COSMO NEWS October 6, 2019 Edition
COSMO NEWS October 6, 2019 Edition
COSMO NEWS October 6, 2019 Edition
Empowering, Caring
and Exemplary Church
of Servant Leaders.
(Church Vision Statement)
October 6, 2019
W e welcome new visitors and old friends, Christians from every tradition, and people new to faith.
To those who have no church home, want to follow Christ, have doubts, do not believe, you are
welcome here. Regardless of age, color, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic
status, marital status, abilities or challenges, join us, you are welcome here. You are welcome to wor-
ship, to celebrate and sorrow, to rejoice and recover. This is a place where lives are made new.(adopted)
with us
Luke 17:5-10; Lamentations 1:1-6; Psalm 137; 2 Timothy 1:1-14
Christian Young Adults Fellowship (CYAF) SUNDAY
8:00AM Tagalog Worship Service
Sermon: “Malalim na Pananampalataya,
Kusang Pagsunod”
Pastor: Rev. Veronica T. Estayo
Leader: Ms. Dahlia Sosing
10:00AM English Worship Service
Sermon: “WWF: World-Wide Faith”
Pastor: Rev. Callum R. Tabada
Leader: Engr. Sidney M. Duran “All who eat and drink without discerning the body,
3:00PM Visayan Worship Service eat and drink judgment against themselves.” (I Cor. 11:29)
Sermon: “PPP: Pagtuo, Pagtuman, Panal- he first Sunday in October is des- Presbyterian Church to the larger ecu-
angin” ignated as World Communion menical church. The first celebration
Pastor: Rev. Fritz Jordan S. Mata Sunday, which celebrates our occurred at Shadyside Presbyterian
Leader: Ms. Eurene Anne S. Santillan oneness in Christ with all our brothers Church in Pittsburgh, PA, in 1933.
5:30PM Vesper Contemporary Worship and sisters around the world. Celebration of World Wide Com-
Sermon: “A Tiny Seed Conquering the Originally called World Wide Com- munion Sunday was adopted as a
munion Sunday, World Communion denominational practice in the Presby-
Pastor: Rev. Grace Fe I. Magan
Leader: Ms. Mayrel Borinaga-Lugana Sunday is considered as a gift of the Turn to page 2
UCCP Cosmopolitan Church’s celebration of 24 Years of Visayan Service kicked off yesterday with a
Family Day that saw about 200 members of the church enjoying the fun, food and fellowship with the
family. With the theme #ikinabuhisiKriso (Living Out Christ), the celebration extends next Sunday with
a Thanksgiving Fellowship (1PM) and Worship Service through Music (3PM). To God be the glory!
World Communion Sunday, from page 1 We are all invited to join and celebrate
terian Church (US) in 1936. Churches in other denomina- UCCP Cosmopolitan Church Visayan Service
tions were invited to celebrate with us from the beginning,
but it wasn’t until 1940 when the Department of Evangelism 24th Year Thanksgiving!
of the Federal Council of Churches (a predecessor body of
Oct. 5 (Saturday): FAMILY DAY, 7AM-3PM (Social Hall)
the National Council of Churches) promoted extending the
celebration to a number of churches around the world that Oct. 13 (Sunday): FELLOWSHIP, 1PM-2PM (Sanctuary)
the practice became widespread. THANKSGIVING WORSHIP THROUGH
Today, World Communion Sunday is celebrated around MUSIC (“The Anchor Holds”), 3PM-5PM (Sanctuary);
Preacher: Keith Arleigh D. Quebral
the world, demonstrating that the church founded on Jesus
Christ peacefully shares God-given goods in a world in-
creasingly destabilized by globalization and global market
economies based on greed.
(from “World Communion Sunday,”