A Decade of Transit Oriented Development PDF
A Decade of Transit Oriented Development PDF
A Decade of Transit Oriented Development PDF
1) Katie Yang, The University of Queensland, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
2) Dorina Pojani, The University of Queensland, School of Earth and Environmental
Sciences, d.pojani@uq.edu.au
Transit Oriented Development; Brisbane, Australia; GIS analysis.
Starting in the second half of the 20th century, many western cities, especially those within the
Anglosphere, have spread horizontally in a low-density fashion. Urban sprawl has resulted in
loss of green space, lack of choice in terms of housing products, segregation of land uses, long
distances between destinations, over-reliance on automobiles, traffic congestion and related
externalities, and costly requirements to expand infrastructure (Downs 2007). These problems
are acute in Australian cities, especially lower density ones. In response, in the last few decades
a number of planning concepts – including “growth boundaries,” “planned unit development,”
“form-based zoning,” “green urbanism,” etc. - have been introduced or revived in order to
manage urban expansion in a more efficient and sustainable manner (see Goetz 2013).
Recently, there has been keen interest in creating a more coordinated approach to growth
management in order to achieve a more sustainable urban form (Curtis 2012a). One emerging
concept is Transit Oriented Development (TOD), which involves intense, comprehensive
development around transit nodes. The term encapsulates the process of focusing the
development of housing, employment, activity sites and public services around existing or new
railway stations served by frequent, high quality and efficient intra-urban rail services (Cervero
1998). In practice, TOD can take place under two different circumstances, which can occur
within the same city. The first circumstance includes framing new urban growth around TOD
nodes; the second involves restructuring established areas to enhance TOD (Curtis 2012a).
In both cases, common TOD traits include compactness, pedestrian and cycle-friendly
environs, public and civic spaces near stations, and stations as community hubs (TCRP 2002).
The creation of dense, compact, mixed-use, and attractive neighbourhoods within walking
distance of rail stations is thought to promote active and public transport, increase accessibility,
and shorten commutes. In parts of Europe and Asia, the TOD approach reaches further than
single locations towards a network approach, which aims at realigning entire urban regions
around rail transport and away from the car. While these are the basic TOD tenets, the model
has been revised to fit a variety of contexts (including low-density cities and regions), as
accounts of TOD practices from North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia illustrate (for
specific examples, see Curtis et al 2009). However, TOD is not a panacea. Cities around the
world have attempted its implementation with varying degrees of success (Hale 2012). In
Australia, TOD has been somewhat sporadic and limited (Curtis 2012b).
Brisbane - a city of two million inhabitants in eastern Australia - has attempted to embrace
TOD at a conceptual and practical level. Here TOD has become an important goal as the city
is under pressure to balance transportation infrastructure provision and a rapid population
growth (driven by a relatively strong economy and a mild, subtropical climate). Brisbane is the
centre of Southeast Queensland - the fastest growing region in Australia (BCC 2008). An
increase in population in the past two decades has been accompanied by a proportional increase
of private car ownership and use.
The city features an attractive train network, which however, is underutilized. Undeveloped or
underdeveloped areas around train stations offer a major opportunity to create TOD. In
recognition of this potential, the state and local governments have begun promoting TOD
strategies in the last decade. It has been determined that in order to guarantee the success of
TODs, a strategic planning framework and statutory planning base that requires development
at the necessary intensity of use is essential (Newman 2009; Curtis 2005). However, currently
in Brisbane there are no existing statutory planning mechanisms for TOD alongside a lack of
private-public funding mechanisms (Newman 2009).
This study investigates the extent to which TOD policies have become reality in Brisbane.
Through GIS analysis, the authors measure the level of concentration of population, dwellings,
and jobs in TOD nodes – as opposed to areas that are unserved by the train network. The study
also aims to present a straightforward and accessible method which cities in Australia and
internationally can employ to measure the outcomes of their TOD policies. The study
timeframe is the period between 2006 and 2011, which encompasses the two latest censuses
since the first mention of TOD in a regional-level policy document. The article is divided into
four main sections. The first section provides background on TOD, including rail-based and
bus-based versions. The second section is an overview of the case study: current land use and
transport issues in Brisbane, as well as TOD policies adopted in the last decade. The third
section delineates the study method, and the fourth section presents the findings.
