13 Field Astronomy

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| | | the compuer. Prompt messges and infrmation can be watseted to the “T2000 dplays. OF pair in terest i he possibility of seasuring ‘jet by tren om 0 tho foies (Fig. 12.23), ‘Two T 2000 ype insrumenss can be comet 10 the Wild GRE 5 Dat Terminal. Using the Min RMS program, co-rdimtes of in ‘eseced ps are computed and recoded. The diame bets ween ay pair of object pins canbe cl Cased and display. For complex “plications and special computations, Iwo o¢ re T2000 oe T 2000'S can be used with the Wilde BMS 2000 Remote Meawing System 1284, WILD T 200 § “TEOMA ‘Wild 2000 S (Fig. 1218 (8) combines the pong accuracy of a special teescope ith he precision of T2000 dynamic cle mesrring syste, This reels ale mest ‘ofthe highest accuracy. The telescope is panfoca? with a 52mm bei for an exceptionally Twig, high cemast image. It focus 10 objet O'S m from the tekcope. The focsng chive tas course and fine moveme, [Magnification and fel! of view vary with focusing dance, For observations to dant ‘urge, the Feld is redced and mafcaton increased. AC clase range, He field of view ‘ides and mapnifiation seduced. This unique stem provides idea condtions fr obit 1 every distance. With the stad eyepiece, magnification is 43 X with telescope focused 1m infiniy. Opisnol eyepkces for higher and lover magifcaéon cam abo be ft Stat of the Hie of sigh with change in foating is 2 spill fexure of te 7 2000'S tlc Ht is 2 uve signment telescope foe mavoloy, industry std opi tooling indy. 1 2000 S can ali be fied wih a special tre designed for pong to smal orp : ‘A speci get cn also be tino the telescope atthe ineracion ofthe hain sd verial aus. The targets invalble for bringing the les of ht of wo T 2000 ' exaly io coincidence. This is Ue wt pretiminsy proeedue prior © messing objects by he RMS inlesection meted For faigueee’miximun-prcsion aut>colimation messuemess, the telescope i ‘valle with an aue-collimtion eepice with nepnive rele (gen crs) Like T2000, the-"E 2000S akes all Wil Disomas. Tt can also be connect she GRE 3 Data Terminal ra] Field Astronomy 18.4. DEFINITIONS OF ASTRONOMICAL TERMS 1. The Celestial Sphere. The milion of srs that we See in the sky on a clear tous ght are all at varying disancss fen us. Sine we te concrned wi tt ctv distances rater thn ei anal distance frm te oberver, itis exceiingly convient 1 pure the sts a distrbued over the suface of an imaginary sphere sky baving i cme a he poston of te ober. This imaginary sphere On whch hy sts apyeat © ic orto be sted i known as the Celso Sphere. The rads ofthe eet sphere nay be of any valve ~ from 2 few thusand mete to a few thowend lilomeus, ‘Since bie sas ae very dist fom us, te cene of the eamh may be taken ay the conse fhe exe sptere 2. ‘The Zenith and Nadir. The Zetith (2) ie the point om the wpper ponton of lo celestial sphere marked by pmb tine above the cheever It & tat the gon on le celestial spore immediatly Above the observer's sate, The Nadir (2) is be pom the lower portion ofthe cet sphere marked by the pmb line below te observer, 1 is ts the point on the exestal spe vertically below the observes ston, ——3--The Celestial Hoenn (a called Trae or Rational horizon or geoceme horizon) ¥ i te great circle traced upon the celestial sphere hy tat plane which Is perpen ‘tbe Zeaith-Nadir tne, and which pass tough the cent of the earth: (Great cicle it secon of a sphere when the cating plane passes trough the ccm of the sper), 4. The Terrestrial Poks and Equator. The eresrial poles are the wo points in which the anh’ axis of roerion meets the earth's spre. The terrestrial equator i the great circle of he eth, he plane of whichis at righ angles fo the ais of rotation “he to poles ae equdtsnt fom 5. The Celestial Poles and stor, H te car's ass of cotton is produced Indefiitey, i wil meet se cls sphere i vo point ealled the north and soul eet oles (P aad P). The elena equnar is the ees cle of the celestial sphere Ia whieh 4 meted by the plane of terrestrial equate 6 The Sensible Horizon. I is a cite ia which a plane passing trough the point f observation and angel tothe cat's surface (or pepemtcular to the Zeid Redi ine) imesets with celestial sphere. The ine cf sight of am accurtely levelled eecope es ia this plane, SRB gg 7. The Visible Horizon, tis the ctle of comact, wih the earth, of the ‘cone fof visual rays pasing through the poi of observation. The cre of contact is 2 small Cicle of the cath and i rade depends on the altade of the point of obseation 8. Vertical Circle A vertical circle of ie clea sphere is rea cle pasing tough she Zenith and Nadi, They all cot We cles Boron at right angles, ‘9, The Observer's Meridian. The mein of any particular point s tht circle which pasths through the Zenith and Nadir of the point as well as through the poles. Kei thar verizal cic 10, The Prime Vertical. It dar pacar vertical cile which is at right angles to the meriin, and wish, serfore passe Oouph te es and west points of the Bion 11. The Latitude (0). Ie 6 the anguar aitance of any place on the anh’ surface north or sou of the equsut, and ismeasured on te meridian of the phe. M iS marked + or (or N of S) scoring at place is no oF south of the eqn The laine may also be defied 8 the angle Feween the nent) andthe cles tor 12. The Cofatitude (). The Colnitde of 2 pice is te angular distnce fom ite zen to the pole. I 8 the complemen! of the lainde and eqal to (90-0) 1. The Longitude (@). Te lowiude of 2 place is te anple Bewoen « fied reference meridian called the prime of fest marian and he meridian of the place Toe prime meridian universally adopted is thar af Greenwich The fngitde of any place varies tween 0” 10-180", and is rexkined a ¢? east or west of Greenwich, HA. The Altitude (a), The slide of colin! or tesvely body (Le. G8 sin ov sta) is i angular distnce above the horizon, messued cn de vertical eile passing ‘Geough he body 15. The-Coalttude-or Zenith Distance (). It iste angular distance of bevy hody fiom the zenih. Ir ite complemen 0° the alide, ie, t= 0" = 0) 16 The’ Asimuth (A), The asimut of a bravely boy is the angle tween tie observers meridlan and the vera cice pssing trooph the body 17. The Decinaton (8), The dscinaion of a cxesal body is angular dstame fom the plane of the equator, seasued along the st's sudan generally cad the Gelnaion cele, (Ge, gee cle passing tough the besvenly body and the clea fic) Decnation vars ftom (10%, and marked + or~ according as the body it nomh or outh of he equator 18, Codectinaion oF Polar Distance p) tis he angular disance of the tevenly tosty fom the peter pole, Iv is the complenent of the dcinion, Le p= 90-6 19, Hour Circe. Hor cris are great cles pasing trough the north at south celeiah poles The destination cicle of 8 heweny toly is ths is hour cic 28. The Hour Angle. The hour angle 2f 2 henvely boty is the angle tween the oberve's meridian and the declination ciclepasing ough te body. TRE hour angle is always mesured wesnard 21. The Right Ascension (R.A). I i the cinorl anlar distance nessred ‘astwort fom the Fist Poim of Aris 10 the hour cle trough the beavenly boty For more books :allp fin 22. uinoetal Points. The pots ofthe imerseton of the eclipse equate are calle the equnoctalpons. The deviation ofthe sun B zero atthe eqn poe ‘The Veal Equinox or the Fist Point of Aries <1) is te poiat ia which the sus seslnaion changes om south t nord, and marks the commenceinent cf sping. is 2 fred pst on the celestsphere. The Autunncl Equinor or the Fst Pot of Libra (2) 5 te poim in which the sus deintion changes trom mrt to south, and marks ‘he commenteneat of aun. Both te equnoctah points are six mone apart in tine 23. The Betti. Eclipic is be great circle of the heavens which the sin apes to deserve on the celestial sphere wah the arth as 3 cone in the couse of yeu ‘he pave of the eclipc is clined 10 the Plane of tbe equator at an ance (ala he ‘biguiy) of about 23°21, ba is wbjesed to 8 dimionion of about 5° ia a centy 24. Solastices. Sobstes are the pis wien tbe noth and south detintion of the sun is 3 maxima, The point C (Fe 13.3) a whieh the nor dectination of te sun ain called the summer slasice Ive the poe Cat which sth Scinaion of the sum is maxima i kaown asthe wir Solasice. The ease Is jut the tevere in he seuthem hemisphere 25, North, South, East and West Directions. The noth al south pis correspond to the projection of the north and soul poet om the horizon. The marian lie i the Hie in whieh the observer's meridian phe meets Boizoa plane, andthe sth sod south Poms are the oins on he exneniies of it.The decom 2? (in plan om te plane Of horizon) the diction of aon, vile the direction PZ isthe dretion of seth. The easiest tne it the tne in which the prime vertal mecs he botizoa, and eat an) west poins are the extenies of. Since the meridian plane & perendicuar 12 fate the egaoral plane as well as hotzomal plane, the ineoetons of Be equator end horcon deerine the east did wet pts (60 Fig 13.) 13.2. CO-ORDINATE SYSTEMS ‘The poston of 2 heavenly baiy can be specified by) two spercal coordinates, Le. by so angular distances measured along arcs of exp gieat ics which cot each cer Tigh les. One Of te great cue 1S anown as Whe pomary circle of the reference fad the oer as the secondary cele of reference. Thas'in Fig. 13%, te postion of te pot M can be specified with refereace tthe plane OAB and the line OA, O being ‘he origin of the co-rdiaes. fa plies posed though OM and perpendicular tothe plne of O48, it will ext he ter inthe ime OB. The two sphere co-ordinates of the point Mae, therefore, angles 40B and BOM at te cene O, or te ance AB an 6. 183, me ecu. Bl a prin! soonony, te psn, of ses body amb pce bye along Sg of coors he tram sem 2. The inpentnt equ sem 5. The dependent tril ten 4 Te ei! ade and lnginde stem “he hrm stem pene on poston he serve Te independent: nal nten ieee of epson arith seer aot epson py 0 Steen anyon the eh In de ie rade epatoal ‘em, on of eet a Meee nicpendent of te pasion of he oblenet wile the ter se SSE lass ty te former dlgefent on te potion of te ebserver. These i Sober gsm of coor, Ao ase clam, which th Fson BE aay specie by he cla lade al tbe cele lng 7 THE HORIZON SYSTIM (ALTITUDE. AND AZIMUTH SYSTEM te the borne sjsem, the horon te pa of refcence and the coors covey Body ae () te oath abt (@) he atude. This yen is exces Mee a te an mesure hrc an veal angles wih he epee Tae Rs feo gre site of teletoms ate the rion and De lseer's meridian emer tig ‘te primay cite and te ter be secotary che Terie 135, M is e heavenly ody i the Easter put of We cdesial shee 2 ty ota ni and Pip he eee pe. Pass aver ce le, 8 Bea ce eae Daweh to iment te bron plana A The ft corde of Mt tee De mah (2) whch te age hemor We observes rian and the Meith ugh he tx The tii an er be messed yh agua isnt ‘ows te hon, essed foe Be me coe Bak Sr fe of be veel ice ‘ ‘rough e pol Ii bo equl we took te wea between Or oisan water veel eve hough a Toe Stier evade of ste ate ) swish et guar ince megs Bor fo been) be tone, ease aah trea ck ough the ty. Snr, Fi, 13.6 shows te postin, Gayot tay in te. Westen at tbe cts sere, I should be bas! fhe be Norber Nene, Bea ‘moh avn ese fom tbe no aoe or meatward dpeniog FC: £29 SODY IN THE EASTERN PAR oma er more.bookssallpdfda pce whether the body is fa he eastern pat of celestial sphere or in the western fut ofthe celestial sphere Inthe southern Fenispere, the azimuth i measured fom the stat w te ent oF the west. ‘ternary, the poston of» bay is, sametines specified in eos of zenith dsance ond aciath. The revit sistance ff ay body ists angular distance fom nih, measured along the veri ei. es the complement ofthe aude, 1 esith distance (2) = 90 ‘The horizon system of co-crdiaes iego const and rapid changes due FIG 18.6. SOOY 1 THE WESTERN PART OF THE a ecu cman SPHERE 2, THE INDEPENDENT EQUATORIAL SYSTEM (THE DECLINATION AND “RIGHT. ASCENSION SYSTEM) ‘This system is wid in the pubicatioe of sti casloges,” almanacs, or ephemeris in which the poston of heavenly bodies ae refered w0 spherical co-ordinates which are Inkpendeat ofthe observers pasion. The to great circles of reference ae (i) he equatorial fire and (i) the decinaion cic, he fener being he primary cicle and the Later the aconday cle of referee. For fied tars, thie system of cordate i indpendem of te place of observation, and meaty inkepenient of the tine The fist co-eliate of the body (M) 8 the right ascension, which is the angle nance along the are of the cles egutr mestred from the fist poi o° Ane (1) 35 the poige of reference towards ast up 10 the detnaion cele pasing Wwouph he ‘ody, Is abo the anle, meal eatward atthe celestial pole, Bereen the hour ile ‘hrogh 7) and te decinon eee tug M. The maton of tesa is fom Esst 1o Wor, and hence the Right Ascesion is measired in a dieton opposite v0 the maton of the heavenly by Ie may be ‘measured in depres, minutes and seconds fof are ot in hoor, mites and seconds of ime, Thus in Fig. 137, 1P is the Dour ite throueh T. MMP is the ox cine, (or the dskinaion ir) of | M. ‘au TH? is the RA. measured aloag sae of the equator ‘The other co-ordinte im this system is te decision (). Hi the dsance of te tedy from the equator measured Shag ea oft Gln sce The". 187. TH DECLINATION UG ssn - ome eelinaon crcle accompanies the body in is diurnal cours. The dosination is cone positive wha the body is nor of the equator and acgaive when itis 40 sou ‘The polar disance (p) is te complemen of the delimaion, Le, p=(90*—8). In Fig. 137. O60 is the paitve decimtion of the body (8. The values of decinaion and right ascension ofa fx sta im the heaven, altho early contig, ae no alyotuely 0. A reper of these co-ordinates, together with thr tonal change Gi any Bebjoand) wil cable t itomity 4 sar once observed. Sich 3 reper is called 2. calePNe of srt andi cometess of highest importance. The ‘vafiaton ofthe declination and right ascension of the sin is very much greater than Ke te ars 3. THE DEPENDENT EQUATORIAL SYSTEM (THE DECLINATION AND HOUR ANGLE SYSTEM) In his sytem, one co-ordinate is depeeat of the servers poston tn te oe co-ordie eindpedent Df the olsere's poston. The to great Seles of ferme are (i) the horizon fd (i) te devtsaion citcle te the clei ody. the frie bea she primary cc andthe ater he econda ele of rlrene Intissstm. the Firs: courdzae of MC (Fg. 138) & the four ale, Hour angle isthe anguar disance along the are of fe toro eaeretfrm— the observers meridian wo the detintion circle passing though the body. I is Sour so mexurtd asthe angle, sabeaded atthe pole. etcen the cbserer’s me: e w 1 Pl 2 ve. sh le In Westar scan * ce w © oenaten @ ° 1G 139, PLAN ON THE PLANE OF THE EQUATOR I For more books :allpdf.in Fin and the decition cle of he ody. tthe northern hemisphere, the hour ange 4s always measured from the south ad towards west upto the declination ciee, Us vale varies fom 0° to 30 If H vais fem 0° to 10°, the tari inthe ester hemighere ‘tere in the eastern hemisphere, Fig. 13.9 shows the lan onthe lie of te ju, isting tow the hour ample & mesored westward for two posient of te ober, The tier co-ocdinwe is the dectiméos, as in the second system. Ths, in Fig. 138 Sur i te tou an, and MA te elton ofthe ctl ty 4 Mad My being the projections of Mon the horizon and eqinor respectvdy 4. THE CELESTIAL LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE. SYSTEM In tis sem of the coordi, the primary plane of referee isthe eli. ‘The second plane of reference is great ire pong tough the Frst Pint of ies ad perponicular to he plane of the tclpdc. The 140 coordinates of ce etal body are () the eles! Iie (i) the celestial. onginde ‘he celestial aude of body is the ae of great cle perpemiclar to the ecliptic, iret betwen te ‘body andthe elipi Iti positive for megane depending ypon whether ‘meas north or sou ofthe eligi. The elesal fongiade of & Yay is thea ofa ecipti inercepted between the pre crete pacing hough the Fist, Point of Aries apd the ciel of the Cele tainde passing through the body. It is measured astra fom 0 360°. Thus, in Fig. 13.10, MyM is he clea attde (eon) and ag, 1330." CELESTIAL LATIIUDE AND LONGITUDE 1M, is the celestial ongade for the heavenly body Comparison of the Systems. 