Esti2014 P-0058
Esti2014 P-0058
Esti2014 P-0058
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Learning objectives
2. To emphasize the indications of other imaging methods, mainly US and CT, in the
evaluation of pleural effusion
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Pleural effusion is defined as the accumulation of fluid in the pleural space. It occurs
whenever the rate of fluid formation exceeds the rate of fluid removal.
According to Starling´s law, the turnover of pleural fluid from the subpleural capillaries to
the pleural cavity depends on:
Mechanism Example
Increased hydrostatic microvascular Congestive heart failure
Decreased plasma oncotic pressure Hypoalbuminemia
Decreased pressure in pleural cavity Atelectasis
Movement of fluid from peritoneal space Ascites
Pleural effusion represents a frequent medical problem, with a wide spectrum of causes.
Diagnostic evaluation of pleural effusion begins with obtaining the clinical history and
a physical examination, followed by chest radiography, and analysis of pleural fluid in
appropriate situations.
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Signs and symptoms vary depending on the underlying disease, but dyspnea, cough
and pleuritic chest pain are common. Special attention must be paid to previous drug
treatment or contact with asbestos.
Posteroanterior (PA) and lateral chest films usually confirm the presence of a pleural
effusion. Small amounts of pleural fluid, not readily seen on the standard views, may be
recognized in a lateral decubitus film or ultrasound (US) exam.
Once the presence and location of a pleural effusion have been established, the next
step is to investigate its etiology.
In certain circumstances the cause of an effusion is obvious from the clinical history or
radiographic findings.
As a general recommendation, all patients with more than minimal pleural effusion (larger
than 1 cm in height on lateral decubitus x-ray, US or CT) of unknown origin should be
submitted to thoracentesis.
In most cases, analysis of the pleural fluid yields valuable diagnostic information (90%)
or definitively establishes the cause of pleural effusion (25%).
The study of pleural fluid sample obtained from the initial thoracentesis
includes biochemical, microbiological and cytological analysis. Routinely performed
determinations are shown in Fig. 2 on page 6.
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Depending on its biochemical characteristics, pleural fluid may be catalogued as
transudate or exudate, according to Light´s criteria.
After diuretic treatment a trasudate can be classify as exudate. In these cases, additional
biochemical criteria, mainly the serum-effusion protein or albumin gradients*, are useful
to make an accurate diagnosis.
Several additional tests can be performed when clinical setting requires it (Fig. 3 on page
Recommended algorithm for the evaluation of patients with pleural effusion (Fig. 4 on
page 8).
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Images for this section:
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Fig. 2: Routinely analysis of pleural fluid
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Fig. 3: Further tests of pleural effusion
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Fig. 4: Algorithm for investigation of pleural effusion
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Imaging findings OR Procedure details
1. Menisc sign describes the classic appearance of free pleural fluid in erect films; it
consists in a homogeneous opacity with a concave upper border, higher laterally than
medially (Fig. 5 on page 30).
Subpulmonary effusions are difficult to diagnose on erect films, and lateral decubitus view
or US may be required.
3. Free pleural fluid within the fissures: interlobar fluid shows variable appearance
depending on the the fissure and direction of x-ray beam (Fig. 7 on page 31) , (Fig.
8 on page 32) , (Fig. 9 on page 33).
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Incompete fissure sign Faint opacity: laterally more
(major) dense and medially sharp
Middle lobe step (minor) Steplike shape of fluid
below fissure
Thorn sign (minor) Small fluid in lateral part
Vanishing tumor (minor) Sharp rounded or oval Sharp lenticular opacity
opacity (masslike)
Vanishing tumor (major) Partly hazy margin (no Sharp lenticular (flat
masslike shape) superior margin)
4. On supine radiographs pleural fluid often produces a hazy opacity of the hemithorax
with preserved vascular shadows. A supine film underestimates the volumen of fluid
(usually not detected under 175 ml) (Fig. 10 on page 34).
Signs on AP view
Hazy diffuse opacity (preserved underlying lung)
Ill defined hemidiaphragm
Apical cap
Widening of paraspinal soft tissues
Apparent elevation of hemidiaphragm
Massive effusions obscure the heart border and shift the mediastinum, airways and
diaphragm. They can have significant hemodynamic effects and, depending on the
position of the patient, may influence the gas exchange (Fig. 11 on page 35).
In a loculated effusion the fluid does not shift freely in the pleural space, usually due to
adhesions between the visceral and parietal pleural (Fig. 12 on page 36).
Radiolucent margin of
pericardial fat
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Loculated Lentiform opacity against chest wall (convex to the lung)
Pseudoloculated Same appearance as loculated fluid, but it moves freely
(shifts changing patient position)
Other imaging modalities may be needed to diagnose the patient with pleural effusion.