Successful TODs promise a range of benefits to a variety of parties. The public sector can
benefit from TOD through increased transit ridership and fare revenue; joint development
opportunities; enhanced economic development; increased tax revenues; and reduced
infrastructure costs. The community can benefit from TOD through neighbourhood
revitalization; reduced traffic congestion; reduced travel distances; reduced pollution and fuel
consumption; increased safety (from traffic and crime); increased physical activity; contained
sprawl; and preserved open space. Finally, the private sector can benefit from TOD through
increased real estate values; increased rents; increased retail sales; increased labour pool
access; and reduced parking costs (TCRP 2002).
Within Europe, “finger cities” including Copenhagen (Fig. 1), Stockholm, Amsterdam, and
Helsinki, have been among the most successful in applying TOD (Knowles 2012). This
planning concept, albeit called by other names or not named at all in policy, has been an
intrinsic principle of planning in these capital city regions since WWII. In the early post-war
period, entire new satellite towns, “lobes,” or “fingers” were developed around the peripheral
stations of the train and metro systems. Every station became a focal point for high density
housing and local retail services, with linkages provided between each suburb and onto the
CBDs. This period reflected the economic prosperity and a popular desire to suburbanize. In
later years, in parallel with the urban revival movement, TOD efforts were transposed to the
inner cities, in new brownfield redevelopments. In both cases (earlier greenfield suburban and
later brownfield urban TODs), the national, regional, and local governments played a major
role in steering development towards public transit stations and lines – or in servicing existing
housing developments with public transport. The TOD phenomenon (a marriage of transit and
land use) did not occur naturally (Knowles 2012; Bertolini and Spit 1998; Cervero 1995).
However, studies to date maintain that TOD is a complex concept, which cannot be easily
transferred in its entirety from place to place (Pojani and Stead 2014a). A meta-analysis of 11
international TOD case studies identified 16 critical success factors in TOD implementation,
the most significant being: political stability and continuity, relationships between actors in a
region, interdisciplinary teams used to implement TOD, and public participation. In different
contexts, different combinations of critical success factors apply (Thomas and Bertolini 2014,
2017). Failure outcomes are also useful in understanding the paths to successful TOD
implementation. Barriers may include inopportune timing (dependent of economic cycles), low
appeal or poor marketing of the TOD concept, fragmented land ownership, zoning regulations,
complex institutional setup, and low stakeholder interest (Pojani and Stead 2014b; Searle et al.
The foregoing studies of critical success factors and barriers to TOD implementation refer to
cases in which the public and private sectors have made a concerted effort to capitalize upon
the proximity to transit. If development is physically near transit but fails to constitute an
activity centre and achieve high transit performance, it is sometimes labelled as Transit
Adjacent Development (TAD) (TCRP 2002; Kamruzzaman et al. 2014). The quantitative
benchmarks for distinguishing between TOD and TAD are unclear (Hale 2012). Therefore, the
present study combines TOD and TAD outcomes but distinguishes between TOD centred on
rail (R-TOD), Bus Rapid Transit (B-TOD), and ferry (FOD) stations and corridors.
Rail-Based TOD
Rail-based TOD focuses on the areas surrounding rail transit stations. It is the most traditional
form of TOD (see Knight and Trygg 1977; Cervero 1998). Most existing TODs are created in
suburban areas and greenfield sites, in which the transit system and urban development have
taken place simultaneously. Successful, dense and high-quality R-TODs set into motion a
virtuous cycle in which they generate income, which then goes into creating future high-quality
TODs, which further boost economic returns, and so on (Cervero and Murakami 2009).
However, many large metropolitan regions have existing well-developed rail systems which
present a different set of difficulties in terms of TOD. The soil around pre-existing train stations
might be polluted and in need of costly clean-ups before new housing development can take
place. Also, station areas might be the foci of social problems and therefore less attractive to
developers whose target is the middle class (Loo et al. 2010; Loo and Lam 2007). In some
contexts, the development tradition and public values might be against high-density TODs
around train stations - especially where high density housing is associated with overcrowding,
low income, and crime issues. To overcome R-TOD barriers, cities around the world have
employed a variety of incentives for developers, including development bonuses, tax
reductions, and reductions in car parking requirements. In some cases major retail and office
development in non-TOD areas is also strictly restricted in order to steer development toward
stations (Babalik-Sutcliffe 2002).