2s sates earl, the azimuth ani atiude of a sr sie,not contant but ae continously changing due to diaraal motion O> the other tan She right ascension and cetnaion of a sur ae constant, becuse the reference poi te Fi Pint of Ares, paras of the divrmal metion of ‘be sn. Howser there & oo ‘isumen wtih can mexsre right ascension and dciaton of the sr dire. The ainath and tr sue of 2s can De dey measured wih the help of todo Keowng ‘he Boor ane nd the azimuth of » sur right ascerson a declination ean te computed from tie sleon of the asuonomical irtgle provided the instant of tire at whe th body" was in'a catin positon (e., the Hour sage) is also deemined. Tins, both the Systm are necesary — the fist ove for the tet fel! chservatons and the second one for the computions requted it respect of the preparation of the. star_eatlogus. Ne ect 183, THE TERRESTRIAL LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE We have discused the various systems of eoordinaes to establish the positon of 4 hevvenly body on the celesial phere. In order to matk the positon of 2 point on the car's sufce, itis mcesary © use a sytem of cordate." The teresa latides and ongndes are uscd for ti pepe ‘The teretrial meron i any great ile whose pane pases though the axis fof le ca (ie, sbvough the nor ané Seath ples). Teresa equate is the teat ire Whose plane is perpenficular 10 the fants ais. The imide 8 of a place is the angle subtended at the cemze of the arth ot by the are of meridian ieee ‘een he place and he equa. The ate is mnt o posve when measured above the usr, and is south or egaive when reared below she equtor. The laine fof + point upon the equator is thus 0°, while ar the Nori and Sou Peles, ie ie 90°N and 90° § latin respectively The codatide is the complemen of the laid, an i the eistane beeen the point and poe messed long. the mean The longitude () of place isthe ¥ ang ade ty 6 meridian ple with some FG. 811. THE TERRESTRIAL LATITUDE AND fied meridian plane tinal cose, and tonertupe ‘= neared by the ac of ower imeceped bewwen thse evo meridians. The prime Imelan univer adopted is tat of Grsnbich, The longnde of any place vais between (0° 160°, and reckoned as §° east or west of Greenwich, All the points oe meridian hse te same loninte, ‘The Parallel of Latitude ‘Te parallel of lattade tough 2 pint is 2 sell cile in which a plane chrough hat point, and a right angles to te earth's axis, insects he earths surface. All the point on the parallel of inde have the some litde. Toe aetidiane are great ciles, Of te Same diameter while tbe pall ofa linde ave small cies, and are of different ‘Giants depending upon the latte of te place tough which the pale ofthe lade is dava, Due to tis reason a degree of longue has pot diferent values at iferem lanes — higher the Tide smaller the value. At the equtor, 1 degree” of longitle 1s eaivaleat toa este of about 69 mils, Howexer, 2 deyee of laine has the conan Value of 6 miles everywhere To fin the issnce tere evo points A and C on a pale of tte, consider Fig, 1.11 in which 0 line of A= lance of C,¢= longitade of 4, and 4° = longitude of © Toe angular ats PA of the paral of laude. = 90° ~0 _-f or more books::allpdf.in acoA wow we C= 9M onere 0° is the cente of tide Now ae AC = OF tere 0 ofthe parte oA = 2A, sine 08, =O4 = acne of te eats 4 = sn 004, sie £400= 90" a ACE AG, sin(90" =0)=B08 8. AC. % (AC co latte % difference of ogi. “The shores dintanse measre log. he surfce of the canh between two ples is te lng of the are of the rat cele jig them. The disance terween vo pois Ja nwteal mils measured aloag the pari of lide i call. he deparae "Ts, departure = diference in longitude in mites % cos latitude “The Zone ofthe Barth The cart has teen divided ino cerain sones depenting yp the paral of laine of Cerin valve above and below the equr. The pall of bxinde 23°71 sort of equator is town atthe rope of cancer. The parallel of tie 25°27} sou of eqmtor is Kaw at the ope of epricom. The belt or zone of far between fee tro opis i own a5 the ‘ot one_ Th pcle of Wate 66°32) sor of equator is salle the oric ile and of 1 similar vale South of equa is called the nace. Th bet terween the opi of Gancer and he acces Kon 25 the north ‘aperae cone while th tt between te ope 2f capricorn ad the acti cil is known 3S te soul fnporte cone The ek beeen 1G, 1 THE ZONES OF THE AKT the arte cick ud the noth ple i cald the orth figd me and te belt Detwoen te anacic ile aud the south pole is called the souk frit one “The Navical Mile. A asl mie is opal 10 the distance on ave of the grat cir corespoating to ange of 1 mimic subtended by te ae atthe centre of the ear “Taking mds of earth = 67D lometes, we hve scat mie = smbence ofthe grea Ove mail nite mcf te 134, SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY AND SPHERICAL TRIANGLE Sioce in te astonomial savey many of the quits involved are the part, of the celeste, 2 simple kaowloige of spherical gosomety i esenil ‘Spherical Tangle ‘A pba rangle is at wane which js formed upon the eerfce of th the phere by intersection of tree are of seat cis ani tie angles formed by the ars at the vertices of the angle are called the splerzal angles of the wlan ‘Tas, in Fig, 13.13, AB" BC and CA are the tice ace of great cles and intersect, faeh ober at 4, B and C. Its usul to dente the angles ty 4, B and Cand theses respectively ype wo them, as a, amd c. The sides (of perica ransie are proportional 9 the angle Sablon By them ot the centre of the sphere Gand are, therefore, expressed in angular measure hus, by sn b we mea the sine of Be angle subtenieat the cente by the ae AC. Aspherical angle i an angle between eho great Cees, and defined by the plane angle between the tagens 10 the cies at thet point of intersection. Thos, the spherical angle at is measured by the plane angle Tidy between the tangents Ad, and Ady 10 the great chs AB and AC Properties of spherical tangle The folowing are the propries"of 2 spherical triangle Any angle & les thn 00st angles or =. 2 The som of the hoe anghs it les than si right angles or 3 and greater ‘han 96 rake angles or +. 3, The sum of any wo ses is greater than the ti 44 If te sum of any two sides 8 equal 10 two right angles or x, the sum of the angles opposite them egal © TWO sight angles or 5, The smaller angle is opposite te smaller side, and vice vers Formsla in Spherical Trigonometry “Te six qunites involved in a sphiresl ingle afe eee angles 4, & and C and the tee sider a B and c. Out of tes, if tee quaniis a’ kaon, the ofer eee fan very eaiy be compote by te wee of te following formule jn spherialtrgomomet sina sinb_sne oe ton ase 7 2 one fm gran es sePeC i i ee dnisite Fe 3. For competaton purposes For more books :all i i aa } aT in = B sn bsine oT «36 Ewer ssferoro, i 4 Sima, a \ aa Seon) m See «sn a (13.8) «39 wee : F 310) | «san ‘ «at a A189 By ‘THE SOLUTION OF RIGHT-ANGLED SPHERICAL TRIANGLE. 1 “oe reontipeof kane hve age ae very coment oie fom | spires of relay par A th (i 15.14 (a) ABC iw aphr ingle ihanged at C. Nii das te cic pats allows bE (the side a 1 one side o! the righeange, E (the side bo de other se of the vaicange, i i) the complement (90°) of the angle A, (@) the complement (90°~ ¢) of the side, and (0) the complement G0 =) of the angle B. 4 ‘Thee five pans ate suposed » be arrangod round & ctcle (Fg. 13.14 (6) in order in which ey stad ia the wiatle. Thos, ning. with the side we have, in ona, b, 90° ~ 4, 99° € and 90°~ 8, Then, if any partis considered as the ‘mide pa toe two parts acento as “adlacem pons’, and the remsinng two as “oppo Dans ve have the fliowng sues by ‘Naper sine of mide par product of rages of the adjacent puts AD ame sie of mide part = prodct of canes of opposite pans +) ‘Ths, sin b= tana tan (90° 4) rs n= cs (50° 8) es (0%) By choosing dilfeest pars in tur as the mile parts, we can obtain allt posible relnstps between the sides and angle, ‘THE SPHERICAL EXCESS ‘The spherical excess of a spescal wiangle ie the valve by which the sam of tee anes of the tangle exceeds 180. “Ths, sphereal exces E= (U4 B+ C~ 180") 8, tas FE oan Esta} 6a) a} dyn! 9) (3.18) 03.15) I geodetic work she spheralwianles on the earths aufae are comparatively sail an the spercal exces seldom exces more tn few seconds of ate. Thespesia fees, in such cise, can be exresed by the approximate formula Bag sein hore R is he radius Of he can and 6 is te aes of triangle expressed in the same liar omit as In order 5 prove the above expresion for thy phacal excess, let us conser the spherialtiagge ABC: Fig. 13.4 (0 whch is formed y thee great circles. These tee bet circles vide, the, whole spee in eight dvsons—the four im one hemisphere being Siar tothe oder four in the eter temiephse Peewee of syramety I Asaey ABC; y= ae ACD ‘n= mea CDE; ay wea BCE 0315 er, more books:.allpdf.in sues of wholespher Re cast sphere Co ames of the spevial ingle 2 Eridewly, — (A4A)= 5S ata ghens ad tan siens ABe say etet e EEEE sn Bat ante _ o iso, 84 A:4 Bs 8) = a0ea of hemisphere s ; 2 - 17 surety @) frm (), we gt 24 (9 COMPUTATION OF mec Siysarc- So masSoute+c- 180 fom Euston, 13.14 st toy IN og Resa 8 ge AI ov B= <8 seconds {13.15 (ail ‘are’ of sperical triangle ‘The ste of spherical ange my be obtained fom the formula RATES C= 180) RE a 135, THE ASTRONOMICAL TRIANGLE (Fig. 13.19) ‘an asvonoical triangle Is oii by joiniag the pole, zenith and any star Mf on the sphere by ates of Beat cicls, From his tingle, Ue relation existing smongst the spherical coordinates may be ose, ide. ofthe celestial body) 0319) te f= acing ‘of We -elesial body (MO Iatde of he observer. Thea latiode of the observer =90"-6 =e Patcodelnaion oF the polar disanse of M=90"-5=p ad ‘ik = zeit distance = coainde of tbe bay (90° 2) The angle at Z=MZH imuth (4) of the body ‘The aigle at P=ZPM~ the tour angle (2) of he body ‘The ole at M= Zu ‘Mats ne ~ ete tice sis (he. Mz, Psa PM) of the astronomical i ‘gle ae Known, tbe aagles 4 and ca be compute fom the formulae of sera wigoomety. “Tus, fom E132, we have sn ee wea cont os 37 1 pag. 93s, THE asTRoNMUCAL TRIANGLE 1} Vee 3. sine sin =P) SaG-diin-9) ssn 6D 0317 jspanb-9 ia Vege {1337 (M+ ZP+ Pay =Loe¥ e+) Simuly, tg sme “11818. fee 4 fae m9 YBEOHED aw ' svt soi sin, sara G-2) _\fine-ds 6-9) ea ssoee | secre iil j ran ar onan ce ota i Snes 1 le ipl mt ie oa ee ES Seen TS Se a | pei ge wate aS hans ee sage oe For more books :allpdf.in “The sar i sald wo be at enserm eongaion, when ic it ai rene dance wo the east of the meridian, and at western eoigtion, when itis at its greatest Astance © the west of the meridian, Fig. 1316 (a) an! (8) show the str Af at i easter elongation “ramen IG Fu6 STAR A ELONGXON 1 the detnaon (8) ant the Ustad of the place of obetvation is Anwwn, the simu (A), hour angle (and the atte (a) oF the body can be caleated from the Napier’ rule (Fig. 13.16 (@).and (@]. Tbe five pars then ia order are, te avo sites (ora), O03) and ae somplenens of te vet of ihe rs pana, te (oom. -9)-¥ and OO, Thon Sim of wie ut = pcs of gens of aie pars Sor (90"-0) Hence the declination of 4 crcampolar star is always greer than the colatde fof te place of oberon Simibry, My i a cteampolr sar having its ph Bj which is always teow the hein ae, therfore, never. 136, RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CO-ORDINATES 1. The Relation between Alitade z ‘of the Poe at Late of the Observer. 7 / In Fig. 15.20. 1-4 isthe horizon 4p Y, pi nt Bw ema ge Cf OF ecco te cm 20 re (/ lL) edit 6 HA while OPispepenicar < a 07 ‘Ami ahine of poke=a=ZH0P 2EOP <0? = 2 02 + 20° <04 zor o 2802 = 90 = 2HOP + 207 sat2eo7 Euating te to, we att 1G. 320 0+ 2Z0P=04 2POZ @& Ona Hence the alate of the pole is aluays equal 0 the ltude of the observer. 2. The Relation between Latitude of Observer and the Declination and Altitude of Peat ‘on the Meridian For sar Mi, EM,» 8 = deciation, SM; == meridian abide of sr. rwcrifam zeit dance of str FZ=0 laude of the cere idey, £Z~ EM, + MZ o o=54t “0 “The stove eqution covers lca. We sar teow the ogo, segative sign shold te pen to 8 We de str fstothe orth of ei, naive sgn should be given wo & 1 the sr 1S moh of the zeit ta shove te ole) a8 at My, we have | For more books :allpdf.in PoZM, KP o (90-4) p. where ps por distance = MP o O-a-p 2 Similarty, if the sar is nor of the zenith ba below the poe, 36 at Mt, fe have 2My=ZP + PM, (00° ~)= 60" 8) p, where p= polar diane = My» o Beary ° a ‘The bore reltins form the bss for the mal observation for lite. j 3. The Relation between Righ Asceasion and Hour Ange Fig 13.22 sows he plan of te tear | sptee oo the pane of te eget Ms i the postion of te tt and 5PM iss { wesety our angle. Hy. it te pookon ‘of the First Point of Aries and angle i Ss westerly Hout ange. 2PM is | tbe sight aeeasion of the sar. Evie, a we hive i oar angle of Equinox» Howrante i of sur +RAL of tr ample 13.1. Find she dgerece of Eeiy 2 longi Betmen wo paces and fom 4 their fling longue: ) Longe of A= 40° W Bis oe Longitude of B= 75 W Ro. iat Long. of 4-20 Lng. of B = 150° ©) Lompiade of 4 =20° w Longide of 8 = 50° W Solon, 7 (The ciference of legate between A and B=73°—40r= 8° (2) The ditfeence of logit» berveen A and B= 150" 20% 10" @) The diterence of longi between A and B= 20" —(~ 50% = 70° (@) The ciference of longa becween A and B= 40" = (= 15) = 190° Since it is gremer than 180 1 represents the cbse angular dircace. The 0 angular siference of longinde betwee And B, erfoe, 3 equal 1 260" 190" 2p = 2 Rs" Gin cos) (Proved. ‘The pretest distance between the great cic AFB and the pall of tide ACB vi evienly be along CP (since cP = 99 The distnce AF =b cin te fomd by sin middle part = produ 6 iis or sin (90° 2) = tandem 9" -f) or cos d= tan beot f= tan ct 00" 1) =tanb an Fig. ten b= coeds) or b= PR tn oor dat Now c= cr Pat c= 0089-521 rains cr o[3-1) vn" eo 09 rae Distance along CF= Rais ane atte cente {Fee} deat} aw. Example 13.6, Find the zeih fstonce ont attade or the uper cabninaon of Ihe srs fom vie flog aaa (@) Destination of star = 2" 15'N 0) Deetnaton of sar =23°20°N (© Dectnaton of star = 65°40'N Latiuse of obserer 26° 0° aitude of observer = 26° 40°N Latitude of obzerver = 26° 40°N Salation. (Fig. 13.18) (a) Since the declination ofthe sar ic greater then the nitude of the bserver (8> the upper culmination ofthe star occurs to the non se of zenith, Le, beeen Z and a ence senth distance at upper colmintion «24 =ZP—AP 8) — 00 — 8) = (6-8) x42 1S'~ 260 Aitade of the sar a¢ upper catminaion =90" 15°38 = 16 25- () Since te desnaton of the star is leser an the Tatude of the observer, tbe ‘nper elminton of the star oceus at the south side of te zenith enih istane of the star at upper eximintin = 24, = \P - 2 (= 5) = 0" 0) = 6 — B= 26 AY — 28°20 = 320 Altde of the star at the upper colmizaion = 90° ~ 3°20 = 86°40 (0 Fig. 13.19, 5 = 65°40 N 90-0 = 907 25° a” «69 20 ‘Since the decimation ofthe saris greater tan fe coluimade. she star is cicumpols, and wil never set, The oper culmiation will occur at the noth sige of nib, Le: terweer Zand P. nt “ent distance at the upper cliaation =Z4,=ZP- AP ‘ =(90°= 8) = 00 = 5} = 5 =O» 8S A 25°40" = 39" ‘Aide of the sar at the wpper culmiaaion = 90" 39" = 81. sample 13:7. Find she zenith dltance ond atitbe ofthe lower culmination for a stor having decimation = 85" 20° f the laude of he place of bseration = 46°30: ‘Sohtion, Be 5" 2:90" 0 =90" 46" S0'- 43" 10" Since the detntion of the star is greater than the colainde of the place. ‘i is circanolar and will mse Ta Fig, 13.19, Jet 4, be the fower culmination of 2 cicumpot isan: the lower culmination = A= ZP + PA, = (00° = 0) + 90" = 8) = 180-58 = 18D 85° 20 The atiade of the sir = 90" — 47°50 = 42° 19, Pxample 12.8, A star having 0 declination of 56°10°N has is upper toni i the seth of the place. Find the aliude of the sar at is lower tans Sohtion. (Fig. 13.18) eMC be the sa having A and Bas ts vpper and lower tansis. Since the upper cmon is at Me enh, Z and A coincie nce zenith distance of sar ~ 20 am) Polar distance of the sar=AP=ZP = colniule of ple 90 -5=90°-0 of O=5=56 10 It Me lowest uansit of the sar at B, is zenith distance - 28 = 2 + PB = (90-9) + 90" = 8) = 100" — 9-5 = 18-28 = 180" 112° 20'» 6740 web Q!.more-books-allod fig Star Bs neith 6050 = 450 ent cane spac se so ra ps ae Sot s Altitude of the Strat lower tamit = 90°67 40 = 22°20 os 2M» com Pn P + sin Psa PM cos Example 139. The alindes of a star at upper and loner rans of star are et AO 08 H+ sin 40" sia 69 cae 2 ‘a 20'and IP a, ath the transus being. ot he non sce of zen of the place. nd the deviation of the sar and the laine of the place of observation Solution. ig. 1318) Let M be the sar having A and 2 a8 i upper and tower colmintns, [At the opper culminion, zenith dsuace = 24 =2P AP = 00") G0" = 5-9 ‘ cos A = 0.26828 + 0.44673 = 0.71501, zat 428 Aline of the sar @« 90 = ZM = 90° 44° 21° 45°39” Agia, using the easing le (Eq. 13.2), we hae oe PM ~ eos PZ. cos ZM ‘ia PZ a Aide of star =90°— zenith dite = 90° (6-8). es (930 — con sos 4° 21° _ 38001 — 054780 Bu this is equal 10 70°20" (given) oa in OT 0.834 er 19°29 = 90" -@-8) o 50090" ~ 10 29 = 19°40 “ [At the lower culmination of the star, the zenith distance of the str | = Z8= 20+ PB= (909) + (00-5) = 190° (8+ 8) Aide ofthe Sar = 90 ae tae = 0+ 680° ‘But hs is equ w 20°40" given) Sine oe A is pave the angle A is Bawen SO” and 160 cor (80° 4) =—c0s d= 048972 1A 65°55) FA MOP 655 6° W Esample 13.10, Deen he anu and atid of tar rm he fling daa Lo Dectnaion of sar (i) Hour angle of sor 08-90-27 of BY B= TINE a o io ae Soting eqaion (1) and @), nenge. 