Depending on the clinical context, the optimal imaging technique for further evaluation
may be CT or US.
1. Ultrasound (US)
Examination technique: It should be performed with plane or convex probes (3.5, 6.0
or even 10.0 MHz), using intercostal space as an acoustic window.
Normal findings:
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• Sliding lung: Visceral pleura sliding during respiratory movements (Fig. 15
on page 39).
Pathological findings:
Anechoic (usually) Hypoechoic masses
forming obtuse margins Malignant fluid
+ other findings with chest wall
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• Helps to diagnose the specific fluid cause (pleural nodules, calcified
• More sensitive than US for differentiating pleural fluid from pleural
• Facilitates the exact placement of chest tubes and percutaneous
Normal findings:
At the fissures, the pleura has a thickness of less than 1 mm and is sharply defined.
Visceral and parietal pleura are not visualized along the chest wall (normal pleura
cannot be separated from adjacent structures).
Pathological findings:
* Loculated effusions: lenticular shape with smooth margins and relatively homogeneous
attenuation (Fig. 17 on page 41).
* Attenuation values:
- typically 10-20 HU: between those of water (0 HU) and soft tissue (100 HU)
- pleural thickening
- pleural nodules
- loculation of fluid
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* Split pleura sign : thickening and increased contrast enhancement of the visceral and
parietal pleura separated by pleural fluid (usually empyema or exudate) (Fig. 18 on page
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There are many causes of pleural effusion (Fig. 19 on page 43). In adults, the most
common are cardiac faliure, pneumonia, malignant neoplasm and pulmonary embolism,
whereas pneumonia is the leading cause in children.
The division of pleural effusion in trasudates and exudates usually reflects its mechanism
of formation:
Most often are bilateral, larger on the right side; when unilateral, are most commonly
Key points:
- Patients with clinical and /or radiological evidence of heart faliure, do not need further
diagnostic tests.
2. Infection
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Parapneumonic effusion is an effusion associated with lung infection (pneumonia,
abscess or bronchiectasis). It develops in 40% of patients with a community-acquired
pneumonia. The majority of cases resolve with anti-microbial therapy, but in 10-15% it
becomes infected and requires chest tube drainage.
An empyema is a pleural collection that contains pus or organisms (positive Gram stain
or culture).
It increases the morbi-mortality associated with lung infections (in adults mortality
approaching 20%).
Streptococcus pyogenes
Staphilococcus aureus
Nosocomial MRSA (meticillin resistant
S. aureus) Enterobacteriae
The development of empyema is a progressive process that moves from a simple exudate
to a fibrinopurulent stage and later to an organising state with scar tissue formation.
Patients may present with a pleural effusion on chest X-ray in the setting of pneumonia,
without the expected clinical improvement (Fig. 21 on page 45).
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Pulmonary vessels and
bronchi extend toward
size in PA and lateral Different Similar
pleural enhancement Present Absent
wall Thin and uniformly smooth Thick and irregular
Biochemical analysis of fluid helps to separate non-complicated (ph >7.2, LDH < 1000 u/
l and glucose > 40 mg/dl) from complicated parapneumonic effusions.
The American College of Chest Physicians classifies pleural effusion in four categories.
- Fluid +
4. Empyema Usually Pus High Drainage
loculated or
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complex fluid
Proposed algorithm for the management of patients with parapneumonic effusion (Fig.
22 on page 46).
Key points:
- in nonpurulent fluid ph < 7.2 is the most useful index predicting the need for chest tube
- early diagnosis and prompt drainage appear to reduce morbi-mortality of infected pleural
b) Tuberculous pleuritis is still an important cause of pleural effusion all over the world
and constitutes one of the most common extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis.
It occurs 3-7 months after the primary infection, when a subpleural caseous focus empties
into the pleural space.
The majority of patients are adolescent and young adults, and pleural effusion is often
the solely manifestation of tuberculosis. It is unilateral and may be large (Fig. 23 on page
Empyema necessitatis is due to rupture of the tuberculous empyema through the parietal
pleura, forming a subcutaneous abscess. CT shows well demarcated thick walled fluid
collections in intra and extrathoracic locations.
Key points:
- Consider tuberculosis when an unilateral pleural effusion is seen in a young patient, for
which no cause is found by means of clinic, radiology and fluid analysis
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- Frequently pleural biopsy is required to establish the diagnosis
3. Malignant effusion
Malignant pleural disease is a common clinical problem. About 25% of all pleural effusions
in older patients are malignant. The pleura may be involved by primary or secondary
a) Secondary tumors account for about 90% of pleural neoplasms. Tumoral invasion
of the pleura is produced by hematologic route (through pulmonary arteries), lymphatic
invasion or by contiguity spread.