While rail is more closely related to high-density and large-scale developments, Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT) too provides opportunities for TOD development. BRT has gained prominence
worldwide as a cost-effective alternative to urban rail investments which can be utilized to
address urban congestion (Currie 2006a; Pojani 2014). However, bus services are associated
with lower density and smaller scale development. The lack of dedicated TOD development
staff in the bus industry, the noise and pollution impacts of buses, and a poor track record of
buses in relation to TOD are some other weaknesses of B-TOD. In some cases, long-range
strategic planning and urban development objectives are usurped by near-term engineering and
cost-minimization objectives, resulting in BRT lines being routed and stations sited in areas
with minimal development potential (Currie 2006b; Cervero & Dai 2014; Judy 2007).
Ferry-Based TOD
The literature examining FOD is quite limited, as ferries are a somewhat neglected mode. As
of late 2002, when the last report on this type of TOD was produced, less than 2% of the
projects centred on ferry stations or corridors (Sipe and Burke 2011). In certain post-industrial
cities, with abandoned freight ports, a desire to remedy brownfield sites, revitalize waterfronts,
and achieve smart growth has created FOD opportunities. A few very successful FODs exist in
London, New Jersey, and Gothenburg. FOD will likely expand as in cities near water bodies
ferry ridership is growing. This is due to a revamped image of earlier stodgy ferries, as well as
to the safety, comfort, enjoyment (including aesthetic pleasure), and speed (lack of congestion)
of ferry travel compared to road-based modes. However, ferries are at a risk of losing
passengers if highways, bridges, and tunnels are built in their proximity, which would then
lower the potential for FOD. (Ferry systems that run parallel to the land, in rivers as opposed
to bays, are less common and have traditionally had a difficult time competing with land-based
transport modes.) (Sipe and Burke 2011).
Brisbane is the capital and the largest city in the state of Queensland. At two million inhabitants,
it is the third most populous city in Australia after Sydney and Melbourne. It is also one of the
most important economic centres of Australia. It is located in the south-eastern region of the
state, which comprises nine local governments, including the City of Brisbane and two major
tourist destinations on the Pacific Ocean – the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast. As
mentioned, South East Queensland is the fastest growing region in Australia (BCC 2008).
Between 2006 and 2011, Brisbane experienced a population increase of 11.5% (ABS 2015). In
conjunction, household sizes have shrunk and the share of older persons has shifted upwards.
Due to exorbitant housing costs in inner-city neighbourhoods, newcomers have tended to
concentrate in the city’s outer suburbs (BCC 2008). As for employment, higher status white-
collar jobs, especially in government, are heavily clustered in the CBD (Burke et al. 2010). The
residential population dispersal has produced long commutes and traffic congestion especially
when combined with employment concentration within a relatively small central area and a
large volume of daily commuters from surrounding municipalities.
The Brisbane public transport network comprises more than 380 km of rail and numerous bus
lines, including segregated busways (BRT), which are overseen and coordinated by an
integrated agency (TransLink) established in 2003 (Fig. 2).
Brisbane’s rail network developed in the late nineteenth century. It was initially intended to
service freight routes. Consisting of six suburban lines, it extended from the CBD in a radial
pattern. The early urban settlement was shaped by the railway. As the city developed, railway
stations clustered tightly near the CBD, which is attractive and includes multiple activity hubs
and services. However, the contemporary urban form reflects a linear city that has grown
around its highway system, with the car being the dominant form of transport for all trips except
the CBD journey to work (Spearritt 2009).