8 =68°1 and 0 25°: Sobion. (ig. 12.27) ‘ Note. Shc the abides ofthe sar ot bath the caminatont ae pote, the sor | Sime he tour angle of the sar Ze screamo. wore an 180, tb ia de ester Ne ‘sample 1310. Darin the aimth nd ain of tr frm the folowing da fentsphe and its azithwil be ern (Decimation of sar 20 30° fe shown in Fig. 1327 whee 2PM i Be (i) How ongle of sar oe Scrooge. Toe sr M i bbw inet gastos the equate etna Is megatve Sotto. Vg. 13:25 News 2 coli = 05" =" ‘ The Hour angle of the str é mas =(~ 8 37)=98305 a and ice 16 mes torts = 36H 2360 — 32" «36 wet, the sir ia he ween part of ning te sie el ich te emigre as sborn a Fg. 1326 fag he Wi ie ca be cle by c Tne tomo 8 PZ, we have |e cose re (Ea. 132 9 2 Fusco = con Pan P+ in 2 ve Sree eae sia Po no nz ; Cae 40" co 930 + in 4° sin 98°37 ex 38° == 0.1528 050004 «038771 LEM = Ho 6 i hase si a ee as eee t + Aine of thy star = 90° = 67" 117= 22°47 ah (Mee sar i thos above the horizon) | eee page thee ‘Agin, from the cosine rule (Eq. 13.2) For more books :allpdf.in sre in i OF TT = 028061 7 Sine cos 4 is negative, he vale of A is teeveen 90" and 180° 05180" - A) =~ 5 A = 07508 (so y-4e or ‘imu of sar = 138° 38. Example 13.12 Determine the hour angle and detnation of a star from he flowing ona od (i) Aliude of the star 2p 36 Acimath of ear “ew (ii) Lavine of the place of observation = 40 N. Sobtion. (Fig. 1326) Sime the sziath of the sar is 2° W, the sar is in de western bemisphee Ia the astonomial a FZM, we have . PL colstinade = 9" - 4 = 50; ZM = pata = $0" = 23° 35° 6724; ale A= 2° ‘Koving the (wo sides ae inchded angle, the ied sie can be elated from the cosine formals (Eq. 132 2) “Ts, cos PM = cos PZ 008 ZM 4 in PZ sin Zo A = 28 57 cos 67°24 + 50. in 67 24-08 2° 24702 + 00556 = 07258, rue = 39828 Declination of the sar=5=90"— Pe = 50" 39°25 = 0°36 N, Simiuely, knowing all the thre sites, the wr angle H can be cated fom Ba. xe 2M. P2coe PM _ oa 61 24 eon SOP en 3928 cos H: i eee ee eee eee ‘in in Pi Tan Pa 0.38990 — 0.4969 = CEO «0 86 cos (180°) = 025086 80" = 76-39 = 19927, Example 13.13. Dacre the how angle and delination of 2 star fram he fling a ) Abide of the stor 2 Azimuth of the sar (3) Latitude of the obserer Solution Refer Fig. 13.27, Sine he azimudh 9 estar 140 cin ester empire In the aonomical tnpe ZPM, we have 2890 == 902130 = 6 30; ZP= 90-0908 5 41 owing be two is and Oe ibd an, eid sie canbe cle by de ese te (Eq, 132 2) “hs ot PM = cos 2M oo 27+ sn ZM sin 2Pces. os 68 0 xs 2 i 68 A S42" os 1" 0276-04691 = 0.2055 : PM) = 02085 oF 180" Pag 12" ‘PM = 101° 48" a Desizaton of he = 90° 10198" « = 1°48 144 § Attia, Hnowing all he ree sles, te sgl cap be cad fom the cosine (E4182) Ths coLMZ~ 28 ZP. co MP ox 68° 7 ~ con 42" cos 11" 8" ces (180 form eH ‘82? sia MP ina sn 1 036650 + 0.15198 OOS ore Hea \ Bot H, is te angle messed in the eastward rection. our angle of the star = 360° — = 360"=37" 40 = 322°20, Example 13.14, Colca the sun's axinwh dad hour angle at sunse ata place in tastude 42°30" N, when ie decinaion 18 (a) 22°12" Nand (b) 2212'S Solton Let 0s conser the asvonomical wiangle ZPM, where MT is the potion of the son Since te sun on he hrion at its seing, it aline & zero, and hence 2M = 50 Aso, P20" 4° 3 ATI @ Phd = 90" = 20 2 = 60 From the wiangle ZPM ‘we get by cosine le 08 PM e082. ot ZM + sin ZP i 2M, cos & Bu eas ZM cos 90"= 0 and sin ZAT=sin SOP 1 coe = SEPM 60 OT $8 ene 4 25561 SP an Hace azimuth of the sim a seting = S9° 10° West, ‘Agsn, from the cosine re, we get 082M = cn 2P. coe PM + in ZP sn PM 08H But cos Z = cs 90° = 0 > Hence cos H=- cot ZP. cot PA =~ cot 4°30 ct 67 a8 oF eae (180° =H) = + cot 7° 30 cot 67 4" 180° H=68" 08" or A = 80" 68°08 = 11°57" esce sun's hour angle a gunet = 111° 51"= 827" a see Or. more books:-allpdf.in (As before, the azimuth is give by oP cos 4-22 Here, r a 42S BL Hee, Pi = 90 at Pas 37 and 2M = 90" as belore os 12 cas oT 48 Saas os 748 4 or ce 4) = + © ear * From wi 190" A910 or A= 120 Ainuth of he sim 9 sist = 120" 50" West os H =~ cot ZP. co PM =~ cor” 3 cot 112° 1" = ca 4730 co 6748 Hao Simitay, ence son's hour angle af suet = 683 =832" 12" Example 13.15. Calculate che sun's hour angle and asimuoh at swwise for o place in late "30° S when the delnaton iS 22°12" N Solution Conse the ssonomical taeyle Z'PA, where MTG the postion of te sun at the horizon sad P* isthe soath pole ZF 290" = 90-42" = 47°30 ZIM 90", since the sun is at horizon (MP * 290" + 22° 12 112° By the cosine rue, one 2'M = cos 2P cos PM sn 2P sin PM cos H But 08 2'M = 05 90° = 0 7 Hence ns = co "Pct PM =~ eat 4730" 12" 12 ‘ 47 90°00 648" Hence Boos Sine be san ie at 6 seting, its nour angle 3s eastern a — 6" 9 = LL = Ta Hence weserly hour angle of son a ga s08 PM con TIDY __ cos 6M 48 Apt, a8 before, OA SS Zp sm gH sn eT os 6 8 sei an 3 MOP A= S910 oe A= TDF 59" 1 Hepce the azimuth of the sun = 120° 50° East 437. THE EARTH AND THE SUN 1. The Earth. The Eat is considered approximately spherical in shape. Ba scl. its very approximately an oblate spheroid. Oba pbeoit sth fre formed by evolving fn ep tout i minne axis, The earth is atened at pos = its diameter slong te prot binge tn ET a he et, THe er ais of te Bre ing ys ph 8 wan Be pra fe eth S ©88912 kn. The lipiy Beard ty te ry 22, ated eter w sh veess fit consans were sted ar follows 085462 he ici Be ‘he cr reac a mio o tr ase pt 8), onan ans cus y ar tom Wes Eat oe exh einaded safnny Sto sca’ shoe abe wah solos Tie ah mon ape ‘root rand te ct fom Ext to Wo The at of on of eh Se pur ats and on pms at chit ie eae of ee nd Se Non ne So Gopi! Teel Pai ss oe tn of ate Stour fe pe eco Ot oto sf wn eve ha Pn ie at an ame of 2°77 tte pe of theo The ine of» oop Coton ound ein om yer” Te ape ph of unit Oe Het tou of bh drat tial eo ee The ca en i ea nr ding pe pw of ae cf cain vai toe al we eg Thee ven the rs of te aN and 29 755 kro te fri twee F192) The he toe pon he es fi. Th a il een 2°72 Wa 2) Nott Sead hen empress, Be el ech 2°27 S an 2S Sl south operate ne Te fe beer S625 N an he Mh pe tbe minh pid tone se Bk se, 63's nh ple ele st Figs om 2 The om, Te in bm ace of 508000 mis foe ca Te r sane i only about ses stow 109 ines he Gee fe ca aed sted a ale of 3059 a he cente Ofte erie at of stp stom 332.090 ims ht of i a. TE tempera St te cone of the sim cmp Yo be sot 29 milion dese ‘he sn tas two aparece wih wept fo he eh om et io es, ant he ober wi raja te Tac ors clase. The oer dens ph of te an bin te plate whch poses though te cme of th coal STooe and ess fin» pe cle Cll eee The spp ttn of te Sin b song tht grt cies The gle beeen th pte. of eq snd ele ia the Obligay of Eee. vase big 23°7 The oy of Sle canes ih nem sea ina of 0-47 “he pina of te ine of thetic i the eur ae cle the esas pois, te ernton of enon beiynos hese pis. The. Yona! Epon othe Frat po of Ares (2) ste ptt what be sos lon chang fom soa fo pak ‘The dna! Ezuinct or ie Fit poi of Libro (3) sth pl la wich For the Survey of India, 9972582 and of ac of he newest ser The dimer of the sun is : | i For more books :allpdf.in the sun's destination changes fom sath 0 south The pois at which s's decisions fe 4 matimom are alld solves. The poiat st hich the ror decision of sun is ‘maximum ie called the sumer solve, While the point at which the sca declination Of the sun is maximom is know as the nimer coltie . ‘The Earth's Orbital Motion Rownd the Sun —The Seasons “The ear moves eainand afound the sin once in a year in a ph that vey early 4 huge circle wigs radias of about 93 wilions of miles. More acura, he ath is deseibod as an elpre, one foxes of he ligse being oecpied by the sun. The eral sausor 1 ta) er sont) (ornctteeatrsces (6) Secon cf eg noes FAG 0.9L FECT OF EARTHS AMAL MOTION ah is hus a varying distances fom the sun, The obit es (very ney) in one plane ‘The apparent path of the sun i in the same plane The plane poses tough the centre of the ceet sphere and imersces it in'a title called the eclie. The plane ofthe clip is icin at about 25°27" fo hat of te eqn. Hence, the als of the exch is inclined tothe plane of the eclipc ot an angle of 66°33’. and remains Praca parallel to self shroughow the yeor The inclination of the axis of te earth round is nbic causes variaions of seasons Fig, 1328 shows the diagrammatic plan and Secions of eat’ orbit [As previously mentioned, te car's evi is an elipue with the sun at one of iis foc, The auth is ths at varying stances ftom the sn, ‘The earth is at 4 pint east tbe sun (called te peritction of the eah's ori) on aboot January 4 snd ot a point artes ffom the sun (called the aphelon of the card's obi) on aout July 5. The earth's ‘ate of angular moverent around the sun is grenest at peribelon and leat at apbeon In postion 1, the cath is ia tht part of the omit where the northern end of the si is poimed covards the sun. The sue sppeur to te fest aorth on about Tune 22, tnd at this time the days ae longest and ph are shone The sume: bees I the ‘ocher hemisphere. This poson ofthe each is hmowm atthe summer sole te postion 2 Sq. 23), the sin is in the plane of the equior, The sighs ae equal crenwhere Tae inant at which this cus is ced the Amal Egunos. The anis of the eat is gerpenicular wo the line ining the card sid the sun. In postion 3. the earth i in tat part of the omit where he nonern end of ass & pointed away from the sin, ‘Tae sun appears 10 be farest: sou (Dee. 22) and at this time wer bepis inthe torhern hemisphee.-The days are shores and sighs are longest. The postion of the ais kaos a the winter sobice. In postion 4 (March 2), the sm is agin in the plan of the equator. The dy and night are equ everywtere, The instant av which this cous is called the Vera! Egunor. The line ofthe expiants isthe imerection of the Pints of the eclpie am he equator, and is a right ales, the line of solsics, Fig. 13.29 () shows che sin's apparent poses at difeeatseasoas, Let sty ‘isin conjunction vid) Fi. 13.29 @). Ths. oo Fig, 1329 (0, ve stall ace the anal rofon of the sun, wile on Fig. 1329 (0), we stall trace the apparent dial paths of he sun at diferent sexons. As is car fom Fig. 13.29 (a) the sun's. deciation sages dally as it progress along the ecliptic. Due 10 the change in the delnaton, its mparent pat of cach day i different from dato the day before. The apparent pa ‘ha ceases to be circular and al the daily pas taken cogther wll ive nse 10 one ‘ominous spiral cure. However, for explanation pupois, ve shall assume ht toUghoat feck day, the sus dclntion is constant —retinng the same vale it his at sunrse ‘On tis assumption the sun's aly paths wil caist of 2 seis of pales ‘stead of pial 2s iesraed ia Fig. 13.29"), 5 On 21st March, the sam is at Y (Fig. 1329 (@)} and ts destination is ze, The, sun's day puth on this day wil be along. he eqsor ring at E and seting a W of he hoon. Is hour angle at E wil be EPZ=90" when i rises, At W. it wil again Ive an hour angle of 90° when it sets. Ths, aay snk night willbe of equal dhration On tar day, the meridian shine $B of the sini ema to the colatiude” As e son a Eor more, books.:allpdfin ae stvances along the ecliptic, is dee- Tinton ivreates. AU the soli point, i sain ts maximum de<- Taaion (25 27) on about June 22. ‘The pall 444 represent sun's path tht day. The su rises at 4, when ts ow angle i equal 4\PZ which greaer than 90°. The sin ses Af, when ie hoor angle is greer faa 9°. The day is ths longest, om 22nd Tune, The merlin side SA abo stats is-maimum vale On Sox. 23, the declination of the sun again aero, te sun's daly pth 1 slong te equator apd the day ad igh ae of equa length As the motion df he su conrnues along te ei, iy destination increases 10 he south of te equate. On December 22, is touthern declination is maximum, CC, represents sun's pat om tht fay, Te sunrises at, when it as the hour angle C,P2 which is evidemty less than 90" and sets at Cy when ie Dour angle it ess thin 90". The hy is tt shorter tan the sigh Ie fe colder fo Winer due 10 1) te days are shore in winter. 