Primary tumour %
Lung 36
Breast 25
Lymphoma 10
Ovary 5
Stomach 2
Unknown primary 7
Other neoplasms* 14
* They include other tumors like thymoma (Fig. 25 on page 49) and lymphoma (Fig.
26 on page 50).
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Features of metastastasic pleural effusion
Size and location Large and unilateral (often)
Type Serous bloody exudate (usually)
Transudate (uncommon)
Biochemical analysis Proteins #4 g/Dl
ph > 7.3
Cytologic examination Rich in lymphocytes (50-70% range)
Key points:
b) Primary neoplasms:
Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common primary malignancy of the pleura.
It has been established that exposure to asbestos is the main cause of this aggressive
The most usual presentation is nodular or lobular extensive pleural thickening, associated
with ipsilateral pleural effusion (Fig. 27 on page 51), (Fig. 28 on page 52).
A large unilateral pleural effusion is present in 60% of patients at diagnosis and it may
obscure the underlying pleural thickening on chest-X ray.
Fluid analysis shows an exudate with low pH (lower than other malignant effusions).
Mesothelin is a tumoral marker that can help in diagnosis (< 20 nM in pleural fluid is
related to low probability).
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When there is suspicion of mesothelioma, sufficient tissue samples must be obtained.
Pleural biopsy guided by imaging techniques (US or CT) is the recommended procedure.
Diagnosis should be always confirmed by inmunohistochemistry.
Key points:
- Preserving a cell block from pleural fluid and using inmunohistochemistry reach
diagnosis in about 84% of patients
Other primary pleural tumors are rare. They include localized fibrous tumor, primary
lymphoma and liposarcoma.
4. Pulmonary embolism
Pleural effusions occurs in 30-50% of patients with pulmonary embolism (PE). Pleural
fluid is more common in PE associated with infarction.
Main features:
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• no other disease related to pleural effusion
• no malignant tumor within 3 years after the onset of the effusion
Most patients are asymptomatic, but some of them complain of pleuritic chest pain.
In general, pleural effusion resolves spontaneously after 3-4 month, but it recurs in 30%,
and 5% of patients will develop a malignant mesothelioma.
6. Pericarditis
It is an inflammation of the pericardium that can be acute, subacute or chronic. This entity
has many etiologies, being viral infection or idiopathic the main causes (90%).
The diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, changes on the ECG and laboratory
findings. Imaging techniques are used to support and reassured the clinical suspicion
(Fig. 31 on page 55).
7. Dressler´s syndrome
Symptoms are usually mild and appear days or weeks after precipitating event. Pleural
effusion may be uni or bilateral; when unilateral, it is more common on the left side. It is
a serous or hemorrhagic exudate.
This entity responds very well to steroids and non-steroideal antiinflammatory drugs,
resolving in a few days (Fig. 32 on page 56).
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In SLE, pleural effusion is the presenting manifestation in 5% of patients, and it occurs
in 70% of them.
Key point: when cardiac enlargement with bilateral pleural effusion in young women is
found, the diagnosis of SLE should be rule out.
Pleural fluid is an exudate; a low glucose level suggests rheumatoid arthritis, especially
when fluid is non-purulent and contains no bacteria nor malignant cells.
Chest x-ray usually shows a small to moderate unilateral effusion, which may be transient,
chronic or relapsing. Chronic effusion may lead to fibrothorax requiring decortication.
9. Drugs
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Antibacterial drugs Nitrofurantoin
a) radiation pleuritis
Pleural effusions are usually small, decrease gradually and often disappear in an indolent
fashion (Fig. 34 on page 58).
Many intra-abdominal and pelvic disorders are associated with pleural effusion.
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a) Peritoneal dialysis : Some patients develop a pleural acute hydrothorax during
peritoneal dialysis. The effusion most commonly develops within hours of the initiation
of dialysis. Like ascites-related pleural effusions, they are ussually on the right side.
Elevated levels of glucose confirm the presence of dialysate in the pleural fluid.
Mechanism of production is direct transfer of fluid from peritoneal cavity into pleural space
through diaphragmatic defects.
Key point: when these effusions appear, peritoneal dialysis has to be stopped (Fig. 35
on page 59).
Radiologic findings include: bilateral or unilateral (most right sided) pleural transudate,
bilaterally elevated hemidiaphragm and atelectasis (Fig. 37 on page 61).
12. Hemothorax
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A bloody pleural effusion is an hemothorax if its hematocrit level is at least half that of
the peripheral blood.
Most hemothoraces are caused by trauma, although on rare occasions they may be
produced by pulmonary embolism, metastatic disease, ruptured aortic aneurysm or
anticoagulant therapy.