Brisbane’s BRT was first introduced in 2000. Including primarily segregated busways,
frequent service, and rapid speed but lacking pre-board fare payment, it is classified as Silver
BRT (Pojani 2014). A total of 25 km (in three lines: Southeast Busway, Northern Busway and
Eastern Busway) were been built up to 2011. Although limited in size, the BRT system has
been successful and currently serves more than 70 million passengers per year. At station
locations, significant investment has taken place. The majority of this development either
existed or was planned prior to the government’s decisions on station locations. In fact, these
decisions were largely dependent on existing and planned development. The five stations
closest to centre city are fully transit oriented, while the five stations furthest from the CBD
clearly reflect suburban development patterns. B-TOD development in Brisbane is not the
result of market forces, but the result of careful coordination between government agencies
undergoing facility expansion, and negotiations with private developers in the target growth
areas. In fact, the government has contributed in kind to station area private development (e.g.,
by acquiring land and working with developers to build integrated station/TOD.) Additionally,
multiple tiers of government have contributed to station area development and urbanization by
building for their own needs in these locations. Overall, Brisbane has used a “carrot” approach
to encourage TOD at BRT stations rather than “sticks,” such as requirements for high density
development or pedestrian accommodations (Judy 2007).
Alongside BRT and railway lines, Brisbane also has a network of catamaran river ferries
(CityCats), introduced in 1996. Ferries have helped reorient the city back to its river and
encourage inner city densification while promoting a greater use of public transport. The
growth of the CityCat network has been significant over the past decade. Currently, ferries are
considered as a key transportation mode. In 2008, they carried more than 6 million passengers,
servicing 23 locations throughout the city. However, key transport and land use planning
policies in Brisbane have not yet considered the use of CityCats as a means to achieve TOD
(Sipe and Burke 2011).
While vehicle ownership has grown in Brisbane (with only 8% of the households being carless
citywide), public transport patronage has increased too (Barlow and Streeting 2007). However,
the modal share of public transport remains relatively low - only 8%. Inner city neighbourhoods
Brisbane have lower car ownership (less than 1 car per household) and higher public transport
use (up to 15%) (BCC 2008). Reflecting job centralization, both bus and train services are
much more frequent within the city core, while the remaining areas are heavily reliant of private
cars for transport.
In view of this situation, in its first statutory regional plan in 2005 the Queensland Government
set forth TOD as a key strategy to achieve sustainable urban development outcomes in the
Brisbane metropolitan region (QG 2005, 2009a, 2015). A fine-grained TOD guide was
prepared some years later, along with a few TOD site plans around key stations (QG 2010; QG
2009b, 2014). The transit sector and the City of Brisbane also indicated their commitment to
TOD through several policy documents (BCC 2014a,b; Batts 2011). Development is in process
in a few prioritized nodes along the train network.
The case of Varsity Lakes, a small suburb in the Gold Coast (not within Brisbane), is
noteworthy. In the late 1990s, a study was completed to identify a future rail corridor to connect
Robina/Varsity Lakes to the Gold Coast Airport. As a result, a regional plan in 2004 identified
potential to convert the Varsity Lake station into a TOD node and “urban village.” The 14 ha
(then vacant) site was acquired by the public sector in 2006 and TOD planning promptly started
(Richards 2009). The master plan provided for a wide variety of housing types, employment
opportunities, shopping, and social activities. A form-based design approach was applied. It
encouraged subtropical building forms up to 12 stories, which could take advantage of views
to the ocean and the hinterland. The master plan won the prestigious Karl Langer Award for
Urban Design in 2009. Combined with nearby Robina and Bond University, the Varsity Lakes
TOD constitutes one of the largest health and knowledge precincts of the Gold Coast.
This TOD was expected to become a model for future similar developments in the region, but
it has had limited success in this respect (Queensland Government 2009b). Beyond this case,
there is some evidence to indicate that implementation in other prioritized TOD nodes has been
piecemeal and inefficient (Batts 2011). However, where TOD has succeeded, it has led to
reductions in car use and increases in active transport (Shatu and Kamruzzaman 2014). But the
level of concentration of people, homes, and jobs in rail-based TOD areas has not been
systematically measured so far. The present study aims to fill this research void.
The method was inspired by an earlier study (Cervero and Landis 1997), which investigated
the land-use and development impacts of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system in the
San Francisco Bay Area, California - twenty years after its inception. As the earlier study, it
focuses on rail-based TOD – while recognizing the importance and potential for B-TOD and
FOD in Brisbane. The present analysis relies on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) – a
mature technology for the analysis of geo-referenced data (i.e. statistical data referenced to the
Earth’s surface). GIS allows for both the statistical processing of data and the creation of maps
to present processed information visually.