12) the mye of snfig strike he surice of the ground more obliquely thas weakening he eating poser of Te sun's as Thoveh the earth is neste to the san in wit it as very small fet in making the winer hover, The amo of het fesived fiom the sun depends upon the tine it remains above the horgen, and abo oe the abide it arains during the oy MEASUREMENT OF TIME De 10 the Jeimate selatinship sith Bow angle, right sserlon ant longinde, the nowhage of measurement of tine is most exentl, The messvement of tbe 5 based pon te appsrem motion of avely togice cused by cat's roan oi ans. Time ‘2 the imerval which lapses, Nerween any two instants nthe subsequent ges, at stall se th following abbrevisions, GMT... Greenwich Mean Time GM.M. GAT... Greenwieh Appment Time LAN. FG, 12>. SONS appAnENT zostTiONS AT Creenich Mean Mnioh Leal Apparent Nooo GST... Greenvich Siderel Tine LMM. Local Mean Midnight LMT Local Mean Tine LWT. Local Sandtd Tine LAT. Lael Appucet Time NA. NNawical mane LST. Local Sitereal Tine SA. Sar Almanae GN. Greenwich Mean Noon 138, UNTS OF TIME 4 Thee are the following systems used for meaning tne * 1 Sitereal Tine 2 Sole Apparat Time 3. Mean Solar Tie 4 Samad Tine 1. Sider Time Sime the earth ftnes on is ans fom west 40 eax, all heavenly bodies (ie the sun abd te fixed star) appeat to revolve from ext to west (ie. in clock wise dieton) round tke exh. Sich motion of the heavenly bees is kaown a6 apparent motion We ‘may comiler the earth wo turn a it aus with abot regular speed Due to this the Sars appear to complete one revolution round the cele pole as cote in constant irval of time, and they crs the oberrers meridian twice each day. For asronomial parses the sidered day is‘one of the principal unis of time. The siderel day ithe inerval Of tine bwameen two sucesive apper transits of the fst point of Aries (D). Kt bens the Ina when the fist pot of Aris records OPO OAC any other insta, the sideel tine ill be te bour angle of Y reckoned westward fom 0 10 24. The sdtel Atay i divded ito 24 hous, ech hour subdviled nto GD ames and each mie ino @ seconds However, the gesiion of the Verat Equiat is ot fixed. It bas slow (and variable) westward motion caused by the precesonal movemeat of the axis, te actual Ierval benween two trasis of the equinox diflers abow 0.0! secon! of ef THE tre ime of one retin. Local Siereal Time (L.S:7) The local sdeeal time & the te interval which Is lapsed since the transit of the fst pont of Ares over the meridian of the place. FIG. 30 For more books :allpdf.i Ie is, therefore, a messue of the arle though stich the cant hit -oated since the eguaox was on de meridian. The loca dere tne thn, equal 10th righ ascension Of the obser’ erition Since the sierat time isthe ur angle of the fst pont of Arica, the hour angle of o saris the sideeal tine that hae elapsed since tt rant. In Fig 1330, M, iy the ston of a star having SPM, (=H) as ts hour angle measured weird and YPM, is its right ascension (RA) measured eastward, SPH is the hour angle of and Nee te Jee siren time Hence, we fave SPM +MY SPY oe star's hour angle + sar right ascension = lca sidereal me 0 1 his sum is greater tan 24 tous, dedvet 24 tous, while if i ie mepave add, In Fig, 13.30 (), the sar Mi in the eter postion T Py i te Right Ascension (essvard) and ZAM, is is hour ange (westvae) Evidently, 2M, (een) 4 1PM, — 28 = SPF LST or star's hour angle + yor right ascenton 28° = 1.8.7 ‘This supports te preposition proved with eeeeace w Fig. 1330 (The readoaship 1 te for all postions of the star ‘When the 1s on te meri, its hour apgle is 20. Hence eqn 1 reduces ‘Star's right escesion= local stern ime at it tans A sidereal clock, therefore. records the righ ascension of sar az they make their per transits ‘Te hour angle and te igt-awersion are generally messed in sine in preference to angular ots. See one compe tation of ext ephee though “60° ceapics 24 hrs. we hive ou = 360" 5 tour = 1 “The ference tetmen the local sidereal times of vo paces is ridemly oqual 0 the aierence in thei oes 2% Solar Apparent Tine - Since a man rules is time with he recuteae,of igh and darkness due 10 ising and sting of te sun, be sieeal division of tine’ oot suited ¥ te needs of en day life, for the pupaes of which the sue Is the mgs convenien time messes 1S solar day is te inetal of time tat elapes tetween wo fuecesive ler tans. of the sun's cenres over the mutdian of the pace The lower tmst chosen in order hat te date may change a mi-night The solar tne at any. sat ithe our angle of te sun's cenre reckoned westard ftom 0° to 24. This i called the apparent solar ‘ime, sad is the time inated by a sundial, Unfomuel,the apparent sear ay is x of constant lngthtisoughout the year bar changes. Hence our modern clocks and sonomcers camot te wed 10 give a the apparent Slar time. The newuform Iegth of the ay iS bee omD reasne (1) We omit of the canh round the sen is wot circular ba elie with sun at ue of is foci, The distance of the eat from the sun i thus variable, In accordance wit te lav of graviaoa, she apparent angular motion of the sun oot uniform =i ‘moves fister when is neater w the eath and slower when away. Due to thy the ain fexche the meridian sometimes earl and sometime ater ith the vest tht the dys ane of differen lengths at diferent seo. 2) The aparent mpbgot eh he cp. Dae is, en ‘tough the eastard progres of then in the ecliptic were nform, the time elsping teoneen the departure of @ meridian fm the eon anc its retin thereto would vary bees fof the obliquity of the clipe, ‘The sum changes is righ ascension fom GP 428 in one year, advasing eastward amongte starsat the rae of abou 1° 2 day. Doe 40 the carn wll uve (0 tn early 361° about i axis 10 complete one solar diy, which will corsgueny be about 4 mimes longer than a sidereat diy. ot the otigicy of te ecliptic and the sun's nega motion cause a triable rate of icrace ofthe sis right ascension. It the ele of change of the sun's right ascenon were uniform, the solar diy would be of tenstant eng troughout the year. 3. Mean Solar Time Since our moder cloks and ehronomeers comet record the varible appara slat time, + fletions sin called the mean suns imagined 10 move at a uniform tte along the eqaior. The motion of the mean san i the average ofthat of the te sun in is Fgh eetson. 1 i supposed to Sart from the vemal equinox at the same time as the Inve son and to tetra the vermal equinox with the te sin. The meun solar dey may be defocd as the interval between sucesive tanh of the mean sun. The mean soar Gay is the average of ll the apparent slat diys_of he year. The mean som hs the constant rate of increase of right ascension which the average rate of increase of the true Si's ight ascension. ‘he foal mean noon (L.M.N.) is the inst woes te mean son ison the mein, ‘The man ime at ary oer intan is given by the hou angle of the mean sun reskoned ‘wesmard trom 0 10 24 hous. For vit purposes, however, 16 found muse, conenieat 1 begn the day at midnight and complete st a te vest midnight, dividing, imo two Patios of 12 outs each. Thus, the 2x0. hour of tbe mean day is at the local mean ‘midigt (LMM). Te iocel mean time (LIM-T.) & tat feckoaed from the local mean Ig. "The ditfereace betwen the eal mean me beweet no places is evideuly ex to the iferene in the longs From Fig, 13.30 (@) if M, 1s the positon of he sun, we have local siderel tine RA. of the sun + hour angle of the sua “ Sin, Loa sidereal ime =R.A. of the meee sin + hour angle of the mean sin (2) The our angle of the aun is ero at is upper tras ence axel siereal time of apparent mon=RA. of the sun ° cal siereal tine of mean ooo = R.A, of men sun mo _ ~fer.more. books=.allpdf.in tier words. the tue im ie 13°12 abe of the stn sen. Simiry, the epaton of time is mpxve When the appaest tine les tan te mean tine. For oanple, COLT. on 184m, 189, he eqton of tine M7 This mane tat appre ime at mean tne willbe 23949" 13° a Jamery 17 I oer weds, be ee sa i bbl the mean si at ot tne ‘Te vale of the equation of time vas im magaide thooghoot tke yer and is | satu i gen in the Navical Almas at Or insta of spate miei fr he pas | fn be tdan of Grech for each day of the year. For any ote tie mat Town! by ang or sbracing the amount by ohich ee emution hat nse Sib sie mine | rt ein on ce i oe ters | sm RI pa oie ma 1 m= ARKENING |p astmoNoMT | Aaa, sce he hour angle of he su (ve oF mean) is ero ats per mast | 4 Hi | ‘while the solar time (apparent or mean) is zero as its tower’ transit, we have Peete ee Se I The apa soa ine =the mor ane te sun + 12 1 | gt eit ii mtn, eh em die Be pc ob A BY with I : io nga wc. Lette ean deste the egal at FAFA. ch te The mean oar oe =e our agie of wean s+ 12 (© | Same nitrm ane sly. Lat bh the sone stn ow oe ooo at i Ths, fe or age of he mean ane 1° (1 tue the mea ce 12+1=13. | fhe int of he anew The ext at PP se tay gat eat tan, which ite sme ig ab 1 ollod mm SS inte atrnoo: te tour | ina dny. When rine nen tA, he mean bn wll ee sang ew angle of the mean sun is 195° (13 hous), the mean tig is 12+ 13=25 bows, which | 9 deimwon cick & drawn Gwough A, it wil met Ue equa in Be The ditecan i is te same ov 1 o'dock mean time afer the midnight (e., nex. day. berm te desman ces of A and C wil ten be the equiv of tine The tome I The Egon of Tine The ieee eres the mein and te apparent sr ie at ay inst kaown i ste epution af tne. She. the nesn tm ie entey 2 Tekiow boty. dee no foes 10 ceoty cbse Ks ropes Forme), te appa tne, was seme by i tobe oberon sad was cehead mean Tne) ouaon of tine, Nowerding howe, | H ten ine bind mre easly by fst emi te ele by sl Sees | fod ten coneriag Ilo meantime oagh he redness sigs, Dat 10 Ons Ul ressn ts more comenen 10 repr the rution of tine 8 the oecin ht Past u ‘be applied 10 mean time 10 obain apparent tne. The nauteat almanac tahuates the valve H Cte option of tie fr vey aye yen, is see (re. pra oe, I an we be a Eguion of tne = Appi ilar tne = Mean slr tint | “Toe exution OF tine i pate when te pues tne moe on te mean tl solar time "10 get the apparent solar time, the equation of time should then beaded Hl to mean solar time, For example, at O° GALT, on 15 Oster guston of the | fine H+ 19°12 This ees tt De spp at man tne BP 12 i| sy ‘etn von Ge rie ng or Ren ee ne The snout of equa of tne nS ens ae ie 90 ee stig et, oil lip of oe We sa cosa te | tfc fuel Yen oben 2 eat i. 1531, EFFECT OF ORLQUITY oF THE ecu. | For more books :all Band C wil coincide only a equnaus and soca. Between the eqitiox 10 solstice CC wil be in advame of B, aml any given meridian wil (tbe earth otses in the ireaion of the ariow) overake fiw the true sea 4 and hen the mean sun. Thr is ‘apparent noon will precede mean noor and hece the equation of tne will Be adv Similarly, between the solstice wo ioe, C wil be bend A and the pation of ine is mracive. In Fig. 15.3, Oe cave 4 dente the eatza of time due fo the city ‘of elgg It may be mad thar the eguston of tine de 10 this rena vanishes four tines tha yeor — at equnares and sosces. Fig. 13.31 (b) shows the pn, on equnrial Plase, SA doe psions of the trut and mean sun at diferent pans of the yen Thus, 10 cowlude, the equation of time de 10 ably of he eric & de to the Jct that the uaform maton along the elipe does not represen uaform motion in the righ ascension. 2 Elptcky oF the Eccentricity of the Orbit Let us now meget the obliquity of ecliic so tat ce orkit of We sum isin the quater, and its apparent path is liga ar shown tn Fig. 13.32 Avthe Petition (December 31, the tre sun (4) and te mean sun (C) start a the same ins “The mean sm () rotates thw form rate while the tae sun (4) ‘oes withthe prea angus ve Toc sme i nearer the cath 1 Pritelion. Duet i, the re fun precedes the mean son. Now, inde he Ge FOGIES To west fovea (Le, in he sane decom 1 that of the motion of the an ‘Song ie orbit indiaed by the surov), any meridian at place fom i will vere the mesa se ‘before the te sun. The mjan noon will thas ocx Yefore the apparent soon, the mean ‘ime will exceed the apparent tine and hence the equation of tine wll be neptve. Aer 07 fom the Perihelion, te tne sun, Hough stead of the mesn sin, wil have decrease in ie angular velocity 0 that the dance between the aun aml te math stn gos on ‘creasing. At the Aphebon Gly 1), toh the suas moot and the cqetion of tine bess ero. Between December 31 w Iuy 1, equation of tine us temas newuive. After July 1 he te aan has leer sgubt wdc than the uniform vslociy of tbe mean sun, ae the mean sua precedes the tue san. The apparent mon wil dis oiSur carer than ‘te mean noon at 2 partular meridian, the apparent tine exceeds the mean tine, and ‘he equation of time becomes postive. Aer abet 90° (Oxtober 1) from the Aptian, the gap between the mean sun and tue sim gradally redvces due to gradual icrenee Jn dhe angular velocity of the te sun, il bot the sume reach perteon at the same ‘ostart The equation of time i¢ tha postive fom Jy 1 © December 31. Jn Fig, 13.3, the carve BB Genoes the equation of time doe 1 eliptity of the omic ‘The Final Corve for Equation of Tine In Fig, 13:3, the curve C-C shows the fint equation of time oun ty cambining the curves AA and 6B. I wil be seen that te equation of Une vanishes far tines 2 yer, on or about April 16, June 14, September 2, apd December 25, From December 25 til April 16. it ie negmtve having a maximum save of sbout 14°20" on February 12 From April 16 10 June 14 ib posve, having is maximum value oF about 3°43 on May 15. From Jute 14 to Sevember 2. itis agin noaive with a mximam value of 6° 2F on July 27. Between September 2 and December 25, it is again posve, ataining is gewest postive vale for the year 1951, aba 1623" on November 4 ia aefsoaofieaafio aol zl io zl i0 afi aafo zo zoo volo 2 Eom ounce {| { 5 5 7. 1333 TE EQUATIN OF TIME TE CORKACHON 10 BE ADDED TO TE MEAN Sundard Time We have seen thatthe local mean tine at & paar pace is" rikoned rom’ te Jomer tansit of the mean son. Thus, at difeem meridians thee will be diferentes sean times, tn order to 3900 confi ansag fa the we of diferent ocak mean tne ft necessary To adopt the mean times on 4 paricse meridian as-the satan ce for te whole of he county. Such a standard merian tes an exact under of burs from Greenwich. The mean tine assed with te sande mendin is bnown as Oe sancord tine, The ference bewoen standard tine and lal mean time at any pace is tt dw to the difference of logge between te given place andthe standard meridian od For places east of the saad meridian, local mean tine is later (or great) than Eor more books::allpdf. 10 amar tine, amd for paces 10 the west, the fel Hine is eater (or lesser) The flloning re the stand meriians of the some of the couries ‘Country ‘Longin of standard meron Degres Times Hrs Mis ‘Goat Briain, Belgium, Spain o° 0-00 Germany, Snzeand we 1-00 i phe 5-8 1 Wetem Ausaia mre 8-0 iNew Zeln wre 12-00 5 Cental Znts of USA ww 6-00 Bish Columbia new §-0 ‘The civil ine for the merlin of Greenwich reckoned fom midnight, is kaowe 4 he Universal Time (UT) 7 “he Astronomical and Civil Time ‘Te asuonomers coun the mean solar day 2s begining at midnight ant divide ic neously fom O° wo 24°. However, for ordiny pueses, it i+ preferable to dde be diy ito halves and to coum fom 0 2c polms + (I) From might © mon Falah AM. (awe meridien), and (2) from ton to midnigh is called PM. Gast sere, Example 13:6. Fd the epution of time at 12° GMT. on’ Jay 1 he folowing dete obined from NA (@) EF, ar \Greerwich mean midnight on Jb) 1, 195) =~ 3° 28.4" 1) Change bervbon the vale for O° July 1, and tha for 0* July 2 Solution ‘The change ine equation of tine for 26 furs =~ 11.824 12 ET wh GMAT-— 32841 5.919 MR Example 13.17. Find the G.A.T, om Febrary 16, 1951, when the GALT is OF 30" AM, Given ET. at GN, on Feb. 16, 1951 =—14° 10 increasing atthe rate 1 second per how. Solon, E:T, at GMN. == 1410, Sin he FT, increasing afer GM. ts vale vill be less tan 1410" before noon Now, 10°30" AM. cccus 1°30" before te soon Charge in ET in 3021s x 1S = 1.5 seconds 1951 fom ~ ae, Change in equation of ine sor 12 sor “2 Equation of time at 10830" AM=— 18" 10-1} =— 14" 83° Now GAT.=GMT. +67, 10°30" 14745-1015" 51% 139, INTERCONVERSION OF TIME 139.1. RELATION BETWEEN DEGREES AND HOURS OF TIME The egress may be comer nt Youre and vice vera by the lowing relation 60" 24 os seth fi atm Less 1s imeiy ‘. ra Example 1318. Express the following anges in hours minutes and seconds (@) 50° 2°48", (6) 8°18°6, (258° 36°97, Soation. i Dye3 fae, 258, ei @ sr 2y-8 ae Me Roe 28 Bag Batre Bao ie 56 = ma0bor 28 Ly cot ont Raat ones c 6 ome Toa 0°39" 12a Example 13.19. Express the following hows ee ime” dpis ie aici (a) P30, 18 e Solin Mae iseare oF )Weiex1s=m0°0 oF ANB 1 BS MMM 224s oF soy se “Tooke 68°55 18 13.92" CONVERSION OF LOCAL TIME TO STANDARD TIME AND VICE VERSA The siffaesce bewween the sanard tine and the lcel mean time at a place is opi fo the dflerence of longinde tetween the place and te standard meridian, 1M the maidian of the place is siuaed east of the sania meridian, the sen, wile moving aparey from eas 1 Nest, wil anit the merlin of tbe place carer than the standard mean. Hence the local ie wil be greater than the sania time. Senay, if the meridian of the place is © the wes of the Sand meridian, the san wil rans the standard midi carer than the meridian of he place and hence the local tel te fever than the Sandad time. Tous, we have For more books :allp LM To Saniwe MT # Dito a te bapa (2) LAT=Sunkid A+ Dimas neg () -®) LST= Santa $7.4 Diente gins () ) We (4) sin fhe mein of place ato te eof the soir ein, ont (=) sgn Ft te we of en! eto We a ine 0 he fed fem the hen Genwi sine, ve Ave LMT. GMT £Longtate of the place ( sample 1120 The sid tne merition in Ina i 8230" Ef te srdard meat‘) 20 ors 24 ne en oe he local ‘ean tine orto ce hing ages) 28, 0) 20 sottion (@) The gis of He piss nae agin te sand esdan S30 E Ditlcize in he gins = 9° = 20° = 6H. he place big 10 the wes te snr mn Now 62 of gine oo Mae 20 om Baemme vo U7 of ongnge Teal =" 10" 0 Now LMT. =Sundad ine ~ Difference in longinée (H) 20°24" LOO 16 106 paid () Longinde of te place <0 W Longitade of te siadud meridian =82°30'E Diflerence in te loginde = 20° + 82°39 = 102 30’, the mercan of the plo ing © Oe west whe sinded merida, 102 aan Bae are 207 of longinde = 32 n = 0° 3 oF Mate PM. Now 102° of fongiade ‘Toul =¢ 50" 0 Sandud ne = 20°25" 6 Sutract he erence in omit = 60" 0! Local mean tine= 19°34 6 past midighe-— 1822 6 PM. Example 13.21, Find she GMT. coreponing 10 the following LMT. (a) 9°40" 12" Aa ato place in longtude 4° 36°W. (0) #552710" AM, oa place In longiade 56 32°6. Sotto Co) temp of te pe is 30-0 ‘Total =2 50 24° [Now sce the place is w the west of Gren, tke Greenwich time wit be mor GMLT.