Sometimes initial radiograph does not show significant effusion, and delayed films are
On CT fresh blood displays high attenuation values or a fluid-fluid level (Fig. 39 on page
63). When pleural blood becomes defibrinated, it is indistinguishable from any other
Most common causes are malignancy, particularly lymphoma, and traumatism, especially
during surgery.
Congenital chylothorax, generally due to malformation of the thoracic duct, is one of the
most frequent causes of fetal pleural effusion.
The distinction between both types is clinically relevant. It can be made with lipid analysis
of the fluid (Fig. 40 on page 64).
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14. Idiopathic effusion
In aproximately 15% of reported cases, the cause of pleural effusions is not established
after an exhaustive study. These are called idiopathic or non-specific pleural effusions.
If the patient is improving and there are no parenchymal lesions or pleural nodules,
observation is probably the best option, because most undiagnosed effusions are benign
(85%). However, in patients with no improvement or progression of the effusion, invasive
diagnostic procedures, including thoracoscopy, should be performed.
1. US can provided guidance for aspiration of pleural fluid, especially when small
effusion, loculated fluid or blind failed thoracentesis attempt.
Entry site should be chosen close to the dependent portion of the effusion. It is advisable
to avoid a posterior entry site (it may cause discomfort).
At the present, there is no consensus about the optimal size of tubes for treating both
parapneumonic effusion and empyema. Some studies have found that small bore (# 14F)
catheters inserted under imaging guide were at least as effective as larger catheters
inserted without imaging. Small tubes are safer, better tolerated and technically easier
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to insert. They are successful in a high percentage of cases and complications are
uncommon (hematoma and neumothorax) (Fig. 41 on page 65).
Intrapleural therapy: Current evidence does not support the routine use of intrapleural
fibrinolytic agents. In clinical practice, intrapleural urokinase can be used when the
drainage of infected fluids is not successful. It improves radiological outcome, but is not
associated with reduction of mortality nor frequency of surgery.
The majority of patients with infected pleural effusion can be managed with antibiotics
and chest tube drainage. Surgery should be considered in cases with persistent sepsis
and residual pleural collection despite adequate treatment. Contact to thoracic surgeon
should not be delay more than 5-7 days after placement of drainage.
4. Image guided pleural biopsy in patients with suspected malignant pleural thickening
reaches high sensitivity (>85%) and specificity (100%) (Fig. 42 on page 66).
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Images for this section:
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Fig. 6: Free pleural fluid: subpulmonic effusion.
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Fig. 7: Interlobar fluid: incomplete fissure sign.
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Fig. 8: Interlobar fluid: middle lobe step sign.
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Fig. 9: Vanishing tumor
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Fig. 10: Pleural effusion on supine radiograph
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Fig. 11: Massive pleural effusion
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Fig. 12: Loculated pleural effusion
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Fig. 13: Atypical radiographic finding
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Fig. 14: US: normal pleura
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Fig. 15: US video of normal pleura
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Fig. 16: US findings in pleural effusion
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Fig. 17: CT: free and loculated effusion
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Fig. 18: Split pleura sign. Hemothorax.
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Fig. 19: Causes of pleural effusion
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Fig. 20: Congestive heart failure
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Fig. 21: Pneumococcic empyema
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Fig. 22: Management of pleural infection
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Fig. 23: Pleural tuberculosis
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Fig. 24: Metastasic pleural effusion
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Fig. 25: Invasive thymoma
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Fig. 26: Non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma
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Fig. 27: Malignant pleural mesothelioma
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Fig. 28: Malignant mesothelioma
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Fig. 29: Pulmonary embolism
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Fig. 30: Benign asbestos-related pleural effusion
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Fig. 31: Pericarditis
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Fig. 32: Dressler´s syndrome
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Fig. 33: Systemic lupus eritematosus
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Fig. 34: Radiation therapy
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Fig. 35: Peritoneal dialysis related pleural effusion
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Fig. 36: Acute pancreatitis
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Fig. 37: Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
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Fig. 38: Urinothorax
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Fig. 39: Hemothorax due to blunt chest trauma
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Fig. 40: Causes and fluid characteristics of chylothorax and pseudochylothorax
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Fig. 41: CT-guided drainage of infected pleural effusion
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Fig. 42: US-guided pleural biopsy
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The chest X-ray remains the mainstay of pleural effusion imaging; it is often the initial
examination performed and the most used in the follow-up.
Pleural US is fast, safe and effective in confirming the presence of pleural fluid. It localizes
the optimal site for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention in real time.
CT is the imaging tool of choice in order to asses the pleura and parenchymal or
endobronchial lesions. It is also the best method to evaluate tube position and fluid
Page 68 of 71
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Page 69 of 71
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Personal Information
Radiology department. Hospital Infanta Sofía. San Sebastián de los Reyes. Madrid.
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