The demographic data was collected from the Australian Census, accessed via the Australian
Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website. Census data availability and consistency poses some
restrictions to this analysis. In the case of population and housing units, data was downloaded
on a “Mesh Block” (MB) level. MBs are the smallest geographical unit in the Australian
Statistical Geography Standard for which census data is available. Most residential MBs
contain approximately 30 to 60 dwellings. MB counts are only available for the 2006 and 2011
census. At the time of the 2001 census, a different geographical unit was employed (ABS
2015). Therefore, to keep comparisons uniform the data was only analysed for 2006 and 2011.
Also, as mentioned, TOD was first put forward as a desirable regional policy goal in 2005.
In the case of job units, data was downloaded on a “Destination Zone” (DZN) level. DZNs are
the smallest census unit that contains information on where employed people over 15 years of
age worked in the week prior to the Census Night. DZNs are larger than MBs. Georeferenced
data on employment are only available for 2011. In earlier censuses this information was not
collected (ABS 2015). Therefore, the available data allows for a snapshot of job locations –
whether within or outside TOD areas - but does not allow for a comparison of the 2011 situation
and earlier periods.
First, TOD areas in Brisbane were identified by creating a buffer around the 133 train stations
which fall within the city limits (Fig. 3). The buffer radius was set at 800 m because this is the
distance recommended in the TOD guide prepared by the Queensland Government. It is
considered a comfortable 10 minute walkable distance (Queensland Government 2010). In
some cases, especially in the city centre, TOD buffers overlapped. Where this was the case, the
areas within the overlapping circles were merged together and calculations were performed for
the entire TOD corridor thus formed. MB and DNZ units which fell within, or intersected with,
TOD circles or corridors were included in the analysis. All the other areas were considered
Non-TOD (Fig. 4).
Second, the authors sought to discern whether concentration in TOD circles and corridors is
due to the presence of the train station or merely to the distance from the city centre. For this
purpose, a series of circles centred on the CBD were drawn on the map to help with the analysis.
The circle radii were 3 km, 5 km, 10 km, 20 km, and 30 km. The circles were more frequent in
the centre as here land-uses are finer-grained and urban services are more densely-packed.
A note on the methodology. One might argue that an imperfect match between TOD buffers
and census geographies (i.e. the fact that some census data lies outside TOD circles) is
detrimental to the analysis. However, the authors reasoned that a TOD circle (like a census
unit) is an arbitrary geography. The perimeter of a TOD circle is equidistant from the station
point on an abstract map. In reality, people within a TOD zone do not move in straight lines
from the circle border to the station but follow road layouts and pedestrian paths, which vary
based on local design patterns. Also, the density of people, houses, and jobs, is not evenly
distributed within the TOD circle. Therefore, the modification of TOD areas based on ABS
geographies is likely to have little impact on the study outcomes. Moreover, even if a higher
level of precision were desirable, the way census data is coded in GIS (in vector rather than
raster format) would not allow the authors to intersect TOD geographies and MB or DNZ
geographies. Had the data been available in raster format, an intersection of these geographies
would produce an approximate result in any case because GIS would assume an average
distribution of people, houses, and jobs in the MB or DNZ unit – which is not the case in reality,
as mentioned.
If one considers TOD vs. Non-TOD areas as a whole, it is clear that all three components under
analysis (population, dwellings, and jobs) are more heavily concentrated around train stations
than in areas unserved by the train network. Also, between 2006 and 2011, the density of both
population and housing units has significantly increased in TOD areas compared to Non-TOD
areas (Table 1). These findings are encouraging in terms of transport sustainability in Brisbane.
A notable and growing concentration of population, dwellings, and jobs in TOD zones implies
that these areas are attractive to residents, employers, and developers. When the distance from
the CBD is taken into consideration in the analysis, overall, as expected, the density of people,
houses, and jobs in both TOD and Non-TOD zones decreases the farther from the centre.
However, a more nuanced picture emerges in this case (Table 2). In terms of population
densities, in all but the outer urban edges (where there are few services away from train
stations), the population density is currently higher in Non-TOD areas than in TOD areas –
nearly twice as high closer to the urban core (Fig. 5). The reasons for this outcome are unclear.