= LMT. + Longinde (¥) LMT. =940" 12 (A.M) ‘Ada the longiode= 2 50" 24" GMT. = 12 30836 or GT. =0'30" 36° PML) (©) angie of te pce 86°50 Noten Fe 64" OF wBaore Total 346" Since the place is 16 the cst of Grvswi, te Greenwich sme wil be lesser tan the oes tine GMT. “LMT, -Longiale LMT. = 83210" AM) SubaetTongtte = 3°46" 8 GMT. <04 2 (AM [Example 1322. Given the Grenuich civ time (CCT) 05 640° 1° Pat. on July 2, 1965, find the LMT. at the places having the longitudes (a) 72°30" E, T2930", and (0) 110° 32°30 E, __. .mEOr.more books=allodf. n Seti 1) Line of te pe= 0 E tor aaahane y= ee ah we 020 a ay tahoe Since te plac: i 10 the east of Greenvich, the ocal mean time wil be more 1 te standard tne, Nev GMT.= 1840" 12" Pas minis Add loop = so" 0 Laer 2330" 1 NSO" 2. PAM. on July 2, 18) Longitude of te place 72°30' W430" of time Since the place is © the west of the Greenish, the loa! mean time wil be ter 2 fe sand tine w GMT 640" 12" PML = 18a" 12 Past midge Subact Jonge = @50" ot Lt. sate ta akon ay 2 1 temps 3 p= 1050" Yow n'y art wend oe who oa ‘Toa = 720" 108 Snce the longiude isto the eat to Greawvich, thee ae OMT. omer. ‘Add ong 8°40" 12 Pas ight ~ Pm LMT. = 26°02" 225 oo 2 Po at on ily 3 Lt, AM. on July 3, ~— Example 13:23, Fad the local apparent tne ofan observation ata place in longude (ar 18°, corresponding 10 local mean tine 1020" 30, the equation of time at G.ALN ling 5°439' abdive tothe mean time, and decreasing ot the rate of 032° per hour Solution ‘The equation of time is given a GMN. In ater wo cakulae the ET. at the tien LACT, we will Bive to ft calculate the cotespoaiing G.MLT. and convert 4 fe GAT. Krowing GAT, LAT. can be cad Longine of pce =@" IE =a INE LMT. of obsvation = 1020" 301 ‘Subtae longde ia ie acd GMLT. of cbervaton oe Mean time interval before G.M.N= 12" (619 18) = 5°40" 4 Sine the E.T. decreases at tbe rte of 0.2% per hour alter G.MLN. it wil have increased vale for any tine instant before G.MLN. ‘ Increase for 5.68 tous @ 0.32 per hour =(5 68 +032) = 1.82" Eq, at GMN. =5 43" Ad inerease oie 8 ours BT. at obseration soar Now GAT. OMT, +E, GMAT. of obseraion =e aad BT, hsm gi? GALT. of observaton emma Ad longde in tine -ee LAT. of observation = 129" 367° Example 13.24, Find the LMT. of osenetion at @ place from the following dat LAT. of obseraion = 1312" af ET. of GMN. = 3" 10.65 addve to apparen tine and increasing a 0.22 per how. Linginde of the place = 20° 30°. Sotaton onginde Ff the place = 20°30" W LAT. of observation = 1512" 4" ‘Ads long nine = 1°22" ot wen aot earew GALT. of obsenati For more books :all fi ET a GMN. Tine itera fie G.MLN. "1058! 3h 4578 (The above tine imerval is appoxiate, snc it Mas been aku by subiactige GMN. from the O.AT. while acually the GM.N. shou be abaeed fom GMT Which is not known at presen. Increase for 4.578°@ 022" per bout» (4.578 02) EAT. at observation = 5 1055+ 101" = 511.46 Now GAT. of obseration = 16 34°40 ‘AL ET. 20° 1.56 GALT. of observation = 1639" 51.60 | Deduct Inagide in cine» 1° 22%0% | LMT. of tuervation = 15°17 51.66 13.9. CONVERSION OF MEAN TIME INTERVAL TO SIDEREAL TIME INTERVAL AND VICE VERSA The tropical yar: A year is the yeti! of cans revolution atout the sun, fom some detrmine poston tack again © he same poron. Tae releence poi chase for the use of man isthe fist pois of Arie (1). The year so chisen 1s the topical year the solar year. A Sierea! year isthe time taken by the earth in eaking one complete revelwion round We sun wit) reference to 4 fied sa, The frst point of Aries has 2 razograde modion westwards through an arc of S022" peryear. The revogade metion oF the it point of Aries is dee tothe tration ‘fe moon and the sun which causes the diveon of the ant of the earth alerts sion vey eradually in such a way th ean arrives a the potion ofthe vera equinox 2 Tine eater cach year. Tis pheomeenn is known asthe Prceson of Equinox, Da 1b te precession of Equinoes, chrefore, the earth docs not revolve by 30” round the ta rm pots of vr emon foal eqns eer ot GO ~ 50°22) | Eee ep | Dhnttews mute ee ame SSS Soe { ys na wopieal year, and in the same period 1) Gere ie 568202 sxe age BLO ae we tave te rea i 35202 mean soar doy = 36621 steal dye ui 1 ce A mean sear glass eal dye 29 956.6 sera ie iL te dart saclay ire ye =20 3P5656¢ Mera ime.) | ‘Thus, the mean solar day is 3755.56" longer than the sidered! day nce! hoor mean solar time =1°+9.8565* seal time 1 minute ean solar tine = 1" + 0.1612" site tine 1 second mean soli tie» 140.027" sida sme ‘Thus, to comer the meon solar time 10 the siereal time, we will have 10 ad 4 comecton of 9.8565 per hour of men time. Ths cometion is called the acceleration ‘To get the concept bow a mean solar . yf» onge ime itera ha he sieve poenrot tine, let us study Fig, 13.3, Let C be the came of the earth ant (0b the poston of the chsrver at noon of i meridian at te dae of the euiox i Lat be the position of the car's ceare i the et day, Afr the car ks one complete rota (with reference wo 1), he observer wil be at 0, and the seen! cine wil be the same or 1 as the dy before when he vas a0. However, the sola day 8 the tine Ineral between two suceste waits of the Cente ofthe sun over the meridian. In order thatthe sun transis the obserier’s meridian, the cars will have 10 revave adionly by the arc 0,0" The tie taken for ts aio rota ie 3 minutes 56.66 seconds, ‘Tos, we have 366.2422 sidered day 365.2422 solr days “To conve sider! time ino mean tine, ve hve sas202 toy Sa or 1 sees day =23°56" 4.09" mean slar time 1 sidered tie = 194296" mean solar tine, 1 sider! time 1" 0.1638" mean sobre ine 1 siete ime = 0.0027" mean soar tine ‘Tos, to convert | hour siderel time 10 the mea solar time, a cretion of 9.8296 seconds per hour will hve to be subracte: fos the sidereal time, This coreion is calle te rearaon : [Example 1325. Comert 4 hours 20 miner 50, sends of mean solar time ino iblen interval of sideral tine, Selatan. ‘To comert the mean solar time to the sidereal tine, we will have 16 fist ‘cleubte the accion at the rate of 9.8555" per hour of mein tine 1 idee sean volt iy sacha 0 win dy oo QL Oge, books-allod taka ecm o ‘Thos 4 ours 9.8565 98-426 seconds 20 min. 0.1682 Mean tine intra: ‘Ad accreron = Sidereal time inerval = 20° 12790, Example 13.26. Comert § hours 40 simaer 0 seconds sidereal time itera into corresponding mean tine ters Solin, ‘To convert the sides time to mean sola time, we wil have 10 fst calle (he retrition at the rate of 98296" per sideteal owt Thus, Shows «9.5296 = 78.637 scons 40 mia. «01688-6552 seems sc. 0027 = 0135" eons Taal Sitereal tine ner Subwact rerdaion = 85324 seconds = 135304" Pansy rasa Meantime ineral= 839" 24568 12.94, GIVEN GREENWICH SIDEREAL TIME AT GREENWICH MEANMIDNIGHT, TO FIND THE LOCAL SIDEREAL TIME ATLOCAL MEAN MIDNIGHT AT ANY OTHER FACE ON THE SAME DATE, lie, Gen GST. a GMM, w fd LET ot LMM From the dscssions of he previo ance, iis clear that if We have two docs, one set 10 Keep siereal time and oer to koe mean tne, the sider! clot wil comple its day in a shorer period than the other, Since 24 urs of scat tear oud 26° 3 56.36 of sdereal tine, the sidereal lek wil be eotially gaining over the eon lock at the fate of 9.8865 seeons for everyman solr hour. The GST. at Gat i 4 ‘then the ference beveen the sdeeal lek and the mean clok at hat insant The LST at LMM. wi ten be the difeenss trween tse two clsks af te meridian ‘under consideration at he inant I the place is to the west of Orenwith, it wil tave its LMM: ser the G.MM, depending upon the longue of te meridian, Nataly: by te tine there is LMM., the siderea clock will hive gained. over the mean cack tie soe 98365" for every hovr of longne. Hence ‘Re LST. at LMM. will be greater than the GST. ot GMM. by an amount caleulted at 9.8565" per hour of western bagiude evtin"bours nt wil ecu few Sina, if te pce isto te east of Greenwich meridian, the LLM.M. wil Yous esr tan the GMM. depending poo te Inia of pace. The 1.7 per tour of bagitde. Tins, we have the elton: (my LST. # Lan, = ST. ot GMA 256" per hour of tonsade {%) Ure (+) sion if he login 36 10-tbe weifland (=) sien if it is he eas, Similar, 4 LST LMM. =OST. a GMN.4 9856" pr hor of onside (2) Example 1327. If the GST. of GM.N. om a cerain doy is 16 30°12, what wil be the LST. of LMM. at a place in longitude (@) 160° 30°30" W of Greenwich 0) 160° 30°30° E of Grenuich Suton (a) As the longtte is to the west the even of whish the tine i reuited ocuts ler tia GMM, by aa amount coresponding 1th loginde. hom os Now Wa-w «@ 0 0 2 0 oa 2 Ditferene of longde ia tems of tne ‘Tas, LMM, occurs 10°42" 2 mean tne Laer tan GMM. Jn the inert Berweon LMM and GAM, Oke Y ll gain on the mean sun at 9.8865 second per How: Gain insiders! tie 10 9.8565 = 98.555 seconds 201642 = 6296 scons 0.0027 = 0.008 second “Tal gain ~ 105.466" = 1 48466" LST. a LMN.=GS>T. of GAM. + Gait 18 30" 28 +1 4.46518 31" 57.456. () Since the Tonge is wo the cast, the LMLN. occrs 1042" 2" mean tie ete than th GMM. Hence LS.7. at LMM. = GS.T. of GMM. - 94565" per tour of ease lone = 16830" 12 = 145 466" = 16 28 25.53% Zo @ 2 For more books :allp' fA 139, GIVEN THE LOCAL MEANTIME AT ANY INSTANT. TO DETERMINE. THE LOCAL SIDEREAL ‘TIME At give meridn, Ie os have two cocks, OM showing the mean tine ad the ar Cites ime AL he local oan midigh th eas ine he mache IMG a. A a ine Che. LMM the LST. can wasly be commmed ifr Goer GMM. is known. If te EE is 0 the wes ofthe Grenvich esd ot Sine 2 ie ow the mean tne a LMM atthe vac of B8SH5 cowl wy Se Saltese in 413.94 above. At any ater “asunt at the given meine er ction to® te ime that has eapted since the loner want of te nn ner ay Seen This mean ime imerval cat be easly converted ino ikkred tne al Geel it § 395 above. Ths. the LST. a LMT. willbe equal we LS, a haat os he sire tine inerval, Hence the aes for finding ihe LST. et Lat Ft (@) From the given GST. av GMM., caleuae 1-S:7. ar LMM (Gomer the sien LMT (or meantime inva) ito sera! time ere since LMM Ls ST. at LMA #52. fot 196M, Feample 1328, Find ihe LS.7. a place ie longinde 85°20 Ea 6430" Pit, GST. of GAN. being 6432" 125 Solution Longin = 85°20 a Lr, ‘ime for S*41" 20° of tenga, 398565 = 40.28 seconds 40" 50.168" 6:73 seconde 2 9.0021" = 0.054 second Toa = 36.067 scons a LMIN=GS7. a GMN.~reusdaton 28H 56.000 631" 15931" o CMT. 230" pave MAT. inerval fom LAN. 630% mis COMER i no sider tine imeraby ade tke accekraton to the mean ime interv Lst. | Now, = 8.138 seconds = 4926 seconds Tas, 98363" 30 0.1682 Taal aceieaton = 64,05" = 1 4065 7 AA Sideeal Time lnerval= Mean tine erat + aeoderaion sine LAM x 30" 14.065" 831" 4.0651 Now LST. at LMN, 631" 1595" AGM SI. since LMAN, = 631% 4.0655 LST. at LMT. = 13802" 19.96 « Poe" 19.996" PM. INE THE LOCAL MEAN 1396. GIVEN THE LOCAL SIDEREAL TM, TO DETER : in se LMM cn be cated ST at GMM. gen, te LST at set eS ani mio LS Stee ho, ines staan Tc ine oe CaS ccmerel me he mes ae cr Oy un, ean SP pw 81 eee LNT Tee ede i tad fe LST EM tom te hoe OST @ Sina a's ene vetearga tS aa om eh eee. meee rap ETAL a Pay Pa warn a (late the cnepouing LMT. gen ha OST. ot OMM. 1981028 har ay. a ‘Scton Let us fist comer the ong iam tine % 0 1» oo? Longinge=7 2921 SSace the pice fas west longitude, LST. at LM.M=GS.T. at GMM. + seen Lut us calelae the acslertion at the rat of 98865" per how ae Or morebooks-allnd iia _ - ei 7 sets staan unt emaa cores : eisai ‘has, ia be above meted, tough the teary & Hide more complex, tse is Bidet ediennd sa otto veo tt atl np ee O16" = 4.02 ands We ha wove ot example 328 by thie mtd 2s 00027" = 0.057. second Example 15.30, Sohe ample 13.28 by the aterae meth aan Solution Basaran Longin SAE =I" 6, fond eae 4 woos Lar 690" PM Ost a Oy ey eee ete sxcceada 1 Bets Laer. is 30 Lena eae Sac fxg a) TatLMM 28 ana A eee 5 | mos } cmt -2 Now teal siieal sine = . Sine Lstamancs 22 | AUT. eal dice GMIN= NATO <8 . nates I Convert this mean time interval w sidereal time interval by adding the acceleration SI. sine Lt EOE Beta i 68% 0.1612" 782 secon 7 Lat ws ow soaet this sda italien in ine by a Breer peeenteers tte reardton at te re of 98195" per how ie Ths, 10" 9.8296 =96.296 scons 16s 0.168. 2601 econ 30.88" 0.0027 0.081. seen ——#.100998= 4.998 ‘Mean time” erval = 8. ~reedaton Tout emdation , 10°16" 3.188 — 149 998 19h Lair. toes, 1397. ALTERNATIVE METHOD: ate OF FINDING L.S.T. FROM THE GIVEN VALUE OF In the mete dicuses. of tne interval was inated, 14 0.157 sce LMM. ousieation GST. ot he ine under © Comer tis 6.7. 10 the comes fonginde wing LS.T., allowing for the cittarce of Tosl scceeation 7.90 seconds Sera time inerval =mean tine interval + sselaaton 8° 0+ 7990" 48" 4795 since GML. hom os Gs. a GMN, 2 oR Add 51 <0 479 GST. aie giveninum=7 2059.99, Add longi “4 LST. # LM. 2 99 om 199F PM. 13.9.8, ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF FINDING L.MLT. FROM THE GIVEN VALUE OF LS. In the metod dicused in § 13.9.6 10 conver LST. to LIM-T.. double computation of tine interral wasinvoie I thi method, only one andormaion of the itera ie recess. The cept for the computation are a follows (@) From the known LST, compue the corspooting @S.T. ty allowing for te (@) From this GS-7. cakubied store, subrat be GST. of GMM. 1 ger the Siren! inaeal tat has clased since GMM. For more books :all fA 4 Ve shall wor ‘method. _ f _ = a out example 13.29 by the alternative cre sample 3h, Ss : Cpl 329 9 katana ad Longin sie wea aw |Add longitude. 