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c. If no, why not?

Dear Respondents, _______________________________________

We, the researchers from Grade 12- Sacred
Heart of Jesus class are conducting research on the
“The Effects of Cellphone Ban to Grade 12 Students at 9. How do you feel when you don’t have your cell phone
Notre Dame of Banga.” We have a few questions for with you?
you to answer. We are requesting you to participate
answering the questionnaire honestly. Your answers a. Bored
will be great for the success of our research paper. b. Hopeless
Thank you and God bless. c. Okay
d. Good
- The Researchers
Others, please specify
1. Do you bring your cell phone to class?
a. Yes, always
b. Yes, sometimes 10. How long have you been using mobile phone?
c. No, never
a. 4-6 months
b. 1-3 years
2. Why did you use your cell phone in class? c. 4 years and above
(Please specify)

11. When you are in class, what is the typical status of

your cell phone?
3. Is the use of mobile phone in school premises
prohibited? a. My cell phone is turned off
b. My cell phone is on but put away
a. Yes c. My cell phone is on and I periodically check it
b. No d. My cell phone is on and I regularly check it
e. My cell phone is on and I regularly check it when I
notice a notification
4. Is it a good idea for schools to ban mobile phones in
class? 12. According to you the best part of having a mobile
phone is;
a. Yes
b. No a. It is stylish
c. If no, why not? b. It makes your life easier
_______________________________________ c. You feel safer
_________________________ d. Any others please specify

5. How important is your mobile phone in your personal


a. You cannot live without it 13. Have any of your teachers ever been distracted by a
b. You can live without it student using a cell phone while they were teaching?
c. Others, please specify
_______________________________________ a. Yes
_________________________ b. No
c. If yes, why?

6. Can you live without a mobile phone for a day?

14. Do you use mobile phones to get your assignments
a. Yes done? Why?
b. No
c. If no, why not? a. Yes
b. No
7. Do you deposit your cell phone to your adviser?
a. Yes
b. No
15. How does cell phone affects your academic
c. If No, why not?
a. It helps you in terms of doing assignments,
researching, taking down notes and etc.
b. You are distracted and you cannot even review
8. It is better for students to not use mobile phones in when you have your cell phone with you.
class? c. Others please specify
a. Yes _________________________
b. No

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