They might be due to an aversion (at least until recently) to living close to train stations and
associated noise pollution and soil vibration. In that case, the density difference pre-dates TOD
and would take years of successful TOD to change. On a local level, the Brisbane City Council
encourages development in TOD areas and allows for density bonuses. At the same time, due
to their environmental drawbacks, proposals in TOD areas require higher level impact
assessment, creating a conflicting stance on part of the public sector.
But the direction of change is positive. In all cases, population densities have been growing
faster in TOD areas than in Non-TOD areas – especially farther from the urban core.
Nonetheless, population densities have somewhat grown in non-TOD areas too - likely due to
lack of incentives for people to locate near train stations, or lack of regulations to discourage
them to locate away from train stations. Ideally, growth in Non-TOD areas should have been
null and TODs should have absorbed all incoming population. While confining all new
development towards designated OD areas might be ideal (if unusual), the authors recognize
that in practice this might not be viable because it would involve downzoning of sites already
available for residential development due to longstanding planning decisions.
The analysis of dwelling densities shows similar findings to the analysis of population
densities. There is a decrease in dwelling densities the farther the distance is from the core. In
the immediate vicinity of the CBD, there is a higher concentration of housing units in Non-
TOD areas. This is likely due to the fact that historically in the Brisbane CBD, the space near
train stations has been taken over by office buildings. As the distance from the core grows,
housing densities in TOD and Non-TOD areas are similar. An exception is the outer edge of
the city in which dwellings are concentrated in TODs. As mentioned, this is likely due to the
fact that in these areas there are few services away from train stations. As with population
densities, the direction of change is positive. Housing densities are growing much faster in
TOD rather than Non-TOD areas – especially in TODs located farther from the core. An
exception is the CBD itself, which is generally seen as a place for work rather than living. Also,
in proximity to the CBD, there is less available land to cater for more residential construction
whereas around outer train stations there is more undeveloped land that can be converted into
TOD. In terms of employment densities, as mentioned, the available data only allows for a
snapshot of the situation in 2011. Results show that, throughout Brisbane jobs are much more
heavily concentrated in TOD areas than in Non-TOD areas. In the CBD, the difference is
substantial. Outside the urban core, the differences are not as dramatic.
This study examined TOD outcomes in Brisbane since this concept was first promoted in policy
documents in 2005. The analysis considered the concentration of population, housing units,
and jobs in TOD zones (the areas within an 800 m radius of the 133 train stations in the city)
as opposed to Non-TOD zones (overall and broken down by distance to the CBD). This
analysis was used to determine whether the trends towards increases in population, housing
units, and jobs in TOD zones are due to public policies or simply market forces. It is clear that
planning policy frameworks have encouraged and enabled TODs to take place in Brisbane.
These planning policy frameworks include the provision of TOD strategies within the regional
plan, fine-grained TOD guidelines, and various policy documents representing the transit sector
and the Brisbane City Council’s commitment to TOD.
The results do not support the notion that Brisbane is a transit-oriented city. However, a
comparative or benchmarking study would be needed to confirm this. The findings show that
in 2011, within 3-5 km of the CBD, there was a concentration of 1,201 jobs/sq.km in TOD
areas versus 985 jobs/sq.km in Non-TOD areas. This compares to a population density of 2,352
persons/sq.km in TOD areas versus 3,051 persons/sq.km in Non-TOD areas and a dwelling
density of 1,105 dwellings/sq.km in TOD areas versus 1,331 in Non-TOD areas within 3-5km
of the CBD. While jobs tend to be more heavily clustered in TOD locations, for the most part
population and housing densities remain higher in Non-TOD areas. This trend is reflected
across each distance band from the CBD.
Barriers identified in the literature review include poor marketing of the TOD concept to
residents and developers, fragmented land ownership around train stations, disabling zoning
regulations, and complex institutional setup in Queensland. These might have played a role in
this outcome, which is unfortunate given that the local train system is of good quality and could
support the creation of a “finger city” after the example of several northern European capitals.
However, the study results also show that there is a moderate trend toward the concentration
of people and dwellings in TOD areas within Brisbane. This is especially evident in the outer
edges in which few urban amenities can be found away from train stations. It must be noted
that, in TODs, a unit area of land competes for multiple uses (jobs, housings, and recreation).