7 » a : GST. at te inwamn .25 GslacMM 23 9p I Sh sme GMM. =17 ar gg Let ws mow conver hi $., | nme ine ina! by staat em 17" «9.8296 = 167.103 seconds if “ 47" 01638-= 7659 seconds $5 0.0027= 0.014 seeonds son 816 l= S16 8 ine ens! $1 vnands sero Psunet our 0 5 Beso ‘ ie ; weeo 0 0 Since the plice 3 1 the wes, we wi ae lo add the acceleration to get the LST aLMN, 10" 9.8565" = 98 585. sceomts 7 <0.612"= 6.210 sends P0002" = 0.003 second Tota acceleration ~ 108,78 seconds «136.78° GST of GMN, 10. wast ‘Add acceleration 1 468 Lot of LAN ore Now RA. of sare LST a2 W780 Sine LST. of LAN. #1020 2° L7Te Sh since LMN=U 9 182 Let us pow conve ths S.J. ime mean ime interal by_suburctng_ eadon. For.more.booke-allpdfin ee a mm e996» 108126 sens BT -O16H 6385 al 2822'<0002"= 007s saat ‘Total retardation eon = 114.590 seconds = 154.998 Mean tine ineral =. —rardation « 1398 26.220 "54598 = 1°37"33.682" since LW, LMA, of upper namie = 137334602" Pane The lover anit of the sar wi se oe 1Ae ple at 12 sd! ows tt To Pong eon tne nf cater 12 pest To knw howe. Retardation for 12 hours 2 9806 sn ‘Mean time imerval - ate PI" 1.95511 58" 2045" the lower trait occurs at a mea sane : n tine intra of 11858" 204 ster the LMT of upper a 7 canst = 11372 63" Add the mean time interiat = 11" 56% 205° LM. of ber eit Basia Sce La <1" er age pag 92%. La a Cars of i 0 ‘ rot of 8 rns fa et inde 7 pn Csi of Gu sea oo 2 0 aor g See the place tas ex longue, et ws ese ee (ale, the remrion at te site of $5 98565°= 39.426 seams PP x0.1602"= 0328 sent To retardation = 38.758 seas LST. ALMEN. vers, 2s shite changes nace rapidly tind the sar should be observed at th tine sine it gives tore acarae rls, The infsence of exor in observed aude 25 well a inthe vale ofthe ane, is? minum when the star is acwally on the pine verial, To. minimise the errors of cbservaion, Several aitwles of the star ate observed ir quick suceesion and the choronete tine of such observation is recorded. Half of te observations ave taken with fac let and olf wih he fice sigh. IF te observations cre completa itn a few mites (ay 10°) it wil suce for most ordinary. work ifthe mean of the chronemete ties taken a A A RR the time for the mean alitade, The motion ofthe star in aliude is no however, exaty proportional o rine, Mace acurte teuls are oil wien two slas are observed, one Perea cots west of the merase, tue eliminating the armen errs ‘When the sar is obsersed on its pine vera, the hour angle is given by tan ectinaion an 8 coe Hana ian aonig Dur agen degree), he LST eked fem ae forma =~ usr-nastl Pus sign is wed when ibe stir it 0 the west ofthe meridian and mims when it so te cot. Knowing the GST. of GMM. (for GMLN), the LS.7. can converted fb LAT. ind the error of the chronometer kepiag tbe ean solar time can be computed b. @) TIME BY EXMERIDIAN OBSERVATION OF THE SUN “The procedure of olservation of the sin isthe sane af in the previous exe, THe side of the lower linb is observed wilh te (elescope normal and ten the aide {0 ihe apper find is oberved with the tescope inves, The watch time atthe instant Of each steeraon is noted, The balancing is affected by measuring stoession of Shitdes bah inthe morning. and afternoon, the mst cutable timings being between 8 Sid 9 AMC and between 3 and 4 P.M In each set, @ minum pimber of four observations ie taken-—both face observations of ypper Liab azd bath face observations lower limb Iie sun is mot very ear te meridian std i be observations extend over only a few rings of time (49 10), the mean of the observed ales may be assumed 0 correspond {othe sean of the oberved time, thi nepleting he curvature of the path of he sun ‘The ica of te akides must be sorece for sbdex ere, refacton, and parllex, and {be ie wentdiameter if only one in obeved. The bour ange of the san can be Calelted fom the formula “The stove formal is more convene for Jgnritnic compuatons, Then, if he son is (9 te west of meridian, LAT. of ebseratine ne bes pe son Wh te son 6 eet oF me, Saar ) cet wpe [18221 sie oat apne i “The LAT. can then be comiité eto LMT. by metods disused asi. 3's detnation (8) i reed In by above eompuatins, 1 coect kpwledge of sun's deciation (@) is re For te computation of sun's declination for he mean intans of observation, a knowlege Creal domes meena. Since the lal tie i becg determined, the computation of should be pevfored by szcesive apposbraton. However, af the watch is not more, For more books :allpdf.in ‘l than 2" or 3" in the eor, the resuing eor in computing the dolation will not exceed 2 or 3°, and realeutons are oot wscsary i cbuervations are made wih al Sadruet 1 gremer discrepancy is found betweer the comet and the chronomeet tie, the former js wsed for a teter interpolation of and the computnion of Mis peated wi the ew vale. Alo. a Koondge of he bide of the place is esetia for be computation of #. The precision inthe knowlege ofthe laine of the place depends von the poston in the observation of ate and aso upon the time at which observation is made When ‘e sun is near the prime vertical, te effect of an enor ia liad ® smal ‘The error of the wach on local mean time is ther. equ 10 the dfrence beween the tine of observation by watch and te time of aberration as determina by calculations ‘The observation is ofen combined withthe ebservion of the un for arnt the wach readings and shude readings being common so. both Booking af Field. Observations ‘The field observations are usualy eared (Tabe 13.0. the Feld book in the folowing frm, aan sree] — ee Time | Meaf ne racial ‘ee poe en | [38 | 9 | [0 | fa | [0 afar fx} |o6! wl [ooo | a [a0 7 [arf x} «|e! mlm |x| 0/0 alla ufssfofolofw! slo} stale lle] los] 7 |e fas 3. @ TIME BY EQUAL ALTITUDE OF A STAR his method, a sar i observe at the samp alte on opp sites of the sneridan, The mean of te two chroorete tne at which a star tins equal aes 2st and west of the merfin is eviderly the cenometr tine of tami, sce te tw ‘observations are clealy made at equal inervals of ine before ad the S's rida tans, The med, therefore, very simple and accurte and is wed when the dietion of the meridian is ot acura Anon The aline ofthe ‘star eed not be determin, therefore, to correction is requied for efacoa ‘The obserations mst be made wen the sar ib near the prime vertical 20 that ‘iy ald changes capi. When the star cross the mevidn, i) boor angle 8 ' equal t aero and Is righ ascension AG. Gap TOE BY EQUAL A-TITUDE, | thefore the Jcal sdereal time. The local sider! time so cbined may be converted ' foal mean time which ca then be compared wih the mean time of the chronometer ‘uring the observations, and the eror of the chrnometer can be known, To make the observations, the folowing sts are oecesary (0) Set up the intrumeat on fen ground and level it accurately. (2) Compute he approximate site of the sar and set ton the vera cite 8) Faw etn of te sarin aout ih ge Yea ci by meant of orzo tangent sen, 4 (9) Note the chronometer time (7) when the sar ees the horizontal tie (3) Tarn the insroment in azimah and spin folow tbe sar when the st approaches te same alitude 10 the othr side of the erin, (© Note the chronometer time (Ti) when the sar eoises the bovine i oven leis very imporan wo aie tat during the above observations te fee ofthe teodlite 's oot changed, However, he alge bubl mist be accurately censed by meany of lip serews por 1 each observation. For accurate real, a series of obirations te made fon the sane ste Fig. 13.40, the dated cicle shows the dilly path of the star round he pol 1M, is the postion of the str of the east of the methiin ZP ad Mf, Is i postion to he west of the meridian when it amas the sme atte as at The meitod has the folowing advanapes 18) Since the aeual ainde of he saris nt required the instrumental estore such at index enor. collimation nme, ws diet graduo sc remo inva 12) No kaowidge is required of tint” tt oF" even” aim The method has, however, the fllaving dsaamages 1) A ong interval” of time elses bersen the so observation sometimes several hours, (2) The preston of theres depemls upon the retraction faving the same value for both observations. Due to long inal of time, the reaction may charge pprecahly, thu affecting the rea However, the tine betmeen the to obsenatioss can be reduced ifthe dentin ofthe reected saris nearly equal 10 the laude To eliminate the wncetintes of refraction near he horizon, te sar should have an aide of something, more than 4S" ‘The Error due o Slight Inequay inthe Alituds of Two Corresponding Observations: bb Fig. 13.40, > Mean time of tame of the sar 2M, eth distance of fst observation = 2 MP =A wish of tes. Eor-more books:-allndf.in snr Now, we he cos z= cos cctsp +n esa pens if 0 When be sar ib at Ay et Zits= mith dae of scons observa bce y i Ge small enor die 16 iney of the abides 7ZPMs= our ange of Ms= 013) wee iste small err inte Hour Hace we hae ca @ +3) es 9 Fn capo H+) a @) Sobrting @) fom ()) and teaing x and y as small quis, we ge sin sp ia ue sap Hence as bin st 43) (13.32) Smresnpsin “siesta In order that x should be least for a given value of y, we must have sin 4-1 of A=90" The eror will evidety be greater for smaller wake of A. Hence ve conclade that the error in the hour ange due to some eror in alitade i minimum Yaen the sar if near the prime vertical 4 () TIME BY EQUAL ALTITUDES OF TWO STARS ‘The two disdvanages of the med of equal situs mentioned above (he. he long interval of time and the uncertainty in the valve of refraction) can be ticed by rmakng the equal altitude observations on to sta, one cat and tbe lier vet of the mmerian. In such obervations, (wo stars haviig Ue sime declination are selected. When they atin the same sites, one 10 the west and ofber to the as of, he meridian. {| —_ the mean of ticir right atcrson wil give the local sider] time of sans. The lal sidecal tind can be converted into LMT. and can be compared with the mean of the chiosometer readies for he determination of he chesomeser enor. If te two stars have Some diferetdectintons, a eoretion must be applied to the mean of thi right asceasions However, tke difrece in the decition ofthe two stars shuld aot be more than to 5%. The observations of a pair of stars gererally takes few rinses. Several urs should be ued for good determination, The srs sect! to form a pair should have diferene in ight ascension of at least @ 3. @) TIME BY EQUAL ALTITUDS CF THE SUN 16 the ein aide obervations ae ade on the im, the same edge oF the sun's Image (Le, the upper Limb or lower tind) should te brought © the hrizoncl ini and the image bese by the vera! tat of he diaphragm. A seree of aludes ie then about 9AM. and the sume Series is repeat in reverse onder about 3PM. The mean Of te tins of the frenoon ant afternoon equal altudes does not exactly renesen the ‘asian of want (LAN. due to the rapid change of sun's declination. The theory becomes Cconplzted due to the ft that allowance rast be made forthe alteration of declination In Be-interal beeen the oberon. In order 0 apply the comecton forthe cbnge meu aspnowmny “ in the deslimson, the approximate valve of the ltinae and Greenwich mean tine must te known, [Le y be the alerton in the sun's decimation in half he time interval between tbe wo beets In Fig 1340, HM, Fist postion of te sn baving polar distance (py) say, when the sun i approaching. te pole ‘Mz Second postion of the sun ving the polar distance (P=), a4y, 1p were constant, we have, eater eas 2 =e Poot c+ sin pala €08 (2) But Oe polar disance is (p++) and the hour ample is (H+). We bave, the cos 2= 08 (p+ 9) 608 +n (p +9) sin cco 42) @ Subsating (1) from (2), and weating x and y to be small quits, we have =p (Col peoth~ cent ese 1 ©) 033) For a piven va of y,therefoe, the value of x cat be computes fom the sven cegution “The fist observation wil thus te mate when the sun's our angle i GH 2) before the apparent moot. Sina, te second observation wil be made when the sun's bout angle is (1-2) afr the apparent noon. The mean of these wo obsered fies wil therefore be when the sun is at an hour angle x before apparen noon, or camp, kt H=3 boun ; and =! min. (ceed fom Exe, 3) Toe, te hoa angle of sun a fat oberon = +2) 3 howe 1 mia. tere spre aeon Tine of oberon = 1! <1" 9 apparent cine Sindy, he our ange of sn at second oberon 2239" afer apparent mon, Tie of caciation = 184259" = 149 sparen tine Mean tine of oszvaon=} 8859 + 459%) = 1059" 1" before the apparent acon = before the apparent noon. Hesce we get de following rule ‘Troe dime of transit (ie, apparent noo) Mean of observed time $5 (When x is in angular measur). Misa son is wed when the sun is approaching te elevated pole (he, the case iscused stove ) and plus san when the sun i leaving the pole Example 1348, The nine of rans of a sar (RA. 736" 21.26") recorded ith 2 chranmer heping tandard tine of S*30"E war 5°56" 8.86" PM. The loniude Of the place of obuerstion i 4 30" E. Determine the error of the chronometer f GST. 1 GMM, on she dy Is 16°18 224 For more books :allp in it we sunvevee ELD ASTRONOMY F Sotto ‘his star te 10 the east of the meridian ki Let us ist comet the GST. of GMM. ino LS.T, of LAM. Mean sidereat time observed by sidereal chrmomaer = 1*2" 3.25 Longin = 4°30" E Find the error of te chronometer. Solution, The boar ample of the sir is deermiped from she folowing, formula VEESSEP wee sejureen 90°30" 1210" = 9°47 50" ‘Loss ia he sideeal ime at the rte of 9.8565" per boar of bnginde is” 898965 «3845 seconds 50 0.¢2 = 495 seconds ‘Tora retardation S446 seconds B= 90" — 16" 12184 = 7347 aI LST. of LMM. =GS.7. of GMM, -Reariaton 090° 36°30 30° = 55°29 50" Z P58" t= aT i a Now LST. of oberaton=RA, of the str = 736" 21.24 2-187 os 01" | SLES. of oberaion - LST. of LMA samara | C300 21.1 5771.60) 4 DA 15 6 ent RTE emeimucara 09 J et ws now comer eS imo mean tine leva by tang the retain og sin eT eH | ak te of 9.896 seams per hrf sere tine. tog in (sp) 7.521585 i a 1698296 = 191.27 seins os302 | 580.1638 = 949 seems sons 4 S36%«00027 = 0.16 scone . : 1 ew Maisouan gt! Tanee | “out etettion 6550 sass 2° 46.90" Bemeyirs op weere sea aaiserasst Mean ting. nena since LM.M.=S— Reson dace Qe sar i whe cam oft meridian, the westry Hr sgl E = 16" 5B"53.6" - 2" 46.90" = 16° 56" 6.7" aan - = ‘Standard time shown by chrommeser ee Se rsa S956" 886 P.M 750 886 sine LMM ee eterna tox die of dowacer sat har ag = "39.0" frre eee eae 4 1 56 = 16" rat LS.T. of observation = 25" 01" 46.15" = 1" 01" 46.15" : Tise6a0 =P oid se 086 a a oe ul (Since the place of observation & at Tongue I to the west of sumdard meridian). reer a : sishaiastanrs area st cr of emncee = Ba | ‘Example 13.48. The following notes refer to an observation for time: made on ‘Fvample 13.46. The mean obseried atu ofthe sun, comected for refactiok, parallax ay Latiude of the place © 30°30" N q SO i412" E. The mean watch time of observation was 15" 49" 12.6 the watch being i Mo shred cide of be sar “aDNiE Mote we on 7" far on LMT Rat wach anor pen te fle re ‘RA. of Sar e518" 1245* Declination of the sun at the instant of observation = + 17° 26° 42".1. ; eae cae ee gees Fae omen io nam QF. more, bookes-allodtin stam Sotation again obsered at the same aude to the wes of mendlan ax *48"43" P.M. Find The toer the ener of the watch given hat GST. at CMAN. on tht dey=9" 26" 12" ; RAL ofthe star 17°12" 48! Solna Here LSI of wamit of sar acros the meridan= R.A. of he str = 178 12" 49h 7 =m39 9 sriy3r0 pagar 6 MIS STI: (5-9 =36 O84 dee 17938 a1 (60936 294846 | -) og sin (¢~ )= 17743468 log sin (sp) = LaT24716 log case 5 = 0.000819 og cose (5~2)= 02301672 ames +g Ts Dae WL Has 28 amr 340" WH! Sane" Let us convert this to LMT, Longinde = 56° 247 12 = 3845 358 LAT = Isom aas Subtract longings = 3° 45"36 8° \ GAT. = 2 o¢* 038" Now GMT. of GAN.=1/%56" 228° or GMLT. of 12° apparent tine = 11°56" 2 8° [Now Greenwich appargot tine= Greavich mesa time + ET 1 56" 228" +E 1D 56" 28" 337.2" Subwoctve fom the apparent tne GMT= GAT, -B-. = MOM Bt 3372! = OIE LMT= GMT + longinate 120 256+ 345" 368" = 15°46" ca? Enor of chronometer = 18 49" 12.6'— 158 4" O3.4'= 3" 88 (Fas) Example 13.47. Ar a certain place n lngiude 138° 45 Eat, the sar i observed uit of the meridian at 64521" PAM, vith a watch eeping local mean tine. 1 0s Lat comer siden tne ito mean me. Longnde = 13645 = 9" 15%, Sice the pace Tas east longa, LST at LMN.-GST. a GMN,-tidaton 998565 = 8.71 stn 15% 016t2"= 246 sons ate malar Total retardation = 91.17 GST. at GMN.=9" 26" 1 Sobuact fedaion= 131.17" LST. ot LMN. «9204080 Now local sera time = 17" 12° 48! Suhact LST. at LMN.