13 Field Astronomy
13 Field Astronomy
13 Field Astronomy
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2 nmarwor —perzoo" 3020" 20 ww"
2 pwr ero" 00-00" 2s 100!
4 morse 3I830"20"
12 per ow
Latitude of sion Q'= 36° 48°50 8 + Lnginde of station
Declination of the sun at GMNo= 1" 32°16'.8 N decrening 5
(Mean of LMT. of ro observations = 4°15 50° P.M. by watch; watch 4 seconds
slov et noon, gaining 0.8 seconds per diy
ape n The alte of evel dition = 1°
Comet for orion parla = 8°76
CConetn for refraction 57" cot (apart lade.
Mean orzo ange = $ (12°20 25° 30° 118°) + 99" 4 39° 211° 525°)
= 2 #1074 1 1- = 8159107
Men observed alitwde = mean of the fur verier readings 24" 45/30"
Level conection = + 1s vale oF the one lev vision
24°49 20" Sw AS 3S
ST oo 24453452 16.7
some ar 3s
Apparent. sae
Refraction correction
conection for paral
Trae ake = 24" 49:34" 5-1" T=
For.more booke:.allpdfin‘Watch correction = + 4 es =+ 3.86
et come LP
‘Sun's decision at G.M.N, ween
Variation for 3° 185° == 5812 0.0808") = 2.8"
Dosntion of sun at th instant of obseration
150 1678-288 = aE
Now, in the ssonpmical wage ZAM,
P= 9" = 0-2 90 — 364830 sna"
22-99" = 90 24 44356 ose isan
PM =p =90?-5= 90" 13 Se 27 a6"
2a = 206" 54 4074
10 2 22
en508 15502 jee = PUSS: spe HSS
Fhe aeimuth-A-is-given by
anime, [ae nee mae eT
inf sn@-p) Ysa 1 6 S73
CTH) of Ane TS
Aimuth of the sun = 12 4°98
(et, ice the sun was observed in the evening)
(Cechwise angle fom’ he RM. 10 the sun = 81°59” 10
‘Azimuth of line from soc toads west
= 128 49.8 + 81°59" 10"
Acimath of line fom aoa (loctwise)
be compicd 7
eee ene
ra ae tm
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ingens of adjacent pas
“ wm @=tan8. sc
ware Hb the imeral of ine between the ent and he west tani
expressed in angular mec.
Since the shige is aot measured in this mabod, the erors due to uncer ia
the valve of refation is largely eiminied, Also, the exact Knowledge of local time i
tox ryuced since ve have 10 simply mesure the inral of sidereal Bours tat epees
fervern tbe two amis. However, the approximate leal time of prineverial transis
rs be Soown. To take te tine redings, the fstrameat bas tbe dicted towards
the drceon of prime vertical, frst the eat side and thea to the wes side, and measre
the tine when anit occur, Fe, whee the star coses the vera You might also like