Planners aim for a balanced development within a TOD, and as a result, the site does not solely
accommodate residences. By contrast, Non-TOD sites are solely (or mostly) used for
residential purposes (or other mono-uses), and are therefore capable of accommodating more
residents. Changes in population density are more important than density itself in
understanding whether recent developments in Brisbane are transit-oriented.
TOD consolidation is likely to provide a good foundation for urban sustainability. Given the
nature of this research, it is impossible to determine whether the trend towards TOD
consolidation identified in this study is due to public policies or simply market forces. Further
research, entailing interviews of planners and developers, as well as population surveys, is
needed to establish causation. Either way, this finding is encouraging especially in view of the
relatively short study timeframe (2006-2011). It implies that public sector policies to further
promote TOD would go “with the grain.” This is a key finding as prior studies have identified
a NIMBY attitude of local residents as a deterrent to TOD success in Australian cities (Searle
et al. 2014). The planning sector can capitalize on the growing attraction of TODs and
accelerate it through policy measures, including land assembly mechanisms, interdepartmental
TOD task forces, public outreach efforts, tax and zoning incentives for TOD developers, and
limits to development in areas unserved by train services. If cities wish to implement TOD, the
practice must be recognised as integral to smart growth and sustainable urbanism policies.
Periodic measuring of TOD outcomes is also important, for instance, using the type of GIS
method outlined in this article.
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Table 1. Concentration of people, dwellings, and jobs in TOD vs. Non-TOD areas (overall).
Absolute Percentage
change 2006- change 2006-
2006 2011 2011 2011
Non-TOD 39 43 +4 10.26
Table 2. Concentration of people, dwellings, and jobs in TOD vs. Non-TOD areas (by distance
from the CBD).
Percentage Change
2006 2011 2006-2011
Population density (persons/sq. km)
0 km-3 km
TOD 2,267 2,784 22.82
Non-TOD 4,316 4,505 4.38
3 km-5 km
TOD 2,071 2,352 13.56
Non-TOD 2,916 3,051 4.62
5 km-10 km
TOD 991 1,212 22.28
Non-TOD 1,415 1,537 8.61
10 km-20 km
TOD 536 728 35.85
Non-TOD 724 735 1.57
20 km-30 km
TOD 256 357 41.05
Non-TOD 402 446 10.95
30 km-city limit
TOD 179 255 42.40
Non-TOD 30 36 19.29
Dwelling density (dwellings/sq. km)
0 km-3 km
TOD 1,395 1,476 5.84
Non-TOD 2,354 2,341 -0.55
3 km-5 km
TOD 1,009 1,105 9.49
Non-TOD 1,291 1,331 3.11
5 km-10 km
TOD 472 561 18.83
Non-TOD 601 640 6.40
10 km-20 km
TOD 220 294 33.70
Non-TOD 268 271 1.29
20 km-30 km
TOD 102 142 38.79
Non-TOD 146 163 11.78
30 km-city limit
TOD 73 105 43.57
Non-TOD 12 14 20.32
Job density (jobs/sq. km)
0 km-3 km
TOD n/a 5,787 n/a
Non-TOD n/a 1,463 n/a
3 km-5 km
TOD n/a 1,201 n/a
Non-TOD n/a 985 n/a
5 km-10 km
TOD n/a 558 n/a
Non-TOD n/a 447 n/a
10 km-20 km
TOD n/a 243 n/a
Non-TOD n/a 188 n/a
20 km-30 km
TOD n/a 79 n/a
Non-TOD n/a 72 n/a
30 km-city limit
TOD n/a 56 n/a
Non-TOD n/a 6 n/a
Figure 1 (about here). Copenhagen’s “Finger Plan” based on the first master plan of 1947.
Map courtesy of the City of Copenhagen.
Figure 2 (about here). Public transport lines (trains and buses) in Brisbane. Map courtesy of
Figure 3 (about here). TOD buffers (circles and corridors) around train stations. Map by
Figure 4 (about here). MBs which fall within or intersect with TOD circles and corridors.
Map by authors.
Figure 5 (about here). Population densities for 2011 in TOD vs. Non-TOD areas by distance
from the CBD. Map by authors.