= 9244055" SUL since LM. = 49 07.177 ‘Lew comert tis $1 into mean tine eral by sobricting the retration at he rate of 9.8296" per siderel our 79.4296 = 68.81 seconds 7 48° 0.188 = 7.86 seoote 11 0.0001 = 0.02 seed ‘oral retardation = 7669. seconds = 1 16.69" Sh =Pa ona Subact rerdain = 1" 16.69" EL since LON. = 746" soa? Local ca tine of want of sar 746048" PM, ” Now LMT. of wash for east chsrvaion~ @ 45°21" PA LACT “of wath for west oben = 8489 P.M a1 08 i | For more books :allp Fin t : t } | a LMT, of mans of the str as shown by the ehonomeer = 747" 02! PAM. (2) Chronometer eror= 1152 stands (Fist) 1313. TIME OF RISING OR SETTING OF A HEAVENLY BODY In Fig, 15.41, SEN is the boion and Mis the position of a str ven its sng. Ki required to find the tine (of sng apd setting of the str, “The sphere ingle PRN i ght angled aN, since the plane of the ob- server's meridian is pempenficular to the evizon, 05 MPN = ok MP. a PN Now 2PM =H boar angle ofthe str at is sng MP=8- deimtion of te sar PN =O atitde of te poe Tinie of ie oteeves) IO. 1341, RISING AND SEFTING OF STAR. MPN = 180" =H Hence cos H =~ tan 6 tn Koowing the declination of te sar ite cast tid the line of the pce, is hour angle LST. of rag of sar RA of the sar+ Hour ange Ths, the el sibel ine of the cine of the sar ean be Kwa, and be converted into LM,T., if desired, a ed THe The har angle of sing wil obvi be the same a th of ig, Inte stove etme, hve mpc eft of ean, ic amit te sea 36 eo, Wl ese Aan at vie hen ya ay bo eagh of Day and Nigh: The too ume Hof he ite or sms is gen by coe H+ tn un 9 where 8 teen of te sn 1 te came ia he decintin 5 of te sen is ignored Leng of the day = tice boxe angle in time unis = 2 5 Senay, eg of te spn (2H) Te eon =n Bun cm be wed et uso can fe el 1 demi eh at different places and at different times. eee: ty Avs pe a spt 00 Length of day (or nig) = 28 = 128 ence for a values of 5, the doy are always equal 10 the nights at equator (2) At Ge tine of equinox, the san i at equator and hence 6 =O cosH=0 oe =O? and H=90" eng of dy (or sgh = 2H Ice or aes of (sa the plac om te ah) Oe day i ve on ‘ ot wo ing of y= 22 oe de wn dot cuts adit =0 coe H=— Lor 180" on B= (0"-8) : Length of the day =" Hence the sum does not rise a all 7 ‘The Duration of Twilight Twilight is the subfued ight which separaes night ffom day. When the sin set ‘eho the horizon, the dykes docs not come instantaneously becawe the son's ays stil ioiane the atmoophee above es, The pares of vapour el, inthe umosphere reflect the light and seater it in all ctections, AS Be sin sks dow, the imensiyy of the cfs Tigh iminihes, Observations have shown at the difsed ligt is recive 20 tong = {22 sun does noe snk 108" below the haioa. To Find the duration of twight at partir ine, oe mst, therefore, id the tine the sun takes wo alter ity zenith disinee fom Sor to 108" in the evening, or ftom 168" w 90° in the meoming With our previoes notions, we have os 18° = sin sin 0+ cs Bes 8 8H a whe shout angle Of the ead of wight It His the hous angle of Se suet we have cos H = —tand tan a From the above two equations, H amd H* ean be cakulated for glen valves of 8 a 8. ence duration of twilight =H" ~ 13.4. THE SUNDIALS ‘rhe sin dial enables the sme to be fxed scuraly enous for ordinary porposes fife, hough te precision obtained is moch ess hap tht buinel by the methods aleady SSoussed. The sun dal gives apparent coh tne fromm which mean tine may be obtained It's set paticlly in ples whee thee ac 10 means avaiable for checking, wach or lock ties "A son dial estentlly consis of (oa szaight ee, cilled tbe ale or gromon of the dal and (i) the graduted circle on which de shadow of te gaomon fal a= FQ more. books:,allpdf.in fa a mn eof ey fh gtd ac a Pt Sy lle ae ew ct An i ie to wt ie St" ho ot pe 10 the horizontal. f 1 ee oni ae a i ee a i 8 rh of pt ed direction of the rod, stile or gnomon - Sorc ares mss ses er ieee Beer re Since ce i ay Pree myer wipetyaera a a ta See a mei Grats ihr aaa iememencates eae eps eho an em pe pe ahs Serer Se ats ie St al hea atta sa thi ae such 2 plane pessing through CP and fo Wor in eh na to om wt. an oi de a int nae a wet ae SS TLS of the sun at the instant a Hera age a ae rat no ps woe sls Sot ZOD ig temp week oe ai Hence, fom the right angled ingle PYA, we gst SnD coins of tnx tant or stay (ia 8 a1 ‘The shove equion gives the values of x corespentng 10 the diferent valves of #. To grate the dial hourly inervals, put A= 15%, 30", 45%, ee. and compute the cotespanding vabes of x for a place of known binge 8, For empl, It 8240" Then = tan (sn 40" on 1 Woe (ne 159) = 9°46 when aren! (nao en 30y=20°2 when sy tay (in 40" 459) = 45" and 0 on. ‘The fois 1, Hh, II eoeresponding 10 the angles x, 22.2) ek, trom CA can then be marked on the i 1 sald be nd that the sual gives only the lest sparen ting. To covert, it imo loa) ean time, approximate ah of equation of time mist be. Eaown, 18S. THE CALENDAR ‘ ‘The cllendars of historical des were lana in eign, the year consaing of eweve lunar mont. Sie the reurn of the seasons depends upon he opal year, tee calendars resulted in 2 comimal clange in the dates at which the seasons occured, The calelar vas, there, frequently. changed in an aitary mame, 10 Seep the sestons in thet paces. In de year 45 B.C, Julus Caesar inrodved the Juin Calendar tat on 2 year ‘of 3655 3. The Join Calendar has Janory 1 as te commencement of the year. The Calendar bas orisry year of 365 days, amt was regula by inrodcing one extra day fon every fom Yer Which $8 known as the lap yar. However, the year acai contig 368.2422 days (or 365% OS" 48" 46!) while te Jian Calenar assumed the year to conan 34525 ays(or 3650 0). Ths the Jian Calendar made the year too long ty 11 1 tod this creme one day excess in 128 years. After many cemures, his difference accumulated to the toe of 10 days and it was observed that the Vernal Equinox in 1582, occured fm Tih Mach intad of 21° March. Pope Gregory XI, in 1882, therefore, adjusted he whole caendar in sch a way tht the Vernal Equinox occurred mee of less on 2 s March, by cropping 10 dy In the Turse, te dats sre 1 be computed by omiting leap yar in those ceury years not divisible by 400 (Le, years st 1700, 1600 ad 19). ‘This will rout in omission of 3 days in every 400 year, thus making the mean calendar year of 3682425 days (or 36505" 49" 12). It has also teen sugested 10 omit leap year in e year 4000, and all even muliples thereof, so as W make he mean calendar year of 365.2422 days (or 365° 08" 48" 46, 13.16, DETERMINATION OF AZIMUTHE ‘An amath i te orion ange acces Yody makes wih ple. The determination ‘of sximath, or te direction of the meridian at survey sation consis in obtaining the For more books :allpdf. I i | I | | acimath or tue beating of any tine rom the sation, so tat the aimats of al the suey Ties meeting hee may be derived. The determination of he deton cf te tree meron for ofthe azimuth of alin is ost imporan w the surveyor. Thee ze sever! methods of determining the destin of the tve meridian, bet pefece i gin to sich methods 48 will all a set of observations to be when so that) itramenal ertors may De minted, by taking face le and fice igh observations and (J) intra or time between the observations may not be fo gre Reference Snark In offer to deemine the azinuth of a star or other celestial boly, it Fequemly ecesary 1 have a reference mark (RM) ar refering object (RO). Wher ser observations te ken, the tfeeme mark shoud be made to imate the ight of a sir a meaty as posible. The reference mark my be a wiapultion saon ot it may consist of 3 Tanern or an dzcric ght placed box o¥ behind sceen, tough which 2 sal cireolar holes cat to anit the light w the ebserver, The diameter of the Role shold ot be more than | cm. The mark shoal preferable be so fir from the instrument tha the foes of the telescope will no tive 10 be alered when changing from the sar 10 ‘he mark A dismuce of about amie is que satsficory. ‘The folowing are some of he prtcipal meade of determining the azimuth or the ireton of the tre. meridian 1 By observations on star a ql aliudes, By observations on a crumplar sar at elongation By Nour angle of sar or the sun By observation of Pols By exomeridan observations on sun or st, 1 (@) OBSERVATIONS ON THE STARS AT EQUAL ALTITUDES ‘The simplest mated of determining the dceion of the cee pole is probably that observing at sar at equal andes. In shis method, he Koomlige of the’ late : lea! tne i aot oeesary, and no calculations are invalved, Hovever, the duation fof te work a grat incomveniene, extending from four tO sit haus at nigh. Also the effets of atmospheric refraction may vary considerably during the inerval, affecting ‘he Yeral amples 19 an, vnkrown exe, ‘The method i bused on the lat that if the angle subtended tetwoen the reference mark and a sur is weasued ino postions of eqial abide, he angle besween the mark and the meridian & given by half the algebraic sum of the two observed angle ‘The doted circle in Fig. 13-4 represen the ciclar pub of sar rou the ole, andi is requred 0 ceerme she axezina ot he centre Pot tis cle. M, andy ar the to positions of tke star at ecu! aide, ani all dat the obemver fas to do 1 fet his crue meri is to bisect the angle between Mandi, Thus, in Fig. 1543, R isthe reference mak (RM.) and O ie the poston of the instrument sation tireugh which the dietion of the uve mridan it 1 be exablsed My and My are two postions of © sar at eal ales, The fed cbervations ae taken in the following spe (0) Set the instrument at O and Seve it ecurstly. (2) Sight te ROM, with the reading OF 7" on the boron cir (@) Open te upper clamp and Ag, MMM turn the telescope clockwise to bisect \ \ evtly te sar at postion Mf, ‘Camp bath hrc 25 well 35 ve \ eal ire "i | - (4) Read the bozo} angle 5 6, 6 wel atthe abides oof the 0 % ° (9) When the sar rxbes the cite side of the meridian, follow & J Stivoughthetekscope, by woclamping FG. 134) AZIMUT BY QUAL ALTITUDES the upper chimp, afd sect when {Coats the sume. ait In Os oberon, he ekscope is cured in azimuth and the verical cite ealing. remains unchanged. Read tie angle 0, Lat A be te aims of te tne OR, (ere angle betwen ce te me ani he referee object. Since the dreton of he meridian is minay between the oo ston of the say the azimuth of the Ine ray be determined according 3s beth the fostons of the sar ate to the sume side of of to the diferent sides of ‘Case I: Roth postions of the sar to the some side (Pig, 1343 (@)) = ZROM, ‘Hence the ecinath of the fine 18 equal 0 haf-the sum of the ovo observed angles owing he azimuth of the line OR, the wimuth of any otter line through O can ve deme by tesuing Be bizar age ereen OF and cat ie, Alo oF is ropivet © set out the dcection of the ue media, and angle equal to 3“ can be se oat fom the lie OR. Cae IL. Both postions of the star are on oppose sides of the tne. (Fig. 1348 : arn $e@,499-0, = ‘Aimth =A = ZAOP - 28608 =} ZMOM~ £OR eae the eimath of the fine & equal to half the Aifrenceof the two observed anges. : Tn he cservatons taken above, feasted thatthe insane is in pefet adm A itis ot sy i iS pecessary 10 WHEE at Hast fur observations (to with fae Te t-ad to ith face righ) to elimina the ietramentl eros. The postion M4 of the star is Cacret wih tath Be faces, an te poston af i also observ wih ooh the fe, Srl he mean is taken However, im the dition that eapses betwen two face observations Of Me de postion and alinde of the stat slighly changes and this should be property ouch Or. more, books~allpdt ia avcounted for. In Fig. 13.46 M, and My are he oo postions of the sir to one side of the meriian when both fice observations are taken, and My and Mare the two poons of the star w the other side of he rmetdan, in such a way hat M, and M, have egal swe, aod Mand My have equa slide. ‘The angles 0, 8 amd, with ‘he RM. comespooding to the positions My Mj Mf, abd Mate eased a fo tome (1) The intunent is set at 0 to i, wih Yoh plates clamped to 200, » biseet R withthe vera! circle 10 thee ee 2) Unclanp the opper clamp, tre te weescope in azimuth and itet the M,, Note the orion angle 8, and the veical tage (re the alia) (2) Change te fae of the insrumest and agsin bisect R with Boh pte clamped to aero. Daring this tine, the star goes 10 te position Mf, Uacanp ihe apps clace ‘and tum the telescope in azimuth to Diet the star at Ay Clamp the vera Ge. Reed the horizon aple ®, abt the vertical angle! (4) Lewe te intrumeot undisurbed wit the vera! cle clamp 10. a <, Wien sar rates ers oF mesin lan ge ch ‘urn the telescope in azimuth to bse the sarin positon M, when it atune the rotate Ge. am ata egal to that at Mf). Rend the horizon angle 6, (3) Change the face of the insrumeat and again bist the R.O. with-both te pies amped ose. Se te angle a (Lee sf te sav a pon Wr, Uonaey the upper clamp and tra the telescope in izimuth Io bisect the sar at the poston M, when it stuns the aide a, Read the horzonal ange 0, ia tis pen ‘Thus, we have got four horizontal agles, i.e. 806, and0,, The mean of 3.3 these pn oe srw ne ee Sea : en it as an average tte equal 1o <=" sinitaty she mean ef 0, = dO. gives the postion of te str tr st oft mee vn ne ee te (2 ‘When the average positions of he sar se 10 the same side of the RLM., we have Adtouth of OR A= 248 4 1{9 +0 40) (O14 On + Ora) TE a a Simi, f botk te average postions of the star are wo the opposite ses, we +8) (6.48) aot( SEBEL 32H BEE) 1 gaye 1. OBSERVATION ON SUN AT QUAL” ALTITUDES ‘Wien fe sin i obened fr epi ste, be eee of oberon i the sane teat fr sr Sc sc aie of te um Bot rogue, pe Tn or we lib aye eer row. A see cf orion gs messed beeen te efcce ha tte unin th foemon sl sar sei obeeed Sie sun aie ome anes he aferon, Se he u's cente cme eo, Sperioa dead fe maie-en te ighean! and ital Hine of he 00 wih be ‘scope smal an ven hth he ming el sferion eer Hower Sb te imred betwee foremon ad the sercen obievasr of lait, be Gentine of he sm chges, and Hose tbe mean of Oe hrc ages reyes Shite coneion © Gtermie the sit fhe ney Une fmf To apt te cometcn ie mating of ech Ocwation sols hoe rord. "Th coment ven b) c= }6e- 6 26. coer 0336 taper corion © be apd 10 te algbraic mein of fe eee Tort mle ge te tina of te rece Une mi iets tines ofl la jae of te caer pe furs sverige desinon of meme oberon art rege deinntion of resin lnsvaons ® OBSERVATIONS ON A CIRCUMPOLAR STAR AT ELONGATION ‘sical shri dat wich i ays above the tron, an ih docs where therefore, set Such a sti appears to the observer 10 describe a Ele” above the pole (oe Fig. 49). A cicumpolr star is sid w be at elongation when it ais greatest fistace eat of wes of the meri. When the sar Sat KS pleat aan the gpenpde ‘costa! sphere a For more books :allpéf.in east of the meridian, itis sid to be in caueen elongation. Whes i 1 at its greet Aistance wo the west of the mevidlan, ti sail tebe in wesc elongate, In this positon, the star's dium circle is angen 9 le yenkal ie to the sa Fig. 1245 (@) amd 1345 (6) stow wor views of the stats at elongation My is ‘he postion of the star at is eatem elongation, sod My isthe positon of the sar as is westem elongation. In this pastin, the veka eile of sr alt is gents angle wid the plane of de meriin. "The veil thvowgh M, (or MA) i tangential to the dial path of the str shown by doued cle. Bvidemly, threfoe, 2244 is a right ange. ‘Also. when te saris at wetem elongation spostion M22? is right ange A the instant of elongation of he sar, is metion i vrical and iin favourable ston for observations upon its aximut because ix borzontl movement is very slight for some time before and some tim afer i arives AY, (or M4). When the sta is in astern elogaion (Mf), it appears to move verily downwards, and when itis in-wester elongation, it sppens wo move verily wpwars st the inant of eorition It is clear fiom the figure that te pois My tad My wil always be ata prety alttode than the compte the acim, the corecton to be applied to the lamer is given by OA foe sc! (in = Dom conse 2M) (8 a in 1” Mm the parc angle ZMP= 8a! 6080. sin se 8). ‘The vale of the correction may be computed by using a four gue log able wing the values of the varios angles 10 the teaest