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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Camp Crame, Quezon City



DATE JUL Z 7/2009

a. LOJ 38/06 IVIAAGAP .dated July 30, 2006 re EO 546;
b. LOI 22/09 "BAYANIHAN" dated May 4,2009; and' ~
c. LOI PNP Office for Legal Offensive dated June '18, 2009.


This LOi sets forth the organization and. activation of the PNP Committee
QIlLLegal, ~ctiop ,(C?LA) to ensure the ?trength~ni~g ~I}g Ei.~~~ti~e
__Qn:;he~a!t<:?n of the
~egi.ll ;.\cHon efforts, and to ~llhanG~_ th~._~c:oordination with tne other government
aqeucies specifically on cases involving leaders and other -personalities involved in
tiH8cHs to national securityqroups (TNSG).


The impact of an effective and determined Legal Action effort to disr!:!pt

the activities of the various threats to national security groups (TNSG) is well-
ujider~st()odand documented in the PNP collective experience. VVith the armed actions
10 contain the coercive force of these threat groups gaining traction on the ground, there
. isa need to tine-tune the PNP's legal offensive actions in support of these successes.
• •

It is in this I ght that the PNP intends to vigorously adY~!:!f.e its_~nQJisJo file
cases ag$jr)$LL$._qQ~nLaJrj;:Lp.e.r.s.onalitiesinvolved in groups considered to be threats to
national security. These efforts' shall inctuce case build-up, investigation, prosecution.
'filing of charges ~ncourt. and profiling, to ensure success in
this part of tria strafegy-W-
maintain peace find order, and to enforce the law.

4. MiSSiON:

The PNP Committee on Legal Action (COLA) shall ensure the

advancement ~~~~g~JlQt!Qll...gffQItsanchored on the active participation of the QUAD
Staff in order-lo enforce a holistic case build-up, investigation and prosecution
or atrocities committed by the various threats to national security and to enhance
coordination with other agencies.

a. legal Action - is a legal process which includes, but is not limited

to, case build-up activities, evidence-gathering, filing and prosecution of cases in the
[Iidl courts, the Court of Appeals, Supreme Court, and other appropriate tribunals as
Illtiy be appropriate.

b. Threats to Nationai Security - are dangers to the components of

NClljvnal Security that could come from within or from without the nation state. They may
bt~ political, economic; military, psycho-social, techno-scientific or geo-ecological in
l)dilJre including but nor limited to organized/syndicated crimes, terrorism, rebellion,
GUup d'etat and insurgency.


a. Concept of Operations:

The DCO shall chair and manage the PNP Committee on Legal Action
(COLA). The ODCO;Senior Executive Assistant. (ODCO,..SEA) shall spearhead the
coordinationwith other concerned government agencies to be assisted by the PNP L$ -
LegalOfficer who shall act as.the Head; Case 'Secretariat. -Jh~,DIDM shall be the Vice
Chairman of the PNPcCommittee on Legal Action (COLA) while other QUAD St3ffQ
[flair runctional.qrouos shall-be the .mernbers of this PNP Committee on Legal Action.
The same set-up shall be replicated at the PROs with the DRDO as the Chairman in
meir respective Regional Committees for Legal Action.

The COLA shall be organized from the NHQ level to the PRO levels. For
C~ ses fiied at the Municipal Police levels, the supervision and control shall be within the
8lilbit of the Regional Director of the PRO, without prejudice to the NHQ COLA taking
Gognizance of such cases as it deems proper.

The expected output and the benchmark of success of this office shall be
9duged on the volume and strength of the cases filed against the Threats to National
SecuriTY Groups (TNSG). .

The COLA shall also engage in inter-departmental trainings and education

acavrties on the aspects of First Responder's Doctrines and the Preservation of the

b. Orqanizational Structure: (See Annex "A")

c. Functions and Responsibilities:

At the I'JHQ level, the COLA shall undertake the following functions and

'1) To design a mechanism for a national synchronized system of

coordination between and amonq the investigative agencies and other law enforcement
agencies involved in tile case build-up, investigation and prosecution of atrocities and
criminal activities concertedly committed by leaders/members and other personalities
oirecuy or indirectly involved with the activities of the Threats to National Security
Groups (TNSG);



To pursue the inter-departmental coordination with counterparts in
Justice (DOJ), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and other
involved in the prosecution of cases filed by this office; -

3) To pursue an aggressive criminal investigation with an end in view

1111119 aiJiight criminal charges against the leaders and other personalities directly or
illdlrect!yinvolved with the activities of the various threat groups to national security.

