Mass Transfer Fundamental

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Department of Chemical Wah Engineering College

Engineering University of Wah

Course Syllabus
Ch.E-304: Mass Transfer Fundamentals
Semester: Fall 2019

Instructor: Muhammad Rashed Javed

Room: Mass Transfer Lab
Phone: NA

Office Hours: Wednesday 9:00 to 11:00 or By Appointment

Course TA: N/A

Course Description: This course covers the general principles of mass transfer and acts as a
building block for separation processes course. It is one of the core
subjects in the chemical engineering curriculum. Focus will be on mass
transfer fundamentals including diffusion in binary gas mixtures,
multicomponent gas-phase systems, diffusion in liquids, mass transfer
across a phase boundary, mass transfer and chemical reaction, mass
transfer and chemical reaction in a catalyst pellet and practical studies of
mass transfer. Special topic includes gas absorption.

Catalog Data: Course Code: Ch. E-304

Course Title: Mass Transfer Fundamentals
Credit Hours: 3-1-4
Course Designation: Core
No of Sessions per week: 2 (Total 32 sessions)
Session Duration: 90 min

Catalog Description: Ch. E-304 Mass Transfer Fundamentals, Credits (3-1-4) Introduction to
Mass Transfer; Basic Concepts of Mass Transfer; Mass Conservation
equation for single and multicomponent mixtures; Steady state diffusion;
Prediction of diffusion coefficients; Applications using diffusion equation;
Theoretical Models for Mass Transfer; Mass Transfer in porous media;
Convective Mass Transfer with Chemical Reactions; Mass Transfer across a
phase boundary; Special Topics.

Prerequisite: NIL

Prerequisites by
Topics: NIL

Prepared by: Muhammad Rashed Javed Date: 16-09-2018

Department of Chemical Wah Engineering College
Engineering University of Wah
Corequisite: NIL

Textbook: 1) Coulson J. M., Richardson J. F. “Chemical Engineering” Vol-I, 1999 The

English Book Society and Pergamon Press, New York, NY: Wiley
2) Coulson J. M., Richardson J. F. “Chemical Engineering” Vol-II, 5th Ed.
2002. The English Book Society and Pergamon Press.

References: 1) McCabe Warren L., Smith Julian C., Harriott Peter “Unit Operations of
Chemical Engineering” 7th Ed. 2005. McGraw-Hill Inc.
2) Incropera Frank P., De Witt David P. “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass
Transfer” 3rd Ed. 1990. John Wiley and Sons.
3) Dutta, Binay K. “Principles of mass transfer and separation
processes” 1st Ed. 2007. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd

Program Learning
Outcome: This course is designed in conjunction with the following PLOs.

PLO-1: Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of

mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering
specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PLO-2: Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research
literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated
conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and
engineering sciences.
Course Learning
Outcome (CLO): Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

CLO-1. Understand and explain key concepts of mass transfer

fundamentals including mass transfer with and without chemical
CLO-2. Solve problems related to t h e key concepts of mass transfer
fundamentals including mass transfer with and without chemical
CLO-3. Analyze an assigned topic related to a fundamental concept of mass
transfer after extensive literature research and draw conclusions
from it.

Prepared by: Muhammad Rashed Javed Date: 16-09-2018

Department of Chemical Wah Engineering College
Engineering University of Wah
Mapping of CLOs to PLOs
and Learning Domains:
Course Program
Learning Learning Learning Domain Knowledge Profile
Outcome Outcome

CLO-1 PLO-1 Cognitive 1 & 2 A systematic, theory-based

formulation of engineering
CLO-2 PLO-2 Cognitive 3
fundamentals required in the
CLO-3 PLO-2 Cognitive 4 & 5 engineering discipline.

Course Professional
Outcome/ Industrial
Usage: This course is a pre-requisite for Separation Processes course,
discussing fundamental concepts of mass transfer. Separation techniques
are used in almost every process industry. Distillation for example is used
in refineries to separate out different petroleum fractions from crude oil.
Absorption and stripping are used for example in gas sweetening plants.
The successful students of this course and separation processes course will
be able to apply their learning in every process industry involving separation

Course Outline and

Sessions Breakdown:
I. Introduction and Diffusion in binary gas mixtures (CLO-1, 2) (10
Introduction to mass transfer, properties of binary mixtures, equimolecular
counter-diffusion, mass transfer through a stationary second component,
diffusivities of gases and vapors: experimental determination and prediction
models, mass transfer velocities, general case for gas-phase mass transfer,
diffusion as a mass flux, thermal diffusion, unsteady state mass transfer.
Problem solving.
II. Multicomponent gas phase systems and diffusion in liquids
(CLO-1, 2)
(6 Sessions)
Molar flux in terms of effective diffusivity, Maxwell’s law of diffusion, liquid
phase diffusivities: experimental determination and prediction models. Problem
III. Mass transfer across a phase boundary (CLO-1, 2) (4
The two-film theory, penetration theory, film-penetration theory, mass
transfer coefficients, countercurrent mass transfer and transfer units.
Problem solving

Prepared by: Muhammad Rashed Javed Date: 16-09-2018

Department of Chemical Wah Engineering College
Engineering University of Wah

IV. Mass transfer and chemical reaction (CLO-1, 2) (6

Mass transfer and chemical reaction for steady state and unsteady state
processes. Mass transfer and chemical reaction in a catalyst pellet such as
flat platelets, spherical pellets. Dimensionless numbers in mass transfer.
Problem solving
V. Gas Absorption (CLO-1, 2) (4
Introduction, conditions of equilibrium between liquid and gas, mechanism
of absorption, determination of transfer coefficients, Problem solving
VI. Group Project Report and Presentations (CLO-3) (2
Prepare a scientific report on an assigned topic related to a fundamental
concept of mass transfer. A general guideline is provided on “How to
write a scientific report”. The report should include at least the following
sections: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, D iscussion
and References. The literature review and/or the discussion sections of the
report should include references to at least 2 books and 2 published research

Computer Usage: Microsoft Office

Projects /
Design Activities: The textbook contains various numerical problems. Students solve these
problems in class exercises and assignments. In addition, a group project is
assigned to prepare a scientific report.

Evaluation Criteria:
1. Assignments 7.5%
2. Quizzes 7.5%
3. Semester Project 7.5%
4. Mid Semester Examination 18.75%
5. End Semester Examination 33.75%
6. Lab 25%

Prepared by: Muhammad Rashed Javed Date: 16-09-2018


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