minute, Programme of field obsrations 1 St the instrument over the saion-mark and level very acurtly 2 Clamp both the pls 10 zero and sight he RM. wid face 1h, 5. Voelamp the upper clamp, and tiset the star, Note the horizontal and vetal ales. ee sebp rete, 3.4) where ica a 4. Change the face of the Modoc and ise te star again. Obuin te veri angle and the borioolal angle o tbe sefence mark a. before 5. Observe a second set in the same manner sith new 220 AZIMUTH BY EX-MERIDIAN OBSERVATION ON THE SUN ‘The genera procedure of obeeraioas are the spe a8 fr a sir. However, sine ‘he declination of the sun changes very rapidly, an ether knowledge about the time ef ~ ‘observation is very essen Also apart fom the come du 10 refacton, the paral: forecon is aso w be applied «he observed awe, since the sun i very near 10 the ear than the sr 50 1G. 1398, OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUM ‘Tee required aide and the horkzotal angles are those 0 the sun's cene, Heme te hats should beset tangential to the (wo limbs sinultanesy. The opposite limbs a ten observed by changig the foce, a¢ shown in Fig. 1349 (@) and (), If howeve, the caphrogm has m0 verical bat, tbe san must be placed in opposite angles as shown fa Fig. 1349 (0) and (2 Programme of field observations 1 Set the insrument over the staion mark and level it very accu. 2, Clap both the plates to 200, and sight the RM. 4 Tum tote sun and observe abide and horizontal angle with the sun in qundeant (Fig. 13.50) of the cos-vive sytem. The meson in the aeimah i slow, and the vera Inv i kept in const ty the upper slow motion screw, the sun being allowed to male oat ith the horizontal bai. The time of observation is also note 4, Using he wo tangent Screws, as quickly as posse, bring th sun into qudrat 3 of the cros-wies, and again read te Horizontal and srtial angle, Obsere alo the von tine Pb unsan oun oma Gonsome RG. 1250, SUN'S LIMB ORSERVED IN VARIOUS QUADEAITS For more books :allpdf.in 5. Tum fo the RM., reverse ‘he fice ani ake another sight on he RM, 6. Take two more observations of the sun precisely in the same way a8 in steps ©) and @) above, bat this ime with he sum in. quadrants 2 ond 4, Nowe the tite of ext observation 7. Finally bist he RM. to we that be reading 6 2e0, During the above four obieratins (0 wih ce Felt ant two ath fae sigh, ‘he sun changes is postion considerably, and accurate results canot be obtained by averaging ‘he meas anaes and the times. Hosever the time taken between the frst two reading ‘with the sun in quadrants T apd 3. 5 very litle and hence the meased altudes and ‘he corresponding times can be average 10 get one vale of the azimat. Simiely, the ites and te tings of the Tost two readings, wk the sin in. qufranss 2 and 4 fan Be averaged (0) ge another value of the azimvth, The tao vals of azimuths 50 ‘bind one, with fie Tet and the aber wih fice righ) can Be avenged to ext the final vale of the azimuth For very preite work, the alin readings shoul! be conected forthe intimation, 1 any, of the tumion axis 25 discused earier he redoction perform inthe me anoer 3 for the correspoing star observation, “The context value of san's declination cin be computed by knowing the tine of observation, by the methals diced cri “The Ellet of an Error in Latitude upon the Caklated Aximath z Let Y=eror in coli (2) aa othe conesoxting error in tke cauted valve of azimuth We know tht cosp= cos cos zs sinz. cos A 0) Hence coups exe (e+) em 2-+sin (6+ y) sing con (4-42) 2) 1 Subiocting these 190 anf making the approximations tat coer and coey= 1, we get 5+ in e+ sin in 0s A~ sn (i 6+ y 05) (008 A or cose. ysin€~ ysn 2cos Coos 4 xsi sin sin =O (ogling he terms having” poset of x andy) stn ¢ + da eas e054 1 oe (3.45) is clear ffom the sbove fru that fOr 2 given valve of yx is maximum ‘when cou H is maxim, ie, when HP minimum. Hence at all times near noon, the error 1% xin produced by 0 defective kntledge ofthe laude is very much increased. The frror is least at 6AM. or 6 PAM, The error also inreies with ine in the vibe of, and is the great near the pol ‘The Elect of an Error inthe Son's Declination upon the Called Azimath sr in the codectiaion () of the sn. = comeiponing ero ia cleat vale of A Then x=(cosee c eaeee Hy 03.46) Tor given vabe of is muximom ot ties ear t ooon, and is last at 6 AM. and at 6 PM bo. «increases a te nie of the pce itcrases, This method Becomes wnreile “or are regions where te given voe of produces very “great eror im nog the 2a “Toe Effect of an Error in the Measured Altitude Let ynetor in the coalinde (2) ‘oeonesindng ener in te cated Ye of eziath Ten testo Atenas 2) y 5 whee Mpa ame ZF. (8.4) The vale of 1 infiy pe sien f= or 8" Le. when the sun is 08 soe mean ac, mi ea HT cone te eng ein ith ete te oematon se mat ear rom. The eer howe sal aes oe 90 ample 1884 str was cher at weer engaion a ston A in tide soso ms leat 250" We Te deco of te ars €2 12°20" 1 an fs seo 18" 38, OST. of GAN Bg 3872 Th met ceed Se locate" wferng objet Bond har var 68°18" F a ca eat) he emth of the ne AP od) te Ua st eof eran senion lindo theta, ts hour angle ot nuh Since the sar is obsered at clongation, the ange ZMP of the astronomical isle ZMP is 3 fiat angle. Hence, from Nai’ rule for tebe as, sno sno ia seas Tne an AF on = 66" S867 Hence the altitude of the star = S663 a> o 2420 212072849263 8) G13, STARA, WESTERN For more books: callpotin (©) Acimuth of the line Since She star was at western longtien, it is 19 the wes of the mein "Aza of te tne -A8 = azimuth ofthe sar + orzo angle between the tine amd te ia = 5925+ 6S" 187 42"= 118 a a" ‘Aint of tne AB, in clskwise fam orth = 360° (0, Local mean tine". observations. In onder © cause GM Iocal mean tine of observation, let us fist calle the LST of LMN, from the given vale of GST. of GMN. Longin = 52°30" W= 3°30" west Acceleration at he rae of 98565 per bout 398865 «29.7 sends 50" 0462 = 493 seccnds se 4 = 0" 16 18 ‘Tora accteration = 34.50 seconds GST, of GMN, «#39 32" ‘Ads ccxeation= 348° LS. of LM.N, = 39055 Now LS.F. of observation = R.A. of S8t-FHLA. of the sa = 108 58 36 +249" 259% 1 "OL This sm Sobuaet LST, of LMN, 1 SI. from LMN. «9 9 568" Lat ws now convert the 5.1 ino the mean tine interval by recaduion at the rate of 9.8296 per sere! hou 98006 = 88.47 sends 05698 = 131 sounds sobering at the 480.0027 = 045 cont Mon. time iatrval from L.M.N, = 81, -rearation 98 549° — 1" 29 93° LMA, of observation = 987" 24.7 Fig. 15.51 shows te reave poses of okerer (A), he sar CH), the pole (, the and RO: at te iasant of Sheraton wap anaemia ee airs iaiicon ree = Declination of the star sora'sr28 Lensinde of the place sho" 18! RA. of te str 10" 8" 39" ST. @ GMM. she 2380" eu ‘Soha Since sar wat observed ats longi, tte asronomial tangle 2PM is right an MM The wimutaltode and hoor ange of fhe sar eat be caked from the Napie’s le, sing ssa (@) Thos, sin 5 a Sora SD aw 9 Hence abide of the sar=74°9'32°.9 8 5 _ os 564259721 o wnat BEES A=6r 79 182 Sine the ne and the str are w the opposite ses of the meridian, the muh Of 45. san aT EASTERN ELONGATION fhe Tine to the west of meridian rele between the line and the str — Azim of, he star Las" 18/29" 67" 25°18"2=7° 59°18 WO the west of the meridian Jima of the line clockwise fom the north sain 5 8238 6562 © 2.2PM = Hh-=Easey bow ange of te sx. fan, ens a oe = 5 in SSID rm. ih earn mas POTS! Flme wesety tour ample of ie sar=11=24"- 1h Gee Fig, 1352) aah w ast : mers Add RA, of the star = 10 "3.9 LST. of observation =338 #24" = 9780.4 For more books :allpéf.it j To comen this LST. w LMT, ke us Gist find the LST. of LMM fom the given vale of GST. at GMM, Langit = 340" 1 GST. of (os Ma 10 12" 362% ‘See the place as western longfde, Jet us subtract the retardation fom the sven Gst of GMM. to eakuawe the LST. of LMM. Aceleraion for this at the rae of 98565 seconds per tour of longitde js 3998565 = 49.28 secon 01682 = 6.57 secon 18 0.0027 = 0.05 secant ‘Total correction = 55.90 secons LST. at LMM.=GS.7. at GMM. + acceleration #9 5923,88-+ 55.908 = #59 19.08 Now 1 between the LiM.M. and ekngation = LST.-LST. a EMM, =O Dat asm 974 ow" 22.6 This may be comered to meantime imerral by subacting the wardation at the rte of 9.8296 seconde per sidtel lor. 95006. 59.32 scons 901638 147 seams 22.66" «00029 = 0.06 second ‘Total retanan = 4058 setonds Mean tine inereal= 81. —searaion #09" 22.66" 4085) = aL aI Fie. 1852 stow he rahe pos, in pa, of be eset @. We pe (Ph the star CM), the Y, and referring object (R.O.). tH Example 13.50. AF @ place (Lnimde 38° N, Longe 15°30’), the following ‘oseraions were ten ona star a be ate of 9.8656 per hou. ‘ongitde = 15° 30° =I 2° 9.8656 -987 seconds 30 0.1612. 4.93 seconds ‘otal = 14.80 seconds LST of LMM, = 10°12" 362" 18.90 = 012" 21° Now GMT. of observation = 19°12" 28.6 |Add east Tonge on LMT. of observation = 20 1428.6" ‘Convert L MT. iat by wing the celeron 298656 = 197.13. seconds 0.1682 230 sons 2a) 0.0027 = 0.79 second ‘otal = 200.22 seconds = 3" 20.2" SMe’ tne + aceleration se 22 1428.64 9920.22" = 307 Ab Fo 8 LST of observation= LST. of LMM. +S. i 0h 1282.4 +20" 1748.22" Cea Bn Mn ar 23207 ! 1 ateieont ai ‘eee satiet RAL of sr Decination of sr 20° 644 ow angle of the sr = 20189392" -304°20°58°8 (neste) GALT. of onerion 9" 22868 Soalst our ange it ae (Le easel oor ag) GST of Gan 10" 12" 362! w= 3H = 360" ~ 30" 308.8 ~ $9629.12 “ Gace thee bearing of the efrence mah | ‘tas te ur angle i kaow 10° Soation ‘Te rue of te rma 4) of sar & calc fom te flowing presi: Here, the ctratons fave een taken for the tour angle f the sar 1 eels todctand sem B come (3-8) 13.3) i of Fm te rel commer ie (6M) ho i ae are tan Be tanec H (Eq, 15:38) = 1206484 see $5201 a Bons 27-39" arise Bence Now clockwise angle ftom RM. w the sar=36° 28°18" ‘Troe earl of the line» Azimut cf sar —angle between the line and he str = 91" 43" 48"— 362818" = 45" 15°30 Example 1251, The following obieraions of the sam were taken for acinuh of © line in conection with a survey ean time» 16° 30" ‘Mean horizontal angle between the sin and the rjering objec Mean corrected aude ~ 33° 38/10" Declination of the sun from NA + 22°05'36 Laude of place - 52° 30/20" Determine einath of tne, Salton nthe astomsaical viangle 2PM, ZW =enith distance = IS° 20:90 wey 90" == 80° ~ 33° 3810" = $620 50 PM Polar distance = codectntn = 00° 8 = 90" 22°08 56° = 61 5424" 20 = coin = 90° - 8239 20°= 3° 29° By ovine rue 28 PM = cs 2P 08 2M + sin ZPsin 24, cos A or cose SIM = 2P. cos ZM _ cos 61°24” — coe 37 29°40". cos $66 24°50 SIP sin Zit Si PDA in OES From which 4 = 97° 648" Arima of the sun = 97° 648" Sine the sim is 1 the west (Or lef} of the R.O., the te beating of RO, = Acimati of sun torzonal_ angle $97" 484 18°20 30" = 15°27 1H (Clockwise om Kor Example 13.82. At a point in laiade 55°46°12 N, the aide of sun's conre fn 0 be 23°17 32 a1 8°17" PAL GMLT). Te haat sg fe le ant sun's centre was 68° 24°30". Find the aximuth of the sun, oe as (@) Saws decnaion of GAN. on day of obsereien 7 46°32 N (©) Varaion of dectnation per bewr sea (© Refraction for abide 23° 20° norze Aner ae i" Giles vistas ceeded) a papel aaa Wiclieee ; a oe ena iieee i eo ee eee ee 53°39" (decrease), I | eee a aerate | tetas | er ea elles Se era L hae eee Correct side = B92 Now, coat OSE 48" Covstinaion =p 90 8-90-1116 AT : Connie Sa = 50° 2915 28 = 664032" ! I ae Tv 0r i see are socesh ae y s-pe eae; sensor Now, the arimuth of the sun is 4_nfia@=Dsins— 6) _ [Si 59 0 ain SP Oa weg NV sns sin =a)” \ sin a7 90 sin 1 OT a Anger isat om anor 4 nesta 26 Example 13.53. A! 2 sation in lide 52° 8°, Lngtade 19° 30° B, the direction of the metihon is known approximately inorder 10 fi more precisely i i decided 1 make ax exramerthn observation of bright star (B= 2° S2'N, R.A. = 16" 23°30") in the le ernoon. It 1s considered Oat the most sutade tine is 17°5" GALT. on a For more books :allp date when GST. of GMM. m 3°12" 12%, Calculate the approvimat direction, ext or vest of te meridian, ad sie alu, a) which the telescope shuld b pointed 10 lacie the star 30 thn exact observations aye ‘made on i Solution. tn order 1 caleaie te boar angle of the star, tus fist compu the LST. of obseraion of te str GALT. of obieration = 1750" TocovertitimoS1.,atheaeselaation at the rate of 98656 Secon per bout 17" 9.8656 = 167.56 seconds S016 082 second “Toul = 16838. secomls = 2" 48.38" S1L= GM. + aeteration SPS 4204838 IP Ta GS.7, of obstrvaion= 65.7. of GMM SA

we a 0 2 nmarwor —perzoo" 3020" 20 ww" 2 pwr ero" 00-00" 2s 100! 4 morse 3I830"20" Hee 12 per ow Latitude of sion Q'= 36° 48°50 8 + Lnginde of station Declination of the sun at GMNo= 1" 32°16'.8 N decrening 5 (Mean of LMT. of ro observations = 4°15 50° P.M. by watch; watch 4 seconds slov et noon, gaining 0.8 seconds per diy ape n The alte of evel dition = 1° Comet for orion parla = 8°76 CConetn for refraction 57" cot (apart lade. Sohn. Mean orzo ange = $ (12°20 25° 30° 118°) + 99" 4 39° 211° 525°) = 2 #1074 1 1- = 8159107 Men observed alitwde = mean of the fur verier readings 24" 45/30" 20-36 7 Level conection = + 1s vale oF the one lev vision 06-98 iret, 24°49 20" Sw AS 3S ST oo 24453452 16.7 BFTT coe WAS HST some ar 3s Apparent. sae Refraction correction conection for paral Trae ake = 24" 49:34" 5-1" T= For.more booke:.allpdfin ‘Watch correction = + 4 es =+ 3.86 et come LP ‘Sun's decision at G.M.N, ween Variation for 3° 185° == 5812 0.0808") = 2.8" Dosntion of sun at th instant of obseration 150 1678-288 = aE Now, in the ssonpmical wage ZAM, P= 9" = 0-2 90 — 364830 sna" 22-99" = 90 24 44356 ose isan PM =p =90?-5= 90" 13 Se 27 a6" 2a = 206" 54 4074 10 2 22 en508 15502 jee = PUSS: spe HSS Fhe aeimuth-A-is-given by anime, [ae nee mae eT inf sn@-p) Ysa 1 6 S73 af har CTH) of Ane TS 2 Aimuth of the sun = 12 4°98 (et, ice the sun was observed in the evening) (Cechwise angle fom’ he RM. 10 the sun = 81°59” 10 ‘Azimuth of line from soc toads west = 128 49.8 + 81°59" 10" Acimath of line fom aoa (loctwise) be compicd 7 eee ene ra ae tm weet eee B® ©) ingens of adjacent pas “ wm @=tan8. sc ware Hb the imeral of ine between the ent and he west tani expressed in angular mec. Since the shige is aot measured in this mabod, the erors due to uncer ia the valve of refation is largely eiminied, Also, the exact Knowledge of local time i tox ryuced since ve have 10 simply mesure the inral of sidereal Bours tat epees fervern tbe two amis. However, the approximate leal time of prineverial transis rs be Soown. To take te tine redings, the fstrameat bas tbe dicted towards the drceon of prime vertical, frst the eat side and thea to the wes side, and measre the tine when anit occur, Fe, whee the star coses the vera pote dsance = 90 Fist coneion = pcos f= sin Up sin? an + Second conection = $ i 4 hag GOO1-T4 sin (179" 42" 3.6) tan 48° 38°49" = 4 05 6S -reres ; (ae, The above calculations for. first and beracoorlit ‘be done with ie are wpa be en eco’ 1° 197.5) +.9°.5 = 49° 36° 59" N. wn or More, books::allpdfin ample 13.65, The leo ston © 20°E ofthe 120° W meron ws determined 4 reacng on oberon ef 8 Anise to meri, te irae ebtate fear eee 29° 2°30" and the aprotinin of he ston Sp 4°00" he tne ofthe obseetion 10" 85°30 os tken wi a ean tne chromate ‘Heh was 7°28 fs 1 the Sand tie of te 120 mein The RA. a dston Ofte sar were respect 195018 and 6 150 NST. GALAN. ing BAP 20. in IM te by peg the cam nerd crecton toe Berd Solution, The meridian ate i given by =< Bm sere ps5 86085 6080. cas 5 coh ee 2st and GaP Wee His in are meas Let us fist calle the hour angle GSI. of GMN. < 883920! Longine «4° 20°F of 120° W merit = 115° 40" Wa? 42" a0! Acceleration for 74 LST. of LMN. = OP at 9.8565 see. per hove! 16° ST. of GMN. + seen 20" 20+ 116 BI 92" 16! LST.-LST. of LMN, =198 52" 16883136

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