4) To institutionalize the "PNP Crimina/Intelligence System" and "PNP

GWI/lIWI !iwesligation Management" in gathering documentary evidence r~garding tile
[e~ldelshipand orqanization, financial activities, tactical strategies and area of
0iJeratluliS of both the legal fronts and armed units of national security threat groups;

5) To maintain and sustain the operational and coordinative

JII8Cl181ilsin of all investigative units with the law enforcement agencies of the
[!overnrnent in order to successfully resolve the problems on national security; and

6) To coordinate and conduct, together with other concerned

rlgencies, seminars/traininqs to strengthen knowledge and skills in First Responders
dcliuns and principles in Crime Scene Preservation .
At the PRO levels, the COLA shall undertake functions and actions
p;lraiiel tu tile NHQ COLA, albeit, considering the unique circumstances of their AORs.
bpeciallv, in the aspect of education and training, the PRO-COLA shall spearhead the
cll()rtiination and actions which shall result to the greater awareness of friendly units to
jlililCipies and practices on Crime Scene Preservation and on the subject of First
fit;sponder's Course.

d. Tasks:


a) Act as the Chairman of the PNP Committee on Legal Action

(COLi\) andthe over-all supervisor of all COLA groups nationwide;

b) Designate ODCO-SEA who shall be responsible for

CDordimrting vvith other concerned government agencies and PNP LS - Legal Officer
silall act as the Head, Case Secretariat;

c) Provide guidance .on case .tmOd-up, i:ct\i~stigation and other

clctrvilies pertaining to the STICcessfUlrHWi'g' of cases against such threat groups to
ildliOlial security;

d) Render p,eriodic rep2rts and case updates to the Chief, PNP;


e) Perform other tasks as directed by Chief, PNP and higher


a) Act as the Vice-Chairman of the PNP Committee on Legal

b) Designate the Chief, CMD to provide assistance in the

!l1l;llilori g~as under investigation and presently filed in court;

c) Maintain the data-base of-criminal cases and WOAs

nW01vilig threat groups to national security;

d) Supervise and monitor the investigation undertaken by ClOG

diU ~i1(re anoratory nationwide;

e) Supervise the implementation of Manhunt against those

PdS011dliti8S with VVarrant of Arrest (VVOA); '-----------
',~ I

f) S-_oerdinate and implement a TrajH'iii'g/Orientatioo'''''Program

,viti: tik: AFP purposed on imparting basic skills to AFP personnel on Crime Scene
and First Responder's Course Training;

g) Submit Periodic Reports to the COLA Chairman; and

h) Perform other tasks as directed,

3. TO;

a) Supervise the inteliigence networking and gat11ering' of

iniorlllalion with evidentiary value regarding the modus operandi including the financial
lJdl\~aGtions and areas of operation of each and every armed and legal units/groups;

b) Conduct documentary exploitation and personality profiling

i)1 tile known leaders/members and affiliates of the threat groups to national security;

c) Supervise and monitor the inteiligence operations

ulll1l:rlaken by IG nationwide;

d) Maintain an updated national OB, Wanted and Reward List

01Ilk' leaders/membersof the different threat groups;

e) Submit Periodic Reports to the COLA Chairman; and

f) Perform other tasks as directed,

4. TOO

a) Designate C, ISOD to provide assistance and merutor the

imp!ern0fliation of this LOI in the PROs;

b) Submit Periodic Reports to COLA Chairman; and

c) Perform other tasks as directed,

5. TOC

a) Allocate funds for the establishment of PNP Committee on

tq)iJIAction (COLA); and

b) Perform other tasks as directed.

6. -TopeR
Supervise the information dissemination to the generai
a) . !
·.)"o!n':: on tne actual account of the atrocities committed by threat groups to national

b) Coordinate with tri-media on the publication of information to

i:;,pCiSd ti1d atrocities committed by the threat groups;

c) Supervise and monitor the activities of the PROs in

;5li~;1 i<jlih:':ning the
Baranqav networking for intelligence gathering and manhunt
';':J<;,'dbOI Clnd under LOt BAVAI\iIHAN;

d) Submit reports to the COLA Chairman; and

e) Perform other tasks as directed.


a) Issue appropriate orders to NHQ personnel to be members

8. rDPL

3.) Issue appropriate orders activating the Legal Action

;c,:.:.i';:;'gement Unit (LAIVlU) under the Office of the DCO with the following functions:

a.t To serve as the Secretariat of the PNP-COLA which

:d:~li; ndndle the administrative and operational activities as well as the technical
;':;,l1..!lft;fiients of the Committee;

