pure coincidence, in so far that exists. Pictures have been taken from the public domain
and no copyright infringement is intended. This is a non commercial publication to be placed
as open source information in the public domain and may be freely used in its entirety,
published or copied in whatever form as long as it is for non commercial purpose.
Since first awakening nearly 30 years ago, but lacking the proper insight
and wordings at that time, to realize it for what it was, as abiding stillness
remained. In the following years, amongst others through mastering the
ancient game of Go, social engagements and lifelong meditations, a full
integration of all kinds of skills and experiences developed, leading from a
path of connecting the dots to an eventual being in abiding realization.
The nonduality study followed after a two year long clearing of bodily and
emotional blockades, patterns and history which was held – this clearing
happened through a multitude of deep and intense (biodynamic) cranio
sacral and other (emotional, trauma and body work) therapies, studies and
intensives. Finally culminating in a powerful so-called kundalini energy
rising, which experience blew open any of the remaining blockades in the
energetic-bodily system.
Since these described experiences, there have been arising less and less
thoughts about any: ‘I/me/myself’, ‘others’, ‘awareness’ and ‘experience’ -
the concept and perception of anything separate has been disappearing
as making no-sense at all anymore. Everything coinciding in total
perfection. Coincidence being the experience of what-is, seen in
Death and life were not realised as having any difference, not as different
concepts or ideas, they simply do not arise as thought at that moment. If
the life would end right there, there was no sensation that it was anything
personal. All there was, was a slight sense of noticing the absence of any
such concern while preservation of the life/body happened by itself, and
simply driving onwards.
This booklet is only for sake of clarity itself, and looking for the appropriate
words, to describe and to point to this changeless ground of being out of
which that what is impermanent emanates from and disappears to – this
is the sole purpose of this writing – to give a frame of reference to what
Nondual Biodynamics points to and facilitates.
There are several layers of (the idea of) I within the transcended I that are
I as myself - as an individual (idea that I exists).
I as all - as there is no I (idea that others exists).
I am - as there is oneness (idea that awareness exists).
I AM - as there is beingness (idea that beingness exists).
"IS" - I am the Absolute, the Absolute am I.
The limitation is not to the "IS" it is only to the words, the word state for
example is limited - the pure "beingness" is beyond concept of time, space,
personal. It is beyond 'human' as such. These “I”-layers are inseparately
layered within. The knowingness is within the 'human being' the beingness
is without the 'human'. Hence the not-knowing.
A complete surrender and shift from “I” to “totalness” (as being that what
is beyond any concept, thus the ‘unknown’ or ‘not-knowing’). There is
everything and nothing that helps you to ‘reach’ this, you reading and your
experiences are inseparate within it. It is nothing and everything at the
same time, emptiness and fullness at the same time, which expresses in
the here and now as me/I/self-Self. It is completely being one with the flow,
totally. Time is seen through as a mere idea and concept.
There may be nothing in particular that can help you to realise what you
ultimately are, apart from letting go and to surrender. Just like when you
first see through the idea of no-I, then no-others, then no-awareness, then
no-nothing/no-everything, then no-changing, then the absolute. There is
that which can be named as grace, beyond the human in only the ‘being’,
trust in the divine, the absolute. A clearness that which always is, is “IS”,
that from which and what everything appears and arises.
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It may help to see oneself as 99.9% emptiness, no-thing 'matter' (which is
just a concept, thought, idea we believe, even if we say we are stardust).
It is everywhere this same emptiness, in the molecules of body same as
in the air around us, as in the walls, in the whole universe and all (empty)
space, that what is inseparate is the same empty matter. Through this
surrender, trust or grace in letting go, may lead the way to go from realizing
total-inseparateness to totalness without any center.
The word or concept 'experience' does not describe this "IS" because it is
- nothing personal, no thoughts of I, no center, no owner;
- no difference from anything with anything;
- there is simply this that is: without anyone, no one, nothing, anything –
being more nor less, being separate nor inseparate, there is no knowing
nor unknown, none of these excluded nor included as opposites of any
- ‘all of this’ appears; and identification as well as preservation with
physical and mental concepts as such have disappeared.
This "IS" points to the deep unchanging stillness of being in total absence
of 'myself':
- pure is-ism, beingness, isness;
- as that which is: unchanging indifferentiate inseparate.
There is complete total synchronicity, synergy and syntropy with the flow,
coincidence, connectedness, instantaneousness:
- with nothing inside nor outside;
- all the appearing action or reaction is arising and totally thoughtless,
intentionless, causeless;
- all the appearing and changing or ideas and beliefs of: time, awareness,
knowing (known), others, I, I am, I am this - are seen for what they are
and appear to rest and arise on this ground of unchanging and
unwavering abiding "IS".
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This “IS” lies ground to all: to that what appears to arise and that what rests
below that what arises as known, in the absence of any knower, in its
indifferent and inseparate limitlessness, all that what appears as
experience and is subsequently known, and is neither limited by the
unknown in any way.
- Gerald Westhoff -