3.2. To formulate plans and programs in furtherance of the

iJ,;s.::;ioil arid purpose of this LOI;

a.3. To supervise, direct and monitor the im.[>leme'1tatiol1

'.If ..ccj-ll-'!Ov6d coucies. plans and programs;

a.4. - To undertake liaison work and coordination of

..,l.!lvltie5 \ivith appropriate government agencies and provide for a forum of dialogue
-i, kl ..:Jdibcration of relevant issues and concerns; and

a.o. To perform other tasks as directed by TDCO/COLA

9. Regionai Directors, PRO's

a) Designate the DRDO to be the Regional COLA who shall be

"_:~'i.)lmsible for the organization and operation of the said committee;

b) Supervise the filing of cases against leaders and other

/)isonaiilies or national security threat groups;

c) Maintain a database of cases filed against such groups;

':':::. -vr'
d) Submit periodic reports to Chairman, COU\. re: activities and

.;:\\)iHplisilments with regard to this LOI;

e) Strengthen the Baranqav Network for intelligence and
,,~,,;,....J'a Operations; and I

n Perform other tasks as directed.

·W. Director, CU"}G
a) ~Designate personnei in-charge of investigation In
".:.;,,'f<.bnce with the mandate of this LO!;

b) Provide technical support on forensic cybercrirne analysis to

;.:;;;;.Jtv,-';o rinanciai crime transactions and negotiations;

c) File appropriate charges before courts of proper jurisdiction;

d) Assist the PROs or any of its subordinate units in the filing of

,,~,:::,:;SCl9dinst threat groups;

e) implement iNOA against wanted members of groups

. Vi ,~,lde{edas threats to national security;

f) Coordinate with prosecutors and courts when needed;

g) Render periodic reports on the status of cases filed before

(1.::: C0Un:; and
h) Perform other tasks as directed,

11. Director,IG

a) Conduct intelligence operation on the modus and area of

il,k,l':;st of tne various personalities and. members or threatqroups to national security;

b) Secure witnesses and complainants;

c) Assist the ClOG and other investigation groups for the

i,l;jJlI::nemation of VVOA;

d) Coordinate with other intelligence groups, as necessary; and

e) Perform other tasks as directed.

'12. Director, CLG

a) Provide technical assistance in evidence preservation and

~ e

b) Conduct saco when possible; and

c) Perform other tasks as directed,

;'!'->(~ ~

13. Director, LS

a) Provide legal.assistance in evidence evaluation and

preparationof legal documents; ~ '.

b) Designate a Legal Officer who shall act as Head, Case

Secretariat; and

c) Perform other tasks as directed.

e. Coo~~inatinglnstructions: .

a. As. a general rule, the PRO COLAs shall take primary

cogrizance of cases filed in their respective AORsunless directed by the Chief, PNPor
the DCa as over-all COLA Chairman to transfer jurisdiction of such cases to other units;

. b. All cases presently handled by the ClOG shall remain within

their responsibility to assurecontinuance of cases;

c. Strict adherence to all PNP SOPs. and Police Operational

Procedures (POP) is emphasized;

d. Lateral .coordination between and among a11~units/offices

concerned is highly encouraged;

e. The NHQ coix

shall meet once a month upon the directive
at the COLA Chairman, or when the Chief, PNP calls for-such meeting;.

f. Respect for. human rights must be observed at all times in

lhe implementation of this LOI;

g. All other applicable LOis, Memqranda, MOAslMOUs and

Circulars not in conflict with this LOI are still in effect; and
h.· An office space shall be provided within the ODCO for the


This LOI shall take effect immediately . .>:

Command Group
Dirs, NSUs

~ .. -.
.. ..
, , ,

p..llnex "A" - PNP COLA Orqanizational Structure


rucc "'M':~ I


~------D~LS' -: ~-;: ~: l l-' -. ~,-- __ '_~_~_~~d~_n~_~o_~_'

__ ~
I 1 dvi

_ _
:, ~~e~a _A ~l_se_f_) _:, - - - - - - -

(Case Secretariat)
II PNP LS- Legal Officer
L-~ ' I !

r--~-~---- .. -.
(Vice:Ch airman)


II~ ~ l PCRG



I IUDMDl L- --' :RP~D J [Rff~ J I RMGs

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